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Name : Media Salsabilla

NIM : B1024211018

How Runs A Successful Café’s

Nick started they business with feelings that not afraid to fail. He dared to take a risk by losing
his time, effort and money to make something big. He always prioritize the quality of their
products. Jeremy Dakis as a Managing Director said the key to cafes really is CONSISTENCY.
He said we can do little things right, we can create a point of difference in our business but if we
are not delivering that message consistently, day in day out, week in week out, our clients are
going to see through that. Nick and Jeremy trying the method of selling, which is the take away.
They prove this strategy make their profit of sales has doubled. They said it was like a walking
advertisement. I agree with this statement because people bring their product walking out there,
meet many other people. It is indirectly make people aware of their product.

The other key is we can make our café is unique. People always have reason to go somewhere
which is café. Jeremy said if we can give the clients something that the other café gives, that the
whole key of successful café. The other important thing is the hospitality or the services. Jeremy
is always there in the café for support as far as marketing goes. They serves the loyalty card and
offer the good benefit if the clients have the loyalty card, such as they will get hampers for every
month. We can also do this strategy for our successful café, we can serve the free drinks for
couple in Valentine or free drink for the birthday person.

They always said the services is the most important in business. We have to make our services
go to the next level or better than today. Excellent hospitality means excellent growth. We have
to make an enjoyable experience for the clients or customers. From the services, the clients can
judge the manner of the people’s who works there. It’s useless if the product we serve is
delicious but our services we have is so bad. Their advice is we have to do whatever it takes to
keep a competitive advantage.

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