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Educational Technology
First Semester, 2022-2023

Module 5: Theories and Principles in the use and Design of Technology-Driven Lessons
Lesson 1-Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
Lesson 2-TPACK as a Framework for Technology-Driven Teaching and Learning
Lesson 3-The ASSURE Model
Lesson 4- Models of Technology-Enhanced Instructional Lessons
Activity/Assessment No. 5

Week: 12 ,13 and 14

Name Marian S. Salido Date


Course/Section BSA-AGED-4A Date


Week 12 Nov.13- Nov.19 Lesson 1. Online Distance Education and

Communities of Learners
Week 13 Nov.20- Nov.26 Lesson 1- Online Distance Education and
Communities of Learners
Week 14 Nov.27- Dec.3 Lesson 2- Online Resources Educational sites and


1. Utilize this activity form in submitting your answers.

2. Print this after accomplishing. See to it that you have reviewed your answers and
avoid committing mistakes. This would then form part of your portfolio. 3. REFRAIN
Handbook, Chapter 5-Offenses and Penalties. Article 1-Academic Offense, pp 43-45.

Module 5: Theories and Principles in the use and Design of Technology-Driven Lessons
Unit 5. Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology-Driven
Lesson 1-Dale’s Cone of Experience
B: Frameworks for Technology-Driven Teaching & Learning:
3. Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
5. Models of Technology-Enhanced Instructional Lessons
Lesson 2- Online Resources Educational sites and Portals
a. Educational Sites and Portals
b. What is the right mindset of a teacher in using the digital tool?
c. The Profile of a Modern Teacher

Learning Outcome/s: Participants will be able to:

Lesson 1- Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience

1. Familiarized with Dales Cone of Experience
2. Provided examples of the various instructional materials appropriate for the given
instructional contexts.
Lesson 2- TPACK as a Framework for Technology-Driven Teaching and Learning
1. Familiarized with the TPACK and SMAR Models as frameworks in integrating
technology in the practice of teaching.
2. Used an appropriate technology (tool or app) in an instructional plan.
3. Evaluated one’s capability in integrating technology in their lesson.
4. Identified learning theories and principles applied in the design and development of
lessons through appropriate media and technologies for teaching-learning.
Lesson 3- The ASSURE Model
1. Identified learning theories and principles applied in the use and design of learning
lessons with technology.
2. Applied the ASSURE Model in crafting a lesson.
Lesson 4- Models of Technology-Enhanced Instructional Lessons
1. Identified how technology is integrated in a lesson.
2. Evaluated a sample lesson with the element of technology integration and
suggested how it can be enhanced.

Resource Materials Needed:

1. PPT Presentations:

2. Textbooks: 1. Technology for Teaching and Learning, Bilbao, Purita EdD et al.
2. Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment, Lucas, Maria
Rita, Ph D, Lorimar Publishing House.

1. How would you relate Dale’s Cone of Experience to the teaching-learning process with
the levels identified by Bruner’s tree-tiered model of learning? Use the table below. (15
points each)
Bruner’s Three-tiered Model Dale’s Cone of Experience
Enactive  Direct purposeful experiences
 Contrived experiences
 Dramatized experiences
Iconic  Demonstrations
 Study trips
 Exhibits
 Educational television
 Motion pictures
 Recordings / Radio / Pictures
Symbolic  Visual symbols
 Verbal symbols

2. With the above guide questions to reflect on, how will you proceed to teach a lesson
on Plant Propagation if you follow the patterns in Dale’s Cone of Experience beginning
with the concrete moving toward the abstract? Use the table below. (20 points)

Dale’s Cone of Experience Activities to be integrated in the lesson

Direct purposeful experiences I will provide them with actual hands-on
experiences. At this level, learners use
more senses in order to build up their
Contrived experiences I will provide mock ups or replica of a
propagated plant to provide an experience
that is as close to reality as possible.
Dramatized experiences I will task my students to do role-play
exercises this means reconstructing
situations for learning purposes that could
give them a better understanding of the
idea or concept.
Demonstrations I will provide a demonstration on the
process of plant propagation by showing
them the procedures or steps on how to
propagate a plant.
Study trips Instead of going to field trips, we will visit
nearby locations or other nature
Exhibits I will provide exhibits and this will provide
a great way to present students with
exposure to new ideas, discoveries and
Educational television I will use the same methods of motion
pictures by presenting videos that will
encourage the learners to observe.
Motion pictures I will present videos and animations which
imply value and messages through moving
pictures. These will help the learners focus
on observation.
Recordings / Radio / Pictures In our modern era, I will include photos,
podcasts or audio files.
Visual symbols I will present charts, diagrams and
illustrations to use for conceptual
representations. This will make any reality
into something easier to understand.
Verbal symbols I will supplement them with terminologies
and other similar concept that will provide
no visual representations or clues.

