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A. Background of the Problem

Speaking is one of skills in learning English besides listening, reading,

and writing. These skills should be mastered by the students. Through

speaking someone can express their thought, desire, exchange information

and express what they want to say. It also gives opportunity to share and

influence through, ideas, and opinion with others.

Furthermore, in order to be able to communicate actively in English,

students should master speaking ability. By mastering speaking, they can

interact with others in daily life. They can create many or various ways to

communicate in speaking activity. Speaking activity begins by thinking

process about what someone want to say or speak orally.

Based on the syllabus of curriculum 2013 for junior high school at the

eighth grade, the purpose of teaching speaking is for getting informational,

informative functional and epistemic competences. In this case, the students

are expected to access their knowledge with these competences, and they also

have to continue their competence to the next level. In order to achieve this

goal, the students should be able to acquire speaking skill related to certain

aspect of simple monologue text and functional text. Simple monologue text

like: descriptive text, narrative text, and report text. It also should be mastered

by the students, functional texts like: announcement, short message and


One of the texts that should be learn by the eighth grade students is

descriptive text. Descriptive text is the text that describe about specific things

or specific person. There are two components in descriptive text they are

generic structure and language features. The students should understand

about the generic structures like identify phenomenon to be described and

description and also language features of descriptive text.

Based on the writer’s experience when having practice teaching at

SMPN I Payung Sekaki, the writer found some problems in teaching and

learning process related to teaching speaking especially on descriptive text.

The problems come from students and teacher sides.

First problems come from the student’s sides. The problem found that

most of students still could not be able to describe the text briefly. It is

happen because the students were lack of vocabulary and they were not able

to describe about descriptive text orally. The students got difficulties in

developing their ideas when they were spoken in English because they forget

the vocabulary they have learn and also they were lazy when they should look

at the dictionary. So, when the students ask to perform orally to describe

about some things they were still confused to describe it. The next problem is

the students could not describe the text systematically. They did not pay

attention to generic structure of the descriptive text. They thought that

speaking in English language is difficult subject because they should consider

many things, such as using grammar, using appropriate word, and also to

pronoun the word. So, most of them just keep silent when they were ask to

speak. So, that the teacher didn’t know whether they could pronounce the

word correctly or not.

The second problems come from the teacher sides. Teacher used the

same strategy in teaching every skill without paying attention to the

efficiency of that strategy. In teaching descriptive text, the learning process

almost only from one direction, teacher centered not students centered.

Teacher-centered approach is one where activity in the class is centered on

the teacher. When students work alone, they didn’t learn to collaborate with

other students and then communication skills may suffer. Teacher-centered

method doesn’t allow students to express themselves, ask questions and direct

their own learning. Many teachers keep teaching and learning as a repetitive

process where they had much time to talk rather than the students. The

students’ activity were much listening. Automatically, it made students

passive, not interest and boring in learning speaking.

In addition, the next problem is lack of media that were use by the

teacher in teaching speaking descriptive text. The teacher just used picture in

the students’ worksheet. So, the students were uninteresting to learn speaking

on descriptive text. The teacher tend to teach the students by asking the

students to open and do exercises in worksheet. However, the teacher should

use the innovative, creative, and interested media to teach speaking

descriptive text, because the media is one of the factors of success or failure

in language learning.

To accomplish the problems above, the teacher can use some

innovative and creative strategy in teaching speaking descriptive text. The

English teacher should try to use one of the strategy in teaching speaking in

order to motivate the students to be more active in teaching and learning

process of speaking skill. One of the strategy that can be used by the teacher

is concept mapping strategy. Concept mapping is graphical representation of

the relationship among terms. It usually use to help the students to combine

one concept of something that has been know with the other concepts that

have relationship. Beside, it can be used to combine ideas or new concept

with something that has we know.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher has interest to find out

the effectiveness of using concept mapping strategy in teaching speaking

descriptive text at eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki at

2014/2015 academic year.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer identifies

that there are some problems faced by the eighth grade students of SMPN 1

Payung Sekaki in speaking descriptive text. The first problems come from the

students’ side. Most of the students still could not be able to describe the text

briefly, because of their limited vocabulary in speaking. The next problem is

most of students still cannot describe the text systematically, because most of

them do not pay attention about generic structure of descriptive text.

The second problem comes from teacher’s side. The strategy used by

the teacher in teaching speaking descriptive text is not appropriate with the

students’ level. It made the students bored in learning process. The last one is

the teacher does not use interesting media in teaching speaking.

For overcoming these problems, the effectiveness and innovative

strategy are needed to be applied that are the strategy that can promote the

students’ motivation to speak up and interact with others.

