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International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 12, Issue, 01, pp.9616-9620, January, 2020
ISSN: 0975-833X


*Dr. Deepak Kumar Routray

ISPAT Autonomous College, India


Article History: Over the years, mathematical statistics have become increasingly important in the social sciences. In
Received 12th October, 2019 fact, the use of mathematical
mathematical statistics methods is now ubiquitous: Almost all social sciences rely on
Received in revised form statistical methods to analyze data and to form hypotheses, and almost all of them use more or less a
28th November, 2019 range of mathematical methods to help us understand the social world to ssome extent. Focusing on
Accepted 09th December, 2019 this the paper analyse and surveyed a variety of mathematical methods that are used in the social
Published online 30th January, 2020 sciences and argued that such techniques, in spite of several methodological objections, can add extra
value to social scientific research.
research. It also discus some of their philosophical questions and focused on
Key Words:
methodological issues in statistics-
statistics the part of mathematics that is most frequently used in the social
Experiments, Hypotheses, Mathematical sciences, in particular in the design and interpretation of experiments. The ppaper also analyzes the
Methods, Methodology, Social Sciences, emergence of the rationale behind the ubiquitous significance tests, as well as explained the pitfalls to
Statistical Inference, Significance Testing.
which many researches fall prey when using them. Finally, after comparing significance testing to
rivalling schools of statistical
statistical inference, the recent trends was discussed in the methodology of the
social sciences.
Copyright © 2020, Deepak Kumar Routray. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
ribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Dr. Deepak Kumar Routray. 2020. “Use Sciences International Journal of Current Research, 12, (01), 9616-
Use of Mathematical Statistics in Social Sciences”,

There are similar debates in other social sciences, but it is
Over the last few decade mathematical statistics have become important to stress that problem of one method such as
increasingly important in the social sciences1.A look at the axiomatization or the use of set theory which can hardly be
history quickly confirms this claim. At the beginning of the taken as a sign of bankruptcy of m mathematical statistics
21st century most theories in the social sciences were methods in the social sciences tout court. This paper surveys
formulated in qualitative terms while quantitative methods did mathematical statistics methods used in the social sciences,
not play a substantial role in the formulation and establishment significance test, the development of statistical model, need of
of them moreover, many practitioners considered statistical statistical model in social sciences and disc
discusses some of their
methods to bee in appropriate and simply not suited to foster philosophical questions.
our understanding of the social domain. Mathematical statistics
methods were basically used and it became relatively Sciences?: A historically
Why need the Statistics in Social Sciences?
uncontested that they were of much value in the social important reason, why statistics is used in the social sciences
sciences. In fact, the use of mathematical
matical statistics methods is was that `statistics' is associated with precision and objectivity.
now ubiquitous: Almost all social sciences rely on statistical These are (arguably) y) two requirements any science should
methods to analyze data and to form hypotheses, and almost all satisfy, and so the statistical mathematics in the social sciences
of them use to a greater or lesser extent, a range of was considered to be a crucial step that had to be taken to turn
mathematical statistics methods to help us understand
und the the social sciences into real science. Some such view has been
social world. The increasing importance of mathematical defended by many authors. rs. Luce and Suppes (1968), for
statistics methods in the social sciences is the formation of new example, argue along these lines for the importance of
disciplines, and the establishment of specialized journals axiomatizing the theories of the social sciences. These authors
and societies. also developed measurement theory (Krantz et al. 1971) and
Suppes (1967, 2001) showed how the relation be between a
*Corresponding author: Dr. Deepak Kumar Routray,
Routray theory and its target system can be explicated in statistical
ISPAT Autonomous College, India. terms. Contrary to this tradition, it has been argued that the
subject matter of the social sciences does not require a high
level of precision and that the social sciences are and shoul
Social science" includes disciplines such as anthropology, political science, rather be inexact (cf. Hausman 1992).
and sociology, but also economics and parts of linguistics and psychology.
9617 Deepak Kumar Routray, Use of mathematical statistics in social sciences