3. Search the following videos in Youtube to reinforce your understanding on the

1. TPACK in Two Minutes (
2. Introduction to the TPACK Model video Common Sense Media
a. Which insights have you gained after viewing them? Use the table below. (15 points)
TPACK Model Insights First Video Insights in Second Video
Test 1-Multiple Choice: Read the statements carefully and choose the best answer on the
choices given. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before
each number. (2 points each).
___B____1. The following are learning management systems, EXCEPT:
A, Moodle B. Google C. Schoology D. Edmodo

_A, B, D_ 2. Which statement expresses the right action in case there is an indication of cyber
A, Ignore the behavior by not responding at all
B. Block the person
C. Learn to fight back
D. Talk to a trustworthy adult about it

___D____3. Just as there are benefits in social networking sites, there are also risks that
accompany it. Which statement is the best paraphrase?
A, Learners can continually connect as they collaborate to accomplish a task or
Homework using a social networking website
B. One major risk is making friends with stranger who may be a predator or a cyber
C. Teachers and parents or guardians are protective to the extent of disallowing
to use the internet and social networking sites.
D. There are playoffs and pitfalls When one is active in active in social networking

___A____4. Which situations defines blended learning?

A. It is a combination of online lesson and actual lessons in a physical setting
B. Learning is ubiquitous which allows learners to learn anytime, anywhere and in
any manner
C. Social networking websites provide information that can be incorporated in
D. It can employ synchronous and asynchronous modality of delivery

___B____5. Which online tool is a clear example using asynchronous mode?

A Online chat B. Blog
C. Blended learning D. Sites

___D____6. Which characteristics are necessary for teachers to be able to adapt to the current
demands of teaching using the evolving digital tools.

I. Openness to Learn II. Positive Attitude III. Curiosity IV. Perseverance

A.I only B. I and III C.II and IV D.I, II, III and IV

____C___7. Why should modern teachers need not necessarily be experts in technology but
should rather be experts of the habits of the mind?
A. They should understand how their learners learn
B. They need to exhibit skills in the use of technology
C. They need to possess patterns of intellectual behaviors that lead to productive
D. They need to understand and master the correct use of technological tools and

___C____8. If you want to make comics online which is not an appropriate tool to use?
A. Pixton B. MakeBeliefs comics C. Public domain photos D. Tondoo

___A____9. Which is an appropriate tool to use when making a survey?

A, PollDaddy B. End note C, Corkboard Remember D. Padlet

___A____10. What can the Essay Maker do?

A. Make the test B. Score Essay test
C. Create test with choices D. Write questions for test

TEAST II: Do as Directed;

1. Compare the synchronous from asynchronous flexible learning mode. Write your
answers on the table provided below. (10 points)

Synchronous Asynchronous
• Synchronous lessons take place in real time, • Asynchronous classes operate on a
bringing together instructors and students from more flexible schedule, with students
various places. having access to course materials at
various times and from various locations.
• As long as they can connect to the internet,
synchronous learning enables students to • Asynchronous classes give students the
interact with course materials at the same time freedom to study at their own speed.
as their peers.
• Forums and message boards are used
• Synchronous classrooms build learning in asynchronous online classes to facilitate
environments using web and videoconferencing ongoing communication between students.
tools like Google Meet, Google Hangouts, or They also include shared files, workshops,
Zoom. and self-guided tutorials.

