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Impact of Celebrity

Endorsement on Intention to
buy Protein Supplements in
With the Celebrity Gender as the Moderating Variable and Product
Knowledge and Product Attitude as the Control Variables.

Group 8 HR Section C 3/19/23 HRM 2022-24

H22138 Harsh Vardhan

H22141 Karthik Padmanabhan
H22145 Mansi Agrawal
H22160 Ridhima Budhiraja
This study delves into the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumers’ intention to buy
protein supplements in India. Various factors of endorsements including product knowledge
and attitude, celebrity trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness and popularity and the
intention to purchase through endorsement were looked into. For reliability, a novel
technique named, ‘Ohanian source credibility score’, was employed post which scaling was
achieved through principal component analysis extraction method and varimax rotated with
kaiser normalization. The sample for this study consisted of 213 respondents across various
demographic strata, but largely homogenous. Predominant respondents were MBA
students at XLRI Jamshedpur, India hovering around the age bracket of 24-26. A multiple
regression test was performed to observe the impact of the relevant factors, and this was
subsequently used to accurately ascertain relationships. It was found that celebrity
endorsements did have a significant impact in purchasing decisions. Furthermore, it was
evident that amongst all factors, trustworthiness and expertise of celebrity endorsements
played chief roles in determining consumer behaviour.

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude To Prof. D. Israel for the opportunity you
have given us to work on a social research project under your guidance. Your support and
mentorship throughout this project have been invaluable. Your extensive knowledge and
expertise in the field of social research have helped us gain a deeper understanding of the
research process and its intricacies. Your guidance and feedback have pushed us to think
critically and analytically, and to develop our skills in research methodology and data
Table of Contents
Nature of Research Problem......................................................................................................5
Research Objectives/ Questions................................................................................................6
To examine if celebrity endorsement influence consumer purchasing behavior.............6
Degree to which celebrity endorsements influence consumer purchasing behavior.......6
To analyze whether endorsing celebrity credibility influences purchase decisions..........6
To examine how traits of celebrities influences the efficacy of endorsements................6
Significance of your study..........................................................................................................7
H1(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement..............8
H1(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement..............8
H2(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of the celebrity
positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein
H2(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of the celebrity
positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein
H3(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement............10
H3(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement............10
H4(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement............11
H4(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the celebrity positively
influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement............11
H5(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the celebrity has more
influence on the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement than
their expertise, attractiveness and popularity, while controlling the product attitude
towards protein supplements..............................................................................................13

H5(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the celebrity has more
influence on the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s protein supplement than
their expertise, attractiveness and popularity, while controlling the product attitude
towards protein supplements..............................................................................................13
Data Analysis and Findings.......................................................................................................15
Scale used.............................................................................................................................16
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA).........................................................................................16
Reliability of the Variables....................................................................................................18
Multiple Regression..............................................................................................................19
1. Impact of Trust, Expertise, Attractiveness and Popularity on Intention to
Purchase Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty.............................................19
2. Impact of Trust, Expertise, Attractiveness, and Popularity on Intention to
Purchase Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu..................................................20
3. Evaluating R square changed for all variables, for both the celebrities, after
controlling for Product Attitude......................................................................................21
Discussion on Uniqueness of Findings.....................................................................................24
Implications of findings of your study......................................................................................25
Limitations and Directions for Future Research......................................................................26
Limitations of the Study.......................................................................................................26
Directions for Future Research:............................................................................................26
Form Link..............................................................................................................................30
Survey link (Response Data).................................................................................................30
Literature Review.................................................................................................................30

Table 1 Concept Variables of the Model....................................................................................4

Table 2 Data Adequacy Establishment.....................................................................................15
Table 3 Item Deletion Table.....................................................................................................16
Table 4 Component/ Construct Definition...............................................................................17

Table 5 Reliability Statistics......................................................................................................17
Table 6 Multiple Regression table for Shilpa Shetty................................................................18
Table 7 Result Summary for Shilpa Shetty...............................................................................19
Table 8 Multiple Regression results for PV Sindhu..................................................................19
Table 9 Result Summary for PV Sindhu....................................................................................20
Table 10 R square changed for all variables after controlling for Product Attitude................20
Table 11 Hypothesis Result Table...........................................................................................22

Figure 1 Figurative Model of Concept Definition.......................................................................4

Figure 2 Gender Distribution....................................................................................................14
Figure 3 Age Distribution.........................................................................................................14
Figure 4 Source Credibility Scale (7).........................................................................................15

With the increase in health consciousness among various age groups, genders along with
the evolving lifestyles, awareness about various health and medical conditions and buying
capabilities, the popularity of protein supplements has significantly risen. The supplements
which were earlier predominantly consumed by bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts and
athletes to aide their daily protein requirement for muscle building and muscle recovery,
are now more accessible to the general public. In addition to conventional natural protein
sources in the form of lentils, sea food, fish etc., the consumer market has switched gears to
the supplements which are readily available in the market in the form of both medically
prescribed and Over-The-Counter supplements.[2] The popular protein supplements are
majorly sold in the form of powders, granola bars, ready-to-drink beverages, and capsules.
These Protein supplements are available in the market in numerous variants which are used
by the customers according to their body needs, eating habits, demographics, age, feeding
choices (like Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian, Vegan etc.) prescription, allergy constraints and
tolerance, like, Whey Protein (the most popular and commonly used), Casein Protein, Soy
Protein, Pea Protein, Egg Protein, Hemp Protein etc.