There are some strategy that are assumed to be able to overcame

students’ problems in speaking. First contextual teaching and learning is the

learning strategy to make the students are expect to learn through

experiencing not by memorizing the subject matter. It can increase students’

motivation to participate actively in the class, speaking helping students to

solve their problems, providing the ways for students to discuss and interact

with their friends and also to helping the students to summarize and reflect

the lesson.

The second mind mapping. It is strategy that use a diagram to

represent words, ideas, or other items link to around a central key words or

idea with branches. Mind mapping is use to generate, visualize, structure and

classify ideas and as an aid for studying and organizing information, solving

problems, making decisions and speaking.

The last concept mapping is an innovative classroom tool and strategy

that use graphical tools and or schematic device for organizing and

representing knowledge. It links the ideas into a hierachical fashion. So, it

will be enabling to enhance the development of students’ thinking skills

through more meaningful learning activities.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, this research will be

limit on the effectiveness of using concept mapping strategy in teaching

speaking descriptive text at eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki

at 2014/1015 academic year.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation above, this research will be formulated as

follow: “How effective is concept mapping strategy applied in the teaching

speaking descriptive text at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Payung

Sekaki at 2014 / 2015 academic year ?”

E. Research Questions

In order to be able to answer the question in the formulation of the

problem above, the research questions were clarified:

1. How is the students’ speaking ability on descriptive text after being

taught by using concept mapping strategy at eighth grade students of

SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year?

2. How is the students’ speaking ability on descriptive text after being

taught without using Teacher-centered at the eighth grade students of

SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year?

3. Are there any positive effects of students’ speaking descriptive text

ability after using concept mapping strategy at the eight grade students’

of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year?”

4. How significance are the improvements of experimental class

achievement compared with control class achievement?

F. Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question above, the purpose of the research


1. To know the students’ speaking ability on descriptive text after being

taught by using concept mapping strategy at eighth grade students of

SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year.

2. To know the students’ speaking ability on descriptive text after being

taught without using Teacher- centered strategy at eighth grade students

of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year.

3. To know whether there is any positive effect of students’ speaking

descriptive text after using concept mapping strategy at the eighth grade

students’ of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year.

4. To know how significance of the improvement of experimental class

achievement compared with control class achievement.

G. Significant of the Research

There are two significances in this research, they are: theoretical and

practically significances. Theoretically, this research is also expected to be

input for the institution in planning, designing, and developing English

curriculum that can be used by the English teacher at eighth grade students,

especially for teaching speaking of descriptive text. Next the result of this

research is hoped to give contribution of opinion that can be reference in the

next research concerning with the same areas.

Then Practically, the writer expected that the result of this research

can give contribution for the teacher in developing and revising their strategy

in teaching speaking especially speaking of descriptive text at junior high

school. The teacher can use concept mapping strategy to improve the

students’ speaking ability. For the students this strategy is expected to be

interesting strategy for them, because it will make them enjoy in learning

speaking by sharing information and knowledge for each member in their


H. Definition of the Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding about this research, the researcher

define the key terms as follow:

1. Speaking is the oral skill in producing utterances to convey meaning to

the listeners. It is used by the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Payung

Sekaki at 2014/1015 academic year.

2. Concept mapping strategy is a strategy that will be used for teaching

speaking descriptive text at eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Payung

Sekaki at 2014/1015 academic year.

3. Descriptive text is a text that describes about particular persons, place and

things by giving specific information about them. It will be studied by the

students at eighth grade of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015

academic year.



A. Concept of Speaking

Speaking is one of important things for those who want to learn

English well. It is use for conveying the ideas or information. Speaking is

also very important to our life because as human being people have a need to

use it to communicate with other people.

There are some definitions given by expert about the meaning of

speaking. Nunan (2003:48, 204) says that speaking is productive skill in oral

interaction that can be character in terms of routines. Oral interaction is that

the participants have to constantly to negotiate meaning, and generally the

interaction in term of who, when, what, to whom and about what to say. It

consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey the meaning.

Moreover, Brown (2004:140) defines speaking is productive skill

where it is in usually perform face to face communication and in part of

dialogue and other verbal communication. It means that, speaking is an

interactive process to use language from one to another.

Furthermore, Fauzan (2006:1) states that speaking is used to express

the ideas or opinions. Through speaking someone can express their ideas

about something. It also used as a tool for expression opinion or perceptions

about anything that the speaker sees, hears, read and soon.

In addition, Zainil (2006:1) recognizes there areas that involves in

speaking. Such as: first, mechanical including pronunciation, grammar, and

vocabulary. Second, functions including transactional and interactional.

Third, social cultural: cultural rules and norms, including turn talking, rate of

speech, length of pauses between speakers, and relative roles of participants.

