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Oz © ignou rhe peOrLES | UNIVERSITY INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Assignment Submission for Term-End Exam _2 0 2 4 ENROLLMENT NUMBER: NAME OF THE STUDENT STUDENT ADDRESS x of BETTING » W- CARMPARAN PROGRAMME TITLE & CODE DLA TICAL SCTENCE! BHPLA COURSE TITLE ad a “THEORY COURSE CODE > _ QRgemioy REGIONAL CENTRE NAME & CODE: PATMALOS STUDY CENTRE NAME & CODE An SE , BORTN RoAD20$25 MOBILE NUMBER : (AE oo RR] E-MAIL ID : Maushiaishse bin O_ ganail-covm DATE OF SUBMISSION: 2°79. (SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT) eee bob ee bb be hHUTE OTR eee s, yey SS pet i ate ne rena tes ignou Sonne eet 170088 GRIESE Indira Gandhi National Open University Woldan GarhiNew De 10058 Enrolment Number: 2252273465 7 [ Re Code: 05: PATNA the _BAPSH: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Poltical Science KHUSHI KUMARI ‘SHASHI BHUSHAN MISHRA 22522) “ Asaress Central City, Srinagar, Bettiah, West Champaran we Be BIHAR Pin Code: 245438 core 4 BPSC -101: UNDERSTANDING POLITICAL THEORY (TUTOR MARKED A\ ]GNMENT) Course code: BPSC-101 OV/ASST/TMA/2022-23 Marks: 100 Assignment Code: BPS ‘There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the Sections, Assignment - 1 Answer the following in about 500 words each. 1. Discuss the relationship between political theory and other inter —related terms. 20 2. Explain what is polities. Assignment - IT Answer the following questions in about 250 words each. 1. Write a note on classical Liberalism. i 2. What do you understand by the theory of Surplus Value? Elaborate. 10 3. What is Conservatism? Explain with reference to the views of Edmund Burke. 10 Assignment - 11 Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. 1. Write a note on the First Wave of femi Examine Jean Francois Lyotard’s views on Post ~Modernism, cal theory. Distinguish between procedural and sustentative democracy, Examine any one theory of democracy. yReN ‘What is the foreign policy dimension of democrac’ aanaaea ? Elaborate, oj a - Menih | Deseun te velahonsihip berun political ttory andl othex tnter- rela 1 be made betuucrar polrheal theory ariel Fina Liat Beh oe folitical acienee, pebtital prileropiry aud politcal relewlogy, theugh many weak Wem taterenaugeably, te cbiffet ntiation betwen pebheal tory and political Aue weiss because of He gerunal stiff, entelleclual priteptears brouglt obouk by mocleun avernee, Geliheal Sunes has frend to provicle plausbe | Lgeneratachion and (aun about polities and pobincal benravicur, Heb hical tacevy ve tet upon pobihical prunomenon , prowue and [lnnhtubens ancl ev achial pebheal beraviewr by subjeching tt to phiteioplucal ov trical. 4 covniclou tne funcomental gue: namely, + He scleal form of life Hata human being ought to bead uuteie) a angen commuruty, fn Het proen of amuwuvg tmnumechose ane lecal quero, 1¢ addrene pevenual imu, ULWith us uty @ dtuely of He Monical teak fovr~m an tmpertank Comp | enent of me daupline, [ol camic in pobiical taeory han tae wienhed Mgrelionh of a greek Utena wors, eunict impite of th Local acting chal uur Me poemuel prebleo of life cuthuu, plete, peeple or Hime, bute Of Hue entre humankind : i a |Goareal Heory ancl Hebincal aurnee , ber GH0 infexvelane aud Suppluvuentry to (ath oMUXK. own, doit aovt of Levnion prveiy ever Hove tnt latienmup. Aecordivg to ene vite, ' ee heal ¢ Muory aa ra gue ben a majer cakegory wen includ len bein Febiicat Sune ancl Feb priteropoy . tht Acco 1 ee Hen cal aviniee wr uuder, whic olevg a [aut th A Auentifie compere -Giun proper plete beter bo pebihial Lpirlerophy aveel fotincae Macory. 