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Chapter I



The Philippines is facing a mounting energy crisis as the Malampaya natural gas

fields, currently supplying 30% of Luzon’s energy consumption, are expected to be

depleted by 2024. An ever-increasing population, a new government administration, and

some of the highest electricity costs in Southeast Asia all present formidable energy

production challenges.  Due to the impact of COVID-19, the energy sector faced many

challenges that necessitated adjustments to ensure continuity of energy services to

consumers. The country is clearly behind schedule in developing solutions. Households

in the Philippines have a particularly strong interest in finding effective ways of reducing

their energy expenditures. Therefore, the researchers decided to take it small by resolving

a local problem of excessive power consumption on the household level in Poblacion,

Pangantucan, Bukidnon. The respondents in this research are representatives of their

respective households specifically in Integrated and Stranger Village. This study first

took place in November of 2020 and lasted in January of 2023.

         For the capstone project of this research, the researchers will conduct a briefing

on how to use energy wisely in each of the participants' households, and each member of

the research team will be assigned to three households in order to complete the briefing in

a timely manner. Hence, the two fundamental ways in which energy expenditures can be

reduced: 1) strategic purchasing behaviors and 2) repetitive energy saving behaviors

(Never et al., 2020). Strategic purchasing behaviors include decisions to purchase…

energy efficient appliances and retrofitting homes to reduce energy usage. Repetitive

energy saving behaviors include the low-effort behaviors and habits in the household

such as turning the lights or appliances off when not in use. The amount of power

consumed by a household appliance is one of the most important factors that goes into

consideration for a household since it will directly influence a household’s electric bill.

How an appliance is used by the end-user factors in secondly in determining the electric

bills upward or downward direction. After the participants implement the proposed

energy efficient practices and strategies to their own household, the researchers will

observe if there is a change in their electric bills the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th month

they use it.

A similar study has been conducted by Never et al (2022) where they attempt to

validate whether environmental concerns and knowledge would positively reinforce

energy saving behaviors in Ghana, Peru, and the Philippines. The study focused mainly

on the middle-class income households in urban cities where households were able to

afford a whole range of additional appliances to accommodate their lifestyles and address

the demands of urban life. Lu Jiang et al (2022) conducts a related study where they

attempt to identify the factors that affect household energy consumption in mega-cities,

Guangzhou, China being their main city of reference. These studies, however, focus more

on households within the rural areas. 

The gap in knowledge that this study is attempting to close is to determine the

highest energy consuming electrical devices in households outside the urban cities and

within the local provinces. 

Theoretical Background of the Study

The Energy Consumption Theory (sometimes referred to as Energy Cost

Theory) states that the cost of using energy resources in production and service business

operations can be compensated by the overall positive economic impact of these

operations. The positive economic impact is due to the fact that the residual and

incremental innovations in the aforementioned businesses lead to overall improvement in

economy due to the random induced demand multiplier effect on monetary transactions.

Theory of Planned Behavior in Energy-Saving Behaviors

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which was proposed by Ajzen in 1985,

is an extension of the theory of reasoned action (TRA). Both models explain that an

individual’s decision to engage in a certain behavior is based on logical and reasoned

thought processes. According to the TPB, a behavior is directly determined by an

individual’s intention to engage in it, and intention is influenced by the way that an

individual perceives the value of the behavior (attitude towards the behavior), how

significant others in the individual’s life view or think about the behavior (subjective

norms), and the perception that the certain behavior is within the individual’s control

(perceived behavioral control).

Theory of Planned Behavior
Energy Cost Theory in Energy-Saving Behaviors
By: Vosooghzadeh, B
(2020) By: Suntornsan, Chudech,
and Janmaimool (2022)

Excessive Power

Lighting Energy Entertainment Energy Cooling Energy

Consumption - total Consumption - total Consumption - total
unit of energy used unit of energy used for unit of energy used
for lighting purposes entertainment purposes for cooling purposes

Energy Saving
Practices and

Schematic Diagram of the Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem/ Domain of the Inquiry

The general purpose of this study is to identify the three highest energy

consuming categories of electronic devices at the household level in Poblacion,

Pangantucan, Bukidnon, exclusively for the residents of Integrated and Stranger Village. 

The specific purpose of this study is to address the issue of excessive power

consumption by providing energy efficient practices and strategies that can cut down

excessive power consumption thereby reducing the overall energy expenditures in the

household. The basis for these energy efficient practices and strategies will be the data

collected by the first survey which identifies the three highest consuming categories of

electronic devices.