Three areas knowledge above very important in speaking, like in

mechanical areas it is important elements when speaker speaks. Without

using mechanical areas well, the listener cannot understand what the speaker

says. Next about social and cultural rules and norms, the speaker must with

whom, for whom they speak, and why they speak. By understanding applying

the three areas of knowledge above, someone is expected to be a good

speaker of English whether it is formal or informal communication.

Last, Prendiville and Toye (2007:41) say that speaking is the

important communication from that human being use. Development speaking

will help speaker build their understanding, their ability to handle their own

world, making sense of it and who they are in it. When someone speaks

properly, they are able to see how each contribution areas from what has

already been said activity that is done by the people in utterances to tell their


Based on the statement of the expert above, it can be concluded that

speaking is the productive skill that produces utterances to convey the

meaning and involve the interaction between speaker and listener. The

speaker also need to think of idea they wishes to express and must be

sensitive to any change and style to which they speaking and one the situation

in which the conversation is talking place. The speaker can share their ideas

and information to others by using mechanic areas knowledge well.

B. Component of Speaking

Speaking is a language skill means for communication to other orally.

It is used to express the idea sharing information, or give the opinion. In the

speaking skill, there are some aspects that should be consider by the students

that influence their way to speak. These aspects cannot be separate from

speaking activity because the aspects are the indicator to make speaking

become effective.

Harmer (2001:269) says that there are four elements necessary for

speech production. First, the element speech which the English speaker not

only needs to be able produce the English phonemes but also to modified,

omitted, added or weakened of sound. Second, the element of expressive

devices which the English speaker can change the pith and stress of

utterances of particular parts. Third, the elements to lexis and grammar

which the student can produce their English at various stage of an interaction.

Finally, the elements to negotiate language which shows the structure of what

the speaker says.

According to Brown (2003:140) speech production can be divide into

five components, they are: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and

the last comprehension. All of these components should be concern by the

people who want to be good speaker and to be able to foster real life


The first is pronunciation; pronunciation is the way for students’ to

produce clearer language when they speak. According to Harmer (2006:128)

pronunciation refers to ability to produce comprehensible utterance. In order

word, pronunciation is the essential part in speaking including segmental

feature vowels, consonant, stress and intonation patterns.

Second is grammar; grammar is important component in English. The

listener will get the idea of speaker with use grammar. So, grammar is rule

that influence the people to speak. Furthermore, Harmer (2001:23) defines

that grammar is the description of the way in which words can change their

forms and can be combine into sentences in language. It means the ability to

use the sentence in general structural using.

Third is vocabulary; Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which

is use in communication. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express their ideas. Vocabulary is the key

component in speaking, because without vocabulary the speaker can’t speak

about something. According to Hornby (2000:29) vocabulary is the number

of word in language and speaking activity, includes the number of words

about language which consist of several meaning.

The next is fluency; fluency is the accuracy of word that is pronounce

by the speakers. Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and

accurately. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking.

Fluency in the speaking is the ability of speaker in expressing or uttering

ideas in terms of sentences. In addition Nunan (2003:55) defines fluency is

the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and confidently, with

few hesitations or unnatural pause, false stars, word searcher, etc.

The last is comprehension; Zainil (2006:1) says that comprehension is

logically connected sentences that are appropriate to specific context. So,

comprehension is one components of speaking that should be notice by the

students, because oral communication requires a subject to provide respond in

speech. Comprehension in brief speaking requires that not only knowing how

to produce it well but also understanding when, what and why to produce the


In addition, Hughes (2003:130) state that the component of speaking

are: first accents. It includes sound are accurate, stress, intonation and pith

like native speakers. Second is grammar. The grammar is contextualized in

meaningful language use. Third is vocabulary. Vocabulary is a language use

to matter of shared knowledge. Fourth is fluency. It is the ability to use

language effectively. The last is comprehension. It discuss about inaccurate

phasing of ideas, mistakes time, space, and person reference or to be some

way inappropriate. These all components are very needed to be mastered for

effective speaker in English.

Based on the explanation above, there are some components and

elements of speaking that should be known by the speaker. They are

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The

speaker should have knowledge about those in order to be able to speak

English and be able to perform their speaking ability well.

C. Teaching Speaking at Junior High School

Teaching speaking is start at teaching the students how to speak in

English as their foreign language, then, ask the students to be able to

pronounce the new language accurately. Teacher should be able to encourage

students speaking some sounds, repeating, and imitating them. Finally, the

students are require to be use to practice and do oral language.

According to Hymes in Murcia (2001:103) teaching speaking skill in

the classroom is contextualization socio-cultured activity where it is focused

on meaning and its negotiation rather than the form of language. So, in

teaching speaking, the teacher should arrange various activities that can

supply students to develop their basic interactive skill.