After all, what works in the natural sciences may well not work descriptive tool to summarize data and to fit various models.
in the social sciences. While Sir Karl Popper, one of the While in inferential statistics, the focus lies on testing
towering figures in the methodology of social science, did not hypotheses against each other, or quantifying evidence for or
promote the statistics in the social sciences in the first place against a certain hypothesis, descriptive statistics focuses on
(Hands 2008), it is clear that it nevertheless plays an enormous summarizing data and fitting the parameters of a given model
role in his philosophy. Given his focus on predictions and to a set of data. The most famous example is the method of the
falsifiability, a theory that is statistzed is preferable to a theory least squares, a procedure to centre a data set (Xn,Yn) where n
that is not. After all, it is much easier to derive falsifiable € N around a straight line. Other important descriptive
conclusions from clearly stated propositions than from vague statistics are contingency tables, effect sizes, and measure of
and informal claims. It is a mistake, however, to overestimate central tendency and dispersion measures. Descriptive
the role of the statistics. At the end, statistics provides the statistics were, however, “statistics without probability"
social scientist only with tools, and what one obtains when (Morgan 1987), or we can say statistics without uncertainty. In
using these tools will crucially depend on the assumptions that the late 19th and early 20th century, science was believed to be
are made. This is a variant of the well known GIGO principle concerned with certainty, with the discovery of invariable,
from computer science (garbage in, garbage out). All universal laws. This left no place for uncertain. We can recall
assumptions are motivated informally; formulating them in the that at that time, stochastic theories in the natural sciences,
language of statistics just helps putting them more precisely. such as statistical mechanics, quantum physics, or laws of
And once the assumptions are formulated statistically, the inheritance, were still quite new or not yet invented.
machinery of statistics helps to draw inferences in an Furthermore, there was a hope of reducing them to more
automated way. This holds for analytical calculations as well fundamental, deterministic regularities, e.g. to take the
as for numerical studies, including computer simulations stochastic nature of statistical mechanics as an expression of
(Frigg and Reiss 2010; Hartmann 1996). our imperfect knowledge, our uncertainty, and not as the
fundamental regularities that govern the motion of molecules.
This brings us to another advantage of mathematical statistics Thus, statistical modelling contradicted the nomothetic ideal
methods in the social sciences. While non-formal theories (Gigerenzer 1987), inspired by Newtonian and Laplace and
often remain rather simplistic and highly idealized, formal physics, of establishing universal laws. Therefore statistics was
theories can be complicated and more realistic, rejecting the considered as a mere auxiliary, imperfect device, a mere
messiness of our world. The mathematical statistics machinery surrogate for proof by deduction or experiment. For instance,
then helps drawing inferences which could not be obtained the famous analysis of variance (ANOVA) obtained its
without them (Humphreys 2004). Often different assumptions justification in the nomothetic view through its role in causal
pull in opposite directions, and it is not clear which one will be inference and elucidating causal laws.
stronger in a specific situation. However, when implemented in
a mathematical statistics model, it can be derived what happens It is interestingly says that these views were held even in the
in which part of the parameter space. And so the availability of social sciences, although the latter dealt with a reality that was
powerful computers allows the systematic study of more usually too complex to isolate causal factors in laboratory
realistic models. There is, however, also a danger associated experiments. Controlling for external impacts and confounders
with this apparent advantage. Given the availability of poses special problems to the social sciences, whose domain
powerful computers, scientists may be tempted to construct are humans and not inanimate objects. The search for
very complex statistical models. But while these models may deterministic, universal laws in the social sciences might thus
do well in terms of empirical adequacy, it is not so clear that seem futile - and this is probably the received view today- but
they also provide understanding. This is often provided by in the 1st half of the 21st century many social scientists
rather simple models sometimes called `toy models`, i.e. thought differently. Statistics was needed to account for
models that pick only one crucial aspect of a system and help measurement errors and omitted causal influences in a model,
us to get a feel for what follows from it. but it was thought to play a merely provisional role:

The Development of Statistical Model: Statistical methods “Statistical devices are to be valued according to their
are nowadays a central method of the social sciences. First, it efficacy in enabling us to lay bare the true relationship
is indispensable for evaluating experimental data e.g. in between the phenomena under consideration. An ideal
behavioural economics or experimental psychology. For method would eliminate all of the disturbing factors."
instance, psychologists might want to find out whether men (Schultz 1928, 33)
act, in a certain situation, differently from women, or whether
there are causal relationships between violent video games and Thus, the view of statistics was eliminativist: as soon as it has
aggressive behaviour. Second, the social sciences heavily use done its job and elucidated the laws which we aim at, we can
statistical models as a modelling tool for analyzing empirical dismiss it. In other words, the research project consisted in
data and predicting future events, especially in econometrics eliminating probabilistic elements, instead of discovering
and operational research, but recently, also in the mathematical statistical laws and regularities or modelling physical
branches of psychology, sociology, and the like. For example, quantities as probabilistic variables with a certain distribution.
time series and regression models relate a number of input This methodological presumption, taken from 19th century
(potential predictor) variables to output (predicted) variables. physics, continued to haunt social sciences far into the first
Sophisticated mathematical statistics model comparison half of the 20th century. Basing on the above, in total, there are
procedures try to elicit the structure of the data-generating three main reasons why inferential statistics was recognized as
process, eliminate some variables from the model, select a best a central method of the social sciences:
model" and finally fit the parameter values to the data. The
conception of statistics as an inferential tool is quite young:  The advances in mathematical probability, as summarized
throughout the 20th century, statistics was mainly used as a by Kolmogorov in his work (1933/56).
9618 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 01, pp.9616-9620, January, 2020

