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from More Awesome Truth by Eddie Eddings

When Calvinistic principles are rejected or thrown into the background, not only is
something, more or less, of necessity taken from the Creator and assigned to the creature, but
an opening is made, - an opportunity is left,- for carrying on this process of transferring to
man what belongs to God to almost any extent, until the scriptural method of Salvation is
wholly set aside or overturned.
– William Cunningham

I question whether we have preached the whole counsel of God, unless Predestination with
all its solemnity and sureness be continually declared! – Charles Spurgeon
To know that nothing happens in God’s world apart from God’s will may frighten the
Godless, but it stabilizes the saints…
- JI Packer

Nobody ever came to know Christ free. Don’t get me wrong. The Gospel is free; you don’t
have to earn it. But it cost God his Son, and it costs us something too. You say you want
someone you know to trust in Christ. What price are you willing to pay? Enough to give of
your time, money, patience, study…Whatever? It costs us to reach out.
–Steve Brown

The nature of the atonement settles its extent. If it merely made salvation possible, it applied
to all men. If it effectively secured salvation, it had reference only to the elect.
–Loraine Boettner.

Nothing in Scripture indicates the Church should lure people by presenting Christianity as an
attractive option...
-John MacArthur.

Man does what he can…and God what he will …

-John Ray

The unbeliever never, never, never seeks God. The unbeliever is a fugitive from God. The
natural pattern for man is to run from him, to hide from him. Jesus came to seek and to save
the lost. He is the seeker; We are the ones who are running. Natural man’s sin is this: He
wants the benefits of God without seeking God himself…seeking after God is a Christian
- RC Sproul.

At the heart of the Election doctrine throbs God’s freedom –

- Carl FH Henry

The doctrine of election does indeed cut off the hopes of those who place confidence in
themselves; but it is best that such hopes should be destroyed, and that in place of them
should be put a hope in the Sovereign Grace of God.
–AH Strong

The Glory of God is worth more than the salvation of all men’s souls. –Thomas Watson.

As long as (the 9th Chapter of Romans) remains in the Bible no man shall be able to prove
– CH Spurgeon.
Rebellion against divine election is often founded on the idea that the sinner has a sort of
right to be saved, and this is to deny the full desert of sin.
– CH Spurgeon.

If…election and predestination, seems too severe, let us remember that an atonement that
doesn’t atone, a redemption that doesn’t redeem, a propitiation that doesn’t propitiate, a
satisfaction that doesn’t satisfy does not help any of us! The fact that God would choose,
redeem, call, and keep a treat number known only to Him is amazing Grace indeed and of
infinitely more comfort than the idea that Christ’s death actually secured the salvation of
none, merely making salvation possible, depending on the ability of those who are ‘dead in
trespasses and sins’ to make the right moves…
- Michael S. Horton.

The obvious answer to those who say that they do not like the idea of predestination is that
God does.
– John Blanchard

Free Will I have often heard of, but I have never seen it. I have met with will, and plenty of it,
but it has either been led captive by sin or held in blessed bonds of Grace
– Charles Spurgeon.

I cannot think why some people are so fond of free will. I believe free will is the delight of
sinners, but that Gods will is the glory of saints. There is nothing I desire more to get rid of
than my own will and to be absorbed into the will and purpose of my Lord.
– Charles Spurgeon.

I question whether we have preached the whole counsel of God, unless Predestination with
all its solemnity and sureness be continually declared! – CH Spurgeon
It would be contrary to his immutability, should he cease to love those whom he once
loved….It would be contrary to his justive, to take satisfaction at the hands of his Son for
their sins, and yet punish them eternally for them.
– John Gill

The phrase ‘Free Will’ is only used by the Bible in the context of stewardship. It is never
used in the context of coming to Christ in faith. – Sinclair Ferguson.

The ultimate tragedy of man’s self-understanding is that he believes himself to be free, has all
the feelings of a free agent, but does not realize that he is a slave to sin and serves the will of
– Sinclair Ferguson.

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