Furthermore Ricards and Willy (2002:204) says that the aims of

teaching speaking is to make the students able to speak, to communicate and

to get interaction in daily life activity. So in teaching learning English,

speaking is the basic medium of communication in classroom activity for the

students orally to build a social relationship classroom environment.

Moreover, Nunan (2003:49) involve providing students with the

components of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and

fluency, in hopes they eventually put them together and speak. So, in teaching

speaking make the students easy to produce the English speech sounds, sound

pattern using word and sentence stress, intonation pattern, and the rhythm of

the foreign language. it can help the students to produce, choice word and

how to start speaking to the result of the good speaking form.

In addition, Kayi (2006:1) states that teaching speaking is a very main

part of second language learning. Students learn to speak in the second

language by interacting. The teacher should build a classroom where students

have real-life communication, and having an important effect task that

promote oral language.

In relation with the junior high school students, Susan (2007) states

that teaching speaking at junior high school students is challenging. The

teacher should be able to dig up the students’ strengths and minimize their

struggles. In teaching, the teacher should plan lesson to meet the needs and

being flexible with the time and activities. The teacher is advised to do some

consideration. First, always keep the students to talk. It means make sure the

lesson plans always consist of question for discussion. Second, be creative in

teaching that can make speaking activity the students understand easily about

what they learn. Next, celebrate the students’ success in learning to increase

their motivation. The last, give and takes respect of the students, listen when

they are ask to speak and speak to them like them deserve respect.

Based on explanation above, it can be conclude teaching speaking is a

very important part of second language learning, because the purpose of

teaching speaking to make students know to use words, sentence and

intonation pattern in foreign language. Besides that, to provide students with

the component of the language and to improve student communication skill

where the student express their idea and opinion.

D. Concept of Concept Mapping

According to Leauby (2005: 75) concept mapping is an innovative

classroom tool and strategy that can deepend our curriculum as students

advance through an accounting program. It is an enabling skills to enhance

the development of students’ thinking skills through more meaningful

learning activities.

According to Ebenezer and Conner in European Journal of

Educational Research (2012: 57) concept mapping is a schematic device for

representing a set of interrelated, interconnected conceptual meaning. They

further go on to say that it is a semantic net-work showing the relationships

among concepts in a hierarchical fashion. Concepts and ideas are linked with

phrases that illustrate the relationships among them.

Moreover Novak (2008: 1) states that concept mapping are graphical

tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts,

usually enclose in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between

concepts indicate by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the

line, refer to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship

between the two concepts.

Based on the explaination experts above, it can be conclude that

concept mapping is an innovative classroom tool and strategy that use

graphical tools and or schematic device for organizing and representing

knowledge. It links the ideas into a hierachical fashion. So, it is enabling to

enhance the development of students’ thinking skills through more

meaningful learning activities.

E. Concept of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

According to Gerot and Wignell (1994:208) descriptive text is to describe

particular person, place or things. Its mean that this text emphasizes about

organizing ideas in describes process.

Djuharie (2007:24) states that descriptive text is to describe a

particular person, place or thing that have characteristic that related to

location, function, features, purpose and proof of noun. There are two mains

components of descriptive text. First generic structure, in generic structure of

descriptive text they are identify phenomenon to be describe and description,

describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, and characteristics. Second

language feature, descriptive text also has language feature that should be

know by the speaker likes: focus on specific participants, the use of adjectives

and component adjectives, the use of attributively has and have, and the use

of simple present.

Moreover, Suryana (2008:13) says that an important thing about

descriptive text is that the text should describe in real fact or what thing look

like. Descriptive text has fourth language feature. First, focus on specific

participants. It means that the participant of descriptive should be specific. It

does not tell the whole class of things. Second, is use of attributive and

identify process. It means that we describe the characteristic of the subject.

Third, use adjective and classifier in nominal group. It means use of detail

noun phrase to give information about the subject. Fourth, using of simple

present tense.

Based on explanation above, descriptive text is a text which describes

the characteristics of particular persons, places, or things that related to

location, function, purpose, feature and proof of noun. Descriptive text has

two components: first, generic structures consist of identification

phenomenon and description likes describes parts, qualities and

characteristics. Second, language features consist of focus on specific

participants, use of attribute and identifying process, use of adjective and

classifier in nominal groups, and the last use of simple present tense.

F. Components of Descriptive Text

1. Generic Structures

There are some components that should be know by the reader on

descriptive text. According to Gerott and Wignell (1994: 20) there are two

generic structures in descriptive text. The first is identification.

Identification is used to identify phenomenon to be described. The second

is description. Description is used to describe parts, qualities, and


Moreover, Suryana (2008:13) says that are two generic structures

of descriptive text. The first is identification. Identification is use to

identify the phenomenon of the place, person, or thing to be describe. The

second is description. Description is use to describe parts, qualities, and

characteristic, and the way to be done. Djuharie (2007:24) also says the

components of descriptive texts are: identification and description.

