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1. What is Software ?

Software is a set of instructions or programs that tells the computer to perform some tasks.

2. What is Product?
According to marketing requirements, we develop software that is called as Product.
In simple example - Readymade material
Microsoft - MS office
Google products like Gmail,

3. What is project?
Project - If the software is developed for specific customers it is called a project.
In simple example - Material cloth

4. What is Validation in software testing?

Validation is the process, whether we are building the right product i.e., to validate the
product which we have developed is right or not. Activities involved in this is Testing the
software application.

5. What is Static Testing?

Static Testing involves reviewing the documents to identify the defects in the early stages of
SDLC. It is done by the QA team

6. What is Dynamic Testing?

Dynamic testing involves the execution of code. It validates the output with the expected
outcome. It is done by the QC team.

7. What is Black Box Testing?

Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which testers evaluate the functionality of
the software under test without looking at the internal code structure. This can be applied to
every level of software testing such as Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance Testing.

8. What is Positive Testing?

Positive Testing: It is to determine what system is supposed to do. It helps to check whether
the application is justifying the requirements or not.

9. What is Negative Testing?

Negative Testing: It is to determine what system is not supposed to do. It helps to find the
defects from the software.

10. What is SDLC :

Software development lifecycle (SDLC) is a framework that defines the steps involved in the
development of software at each phase.
Aims to produce a high quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations
11. Difference between Product and project

12. What is a Test Suite?

Test Suite is a collection of test cases. The test cases which are intended to test an

13. What is Test Scenario?

Test Scenario gives the idea of what we have to test. Test Scenario is like a high-level test

14. What is a Test Case?

Test cases are the set of positive and negative executable steps of a test scenario which has
a set of pre-conditions, test data, expected result, post-conditions and actual results.

15. What is STLC ?

● STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle. STLC is a sequence of different activities
performed by the testing team to ensure the quality of the software or the product.
● STLC is an integral part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
● STLC deals only with the testing phases.

16. Difference between SDLC and STLC

● SDLC is mainly related to software development.
● Goal of SDLC is to complete successful development of software.
● In SDLC, more members (developers) are required for the whole process.
● It helps in developing good quality software

● STLC is mainly related to software testing.
● It focuses only on testing the software.
● In STLC, less number of members (testers) are needed.
● Goal of STLC is to complete successful testing of software.
● It helps in making the software defects free.

17. What is Test Data?

Test data is the data that is used by the testers to run the test cases
For example, To test a basic login functionality having a user id, password fields. We need to
enter some data in the user id and password fields. That data is called test data.

18. What is Unit Testing?

Unit Testing is also called Module Testing or Component Testing. It is done to check whether
the individual unit or module of the source code is working properly.

19. What is Integration Testing?

Integration Testing is the process of testing the interface between the two modules or how
the modules are integrated.
20. What are the approaches in the Integration testing?

Integration testing is done in two ways.

● Big Bang Approach,
● Incremental Approach : Top-Down Approach, Bottom-Up Approach, Sandwich/Hybrid

21. What is System Testing?

Testing the fully integrated application to evaluate the system’s with its specified
requirements is called System Testing or End to End testing. Verifying the completed system
to ensure that the application works as intended or not.

22. What is the Big Bang Approach?

Combining all the modules once and verifying the functionality after completion of individual
module testing.

23. What is Top-Down Approach?

Testing takes place from top to bottom. High-level modules are tested first and then low-level
modules and finally integrating the low-level modules to a high level to ensure the system is
working as intended. Stubs are used as a temporary module if a module is not ready for
integration testing.

24. What is Bottom-Up Approach?

It is a reciprocate of the Top-Down Approach. Testing takes place from bottom to up. Lowest
level modules are tested first and then high-level modules and finally integrating the
high-level modules to a low level to ensure the system is working as intended. Drivers are
used as a temporary module for integration testing.

25. What is Hybrid or Sandwich Approach ?

In the sandwich/hybrid strategy is a combination of Top Down and Bottom up approaches.

Here, top modules are tested with lower modules at the same time lower modules are
integrated with top modules and tested.
This strategy makes use of stubs as well as drivers.

26. What is Functional Testing?

In simple words, what the system actually does is functional testing. To verify that each
function of the software application behaves as specified in the requirement document.
To verify whether the actual output is matching the expected output or not.

27. What is Non-Functional Testing?

In simple words, how well the system performs is non-functionality testing. Non-functional
testing refers to various aspects of the software such as performance, load, stress,
scalability, security, compatibility etc., Main focus is to improve the user experience on how
fast the system responds to a request.
28. What is Severity and its types
Defect Severity is defined by the level or the degree of impact by the defect on the
application under test. Higher the severity of the defect, the more is the impact on the

Following are the 4 classes in which a defect severity is categorized:

● BLocker
● Critical
● Major
● Minor

29.What is defect and its types

Defect priority defines the order in which the defect should be resolved first and how
immediately the defect should be resolved as soon as possible.