5 Mert of indian avd gan lnivewnes haue actepled Meer Met Haivd views belies in a value- -free polincal sucne, having no [relation with unvey fable valuen or political waorien . seit of He vacdical beavis uphold Hats viuw, ar veqaucl Hic inta- Watiowbip, @tiv maintan a brouder peupettire. eae deg fo | hina, political theory involves Cormmen anrm an wall ar value _| determination, [Gbuneal pri lesoptry ancl Hobilical Muory att two AubjueH Mak | differ frome each other ta wxtain ape, Feliheat prilesepiy heats — | | euite bepita, namely, juice, pro ety, Wont, Lbviby ariel laut ) LOn the ofner hand, politcal eneovy ceo wwitn He Haory of politics lane hew Le engnatel, thar us Hu baste Ciffereerce berwecny | pebhcat prvlorphy avd pobltical prcovy | Ads Aditl nat Bria tone fered me comrbihdieval Ucory bared on Hat Meory Of fuanee. Mk ovreephon of Univeral jute fornad Mee bo of pouh' cal Hatory bevtar tinge of prt have aaicl tee polihu ws bagel on uniierned jure, Br bt ore, hand, (pratern- | otegy and metaplytic Qu wieel en eve ately Of political pritowo- LP. the Ongiv) ef te etete. tn tartitub er aud (aur au Mud eel an part of He ately of poliical pluiteropry, Hw 4 nod rE [case wun polincal Meory, ' Que eee cahat in politics. 2 es oe | classmate Wis ww te p U1 of massing elects text Mane apply. nm wimnbe ‘ - Lela group. 1 vqvu be atheving and eve taheg positions. of gern - - Taveet andl uit te atucly av prouhte of He olintibution of pou 4 » (Lew utsuin a given wmmunity, fat ieee of politics cate beets = to Mee tellening povocdl and har unctyzent many clijuent Cnterpreteh en aver Hk enswtrg Untuxes. i Cnt of tre mein debates amengit acholara v1 whet ov not | 4s Fobhes a Seeawe 7 = [political avurte cam be comidvecl on retwoal foun of acerrce. | muen Like biology, chunvahy vor plugs Aone argue we pobrea 2 aCe 1 net a1 Aeual fev of actenrce because St MAM Urn e | comeeph nat wu net tangible and relia en Mrcortheal auiumph- Lom tah axe offenrtintes dificult to wuue avrol vecorel. despik [ed iw, He cane car be molt that L26hcal avenee ar netted a form of Auente because tony res polited thepry invelver [erhivg, meanwurg avd repetition tn ovelex to tar in validity. {tala ua Felihes 7 FOUR caer at He arvangeent of exerelye Her ae veleatel || to acHtivg e7 cheiter tin gatnwuvgs , er cheat types ef. fore | relations among people, MUM OA tre clmernmotion Of overs oo Stotiry. THE pork of Aouiology Het Concerrroves on leyintahve Naet 4 geuvinment vin ellouclecl to a1 a poliheal Hneory, ihiud ane ene wey Mat dnclividuals bving én buneves airmply cleriole. Leg in lative Mut ane heel gn wun dentine om arvarginuc bru Mdivicluau av ruy can hive vuprehively tn godhwdines hiige von, UXbo) are, or Notion , fumeyn auw deme of toe — (nator of HoUines, - auihes ban ben olefin on ane athiity prog) wen pee | m pare _ cu en) avid an atl ene genwak wll fev el ene gen eanclo cule Hey Wu, Wolihes inveler beth 1 Confort aud tooperaron." _ “Ake miaiuiag of pobht’ haa beer tonfinect to Hie bus nar 4 | Qchvity wth bot bo clo uty Hae athual concluel- ef We offoeus lof Me atale,”— aun —| gece of Folities. - «fo lain Pevier anrdl authority —_ | fo lat popularity (1 aovery |. fo AeHe _plapuse | fe Main elf ariel buoup (nteae + fo havge tee _orecnimen polivtt Le fo Fane sevey and wore + fo “bag crovige Un avutty for geoed. | Gevpavtauice of Leliheg, — Ja lnfleumees bath part of due Gus | foineal Wftoenees oir Junclamenntal since