In summary, the generic structure of descriptive text consists of

two parts: description and identification. In this case the identification will

identifie the phenomenon of the place, person, or thing to be describe,

and, description will describe parts, qualities, characteristics, and the way

to be done.

2. Language Features

The other components of descriptive text that should be master by

the students are language features. According to Gerott and Wignell

(1994:208) descriptive text consists of some components of language

feature. The language feature of descriptive text are focused on specific

participants, use of attributive and identifying processes, frequent use of

epithets and classifiers in nominal groups, and the use of simple present.

Moreover, Suryana (2008:13) says that there are four language

features of descriptive text: First, focus on specific participants. Second,

use attribute and identifying process. Third are frequent use of epithets

and classifiers in nominal groups. Fourth, use simple present.

So, based on the statements above, it can be conclude that

descriptive text is a text which describes the characteristics of particular

person, place, or thing. It has some elements: First, generic structure

consists of description and identification. Second, language feature that

consists of four points which are focuse on specific participants, use

attribute and identifying process, frequent use of epithets and classifiers

G. The Procedure of Concept Mapping In Teaching Speaking Descriptive


According to Tomita and Araceli (2005:27) concept maps can help

the students to identify, understand, and organize the concepts teach by the

teacher. It can help the students to specify key relationships that they need for

understanding. When students draw their own concept maps, or when maps

are drawn from interviews with students, Maps also can help learners

comprehend their existing knowledge and aid them in relating new concepts

to those they already know. Vanides and Yin (2005:29) states there are some

stages of using concept mapping: The first, teacher introduces the topic to the

students and give some short explanationthat is needed. Second, the teacher

make some example of concept mapping that related with the topic. Third,

teacher ask students to make concept mapping also that related with the topic.

Fourth, arrange the concept be one diagram. Fourth, connect each concept

with the words. The last ask the students one by one infront of the class to

describe about the concept.

Based on explaination above, it can be conclude the concept mapping

can help the students to specify key relationships that they need to

understanding because in concept mapping there are some stages that must

create from the teacher to make the students easy in practice concept mapping

in learning process. The first is teacher choose the topic that appropriate with

the students. Second, teacher makes the concept the topic that appropriate

with the students. Third, arrange the concept in one diagram. Fourth, connect

each concept with the words. And the last ask the studenst one by one infront

of the class to describe about the concept.

H. Relevant Studies

There are many researchs that have been done by other researchers.

The first is the research conducted by Devi Meliyawati (2012), entitled “

Pengaruh penggunaan Strategi Belajar Peta Konsep (Concept Mapping )

Terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV Semester II SD

Negeri Gedong 02 Kecamatan Banyu Biru Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. The

result of the research is implementing concept mapping strategy have positive

influence to the learning of the students. The result of her research is concept

mapping can help students to more active in learning activities and also to

motivate students in learning.

Second research that considered relevant with this research is research

conducted by Abika Egeten (2012) entitled “ Penerapan Metode Concept

Mapping Berbasis Inkuiri Pada Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Motoling

Barat,” The result of this research was that the concept mapping strategy has

positive effect toward students motivation in IPA subject.

The researcher above consider relevant with this research are on the strategy

use. All of the researcher above are using concept mapping strategy. However, all of

the researcher above are consider different with this research because this research is

focused on the application of concept mapping strategy in teaching speaking in

descriptive text.

I. Conceptual Framework

This research will be done at eighth grade students of SMPN 1

Payung Sekaki in 2014/2015 academic year. Is research focuse on speaking

descriptive text because the researcher found some problems in this subject.

The problems come from two sides, from the students and the teacher’s side.

The first from the students’ side. The problems were the students

were lack knowledge about descriptive text, students were lack of knowledge

about components of speking, and the students were lack of interest in

learning speaking descriptive text. The second from the teacher’s side. In the

teacher side, the problems were the teacher tend to use uninteresting media in

teaching speaking descriptive text, the teacher rare to use new innovative

strategy, and the teacher use their strategy in teaching but it did not make

students enjoy in learning speaking descriptive text.

To overcome the problems above, the researcher interest to use

concept mapping strategy. The researcher want to see the effectiveness of

using concept mapping strategy in teaching speaking descriptive text at the

eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki in 2014/2015 academic


This research will be done in two classes. First is the experimental

class where it is taught by using concept mapping in teaching speaking

descriptive text. The researcher will be see the effect and result of treatment

that will give to experimental class. Second is control class where using

teacher-centered in teaching speaking descriptive text. Pretest and posttest

will be given to get the data. After collecting the data, the researcher see the

result of using concept mapping strategy that has been given to experimental

class at the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki.