Protein Supplement Market in India:

Going by the stats, India has one of the fastest growing Protein supplement markets of INR
436.5 billion in 2022, which is expected to further grow to an INR 958.1 billion in the coming
5 years. Indian market is highly competitive, which doesn’t produce a clear market leader as
such currently but the top 5 player viz., Optimum Nutrition, MuscleBlaze, MyProtein,
Ultimate Nutrition and BSN constitute 60% of the market.

Marketing Strategies used by the Brands:

With the growing market, various brands have started marketing themselves to expand
their customer segment. The most used marketing techniques include influencer marketing,
celebrity endorsements, product placement, discounts and promotional coupons, social
media marketing etc. in their major distribution channels, like, pharmacies, drugstores,
supermarkets, brand outlets and online platforms. Looking further into celebrity
endorsements, many Bollywood, Sports Personalities and self-made influencers are seen to
be taking keen interest in promoting major brands. [7] Such endorsements are intended to
create a connect with the buyer to show their interest and trust in the brand due to the face
representing them. These kinds of promotion and the right selection of the representative
becomes important when the stakeholders is not only the customer but also their physical
well. Since they are majorly customer facing initiatives, brands start to take factors like
credentials, achievements and history, into consideration, before pitching them to the

Nature of Research Problem


Expertise Intention to
buy Protein
Attractiveness Supplement


Product Product
Knowledge Attitude
Celebrity Type

Figure 1 Figurative Model of Concept Definition

Variable Type Variable Name

Independent Trustworthiness Expertise Attractiveness Popularity
Variables (T) (E) (A) (P)
Dependent Intention to Purchase Protein Supplements
Variable (IP)
Celebrity Type (Sports vs Movie)
Control Product Knowledge Product Attitude
Variables (PK) (PA)

Table 1 Concept Variables of the Model




Through this research we seek to correlate the perception of the celebrity endorser, based
on Trustworthiness, Expertise, Attractiveness and Popularity, with the Intention of Indian
Consumers to Purchase Protein Supplements being endorsed.

Here, the two celebrities referred to are females and a famous in India, but of contrasting
fields – Movie and Sports.

We also seek to understand the output, after controlling for Knowledge and Attitude
towards the Protein Supplements.

Research Objectives/ Questions
Does celebrity endorsement have an impact on consumption of protein supplements? 
Objective: Through surveying and analysis, we aim to quantifiably determine which factors
of celebrity endorsement affect protein supplement consumption the most
To this end, we draw upon key questions raised through literature review. They are as
To examine if celebrity endorsement influence consumer purchasing behavior
The purpose of our project is to find out the influence of endorsements on purchasing
behavior. While we are aware intuitively and intrinsically that it indeed does, there remains
a burden of scientific proof to establish a verifiable relationship. Through this study, one of
our objectives is to examine whether celebrity endorsement does truly influence purchasing
behavior in any way at all.
Degree to which celebrity endorsements influence consumer purchasing
Once a relationship has been established with endorsements and purchasing behavior, the
next step would be to ascertain the degree to which this happens. Yet again, the methods
and means to achieve this have been explained in other sections; however, an important
step is to thoroughly quantify not just that endorsements affect consumption but also how
much they affect consumption behavior. 
To analyze whether endorsing celebrity credibility influences purchase
Amongst aspects of celebrity endorsements which could be explored, one of the factors
highlighted in literature review is the credibility of the endorsing celebrity. We have noticed
that the research papers look across industries, modalities, and populations, to establish
firmly whether the perception of the endorser (in terms of positive person attributes) plays
a role in the decision of the consumer. Naturally, we would also extend this beyond merely
establishing a relationship to ascertaining the degree to which it does, and hopefully use the
same in our survey design.
To examine how traits of celebrities influences the efficacy of endorsements
In addition to credibility, it is intuitive to feel that certain celebrities would have a greater
sway in purchasing decisions simply due to greater touchpoints with their target consumer
groups. We have found research which also delves into the same within limited populations.
We are hoping to understand how impactful this factor is in swaying consumer views. 
To examine which of the facet/factor of celebrity endorsement influence purchasing
decisions the most
As mentioned above, there are various dimensions to celebrity endorsements which can be
explored in establishing and quantifying a relationship. In addition to identifying and
quantifying their individual impact, it is also incumbent on us to understand how they would

apply when they take effect in unison. The relationship will largely be statistically
established considering that it is hard to isolate and apply individual factors, and may
perhaps be used to make generalized statements or in trends to display combined effect.

Significance of your study

This study provides a broad view of the factors responsible for people making certain
purchase decisions concerning protein supplements and how celebrity endorsements affect
them. We are also categorising the celebrities into two broad categories, one being a
sportsperson and the other being an actress who has a connection to the fitness world;
through this, we are trying to dig deep and gather insights about the difference in the
effectiveness of a sportsperson endorsing a fitness product and an actress supporting the

In the following sections, we aim to study the effect of celebrity endorsements on the
buying behaviour of the Protein Supplements. We have tried to do a comparative study to
first find out the level of awareness about the protein supplements and then relate various
attributes like credibility, trustworthiness, relevance, experience in the field, popularity etc.
of the brand ambassador, which a buyer will be likely to consider, before going for a brand.