To fulfill the above purposes, the researchers ask the following questions:

1. What is the highest energy consuming electrical appliances/devices used in

Pangantucan households in terms of:

1.1 Lighting;

1.2 Entertainment; and

1.3 Cooling;

2. Is there a significant difference in the electric bills if participants invest in energy

efficient appliances?

3. What recommendations did the researchers produce based on their findings and


Statement of Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant difference in how the specified variables affect the electric


Ha: There is a significant difference in how the specified variables affect the electric


Significance of the Study

The result of the study will also offer benefits to the following people who were

directly included in the study:

The first beneficiary are the residents of Stranger and Integrated village because

by reducing the amount of electricity used, they can lower their monthly utility bills and

by using less electricity, households can become less vulnerable to power outages and

other disruptions in the electricity supply.

The second beneficiary are the students because by saving electricity, students can

develop good habits that they can carry with them throughout their lives, helping them to

be more mindful of their impact on the environment. It can also benefit them by leading

efforts to save electricity on campus, students can develop leadership skills and make a

positive impact on their community. Altogether, saving electricity can benefit students

both personally and globally, and can help them to develop important life skills and


The third beneficiary is the school because by using less electricity, a school can

save money on its energy bills, which can be used to fund other important initiatives.

Using less electricity helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which can help…
combat climate change. This can also improve the school's reputation as a sustainable and

environmentally responsible institution, which can lead to a cooler, quieter, and more

comfortable learning environment that can improve student concentration and

performance. By leading efforts to save electricity, a school can set a positive example

for other institutions and communities, and can provide students with leadership

opportunities. In general, saving electricity can help a school to save money, reduce its

environmental impact, and improve the learning environment for students, while also

providing leadership opportunities for students and staff.

The fourth beneficiary are the future researchers, who will be able to widen their

knowledge and gain a deeper understanding about this experimental study on how we can

cut back on our excessive power consumption. Moreover, this study may help them in

figuring out how to approach their future coursework and research.

Scope and Delimitation

For the scope of this research, the researchers began looking for participants in

Poblacion, Pangantucan, Bukidnon in November of 2022, but after a while they decided

to settle their study on the people who live in Integrated and Stranger Village of

Poblacion, Pangantucan, Bukidnon because it has a lower population than the other

villages and is more convenient since the majority of the research team lives there.

Meanwhile, data was collected by sending the link of the questionnaire to the participants

via Google Form. This study will focus solely on the top 3 electric appliances on a daily

basis and the participants are limited only to those who pay the bills in households.
Definition of Terms

Power Consumption refers to the electrical energy per unit time, supplied to

operate something, such as a home appliance. Power consumption is usually measured in

units of watts (w) or kilowatts (kW).

Budget is a spending plan based on income and expenses. In other words, it's an

estimate of how much money you'll make and spend over a certain period of time, such

as a month or year.

Kilowatts(kW) is a unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. It is commonly used to

measure the rate of energy transfer or consumption in various applications, including

electricity usage in homes and businesses, heating and cooling systems, and mechanical

power output.

Electronic billing or electronic bill payment and presentment, is when a seller

such as company, organization, or group sends its bills or invoices over the internet, and

customers pay the bills electronically.

Liquidation generally refers to the process of selling off a company's inventory,

typically at a big discount, to generate cash.

Estimated monthly cost means the estimated average total amount paid by the

recipient (periodic and irregular payments) over the estimated term of the contract,

divided by the number of months in the estimated term of the contract.

Wattage is the amount of electrical power measured in watts that something

(such as a light bulb) uses.

Chapter II


This chapter represents the relevant literature. The researchers conducted a careful and

in-depth search to thoroughly evaluate the research.

Excessive Power Consumption

Excessive Power Consumption (PC) and demand for power is increasing on a

daily basis, due to advancements in technology, the rise in electricity-dependent

machinery, and the growth of the human population. It has become necessary to predict

PCs in order to improve power management and co-operation between the energy used in

a building and the power grid. State-of-the-art Energy Consumption Prediction (ECP)

methods are limited in terms of predicting the energy effectively, due to various

challenges such as weather conditions and the dynamic behavior of occupants.” (Ullah et

al., 2019). Household power consumption is of crucial importance since it constitutes ⅓

of the overall energy consumed by developed and many developing countries (Pulvera,

2021). Moreover, electricity is one of the most important sources of energy in our

everyday lives. We use it every day in different situations and circumstances. However, it

is also the most used and most expensive energy that we always use (Chen, 2017).

