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Design for Shear


Prof. Ir. Widodo, MSCE, PhD

Earthquake Engineering Management

Master Program
Failure Modes of Beam
a P P a P

h Truss pression failure


1. Very Deep Beam a/h < 1 1. Short Beam 1 < a/h < 2,5

a P a

h h

RA 1,5 h RA

3. Intermediate Beam 2,5 < a/h < 6 4. Long Beam a/h > 6
Equilibrium of Forces in Shear Action
It is common to consider that the types of beam’s failure is affected by the
size effects. In general, under external loads the slender beam will dama-
ge according to the flexural mode. On the other hand, the deep or short
beam, the failure according to shear is govern. Shortly, the forces acting
on the beam under shear action is shown in the figure.
h Vi Vcv
Vd Forces in shear section
RA Shear cracking pattern V

V Vd Tta
Vi.y V
Vi,y Vcv
Vd Cta
Simplification of section Free body Diagram Truss Analogy
and action of forces
The vertical external action V can be found by :

V  RA  P 7.1)

The equilibrium between internal forces and vertical action V will be,
V  Vcv  Vi , y  Vd 7.2)

Internal Shear Forces

When the concrete of the beam still in elastic range, then the internal
shear forces will be generated by the contribution of concrete and shear
Researchers said that Vcv, Vi,y and
resistance Vci Vd are difficult to be generalized,
Loss of then it is common to simplify
Vd interlocking
Vi,v Stirrup yield
Vc Vc  Vcv  Vi , y  Vd 7.3)

crack forms Shear action

Laboratory tests on the shear capacity generated by equivalent concrete
Vc have been carried out by researchers. Finally, according to SKSNI,
1991 or RSNI 2000, the shear capacity generated by concrete can be
computed by,
Vc  f ' c b.h 7.4)

Where f’’c in Mpa, b and h respectively are depth and effective height of
the beam in mm and Vc is in Newton (N)
For the member with flexural and axial loads the shear capacity generated
by concrete can be computed by,

 Nu  1
Vc  1   f ' c b.h 7.5)

 14. Ag 

Nu is axial force in Newton (N), Ag is gross section area of column in mm2.

Truss Analogy
As previous discussed, the equilibrium of external action V and internal
forces, Cta and Tta in shear element lead to the principle of truss analo-
gy. The same principle can also be used in setting the equilibrium of
shear resistances generated the beam.
Shear reinforcement
P Ts P
Ts Ts
Cc h Cc h
Tb Tb Tb

RA Shear cracking pattern RA Cc s s s

Internal forces Diagram S1
Compression strut
Cc Ts
Vs h
  b
Long. bar Vertical stirrup
a d Tb
h.cot. h.cot.
Truss Analogy Model
Free Body Diagram
It can be found from Free Body Diagram,
cd Vs
sin    7.5)
bc Ts
From Eq.7.5) then,
Vs  Ts . sin  7.6.a)

Ts  7.6.b)
sin 
Through the similar way, the following relationship may be taken,
Vs  Cc . sin  7.7)

A distance S1 in internal forces diagram in the region where amount of

stirrups will be installed. If the distance between stirrup is s, then
S1  ab  n. s 7.8)

According to the Free Body Diagram, it can be identified that,

n. s  S1  h cot   cot   7.9)

Total shear resistance generated by shear reinforcement in S1 region is

Ts , therefore, by considering Eq. 7.8) and Eq. 7.6.b), the following relati-
onship is written,
Ts Ts Vs
  7.10)
S1 n. s n. s. sin 

By using Eq. 7.9) then, Eq. 7.10 leads to,

Ts Vs

n. s sin  hcot .  cot  
When vertical stirrups are used and the cross section area for 1-stirrup (2-
sections) is Av with the stirrup yield stress is fys, then the vertical shear
resistance Ts generated by stirrups in region S1 will be,

Ts  n. Av . f ys 7.12)

From Eq.7.12) the following relationship is attained,,

n. Av 
f ys 7.13)

By regarding total shear resistance generated by shear reinforcement in

region S1 as written in Eq. 7.11) then Eq.7.13) becomes,

n. s. Vs
n. Av  7.14)
sin  . hcot   cot  . f ys

From which,
Av . f ys .h
Vs  sin  cot   cot   7.15)

It is common to assume that the angle of crack in shear is 450 or  = 45o.

