Meb Major Snapshot

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Molecular Environmental Biology Major Snapshot

Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management

The Molecular Environmental Biology (MEB) major is designed to expose students to the organization and
function of biological organisms at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels. Molecular
approaches are expected to play an increasing role in environmental problem-solving in the near future,
and their success will depend upon a sound understanding of biological principles from molecular through
ecological levels. This major is ideal for pre-med and pre-vet students, as a foundation for graduate study
in biology, and for career preparation in biotechnology, environmental consulting, and conservation
resource management.

ESPM Student Affairs is located in 260 Mulford Hall. The Academic Advisors for MEB are available to answer
most of your questions about the major. Students are encouraged to drop in weekdays between 9:00 -
12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00.

Research Opportunities i College Honors Program i Medical School i Health Professions

Students with a GPA of 3.6 or higher may enroll in the College of Natural Resources Honors Program
(H196) once they have reached upper division standing. To fulfill the program requirements, students
design, conduct, and report on an individual research project working with a faculty sponsor. For more
information, visit

In addition to the Berkeley campus Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP), CNR
students can also apply for the CNR Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). Visit for details.

Students who graduate with a degree in Molecular Environmental Biology go on to a variety of health-
related careers or graduate programs. The MEB career snapshot is located at Information about academic preparation in the health
professions can be found at

Getting a Degree

To earn a Bachelor of Science from U.C. Berkeley in Molecular Environmental Biology, students must fulfill unit and
GPA requirements, university and campus requirements, college requirements, and major requirements. Please see
the major advisor for more details about the major requirements.

Unit and GPA Requirements

In order to graduate, students must complete a total of 120 units, 36 of which must be upper division units. Students
must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, and a 2.0 GPA in the courses required for the major.

University and Campus Requirements

Subject A American History & Institutions
American Cultures (if taken for a letter grade, this course may overlap with a Social & Behavioral Science course)

College Requirements

Two courses in Reading & Composition (8 units): R1A and R1B
15 upper division units must be in the College of Natural Resources (EEP, ES, ESPM, NST, PMB)

Molecular Environmental Biology Major Requirements

Lower Division Requirements: (note: all courses must be taken for a letter grade)
ESPM Environmental Science Core: 1 course from ESPM 2, 6, or C10 (L&S C30V)
ESPM Social Science Core: 1 course from ESPM C11 (L&S C30U), ESPM C12, ESPM 50AC or 60
One course (3-4 units) in Arts & Literature, Historical Studies, or Philosophy & Values
One course (3-4 units) in Social & Behavioral Sciences or International Studies
Select courses from "7 Breadth listing:
Chemistry 1A (4 units) effective Summer 2011: Chem 1A (3 units) & Chem 1AL (1 unit)
Chemistry 3A and lab (5 units)
Chemistry 3B and lab (5 units)
Biology 1A and lab (5 units) and Biology 1B (4 units) NOTE: Bio 1B may be taken prior to Bio 1A.
Math 16A (or 1A) and Math 16B (or 1B) NOTE: For Areas of Concentration #2, 3, or 5, Math 16B/1B may be replaced by
Statistics 2, 20, 25, PH 142A or Stat 131A.
Physics 8A: 4 units. NOTE: For pre-med majors, Physics 8B is required in addition to Physics 8A.
Two courses in Reading & Composition (8 units): R1A & R1B (University Requirement)

Upper Division Requirements:
15 upper division units must be taken in the College of Natural Resources (EEP, ES, ESPM, NST, PMB)
Biological Core: select one course from each of the seven categories below:
1. Biochemistry
MCB 102: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4) MCB 110: General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4)
2. Molecular Biology/Genetics
PMB 160: Plant Molecular Genetics (3), PMB 160L (1)
IB 141: Human Genetics (3)
IB 161: Population and Evolutionary Genetics (4)
IB 162: Ecological Genetics (4)
IB 164: Human Genetics and Genomics (4)

