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Review Vocabulary
1. Use the following terms in sentences about the Civil War that demonstrate your understanding of the terms.
a. border state
b. enlist
The border states of the north had soldiers enlist in the war.

Answer the Guiding Questions

2. Contrasting How was the North's strategy different from the South's?
They had to be far more aggressive to get the point across that they were still a part of the union. The south just had
to wait it out until it was too expensive to continue in the north.
3. Comparing and Contrasting Compare and contrast attitudes in the Union and the Confederacy about enlisting
African American soldiers.
The north had african americans fighting for the union and the south had their slaves picking cotton as allways.
4. Evaluating What was the goal of the Anaconda Plan?
To take vital points of land like the mississippi river until they were too weak to fight back
5. PERSONAL WRITING You are a young Southern or Northern man in 1861. You have left home to join the army.
Write a letter to your family explaining your reasons for joining the Union or Confederate army.
It's been 3 weeks since I enlisted and it already feels like forever. Worth it though cause the rebels need to realize the
pain they have been inflicting for far too long. Sorry about leaving without telling you first. I just knew that you wouldn't
approve so I took matters into my own hands. If I die, I know that I died happy fighting for our country and the
betterment of the world. (P.S) my will is written on the back of this letter just in case.

Review Vocabulary
1. Define the following terms.
a. Tributary: a smaller river feeding into a larger river or lake
b. Ironclad: heavily braced with iron so as to be impenetrable
c. Casualty: an unfortunate event such as being wounded, killed, or going missing

Answer the Guiding Questions

2. Analyzing Why was the outcome of the Battle of Bull Run surprising to Northerners?
They had thought that the south had a generally weaker militaristic force so the war would be a quick in and out job,
this was not the case
3. Explaining Why was it important for the Confederacy to defend Richmond?
It was the capital and losing your capital city brings down morale a ton.
4. Evaluating How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect enslaved people in the South?
Not at all, they were already ceded from the union. Did anybody really think they were just going to say ¨Oh ok that
makes sense here you go¨ no they were in a war to split from the union, their laws had no effect on them.
5. PERSUASIVE WRITING Choose one of Douglass and Greeley’s arguments for making abolition an aim of the
war. Write a short paragraph expanding on the argument.
The south were growing to like the idea of having France or Britain help them in their effort to secede from the union.
This would prove very troublesome for the north as having ether join would mean almost immediate loss of the war.
So in making the emancipation proclamation (witch did nothing to free slaves for a while) aberham lincon made the
war about slavery. So Britain and France having abolished slavery in their borders would not be able to help the
south or risk look super hypocritical.

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