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Farm Ambient (K) LTD


Prepared by:

Ammon Kiptoo Belyon

Dalasini 65, Mudodo Lane, Karen.

Nairobi, 00502

Farm Ambient (K) LTD(referred to from hereon in as the "Company")is intended to beestablished as a Limited Liability
Company at Dalasini 65, Mudodo Lane, Karen., Nairobi, 00502 with the expectation of rapid expansion in the agritech
industry. The Company solicits financial backing in order to be able to introduce its new product (described below).

Business Description
The Company shall be formed as Limited Liability Companyunder state laws and headed by Ammon Kiptoo Belyon.

As an MBA finalist with a background in Mathematics and Computer Science, I possess a strong analytical skillset that I have
honed over the past 4 years while analyzing data. With a passion for technology and innovation, I am now eager to leverage
my skillset and experience to explore new opportunities in the agri-tech industry. My goal is to work with Farm Ambient Kenya
Limited to apply my knowledge of data analysis and technology to create innovative solutions that address the challenges
faced by the agriculture industry in Kenya.

The Company will employ 5 full-time employees and 10 part-time employees.

Management Team
The Company has assembled an experienced management team:
Advisory Team Lead- Peter Witthaut, 40+ years experience as an agricultural economist, project manager and management
consultant across Africa.
Head of Operations- Mark Sombei, 5 years of experience leading operations in a number of FMCG firms.

Business Mission
At Farm Ambient Kenya, our mission is to revolutionize the way we grow and consume food by providing sustainable, year-
round solutions for fresh produce through container farming. We specialize in designing and building custom container farm
systems that are efficient, cost-effective, and tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our commitment to innovation,
sustainability, and quality ensures that we provide our customers with the tools they need to grow fresh, healthy produce, no
matter where they are located. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on our local and global community by promoting
healthy living, reducing food waste, and supporting local food systems.

New Product
After a period of thorough trial and error, the Company is prepared to introduce the following product to the market:

Bazenga 40ft Container Farm: Bazengga is a 40ft container farm designed and built by Farm Ambient Kenya Limited. It is an
innovative and sustainable solution for modern farming that offers a controlled environment for growing a variety of crops. The
container farm is equipped with the latest technology in hydroponic and aeroponic systems that allow for efficient use of water
and nutrients, resulting in higher yields and lower operating costs. Bazengga provides a flexible and scalable platform for
farming in urban and rural areas, making it an ideal solution for small-scale and commercial farmers alike.

Bazenga is an innovative and sustainable 40ft container farm built by Farm Ambient Kenya Limited, a company committed to
revolutionizing agriculture in Kenya. The container farm is designed to provide a controlled environment for growing various
types of crops using hydroponic and aeroponic systems.

The container farm is equipped with the latest technology in farming, including a fully automated climate control system,
efficient LED lighting, and a smart irrigation system that ensures optimal use of water and nutrients. This technology enables
farmers to maximize yields while reducing operating costs, energy consumption, and water usage.

Bazenga is an ideal solution for small-scale and commercial farmers looking for a flexible and scalable farming platform. The
container farm's modular design allows for easy expansion and customization to fit specific crop requirements and growing
conditions. This makes it possible to grow crops all year round in any location, regardless of weather conditions or land

The container farm is also designed to be mobile, making it easy to transport and relocate to different locations as needed.
This mobility makes it an ideal solution for community gardens, research, and educational purposes.
In summary, Bazenga is a cutting-edge solution for modern farming that offers an efficient, sustainable, and flexible way to
grow crops in urban and rural areas. With this container farm, farmers can increase productivity, reduce costs, and contribute
to a more sustainable future for agriculture in Kenya.

Funding Request
The Company requests a total loan of $100,000.00 over the course of 5, to be used for the following purposes:

This breakdown outlines how a 100,000 USD loan could be allocated to support the growth and expansion of Farm Ambient
Kenya Limited. The funds would be divided into three main areas: marketing, staffing, and farm establishment and expansion.

The marketing budget of 30,000 USD would be used to develop a comprehensive marketing plan to increase brand
awareness and promote the services offered by Farm Ambient Kenya Limited. This includes developing and maintaining a
website, investing in digital and social media advertising, attending industry events and trade shows, and creating branding
and promotional materials.

The staffing budget of 40,000 USD would be used to hire additional experts in agriculture, engineering, and business
development to support the growth and expansion of the business. This would help to enhance the capabilities of the
company and ensure that it can deliver the best possible service to its clients.