we avrouitel be aware of || mala going on arounrel us. Nol jut eet, 1 ds adelitiovatly munreial lo havea completery ecluceateal ouunent of wnat gelug an aud ws, lgirtobive mun arn't someting dav elinu'nateel prom aut Gite potiticed proven He on chores Mrech (afluerree ane hives | skeaugit Jorwarclly, eeeoseenss 3 9e nz cTateareccen bedtee ect Jeqeey poliniatty enrnielful evn rea etig ae tyanr adn Mad fotiical Pe ALLEL dee youn naerr ai vec (omen gereiaily vation avoid et yauiany Miken tare ninereig pare ayy Darel forge by vga wihoe futeof aMteiig tie clohavewnenit cen var dy he ab dnfnnion prilont tat pobtrad franiecums arial ee ee B ' - | elites ccravige ter erica to be polibeaily andj te hace a duprun qovemmerent te uiactal be catdenangniabte Jr a cei do carpe wmipul a bdecy v ‘ er Me off crianee Miata political prrsietumns ian set det up ta reel | tu lhrerd greeynrerren tal HUed, aires Mauda be 10 previews, anil ee te MED rAAT TY Memeclel cletp orn chore acy on | autieat > (Picbabty pobwead agh tort ty cherish CH acting ovr tteal oleetaiory | fanny degritanir pronieciory, baer fur relanenital for fadiuelualr a 1 be poliroadty nviriafal of Mier beeysfils ina vole bared agit) we COCLE dogo dp Me ctuveg tig atats adit aura veatiher aud [aneudane poditicat ma tayfudnect 1G f u Bivbics geet frit ene public actnority | erties ieleste ee Me HE ME BL, QoreKrierNE hal Lereed dle wtp nprace £01 Gad of Mae Jack Mae at cir Mee Key olteurrerot . tae adr tyahor ds, toulrerniieve , eat rane dinyply teibricteel tn Avie Joo Marene pew Qunoily play! or acy Geer, 6 Sp tee "MMesignmint " _ = — uae idibuke a note on clamical Libexaliam ? hu: 1 facical tiberedparnr un is 0 peal “adueceder the protection of wit bbe aval tp lua foie eennesl Upton by be pour of tat unbval gomnmnent b bee lopeet fo te early 19 ternkuny Hal tent ws offer waed im cevrtrost He He hilosephy of mocin dovel Cbwaliam, Claarical Gbevalim hy and eenernnic preteen by gon | ae t | Ctaasieat Ubevaljom emnevgedl luxivg we 1b andl eauly 19" by tae tneuahiod Rvelupion Loday eownical tibealinn ai a - viewtecl in covrbyaal fy be more politically - proqvenrve plalosepy | {L Of « aural dbhwolem, Ltutwues in repos 0 te auucpirg éovol chavges priepeea CTonnical libewaliaen Dyinihim and Chavartnintza a nea trdividunl eeonrervue fredeni antl tne prokehen of Gut bbethe undue tre rule of aus, clowrteed tibevaligr || alevetnpect an tre lobe 18” quel 19 corbuwe aia repose tH bee | soucdk, econsrut avd potincetl changes brougut am by be Induhral Rustubon and wbawrahon in Europe ard x United stoke — | in arene, clawical Lbeuralipm avon ecomrovue. furdew, Lirnitecl | foveenmumne, aunel protechon of bare human 7B, ave ardecu én Hal US Comhtubert's Bilt of nahh, thes cove tows of Clauical bbiala car be acer fr HU ANCA Of Ceevritunies, governtnie ve. Lpobhes, ane! aovietegy . | amis evrporument of tonhocn, classmate M3 nctivieliuate ahreucel be. ye 40 pwuue aul protect Heer awn ecerientUe acy interest qe from cuvette, enheuferenee by. eae Cente area 17 Ane relear of idan esmith, claruieal bibexali belie Hat [708 government to ateoonpuan Maes. elarical Gbewats actvocaseel a normal al gove nivel, buaipead 9 erly at fe oi § vobeet "inddiviolat aque ai andl to proviclt_avwvice ‘provieet fina free _maicwet, + byend te “natin agate foreign ev tavanion baat cannot be ; =. Enact (awit protect citizens fiom harms eommilleel agaimit Z | tron by other citizen, ineuielinig protection of private prepecy + Creede andl maintain pusuc imbtubiou , auch ar goeenment mu =: