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by Group 2

[ Music ]


Long long ago, in the island of Lanka, South of Ancient India, live the Evil King Ravana whose
wicked ambition is to conquer and dominate the whole world caused pain and misery to one
and all.

And in the Kingdom of Ayodhya in North India, people prospered under the benevolent ruler
King Dasharata. The King who lived peacefully with his three wives and four sons.

Rama from Queen Kuashala, Bharata from Queen Kaekeyi, Lakshmana and Shatrughna from
Queen Sumitra.

---(Fast Forward Scene)---


In neighboring city of Mithila the ruler’s named King Janak called a Swayamvara to select the
husband for his daughter, Sita. All prince were ask to string the majestic bow of Shiva and he
who lifts the bow will have the hands of princess Sita in marriage, but no one can even lift it.

-----(CITY OF MITHILA)-----


(Rama enters together with his brother Lakshamana)

King Janaka: "I King of Mithila, Janak with great sadness announce the closing of the contest
of my daughter Sita's marriage because there is no one worthy of her hand."

Lakshmana: "Wait! I think this earth is not devoid of brave warriors as long as the son's of
Dasaratha are alive.My brother Rama has slain the ferocious, Naga"


(Rama went to the stage and lift the bow and strings it)

(Sita was amazed, puts garland on him and the audience clapped)

[Voice Record]---( Congratulating Rama as the chosen husband of Sita)


Years passed Ayodhya grows and prospers and the people love their prince and king to be
Rama and the four brothers live in harmony.And their future look full of hope.


King Dasaratha: "Kaekeyi, I think Rama is now ready to take over Ayodhya. I should retire now."

Kaekeyi: "You're right my lord, I think this is the time for the announcement of your successor
and Rama will be the best choice."

King Dasharata: " But, Bharata and Shatrughna are not here"

Kaekeyi: "So, what Rama is the eldest. And he has all the qualities of a king"

King Dasharata: " I'll make the announcement today."

[Voice Record]---- ( Announcing Rama to be the crown prince)

NARRATOR: " But life is never just a bed of Roses the good days were gone and misfortune was
slowly creeping its way into the Kingdom of Ayodhya."


Mantara: "Kaekeyi,is this the time to beauty yourself when great misfortune creeps upon the

Kaekeyi: "Mantara, don't you understand our beloved Rama is anointed as the crown prince.

Mantara: " It is a misfortune, you are so innocent so trusted look how king .... betrayed your

Kaekeyi: "Hold your tongue Mantara. I will never allow you to speak of the king in that way"

Mantara: "Why do you think the King sent Bharata and Shatrughna away now so conveniently
before the coronation."



Mantara poisoned the mind of Queen Kaekeyi and now she will do everything to banish Rama
from Ayodhya.

(Kaekeyi's on the floor crying and King Dasaratha entered)

King Dasaratha: "What happened, my Queen?"

Kaekeyi: "Oh, King! Do you remember when you were injured on the battle some years ago. I
drove you safety and you promise to fulfill me two boons of mine.You must grant me those two
boons now."

King Dasharata: "Only two boons, you can have more if you want."

Kaekeyi: "No, I dont need more. I only want two."

King Dasharata: "What is it?" (whispers it)

King Dasharata: "No!, I cannot grant you those Kaekeyi. I can give you all my wealth but that
please no! ( Fell at his knees)

Kaekeyi: I will be content with only those two boons. ( Walk out)


The two boons were one is Kaekeyi son to be the king, and the seocnd one is that Rama to be
banished in the forest for 14 years.Soon Rama was summoned to Kaekeyi's room and told
everything about her boons.Rama listened to her patiently as he believed it was more important
to obey a mother's wish and honor a father's commitment. So he agreed.


Lakshamana: "Brother can you not hear the people's voices."

Rama: "Lakshamana, this is part of my fate."

Sita: My Lord, I am coming with you.

Rama: But.. Sita.

Sita: I promised to be with you always, your fate is equally mine.

Lakshamana: That's right! Same soul should follow, same fate. So, brother please, take me with
you too.