Research on the quantity of household energy consumption per capita has

received extensive attention from scholars believing that geographical and socioeconomic

locations result in different quantities of household energy consumption per capita (Jiang

et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020)

For instance, some cases in countries like Iraq, Uzbekistan and China, energy

consumption is a huge problem, especially in government institutions. Many devices

continue operating even after working hours (ALRikabi et al., 2020), also research is

being conducted in Uzbekistan on the cases of symmetrical operation of low-voltage (0.4

kV) power distribution networks. One of the main reasons for the excess of electricity

quality indicators over normative indicators is the uneven distribution of network phases,

which leads to an increase in energy losses (Yulchiev and Qodirov, 2019). At the same

time, China is in the process of large-scale urbanization. It is estimated that by 2030,

more than 1 billion people, or nearly 70% of the Chinese population, will settle in cities,

which will increase the quantity of household energy consumption per capita (Wang et

al., 2021).

According to Keynes' absolute income hypothesis, the level of consumption

varies with the level of income, and studies have found a significant correlation between

the intensity of the quantity of household energy consumption per capita and the

disposable income of household members as household disposable income increases

(Shao et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2020). Furthermore, the household income level of the

household head also affects energy consumption. Annual household income shows a

positive correlation with the quantity of household energy consumption per capita (Shi et

al. 2020), that is, as household income increases, the demand for household appliances

increases, which in turn leads to an increase in the quantity of household energy

consumption per capita. There is a positive relationship between the housing area and the

quantity of household energy consumption per capita; the larger the housing area is, the

more household appliances are needed, which in turn leads to a greater quantity of…
household energy consumption per capita (Zhang et al., 2020). Even so, households that

perceive their current income as lower, relative to normal years are less likely to save

than those who view that their income is the same as the reference point (Shin et al.,


In household energy renewal decisions, high heating bills and low thermal

comfort in apartments have been major variables, but inadequate public funding and

unwillingness to borrow are also one of the key barriers for this decision (Streimikiene

and Balezentis, 2020). Thus, there are many issues associated with the urban energy

transition, such as justice, carbon emissions and environmental pressure (Jiang et al.,


The first group of studies attempts to identify the direction of causality between

electricity and economic growth using the cointegration method of analysis. While the

majority of studies show that there is bidirectional causality between electricity and

economic growth, others show that electricity is causal to economic growth. (Samu et al.,

2019). Moreover, the conservation hypothesis also suggests that economic growth is

causal to energy consumption, thus policies aimed at efficient energy use will not hamper

economic growth. In contrast, the advocates of the growth hypothesis document that there

is unidirectional causality running from energy use to GDP growth and that energy is a

significant factor in economic performance (Gozgor et al., 2018).

Energy is the lifeblood of modern societies. In the past decades, the world's

energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions increased rapidly due to the increases

in population and comfort demands of people (Amasyali and El-Gohary, 2018).

Energy Efficiency

The proportion of residential electricity consumption in the total energy

consumption has increased rapidly in the past decades all over the world. It is becoming

increasingly important to promote household energy conservation for the sustainable

development of a country in the case of resource constraints (Guo et al., 2018), that is

why promoting energy efficient upgrades provides many advantages, including financial

savings, convenience, a feeling of well-being, lowered pollution, and resource

management (Wrigley and Crawford, 2017). Studies also show that promoting energy

and resource-saving behavior is one of the key instruments for reducing the consumption

of resources and finding energy and resource efficiency (Liobikiene and Minelgaite,

2021). (Moriarty and Honnery, 2019) states that the two approaches to reducing energy

use are to maximize the efficacy of all energy-using devices, or to minimize their use by

some means. Anomaly detection in energy consumption is a crucial step towards

developing efficient energy saving systems, diminishing overall energy expenditure and

reducing carbon emissions (Himeur and Alsalemi, 2021). But unfortunately, in the

limited time available, energy conservation methods alone are unlikely to achieve

anything near the energy reductions required, however, energy efficiency, requiring less

usage of energy-using products, including private cars, would have to be the basis of all

energy reductions. Changes in lifestyles would be required to achieve such reductions,

especially for residents of non-OECD countries, as outlined in (Moriarty and Honnery,