Fovielt 9 stable Cowunty ameda dtandavol of witig hi and Munn wes, + Buitl and mointodn public vasels, Cancels, harbours, rosluuays COMMUN cept aysterna, anel fromed daeuires, | Centcal Ghevalsrn hoics tak vernu aan granting bre funcla mental agit of Mt people, Governments ant formecl by be people ne exprent ppere of protechig these oghh On ourgtiting Maur, facy point (0 te US Dectavahon buclperelevice, en dtates etek people are “eridouwel by Hatir Creedor wut Cute Umar vie le, Ags, 4 quidl Maat Cavicl FO nec Matic vighh, boven —G we imuiphdeel among Hou, olexiing Hen jest pouwe prom ar | govemncd..," ie ae. weie: [utnat do you unduatanel by bat Harory of unplus Volut 7 | Elabsrake had: | Aacories Of Stipius value ura cdhvadt mani vupt ug Herr by | Maul Marr beeen fanuany 1869 andl fuly 166%. 14 in rrainly ie ncenned Uhh ore wieatenn) (ucopean patoriing ahouk Melruad - from about 1750 enbicalty exonving tae idlrac of B [ane ctteTiaa ye al toner UAL ertahiarn And bs at, fret svveu eo | & ta plain how 6 alter feiting to. to | fabour theovita ef volt bho Chowicod achecd Of / pouivical ¢ eeoriorny Levertntly broke Up btaving only * velgan polihcal ekeviond” Luhich 110 (org Hviedl ty proviel 0 consistent, tnregral | Murry of _copitalisra but rniteact afford only an eubot armada of MALO tuttriee aeernrect value War orginally eorieeiwecl by Mare Lonty o_o burtorical excurion in be Atchion of bin Htoreekeal | Shucly of * copilot oa gow” [this usar to comelucte toe sechion on ts prow of production of Copitad. tou ambitious pian prove ‘fo be rare ban Max coutel uncliitake ar ho Luar effectively buinedl aut before he hol Compteteel Hyp ately of Copital burn tre publiahionr of fibrita lof Swuplus value wo not raake atl of Narn wining on poulicol teubniy av avoloble + Me public andl Maris fasy won onity fulfilled Olecacler Coben wire boa publicahon af poe beruncluue, Ania of xunptun volue yuan part of ue. donge ctovovvie. publobed / 1859, Narn catuel tru volume see hestovical, burtovica- cubical, oy Watrvieo Grvary pat of Wes 404, + classmate ulhal it Qutevaheon ? Explain with rgeanet fy Mat vices of | Sctmune Pwure, - Contewater et @ pobtical relectegy Hat values Hit creahen auiel + 4 - meandevante of pout leeGged Ln Cb le Accither bored up a hatvaveley of paci'hesal class of traclers auel cech rere A net cl fov bo Vheval vatuus aurel 1 i _ seespicieees of Hat Pouien of Mt state nev cleer it As bo hivut sh eur. trachhenal jttuhent, uth ar geveunme te ancl rely face along wth hoelihenal values wu to be repeeteel, Conneqeners ey, Couteuvahien vis auupjeipur of change andl if charge t1 vequervedt, et aeeKs Qn evolubonasy opproath volliv Mae a verede oes opproath, a $n wake cubhunt, coraevorie Ace bo prewut @ range o ar htubens auth an evganiud religion pactiamenhy goverment anel property 29hts Comevvahves leacl to Javeux Wi htuber and proche haat quaraube atebitty aud evelvedl oradualy oy Aellrwvet of Corrurvahsva offer oppore Wroclirryprn Grid seg a velune) bo hadtiheval values, trough differant groups of tonava- fires moy cheese dbifferent hraditienal valucMto preweve. Ge firat_establatcel us of tre tem ena political conkae Oviginaded len 188 warn franco Keue de Creknubrian (Ahee cir no single act of policies vegaidlecl a1 cousesvahive because Me wuaw'vg of lonneevahive poughl thar vared conr/cle rob lar rh har Gtlaphe Juv greakey eonomie inteuhen, udlult Joly advocate fora more leer forr pte -marceh eeorwe sys. - "0s signe nt Tr” wit _tilute a note en tee firrt Wlaue af fem Li¢ical Micon? watt dat. fiat