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I know that many of the people who are here are moms or will be moms
soon, or maybe you only want to help someone who’s expecting a baby. 

So, I invite you to think about a baby, these wonderful creatures, and

please think about   a gift for a baby (your son, your brother, your sister, or
other baby)  

Probably you think in clothes, shoes, cribs, bathtub, baby bottles or other
normal things.

Please raise your hand, who thought of breast milk instead? 

I Know, normally we don't think in this important part, we always hear how
difficult pregnancy is, the physical changes in the body, how painful it can
be. (I'm sure that all of us at some point in our lives imagine this scene,
even you men, believe me if you had to endure those pains you would die).

Usually nobody tells us about the breastfeeding process.  And I want to tell

you my experience. 

When I was in the job of child bearing, I had some problems with my health
and I could not breastfeed my baby during the first three days of his life,
the nurses fed him with formulas.

When I got better, they gave me the baby to feed him, but the baby only
wanted formula, because no matter how crazy it may seem, they are too
intelligent and they get used to it quickly. I felt Frustrated.  

Maybe you think for what reason, she felt frustrated? Use formula and the
problem is solved. And I thought like this before being a mom, but right
now I think different because I investigated the importance of breast milk.

Did you know that, thanks to breast milk, 1.4 million children decrease
infant mortality? or that within the first hour postpartum we can avoid 22%
of neonatal deaths thanks to breast milk. 

When I understood how important breast milk is,  I did everything I could to
feed my baby with breast milk, and I visited a lactation consultant who
helped me a lot. Her name is Rosangel, please check her instagram profile
@lactanciasocial,  if you can follow her, She  shares very useful content.

I followed some tips from Rosangel,  and I was able to breastfeed my baby,
the process was not easy but it's been completely worth it. For me the
process of breastfeed is your way to communicate with your baby. and
there is no formula in the world that achieves this.

After this I visited the premature children that are born at the Caja de
Seguro Social, here in Panama, and I decided to be a breast milk donor,
because this saves the lives of thousands of premature children, if any of
you can donate, do it, you would be saving many lives.
Gentlemen, you can also help by donating containers to store this liquid
gold. They should be glasses with plastic lids, maybe they have some at
home like coffee containers. 

and please when you see a mom breastfeeding her baby, don't see it as a
bad thing because it is not.

Nowadays  society has  made us believe that breastfeeding must be

something bad, when I Feeding my baby in some public place everyone
around me looked   at me as if  I was doing something wrong.

If you go to the toy store and buy a doll for your daughter, you can see that
the doll brings a bottle to feed her, for small  things like these our mentality
has changed, and now we think it is more normal to feed the baby with a
bottle and not with breast milk.

Or maybe you think I am a working woman, I should give my baby formula

because is my only option, but it is not , you can create your milk bank, you
can put your milk in the refrigerator and freeze it, I recommend you start
making your milk bank a month before from starting to work I did that and
it worked wonders, my baby is a healthy and very strong child.

Also, your economy will thank you.

Today we are trying to get society to see the process of breastfeeding as

normal again, even famous people around the world do it, like singer Pink,
Beyonce, Gigi, follow their example of love  and feed your baby with breast

Thank You

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