To achieve significant energy reductions in buildings, decision-makers can

engage occupants in different types of interventions such as information…

sharing, feedback and social marketing. To improve the effectiveness of these energy

saving interventions, this study develops and tests a model which is capable of

identifying occupants’ energy use characteristics and the influential factors of their

energy use behaviors (e.g., turning off lights when not in use) (Li et al., 2017). Hence, at

the end of the century, energy consumption from activities in buildings will decrease by

11 percent relative to the level of 2015, instead of a 126 percent increase (Levesque et al.,


Based on the global need to reduce the primary and final energy consumption, as

part of the climate change mitigation strategy, the present study aims at determining the

influence of different economic, social and environmental factors on the two types of

consumption while emphasizing the importance of this topic for the research area

(Zaharia et al., 2019). In addition to that depletion of resources and climate change are

important factors impacting sustainable development. Energy education, as part of

education for sustainable development, is considered an efficient way to raise students’

awareness of environmental protection and energy saving (Lee et al., 2022).

In terms of household characteristics, three factors are selected: the household

working population, educational level, and age. Theoretically, the household working

population shows a negative correlation with the quantity of household energy

consumption per capita, and as the household working population increases, the quantity

of household energy consumption per capita gradually decreases. The main reason is that

working people spend most of their time at work and less time at home; thus, the higher

the number of working people in the household is, the lower the energy consumption of

the household (Wang et al., 2017). There is a negative relationship between…

educational level and the quantity of household energy consumption per capita. As

people become more educated and more aware of energy conservation, they tend to

choose household appliances with energy-saving features, thus reducing the quantity of

household energy consumption per capita to a certain extent (Thapar, 2020). However,

there is a high correlation in the level of education attained by the household head and the

electric energy expenditures in the household. Male household heads would typically use

other forms of energy to accomplish household tasks, while female household heads

would make more use of electric energy to accomplish household tasks. Female

household heads play a small but not insignificant role in electric energy consumption

(Dacuycuy and Dacuycuy, 2018). Age and the quantity of household energy consumption

per capita show a positive correlation; with age, the “retirement effect” of elderly

individuals leads them to stay at home longer and use energy longer, thus increasing

energy consumption, while young and middle-aged people spend most of their time

working outside and less time at home, reducing the quantity of household energy

consumption per capita to a certain extent (Jiang et al., 2020).

The original rationale for adopting daylight saving time (DST) was energy

savings. Modern research studies, however, question the magnitude and even direction of

the effect of DST on electricity consumption. (Havranek et al., 2018). Additionally,

Flexible printed carbon-nanotube-thin-film-transistors (CNT-TFTs) with characteristics

of low cost, low operating voltage, low power consumption, and signal amplification

have great potential for emerging electronics powered by self-powered systems or low-

power density thin-film solar cells (Geng et al., 2022)

Chapter III


         This chapter of the paper focuses on the research design and methodology. It

consists of the research design, research environment, participants, data gathering

procedures, and data treatment and analysis.

Research Design

         This paper is a quantitative experimental research type which requires the process

of collecting and analyzing numerical data. The process of collecting and analyzing data

can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and

generalize results to wider populations. The main design of this research is experimental.

Experimental design is the process of carrying out research in an objective and controlled

fashion so that precision is maximized and specific conclusions can be drawn regarding a

hypothesis statement. The variables that this research utilizes are the following: 1)

lighting energy consumption, 2) entertainment energy consumption, 3) cooling energy

consumption. The research questions are centered on the hypothesis that there is a

significant difference in the total amount due on electric bills simply by applying energy

efficient strategies and practices to regular household electronic usage. The researchers

will use survey questionnaires to validate the hypothesis and provide responses to the

research questions.
Research Environment

It is crucial for us to practice energy conservation because it improves the quality

of life for everyone by lowering pollution in the air, water, and natural resources as well

as preventing climate change and solid waste disposal.  Thus, to start avoiding these

problems, the researchers decided that the location of their study will be conducted in one

setting which is in barangay Población particularly in Stranger Village with a total

population of 312 and 131 households and Integrated Village with 143 total population

and 33 households. Poblacion is a barangay in the municipality of Pangantucan, in the

province of Bukidnon. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 12,722. This

represented 22.48% of the total population of Pangantucan. The household population of

Poblacion in the 2015 Census was 10,934 broken down into 2,473 households or an

average of 4.42 members per household.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure/ Participants

