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mea = 1 Mas Surya Nogara Kav 82, Kawasan = eee 4 eaorrnaaa ie os austin rammsley ms as ‘Telephone : (62)'81372719688 E-mail: ieee — seen (==> Dear La Ode Asidin, — We are pleased to offer you our current vacant position as an Operations Manager with PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA. in this role/postion you are required to menage and take fil responsibilty of all_manufacturing function/actvites accordance with the Safety work practices, ensure uality Assurance, Quality Control of Company ‘Manufacturing process quality meets with Company and Customer's expectations on quality, and developing ta improve ‘Martufactuing Productivity atter. Your expected commencement date will be on April 11, 2022, under the following ‘remuneration package: Employment status, Place of Acceptance and Hours of Works ‘The employment commencement date will be the April 12, 2022, with point of hire at Batam, workplace zt Batam Kota, Riau Islands Province. The employment status is Permanent, your probation period will be for three ‘months starting from the date of your joining. ‘The normal working days and office hours will Monday ~ Thursday; 07.00 Hrs. ~ 16.00 Hrs. (indusive of one hour lunch time)/According to job load Friday .00 Hrs. ~17.00 Hs. inclusive of two hours lunch time)/According to job load Saturday .00 Hrs. 12.00 Hrs. or According to ob load ‘Sunday Day OF/Work Unless ifrequired Whenever required, AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA may determine another working hour schedule. The minimum normal working dey is 40 hours per week, however, 2s 2 Managerial Level, the employee shall be required from time to time and at any time supers all level of employee work under his supervision to control and ensure that al the systems are working property, and the Employee may be required to work ational hours to meet with his commitments. The Employee is awore that there will be-no evertime payment awarded for Senior/ Managerial evel Employee as already compensated in the poston allowances. Employee egreesto work based on the Workshop Operations andthe duration ofthe working hours maybe adjusted from time to time at the dlsretion of Employer. Ifthe workshop is working, then it would bea requirement forthe Manager to also follow the same working hours to ensure productivity and safety targets are achieved. 2. Salory and Remuneration: Postion ‘Operations ‘Grade 2 Direct ‘Commencement Date. Probation Period Location Base Salary Law Z Tndonesia © A.13 (thirteen}-month salary (THR) will be paid by AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA to the Employee as, remuneration for his serices as per prevaling Law. © The applicable income tax will be deducted individually from the Employee's salary above and pald by AEI to the ‘ocal authorities according to the indonesian rules and regulations. © Under Indonesian Law, Government Regulation No. 24 Year 2011, employees were included in the Socal Security, ‘program of Labor (BPIS Ketenagakerjaan), Work Accident Insurance Program (IKK), Death Benefit (ik), Old Age ey Wit Nate « 1 06/5 > Qre-emplogment Medic Gramm nation 2. &T/y -> Cet Lo Come ond Cat, Fred deci 3. 9 babii Peter te CunenrA Ge pleger 4 8/4 9 Lek day ak Current Erpleger » Uh Bey Cowman convert cake W Vequind Vat Bowe. austin Security WHT) for which the Company directly will deduct 2 % (two percent) ofthe income of employees each ‘month and the remainder charge willbe paid by the AE! and Jaminan Pension (Pension). «In Addition, under Indonesian Law, Government Regulation No. 24 Year 2011, employees were included in the Health Care Program (8?! Kesehatan) for which the Company directly willdeduct 1 % (one percent) oftheincome ‘of employees each month and the remainder charge will be paid by Company. 12 (twelve) working days anewal leave ‘The Employee is entitled for an annual feave of 12 (twelve) working days per year that can be consumed according to the needs of the Employee, taking into consideration the work requirements, During the employment period You are entitled to take an annual leave after working 12 months within the Company. ‘Medica! Insurance ‘The Company will provide the Employee, wife, nd maximum of children with medical insurance, which is covered bby appointed medical insurance company as per Company discretion. (Please refer to attached documents) Termination of Employment ‘The Employee shall undergo a probationary period forthe fist 3 (three) months from the date of commencement ‘of employment. Within this probationary period, the employment may be terminated by AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA by serving written notice to the employee, without severance pay or any kind of payment and/or binding. Period of Employment Conditions. uring the employment with PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA, the Employee hereby agrees to enter the following conditions: CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT: Due to the nature of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA business in Indonesia, every Employee herewith fully accept the strict confidential treatment of all information and documents he will have access to during his Employment with AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA, All files, records, proposals, specifications, or other documents and ll computer software, software applications fle, databases, and the like rating to the business of the AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA or which contain confidential information, ‘whether prepared by the Employee or otherwise coming into his possession, shall remain the exclusive property of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA and shall not be removed from its premises except as necessary for the job esponsiblties and in furtherance of the interests of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA. The Employee understands ‘that any violation ofthis clause wil ead to prevaling Law in Indonesia. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION; The Employee wil not divulge disclosure, disclose, make use of or impart to any \unauthorized third party any information or knowledge gained during employment with AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA. This information includes, butis not limited to trade secrets, patented or secret processes intellectual ‘property, propriety equipment, machinery, business affairs, transactions or property of AUSTIN ENGINEERING. INDONESIA. t is further agreed that the employee will not, except with prior written consent of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA, make directly or indirectly any statement publicly, whether to the press or in books, ‘magazines and periodicals or by advertisement, radio, television, fim, facsimile or by other medium, with respect ‘o matters with relative to the operations of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA or with respect to matters relative ‘to the operations of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA or with respect to matters of apolitical nature which might Impair the relations of AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA, AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA Customers or Subcontractors or any other employers with whom AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA is working or with any Government representatives. ‘CONFLICT OF INTEREST; The Employee is expected to ciligently perform assigned duties and to give the whole time ‘and attention to AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA during the assignment. Unless exprescly agreed to by AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA in advance, the employee is prohibited from seeking out, embarking, or engaging in any other business industry, enterprise or employment of any kind. You agree that whilst you are employed by the Company, you will not: * Work for another employer or organization; or Enter into an agreement or commitment or agree to any policy that would prevent or hinder the performance ‘of your duties under Agreement with PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA. Finalization Agreement with PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA, Upon completing the probationary periad with good performances, PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA will Provide a Permanent Employment Agreement based on your performances based on our Company Regulation/Standard Ope Lee Pease note thatthe Employee Candidates must pass the pre-employment medical examination standard f the Employee candidate alls the medical test, Austin Engineering indonesia wil withdraw and cancelled ths offering eter. ‘We would appreciate if you returned a countersigned copy as expressing your acceptance ofthese conditions by the latest Saturday, March 05, 2022, at 18.00 Hrs. ‘We thank you for your interest in PT. AUSTIN ENGINEERING INDONESIA and would be happy ifwe could welcome you soon to ourteam. ‘Yours faithfully, ‘Endah Emilia Baya ome eens Artntanens Cote ger TORE = = Se Scat ee sear sae oe rama Gi of abel ot ingot nts indy 3 eae So oan eee Sarma Tina bata (ae Pa} Seta Hak eam par, Most aca pr Rasa Ing 25 0000 ‘Day ch Denes (ah Pe} Saad oa gee er dy, arash oer Ay er le BIS Cees ee forse Ta cy wes 8 Guat Suara of? oe tea AUR LAR aber 500%) watt easime> Gene racic fr ar a 3 ts oceans 30 ain eer csi tee (rea nae a ae an,

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