Scientific Disciplines/ Role of A Biochemist

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Name: KKKK

Activity #: 1
Title: Role of the Biochemist in the Field of Scientific Disciplines

Scientific Role of a Biochemist

1. Genetics They study the chemical and physical
principles of living things and of biological
processes, such as cell development,
growth, heredity, and disease. DNA,
heredity and cell development.
2. Molecular Biology Biochemists working in medicine are
sometimes called molecular biologists.
They study bacteria, viruses, and other
organisms to better understand the
chemical basis of life. They also determine
the effects of chemicals on medical
problems such as cancer, aging, or obesity.
3. Medicine Biochemists are mainly employed in the life
sciences sector, working in research roles in
the pharmaceutical and biotechnology
industries, as well as working in food
technology, toxicology and vaccine
4 .Agriculture Biochemists investigate the chemistry of all
living things, biochemist working in the
Agricultural sector will be studying the
interaction between plants and herbicides,
and developing genetically engineered
crops that are resistant to drought, disease
and so on.
5 .Food Institutes Many biochemists are employed by
pharmaceutical firms and companies
dealing with food-related chemicals such as
animal feed, agricultural chemicals, and
food for human consumption, where they
conduct research to understand disease
and develop new products.
6. Forensic Crime forensic chemists analyze evidence from
Research crime scenes and provide conclusions
based on his tests. This work helps identify
and characterize evidence to move a
criminal proceeding forward
7. Cosmetics This entails reading about new ingredients,
how they behave and what they contribute
to a product. They formulate and make
their own line of products as well as consult
for other small cosmetics businesses and
estheticians to formulate and manufacture
their unique products.
8. Drugs They analyse enzymes, DNA, and other
molecules to research the effects of drugs
and food on biological processes. They use
electron microscopes, lasers and other
laboratory instruments as well as computer
modelling software to determine the
structures of molecules.
9. Biotechnology Biochemists perform research and analysis
on normal processes happening inside the
living cell like respiration, photosynthesis,
apoptosis, etc., while biotechnologists
research and create products like proteins
that are used in factories. Modern
biotechnology also involves the creation of
genetically modified organisms, ex. Golden
rice, pharmaceuticals, and so on.
10.Environmental Biochemists work for a variety of industries
Science and government agencies. For example,
they may analyze the effects of air, water,
and soil pollution on people, wildlife,
plants, and crops.
Cite your references below.


Anonymous (2021). Biochemist job description, career as a

biochemist, salary, employment definition and nature of the
work, education and training requirements, getting the job.
Retrieve from

Anonymous (2021) Agriculture jobs. Retrieve from

Anonymous (2019, May) What is forensic biochemistry?

Retrieved from
Acharya, S., (2021). Biotechnology vs biochemistry – best for
further studies and career. Retrieve from

Anonymous (2021). What is a biochemist? Retrieved from

Anonymous (2019, July) What does a biochemist do? Retrieved


Jones, C., (2014). Interview with a biochemist and cosmetic

scientist. Retrieve from

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