• Students can virtually attend a live-streamed • Students watch prerecorded lectures on

lecture in a typical synchronous classroom their own time in asynchronous classes.
• Teachers publish lecture notes, audio or
• Students can use webcams, microphones, video recordings, and quizzes online for
chat, or message boards to ask questions while students to take after they have watched or
teachers or guest speakers are streaming their listened to the subject.
2. Describe Blended Learning and the kinds of Blended Learning. (15 points)

Describe Blended Learning Describe the Kinds of Blended Learning.

Blended learning is a method 1. Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver - The face-to-face driver

of teaching that integrates blended learning model is the closest to traditional
technology and digital media classroom training, as most of the training takes place in
with traditional instructor-led a classroom setting under the guidance of an instructor.
classroom activities, giving
students more flexibility to 2. Model 2: Rotation - In the rotational blended learning
customize their learning model, learners are expected to follow a fixed schedule
experiences. Despite one and rotate through both self-paced online learning and
might think, blended learning face-to-face interaction. The schedules are fixed but
doesn’t aim to replace the flexible.
teachers with technologies.
Instead, the teachers take 3. Model 3: Flex - The flex blended learning model gives
advantage of technologies to learners a flexible and personalized learning experience
support their lessons and that is specifically tailored to their needs.
better focus on the individual
needs of the students. It 4. Model 4: Online Lab - This model involves students
brings a whole new set of traveling to and attending a school with total online
possibilities in terms of educational delivery for entire courses. There are no
flexibility and accessibility, certified teachers on hand, but, rather, trained
placing the learner at the paraprofessionals who supervise.
center of its learning process.
5. Model 5: Self-Blend - This model allows coursework
beyond that offered in a tradition setting in a specific
school or district. Students participate in traditional
classes but then enroll in courses to supplement their
regular programs of study.

6. Model 6: Online Driver - This model is the complete

opposite of a traditional face-to-face instructional
environment. Students work from remote locations (e.g.,
their homes) and receive all of their instruction via
online platforms.

3. Contrast the Benefits of Social Networking from the Dangers of Social Networking by
giving at least 2 differences on each. Write your answer on the table provided below.

Benefits of Social Networking Dangers of Social Networking

1. The Internet has massively decreased the 1. Social networking sites are common
size of the world. This has made the flow of places for cyber bullying to occur. Bullies
ideas and information an easier process. With may use these websites as a way of sending
a social networking profile, you can be ahead you malicious emails.
of and potentially influence the next global
2. Having a social networking profile allows 2. Social networks are full of content that
you to keep informed on recent happenings might be inappropriate for your child. This is
with people in your network. a serious issue, as almost all the content on
the social networks is user-generated and is
mostly not moderated. As a result, your child
might come across porn, violence, and
information on guns or drugs.

4.On the table provided below, Enumerate the considerations to safeguard oneself when
engaging Social Networking Sites. (10 points)

1. Secure passwords and keep them private.

2. Log out every time you use public computers.
3. Regularly check privacy setting of social networking websites so that only direct friends
or those particularly known can see the posts.
4. As you use the internet, you leave a digital footprint which can be tracked back to you.
5. Do not accept invites from contacts unless you know them personally or you are sure of
their identity.
6. Seriously consider the effect of possible posts on others before deciding to do so.
7. Using appropriate language is essential. The tone when communicating or sending social
networking messages should be respectful.
8. You should accept friends and connections when you are sure of the person’s identity.
9. When there is an indication of harassment or abuse, it is advised that you report this by
clicking the report button or abuse.
10. Bullying takes place even in social networking websites. When this happens, you can
ignore the behavior by not responding at all and blocking the person.

5. Enumerate the 16 Qualities of a Modern Teacher in the 21st century. Write your answers
on the table provided below

1. Choose to be vulnerable.
2. See themselves as co-learners, not teachers.
3. Allow themselves to fail, often.
4. Don’t wait until they’re experts to introduce something.
5. Move into their students’ world, even if it’s foreign territory,
6. Run towards their area of weakness, not away from it. .
7. Are comfortable not knowing what is going to happen.
8. Invite mistakes into their lives.
9. Dream big and ask ‘why not?’
10. Allow their students to teach each other.
11. Step outside their comfort zone.
12. Embrace change.
13. Feel secure asking colleagues for help.
14. Model resiliency and perseverance.
15. Question everything.
16. Believe they can learn anything, given the right attitude and effort.

Be safe and May God is with us always



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