Following are the 3 classes in which a defect priority is defined:

● High
● Medium
● Low

30. Who is part of scrum team

● Project Owner – who has the responsibility of managing the product backlog. Works with
end users and customers and provides proper requirements to the team to build the
proper product.
● Scrum Master – who works with the scrum team to make sure each sprint gets complete
on time. Scrum master ensures proper work flow to the team.
● Scrum Team – Each member in the team should be self-organized, dedicated and
responsible for high quality of the work.

31. What is agile methodology

Agile is a software development methodology to build a software incrementally using short
iterations of 1 to 4 weeks so that the development is aligned with the changing business

32. What is a task board in Agile?

Task board is dashboard which shows progress of the project. It contains:
● User Story: which has the actual business requirement.
● To Do: Tasks that can be worked on.
● In Progress: Tasks in progress.
● To Verify: Tasks pending for verification or testing
● Done: Completed tasks.
33. What is a daily stand up meeting?
The daily stand-up is an everyday meeting (most preferably held in the morning) in which the
whole team ( Scrum Master , developer , tester) meets for almost 15 minutes to find answer
to the following three questions
● What was done yesterday?
● What is your plan for today?
● Is there any impediment or block that restricts you from completing your task?
Daily stand-up is an effective way to motivate the team and make them set a goal for the

34. What are impediments?

Impediments are the obstacles or issues faced by scrum teams which slow down their speed
of work.
Some of the impediments are given as
● Resource missing or sick team member
● Technical, operational, organizational problems
● Lack of management supportive system
● Business problems
● External issues such as weather, war etc
● Lack of skill or knowledge

35. What is the use of software testing techniques?

Software Testing Techniques help you design better test cases.
Since exhaustive testing is not possible.
Manual Testing Techniques help reduce the number of test cases to be executed while
increasing test coverage.

36. Types of software testing techniques.

5 important software testing techniques:
● Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
● Equivalence Class Partitioning
● Decision Table based testing.
● State Transition
● Error Guessing

37. What is boundary value analysis?

Boundary Value Analysis is also called as (BVA)
Boundary value analysis is based on testing at the boundaries between partitions.
It includes 6 parameters maximum, minimum, inside or outside boundaries.
Input condition is valid between 1 to 10 and Input values are 0,1,2 and 9,10,11

Valid input - 1,2,9,10

Invalid Input - 0, 11

38. What is the decision table?

● Decision table is an excellent tool to use in both testing and requirements management.
● Essentially it is a structured exercise to formulate requirements
● They can make it easy to see that all possible combinations of conditions and actions
● It is also called Cause-Effect Table

39. Examples of decision table with the below condition and actions? explain it in the table
Conditions to transfer money are
Account Already Approved
Sufficient Money in the account
Actions performed are
Transfer the Money
Show a message as insufficient Amount
Block the transaction.

40.What is state transition testing techniques?

State transition should be used when a testing team is testing the application for a limited set
of input values.
The technique should be used when the testing team wants to test sequence of events
which happen in the application.

41. Example for state transition testing techniques?

1) IF the user enters a valid password in any of the first three attempts the user will be able
to log in successfully. If the user enters the invalid password in the first or second try, the
user will be prompted to re-enter the password. When the user enters the password
incorrectly the 3rd time, the action has been taken, and the account will be blocked.
2) OTP

42 What is error guessing ?

● Error guessing is a software testing technique which is based on guessing the error .
● Error guessing mainly focuses on Exploratory testing in which application is already
developed and testing the application by exploring it without any formal requirement
documents and test cases.
● Error guessing is done by the experienced test engineers.

43. What is a use case document?

● Use cases are prepared from requirements.
● Use case is a representation of actions which describes the behaviour of a system to do
a particular task.
● Use Case documents are prepared by the BA(Business Analyst).
● Use Cases performs an important role in the requirement analysis phase of Software
Development Life Cycle, where the interaction of the user and the system is
44. Example for test case and test scenario.

For a Test Scenario: Check Login Functionality

● Test Case 1: Check results on entering valid User Id & Password
● Test Case 2: Check results on entering Invalid User ID & invalid Password
● Test Case 3: Check response when a User ID and password is Empty & Login Button is
● Test Case 4: Check results on entering Invalid User ID & valid Password
● Test Case 5: Check results on entering valid User ID & Invalid Password

45. What is Equivalence class partitioning ?

It is also called as ECP.
It is used to check the values of the test data.
For Example : Input condition is valid between a to z
Valid input - a to z(lower cases)
Invalid Input - A-Z(upper cases), special character, numbers and spaces.

46. What is compatibility testing

Compatibility testing ensures that software can run on a different configuration, different
database, different browsers, and their versions. Compatibility testing is performed by the
testing team.
This type of testing also validates whether web application runs on all versions of all
browsers or not.
Example : Working in Chrome but is not working in Internet

47. What is Exploratory testing?

An Exploratory Testing technique is performed without documentation and test cases.