( Hugs Him )

Rama, Sita and Lakshamana took the blessings of their parents and elders.

Six months passed by King Dasharata palace enveloped in Darkness.He suffered from a terrible
illness that none of the kingdom doctor could heal. In his last breath he is asking for his beloved
son, Rama's forgiveness.

Bharata Kaekeyi's son who is visiting his grandfather was called back to Ayodhya


Bharata: "Mother, mother what happened?"

Kaekeyi: "Oh Bharata you have come at last."

Bharata: "Tell me it is true that father passed away." ( Kaekeyi Look away) Oh god then it is true.

Kaekeyi: "But he left us with great honor."

Bharata: "What is it?( Kaekeyi whispers) what have you done you heartless woman ( push
her).You are no longer my mother."

Kaekeyi: "Please, forgive your poor mother Bharata forgive me."( Cry and Hug Bharata).


Bharata cried at the lost of his father, the conspiracy of his mother and he cried that Rama was
exiled.Bharata never wanted to be the King.He decided to go in search of Rama. On the other
side Rama, Sita and Lakshamana crossed the Ganges River with a boat penetrating deeper into
the wilderness to the forest of Dandak.There Bharata sees Rama, Sita and Lakshamana.


( Run towards Rama and fell at his feet )

Lakshmana: "Brother, our beloved father passed away"

Rama: "Oh! father forgive me your son."( Fell at his knees and cry)

Bharata:" Rama come back to Ayodhya and accept the kingdom which is yours."

Rama: "Father commanded us, you to rule the kingdom and I live in the forest for 14 years. It is
our duty to abide the orders whether we like it or not."

Bharata: "Brother, I will only rule the kingdom for the next 14 years, but only for your
return."( Took his sandals and Hugs each other).

The three noble souls decide to leave the forest and traveled together across high mountains
through deep forest. Eventually, they meet the great sage Augusta who gifted the two brothers
with divine weapons.And then they headed towards Panchavati where Shurpanakha Ravana
younger sister disguise as beautiful lady to entice Rama.


(Shurpanaka appears)

Shurpanaka: "I am Shurpanaka, Rama you're so handsome and strong. I have decided to marry

Rama: "My lady, why don't you approach my brother Lakshmana he's handsome and strong too."

(Shurphanaka approach Lakshmana)

Shurpanaka: "Oh, hes handsome too." (Giggling)

Lakshamana: "I'm only second to Rama my lady, I dont think your too kind to settle for the
second best."

Shurpanaka: "Yes! your right. I am the kind to settle only for the very best."

Rama: (Laughs)"Come this is Sita my wife."

Shurpanaka: "You are his wife? I will kill you."

( Going to attack Sita, but Lakshmana quickly draws his knife and cuts Shurpanaka nose)

Shurpanakha: "Oh! my nose. I'm bleeding. You fools you will be punish for this."

( Cry in pain and run away)


Shurpanaka runs back to the forest and went to Lanka to seek the help of his brother Ravana
and she told about everything about Rama and Lakshmana.

---(Ravana's Kingdom)---

Ravana: "Do not worry my sister I will avenge you."

Shurpanaka: "He got a beautiful princess. I wish I could destroy her beauty."
Ravana: "Is she that beautiful"

Shurpanaka: "Theres no one is more beautiful than her in this whole world. Her waist is slim, her
face is captivating and her skin is like a molten gold.



Ravana thought of a plan to kidnap Sita.He reach out the house of Tataka's son, Maricha the
master of disguise to take the form of a golden deer.He refused it first but either way he will be
killed. He prefers to die at the hands of Rama.So, he agreed.


Sita: "What a beautiful deer!

Rama: "Indeed, it is beautiful!"

Sita: " My lord please catch it for me. If it stays, then I will be very happy.

Rama: " For you, I will.Lakshmana, protect Sita.

Lakshmana: "Yes, brother, remember watch out for the treacherous creature."

