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Lesson Plan

Batch & Term : Batch 28 & Term - III Academic Year: 2022-

2023 Course : IT Project Management Duration: Jan ’23 –

Apr’23 Faculty Member

: Prof. (Dr.) T. Muthukumar Course Credits: 2
Course Outcomes

To understand the concept of a project and differentiate it from regular


CO2 To discuss and delineate the different process groups in a project

To expose the student to the different knowledge areas of Scope, Time,

Quality, Risk, Cost and Stakeholder management

CO4 To understand the tools and techniques used in different knowledge areas

To assess project performance on various dimensions keeping in mind the

project constraints of Cost, Scope and Schedule

Pedagogical Approach
The course will involve reading of selected chapters from the recommended text book and
the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). The instructor will facilitate
discussions of cases which call for intensive preparation before the class. Lectures, PPT,
Cases form the main pedagogical tools.
Course Evaluation
Assessment tool Percentage of final
Attendance and 5%
Class participation 10%
Assignment/Projects/Any other tests 20%
Midterm test 25 %
End term test 40%
Total 100%
Text Book:
Project Management, The Managerial Process by Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson, Gautam
V. Desai
Reference Books: The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK 7th Edition),
Project Management Institute, NJ, USA

Session-wise plan is outlined below:

S. Topics No of
No Sessio
1 Modern Project Management – Definition of a project 1
2 Project life cycle 1
3 Current drivers of project management 1
4 Project Governance, a socio-technical approach to project management 1
5 Project Scope, Project Priorities, create a Work Breakdown Structure 1
6 Integrating the WBS with the Organization, Coding the WBS for the 2
Information System
7 Estimating Project Times and Costs – Factors influencing the Quality of 2
Estimates, Guidelines for Estimation of Times, Costs, and Resources
8 Top-down versus Bottom-up Estimation, Methods for Estimation, Types of 1
Costs, refining estimates, creating a database for estimating
9 Developing a Project Plan – Developing the project network, from work 2
package to network, constructing a project network, Activity-on-Node
10 Network computation process, Using the forward and backward pass 2
information, Level of detail for activities
11 Managing Risk – Risk Management Process, Contingency Planning, 1
Opportunity Management, Change Control Management
12 Scheduling Resources and Costs – Resource scheduling problem, Types 1
of resource constraints, Classification of a scheduling problem, resource
allocation methods.
13 Benefits of scheduling resources, assigning project work, using the 1
resource schedule to develop a project cost baseline
14 Introduction to Quality Management – QA, Plan Quality, Control 1
15 Cost Management – Earned Value calculations, Variance analysis, Cost 2
Baseline, Cost Budget, Management Reserves, Contingency Reserves
Total 20

Prepared on: 7.10.2022

Prepared by: Prof. (Dr.) T. Muthukumar Approved by:

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