Accordingly, Eq.7.15) will lead to,
Av . f ys .h
Vs  sin  1  cot   7.16)

Eq. 7.16) can be extended to,

Av . f ys .h  cos  
Vs   sin   sin   7.17)
s  sin  

The distance of stirrup s, accordingly can be computed by,

Av . f ys .h
s  sin   cos   7.18)
It should be reminded that  is the angle of incline shear reinforcements.
When the vertical stirrups are used then  = 90o, finally, the distance of
vertical stirrup s can be computed by,
Av . f ys .h
s  7.19)

Where s is stirrup’s distance, Av is cross section area of stirrup, fys is stirrup

yield stress, h is effective depth of the beam and Vs is shear strength
generated by stirrup

Design of Shear Reinforcement

In general, the relationship between the provided strength and required
strength can be expressed as,

 S n  Su 7.20)
In term of design of shear reinforcement, Eq. 7.20) lead to,
. Vn  Vu 7.21)

In general, the shear resistance of the element is composed of shear

resistance developed by concrete Vc and shear resistance generated by
shear reinforcement Vs, therefore, Eq.7.21 leads to,
Vc  Vs   7.22)

The shear resistance generated by concrete Vc can be computed by
using Eq.7.4), then Eq. 7.22) becomes,
Vs   Vs 7.23)

When the vertical stirrups are used, then by substituting Vs from Eq.7.19)
to Eq.7.23) lead to,
Av . f ys .h Vu1
  f ' c b. h 7.24)
s  6
The only distance of stirrups s that unknown value, since Vu is found
from the structural analysis, properties of materials are given, stirrup’s
diameter is assumed and dimension of the beam, b and h are provided.
In the region where the concrete is expected to damage (in the plastic
hinge region), then Vc = 0, the Eq. 7.24) becomes,
Av . f ys .h Vu 7.25)

s 
However, since the ultimate shear action Vu is the actions due to deal
load D, live load L and earthquake load E, then the shear force diagram
should be drawn appropriately.
Ultimate Shear Action Vu
The ultimate shear action Vu on the beam is combination between the
effect of dead load, live load and earthquake load. The seismic flexural
moment at the ends of the beam will impose/affect the reaction of the
beam. This reaction will finally generate the shear action acting on the
According to SK SNI 1991 or RSNI 2000, the shear action on the beam
due tom earthquakes should be calculated based on the maximum
flexural moment developed by the beam (capacity moment), or,
M cap,i  M cap,a
Vu  0,70  1,05 VD  VL  7.26)
lb ,n

Where Mcap,i and Mcap,a respectively are the moment capacity at the left
end and right ends of the beam, VD and VL respectively are the shear
action due to dead and live load.
However, it should be noted that the ultimate shear action Vu is not
necessarily greater than,
 4 
Vu  1,05  VD  VL  VE  7.27)
 K 

Where K is structural factor, K = 1 when the structure is designed

according to the full ductile principles.
Such as stated before, the shear reinforcement can be designed unless
the shearing force diagram due to dead load, live load and earthquake
load has been appropriately drawn. To make easily understood, it is
common the make decomposition among the shears due to dead load,
live load and earthquake load.
According to SNI 2003
M pr1  M pr 2 1,2 q DL q LL 
Vu   7.28)
L 2
Requirements of Shear Reinforcement
In engineering practice, there are several possible types/figures of shear reinforcement.
Sum of them are presented herein .

The stirrups such as depicted in Fig. d) is


a) b) c) d)

Spacing of the stirrups in the beam, s

Spacing of the stirrups in the plastic hinge region in the beam should be used based on
the smallest value of ;
S  h/4 S  h/2, for the outer of plastic hinge
S  8 dl
S  24 ds
S  20 cm
M1 M2 Mci Mca

Mci/L Mci/L

Mca/L Mca/L

M1 M2

M1/L M1/L
M2/L M2/L
If M1 > M2

Shear resisted by Plastic hinge region : All

concrete and stirrup shear resisted by stirrup


Theoretically no stirrup is required /
stirrup with max. distance
Numerical Example :
Based on structural analysis, it was found that the shear force subjected to dead and live
load respectively are,
VD1 = 127,38 kN, VD2 = 125,39 kN
VL1 = 58,05 kN, VL2 = 57,15 kN

VD1 Rewrite Eq.7.26),

M cap,i  M cap,a
Mkap = 119.99 tm
Vu  0,70  1,05 VD  VL 
lb ,n
Mkap = 79,66 tm
119,99  79,66
Vu1  0.7.  17,47 t. 17470 kg

Vu 2i  1,05.127,38  58,05  194,7 kN 19859,4 kg

Vu 2 a 1,05.125,39  57,15  191,7 kN  19553,4 kg
33099 5171,7


62265,6 32518,7
h = 62,5

Vc = 19403,5 kg
29166,7 29166,7
2h = 125 275

Vu 2i 19859,4 Vu 2 a 19553,4
  33099 kg,   32589 kg
 0,6  0,6

Vu1 17470
  29166,67 kg
 0,6

Vc  225.350.(687,5)  190230,1 N  19403,5 kg
It is desired to use stirrup with P10 , and accordingly Ad = 0,785 cm2.

a) At the plastic hinge region

It will be used 2-sections of stirrups and therefore Av =1,57 cm2. The spacing of the
stirrups can be computed by using Eq.7.19) or,

As . f y .h 1,57.(4080).68,75 cm 2 kg
s  cm  7,71 cm
Vs (62265,6  5171,7) kg. cm 2

The stirrups with spacing s = 7,5 cm will be used.

b) At outer plastic hinge region

As . f y .h 1,57.(4080).68,75 cm 2 kg
s  2
cm  13,5 cm
Vs (32518,7) kg. cm

The stirrups with spacing s = 12,5 cm will be used.