(Deer shouting, pretending to be Rama who needs help)

Sita: "Lakshmana, Rama is in danger he needs you"

Lakshmana: "I understand but, I must ensure your safety first.(Draws a circle to the hut with a
magical spell). Sister, whatever happens do not cross the line." ( Bows and run)

Ravana: "Everything goes just as I planned" (Laughs)


Ravana disguise himself as a holy man.He approach Sita asking for alms and he tries to enter
the hut but he cannot.

Sita: "Please, come here and accept this offerings."

Ravana:" Oh lady, I cannot cross the line but surely you can."

Sita: "Forgive me, but I cannot do that"

Ravana: "If you will not feed this hungry sage, then ruins will fall upon your family."

Sita: " Please don't leave, ohh Sage"

(Cross the line and Ravana grabs her hand and laugh)

Sita: " What is this? Let go of my hand."(Angry).

Ravana: " You look even prettier when your angry, my dear Sita.

Sita: " Who are you? How do you know my name?

Ravana: " I am Ravana, the king of Lanka. Shurpanaka's brother.This will be my revenge and now
you will become my Queen. (Laughs)

SITA: Rama.... Lakshmana Help!! ( Screaming )


Ravana abducted Sita and carries her to his Kingdom in Lanka.Rama and Lakshmana return to
the hut, but Sita was not there they look for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be
found.Sita dropped some of her ornaments on top of Rishyamukh mountains where the King
Sugriva found it.Searching for Sita Rama and Lakshmana reached Rishyamukh there they meet
Hunuman a highly intelligent vanara.


(Jump towards them)

Hunuman: "I am Hanuman comman of King Sugriva. Why are you here in this mountain?"

Rama:" I am Rama, my brother Lakshmana, son's of the great King Dasaratha of Ayodhya.
Where here to rescue my wife Sita who was took by an evil demon."

Hunuman: "It is benevolent destiny that leads me to prince Rama of Ayodhya. ( Bows to them)


Hanuman took Rama and Lakshmana to Sugriva and narrated everything. Sugriva made an offer
if Rama will help him to get rid of Bali then he will summon the entire monkey and bear clans to
help find Sita.Rama help him and Sugriva assembled the monkey together with Hanuman and
the bears and assigned them to search Sita.Rama give his ring to Hunuman in order for her to
recognize him as Rama's messenger.


Monkey 1: "Who among us can fly to reach Lanka?

Jambavan: "There is one among you who can do this, it's you Hanuman"
(Hanuman stared at Jambavan in surprise.)

Jambavan: " You must remember who you are.You must fly, Hanuman fly!”

(Hanuman is thinking )


Hunuman fly and reach Lanka and there he finds Sita.He shows the ring and comforts her that
soon Rama will save her and the people of Lanka.Hanuman is hungry and Sita offers the fruit of
the treee and eat it all the guardians run to the garden. Hunuman wanted to see Ravana so he
pretendedd to fall. He was caught by Indrajit and bound by ropes,


Ravana: " Who are you, why have you come to Lanka."

Hanuman: " I am Hanuman. I have come with a message on behalf of Prince Rama of
Ayodhya.Return Sita his wife or face the consequences of war and destruction."

Ravana: " How dare you threatened me and challenge the King of Lanka."


Ravana wants Hanuman dead but his brother stop him so, therefore he wants his tail on fire and
drag him all over the town.Hanuman also set the town on fire and ent back to his troops and
narrate everything. There they prepared for the war together with the army's of monkey.Ravana
prayed and the sea god told Rama to build a bridge with stone and put his name on it. There
they reach Lanka. Rama send Angada to carry the message to come at peace, but Ravana
refused and insist a war.

(War Scene)


Ravana: "Rama your death in my hand is certain."


Rama: "I will kill you for abducting my wife"

(Rama falls)


Rama won the Battle and went to the Garden where Sita is forced to live.

Rama: Sita..

Sita: Rama

(Hugs each other)


As 14 years had passed they went back to Ayodhya for the Coronation of the new King Rama.

---(Kingdom of Ayodhya)---


Queen Kuashala: "Be the greatest King my son."

(Puts the Crown on Him)

----The End----

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