Finally, the farm establishment and expansion budget of 30,000 USD would be used to invest in new equipment and
technology, acquire additional land for farming, and cover operational expenses. This would help to increase efficiency,
productivity, and yields, and position Farm Ambient Kenya Limited as a leading agri-tech company in Kenya.

PurposeLoan Amount
Registration, Fixed Assets$400,000.00

Long-term debt payment is a key feature of the Company's financial plan. We expect to break even within a 5 time period
following the introduction of our product. Financial predictions suggest a minimum 20% return on investment by the conclusion
of the financing period.

Industry Overview
In the United States, the agritech industry presently makes 10,000,000 dollars in sales.

The container farming and vertical farming markets have experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by a range of
market trends, including:

Increased demand for locally grown produce: With concerns over food safety and sustainability, consumers are increasingly
seeking locally grown, fresh produce. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global vertical farming market size is
expected to reach USD 13.9 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.6% from 2021 to 2028.

Rising urbanization and population growth: With more people living in urban areas, there is a growing need for food production
closer to cities. According to the United Nations, 68% of the world's population is projected to live in urban areas by 2050.

Technological advancements: Advancements in technology, including LED lighting, automation, and data analytics, have
made it easier and more efficient to grow crops in containers and vertically.

Increasing investments and partnerships: Container farming and vertical farming companies are attracting significant
investments from venture capital firms and strategic partnerships with food companies. For instance, Plenty, a vertical farming
company, raised $400 million in Series D funding in 2020.

Sustainability and environmental concerns: Container farming and vertical farming are perceived as more sustainable and
environmentally friendly compared to traditional farming methods, as they use less water and produce fewer emissions.

Overall, the container farming and vertical farming markets are poised for significant growth in the coming years, with
increasing demand for locally grown, fresh produce, rising urbanization, and technological advancements driving market

Research shows that consumers in this industry primarily focus on the following factors when making purchasing decisions:
Cost: Customers evaluate the cost of setting up and operating a container farm, including the cost of the container,
equipment, utilities, and maintenance.

Yield and Quality: Customers consider the yield and quality of the crops produced in the container farm, as well as the variety
of crops that can be grown.

Sustainability: Customers look for container farms that use sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices such as water
conservation, energy efficiency, and organic farming.

Location: Customers consider the location of the container farm and whether it is close to their markets, reducing
transportation costs and increasing efficiency.

Support and Services: Customers evaluate the level of support and services offered by the container farm provider, including
training, maintenance, and technical support.

Scalability: Customers also consider the scalability of the container farm, whether it can be easily expanded or modified to
meet changing needs.

Business Goals and Objectives

Short Term:
Secure funding: Raise enough capital to cover initial costs such as equipment, staffing, and marketing.

Complete product development: Finalize the design and construction of your container farm, including selecting the
appropriate crops to grow.

Obtain necessary permits and licenses: Ensure that you have all the required permits and licenses to operate your business

Develop a marketing plan: Develop a marketing strategy and begin executing it to attract potential customers.

Hire staff: Recruit and hire staff to operate and manage the container farm.

Establish partnerships: Establish partnerships with local businesses to supply them with fresh produce and enhance brand

Achieve sales targets: Set achievable sales targets and strive to meet or exceed them.

Monitor financial performance: Keep track of your financial performance, including revenue, expenses, and profitability, and
make adjustments as necessary.

Long Term:
Expand production: Expand production capacity to meet growing demand by increasing the number of container farms or
establishing larger vertical farms.

Increase revenue streams: Explore opportunities to increase revenue streams through diversification, such as adding new
crops, selling value-added products, or establishing a subscription service.

Establish a strong brand: Build a strong brand reputation through sustained marketing efforts, excellent customer service, and
high-quality products.

Implement sustainable practices: Incorporate sustainable practices into all aspects of the business, including production,
packaging, and transportation, to reduce environmental impact and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Develop technology and innovation: Continuously innovate and develop new technologies to enhance production efficiency
and crop yields.

Enter new markets: Explore opportunities to enter new markets, such as exporting produce to other countries or expanding
into new geographic regions.

Establish strategic partnerships: Collaborate with strategic partners, such as technology providers, retailers, and distributors,
to enhance market reach and gain a competitive advantage.

Legal Issues
The Company affirms that its promoters have acquired all legally required trademarks and patents.

