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Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of





V.UMESH CHANDRA (20090-C-130)

Under the esteemed guidance of




(Affiliated by SBTET, Hyderabad)

Rampur, Hanamkonda Dist-506151, TS



The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without of people who had made it possible and whose constant guidance and encouragement served
as boon and made any effort with success.
Our heart full thanks to Mr. Yellaiah SIR(PRINCIPAL) for allowing us to prepare our DIPLOMA IN CIVIL
ENGINEERING final year project (6th semester),

We are much indebted and greatful to our Mr.Raghuram sir (DEE) R&B Department for There
unstained cooperation and valuable guidance for completing my training at every stage from time to

My sincere thanks for your involvement in this project along with me I browsed to acknowledge Friends,
and our group members without whose cooperation this project may not have materialized.

Any errors and omissions are unintentional and are sincerely regretted.


This is to be certified that V.Umesh Chandra Student of III year-Diploma in Civil Engineering, at
"VEMUGANTI MANOHAR RAO POLYTECHNIC RAMPUR" , Submitted the major training report on
"ROADS AND BUILDINGS" during the academic year 2022-2023, as a art of course curriculam.

Signature of Principal Head of the Department

Mr. Yellaiah Mr. Raghuram

Signature of Guide External Examiner


DEE, R&B Department

Parkal, Hanamkonda

This work presents The Detailed Information about INDUSTRIAL TRAINING in
ROADS AND BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. In this Training we worked and gained
knowledge about Roads and Buildings. We worked in different places for Roads
Buildings at different locations such as:




We are the Students of Diploma with specialization Diploma
in Civil Engineering, at Vemuganti Manohar Rao Polytechnic Rampur.
Here by declare that the Report with Title "INDUSTRIAL TRAINING", is
the Original work done by us.

To the best of our knowledge and belief. We are here by declare

that this project bears no resemblance to any other Report submitted
at Vemuganti Manohar Rao Polytechnic Rampur, or any other college




🔺P. C. C









Building Construction is an ancient human activity. It began with purely functional
need for a controlled environment to moderate the effects of climate.
Constructed shelters for one means by which human beings were able to adapt
themselves to a wide variety of climates and global species.

Today, we have comfort and facility But, for future generations we have to face
up coming challenges as shortage of land, etc.... But for better comfort, Civil
construction had evolved and still evolving, but that was not enough. cave doesn't
stand safe for a long time,and huts, from the winds & rains, it is collapsed. Due to
moderate of climates like cold, rains, winds, heat etc.... Evolution goes on there
is no protection.

In our whole life time, A human being compulsory, needs three things...

Those are : 1) eating of food every day.

2) wearing of clothes.

3) A house to live every day.

So, in those 3 things,the third thing which is done by the "mother branch of
engineering", which is called " Civil engineering ". The god created them and they
created the world, who are called Civilians. So, they construct the the buildings
and houses to live human being's. So,The history of civil construction had started
from ancient time's.

The basic work of civil engineers is to involve in designing,
construction supervision & maintenance of different Structures
such as, buildings, canals, roads drainages etc...

Roads acts as Transportation medium. which is a vital

factor," that contribute to the economy of a nation & its
industrial development.

* Building Provide us protection against the climate and it is safe to live
for a long period.

* Foundation is the most important part of any structure and distribute

the load uniformly to the Soil

* plinth beam is constructed with respect to the surrounding ground

level & not less than 450mm and transmit load of superstructure to the

* Super Structure consists of all the parts of the building,including walls,

slab, roofs etc...which is constructed above the plinth level

"Building Construction process."

* All permissions, from the Authorities.

* Estimating, the land for the Construction of a building.

* Estimating the cost of materials and cost of mazdoors As per " S. S. R (

standard Sechudule of rates,"which are released once in period of three

* Estimation of budget from the Government.

* Designing or plotting the plan for the construction.

we have observed Brick Masonry of MRO office. Thebricks are laid in a

systematical way with a cement motar. By checking the verticality,of
Brick laying using plumb bob.