wave of femininn 7 gereially volved aiounrel havirg baste deyat 22g ah for wow. $6 w connettel to the abobiah- bent meveauut in tat United Saher Goh cepacia __ Wied a complere social reformat aanrel Libation prom opp reunion —, Peipilt tt aetboatigs it Jacek , r+ level tre foundabier for awed OAH WaAver of feminian, lat han forieall cheveleprtut of feriniann vs covarmonty aliviele cl ito acverad they peocls, aoe evaractevtied by a velahive [abitare of Jenniat rougut and mericadion, quel Cee? . ane Amtanee Freuth beth of femime eviakiesm auek Tt : ach witra bilgt prbve prope. Js: 2 | Prawine jean Jravesis byctard’s views on Kbit - Hoda 9 We: | frnen prvtdlophen of the poit-amoewalint acheol. Jeary SO preiviceis ly otavd (195-1998 J Ga puhops but bnewn Jor bis book “the Ftmodvin Gndilion! a report on Enoucledtye (1979) [in Mak Wore Lyotard alempieel to cleyine the principle aipeen Lof poitrrodernity a te wake of cliveleplag teetrnotagy | ue cour prechict teat anytiing én tue Coupikudect booty of Kneucteclge Met us not hawlatable In eis dew wu be | oben clovied, ihe divechon of net venearcen wut be lirecdeot by pe porrrbiaty of 1H qreduel rut beng hombolable. ‘nto computer a | aug age. a | Sctwubypre trroucledge . Lyotard 4 claim vis not a ‘totality, but Leuab tn reebion bo bu lavgen clomain of narrative Knoucledper, tuuen it hong tendered W exelucle. ' Urs _hetingutsn between proceeluxal aud surterdalie demnowoacy, wr ot preeeclarat eypinitien of elemocvacy yeu froma gubtlaubve Ldyrinen? véler on lauguihe ma arng, Meviinal befirahent _ _ckipend on lavguihe ceuventions auidl au aubel no Parheclar value, watvle we lla ana buen fit, Pak former at aN Untonreeng aequiment. he former, a border aiarirnenl Har akeree'bet a political Ayko, i alo a nen-aeguim , Mee [oe a eaning Of olevccraty in vet cleheemincel by bie Slate but by Me incl viclual of Hu Acutey, ahh Att fantive clejinition o clemocvaty cliffers pow voceclun ak SRO A nena cepnihen rou ba concept sv tee Yia larawiatre mauling. ff @ simple wfedement Of He Conrcept'A meaning, o ermal olefrainion of cle mowaey dhoutel be fit gare et Me faubatantre eve. 4¢ ehoutdl be cempkut uur rh purpone. a lombiihoratty - clefiviect ole mowary uta lego hytean rae emboclen @ accial eorbroutr. 14 gools tle te protechion of tet yy Lege of taclurcluel crhizer , yuriy Grandin any enc tucory of dumowacy? press [dias cloarical denocracy wor direct Afmacvacy ancl ater) Wer (tue abock of aucha dumociaty, frou ww, berieer ater, pre F bereeey Uby dtecket buh AN10V4 ALE Mee City afedes AME] Ua moe prortincal aud pouwefed ctirect cero voey in nenews cloveluped jen betuuen &O- SO BE. Gave He ree, a menibes of He murubly , parberposeel Ureedey [in Hue preuing of Hem laud, A clumoracy of this dOrt wias pout only a arma Afede uw Me people utere politicetly ecluceed. ° ° + . i ko ” | gtd, [UAE a te oreran policy climemion of climowvacy 7 Plaborate, inst, [Ov £00 (ong now Liberal “lemocritn’ praleel bo vepreantativer electeel by Hat prope valler Hoan rn be [public at é 2 7 5 7 ny Uchich pow uw torical. have bun tne or dle of te Clary tile Heitte 4 | Bree San teny preferable te ernrorstups ane facial -reginnes, ti] ually ate jor shore of being huty eumoerahe F omic: fer stort of bei atte sa ft euginal der of tHe worel. in apme ay Hem for teutance 19 Habe (Oui auaiasing to tut polihcal wae, Feure vielahons of Hae path of eneligenous peopre ane Local conmurni his avel of Mu yen [cendintteel 69 the pursued of exhociiving.

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