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We chose the study "An Empirical Study of Gender Discrimination and Employee

Performance among Academic Staff of Government Universities in Lagos State,

Nigeria" as the basis for our study on "The Impact of Gender Discrimination on
Employee Performance in an Organization" for several reasons:

1. Relevance: The study directly investigates the relationship between gender

discrimination and employee performance in an academic context, making it
highly relevant to our study's focus on understanding the impact of gender
discrimination on employee performance in organizations.

2. Methodology: The study employs a robust methodology, using a well-developed

model, a significant sample size, and appropriate statistical analyses (Pearson
correlation and regression) to draw conclusions about the relationship between
gender discrimination and employee performance. This provides a solid
foundation for our study to build upon and adapt for our specific research

3. Empirical Evidence: The study provides empirical evidence that gender

discrimination in managerial roles negatively affects employee job performance
in government universities in Lagos State, Nigeria. This finding supports the need
for further investigation into the broader implications of gender discrimination
on employee performance in various organizational settings.

4. Context: While the study focuses on government universities in Lagos State,

Nigeria, its findings and conclusions can be extended to other organizational
settings, making it a suitable basis for our study. Additionally, the study
highlights the importance of considering the role of gender discrimination in
recruitment policies, job performance evaluations, and managerial roles, which
are relevant aspects to explore in our study.

5. Potential for Generalization and Expansion: The study's focus on the academic
sector allows us to expand the scope of our research to other types of
organizations, exploring the impact of gender discrimination on employee
performance in a wider range of contexts, and potentially identifying common
patterns and actionable insights that can be applied across various industries
and organizations.
Conceptual Framework

Gender Discrmination in
Recruitment Policies

Gender Discrimination in Job


Employee Performance

Gender Discrimination in
Managerial Roles

in specific fields of work

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