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Online Applications
·· · · · · · · · ·
. • · �re inv·t1 ed for o' Ir • �ct Recrui.tment
. • by selection through ST-12, OBC-38, EWS-16, UR-68) (P�BD-08)*. *Of the one hun�r�d fift I Y·
webSite https://ww:w.upsconline;ni to th,e following posts from 25th· nine vacancies, eight vacancies are reserved for ca.rididates belonging to
· F�bruary_, 2023 (12 Noon) to_.17th March,
2023 at 18.00 hrs. . ca�egcxy of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD). *Of the eigt,!
1.- (Vacancy No. 23025101725)-Four hundred
. eighteen vacancies for the vacancies reserved for candidates belor:iging to category of �ersons with
·P 0st q f E nf o ce
� m t fficer /Accounts Officer ih. Empl oyees' Provident .. Benchmark Disabiiity (PwBD), two ·vacancies are re·served for candidates
en O
fund Organisation, Mi_nistry of Labou r & Employment (SC-57, ST-28, · belonging to category ·of, �erso�s with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz .
. OBC-?B, EWS-�1, UR-204) (PwBD-25)*. *Of the f9ur huridred_eighteen Blindne�s and Low Yision vtith disability _ i.�. Bljnd (8) or Lo� Vi�ior:i (LV),
. vacancies, twenty fiv� vacancies are reserved for candidates belonging to two 'vacanqies are . reserv · e·d for candidates belonging to . category. o!
.category of Persons with _Benchma rk Disability (P�BD). '*Of the .twenty·. Persons with Benchmark Di�ability (PwBP) viz .. D _ eaf arid·riard of Mearfng
'fi_ye vacancies reserved fo r candidates belonging to category of Persons with disability i.e. Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing (HH), two ·vac�ncies are
·-with Benchmark_ Disability (PwBD), ten vacandes are reserved for ·reserved for can didates belonging to qategory of Persons-wit!]__ Benchmark
' candidates belonging to category of Persons· with ·senchmark Disability Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor Disability ic,cluding Cerebral . Palsy,
· (PwBD) viz. Blindness and .Low Vision with disability i.e. Blind (B) or Low Leprosy Cure d, D_warfism, Acid_Attack Victims and Muscl:!lar Dystrophy:
.Vision (LV),··seven .vacancies are· reserved for can didates belonging to with_ disabifiti. i.e. Both legs affect�d- but not arms (BL) or Both arrns
· �ategory of Persons with Be11chmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Deaf and Hard affected ,(BA) or One_ leg affected· (R or L) (OL) or One arm affec�ed (R
. of _Hearing with disability i.e: Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing. ·(HH), six or L) (OA) or -One leg and One arrn affected (OLA) or Leprosy Cured (LC)
vacancies are· rese.rved for candidates belonging to category of Persons . or Dwarfism (OW) or Acid Attack Victims (AA\/) and Muscular Dystrophy
· with B�nchmark Disability (P�BD) viz. Locomotor Disability including (MDy), two vacancies· are reserved for. candidates belonging 'to
·cerebral . Palsy, · Leprosy �-Cured, Dwarfism,· �cid Attack Victims and of Persons with Benchmark_ Disability (PwBp) viz.· �utism,
: Muscular Dystrophy with disability ' i.e. Both legs 9ffecte9 b_�t. not arm_s, Di�ability, Specifi9 Learning Dis�t;,ility. and Mental.Illness with disability
(BL) or Both arm,s affected (BA) or One le_g affected (R or L) (OL) or One Mental Illness (Ml), Multiple disabilities . (MD) i.e. at. feast tw; disabilities
arm affected (R or L) (OA) or One leg an d One arm affected (OLA) or . from the categories of the di�abilities indicate,d above.. Pay sca{e: Level­
�erebral Pa�sy (CP_) or Leprosy Cur�d (�C) or 'Dwarfism (OW)- or_ A _ cid _ 10 in the-Pay fv1atrix a·s. per 7th c_'.C. Age: ·35 years. . ,.
Attack V ictir�1s (AAV), tw o vaca�c,�� ar�. rese�ed . '.or cand,dat�s The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the
. ' .closing
. date. for
b�long�ng· to category of Persons .w1�h- Bench�ark D_1s�b_1l_1ty (PwBD) VIZ., submission of online ppplication. .
Autism, lntell_ectual Disability, Spec1f1c Learning · D1sab11Ity an d M�ntal ' . .ng to . .
_ �PP1r for the abov: ,�ac�n�1es .are-adv1s�d to vIsIt
_ e ca_ d",�ate_ WI!II_
Th . , . . .· 1 •
. Jllness· with d isability i.e. - Sp e_ cific ·Learning Dis_ ability (SLD) or Mental � , �
lllne�s (Ml), Multiple disabilities (MD) i.e. at least two disabilities from the Comm,ss,_on s. · Website https://up�conlme.nic.m/upsc/OTRP/index.
· categ9ries of the disabilities indicate d �bove. Pay Sea.le: Level- 08 in the ·. php or h�ps://www._upsconlirie.rii The detailed Recruitment Special
Pay Matrix as' per 7th CPC. Age:-30 years. · : · .· . -, • . · . · 0 • • • · • f\9vert_isen:ie� along-with - 'lns�ructi9ns· anq Additional Information
• _
· to
• 2. (Vacancy �30251,0 72�) ·one hl!Q dr�d fi fty ine vacancie.s fqr the. pandi� .

_ ate� for Re�ru.

� � _ � _ i tmen S
·t ,by �lection•· has_ been displaye d . 0�
post qf Assistant P_ro�1dent �und <;::�mm1ss_1onerr In Etn�_loy�es' <?omm_is�!on_'s Website tt s www.u n.
_ . h p :// p i _
Provident. Fund Orgarnsat,on, Ministry of �aqour _ & .Employment (sc.:25;

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