The researchers used purposive sampling technique because the participants of

this study are only those who fit the profile of the people that the researchers need to

reach, which technically, are those who have all of the appliances/devices mentioned in

the questionnaire. People who lack one of the variables will not be included in the scope

of the research to maintain fairness and reliability of the data. The study will be done

through the utilization of questionnaires in which the researchers will be surveying fifty

(50) respondents. Through surveying and examining in a specific environment. Thus, the

researchers will be able to inform and assist the population of Pangantucanons,

particularly residents in Integrated and Stranger Village, who are affected by the issue of

excessive power consumption.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data collecting technique is a systematic and uniform approach for gathering

information. The researcher collects data in this study by using the following method:

The questionnaire is a commonly used and useful tool for gathering survey data,

as it provides structured, frequently numerical data that may be delivered without the

presence of the researcher, and is often very simple to analyze (Wilson and Mclean,

1994). In this study, residents in Integrated and Stranger Village are given a questionnaire

(See Appendix B) to identify the three highest energy consuming electric devices in their

household. Then in the continuation of our research study, which is our capstone,

respondents of the research will be asked to participate in the experiment by practicing

efficient energy saving strategies and practices. The same respondents will then be asked

to share their electric bills for a three-month period. The electric bills will be used as a

basis to validate if there is a significant difference in electric bills if energy efficient

saving strategies and practices are applied.   

Data Analysis

The collected data will be thoroughly examined and checked for completeness

and comprehensibility. The data were then summarized, coded and tabulated. Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used to aid analysis. Descriptive Statistics,

especially frequencies, percentages and mean and standard deviation will be applied to

help establish relationships, to make it easier for the researcher to understand and

interpret the implication of the study. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be utilized to

test the relationship between variables of the study.

 Ethical considerations

         To protect the privacy of the research participants, the respondents signed a

consent letter and by this it helped the researcher uphold their integrity, prevent

misconduct and other improper behavior that might reflect poorly on their institutions,

and deal with challenging circumstances. They all consented to take part in the survey by

signing the consent letter that was made by the researchers.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the data gathered in the study and discusses the implications

of the findings. The data presented follows the order of the problem of the study.

Problem 1. What is the highest energy consuming electrical appliances/devices used in

Pangantucan households?

Graph 1: The results from the online survey.

Graph 1 reflects that the majority of the response which in totality is 132 uses

lights, entertainment devices (cellphone and TV) and cooling devices such as stand fan

and refrigerator more often on a daily basis. These appliances and gadgets contribute

greatly to the monthly electric bill paid by each household.

Problem 2: Is there a significant difference in the electric bills if participants

invest in energy efficient appliances?

Graph 2. Lights Subcategory and Cost Liquidation

Graph 2 reflects the identified common types of light which are Fluorescent Lamp

and Incandescent bulb used by half of the respondents (25) who selected this option on

the survey and these are fluorescent light bulbs and Incandescent bulbs.

Table 1. Effects of Energy Utilization to Power Consumption on Light Energy

Light Energy M SD QD
1.   Wattage 1.00 14.57 LSE
2.   Number of hours Used 2.66 0.00 ME
3.   Cost per Unit 1.00 0.55 LSE
4.   Estimated Monthly Cost 1.00 0.00 LSE
Average 1.42 3.78 LSE
Scale Interval Qualitative Description Code
1 3.25 - 4.00 High Effect HE
2 2.50 - 3.24 Moderate Effect ME
3 1.75 - 2.49 Less Effect LE
4 1.00 - 1.74 Least Effect LSE

The table above shows that the number of hours used has a moderate effect on the

power consumption on light energy, as it has the highest mean at 2.66. Whereas wattage,

cost per unit, and estimated monthly cost all have the same least effect on power

consumption on light energy, with a mean of 1.00.

Source: The use of light at night continues to increase. Simply put, this is because

without light we are deprived of our premier sense, vision. By enabling vision, the use of

light at night delivers a number of benefits to people.

Problem 3. What recommendations did the researchers produce based on their

findings and results?

Graph 3. Entertainment Subcategory and Cost Liquidation

Graph 3 reflects the identified common types of entertainment, which are TV sets

and gadgets, specifically cellphone and TV that are being used on daily basis.

