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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Ahsan khan

NEBOSH learner 00697894
Learning Partner name 1404-Pak Safety Solutions

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0018-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 1 of 9

Task 1: Why we should manage workplace health and safety

Question 1
 Induction Training
To ensure health and safety standards at off shore platform. ABC oil company
provides every worker with induction training to familiarise them with health and
safety policy at site.
 Basic first aid training and trained professionals with specialised equipment.
ABC oil company provides basic first aid training to its workers on arrival at ingens
as a part of induction training. Many first aiders working in different shifts and
paramedic are also available on site. Specialized lifesaving equipment is also
available on site.
 Manual handling training
Manual handling training is also provided to the workers to ensure safe working
on the platform
 Site rules
As described in scenario before workers start working on site workers is provided
with the site rules by ABC company so that safe working conditions are ensured
on the site.
 Emergency procedures
Emergency procedures are not only introduced by the ABC oil company site
managers but also regularly practiced.
 PPE,s use
Health and safety standards implemented on the ingens platform require every
worker to wear PPE,s at all times during site work.
 Communication
To communicate during any emergencies two way radios are provided to the
workers at the induction.
 Permit to work
As per the rules of ABC oil company no work should be allowed without permit of
work. This helps improve the health and safety standards at site.
 Maintenance and inspection
Maintenance and inspection of machinery and equipment is done by organisation
regularly to achieve better standards of health and safety at site.
 Safety meeting
Daily safety meetings are carried out by OIM and site managers to ensure safe
working conditions at site.
 Discussion with workers and contractors
OIM and staff managers have close coordination with the workers and contractors
And they feel comfortable telling them work related issues.

Task 2: Management failures

Question 2
 Negligence of day shift manager
As per scenario a potential hazardous situation was reported to the day shift
manager who didn’t give this matter proper attention.
 Negligence of night shift manager
The matter came to the attention of the night shift manager who didn’t act
according to the health and safety standards and didn’t address the matter
 No warning signs placed
According to scenario a potential hazardous situation was brought in knowledge

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of the both shift managers but they are unable to warn other workers and
contractors of a potential danger by planning any warning signs.
 Delayed provision of safety policy
According to the scenario the safety policy was not provided to the worker on time
so they were unable to follow in that case of accident.
 Delayed site rule provision
As per scenario site rules were to be provided on induction to the contractors by
shift manager but they were delayed and hurried to work then resulted in
 Shift Hand over malpractice
The handover of the day shift to the night shift manager was not done according
to standard practice this malpractice resulted in delayed decision by night shift
manager which resulted in accident.
 First aid location
Poor choice of first aid location. The location of use first aider allocated by OIM
was as such that it took ten minutes to reach the injured worker.
 Poor communication
According to the site rules two way radios must be carried by each worker but
contractors were not provided with this equipment by shift manager.
 Investigation not done on time
The poorly lit stair case was brought in knowledge of two shift managers but they
didn’t investigate in time.
 No supervision
As mentioned in scenario two shift managers were made aware of hazardous
situation but there was no supervision by senior OIM so they 1delayed much
needed action.

Task 3: Effectively managing contractors during work

Question 3
 First aid information
Shift managers should give the contractors basic first aid information on arrival at
 Training in manual handling
Contractors should be given the manual handling training to perform their work by
shift manager
 Site rules
Information about the site rules must be provided and clearly communicated to
contractors as seen in scenario poor communication resulted in an accident.
 PPE,s
PPE,s should be provided to the workers at induction to protect them in case of
 Communication equipment
Properly working communication equipment should be provided to workers to
establish communication in case of emergency .as in scenario we see that worker
was unable to call for help with equipment.
 Accident reporting
At induction contractors should be properly trained how and where to report if an
accident happens.
 Safe working method
On induction the contractors should be made aware of who to perform their task
in safe manner.
 Safe movement at work site
Contractors should be properly trained to move safely at work site and avoid any
potential hazards present at work site

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 Safety consultation
Contractors should be given proper consoling about health and safety
 Inspection information
Contractors should be given proper training on how to inspect equipment and
machinery on work site.

