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Multi-party system

38. Among ASEAN nations, which hasa political system closest to that of theU.S?

A. Philippines

B. Singapore

C. Malaysia

D. Thailand

39. What type of research can better be ensure relevance in planning development of

A. Survey

B. Needs Analysis

C. Interview

D. Case study

40. What economic policy in China propelled it to becoming the second industrialized nation
in the world today?

A. Welfare socialism

B. Industrialism

C. Socialist capitalism

D. Maoist communal ownership

41. EXCEPT for the ______ factor, these are the facts of “inclusivity” identified for eradicating extreme
poverty in the Philippines

.A. sectoral

B. spatial

C. locational

D. Tempora

l42. For spatial inclusivity, the _____program can limit the population to widen habitation
space for people.

A. planned parenthood

B. contraceptives

C. sterilization

D. free condoms
43. In terms of funding resources what can be the federal system contribute to eliminate extreme

A. Nationalization

B. Decentralization

C. Urbanization

D. Privatization

44. The 1987 Constitution protects the unborn and prohibits _________

.A. use of contraceptives

B. medical abortion

C. induced abortion

D. voluntary sterilization

45. A broadly encompassing change in___ is involved by combatting climate change through lesser
use of electricity, air-conditioning, and garbage burning.

A. lifestyle

B. attitude

C. sentiment

D. Feeling

46. China’s aggressive global commerce has created ____ tension in trade and commerce especially
for the incoming Trump U.S administration.

A. ideological

B. economic

C. political

D. Sociological

47. From a global viewpoint, NorthKorea’s aggressive militarization and nuclear posturing is a
threat to ____.

A. U.S democratic advocacy

B. South Korean security

C. world peace

D. South China Sea commercial zone

48. Which incidence of global threat arises suspicion rather than concrete evidence?
A. Iran’s nuclear arms

B. North Korea’s militarization

C. ISIS’s terrorism

D. Hamas rockets upon Israel

49. What is the religious divide within Islam that causes a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

A. Iran against Hamas

B. Saudi Arabia against AlQueda

C. Hamas against ISIS

D. Shiites against Sunnis

50. What methodology is used for research on political and social issues by pollsters, such as
SS and Pulse Asia?

A. Field research

B. Survey

C. Case study

D. Experiment

51. What initiative can make the Philippine government system closer to the federal system of
the U.S?

A. Charter Change

B. People’s Initiative

C. Referendum

D. Election Recall

52. What is the basis in the 1987Constitution for prohibiting the teaching of Religion in public

A. Focus on Basic Education subjects

B. Values Education in the basic education curriculum

C. Freedom of religious conscience

D. Separation of church and state

53. An approach that is ______ is theneeded response to extreme povertyin the world.

A. multi-dimensional

B. multi-lateral
C. multi-diverse

D. multi-national

54. Which does NOT comprise a real security alliance?

A. U.S Philippines joint military training

B. U.S Japan security agreement

C. U.S – APEC cooperation

D. U.S – Russia common objective against ISIS

55. What is the hidden conflict in the war in Syria?

A. Syrian ruler Assad against Syrian rebels

B. U.S against Russia

C. Syria against ISISD. Syria against UN

56. The setting up of _____ is a key to issue facing Israel and Palestinians in the grip Gaza Strip.

A. anti-rocket missile

B. border wall

C. population growth of Palestinians

D. state of Palestine

57. Federalism in the Philippines can grant _______ to the regions

.A. autonomy

B. sovereignty

C. statehood

D. fiscal independence

58. What factors/conditions would result to inclusive development in the Philippines?

A. Foreign aid and loans

B. Foreign direct investments for job creation

C. Increased number of OFW’s

D. Increased local and foreign scholarship

59. All, Most, Some is a curriculum planning model conceived by Schumm, Vaughn, and Leavell
(1994).Why is it inclusive model?

A. It is designed to cater for alllearners in a class.

B. It is designed for learners with disabilities.

C. It is designed for gifted learners.

D. It is designed for the hearing impaired.

60. Facets of ____ personality of a people may explain the paradox that the Philippines is
rated by Transparency International as one of the most corrupt in Asia, and yet 80%of its
population profess the Catholic Religion.

A. political

B. cultural

C. ideological

D. Economic

61. Among industrialized countries which is the biggest remitter of CO2(by 31%) that cause
global warming of the globe?

A. United States

B. India

C. China

D. France

62. Providing long-term food aid to poor countries, e.g. Ethiopia disadvantageous due to
negative effect of __.

A. dependence

B. malnutrition


D. Anarchy

63. Created in 2008 was a new legal framework for Southeast Asian nations known as the ASEAN _____.

A. Document

B. Charter

C. Principles

D. Declaration

II. Research (12%)Scientific Reasoning and Thinking 6%

2.1 Demonstrate competence in scientific reasoning and criticalthinking6%Research in Social Science 6%

2.2 Demonstrate competence in the conduct of social scienceresearch5%
2.3 Apply social science research models and methodology inactual research activity1%

64. Among early Greek philosophers_________ introduced empirical

knowledge by use of observation to explain universal truths.

A. Plato

B. Socrates

C. Aristotle

D. Thales

65. What method of thinking-and-learning draws from the general qualities of knowledge to
particular knowledge?

A. Induction

B. Deduction

C. Discovery

D. Problem solving

66. In which situation do we insist on belonging to a group thus resisting the risk of being different?

A. Conformism

B. Radicalism

C. Anarchism

D. Pessimism

67. What aspect of inquiry is NOT related to ethical conduct in research?

A. Security of participants

B. Respect of confidentiality

C. Voluntary participation by respondents

D. Limitation of research scope

68. The systematic explanation of observed phenomena drawn from social manifestation or
patterns in social life is ______________.

A. hypothesis

B. theory

C. assumption

D. Truth
69. Scientific inquiries conducted on social change over a period of time are______________.

A. trend studies

B. cohort studies

C. panel studies

D. case studies

70. The two essential dimensions in teaching Social Science are ______ and________.

A. observing and inferring

B. seeing and listening

C. searching and imparting

D. knowing and thinking

71. Concentration in thinking which leads to a constant, unbroken line of thought is __________.

A. infusion

B. focus

C. intention

D. Direction

72. A comprehensive list of important or relevant actions to be completed in a specific order is a

______.A. pattern

B. matrix

C. checklist

D. report73.

The type of evaluation which examines outcome and comes up with

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