H1(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the

celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
According to various research, a sports celebrity endorsing a product can raise brand
recognition, reliability, and dependability, which can favourably affect customer attitudes
and buy intentions. Customers frequently consider athletes and sportspersons as their role
models and subject matter experts; thus, their endorsement of a product can inspire
humongous confidence in it. 

Specifically in the context of protein supplements, a sports star endorsement can raise
customer views of the supplement's efficacy, quality, and safety, which raises buying
intentions, very easily as it denotes a sign effectiveness and reliability of the supplement.
The success of the endorsement also depends on how trustworthy and clean-imaged the
celebrity is, as people are more likely to trust someone, they believe to be trustworthy,
credible, and honest. Additional factors may include the popularity of sports as well. For
example, cricketer’s promotion might be more impactful than a Table Tennis player’s
promotion due to both popularity of individual and the sport.

H1(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the

celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
Movies are integral part of today’s general public, irrespective of their age, gender, culture,
beliefs and demography and hence are a great source of general feedback and opinion from
its viewer about the celebrity both personally and professionally. Consumers frequently
judge movie stars as having higher degrees of attractiveness, likeability, and knowledge,
which can translate into better credibility and trustworthiness, according to research. The
celebrity's credibility might also be increased if it is thought that they genuinely care about
the brand or product they are supporting[9].

The success of a movie celebrity endorsement, like that of a sports celebrity endorsement,
may hinge on several variables, including the celebrity's popularity, relevance to the
product, and the demographics and psychographics of the target audience. Nevertheless,
there have been studies which suggest that a celebrity's credibility can favourably affect
customer behaviour and buy intentions, even though there is relatively little research
especially on protein supplements and movie celebrity endorsements.

H2(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of
the celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase
the brand’s protein supplement.
In various studies, it has been shown that if a sports person endorses a protein supplement,
consumers may perceive the product as more effective and trustworthy which increases
their likeability to purchase the product. Consumers are more likely to accept a sports
celebrity's opinions and knowledge when they endorse a product because they are
frequently seen as authorities in their industry. [5] Many sports like athletics, weight-lifting
are seen as muscle heavy sports which again show the need of appropriate protein intake.
This again co-relates to the sportsperson being credible for their knowledge in the domain.

According to studies, it can boost a sports celebrity's perceived credibility and dependability
when the public believes them to be highly knowledgeable and skilled in a certain field, such
as sports nutrition or fitness. This in turn may have a favourable impact on their opinions
and inclinations to buy things that the celebrity has endorsed. The knowledge of a sports
celebrity can be especially valuable in the case of protein supplements because customers
frequently view sportsmen and fitness enthusiasts as role models for health and fitness.

H2(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of

the celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase
the brand’s protein supplement.
If the movie star has ties to the health or fitness business and is viewed as an authority in
these fields, this may favourably affect customer intentions to buy a protein supplement.
But in general, as the celebrity's knowledge is frequently unrelated to the product being
advocated, subject-matter expertise may not be as significant in the case of movie celebrity
endorsements. Instead, movie stars are frequently picked for their appeal to a certain target
group as well as their popularity and charm. But there are some exceptional cases as for
example, Akshay Kumar in Bollywood, who has an image of fitness freak, might add to the
credibility as an expert to the protein industry and can be seen by the consumers as an
specialist, whenever he promotes a certain brand.

Ultimately, while industry knowledge may not be the main component in movie star
endorsements, it can still have an impact on consumer behaviour and buy intentions,
especially when it comes to products that are related to health and fitness.

10 | P a g e
H3(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the
celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
 When a sports star promotes a product, their physical allure can catch consumers' attention
and increase their perception of reliability and dependability. According to studies,
consumers frequently view handsome celebrities as more likeable and reliable, which might
favourably affect their attitudes and intentions to buy things the celebrity endorses. Physical
attractiveness may also be linked to fitness and health in the context of sports personalities,
which can increase the perception of their authority and skill in the area. Nevertheless, it is
crucial to remember that the success of a sports celebrity endorsement may depend on a
number of variables, including the celebrity's applicability to the product and the
demographics and psychographics of the target market. A celebrity's perceived
attractiveness can also be subjective and varied across cultures and groups.

 Overall, celebrity endorsements can be a successful marketing tactic for protein

supplement companies, and consumer behaviour and buy intentions might be affected by a
sports celebrity's beauty. The right celebrity should be chosen, and the endorsement
message should be carefully crafted to effectively ring true with the intended

H3(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the

celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
When a movie star promotes a product, their physical appeal can catch consumers'
attention and raise their opinion of the product's legitimacy and dependability. According to
studies, consumers frequently view handsome celebrities as more likeable and reliable,
which might favourably affect their attitudes and intentions to buy things the celebrity
endorses. Physical attractiveness in the context of movie stars may also be linked to fitness
and health, which can increase their perceived authority and competence in the profession.
However, it's crucial to remember that the success of a movie celebrity endorsement may
depend on a number of variables, including the celebrity's applicability to the product and
the characteristics of the target market. A celebrity's perceived attractiveness can also be
subjective and varied across cultures and groups.

In general, celebrity endorsements for protein supplement manufacturers can be a

successful marketing tactic, and consumer behaviour and buy intentions might be affected
by a movie celebrity's beauty. The right celebrity should be chosen, and the endorsement
message should be carefully crafted to effectively ring true with the intended demographic.

