Unit 7 Activity 7

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Educational Technology
First Semester, 2022-2023

Module 7: Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Technology Tools and Resources
Lesson 1.Digital Citizenship vs Global Citizenship
Lesson 2-Netizenship and Netiquette in Online Communities
Lesson 3-Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and Use of Digital Materials

Activity/Assessment No. 7
Week: 16 and 17

Name Date Performed

Course/Section Date Submitted

Week 16 Lesson 1.Digital Citizenship vs Global Citizenship

Week 17 Lesson 2-Netizenship and Netiquette in Online Communities

Lesson 3-Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and

Use of Digital Materials


1. Utilize this activity form in submitting your answers.

2. Print this after accomplishing. See to it that you have reviewed your answers and avoid committing
mistakes. This would then form part of your portfolio. 3. REFRAIN FROM CHEATING. CHEATING IS
the USTP Student Handbook, Chapter 5-Offenses and Penalties. Article 1-
Academic Offense, pp 43-45.

: Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Technology Tools and Resources
Lesson 1.Digital Citizenship vs Global Citizenship
a. Five Tenets of Global Citizenship
b. Personal responsibilities
c. Environmental stewardship
d. Digital access
e. Digital commerce
f. Digital communication
g. Digital literacy
h. Digital etiquette
i. Digital law
j. Digital responsibilities
k. Digital health and wellness
l. Digital security
Lesson 2-Netizenship and Netiquette in Online Communities
Lesson 3-Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and Use of Digital Materials
a. Intellectual property rights
b. Copyright

Learning Outcome/s: Participants will be able to:

Lesson 1 Digital Citizenship vs Global Citizenship

a. Recognized the five tenets of global digital citizenship and the 9 element of digital citizenship
b. Compared and contrasted one’s role as a citizen of a citizen of a community and that of a
digital world
c. Shared ways on how one can observe social, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of
technology tools and resources
Lesson 2-Netizenship and Netiquette in Online Communities
a. Defined netizenship and netiquette
b. Formulated a set of netiquette guidelines
c. Created a campaign video to promote netiquette
Lesson 3-Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and Use of Digital Materials
a. Identified examples of intellectual property right in educational setting
b. Defined the copyright laws
c. Cited consequences when copyright laws were violated

Resource Materials Needed:

1. PPT Presentations:

2. Textbooks: 1. Technology for Teaching and Learning, Bilbao, Purita EdD et al.
2. Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment,Lucas, Maria
Rita, Ph D, Lorimar Publishing House.


1. Fill-out the table below for your answer. 10 pts

Rights and responsibilities as Filipino Citizens Rights and Responsibilities as internet User
Rights Responsibilities Rights Responsibilities
2. List down the common rights and common responsibilities for both categories. 10 pts

3. Using the table below, compare and contrast the categories. 10 pts
Description of a good Filipino Citizen Description of a good digital citizen

4. Enrich your understanding by watching the Elements of Digital Citizenship at

5. Explore https;www.justaskgemalto.com/us/top-10ways-be-better-cyber-citizen/ and discuss the
Top Ten ways to be a better cyber citizen
6. With your knowledge of the above, conduct a simple survey as to how many of your friends are
observing or not observing digital citizenship responsibly. Use the table below. 15 pts.
Respondents Observing (/) Not observing (/)

7. Go to brain pop.com or other sites and explore a lot of activities on digital etiquette. You can
watch a movie, play a game, take a quiz, take a challenge, make a map, or create a movie. What
are your reflection on these? Use the table below. 30 pts.
Activities What have you What etiquette What would you Do you find it
learned? that has been suggest to avoid helpful or
violated? such mistake? useful?
Watch a movie

Play a game

Take a quiz

Make a map

Create a movie

8. Group yourselves composed of 5-6 members. Discuss your own internet guidelines. Consolidate
your outputs and create your group internet etiquette. Use the table below. 20 pts.

Group members Internet etiquette of the group

9. Identify at least 5 popular cases of copyright infringements in the Philippines. What are the
penalties on violations of the copyright law? Use the Table below. 20 pts.
Popular cases of copyright infringements Penalties on violations of the copyright law

1. What does it mean to be a digital citizen? How can you observe social, ethical, and legal
responsibilities in the use of technology tools and resources? Create a dyad (a couple or
partner) and discuss it with your classmate. Write your output in the table below. 10 pts.
Names What does it mean to be a How can you observe social,
digital citizen? ethical and legal
responsibilities in the use of
technology tools and

2. Create a blog entry using www.wordpress.org and post your answer. Read also the posts of
your classmates and comment on their ideas.


3. Your interaction with others online shows your identity. Your online social identity is your
“digital tattoo”. A digital tattoo refers to the record of your actions and communications online
and its permanence, like a physical tattoo. Looking back at how you engage in activities
online, what kind of digital citizen were you? Reflect on this and draw your tattoo inside the
box and explain your illustration. 30pts.


4. Using the application tools that you have learned such as https://www.powtoon.com, create a 2-minute
video about your group output in activity number 8 and disseminate it to the whole college of agriculture
or at least in the GC.

5. Differentiate plagiarism and copyright infringement. Use the table below. 20 pts.

Plagiarism Example Copyright infringement Example

Be safe and May God is with us always



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