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G6-00-HD-022-BM03 NHA MAY payi PHU ME HUAN LUYEN AN TOAN CHO NGUOL NGOAI NHA MAY DEN THAM QUAN, THUC TAP, LAM VIEC TAI NHA MAY | LEVER SAFETY TRAINING FOR CONSTRUCTOR TONG CONG TY PHAN BON VA HOA CHAT DAU KHI - CTCP 1. Tén don vj huéng din/Training. ae PHONG AN TOAN-BAO VE. 2. Thai gin hub dinvTraining time: BY. GAK 3, Cé ait i ial ‘until the end...24f 4. NOi dung hung din Training content: 7” "An toan..Cars * Noi quy AT. PCC, TT-NB Rules and sajee, fire protectlon circulars andl decrees fica UCTHKC Evacuation, emergency rescue: iw * F@ sinh céng nghigp Industrial Hygiene: lao] * An toan phéng xa Radiation safety Ee ‘cong vige han edt’ Safety at work cutting and welding. sre Hh suc Secondary safe dc! Other: Quy trink quan If Ned th 3, Danh séch ngudi duge husne & T | con ' RovATiN | SSH Vitrilim | Tinh ebdtcbng br ‘séer! .. i@c (VD: | vige (VD:LV tan | AC Gai cat rt Fullname Bia | taithiét | cao, LV vei thiée i | i Yer) bicum/ | bj AL, LV tong vy I | | | swengttie | RoHC, Lv vet | j 1 i yye) tt Héa chat .) 1 1 lgug a Ba) 25 68 wie ati TSC Ba ' ; 2 chash witp é [melts x LF than ont ee [rise yd | | 14 Tes aga lafn out gL PSC | Aly! Av! 1? [Been vada Haine seal iy CN, a LPTSC | due + 5 ttahctaah whi fon ac | ay crise [YT | 5 | thee | a [erse | (ST | ! at pe al cn | terse [ras i i 9 tes tae 0 p94 Hoon | yg [ere |eulet | | [OO teries cla a aed ab PSC Thue | | Taal owe agyp the ov | wise tweet | . rth Sle 3p Khu CN ore i" 1 i 5 easter ain nye) thu CAV 4 Tere Da | | | 4 an : that 4 |Prse | eo [x | | BT gud wey x thon! a TPTSC Guy 7 ty oY ; shen 1 lays? aot gtglawen | A. [PTSe ga} faclux ch: taiy lal ther | Ze lersc 2 Pho veh Sidr by act bhu ct | 2. ne de #9 ligase ani p2| the cv [shralr Lerse |g Jo Ieyrt vd tials lapel dy cml oye Lee | ar R4 Lbgsel ehu ov| Gee lerse | ar et Uke” GP Cat th ctw re | a 22 Inga 0 whe eth ae (Tse. 2. [ne In éctth Bat cul dp (PTS 2 na a att ia tchcnl| fi’ lerse | ar || lec Ne pg aan * Lapa ice cr! be Prsc | faa te ean ad gpl i cw] Pearse | pe hea vats —laoadccch | “Hex |erse | ar | 5 Irian ved dy gp ek E-Te— [sel | Vee lle qizah Main loi | | ese. | | is ‘hon Yun See» qf oe F__|prsc| pl (alr wnat fal” lea ot | thy, |eiSsc| Pa Sepa jerse | ar I Le | phage Cla [re] a | tpclbteas rc] g | I [77sec | 47 | 34 lese | oy || w |ppel al | Ise sel al leo rset | 4a Te on |aarl a Wary ec pisc| & |_| lea qaare |e | & | gorse | le | Berne Vise TBs, lis at | ~ prs lis bra Macs Ak sol af? | Jet [rrse x Doom Dy Tha lisgd 4 | Pe Jerse | a lta | nyuiss Ab thie Ligak — a* | Ay ers x AY At x [Sold Agh Sin loss] luew | aX scl ae [| | Alm kim Looe, W98EF [Senge el ahi, Vio Gin 96H mt | ge lersc | | | L on Thad diay "| ae prs gee] i : a r [54 | Nain Viderhing Loe at | iy grscl ar | | 55: Dein Von ther | i536) n+ | Tha, lsc ar | | Noe ‘tre, 1599) Ls. [trsc! ar! x Se are Berg hago] ok tag letscl amt Tx 58 [pagah Kim Gig |989 ot | iy TSe | AT | Foi MaYako _iigéal «+ | myyaee lsc | pe i x LEC Ngugin Von Tat |G] ak Ea prsc| x '6L, Bis Nan Myth age! at | Ngdn PIS. A GL! ue Hey Cnag lta nt | eng (TSC a |= TEL Pho Duy Ties or pr | A Tt t i i ia i Li Ee \ ' i Ln & Vide dio tao AT Ting thay iE rich nibs Ube soGt wh Tal i ang nul Uae Win eBg vide ob YCNN cia ede dom vj theo HD kiém sodt ATSKMT dit v6i NCC dich vu (G6-00-HD-039, Dai dién don vi sit dung dich vu Nguvi hong din (8%, ghi r6 ho tén) (Ry, ghi ro ho én) bab fa Ng Asiling fg

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