11 | P a g e
H4(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the
celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
A well-known sports figure can have a significant impact on how consumers view a product
and whether they plan to buy it. The popularity of a sports personality who supports a
product might draw more attention to it and make it more widely known. Considering that
they have a greater fan base and a significant influence in their industry, consumers may
also view well-known sports personalities as being more credible and trustworthy.

Research have indicated that customers typically view popular sports celebrities as role
models, which can further boost their effectiveness as endorsers of products, including
protein supplements. Customers may be more inclined to believe the advice of a well-
known sports celebrity and think the product works because of the celebrity's endorsement.

It is crucial to remember that the success of a sports celebrity endorsement may depend on
a number of variables, including the celebrity's applicability to the product and the
demographics and psychographics of the target market. A successful endorsement may not
always result from a celebrity's fame if the celebrity's image or reputation do not match the
brand or item being promoted.

In general, celebrity endorsements, especially those starring well-known athletes, can be a

successful marketing tactic for protein supplement companies. The right celebrity should be
chosen, and the endorsement message should be carefully crafted to effectively ring true
with the intended demographic.

H4(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the

celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the
brand’s protein supplement.
A well-known movie star can have a significant impact on how consumers perceive a
product and whether they plan to buy it. When a movie star promotes a product, their fame
can draw more attention to it and make it known to a larger audience. Considering that they
have a greater fan base and a significant influence in their industry, consumers may also
view well-known movie stars as being more credible and trustworthy.

According to studies, consumers frequently consider well-known movie stars as aspirational

role models, which can increase their influence as brand ambassadors for goods like protein
supplements. If a well-known movie star recommends a product, consumers may be more
inclined to assume that it works because of the celebrity's suggestion. Yet, it's crucial to
remember that the success of a movie celebrity endorsement may depend on a number of
variables, including the celebrity's applicability to the product and the characteristics of the

12 | P a g e
target market. A successful endorsement may not always result from a celebrity's fame if
the celebrity's image or reputation do not match the brand or item being promoted. In
general, celebrity endorsements, especially those involving well-known movie stars, can be
a successful marketing tactic for protein supplement products.

13 | P a g e
H5(a): For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the
celebrity has more influence on the customer’s intention to purchase
the brand’s protein supplement than their expertise, attractiveness
and popularity, while controlling the product attitude towards protein
Being trustworthy is crucial in celebrity endorsements since it affects how consumers view
the celebrity's authenticity and sincerity in supporting the brand. Trustworthiness is a major
influencer of customer attitudes and intentions towards items supported by sports
celebrities, according to a number of studies. Because they are seen as having greater
credibility and sincerity in their support, consumers are more inclined to trust and believe
the endorsement of a sports celebrity.

It is crucial to remember that the success of a sports celebrity endorsement may still hinge
on a number of variables, including the celebrity's applicability to the product and the
demographics and psychographics of the target market. Nevertheless, consumer behaviour
and purchase intentions may still be influenced by the celebrity's perceived competence,
beauty, and popularity.

Understanding how the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer behaviour is

affected by the product attitude towards protein supplements may be crucial. Customers
who already have a positive attitude towards protein supplements may be more responsive
to celebrity endorsements, while those with a negative attitude may be less persuaded.
Therefore, while a sports celebrity's credibility can be a key element in celebrity
endorsements, other elements like skill, appeal, and popularity may also have an impact on
customer behaviour and intents to buy protein supplements[3].

H5(b): For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the

celebrity has more influence on the customer’s intention to purchase
the brand’s protein supplement than their expertise, attractiveness
and popularity, while controlling the product attitude towards protein
As they are seen as having better credibility and sincerity in their endorsement, consumers
are more inclined to trust and believe in the endorsement of a movie celebrity who is
considered as trustworthy. It's vital to keep in mind, though, that consumer behaviour and
intentions to buy protein supplements may also be influenced by perceptions of the
perceived knowledge, attractiveness, and popularity of the movie celebrity. A movie star
who is seen as an authority in fitness or health, or who is viewed as handsome and well-
liked, can also be useful in influencing consumer behaviour and the likelihood that they will
buy the product.

14 | P a g e
Understanding how celebrity endorsements affect consumer behaviour may need
controlling for product attitudes towards protein supplements. Customers who already see
protein supplements favourably may be more susceptible to celebrity endorsements, but
those who do not may be less swayed. Thus, while a movie star's credibility can be a key
element in celebrity endorsements, other elements like skill, attractiveness, and popularity
may also have an impact on how consumers behave and their intentions to buy protein

15 | P a g e
Data Analysis and Findings

The purposive sampling approach to collect responses. To obtain a diverse set of
respondents, we circulated the form outside XLRI also, amongst immediate friends and
We got a total of 213 responses. Out of these, 6 respondents, chose the willingness to
incorporate protein in their diet as 0. Hence, the form was accepted without them moving
on to the further questionnaire. Effectively, we analysed data of 207 responses.

Figure 2 Gender Distribution

Figure 3 Age Distribution

We use the measure which has been already established and validated.
Trustworthiness, Attractiveness and Expertise were assessed by 5 variables each, as given in
the Source- Credibility Scale, by Ohanian (1990).
Popularity was taken from the PATER model, also assessed using 5 variables (8).
The intention to buy questions were devised by us, to assess the effect of the endorser on
the brand’s product’s trustworthiness, preference, intention and consideration to buy. The
results converged.