Target Markets
The Company's major target markets are as follows:

Farm Ambient Kenya Limited is a startup container farming and systems company that targets businesses and individuals
interested in investing in the growing indoor farming industry in Kenya. With the indoor farming market in Kenya expected to
grow by 15% per year, with a market value of up to $1.5 billion by 2025, there is a growing demand for innovative and
sustainable farming solutions that can provide high-quality, reliable yields. By offering cutting-edge container farming and
systems solutions, Farm Ambient Kenya Limited can cater to this market and position itself as a leading provider of indoor
farming systems in the country.

The estimated number of potential clients within the Company's geographic scope is 200.

Pricing Strategy
The Company has completed a thorough analysis of its competitors' pricing. Keeping in mind our competition's pricing and the
costs of customer acquisition, we have decided on the following pricing strategy:

Cost-based pricing: We calculate the total cost of producing and delivering container farm products, including the cost of
materials, labor, and overhead. This will serve as a baseline for determining pricing
Also, Subscription pricing: We offer a subscription model for customers who want to receive regular shipments of container
farm products. This can provide a predictable revenue stream for the business and incentivize customer loyalty.

Distribution Strategy
As a container farm operator, our product distribution methods include direct-to-consumer sales through my e-commerce
platform, as well as physical storefronts. We also participate in local farmer's markets to connect directly with customers and
build relationships with my community. We prioritize working with local restaurants and supermarkets, ensuring timely and
reliable delivery of our sustainable produce. Finally, we offer subscription services to provide a reliable and predictable
revenue stream for my business. We continually monitor the performance of our product distribution methods, making
adjustments as necessary to ensure high-quality products and optimal performance.

Promotional Strategy
The Company will promote sales using the following methods:

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy: Start by developing a detailed marketing strategy that includes a target market
analysis, competitor analysis, and messaging strategy. This strategy should outline how you plan to reach potential customers
and what sets Farm Ambient apart from competitors.

Build a strong online presence: Invest in creating a professional website that highlights your services, expertise, and values.
Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to rank higher in search results and develop a social media strategy to
engage with potential customers and build a following.

Attend industry events and trade shows: Attend industry events and trade shows to showcase Farm Ambient's container
farms, meet potential customers, and network with other industry players.

Leverage word-of-mouth marketing: Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences with others and
provide incentives for referrals.

Offer promotions and discounts: Develop promotions and discounts to incentivize potential customers to try Farm Ambient's
services. For instance, offering a free consultation or a discount on the first purchase.

Develop partnerships: Establish partnerships with local restaurants, supermarkets, and other businesses to supply them with
fresh produce and enhance brand visibility.

Develop content marketing: Create blog posts, videos, and other content that showcases your expertise and demonstrates
your commitment to sustainable agriculture. This content can be shared on social media, your website, and other online

SWOT Analysis
As pioneers in the container farming industry in Kenya, Farm Ambient has a number of business strengths that set it apart
from competitors and position it for success. Some of these strengths include:

First-mover advantage: As the first company to offer container farming services in Kenya, Farm Ambient has a head start in
establishing brand recognition and building relationships with customers.

Unique expertise: With a team of experts in agriculture, engineering, and business management, Farm Ambient has a unique
set of skills and knowledge that can be leveraged to provide high-quality services and products.

Sustainable business model: As a leader in the sustainable farming industry, Farm Ambient can capitalize on growing interest
in environmentally responsible businesses and products.

Versatile production: With the ability to grow a variety of crops in a controlled environment, Farm Ambient can respond to
changing market demands and offer customers a wide range of products.

Local partnerships: By partnering with local businesses, restaurants, and markets, Farm Ambient can establish a strong
presence in the Kenyan market and build relationships with key stakeholders.

High initial investment costs: Container farming technology requires significant upfront investment costs in terms of
equipment, facilities, and technology. This may limit the ability of some potential customers to access Farm Ambient's

Limited awareness and education: As a new industry in Kenya, there may be limited awareness and education around
container farming, which could limit demand for Farm Ambient's products and services.

Dependence on technology: As a technology-driven business, Farm Ambient may be vulnerable to system failures, cyber-
attacks, and other technology-related issues that could disrupt operations.

Limited scalability: Container farming is a relatively new and untested industry in Kenya, and it may be difficult for Farm
Ambient to rapidly scale its operations in response to changing market demands.

Regulatory challenges: As a new industry, there may be limited regulatory frameworks in place to govern container farming in
Kenya. This could create uncertainty and challenges for Farm Ambient in terms of compliance and risk management.

