Social Justice Action Project

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Social Justice Action Project

You will have 4-5 lessons to inquire into a current Social Justice issue and present your finding to the
class to raise awareness of the issue. You can be in a group of up to 4.

To complete this you will need to do the following:

 Select a current social justice issue (this can be any scale, local or international)
 Research into the issue to give key details. What is this issue? which aspect of social justice
does it impact? what/where/why/when has this happened?
 A clear plan of how you could raise awareness of the issue and a proposal of what action you
would take to ‘stand up’ for the issue - this is just a plan, but should be SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and have a Time frame)
 Give a presentation to the class with all these key details

You will be given a mark out of 25 (Planning, Research, Presentation, Creativity & Group work)

Planning sheet:

1. Possible Issues to investigate:

Our chosen issue: __________________________________________ Teacher seen: _____________

2. Research plan:

Brainstorm/list things that you will need to find out about

3. Discuss and note down possible ways of raising awareness and potential actions to help raise
awareness, funds, support for your issue:

4. Group responsibilities – who is doing what?

Name Responsibilities

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