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‘We use *at’ to express a precise time at 5 ociock at 22:30 pin at juncheime at the moment at midnight at sunrise at sunset A) Circle the correct alternative J Farmers pick cherries summer. avin byon Chat J Mollie's birenday is Tuesday so we have only two days to prepare a surprise party. ain byon chat Father's Day ] will give a nice present 20 my father. alin bron chat ‘The football match ii 8 O'CIOCK.Shall we watch it together? ain by on Chat get up early ‘the morning and have a big breakfase. ain yon cat ‘The bell rings oon and the seudenes have their lunch. alin bion chat Sarah Would like to gee a hice pink dress her birehday. ain yon cat My father sometimes Comes home late higne. alin bion chat will graduate from secondary schoo! 2025. ain yon chat 12. Turkish people Celebrate Children's Day ‘she April 23. alin bion chat §aLIVEWORKSHEETS ‘We use "on" before days and dares. We use “i before monehs,years,cen ‘turles and long on Friday period of time. ‘on Mondays on ¢ July on 27 Marcn 1966 ‘on Children's Day ‘on his birthday ‘on Mother's Day ip November in wineer in 2002, in the 20eh ceneury in Stone Age B) Fill in the bianks with the Prepositions of time “in , on , at’. 2 The meeting is going to stare. xen ecieck the morning. World Environment Day is June 5. Look! Phoebe is having toast and CoKe ‘the moment. [want to see the lions lunchtime. Benjamin Feels very tired Fridays.He has a French Course after school. Theo and Liam will be in Hawai uy. ‘They will spend their holiday there. ‘What does Hannah like doing er Free time? People play practical jokes on eaCh other April Fools’ Day. % Tels dangerous to go out nere pignt because there are wild animals. 2% 20 August 2008 Ellie and Finiey got married. 2 People in this village pick mushrooms spring after a (ot OF rain. 2 will Finish university and get a good job 2028. +B Jayden and Lexi mee a cold and snowy day in Paris. 3 Some people wake UP jogging. 3% ] think people will travel by Flying Cars ‘the 22nd century. sunrise and go

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