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Bonilla, J., Herrera, M., Leal, G., Parra, D. (2007).

La música como herramienta

didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje del vocabulario en inglés como lengua
extranjera. [Thesis, Universidad La Salle, Bogotá]. Retrieved from:

La influencia de la música en la adquisición de la lengua materna

(vocabulario) en niños de 4 a 6 años

Key words: didactic tools, music, teaching-learning, vocabulary, mnemotechnic.

This text goes about developing some materials in order to use them when
teaching English as a foreign language to generate what is known as “significative
learning”, however, the project is focused on semantics and pronunciation of
children from seven to twelve years old.

Continuing with this, the project is to find solutions and purpose alternatives that
might be useful to the teaching job. Here, it is needed to classify and analyze the
grammatical and lexical content of the songs, then, the content that is going to be
taught will be design according to the results and make the necessary changes to it
to work accurately or at least in the best possible way. And finally, it is necessary to
implement the didactic tools, techniques and mnemotechnics.

Regarding the methodology of the project, it has been decided that taking action
was going to be needed on the project as the urgencies of the institution were
precisely those, to apply the solutions they found on the experiments they did to
know how much better the students learned English by relating it with music,
sounds, words and movements (as in dancing). Therefore, the results will be
criticized starting from the data collecting, the interviews, the observation, the
experience, and recordings.

I personally think this text will be very helpful for my own research as it has a great
amount of bibliography that might be helpful to guide my research towards the way
I want to. Besides this, I consider the importance of this text is on the actual
information that it provides about previous research and itself regarding the
influence that music has when the time of learning or acquiring a language comes
and more precisely how it can be helpful for children to develop their capacity to
Bonilla, J., Herrera, M., Leal, G., Parra, D. (2007). La música como herramienta
didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje del vocabulario en inglés como lengua
extranjera. [Thesis, Universidad La Salle, Bogotá]. Retrieved from:
reproduce different sounds connecting them with their feelings, because the music
is closely related with emotions and feelings even when languages didn’t exist.

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