Bond and
Basic Principles
Reinforcement for concrete develop is strength of a section in tension de-
pends on the compatibility between steel and concrete to act together in
resisting the external load. Compatibility is the condition where between
concrete and steel are tight/stick together. When to materials stick together,
then between of them will undergo similar strain when an external loads
applied in the system.
However, when steel reinforcement is not tightly addicted by concrete, the
under an external load the slip between of the cannot be avoided. This is
because an excessive bond strength between concrete and steel has occur.
When slip occur in the system, the reinforcing bar can not fully develop the
maximum strength.
Nawy (1996) stated that the bond strength is controlled by : 1) adhesion
between to materials; 2) friction resistance of steel face; 3) quality of
concrete; 4) mechanical anchorage effects at the end of bar; 4) diameter,
shape and spacing between bars.
The equilibrium of forces, where the bond
stress reach the maximum value and at
the same time the steel starts to yield,
a b c

 .d 2
u. .d . L1  fy 7.28)

T = ¼.(.d2).fs
a b b c

From Eq.7.28, then

L1  .d 7.29)
Panjang Penyaluran Tulangan Deform (beton dan sengkang biasa)
Jenis Panjang penyaluran menurut :
PBI 1971 SK SNI 1991 RSNI 2002
Tulangan Pasal 8.6.(2) Pasal 3.5.2. Pasal 14.2.2) :
tarik Ad  au
 l dt  l db . f1 . f 2 . f 3 . f 4 12. f y . . .
l d  0,07 . f1 . f 2 . f 3 . f 4 Diameter < D36 : l dt  d b (<D19)
 bk ' 25 f ' c
l db  0,02.Ad . fy / f ' c 3. f y . . .
l dd  0,0065 d b . au
l dt 
l db  0,06.d b . fy d b ( > D19)
f1 = 1,4 (untuk tul. tengah) 5 f 'c
f1 = 1,4 (tul. atas)
f2 = (2-3700/*au), > U39
f2 = (2-400/fy), fy>400 Mpa  = 1,3
f3 = 0,8 untuk tul. dalam
f3 = 0,8 untuk tul. dalam  = 1( tulangan tak dilapisi)
f4 = As,perlu/As,ada
f4 = As,perlu/As,ada  = 1,0 (beton biasa)
ldt > 30 cm ldt > 30 cm
ldt > 30 cm
Tulangan Pasal 8.7.(2) Pasal 3.5.3 Pasal 13.3.2)

desak Ad  au l dd  d b . fy /( 4 f ' c ). f1 l dd  d b . fy /( 4 f ' c ). f1
l dd  0,09 . f1
 bk ' l dd  0,04.d b . fy l dd  0,04.d b . fy
l dd  0,005 d b . ' au f1 = As,perlu/As,ada f1 = As,perlu/As,ada
f1 = 1,4 (untuk. tul. Tengah ldd > 20 cm ldd > 20 cm
ldd > 20 cm
Panjang Penyaluran Kait Tulangan Deform (beton dan sengkang biasa)
Jenis Panjang penyaluran menurut :
PBI 1971 SK SNI 1991 RSNI 2002
Tulangan Pasal 8.8 : Pasal 3.5.5. Pasal 14.2.2) :
tarik Untuk fy  400 Mpa Untuk fy  400 Mpa
Ad  kait l dk  100.d b / f ' c . f1 . f 2 . f 3 l dk  100.d b / f ' c . f1 . f 2 . f 3
l d  0,07 .
 bk ' f1 = 0.7 (tulangan dalam)
f1 = 0.7 (tulangan dalam) f2 = fy/400 ( fy > 400 Mpa)
 kait  K  ' au , K  100 f2 = fy/400 ( fy > 400 Mpa) f3 = As,perlu/As,ada
f3 = As,perlu/As,ada
ldk > 8 db
ldk > 8 db ldk > 15 cm
ldk > 15 cm
Tulangan Pasal 8.8.3) : Pasal : Pasal 14.5.5) :
desak Kait tidak boleh dianggap Kait tidak boleh dianggap Kait tidak boleh dianggap
efektif dalam menyalurkan efektif dalam menyalurkan efektif dalam menyalurkan
batang desak batang desak batang desak

Further information see :

1) Pasal 3.5 SK SNI 1991
2) Pasal 14 RSNI 2000

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