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Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Practical File
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Name: Shailesh Bhagat

Roll No: 227520
Class: TYCS
Subject: Cloud Computing
Under the Guidance: Prof. Snehal
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20


Sr. Title Page Date Sign

No No
1. Study of Cloud Computing &Architecture. 01 16/11/22

2. Study and implementation of Infrastructure as a 06 23/11/22


3. Study and implementation of Storage as a Service. 13 14/12/22

4. Study and implementation of identity management. 17 21/12/22

5. Study and implementation of Single-Sing-On. 21 11/01/23

6. Study Cloud Security management. 24 18/01/23

7. Installation and Configuration of virtualization 28 08/02/23

using KVM.

8. User management in cloud 31 15/02/23

9. Write a program for web feed. 34 22/02/23

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Practical: -05
Aim: - To study and implementation of Single-Sign-On

Step1: - visit click on sign up

Step2: -click on user management.

Step3: click on Application then create on create application

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step4: give name of application and select single page web application type and
click on create.

Step 5: - click on Application and go to Quick start than select angular.

Step 6:-Click and download sample.

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step 7:- Download the code

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Practical: - 6
Aim: -To study cloud security management.
Step1: - visit

Step2: -click on my account→AWS Management Console

Step3: -click on create a new account.

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step4: -enter the mail id and account name verify email address.

Step5: - Enter the verification code and verify.

Step6: - create your password.

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step7:-Enter the details and click on continue.

Step 8: - Again go to "MyAccount" and select "AWS management console" and

click on it
Step 9: -Sign in again by entering the user name and valid password
Now you are logged in as a Root User
To create the user in a root user, follow the steps mentioned below:
▪ click on "Identity and Access Management" in security and identity

▪ click in "Users" from dashboard.

▪ It will take you to "Create New Users" click on create new user button
▪ enter the "User Name" click on "Create" button at right bottom
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

▪ once the user is created click on it then go to security credentials tab.

▪ click on "Create Access Key"→"Manage MFA device"

you need to scan that QR code on your mobile phone
Permissions in user account:
After creating the user by following above mentioned steps; you can give
certain permissions to specific user
▪ click on created user →go to "Permissions" tab→click on "Attach
Policy" button

▪ select the needed policy from given list and click on apply.
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Practical No:-07
Aim: Installation and Configuration of virtualization using KVM

Step 1:-#sudo grep -c "svm\|vmx" /proc/cpuinfo

Step 2:#sudo apt-get install qemu-kvmlibvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step 3:#sudoadduserrait After running this command, log out and log back in as

Step 4:#sudoadduserraitlibvirtd
After running this command, log out and log back in as rait

Step 5:Open Virtual Machine Manager application and Create Virtual

Machine #virt-manageras shown below

Step 6:Create a new virtual machine as shown below

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step 7:Install windows operating system on virtual machine

Step 8:Installation of windows on virtual machine

Step 9:Installation of windows 7 on virtual machine

Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Step 10:Initialization of windows on virtual machine

Installation and configuration of KVM have been done successfully onto Ubuntu and
users added. Like this we can create as many virtual machines as possible on OS and
can install any windows onto it.
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

Practical No:09
Aim:-Write a program for web feed.
HTML Program:
function showRSS(str) {
if (str.length==0) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else { // code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (this.readyState==4 && this.status==200) {
<select onchange="showRSS(this.value)">
<option value="">Select an RSS-feed:</option>
<option value="Google">Google News</option>
<option value="ZDN">ZDNet News</option>
<div id="rssOutput">RSS-feed will be listed here...</div>
Roll No: - 227520 Cloud Computing Date: / /20

PHP Program:
//get the q parameter from URL
//find out which feed was selected
if($q=="Google") {
} elseif($q=="ZDN") {
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
//get elements from "<channel>"
$channel_title = $channel->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)-
$channel_link = $channel->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)-
$channel_desc = $channel->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->childNodes-
//output elements from "<channel>"
echo("<p><a href='" . $channel_link
. "'>" . $channel_title . "</a>");
echo($channel_desc . "</p>");
//get and output "<item>" elements
for ($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) {
echo ("<p><a href='" . $item_link . "'>" . $item_title . "</a>");
echo ("<br>");
echo ($item_desc . "</p>");


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