The Burnt bricks are of uniform size, hence they can be used
in different set patterns to get better bond. The brick has two faces

i) Header face (Shorter face)

ii) strecher face. (Longer-face)

The Standard size of the bricks will be 19cm ×9cm x 9cm (0r) 19 cm x
9 cm x 4cm (Length x width x Height). The Brick work construction is
not more than 1m a day.


It is the Process of moving earth,rock Or other materials with tools,
equipment. It also include trenching, wall shafts, and underground. It is
priliminary construction of the building.

◾️P. C. C :

The term PCC stands for plain cement concrete. The mixture of
cement, sand and coarse aggregate are generally called plain cement
concrete (PCC). . It is also defined as Cement Concrete or Blinding
It is taid over the P. C. C. It distributes the load from
Superstructure to the ground Unifomly.

There are many types of footings. Some of them are:

1) Isolated Footings.

2) Combined Footings (taken at portico) (CF1), (CF2)

3) Rafted footings (taken at uneven areas) (RF1, RF2)

4) Straped Footings.
The part of a building that is wholly or partly below ground level. It is
the main part of the building

The superstructure lies,above ground level, and substructure lies below
ground level,includes P.c.c,footing, and pedestal etc.. Between

super stucture and substructure the rcc beam which is called as "plinth
beam" Is constructed. It acts as tie beam and ties all the Columnns.
🔺Construction of plinth beam🔺

▪Purpose of plinth beam:

⇒ Mainly, plinth beam is constructed to prevent and avoid settlement
of differential settlement of cracks.

⇒ It distributes the the load uniformly, propagation of cracks,from the

foundation to the masonry Walls.

*Mean,while it helps in Prevention of collapse of a building during an


⇒ As, well as the plinth beam doesn't enters the dampness into the

*The plinth beam bears the load of the wall and distributes uniformly.

* The plinth beam should be constructed "2feet" above road level.The

depth of the plinth beam should be carefully designed. The height
should not be too low, or too high.

steel work observations and form work for plinth beam.

→ As per layout, designed in the site plan, Following those dimensions
the steel work is connected.

E.g'- The three bars with a minimum dia of" 12 mmm" and at the
bottom of the beam two bars of" 16mm "at top of the beam are
provided. Mean, while the" 8mm dia" stirrups are provided with equal
spacing at the top and bottom of the beem.

. => AS, per layout and details provided in the site plan, should be
followed! Don't scale any other dimensions.

*Before,Constructing the plinth beam, 100mm thick P. C. C should be

provided for all internal plinth beams

*As well as, the Basement should be provided around the building.

→ The form work for these rcc plinth beam should be installed
securely,and Concrete should be compacted sufficently.

⇒ And As well as we all have Calculated the quantity of the concrete

used for the plinth beam and also learned about some of the Basic
main points which is useful for Building work.
Column starter is a smaller part of the column of concrete material
with Same length and width of column whic gives guideline for column
entended for perfect layout. The depth of starter is up to 50-100mm

These are vertical members the of a Structure on which Roof of a
building is laid.

mainly which carries beam foundati compression 10 ad from members

roof to the columns are mainly compression members which carries
load from roof to the foundation and then to ground.
* short columns

* Medium columns

* Long columns

SHORT COLUMN : If the length of the column is less than 8 times of

different diameter.

MEDIUM COLUMN : If the length of the columns ranges blw 8-30

times of different diameters. They carry both buckling & compressive
LONG COLUMN:If the length of the column is more than 30 time of
different diameter. They carry buckling stress.

There are different types of columns :

1) square,
2) rectangle
3) circle etc.....

* Long column fails in buckling.

* Short column fail in crushing.