MCB 140: General Genetics (4)
MCB 104: Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology (4)
3. Cell & Developmental Biology
MCB 130: Cell Biology (4)
MCB 130 A: Cell and Systems Biology (4)
MCB 133 L: Physiology and Cell Biology Lab (4)
MCB 141: Developmental Biology (3)
MCB 135E: Physiology of Human Development (3)

MCB 137: Computer Simulation in Biology (3)
PMB C112/MCB C112: General Microbiology (4)
PMB 150 & L: Plant Cell Biology (3,1)
PH 162A: Public Health Microbiology (3), PH 162L (1)
4. Organismal Physiology
ESPM 144: Insect Physiology (3)
IB 132: Survey of Human Physiology (3)
IB 140: Human Reproduction (4)
IB 148: Comparative Animal Physiology (3)

MCB 136: Physiology (4)
NS 103: Nutrient Function and Metabolism (3)
PMB 135 & L: Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants (3,1)
5. Organismal Diversity
ESPM 106: American Wildlife (3), lab included
ESPM 108A: Trees: Taxonomy, Growth & Struct. (3), lab included
ESPM 115B: Biology of Aquatic Insects (3)
ESPM 132: Spider Biology (4), lab included
ESPM C138/ (PB)C114: Intro to Comparative Virology (4)
ESPM 140: General Entomology (4), lab included
IB 102 & L: Introduction to California Plant Life (2,2)
IB 103 & L: Invertebrate Zoology (3,2)
IB 104 & L: Natural History of the Vertebrates (3,2)
IB 168 & L: Systematics of Vascular Plants (2,2)
PMB C102 & L / IB C101 & L: Diversity of Plants and Fungi (2,2)
PMB 110 & L: Biology of Fungi (2,2)
PMB 113: California Mushrooms (3)
PMB C116/ MCB C116: Microbial Diversity (3)
PMB 120 & L Biology of Algae (2, 2)
6. Ecology
ESPM 102A: Resource Ecology (4)
ESPM 110: Primate Ecology (4)
ESPM 111: Ecosystem Ecology (3)
ESPM 112: Microbial Ecology (3)
ESPM 113: Insect Ecology (2)
ESPM 114: Wildlife Ecology (3)

ESPM 115C: Fish Ecology (3)
ESPM 116A, B or C: Forest, Range, or Tropical Ecology (3 or 4)
ESPM 119: Chemical Ecology (2)
ESPM 131: Soil Microbial Ecology (3)
ESPM C149/IB C149: Molecular Ecology (4)
IB 153: Population and Community Ecology (3)
IB 154 & L: Plant Population and Community Ecology (2, 2)
7. One Senior Seminar from the following:
ESPM 192: Molecular Approaches to Environmental Problem
Solving (2) FALL ONLY

PMB 170: Modern Applications of Plant Biotechnology (3)
SPRING (Only for those who are gone during Fall of Senior Year)
Lab Requirement: two upper division courses either in the Biological Core or Area of Concentration -
must include a lab. One 3-4 unit independent study lab may be used to fulfill one lab requirement.

Area of Concentration Requirement: Select 12 units from one concentration below. View courses at (or see next page). Up to four independent study
units (e.g., ESPM 199, ESPM H196) may be applied to the concentration.
Molecular Environmental Biology Major Requirements

x ESPM C103 /IB C156: Principles of Conservation Biology [4]
x ESPM 106: American Wildlife: Identification and Conservation (3)
(includes a lab)
x ESPM 110: Primate Ecology(4)
x ESPM 114: Wildlife Ecology (3)
x ESPM 142: Insect Behavior
x ESPM 145: Arthropod-Borne Zoonotic Diseases: Basic Principles and
Methods (2)
x ESPM 146: Medical/Veterinary Entomology (3)
x ESPM 146L: Medical and Veterinary Entomology Laboratory (1)
x ESPM 188: Case Histories in Wildlife Management (2)
x IB 104 & L: Natural History of the Vertebrates (3,2)
x IB C143A /Psych C113: Biological Clocks: Physiology & Behavior (3)
x IB C143B /Psych C116: Hormones and Behavior (3)
x IB C144 /Psych C115B: Animal Behavior (4)
x IB 146: Behavioral Ecology (3)
x IB 148: Comparative Animal Physiology (3)
x IB 186: Evolution of Hominid Behavior [4]
x Psych 121: Animal Cognition (3)