16 | P a g e
Scale used
In the questions, where we wanted to judge the perception of the people towards the
celebrities, based on Trustworthiness, Attractiveness and Expertise, we used the Source-
Credibility Scale, which has already been established by Rubina Ohanian. It can be a 7- point
Semantic Differential Scale or a Likert Scale. We stuck with the Likert scale as collecting
responses in Google Form was convenient for the respondents, as well as us. (7)

Figure 4 Source Credibility Scale (7)

For the remaining questions assessing product knowledge, attitude, etc., we used a 5 –
pointer Liekert scale.

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

After the variables are defined and some nominal variables are converted to metric
variables, we performed the Exploratory Factor Analysis on Variables gauging Product
Knowledge and Attitude, Celebrity Trustworthiness, Expertise, Attractiveness and Popularity
and the Intention to Purchase through Endorsement.

We will use the Principal Component Analysis Extraction Method and Varimax rotated with
Kaiser Normalization.

Table 2 Data Adequacy Establishment

Value Interpretation

17 | P a g e
KMO (to measure Sample
0.928 (>=0.5, hence, sample is adequate)
Bartlett Test of Sphericity
14409.106 The variables are interrelated
(Approx Chi-Square value)

Significance 0.000 (<0.05, hence significant)

KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) Test

The statistic is a measure of the proportion of variance among variables that might be
common variance. The higher the proportion, the higher the KMO-value, the more suited
the data is to factor analysis.

Bartlett Test of Sphericity

It provides information about whether the correlations in the data are strong enough to use
a dimension-reduction technique such as principal components or common factor analysis.,
a prerequisite for factor analysis to work.


Value<0.05, hence the model is significant.

Thus, we proceed with the EFA.

- The communalities of the variables > 0.3. Hence, we will retain all.
- None of the variables were Non_loaded.

Now, we look at Cross-Loading, Mis Loading and Solo Loading.

Table 3 Item Deletion Table

Stage Variable Removed Reason

1 PA4 Non Loaded
2 PS5 Cross Loading
3 PS4, IP6, PK1 Mis Loading
4 PK3 Non Loaded
5 PK2 Solo Loaded

We have multiple Mix Loaded variables, hence we will force-fit the solution. Eg. The 10
variables – 5 gauging trustworthiness and 5 gauging expertise of Shilpa Shetty are loaded
under 1 component. We will consider them individually.

The Summated Score Approach will be used for further analysis.

18 | P a g e
Table 4 Component/ Construct Definition

New Variable Variables Summated Component matrix
Table, column
TS5, TS3, TS4, TS2, 1
SS_trust TS5 + TS3 + TS4 + TS2 + TS1
ES5, ES4, ES3, ES1, 1
SS_expertise ES5 + ES4 + ES3 + ES1 + ES2
AS3, AS4, AS1, AS5, 2
SS_attractive AS3 + AS4 + AS1 + AS5 + AS2
SS_popular PS3, PS2, PS1 PS3 + PS2 + PS1 2
TP3, TP2, TP4, TP5, 3
PVS_trust TP3 + TP2 + TP4 + TP5 + TP1
AP1, AP3, AP2, AP4, 4
PVS_attractive AP1 + AP3 + AP2 + AP4 + AP5
EP3, EP2, EP4, EP5, 5
PVS_expertise EP3 + EP2 + EP4 + EP5 + EP1
PP5, PP2, PP3, PP4, 6
PVS_popular PP5 + PP2 + PP3 + PP4 + PP1
IP13, IP11, IP12, 7
SS_intpurch IP13 + IP11 + IP12 + IP10
PVS_intpurch IP8, IP9, IP7 IP8 + IP9 + IP7 8
PA PA3, PA1, PA2 PA3 + PA1 + PA2 9

Reliability of the Variables

The reliability check is formed for the following set of variables. Cronbach’s alpha is
reported against each set.

Table 5 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach’s Corrected Item

New Variable Variables
Alpha Total Correlation
SS_trust TS5, TS3, TS4, TS2, TS1 0.965 > 0.8
SS_expertise ES5, ES4, ES3, ES1, ES2 0.957 > 0.8
SS_attractive AS3, AS4, AS1, AS5, AS2 0.964 > 0.8
SS_popular PS3, PS2, PS1 0.904 > 0.7
PVS_trust TP3, TP2, TP4, TP5, TP1 0.965 > 0.8
PVS_attractive AP1, AP3, AP2, AP4, AP5 0.954 > 0.7
PVS_expertise EP3, EP2, EP4, EP5, EP1 0.954 > 0.8
PVS_popular PP5, PP2, PP3, PP4, PP1 0.951 > 0.7

19 | P a g e
SS_intpurch IP13, IP11, IP12, IP10 0.985 > 0.9
PVS_intpurch IP8, IP9, IP7 0.963 > 0.9
PA PA3, PA1, PA2 0.529 > 0.35

Cronbach's alpha

It is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of items are as a
group. It is considered to be a measure of scale reliability. Cronbach’s alpha for each is
greater than 0.5.

Corrected Item Total Correlation

The is performed to check if any item in the set of tests is inconsistent with the averaged
behaviour of the others, and thus can be discarded. The value for each variable is greater
than 0.35.