The conceptual framework that is use in this research can be drawn as

Eight Grade Students of SMPN 1 Payung Sekaki at
2014 / 2015 Academic Year

Students’ Problem in speaking

Descriptive Text

Students’ Side Teacher`s Side

Lack of knowledge of about Teacher tended to use uninteresting

descriptive text. media.
Lack of knowledge about Teacher rare to use the innovative
components of speaking. strtegy.
Lack of interest. Teacher used their strategy in
teaching but it did not make
students enjoy

Experimental class Control class

Concept Mapping Strategy Teacher-centered

Students’ speaking Skill on

Descriptive Text


J. Hypothesis

Based on review of related literature and the relevant studies above,

there are two hypotheses that can be proposed in this research, the hypothesis

are as follow:

H0 = There were no effect on students’ speaking ability in descriptive text

by using concept mapping strategy.

H1 = There were positive effect on students’ speaking ability in

descriptive text by using concept mapping strategy.



A. Research Design

The design of this research is quasi experimental research. According

to Selinger and Elana (1992), quasi experimental research is conducted under

condition in which it is difficult to control many of the variables and in which

subjects cannot assign to special groups for the purpose of the research. In this

research, the researcher use purposive sampling to get two classes of the

sample. In applying this research, the researcher gives treatment to one class

of the subject as the experimental class in teaching speaking by using concept

mapping strategy, while the other one will give different strategy in order to

search whether there is or there is not the effect of the concept mapping

strategy toward students` speaking ability on descriptive text.

Basically, this research involves two groups; one group has function as

experimental group that will be treated by using concept mapping strategy and

the other one which will be treated by using teacher-centered strategy.

Although these groups will be treated differently, the material will be given,

the length of time and the teacher will be exactly the same.

The researcher will use nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group

design as the design. Both of group will be administered a pretest and each

group will receive different treatment. Both of groups will be given posttest at

the end of the study. Posttest score will be compared to determine the

effectiveness of the treatment.

Table.1 The research design of nonequivalent pretest – posttest

Independent variable
Group Pretest (concept mapping Posttest
Experimental √ √ √
Control √ − √

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Gay (2009), population is the group of interest to the

researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study

to be generalized. The population of the research will be the eighth grade

students of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki 2014/2015 academic year. The total

population is 61 students. They are divided into VIII.1, VIII.2, and VIII.3.

The data of population in this research can be seen in the following table.

Table.1 Population of the Research

No Class Number Of Students

1 VIII.1 20
2 VIII.2 20
3 VIII.3 21

2. Sample

According to Gay (2000: 121) sample is the process of selecting a

number of individuals for a study in such as a way that individuals

represent to large group from which that are selected. In experimental

research, the researcher needs two classes as the samples to be research.

They will be experimental and control classes. Both of these classes

should be homogenous. To choose two homogenous classes, all the

population in this research will be pre-test orally about descriptive text that

has been learn at second semester or the first year. After giving pre-test

whole the population, the average scores of the three classes were

calculate to find out the classes which that the students’ ability almost


C. Procedures of the Research

This research will be done at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1

Payung Sekaki at 2014/2015 academic year by the following steps:

1. Preparation

The researcher will do some preparations before doing the

research. The first, the researcher will prepare the syllabus, lesson plan and

the instrument that use in this research. All the preparations above guide

by the curriculum that have been use at the school that is curriculum

2013. Second, the researcher will prepare the material will be taught. The

last, the researcher will do the tryout of the instrument.

2. Implementation

The implementation of this research will be done in two classes.

They are experimental class and control class. The same material will be

given both of these classes. But, the different treatment will be given to

each class. The experimental class will be taught by using concept

mapping strategy to improve their ability in speaking descriptive text and

the control class will be taught by using teacher-centered. The following

steps will be given are:

Experimental class Control class
(Concept Mapping ) (Teacher-Centered)
Pre-test Pre-test
1. Pre- teaching activities 1. Pre Teaching Activity
a. Greeting a. Greeting
b. Checking students b. Checking students attendance
attendance c. Giving motivation
c. Giving motivation
d. Giving apperception

2. Whilst teaching activities 2. Whilst Teaching Activity

a. Leading students to the topic a. Introducing the topic
by giving some questions. b. Showing the picture (related to
b. Introducing the topic the topic about descriptive text).
c. Teacher gives example of c. Question-Answer about the
concept mapping to guide picture
students in instruction d. Distribute the text
d. Teacher explain how to e. The teacher explains generic
make and drawing concept structure and language feature
mapping. of descriptive text.
e. Teacher involves students f. The teacher ask the students to
one by one in front of the memorize the text and recite it
class to describe in fluency.
drawing concept mapping g. The students perform in front
based on the picture on the of the class.
f. Teacher complete concept
mapping and reorganize it to
get good
g. Asking students to speak in
front of the class to describe
concept mapping that
related with the topic.