Table 2. Effects of Energy Utilization to Power Consumption on Entertainment Energy

Entertainment Energy M SD QD
1.   Wattage 2.52 1.96 ME
2.   Number of hours Used 1.00 0.00 LSE
3.   Cost per Unit 1.00 0.00 LSE
4.   Estimated Monthly Cost 1.00 0.00 LSE
Average 1.38 0.49 LSE

Scale Interval Qualitative Description Code
1 3.25 - 4.00 High Effect HE
2 2.50 - 3.24 Moderate Effect ME
3 1.75 - 2.49 Less Effect LE
4 1.00 - 1.74 Least Effect LSE

The table above shows that wattage has a moderate effect on the power

consumption on entertainment energy, as it has the highest mean at 2.52. Whereas the

number of hours used, cost per unit, and estimated monthly cost all have the same least

effect on power consumption on entertainment energy, with a mean of 1.00.

Source: The higher the wattage, the greater the amount of electrical energy that an

electrical appliance or piece of equipment uses over a period of time.

Graph 4. Cooling Subcategory and Cost Liquidation

Graph 4 reflects the two most common types of cooling devices that are

commonly used in households, which are refrigerators and stand fans. 

Table 3. Effects of Energy Utilization to Power Consumption on Cooling Energy

Cooling Energy M SD QD

1. Wattage 3.62 1.51 HE

2. Number of hours Used 3.16 2.01 ME

3. Cost per Unit 3.08 2.01 ME

4. Estimated Monthly Cost 3.16 2.01 ME

Average 3.26 1.89 HE

Scale Interval Qualitative Description Code
1 3.25 - 4.00 High Effect HE
2 2.50 - 3.24 Moderate Effect ME
3 1.75 - 2.49 Less Effect LE
4 1.00 - 1.74 Least Effect LSE

The table above shows that wattage has a high effect on cooling energy

consumption, as it has the highest mean at 3.62. Whereas the cost per unit has the lowest

mean among the rest, garnering a moderate effect on the power consumption on cooling

energy, with a mean of 3.08.

Source: The higher the wattage, the greater the amount of electrical energy that an

electrical appliance or piece of equipment uses over a period of time.

Table 4. Summary Table on the Energy Utilization to Power Consumption as to Analysis

of Variance

Sum of df Mean F Sig Decision

Squares Square
Between Reject
173.080 2 86.540 42.368 .000
Groups Ho
Within Groups 300.260 147 2.043
Total 473.340 149
Between Reject
127.853 2 63.927 43.925 .000
Groups Ho
Number of Hours Used
Within Groups 213.940 147 1.455
Total 341.793 149
Between Reject
144.213 2 72.107 53.083 .000
Groups Ho
Cost per Unit
Within Groups 199.680 147 1.358
Total 343.893 149
Between Reject
155.520 2 77.760 57.522 .000
Estimated Monthly Groups Ho
Cost Within Groups 198.720 147 1.352
Total 354.240 149
This table shows the sum of squares, degrees of freedom, mean square, F-ratio

and significant level of between groups and within groups. This shows that the standard

significant level (0.05) is greater than the significant level of the three treatments.

As shown in Table 4, it has been established that there is a significant difference

in how the specified variables affect the electric bills in terms of wattage, number of

hours, cost per unit and estimated monthly cost. Moreover, it has been shown in the

overall comparison that the p-value for all the variables is less than 0.05. Therefore, it

has been decided that all of the variables will reject the null and accept the alternative


Subsequently, the table also shows that wattage has the highest total in the sum of

squares garnering 473.340. While number of hours used has the lowest at 342.793 in

totality in the sum of squares, not too far from the cost per unit which all in all is 434.893.
Table 5. Summary Table on the Energy Utilization to Power Consumption as to Multiple


Dependent (I) Lighting, (J) Lighting, Mean Std. Sig. Decision

Variable Entertainment & Cooling Entertainment & Cooling Difference (I-J) Error
EE -1.520* .286 .000
CE -2.620* .286 .000 Ho
LE 1.520* .286 .000 Ho
Wattage EE
CE -1.100* .286 .001 Ho
LE 2.620* .286 .000 Ho
EE 1.100* .286 .001
EE 1.660* .241 .000
CE -.500 .241 .120
LE -1.660* .241 .000
Number of Ho
Hours Used Reject
CE -2.160* .241 .000
LE .500 .241 .120
EE 2.160* .241 .000
EE .000 .233 1.000
CE -2.080* .233 .000 Ho
LE .000 .233 1.000 Ho
Cost per Unit EE
CE -2.080* .233 .000 Ho
LE 2.080* .233 .000 Ho
EE 2.080* .233 .000
EE .000 .233 1.000
CE -2.160* .233 .000
LE .000 .233 1.000
Estimated Ho
Month Cost Reject
CE -2.160* .233 .000
LE 2.160* .233 .000
EE 2.160* .233 .000
Description Code
Light Energy LE
Entertainment Energy EE
Cooling Energy CE