Multiple Regression
We will analyse data for both the Celebrities separately and then compare the results. We
will check the Beta and its Significance, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and tolerance for each
predictor for the two celebrities.

Beta - Beta is the average amount by which the dependent variable increases when the
independent variable increases one standard deviation and other independent variables are
held constant.

VIF - VIF measures the strength of the correlation between the independent variables in
regression analysis. This correlation is known as multicollinearity, which can cause problems
for regression models. The general rule of thumb is that VIFs exceeding 4 warrant further
investigation, while VIFs exceeding 10 are signs of serious multicollinearity requiring
correction. (12)

Tolerance - Tolerance is used in applied regression analysis to assess levels of

multicollinearity. It is (1 – R sq) Acceptable tolerance value is greater than or equal to 0.2.

1. Impact of Trust, Expertise, Attractiveness and Popularity on Intention to

Purchase Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty

Table 6 Multiple Regression table for Shilpa Shetty

Predictor Beta Tolerance VIF
SS_trust 15.3575 0.361 0.349 2.862

20 | P a g e
17.3623 0.313
SS_expertise 0.293 3.418
(8.57684) (0.002)
23.43 0.057
SS_attractive 0.274 3.643
(8.91185) (0.582)
12.9275 -0.065
SS_popular 0.287 3.488
(5.03672) (0.525)

VIF -ranges from 1- 4, thus, no further investigation is required and we can accept the
results as not much multicollinearity is there.

Tolerance – All the tolerances are greater than 0.2, hence, they are acceptable, citing less


Trustworthiness and Expertise of the Movie Star Endorser (Shilpa Shetty) have a significant
impact on the Intention to Purchase Protein Supplements.

Any change in Attractiveness and Popularity will not affect the purchasing intention of
Protein Supplements.

We also see a negative correlation between popularity and intention for the movie
celebrity, might indicate that she is not liked much by the masses.

Table 7 Result Summary for Shilpa Shetty

F statistics = 34.344 R square = 0.405

R = 0.636 Significance = 0.000
Adjusted R sq. = 0.393

Celebrity Endorser’s (Shilpa Shetty’s) traits here account for 39.3% of the Intention to
Purchase Protein Supplements.

2. Impact of Trust, Expertise, Attractiveness, and Popularity on Intention to

Purchase Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu

Table 8 Multiple Regression results for PV Sindhu

Mean Beta
Predictor Tolerance VIF
(SD) (stand. coeff)
21.9082 0.203
PVS_trust 0.510 1.960
(8.67573) (0.022)

21 | P a g e
22.0097 0.072
PVS_attractive 0.499 2.004
(8.27793) (0.421)
22.343 0.162
PVS_expertise 0.492 2.033
(8.75243) (0.073)
25.4396 0.092
PVS_popular 0.461 2.168
(8.02272) (0.323)

VIF -ranges from 1- 3, thus, no further investigation is required, and we can accept the
results as not much multicollinearity is there.

Tolerance – All the tolerances are greater than 0.2, hence, they are acceptable, citing less


Trustworthiness and Expertise of the Sports Star Endorser (Shilpa Shetty) have an impact on
the Intention to Purchase Protein Supplements.

Any change in Attractiveness and Popularity will not affect the purchasing intention of
Protein Supplements.

Table 9 Result Summary for PV Sindhu

F statistics = 12.596 R square = 0.200

R = 0.447 Significance = 0.000
Adjusted R sq. = 0.184

Celebrity Endorser’s (P.V. Sindhu’s) traits here account for 18.4% of the Intention to
Purchase Protein Supplements.

Result is significant, but the individual variables except Trustworthiness are not significant.

3. Evaluating R square changed for all variables, for both the celebrities,
after controlling for Product Attitude

Table 10 R square changed for all variables after controlling for Product Attitude

PV Sindhu
Construct R square changed
Trustworthiness 0.156*
Attractiveness 0.115*
Expertise 0.152*
Popularity 0.128*

22 | P a g e
Shilpa Shetty
Construct R square changed
Trustworthiness 0.104*
Attractiveness 0.080*
Expertise 0.084*
Popularity 0.053*

R-Squared (R² or the coefficient of determination) is a statistical measure in a regression

model that determines the proportion of variance in the dependent variable that can be
explained by the independent variable. In other words, r-squared shows how well the data
fit the regression model (the goodness of fit).
The Sports Star endorsement is affected more, when we control for the Product Attitude of
the customers towards Protein Supplements.
Trustworthiness and Expertise, here also are the ones which cause more change in the
Intention to Purchase.

23 | P a g e
Table 11 Hypothesis Result Table

Hypothesis Result
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the
H1(a) celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase Accepted
the brand’s protein supplement.
For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the
celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase Accepted
the brand’s protein supplement.
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of the
H2(a) celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase Accepted
the brand’s protein supplement.
For a movie celebrity endorsement, the expertise in the field of the
celebrity positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase Accepted
the brand’s protein supplement.
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the celebrity
H3(a) positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s Rejected
protein supplement.
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the attractiveness of the celebrity
positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s Rejected
protein supplement.
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the celebrity
H4(a) positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s Rejected
protein supplement.
For a movie celebrity endorsement, the popularity of the celebrity
positively influences the customer’s intention to purchase the brand’s Rejected
protein supplement.
For a sports celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the
celebrity has more influence on the customer’s intention to purchase
H5(a) the brand’s protein supplement than their expertise, attractiveness Accepted
and popularity, while controlling the product attitude towards
protein supplements.
For a movie celebrity endorsement, the trustworthiness of the
celebrity has more influence on the customer’s intention to purchase
the brand’s protein supplement than their expertise, attractiveness Accepted
and popularity, while controlling the product attitude towards
protein supplements.