3. Post – teaching activities 3. Post Teaching activities

a. Making conclusions. Conclude the lesson,
b. Teacher and students make reinforcement, and giving
reflection motivation.

At the end of this research, post-test will give to both of the sample

classes. Then, the researcher will analyze the students’ score and compare

the score of the two sample classes. At the last, the researcher will test the

hypotheses to see the effect of the treatment that given to the experimental


D. Instrumentation

The instrumentation of this research is speaking test of descriptive text.

The speaking test consists of pre-test and pos-test. Pre-test will be implement

before giving the treatment, both experimental and control class will be pre-

tested orally on descriptive text, the researcher will be given the topic about

descriptive text in form picture to be test in speaking.

The researcher asks the students to describe something orally through

part of descriptive text, and the researcher will records the students’ speaking

performance and gave score of each student. In scoring process here were two

scores; they are researcher and English teacher at school. The post-test will be

conduct after given treatment. The data in the post-test will use to compare

with the data in the pre-test and analyzed the effectiveness of using strategy in

concept maping teaching speaking of descriptive text.

The test will be made based on curriculum. Also, the test will be

check by the researcher to get validity and reliability. The test will be check

by using two scores technique. Firstly, the researcher collect the data about

students’ speaking of descriptive text by recording the student performance.

Next, to get the students’ score, the researcher and the teacher as the scorer 2

listen the students’ speaking that record. Then, both the scores from the

researcher and the teacher were combine and then analyze. For computing the

ratability coefficient, firstly the researcher calculate the mean score of the

speaking test with two scorers. Then, the result of two scores will be correlate

to find the coefficient reliability.

1. Validity

In this test researcher the test use content validity in which the

researcher use the material based on curriculum and syllabus were use by

the teacher in eight grade class of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki.

2. Reliability

According to Gay (2000:169), reliability is the degree to which a

test constantly measures weather it is measuring. To see the reliability of

the test in this research, it will done by using product moment formula

suggested by Arikunto (2009:72) as follow:

N ∑ xy−∑ x ∑ y
√ { N ∑ x −(∑ x ) }{N ∑ y −(∑ y ) }
2 2 2 2

r xy = the correlation cooficient variable X and Y
∑ x
= the mean score from the 1stscorer
∑ y
= the mean score from the 2nd scorer
n = the total number of sample
∑ x2 = sum quadrate of X
∑ y2
= sum quadrate of Y

Next, the researcher classified the correlation coefficient between

x and Y by using scale suggested by Arikunto (2009:75), as follows:

0.800 – 1.000 : Very high

0.600 – 0.800 : High

0.400 – 0.600 : Sufficient

0.200 – 0.400 : Low

0.00 – 0.200 : Very low

Reliability of instrument

N ∑ xy−∑ x ∑ y
√ {N ∑ x −(∑ x ) }{N ∑ y −(∑ y ) }
2 2 2 2

34 ( 1. 191 )−( 174 )( 222 )

√{34 ( 952 )−( 174 )2}{34 ( 1 .530 )−( 222 )2}
√{ 32368−30276 } {52020−49248 }
1 . 866
√ { 2092 } {2772 }
1. 866
√ 5799024
1. 866
= 0 , 77

The result of reliability of speaking instrument on this research is

0,77. In conclusion, the reliability of speaking test’s instrument in this

research is high. To give the score to the students’ speaking ability, the

researcher combine the components of descriptive text and speaking

components to be indicator of scoring use analytic rubric adapted from

Harris (2004:84).

Table 2: Rubric Scoring for Students’ speaking Descriptive Text

Score Identification Score Description

Pronunciation Grammar vocabulary Fluency Comprehension pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension

A few trace of Few mistakes Using Fluent of Understand A few trace of Few mistakes Using Fluent of Understand
accent in found in stricture appropriate expression identifying things accent in found in appropriate expression every things to
identification of identification vocabulary while to be describe describe thing structure of vocabulary in while be describe very
of subject in identifying identifying very clearly clearly description in describing describe clearly
5 something to something. 5 sentences. something to something.
be described. be described.
Conscious of a Grammatical or Sometimes Speech Understand and Conscious of a It is make Sometimes Speech Understand and
define accent word order used in almost can present the define accent in mistakes used in almost can present the
in identifying errors, but it appropriate fluent when topic well. describing of structure but, appropriate fluent topic well
of the subject doesn’t really vocabulary identifying the subject it doesn’t vocabulary when
4 influence the in identifying something 4 influent the describe identifying
meaning in something meaning something something
something to be
Pronunciation Makes frequent Use un Speed and Understand most Pronunciation Makes Use un Speed and Understand most
problem in errors of appropriate fluency are of what is said at problem in frequent appropriate fluency are of what is said at
identifying grammar in vocabulary rather less in describe about errors of vocabulary rather less clearly in
about identifying about in identifying strongly presentation. something grammar in when describe strongly presentation.
3 something subject something affected in 3 describing about subject affected
identifying about subject when
something describe

