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Bravo, R., De Moya, M., López, N., (2021).

Music-Mother tongue Relationship in

the Methodological Principles of Edgar Willems and Shinichi Suzuki. Universidad
pedagógica Nacional: Colombia. Retrieved from:

Music-Mother tongue Relationship in the Methodological Principles of Edgar

Willems and Shinichi Suzuki

Keywords: music education, mother tongue, Willems method, Suzuki method.

This article has the intention of collecting two important philosophies of two great
musical pedagogists: Edgar Willems and Shinichi Suzuki. Here we see how their
theories on the importance of music learning and its development linked to learning
and developing mother tongue are exposed. In this sense, their theory sustains
that both mother tongue acquisition and musical learning are based on listening
and imitation, so a very well developed listening skill is required to achieve easily
the learning process.

Following this argument, the article mentions also the importance of singing songs
on children, as this practice makes them more familiar with rhythm, intonation, etc.,
and those aspects are useful in an acquisition process. In the article also are
defined the relations between learning processes of music and mother tongue with
the objective of compiling the content and disseminate it to the expert community.

Regarding the methodological aspects the article has carried out a search,
selection and analysis of existing information on this matter, collecting, valuing,
disclosing and clarifying all those aspects present in both musical pedagogies. One
of these features is the interrelationship between musical and language
learning. The type of research on the article is focused on the way of investigating
with the objective of locate, evaluate, select, and synthetize documentary

I consider this article highly relevant to my research as this will provide my work of
the theories I might use to support my work, as it is not just showing but deeply
explaining the aspects that are important on children’s brains to actually develop
Bravo, R., De Moya, M., López, N., (2021). Music-Mother tongue Relationship in
the Methodological Principles of Edgar Willems and Shinichi Suzuki. Universidad
pedagógica Nacional: Colombia. Retrieved from:
mother’s tongue better and even faster. Of course, it has even more relevance as it
touches the aspect of pronunciation (matter that will be seen on my research).

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