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TLB 22


TAHUN 2021

Tanggal Pelaksanaan : 26 Februari 2021

Tempat/Media : Youtube @Kemenhub151

Judul Kuliah Umum : “Enhancing Transport Security Awareness”

Narasumber : Julie Lewis (First Secretary (Transport) Australian
Embassy Jakarta)
Asal Instansi Nara Sumber : Department of Home Affairs

Gambar Bukti Ikut Kegiatan :

I held the position after the security transport at the Australian Embassy in
Jakarta. I think the best way to describe my role is that of engagement with the
Australian security standards across our region is by having one in specific I went
across a range of Transport Security areas and provide information sharing what does
position in aviation and maritime security which was 10 years ago was leading the
team in Canberra Australia building program. I am now in Jakarta and letting the
delivery about work together here I'm especially pleased to be with you as my
background in training and development and I strongly believe that this is the
Cornerstone to achieving sustainable results in a Transport Security.
The relationship between Australia and Indonesia has been underpinned by a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). In February 2020, the terms of the Australia-
Indonesia MoU on transport security were renewed, agreed, and signed by Minister in
Canberrain the presence of the Indonesian President and the Australian Prime


Australia is very proud of the achievements that we have been made made
under Australia-Indonesia Transport Security Cooperation Program wich works across
both aviation and maritime security. The Australia-Indonesia transport security
cooperation program is policy and standards, the quality assurance, air cargo, threat
and risk, identity security, trusted insider training, government support, english
language training, and security awareness. The transport sector also is very important
in economic and strategic importance, regionally and globally connected, and
multilateral cooperation.
The threat is highly-risk in maritime and aviation. The threat is targeting an
attractive targets. For the example is ability to inflict mass casualities, ability to inflict
damage to economy and/or public confidence in travel, ability to disrupt scheduled air
travel, attractive and high profile, symbolic statement generating sensational media
imagery, and the last general social anxiety. The threats may come from the terrorist,
criminals/piracy, civil disorder, disgruntled employees, and from activists.
The preventive security or the security awareness action can be done for the
example is like risk assessment, using perimetre/access control, screening all the
people, patrols, using CCTV, and the most important is security awareness of our
Then we’re going to talk about what is awareness culture. Awareness is
knowledge that something exists or understanding of a situation or subject at the
present time based on information or experience. Culture is the way of life, or general
customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.
Building a strong security awareness can enhance the detection, reporting, and
resolution of suspicious of criminal activity and improve security and crime prevention
culture accross the transport sector. Developing a security culture is about engaging
staff at levels of organizations to embrace common values and consider security as a
priority in all of their work all of the time. An effective security culture is fundamental
to keeping an entity and its personnel safe from threats, a healthy and strong security
culture helps to increase internal and external trust, create consistent positive
behaviour, and engage productively with risk. Through the development of an active
security culture, the threat to an organization and its access can be significantly
decreased, highlighting why it is the responsibility of every employee, from the top to
down, to make security a priority.
How do we develop a culture of security awareness? It can be done with
training and education program, informative sharing, involve the airport/port
community, and implement suspicious activity reporting prograns.
The Suspicious Activity Identification Programs is engages the ‘eyes and ears’
of the transport community, through information sharing, as well as analysis and
investigations, it enhances an aviation preventive security regime; and a national
program enabling increased intelligence and enhanced rsponse capability.
What is suspicious activity? Suspicious activity is any observed behaviour that
could indicate terrorism or terrorism-related crime. Suspicious activity can also be
defined as the actions of an individual or group that is outside the normal acceptable
standards for those people that particular area. We can use the HOT principle. Can the
suspicious activity can be seeing by is the item trying to be Hidden? Is the item
Obviously suspiciously? Is the item not Typical of the area?
Another principle that can be used is SETS (Surveillance, Elicitation, Tests of
Security, Suspicious behaviour.
We have to remember factor such as race, and/or religious affiliation are not
suspicious; behavior is. Behavior that is reasonably indicative of criminal activity
related to terrorism should be shared thorugh appropiate channels.
How can we enhance transport security awareness? When we See something,
Hear something, REPORT IT!


The Australia-Indonesia transport security cooperation program is policy and

standards, the quality assurance, air cargo, threat and risk, identity security, trusted
insider training, government support, english language training, and security
The threat is highly-risk in maritime and aviation. The threat is targeting an
attractive targets. For the example is ability to inflict mass casualities, ability to
inflict damage to economy and/or public confidence in travel, ability to disrupt
scheduled air travel, attractive and high profile, symbolic statement generating
sensational media imagery, and the last general social anxiety.
The preventive security or the security awareness action can be done for the
example is like risk assessment, using perimetre/access control, screening all the
people, patrols, using CCTV, and the most important is security awareness of our
How do we develop a culture of security awareness? It can be done with
training and education program, informative sharing, involve the airport/port
community, and implement suspicious activity reporting prograns.
How can we enhance transport security awareness? When we See something,
Hear something, REPORT IT!


a. Opening a program of training and education , informative sharing, involve

the airport/port community, and implement suspicious activity reporting
b. Using preventive security or the security awareness action. For the example is
like risk assessment, using perimetre/access control, screening all the people,
patrols, using CCTV, and the most important is security awareness of our

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