24 | P a g e
Discussion on Uniqueness of Findings
In this project, we ran the SPSS software to find the findings of 200+ respondents to find out
the relation between the independent variables’ trustworthiness, expertise in the field,
attractiveness and popularity with the buying intention of the consumers for the promoted
Protein supplement brand. We ran exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression to
find the significance and beta, which helped us in determining what all factors might play a
role when a consumer does the decision making of whether to buy the product or not.

We started off with cleaning the data that we had received. While looking at data we were
pretty confident of the variety and spread of data as we ranged right from age of 18- to 61-
year-old respondents, with a fair gender distribution according to the population of India
(2:1 male is to female ratio). We analysed the first controlling factor, product knowledge by
asking the respondents if they were aware of their daily protein intake and their preferred
mode of intake. Second controlling factor viz., product attitude was gauged by asking their
willingness to incorporate the protein supplement in their diet. Even though the majority
had an inclination to inculcate protein in their diets ins one way or another, we did receive
some responses who were not at all interested in these mode of intake. Once we were clear
with the controlling variables, we moderated our study in to the celebrity type of being a
movie star or a sports person. With the profession as moderator, we went ahead to gauge
the 4 independent variables by further dividing them into the sub-factors. We used a 7-
factor scale and took the inputs of the respondents in line of their final willingness to buy
the product if endorsed by the two celebrities viz., Ms. P.V. Sindhu (sports person) and Ms.
Shilpa Shetty (movie celebrity). To keep other factors constant and just the profession same,
we kept the gender and assumed popularity of both celebrities the same.

With this study we were finally able to formulate 5 hypotheses with 2 sub-parts each, which
were proven supported/unsupported by the tests ran on the SPSS software. Our final
observation, had a very uniform message, stating the significant importance of
trustworthiness and expertise of the celebrity in both controlled and without controlled
tests. Attractiveness and popularity did not give significant beta values thus rejecting the
hypothesis of them being a factor of consumer’s decision-making process. 

25 | P a g e
Implications of findings of your study
Through this study, we have tried to study the impact of celebrity endorsement on the
buying behaviour and intention of the consumer for the Protein supplements. In this course
of collecting and analysing data, we concluded that a consumer forms the intent to
purchase on the basis of the trustworthiness and expertise of the endorser, rather than
their popularity and attractiveness, as these 4 were the independent variables of our study.
Though only a part of the intent is influenced through this. Other factors, like price,
availability, taste, brand are also relevant.

- The first set of results were obtained without accounting or the controlling variable.
Here, we found that the consumers were more affected if Shilpa Shetty was the
endorser (Can be in a negative way also - i.e. because of the lack of trustworthiness).
Trustworthiness and Expertise were more related to the intention to purchase, rather
than attractiveness and popularity.
- Next, we controlled each variable for the attitude of consumer towards the protein
supplements. We found that here, the variables with respect to PV Sindhu were
more significantly changing with respect to the changing intentions to buy protein
- Analysing the response summary, we found that the respondents have rated Shilpa
Shetty as not a very trustworthy person, and accordingly, will not prefer to purchase
items endorsed by her. i.e. Consumers tend to project the endorser traits on the
products they endorse.

There are real life examples also, many brands cancel the contract with sports or movie
stars, as soon as they get into any controversial matter, which reflects the importance of the
clean image of the endorser irrespective of their expertise and trustworthiness.

Brands use this as signalling their intentions, ethics, values, mission and vision as well for
their products, to influence customer’s intentions.

26 | P a g e
Limitations and Directions for Future Research

Limitations of the Study

1. Sample size and representativeness: Our data collection was done through
convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling method, rather than a probability
sampling method, such as random sampling. Most of our respondents fall in the age
category of 20-30, which means the data is heavily skewed towards the younger
generation and their perception rather than the whole.
2. Choosing the best model for the selection of celebrity endorser: With regard to the
four dimensions of the scale, the selection of attractiveness, expertise, popularity,
and trustworthiness was motivated by previous theoretical work and empirical
observations. The quantitative study, therefore, indicates the validity and reliability of
the scale rather than proving their existence. Therefore one should be cautious.
3. Self-reporting data: Our research relied on self-reported data, which has its own set
of biases from the respondents leading to inaccurate information.
4. Personal biases: Since we designed the questionnaire, our perceptions and
preferences may have coloured it.
5. Non-exhaustive questionnaire: The questionnaire is not exhaustive as we haven’t
covered all the factors that can be considered.
6. Celebrities chosen: We chose two highly popular celebrities; hence, the data
collected is skewed towards stars with high popularity.