Task 4: Human factors

Question 4
 Lack of health and safety awareness
Lack of awareness is a major contributing human factor that negatively influences
human behaviour. As discussed in the scenario both contractors were unaware of
health and safety at site. So were not able to work according to the health and safety
policy which resulted in an accident.
 Lack of attention
Workers sometimes do not pay any attention to the health and safety standards they
are distracted and anxious to get their job done so they cut corners on health and
safety that leads to accidents.
 Physical condition
Poor physical conditions like bad health, stress, fatigue, pressure and mental health
are important human factors that can affect a worker’s behaviour negatively. As
mentioned in the scenario the contractors who arrived at site were tiered of travelling
and were not in best physical state to perform the task
 Lack of resources
Lack of resources like PPEs and communication equipment can negatively affect
workers behaviour.
 Pressure
Work load and harsh working conditions can put a lot of pressure on a worker and
impair his judgement and can have negative impacts on human behaviour.
 Age and experience
Too young or too old age can impair a worker’s ability to perform a task safely. To
little experience can negatively affect human behaviour

Task 5: Improving organisational health and safety culture

Question 5
Regular maintenance and inspection
Maintenance and inspection aboard ingens is done regularly. That is shown by the record
and is a positive indicator of health and safety culture.
Clear communication
As mentioned in the scenario there is clear and proper communication between ABC
workers and contractors working on site that is a positive indicator of health and safety
Management and responsibilities.
According to scenario there are clearly described management responsibilities and
positions aboard ingens which is a positive indicator on behalf of organisation.
Safety improvements
Findings and knowledge from previous incidents are used to improve and better the
safety standards of procedure and processes as well as equipment by the organisation.
Proper reporting procedure
Organisation has a policy of reporting every incident whether it is an accident or a near
miss. No serious accidents show positive indicators of health and safety culture.

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Induction training
Workers are given proper training on the time of induction by responsible personal of
health and safety in which workers are trained in manual handling, site rules and
emergency procedures.
Emergency procedure training
There are set procedures to be followed in case of an emergency and these procedures
are practiced regularly by the workers under guidance and supervision of competent
authority that is shift manager in this case.
Proper health and safety policy
A well-defined and vivid safety policy is vital for safe working conditions on the site. This
is responsibility of the top management of the organisation in this case OIM.
Site rules establishment.
Site rules establishment is the responsibility of the middle management of the
organisation in this case shift managers. Site rules aboard ingens are use of PPEs at all
times and to carry a two way radio at all times.
Arrangement of first aid
First aiders are arranged on the site and work in different shifts so that they can respond
in case of any incident. This is the responsibility of middle management.
Medical facility
The presence of well-equipped medical facility and specialised lifesaving equipment on
board the Ingens is an indicator of positive health culture.
Supply of PPEs.
The organisation is responsible that the workers must be supplied with the PPEs and this
is the workers responsibility to wear them during work activities. Supervision is done by
middle management.
Establishment of permit to work system
Site rule state that no work should be done without a permit to work. If any task requires
any specific requirements they should be communicated before issuance of PTW.
Safety meetings
The top and the middle management of the organisation holds daily meetings regarding
safety and information from those meetings is communicated to the workers on daily
Mutual respect
There is mutual respect among all the workers working on the site specially the middle
and top management are getting well deserved respect.
Friendly atmosphere
The top and middle management are friendly with the workers and contractors working
on site this help the workers to convey their health and safety concerns to the relevant
Investigation of accidents
The accidents that occur at site are properly investigated area is made safe and is
barricaded photographic evidence is taken, witnesses are interviewed and if possible
injured party is interviewed.
Counselling of workers
After an accident the workers on the site might be shocked and they may need
counselling. It’s the responsibility of the organisation to help them in rehabilitation.
Medical treatment
Proper medical treatment should be available at site if injuries are of serious nature then
arrangements to reach a medical facility must be present.

Task 6: Accident investigation

Question 6 (a)
Following are the reasons we should preserve the scene of the accident.
Prevention of further accidents

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The scene of accident must be preserved and cordoned off to save workers from any
further incident at the same spot knowingly or unknowingly.
Cause identification
It is important to preserve the scene of accident for the sake of investigation and
determine the root cause due to which the accident occurred. As done in the scenario the
root cause was discovered to be a corroded stair.
Legal requirement
As it is the legal requirement of the employer under legislation ILO C155 and
recommendation R164 to preserve every accident scene for investigation purposes.
Severity of injury
It is necessary for the scene of accident to be preserved so that the severity of the
injuries can be determined and the appropriate action can be taken accordingly.
Corrective action
Preserving the scene of accident is necessary for the sake of corrective action to be
taken immediately after an accident that will lead to resuming of normal work activity.
Insurance needs
It is the necessity of the insurance companies to preserve the scene of the accident so
they can independently verify the cause severity of the accident

Question 6 (b)
Evacuation and cordon off.
The OIM ordered the shift manager to evacuate the area without touching anything and
cordon off the stair case so that the scene was not contaminated and preserved.
Photographic evidence
The OIM arranged the photographs to be taken of the accident site as it was preserved.