x ESPM 106: American Wildlife: Identification and Conservation [3]
(includes a lab)
x ESPM 108A: Trees: Taxonomy, Growth and Structures (3) (includes
a lab)
x ESPM 115B: Biology of Aquatic Insects [3]
x ESPM 132 & L: Spider Biology [4]
x ESPM 140: General Entomology (4) (includes a lab)
x ESPM 147: Field Entomology: "Ants, "Beetles, and "Spiders (1
unit each) SP. All three courses must be completed to equal one
"lab course.
x IB 102 & L: Introduction to California Plant Life [2, 2]
x IB 103 & L: Invertebrate Zoology (3,2)
x IB 104 & L: Natural History of the Vertebrates (3,2)
x IB 160: Evolution [4]
x IB 166: Evolutionary Biogeography [4]
x IB 168 & L: Systematics of Vascular Plants (2,2)
x IB 173 & L: Mammalogy [2, 3]
x IB 174 & L: Ornithology [2, 2]
x IB 175 & L: Herpetology [2, 2]
x IB 183: Evolution of the Vertebrates (3)
x IB 183L: Laboratory in Vertebrate Evolution [1]
x PMB C102 & L / IB C101 & L: Diversity of Plants and Fungi (2,2)
x PMB 110 & L: Biology of Fungi (2,2)
x PMB 113: California Mushrooms (3) (includes a lab)
x PMB C116 /MCB C116: Microbial Diversity (3)
x PMB 120 & L Biology of Algae (2,2)

x ESPM 102A: Resource Ecology (4)
x ESPM C103 /IB C156: Principles of Conservation Biology (4)
x ESPM 110: Primate Ecology (4)
x ESPM C104/EEP C115: Modeling and Management of Biological
Resources (4)
x ESPM C107/IB C158/Geog C142/: Bio. & Geomorphol. Trop. Islands
(13) F, admission by application only *
x ESPM 111: Ecosystem Ecology (3)
x ESPM 112: Microbial Ecology (3)
x ESPM 113: Insect Ecology (2)
x ESPM 114: Wildlife Ecology (3)
x ESPM 115B: Aquatic Insects (3)
x ESPM 115C: Fish Ecology (3)
x ESPM 116B: Range Ecology (3)
x ESPM 116C: Tropical Forest Ecology (3)
x ESPM 117: Urban Garden Ecosystems (4)
x ESPM 118: Agricultural Ecology (3)
x ESPM 119: Chemical Ecology (2)
x ESPM 131: Soil Microbiology (3)
x ESPM 134: Fire, Insects, and Diseases in Forest Ecosystems (3)
x ESPM 146 & L: Medical/Veterinary Entomology (3,1)
x ESPM 147: Field Entomology: "Ants, "Beetles, and "Spiders (1
unit each) SP. All three courses = one lab course.
x ESPM C149 /IB C149: Molecular Ecology (4)
x ESPM 173: Introduction to Ecological Data Analysis (3)
x ESPM 174: Design and Analysis of Ecological Research (3)
x ESPM C180: Air Pollution (3)
x ESPM 181: Wildland Fire Science (3)
x ESPM 188: Case Histories in Wildlife Management (2)
x PMB 180: Environmental Plant Biology (2)
x IB 102 & L: Introduction to California Plant Life [2, 2]
x IB 151: Physiological Ecology of Plants (3)
x IB 153: Population and Community Ecology (3)
x IB 154 & L: Plant Ecology (2,2)