Directions for Future Research:

1. Pre and post-treatment analysis: A focus group/personal interview can be set up
where the people whose data we’re collecting are interviewed on their views before
and then shown advertisements post, which data is collected again to gain deeper
2. Qualitative research: Doing qualitative research before forming a hypothesis would
help us identify more factors affecting the research problem, leading to more
comprehensive research.
3. Increasing specificity: Different target groups can be studied for different reactions to
study celebrity endorsements’ effects and effectiveness to gain more profound and
specific knowledge about certain sects.
4. Improvement of the scale: Since our study adopted a scale from previous literary
works as the study was exploratory, as findings continue, the existing scale can be
expanded or modified to get better results.
5. A Wider array of celebrities: Different categories of celebrities/influencers and
different popularities can be used to gain deeper insights into the topic.

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28 | P a g e
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2. “The Impact on Dietary Outcomes of Celebrities and Influencers in Marketing
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3. “The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Food Consumption Behavior” by Cristina
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4. “Celebrity Endorsement and the Attitude Towards Luxury Brands for Sustainable
Consumption” by Maria Teresa Cuomo, Pantea Foroudi, Debora Tortora, Shahzeb
Hussain and T.C. Melewar (2019)
5. “Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior” by Rizwan Ahmed,
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6. “Factors predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement advertisements” by
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7. “Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers' Perceived
Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness” by Roobina Ohanian (2013)
8. “A New Scale to Capture the Multidimensionality of Celebrity Image” by Bikram Jit
Singh Mann, Yadvinder Parmar, and Mandeep Kaur Ghuman (2020)
9. “The Role of Endorsers, Framing, and Rewards on the Effectiveness of Dietary
Supplement Advertisements” by Wann-Yih Wu,Cho Thwe Linn,Chen-Su Fu & Badri
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10. “Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchase Intention for Existing
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comparative study. Journal of Management Info, 4(1), 1-23.
11. “Determinants of compulsive buying behavior among young adults: The mediating
role of materialism” by Tahir Islam, Jiuchang Wei, Zaryab Sheikh, Zahid Hameed, Rauf
I. Azam (2017)

29 | P a g e

The link to Questionnaire for filling –

1. Name
2. Age (in years)
3. Gender
4. I feel it is important to have protein in my diet.
5. I actively try to incorporate protein in my meals.
6. As per you, what is the recommended daily protein intake for an average adult, as
published by medical bodies?
7. What is your perception of Protein Supplements?
8. Based on the importance experts are giving to consumption of protein, how willing
are you to incorporate it into your diet?
9. Preferred mode of protein consumption to meet dietary requirements?
10. Preferred Protein Supplements (even if you don't consume currently)
11. Order of importance of factors taken into consideration while making buying
decision. [Brand Awareness]
12. Order of importance of factors taken into consideration while making buying
decision. [Price of Product]
13. Order of importance of factors taken into consideration while making buying
decision. [Availability]
14. Order of importance of factors taken into consideration while making buying
decision. [Word of Mouth]
15. Order of importance of factors taken into consideration while making buying
decision. [Taste]
16. PV Sindhu is [Dependable]
17. PV Sindhu is [Honest]
18. PV Sindhu is [Reliable]
19. PV Sindhu is [Sincere]
20. PV Sindhu is [Trustworthy]
21. PV Sindhu is [Expert]
22. PV Sindhu is [Experienced]
23. PV Sindhu is [Knowledgable]
24. PV Sindhu is [Qualified]
25. PV Sindhu is [Skilled]
26. Is PV Sindhu [Attractive]
27. Is PV Sindhu [Classy]

30 | P a g e
28. Is PV Sindhu [Beautiful]
29. Is PV Sindhu [Elegant]
30. Is PV Sindhu [Style Icon]
31. PV Sindhu has/is [Big Fan following]
32. PV Sindhu has/is [Good Performance track record]
33. PV Sindhu has/is [Likeable]
34. PV Sindhu has/is [Non-Controversial Public Image]
35. PV Sindhu has/is [Role Model]
36. I am likely to buy Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu
37. I am likely to trust Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu
38. I am likely to prefer Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu
39. I am likely to consider Protein Supplements endorsed by PV Sindhu
40. Shilpa Shetty is [Dependable]
41. Shilpa Shetty is [Honest]
42. Shilpa Shetty is [Reliable]
43. Shilpa Shetty is [Sincere]
44. Shilpa Shetty is [Trustworthy]
45. Shilpa Shetty is [Expert]
46. Shilpa Shetty is [Experienced]
47. Shilpa Shetty is [Knowledgable]
48. Shilpa Shetty is [Qualified]
49. Shilpa Shetty is [Skilled]
50. Is Shilpa Shetty [Attractive]
51. Is Shilpa Shetty [Classy]
52. Is Shilpa Shetty [Beautiful]
53. Is Shilpa Shetty [Elegant]
54. Is Shilpa Shetty [Style Icon]
55. Shilpa Shetty has/is [Big Fan following]
56. Shilpa Shetty has/is [Good Performance track record]
57. Shilpa Shetty has/is [Likeable]
58. Shilpa Shetty has/is [Non-Controversial Public Image]
59. Shilpa Shetty has/is [Role Model]
60. I am likely to buy Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty
61. I am likely to trust Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty
62. I am likely to prefer Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty
63. I am likely to consider Protein Supplements endorsed by Shilpa Shetty

31 | P a g e

Form Link

Link to the Questionnaire

Survey link (Response Data)

The link to the response sheet generated in Google Sheets -

Literature Review

Link to the Literature Review Google Sheets

32 | P a g e

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