Speech very Grammar and Uses Often Has great Speech is very Grammar Uses Often Has great

hard to word errors make vocabulary forced into difficultly to slowly to and word vocabulary forced into difficultly to
understand comprehension inappropriate silence in present subject describe of errors make inappropriate silence in present subject
while difficult in and difficult identifying subject comprehensi and difficult describe in description
2 identifying identifying to b e something 2 on difficult in to b e something process.
something something understand give understand in
description description of
about subject
Speech Errors in Vocabulary Speech Not understand Speech virtually Errors in Vocabulary is Speech Not understand
virtually un grammatical is limited, exceedingl about the topic un telling in grammatical limited, the exceedingl about the topic
telling in structure in the y halting and can’t present giving structure in description y halting and can’t present
1 identifying the sentences identifying the topic 1 description of sentences cannot done the topic
thing to be cannot done. subject

E. Technique of Data Collection

The data of this research will be thought the students’ speaking ability.

The researcher will give one topic to all the students then ask the students to

describe about the topic in front of teh class that suitable with the topic. The

researcher will collect the data by distributing a speaking test. After

distributing the test, researcher will collect the results of their speaking form

that will be score. For scoring the test, the researcher will be collaborate with

teacher at eight grade students of SMP N 1 Payung Sekaki.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After the score of each student in speaking test will be collect, they

were analyzed to find out the students’ speaking of descriptive text. To

analyze students’ speaking of descriptive text, the formula suggested by

Arikunto (2009: 264) was used as follows:


X = The mean of students' score

∑ X= Sum of students' score
N= The number of students
After finding the mean score of the students, then the deviation

standard will be computed in order to know reliability of students’ scores in

speaking by using formula suggested by Sudjana (2005:94) as follows:


n ∑ X 2i −(∑ X i )
n ( n−1 )


S= S tan dard deviation

n= Number of students
∑ X 2i = Sum square of students score

After all the data were collect, it will be analyzed by some statistical

analysis formulation as follows:

1. Measuring of Normality

Measuring the normality purpose to measure whether learning

achievement specially on speaking of descriptive text between two

samples distribute normally or not. The researcher measure the normality

by using the formula that propose by Sudjana (2005:99) as follow:

x 1−x
z i=

x= the mean
S= S tan dard deviation
x 1= Student ' s speaking
z i=Normality of the instrument

Deviation standard will formulate by using formula propose by

Sudjana (2005:94) as follows:

n ∑ X i −( ∑ X i )

n ( n−1 )

S= S tan dard deviation
n= Number of students
∑ X 2i = Sum square of students score
The mean will calculate by using formula propose by Arikunto

(2009:264) as follows:


X = The mean of students ' score
∑ X = Sum of students ' score
N= The number of students

If lo < lt it means that the distribution of data is normal. On the

contrary, if lo > lt, it means that the distribution of data is not normal. Based

on the testing of normality at experimental class, lo = 0, 1345, and lt =

0.1520. It means that lo < lt where the distribution of data was normal.

Furthermore, at control class, lo = 0, 1406 and lt = 0, 1520. It means the

distribution of data will be normal.

2. Measuring of Homogeneity

Measuring the homogeneity purpose to see whether the data of

students’ speaking ability in descriptive text two samples have homogeny

variances or not. The F ratio formula that was proposed by Sudjana

(2005:249) used by the researcher to analyzed it. The formula is as follow:

F= 2

S 21 = Variances of the higher score

S 22 = Varianves of the lower score
F= Ratio between two variables
If calculated ≤ Table, it means that the distribution of data have the same

variances or homogenous. On the contrary, if Fccalculated >F table, It means that

the distribution of the data does not has the same variances or not

homogenous. Based on the result of homogeneity testing of data, F c = 1,

31, and Ft = 1, 74, it can be conclude that the variances both of two classes

were homogenous.

3. Test of Significances

The level of significance that use in this research is α = 0, 05, df = n1 – 1

+ n2 – 1

4. Testing the hypothesis

To test the null hypothesis whether it will be rejecte or receive,

the researcher use the t-test formula that proposed by Sudjana (2005:239).

The formula was as follow:

X 1 −X 2
√ 1 1
n1 n2


n1=the number of students in exp erimental group

n2=the number of students in control group
X 1 = the mean scores of exp erimental group
X 2 = the mean scores of control group
S= S tan dard deviation
x 2= the mean score of control group


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