* Medium columns fails in either in crushing (or)
Some important Points we have learnt :.
The Nominal cover for
Slab (20mm)
beam (25 mm)
column (40mm)

fotting (50mm)

* weight of steel bars per 1m length =D^2/162.5

E.g: 8mm dia rod = 8×8÷162.5=0.395
10mm dia rod = 10×10÷162.5=0.615 kgs.
12mm dia rod = 12×12÷162.5=0.88 kgs.
* The Pedastal is laid upto 0.9 m.(( Constant depth)).
* If the length of the excavated area is more than 3m, then tie
beam is constructed.
The Hook for lateral ties, which are used for Columns
calculation is used as ____ 10 D ( Is : 456 - 2000)
E.g: 8mm dia rod = 8×8÷162.5=0.395kgs.
10mm dia rod = 10×10÷162.5=0.615kgs.
12mm dia rod = 12×12÷162.5=0.88kgs.
*For the connection of rods to the preceding rod, which is
called " Over lapping " and called as bent up bars. To calculate
them the dia used __50D.( as per Is: 456:2000)
E.g:-16mm dia rod is used
* 50D=50×16
* The bent bars are provided for the Columns and beams.
* The ties, which are placed Horizontally, and used For the
Columns are Called " Lateral Ties" .
* The ties, Which are placed vertically, and used For the plinth
beams are called " Stirrups. "
* plinth beam at the Portico should be lowered to it's floor
finish level.
* Initial setting time of cement - 30 mins
* Final setting time of cement - 10 hrs ( 600 mins)
The initial and Final setting time of cement depends on
type of cement that we have used.
➭Ordinary portland cement
Initial setting time of cement - 30mins.
Final setting time of cement - 10 hrs .
➮White cement
Initial setting time of cement - 100mins.
Final setting time of cement - 120-150mins.
* Admixtures are also used for the Concrete to enhance the
performance of concrete mainly, in setting time of cement.
The admixtures used in the construction of r.d.o office
for the concerte are:
* Flaxium chemical and
( For the prevention of Voids clearly,and for easy setting time of
cement) .
* Admixtures means materials,which are used other than
water, cement for the Concrete.
* Miller capacity - of 0.1 m^3
( Miller capacity depends upon the Concrete mixing
* The Concrete should be mixed with proportions like ( 1:1:5:3).
* The grade of Concrete should be as per Is: 456 - 2000 and as
gradel of steels also used confirming to the above Indian
standard code.
* M15, M20, M25, M30, etc... & * Fe 400,
Fe 450,Fe500, Fe550...
* Combined footings are prefered where, the Depth of footing
is greater than 450 mm, so; it is mainly prefered where portico (
stair case) should be constructed. Because To bear the heavy
load the footing depth is greater than 450 mm at portico, so
where it constructed it is prefer to take Combined footings.
* Maximum Height of the Building - 3.15m
* Maximum Height of the Window - 2.1m
* Slope of the stairs case 25 to 40 degrees.
* The height of the plinth beam should be carefully analyized.
The height should not be Too high Or too low, because it is
constructed between the Superstructure and Substructure.
* To, design or to plot a plan of a building firstly, estimating the
quantities of materials and cost of materials, and soil bearing
capacity, and all other measurements should be taken.
* As well as, mainly the cost of materials and cost of mazdoors
should be estimated as per S.S.R ( Standard Sechudule of rates).
Slab is an important structural element which is
constructed to create flat and useful surfaces such as floors,
roofs, and ceilings. It is a horizontal structural component, with
top and bottom surfaces parallel or near so. ... Commonly, slabs
are supported by beams, columns (concrete or steel), walls, or
the ground.
Brick masonry is a highly durable form of
construction. It is built by placing bricks in mortar in a
systematic manner to construct solid mass that withstand
exerted loads. There are several types of bricks and number of
mortars which can be used to construct brick masonry. The
bond in brick masonry, which adheres bricks together, is
produced by filling joints between bricks with suitable mortar.
Special cautions shall be practiced while mortar is mixed and
placed since it greatly affect the performance and durability of
masonry structure.


we have been observed about the Plastering of a MRO office

parkal. The Process of covering of rough walls & uneven
surface with a cement motar is called plastering.
Plastering help us in providing to increase the
durability of a brick, and provide even, smooth surface.
The cement plastering is done in two coatings one is single
coating( 12mm) thick & other one is double coating (3mm).
Then next we observed the excavation of R. D. O office parkal. The area
excavated Up to 2.8m" Up to G.L. To Construct a Column, We have to
start from the P. C. C Construction. After excavation, the "p.c.c"
Constructed with the identification footing dimensions. We had got a
structual design plan and as well as architectual design plan from site
engineer sir Based on the dimensions designed in the plan; the
Construction done The depth of the p.c.c. is 0.1m"
🔺Steel arrangement" ( after the construction of P.C.C) 🔺

