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Mountain View College

College of Nursing - Annex


Name:________________________________________________________ Date:____________
1. Gathers the necessary supplies: catheter tray,
an extra pair of sterile gloves, catheter leg strap,
bath blanket for draping the patient.
2. Follows the “Initial Implementation Steps.”
3. Provides perineal care as needed.
4. Positions patient appropriately.
5. Opens catheter kit and positions the
catheterization tray appropriately for a male or
female patient.
6. Opens wrap correctly and sets up sterile field.
Dons sterile gloves and prepares sterile supplies.
Drapes patient with sterile drapes. Checks
patency of balloon. Lubricates first several
inches of the catheter.
7. Cleans the urinary meatus. For a female,
cleans the far side, then near side, then down the
middle over the meatus. For a male, cleans the
glans penis in circular motions from the meatus
8. While holding the labia open or the penis at a
90° angle, inserts the catheter into the urethra.
For a female, inserts approximately 2 to 3
inches; for a male inserts approximately 7 to 9
inches until urine starts to flow through the
tubing. Then inserts another 1 to 2 inches.
9. Inflates the balloon and ensures that it is
seated at the vesicourethral junction.
10. Secures catheter tubing to inner thigh with a
catheter strap or tape.
11. Hangs drainage bag on appropriate part of
the bed to prevent it being raised above the level
of the bladder.
12. Follows the “Ending Steps.”
13. Documents the procedure and patient

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