Exploratory Testing is informal testing performed by the testing team. The objective of this
testing is to explore the application and look for defects that exist in the application.

48. Examples for High severity and low priority

49. Examples for low severity and High priority

50. Examples for low severity and low priority

51. What is bug report and explain in detail.

52. Explain Waterfall model , its advantages and disadvantages.

53. Explain V- model , its advantages and disadvantages.

54. When to use V model

55. When to use the Agile model.

56. Difference between retesting and regression testing

57. Difference between smoke and sanity testing

58. Difference between verification and validation.

59. Difference between sprint backlog / product backlog

60. Difference between Sprint planning meeting and sprint retrospective meeting.

61. What are the Inputs, activities, responsibilities and outcome of Test planning?

62. What are the Inputs, activities, responsibilities and outcome of writing test cases?

63. What are the Inputs, activities, responsibilities and outcome of executing the test

64. What are the Inputs, activities, responsibilities and outcome of Test closure?

65. Test cases for Whats app

66. Test cases for face book

67. Test cases for IRCTC app

68. Positive and Negative Test cases for Pen

Positive Test Cases for Pen

■ Verify the type of pen, whether it is a ballpoint pen, ink pen or gel pen.
■ Verify that the user is able to write clearly over different types of papers.
■ Verify the weight of the pen, it should be as per the specifications. In case not
mentioned in the specifications, the weight should not be too heavy to impact its
smooth operation.
■ Verify if the pen is with a cap or without a cap.
■ Verify the color of the ink of the pen.
■ Verify the odor of the pen’s ink on writing over a surface.
■ Verify the surfaces over which pen is able to write smoothly apart from paper e.g.
cardboard, rubber surface, etc.
■ Verify that the text written by the pen should have consistent ink flow without leaving
any blob.
■ Verify that the pen’s ink should not leak in case it is tilted upside down.
■ Verify if the pen’s ink should not leak at higher altitudes.
■ Verify if the text written by the pen is erasable or not.
■ Verify the functioning of pen on applying normal pressure during writing.
■ Verify the strength of the pen’s outer body. It should not be easily breakable.
■ Verify that text written by pen should not get faded before a certain time as
mentioned in the specification.
■ Verify if the text written by the pen is water-proof or not.
■ Verify that the user is able to write normally on tilting the pen at a certain angle
instead of keeping it straight while writing.
■ Check the grip of the pen, whether it provides adequate friction for the user to
comfortably grip the pen.
■ Verify if the pen can support multiple refills or not.
■ In the case of an ink pen, verify that the user is able to refill the pen with all the
supported ink types.
■ In the case of an ink pen, verify that the mechanism to refill the pen is easy to
■ In the case of a ballpoint pen, verify the size of the tip.
■ In the case of a ball and gel pen, verify that the user can change the refill of the pen

Negative Test Cases for Pen

The negative test cases include test cases that check the robustness and the behavior of the
application when subjected to unexpected conditions.

● Verify the functioning of a pen at extreme temperatures – much higher and lower
than room temperature.
● Verify the functioning of a pen at extreme altitude.
● Verify the functioning of a pen at zero gravity.
● Verify the functioning of the pen on applying extreme pressure.
● Verify the effect of oil and other liquids on the text written by a pen.
● Verify if the user is able to write with a pen when used against the gravity i.e. upside
● Verify the functioning of a pen when a user tries to write on unsupported surfaces
like glass, plastic, wood, etc.
● Verify if the pen works normally or not when used after immersing in water or any
other liquid for some period of time.

69. Positive and Negative Test cases for radio button, drop down button.

70. Test cases for Flipkart.

71. Test cases for amazon.

72. Test cases for Login page

73, Test cases for registration page

74. Test cases for Forgot Password page.

75. Test cases for lift.

74. What Are Basic Types Of Test Cases?

1. Positive test cases

2. Negative Test cases

77. What Is Test Cases For Mobile Phones ?

○ Check whether Battery is inserted into mobile properly
○ Check Switch on/Switch off of the Mobile
○ Insert the sim into the phone & Check
○ Add one user with name and phone number in Address book
○ Check the Incoming call
○ Check the outgoing call
○ send/receive messages for that mobile
○ Check all the numbers/Characters on the phone working fine by clicking on them..
○ Remove the user from phone book & Check removed properly with name and
phone number
○ Check whether Network working fine..
○ If it's GPRS enabled Check for the connectivity.

Test case for telephone:

○ To check connectivity of telephone line or cable
○ To check the modem to determine whether it is functioning or not
○ To check dial tone of the phone
○ To check the keypad while you dial any valid number on the phone
○ To check ring tone with its volume levels
○ To check voice of both sides (from and to) of the phone
○ To check display monitor if the phone has
○ To check redial option whether its functioning or not
○ To check the company standard of phone
○ To check the weight and color of the phone
○ To check loudspeaker whether it is functioning or not any missing above then you
can add any more test cases

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