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Algorithm Specifications

Pseudocode Conventions
Psuedo code Purpose
• Flowcharts graphically represent the
• But it can only be used for simple
algorithms or problems.
• So psuedo code is used to represent
Psuedocode Conventions
Conventions - Comments
• Begin with //
• Continue until the end of line
Conventions - Blocks
• Indicated with matching braces:{ and }.
• Statement delimiter ;
• Examples
– A compound statement
– The body of a procedure
Conventions - Identifier
• Begins with a letter.
• Implicit data type assignment
• Scope depends on context
Conventions- Data Types
• Simple
– Integer, float, char, Boolean, and so on.
• Compound
– Formed with records

node = record
{ Datatype_1 data_1;
Datatype_n data_n;
Node *link; }
Conventions - Assignment
• Assignment of values to variables
• Assignment statement format

<variable> := <expression>
Conventions - Boolean
• Two boolean values
– True , False.
• Produced using operators
– Logical
• and, or , not
– Relational operators
• <, <= , = , # , >= , >
Conventions - Array
• Array indices start at zero.
• Elements represented using [ ]
• Example
– (i,j) th element in A denoted as A[i,j].
Conventions - Loops
• Looping statements
– For
– While
– Repeat-until
Conventions – Loop Contd..
• While Loop
while <condition> do while (variable <=n) do
{ {
<statement 1> <statement 1>
--------------- ………….
<statement n> …………
} <statement n>
variable :=variable + incr;
Conventions - Loop Contd..
• For Loop

for variable:= value1 to value2 step stepval

<statement 1>
<statement n>
Conventions - Loop Contd..
Repeat-until loop

<statement 1>
--------- --
<statement n>
Until <condition>
Conventions - Condition
Conditional statement in two forms:
• Form1
If <condition> then <statement>
• Form2

If <condition> then <statement 1> else <statement 2>

Conventions - Input / Output
• Input
– read
• Output
– write
• No format is used to specify the size of input
or output quantities.
Conventions - Procedure
• Only one type procedure - Algorithm.
• Consists of a heading and a body.
• Heading format

Algorithm name (<parameter list>)

Example Algorithm
• An algorithm to find the maximum in array
of n numbers
Algorithm max(A , n)
// a is an array of size n
Result:= A[1];
for i = 2 to n do
if (A[i] > Result) then Result := A[i];
return Result;
Selection Sort Algorithm
Difference between Algorithm and Pseudo code
Algorithm for Insertion Sort
Pseudocode for Insertion Sort
What is Performance Analysis of an algorithm?
Performance Analysis
• Does it do, what we want it to do?
• Does it work correctly according to the
original specifications of the task?
• Is there documentation that describes how to
use it and how it works?
• Are procedures created in such a way that
they perform logical sub functions?
• Is the code readable?
Performance Analysis
• Space Complexity : It is the amount of
memory it needs to run to completion.
• Time Complexity: The time complexity of an
algorithm is the amount of computer time it
needs to run to .completion
Performance Evaluation
• a priori estimates
• a posteriori testing
Space Complexity
• When we design an algorithm to solve a
problem, it needs some computer memory to
complete its execution.
Components of space complexity

• There are three components of space complexity:

• Instruction or Code Space:
• This space holds the collected version of the program
• Data space:
• This space holds all the static data such as constant,
variables and dynamic data such as growing structure.
• Environment Stack Space:
• This space is used to store return address for the functions.
So that,execution can begin again where they left earlier
and it may also be used for parameters.

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