After construction of P. c.c steel arrangement had done. As, we

all know that there are types of steel rods. As per
diameters,and grades of steel confirming to Is : 456 -
2000.Those are like Fe 450,Fe500, Fe550 etc.....
* As per the dia of rods designed in the plan, the reinforcement
of steel arrangement
*20mm had done for pedestals, columns and for footings as
well as for plinth beam.
For any Construction (or) arrangement, we have to observe the
site plan ( structural plan Or Architectural plan).
After arrangement of steel, the Column is with standed up to
6m to 7m. Footing it Constructed as per the Dimensions and
Scales designed in the plan

After the footing Construction the Pedstal is constructed upon

the footing up to Depth 0.9m [Constant depth] There are, "40"
Columns for the building, Columns construction, starts from
PCC to pedestal. over all, the substructure level of the column
work had done. And As, well as have learned two main points
* When the length of the excavated area is 3m the 'tie beam'
is constructed to bear the load of the building.
🔺 "Construction from(P.C.C to pedestal). "🔺
*When the depth of the footing is greater than 450 mm then
prefer for the "Combined Footing".

* Differences between"Normal Footing and rafted footing."

* As all, know that, normal footing means a single footing
constructed in all areas but, Rafted Footing is prefered in "un
even areas".Rafted footings are constructed to bear heavy
loads equally with Other footings.
* Means The " Four Footings are Constructed at equal distances
near to near to carry the load equally. In uneven areas , uneven
areas means like B. C. C solis.
* In those soils, the building is constructed by going through
the depth of the soils below the ground level, because those
are uneven areas. So, in those uneven areas the rafted footings
are prefered and Constructed.
◼️Types of Loads :
* Depending upon the load distribution and variation of load
the whole site plan is designed

By considering the types of loads &

pressure, as given below.
i) Earth Pressure.
ii) wind pressure. iii) Dead load
iv) live load (or) movable load
on behalf of above types of loads
andpressures, the intensity of loading assumed And, the plan is
designed well as We have learned about Calculation of
Concrete quantity, steel quantity lateral ties lengths and some
of the basic Points of civil engineering.
As We all have learned firstly. about the Construction of substructure
level of the Columns So, after the constructin of substructure level,we
are all have observed and learned about the constructo of Plinth beam
work for all Columns.

After the Construction of substructure lével for Columns. The area is

excerated and the construction of plinth beam work had started.
Individually, we all have one site plan, which we have to follow, and it is
called as structural plan and we have architectural plan. As per layout,
which is designed in the plan, following that lay out,the Plinth beam is
Constructed.Mean, while constructing we all have raised doubts.,in our
minds about the constructionof plinh beam.. Like wise,

1) what is the purpose of plinth beam?

2) How to construct the plinth beam?

3) What's the main use of plinth beam?

* Before starting the Construction of plinth beam, after the area

excavation, the column below the plinth level is constructed, as per
dimensions and scale designed in the site plan. After the construction
of column below plinth level, the construction of basement around the
building and construction of plinth beam work is started
Building construction steps :

1) Soil test, land preparation or levelling.

2) Excavation and Foundation ( including Substructure level) .

3) Plinth beam construction and Superstructure ( including Columns

and Slab) .

4) Brick Masonry work.

5) Lintels over door's and windows.

6) slab and roof structure.

7) Door's, windows fransing and Fixtations.

8) Electrical and plumbing work.

9) Terrace and roof finishings.

10) Exterior and interior finishings.

11) wood work fixtations and fittings.

12) interior decoration and paintings.

▶CONCLUSION :- AS part of industrial Training we have learnt about

the pre- construction steps of a building (acquiring land, estimation of
Budget, permissions) and also about Building construction steps (site
preparation, excavation, P.C.C, founation plinth beam, column,)

Being a part of this we also learnt about the study of drawings

of a building.

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