The table above present the results of the multiple comparisons. It is already

shown in the previous table (table 4) that there is a significant difference in how the

specified variables affect the electric bills. Hence, in this table it will show the multiple

comparisons of each of the treatments in terms of wattage, number of hours, cost per unit

and estimated monthly cost and determine whether what to reject and what to accept.

These are the following explanation for each of the variable:

First is the multiple comparison for wattage. Since the p-value for all of them is

0.00, LE, EE and CE all have a significant difference with each other which leads to a

decision to reject the null and accept the alternative

Second is the multiple comparison for numbers of hours used. It is shown in the

table above that only two of the treatment have a significant difference and will be

accepting the alternative hypothesis, which is LE and EE, and CE and EE. As for LE and

CE they have no significant difference with each other and will be accepting the null

rather than the alternative hypothesis.

Third is the multiple comparison for cost per unit. It is shown in the table above

that only two of the treatment have a significant difference and will be accepting the

alternative hypothesis, which is LE and CE, and CE and EE. As for LE and EE they have

no significant difference with each other and will be rejecting the alternative hypothesis.

Last is the multiple comparison for estimated monthly cost. Same with the third

the only two treatment that has a significant difference with each other and will be

accepting the alternative hypothesis is the LE and CE, and CE and EE. Thus, rejecting the

alternative and accepting the null hypothesis implies that LE and EE have no significant

Chapter V


Through detailed analysis and experimentation, we have reached a number of

conclusions that provide valuable insight into the subject. Based on these conclusions, we

have also developed a set of recommendations for further study and implementation. In

this paper, we will present and discuss our findings, conclusions, and recommendations

in depth.


After treating and analyzing the data, it is evident that there is a significant

difference among the three treatments of lighting, entertainment and cooling energy

consumption in terms of wattage. As for number of hours used, cost per unit and

estimated monthly cost, one of their variables has no significant difference with another

variable, hence, they are accepting the null and rejecting the alternative hypothesis.

Results also show that the larger the population, the more electricity it consumes.

See for example. Urban places have a larger population than in rural areas, therefore,

excessive power consumption is more likely to occur in cities than in remote areas.

Thus, it is more effective to use efficient energy saving strategies and household

practices to save power and lessen the electric bills. The researchers made a strategic plan

to spread awareness about the excessive use of power and create a tactical approach to

lessen the electric bills of every household in Poblacion, Pangantucan, Bukidnon.


In totality, based on the tables in Chapter IV, it appears that cooling energy

consumption is the highest among the appliances/devices that may be the source of

excessive power consumption. Moreover, the tables also show that there is a significant

difference among the three treatments because the standard significant level – .05, is

greater than the significant level of the three treatments – 0.00. Thus, the researchers

accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis.

The researchers also conclude that there are and will be visible effects if people

use the energy-saving strategies and practices they propose. Thus, for the second life of

their research study, or in other words, their capstone, they will do their best to persuade

and convey to the residents of Integrated and Stranger Village their suggested energy

efficient strategies and practices in the best way possible.


The researchers recommend the residents of Integrated and stranger Village to

utilize efficient energy saving strategies and household practices to save power. A

"standby" mode is activated when your television, computer, microwave, and even

certain washing machines are not in use. To save electricity, disconnect them from the

outlet. You must also turn off the lights when not in use as it is also an efficient way in

saving energy.

The researchers recommend the students to regulate the use of their personal

devices. If students can keep their device turned off while at school or anywhere…
unnecessary, then they will end up saving energy since they won’t need to recharge as


The researchers recommend the schools to turn off the lights that are not being

used in classrooms and other areas, such as empty bathrooms and unoccupied multi-

purpose rooms. Try organizing a student “light patrol” to check empty classrooms, labs,

and other spaces to make sure the lights are off when they're not in use.

The researchers recommend this paper to the future researchers because this paper

can be used to serve as a reference, since doing so will make it simpler and more

convenient for them to understand what to do and how to conduct a quantitative research


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