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School: ESTEFANIA MONTEMAYOR Grade Level: 10

Name of Teacher: JSAH MYRL H. HUMPAY Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Date and Time: MARCH 23, 2023 Quarter: THIRD
9:30-10:30 a.m./ 1:00-2:00 p.m Duration: 1 HOUR

A. Content Standard 1. the information stored in DNA as
being used to make proteins

B. Performance Standard Explain how protein is made using

information from DNA
C. Learning Competency with
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners
must have:

1. Define the DNA transcription.

2. Explain the process of DNA
3. Reflect the Importance of DNA
replication process.

Topic: DNA transcription
Subject Integrated: English and values education
Values Integration: Critical thinking and cooperation
A. Materials Needed Laptop, printed image, manila paper and
pentel pen
B. References
B.1 Teaching Guide LAS
B.2 Learners Material Science Manual – Pages 263-265
B.3 Additional Materials from Quarter 3- MELC 3- Week 4
Learning Resources (LR)
Portal Downloaded Videos
C. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES Introductory Activities (5 mins)

A. Prayer

At first let’s pray, who wants to lead The students will pray

B. Checking of the Attendance

A. Reviewing previous lesson Whose absent today?

Presenting the New Lesson. None ma’am

C. recapitulation

What is our topic last meeting?

DNA replication
What is DNA replication?
DNA replication is the process of
copying the molecules of parent
DNA to form a new strand.

What are the enzymes involves in the Helicase and DNA polymerase.
process of DNA replication?
The helicase is the one who cut the
What is the function of helicase? bonding between the two
nitrogenous bases.
What is the function of DNA polymerase?
The complementary nucleotides are
added to each strand by DNA
polymerase to form new strands.

Very good

Class before we start our discussion, we
will perform first an activity called
“Decode Me”.

This is what you should have to do.

As you can see we have a hidden letter

here you’re going to decode it with the
use of given numbers.

Is it clear?

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
20 18 1 14 19 3 18 9 16 20 Yes ma’am

What is the hidden word?

Very good!!
The hidden word is transcript.
What comes in your mind when you
heard the word transcript?

So our lesson for today is how the RNA

transcribed our genetic information. Transcript is the compilation of
Are you ready to listen?

Yes we are.

(EXPLORE) So, we will have an activity this activity is

called "what is the message?” you are
going to decode the DNA template using
the RNA nitrogenous bases.

We have here a DNA template, and all

you have to do is to decode it using the
RNA nitrogenous bases.

Is that clear, do you any questions? None ma'am

Okay you may now start.

There will be a collaboration

between the teacher and the

Does the mRNA model is the same with

(EXPLAIN) the DNA strand from which it was
transcribed? The mRNA model is complementary
with the bases of the DNA strand.
Why is RNA important to the cell? (Answer may vary)

It is important because it decode

How does an mRNA get the information our genetic information.
from DNA? (Answer may vary)

Do you understand the process by which Through transcription.

DNA is being transcribe?

Yes ma’am
According to the activity perform, what is
DNA transcription?

DNA transcription is a process by

Very good!! which the RNA decodes the genetic
information from the DNA template
to produce mRNA.
DNA transcription is the transcribing of
(ELABORATE) particular DNA template to form an

The main enzymes involve in DNA

transcription is RNA polymerase.

RNA polymerase uses one of the DNA

strands (the template strand) as a

template to make a new, complementary

RNA molecule.

(The teacher will show an image on how

the DNA transcription process happen.)

What is the first step? To begin transcribing a gene, RNA
polymerase binds to the DNA of the
gene at a region called
the promoter. Basically, the
promoter tells the polymerase
where to "sit down" on the DNA and
begin transcribing.
What do you call this step?

The next step is?

next step of transcription—
elongation—can begin. Basically,
elongation is the stage when the
RNA strand gets longer.

what will happened after the elongation? The RNA polymerase is the one
who decode the exact
complementary bases in a given
So after, it will produce a mRNA that genetic information.
brings the genetic code for the protein

(The teacher will generalize what had

been discussed during the session by
asking questions related to the topic.)
(The students will participate
through answering questions being
asked by the teacher).
H. Evaluating learning Get one fourth sheet of paper we will
(EVALUATE) have a short quiz.

Direction: Choose the appropriate

answer in the word-bank that answers
the given statement.
RNA Polymerase DNA transcription

Elongation Initiation

mRNA uracil

1. It is a process by which the RNA 1. DNA transcription

decodes the genetic information from the 2. RNA polymerase
DNA template to produce mRNA. 3. Initiation
4. mRNA
2. The main enzymes involve in the 5. Elongation
process of DNA transcription.

3. It signals for the beginning for

a gene.

4. It will produce a ___ that brings the

genetic code for the protein synthesis.

5. It is the stage when the RNA strand

gets longer
Advance study about the DNA translation.

Presented to:


Cooperating Teacher


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