Increased demand for locally grown produce: Consumers are increasingly interested in buying locally grown produce, which is
seen as fresher and more sustainable. Farm Ambient can capitalize on this trend by expanding its production capabilities and
partnering with local retailers and markets to sell its products.

Expansion into new markets: As container farming gains popularity in Kenya and the surrounding region, there may be
opportunities for Farm Ambient to expand its operations into neighboring countries or regions.

Developing new products: With its versatile production capabilities, Farm Ambient can explore new product lines and
partnerships, such as producing organic herbs or partnering with local restaurants to supply fresh produce.

Diversifying revenue streams: In addition to selling produce, Farm Ambient can explore new revenue streams, such as
offering consulting services, equipment sales, or training programs.

Developing strategic partnerships: By partnering with local businesses, organizations, and universities, Farm Ambient can
expand its network and tap into new resources and opportunities.

Increased competition: As container farming gains popularity in Kenya, new competitors may enter the market and compete
with Farm Ambient for customers and market share.

Changes in consumer demand: While there is currently a growing demand for locally grown produce, this trend may shift in
the future, impacting the demand for Farm Ambient's products.
Economic and political instability: Kenya's economy and political environment can be volatile, which may impact Farm
Ambient's operations and profitability.

Natural disasters and climate change: Natural disasters such as droughts or floods, as well as long-term climate change
impacts, can have a significant impact on Farm Ambient's production capabilities and profitability.

Technology limitations: While container farming technology has improved significantly, it still has limitations in terms of
production volume, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

In the agritechindustry, customers make choices based upon cost: customers evaluate the cost of setting up and operating a
container farm, including the cost of the container, equipment, utilities, and maintenance.

yield and quality: customers consider the yield and quality of the crops produced in the container farm, as well as the variety
of crops that can be grown.

sustainability: customers look for container farms that use sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices such as water
conservation, energy efficiency, and organic farming.

location: customers consider the location of the container farm and whether it is close to their markets, reducing transportation
costs and increasing efficiency.

support and services: customers evaluate the level of support and services offered by the container farm provider, including
training, maintenance, and technical support.

scalability: customers also consider the scalability of the container farm, whether it can be easily expanded or modified to
meet changing needs.

The level of competition is The container farming industry in Kenya is still relatively new, but it is becoming increasingly
competitive as more companies enter the market. While Farm Ambient is one of the pioneers in the industry, there are
already several other companies offering similar products and services.

The level of competition can be described as moderately competitive, with a growing number of players competing for market
share. However, there are still significant growth opportunities for companies that can differentiate themselves and offer high-
quality products and services.

To remain competitive, Farm Ambient plans to continue to innovate and differentiate itself through its technology, product
offerings, and customer service. Building strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners will also be essential to
success in this competitive industry.

The primary competitors for the business are the following: iProcure: Offers container farming solutions for small-scale
farmers in Kenya, with a focus on providing access to affordable, high-quality inputs.
Amiran Kenya: Offers a range of agricultural solutions, including greenhouse and hydroponic farming systems, as well as
technical support and training for farmers.

Twiga Foods: A mobile-based supply platform that connects farmers to markets, offering a range of services including
logistics, financing, and market linkages.

Aqwise: A provider of water treatment and wastewater solutions, including container-based systems for small-scale farming

However, we believe that the Company has the following competitive advantages:
Farm Ambient has several differentiating factors that can set it apart from its competitors in the container farming industry in
Kenya. These factors include:

Innovative technology: Farm Ambient utilizes cutting-edge technology in its container farming systems, which allows for
precise control of the growing environment and optimized crop yields.

Sustainable and environmentally friendly: Farm Ambient's container farms use up to 90% less water than traditional farming
methods and are designed to be highly energy efficient, making them an environmentally friendly alternative.

Customized solutions: Farm Ambient works closely with customers to design container farming systems that meet their
specific needs and requirements, offering customized solutions that are tailored to individual farmers.

Strong local presence: As a Kenyan-owned and operated company, Farm Ambient has a deep understanding of the local
market and customer needs, allowing it to provide personalized service and support.

Integrated supply chain: Farm Ambient has an integrated supply chain that includes seedlings, growing medium, fertilizers,
and other inputs, providing farmers with a convenient, one-stop-shop for their container farming needs.

First-rate service is intended to be the focus of the Company and a cornerstone of the brand's success. All clients will receive
conscientious, one-on-one, timely service in all capacities, be they transactions, conflicts or complaints. This is expected to
create a loyal brand following and return business.

Attached we have provided the following financial information:


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