Question 6 (c)
Following short term action were taken
Cordon off
The OIM gave instructions to shift manager to cordon off the site of accident so that it
remains as it is.
Took photographs
The OIM arranged for the photographs to be taken of accident site for investigation
Revisited the scene
The OIM revisited the area to access the cause of the accident which he found out to be
a corroded step of staircase.
Discussion with the contractor
The IOM discussed the matter with the contractor to gather information on what really
happened in accident.
Discussion with the first aider and paramedic
The IOM had a discussion with the first aider and the paramedic to investigate the
Compiling report
The IOM asked to record the contractor’s discussion to use as reference while compiling
accident report

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Task 7: Reactive and active monitoring

Question 7 (a)
Following measures were available for reactive monitoring
Scene cordon off
After the accident the area was cleared of workers and the site of the accident was
cordoned off on instructions on OIM, based on scenario
Photographs taken
Based on the scenario the IOM arranged for the photographs of the scene to be taken for
active monitoring.

Question 7 (b)
Following are active monitoring measures used by ABC oil company
Emergency procedures
Emergency procedures were in place to ensure health and safety standards and were
regularly practiced by ABC oil company
First aid arrangement
First aiders were present on the site and were working in both day and night shift. Not
only these but medical facility with specialized lifesaving equipment is available
Induction training
Induction training was given to workers where they will get first aid information, manual
handling training as well as PPEs and two way radio for communications.
Permit to work
Permit to work system was used in ABC oil company and no work would be allowed
without permit to work any specific needs on a task would be communicated in advance

Task 8: Review of health and safety performance

Question 8
Following is the information that would be in the review of IOM
 The IOM will review the health and safety policy of the organisation and will
improve and better it where he finds necessary
 The IOM will review health and safety rules that are implemented at the site and
weather they are adequate.
 Emergency procedures will be reviewed by IOM to make sure that they are
according to the standards
 The procedure of first aid will also be reviewed to determine if it is enough if some
accident happens on the work site
 Permit to work system will also be reviewed by IOM to ascertain that this system
has any flaws that can be eliminated to make workplace more safe
 PPEs and communication equipment will also be reviewed to find out if they are
enough and are working properly.
 Role of management like top and middle management will also be reviewed to
make sure that are working to the full potential to make work place safe for work
 Review will also identify the work hazards at site and will make health and safety
rules accordingly so that workers can continue their jobs.
 Statistics of previous trainings will also be reviewed by IOM to understand need
and nature of trainings that are needed by the workers.
 Reporting procedures about accidents and near misses will also be reviewed and
checked if they are working according to standard.
 All maintenance records will be reviewed by IOM to better understand the work
place safety and eliminating hazards.

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 If any enforcement action is taken against the organisation it will be reviewed to
ascertain what the reason was and what improvements should be made.
 The review of corrective actions will be done to ascertain what hazards were
present at work site and what actions were taken to get rid of them and what
needs to be done now.
 The review will also consider the performance of the workers against the tasks
given to them and check if these tasks are performed keeping health and safety
standards in check
 Investigation reports of previous incidents will be reviewed by IOM which will help
him identify probable causes and precautions.
 The whole premises of the workplace will be reviewed by the IOM so that he can
identify any potential hazards at work premises.
 IOM will review the audit reports that are prepared by auditors to get knowledge of
flaws and use their recommendations.
 IOM will review the work environment of the site to understand the health and
safety culture of organisation.
 Any disciplinary action taken against any worker of ABC Oil Company will be
reviewed so that this sort of incidents could be stopped in future.
 IMO will review communication process from top management all the way to the
workers is clear and timely communicated if not so make necessary

Task 9: Emergency procedures

Question 9
Following are reasons why emergency procedure practices are important
 Emergency procedure practice is necessary to cope with unwanted events at work
place. This practice enables workers to get themselves to safety in emergencies.
 It is legal necessity for an organisation to not only train but also practice the
emergency procedure so the workers are familiar with emergency procedures
 Practice of emergency procedures boosts the moral of the workers because they
know the safety procedure will work in case of emergency.
 Emergency procedure practice will help to identify the weaknesses in the system
that can then be eliminated
 Practice of emergency procedures will help identify what training is required to the
workers and what will benefit them in creating safe work place
 Emergency procedure practice will familiarise worker at site with safety equipment
on hand so they will be able to handle it in case of emergency.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and  From scenario.

sources of
 RRC Study Textbook, Unit IG1: Management of health and
information you
used in your Safety,

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0018-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 8 of 9


End of examination

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Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website:

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