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Where the word Vigan come from.


The word Vigan comes from a tuber plant which is considered a giant Taro plant, a root crop of
the Gabi family, and it mostly grows along the side of the Mestizo River.

Write the corresponding letter of your answer to the box below the numbers.

1. 1 to pick 4 out 9 tourist

Adan is trying 2 attraction in their3 province to visit.4 In how many
5 ways can
pick 4 tourist attraction.
B-126 G-256

2. A box contains 5 red balls, 7 green balls, and 6 yellow balls. In how many ways can 6 balls be
chosen if there should be 2 balls of each color?
A-15 I-30
3. In how many different ways can 5 bicycles be parked if there are 7 available parking spaces?
G-21 B-42
4. Gloria, Dencio, Trining, Mario, and Bebang are considered to join the MTAP Math Challenge.
Only three students are going to be chosen. How many possible combinations can be made
A-10 I-11
5. In how many ways can you rank your 5 books from a list of 12?
A-95,040 G-85,040

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