* For the 13-unit ESPM C107: Biology & Geomorphology of Tropical Islands, a maximum
of 4 units can be applied to an area of concentration. This course can also satisfy for
one laboratory course. Students can petition for having some units fulfill additional
x Anthro 135: Paleoethnobotany: Archaeological Methods and
Laboratory Techniques [4]
x ESPM C138/ (PB)C114: Introduction to Comparative Virology (4)
x ESPM 145: Arthropod-Borne Zoonotic Diseases: Basic Principles
and Methods (2)
x ESPM 146L: Medical and Veterinary Entomology Laboratory (1)
x ESPM C148 /NS C114: Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology (3)
x ESPM C159: Human Diet (4)
x ESPM 162: Bioethics (4)
x ESPM 167: Environmental Health and Development (3)
x IB N116: Medical Parasitology (4) (lab included)
x IB 117: Medical Ethnobotany [2]
x IB 117L: Medical Ethnobotany Laboratory [2]
x IB 131: General Human Anatomy (3)
x IB 131L: General Human Anatomy Lab (2)
x IB 137: General Endocrinology (4)
x IB 140: Biology & Sociobiology of Human Reproduction (4)
x IB C143A /Psych C113: Biological Clocks: Physiology & Behavior (3)
x IB C143B /Psych C116: Hormones and Behavior (3)
x IB C144 /Psych C115B: Animal Behavior (4)
x MCB 135 A: Molecular Endocrinology (3)
x MCB 150: Molecular Immunology (4)
x MCB 165: Molecular Neurobiology (3)
x NST 103: Nutrient Function and Metabolism (3)
x NST 106: Intro to Food Science (3)
x NST 110: Food Toxicology (3)
x NST C119: Advanced Toxicology (3)
x NST 160: Human Nutrition (3)
x NST 166: Nutrition in the Community (3)
x PMB C103 /MCB C103: Bacterial Pathogenesis (3)
x PH 103: Drugs, Health and Society (2)
x PH 104A, B: Health Promotion in a College Setting (2,2)
x PH 105: Policy, Planning, and Evaluation of Health Promotion in a
College Setting (3)
x PH 114: Issues in Personal and Community Health Promotion (3)
x PH 116: Seminar on Social, Political and Health Issues in Health
and Medicine (2)
x PH 150B: Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences (3)
x Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3)

Note: ESPM 140: General Entomology is required for this concentration.

x ESPM 113: Insect Ecology (2)
x ESPM 115B: Aquatic Insects (3)
x ESPM 132: Spider Biology (4)
x ESPM 134: Fire, Insects, and Diseases in Forest Ecosystems (3)
x ESPM 140: General Entomology (4) (includes a lab)
x ESPM 144: Insect Physiology (3)
x ESPM 145: Arthropod-Borne Zoonotic Diseases: Basic Principles and
Methods (2)
x ESPM 146 & L: Medical/Veterinary Entomology (3,1)
x ESPM 147: Field Entomology: "Ants, "Beetles, and "Spiders (1
unit each) SP. Taking all three courses = one lab course.
x ESPM 148: Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology (3)
x ESPM 172: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (3)

x CE 114: Environmental Microbiology (3)
x ESPM 112: Microbial Ecology (3)
x ESPM 131: Soil Microbiology (2)
x ESPM C138/PB C114/MCB C114: Intro to Comparative Virology (4)
x MCB 113: Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry (2)
x MCB C148: Microbial Genomics and Genetics (4)
x PMB C103/ MCB C103/ PH C102 Bacterial Pathogenesis (3)
x PMB C112/ MCB C112: General Microbiology (4)
x PMB C112L/MCB C112L: General Microbiology Lab (2)
x PMB C116/MCB C116: Microbial Diversity (3)
x PH 162A, 162L: Public Health Microbiology (3, 1)

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