 The inferential character of many scientific questions, acquired knowledge. For Fisher, this is not compatible with the
e.g. whether there is a causal relationship between idea of science as pursuit of truth. Statistical inference has to
variables X and Y. There was a need for techniques of be convincing to all freely reasoning minds, entirely
data analysis that ended up with an inference or a independently of any intentions that might be furthered by
decision, rather than with a description of a correlation. utilizing the knowledge inferred" (Fisher 1956). Second, in
 The groundbreaking works by particular pioneer minds, science, a judgment on the truth of a hypothesis is usually not
such as Tinbergen and Haavelmo in economics (Morgan made on the basis of a single experiment. Instead, we obtain
1987). some provisional result which is refined through further
analysis. By their behavioral rationale and by making a
Significance Tests and Statistical Decision Rules: One of the “decision" between two hypotheses, Neyman and Pearson
great conceptual inventions of the founding fathers of insinuate that the actual data justify a judgment on whether H0
inferential statistics was the sampling distribution (Fisher or H1 is true and accepted or rejected Such judgments have,
1935). In the traditional approach that is in classical regression, according to Fisher, to be suspended until further experiments
there was no need for the concept of a sample drawn from a confirm the hypothesis, ideally using varying auxiliary
larger population- instead, the modelling process directly assumptions and experimental designs. Third, Neyman and
linked the observed data to a probabilistic model. In the Pearson test a statistical hypothesis against a definite
modern understanding, the actual data are just a sample drawn alternative. This leads to some results that appear paradoxical.
out of a much larger, hypothetical population about which we Take, for instance, the example of a normal distribution with
want to make an inference. The rationale for this view of data known variance 2 = 1 where the hypothesis about the mean
consists in the idea that scientific results need to be replicable. H0 : µ= 0 is tested against the hypothesis H1 : µ= 1. If the
Therefore, we have to make an inference about the average of the observations centres, say, around -5, it appears
comprehensive population or the data-generating process for that neither H0 nor H1 should be `accepted'. Nevertheless, the
the matter, instead of making an `in-sample' inference whose Neyman-Pearson rationale contends that in such a situation we
validity is restricted to the particular data we observed. This have to accept H0 because the discrepancy to the actual data is
idea of a sampling distribution proved crucial for what is less striking than with H1. In such a situation, when H0 offers a
known today as frequentist statistics. That approach strongly poor fit to the data, such a decision is arguably weird.
relies about this idea of the sampling distribution, outlined in Summing up, Fisher disqualifies Neyman and Pearson's
the works of Fisher (1925, 1935, and 1956) and Neyman and decision-theoretic approach as a mathematical
Pearson (1933, 1967), parting ways with the classical accounts “reinterpretation" of his own significant tests that is utterly
of Bayes, Laplace, Venn and others. inappropriate for use in the social sciences ,he even suspects
that Neyman and Pearson would not have come up with their
When we take the concept of frequentist statistics, we found approach had they had any real familiarity with work in the
there is a sharp division between approaches that focus on natural sciences" (Fisher 1956, 76). Therefore he developed a
inductive behaviour, such as the Neyman-Pearson school, and methodology of his own which proved to be extremely
those that focus on inductive inference, such as Fisherian influential in the natural as well as in the social sciences. His
statistics. To elucidate the difference, we will present both books, “Statistical Methods for Research Workers" (1925) and
approaches in a nutshell. Neyman and Pearson (1933) “The Design of Experiments" (1935) shaped the applications
developed a behavioral framework for deciding between two of statistics in the social sciences for decades. The core of his
competing hypotheses. For instance, take the hypothesis H0 method is the test of a point null hypothesis or significance
that a certain learning device does not improve the student’s test. Here, we want to tell chance effects from real effects. To
performance, and compare it to the hypothesis H1 that there is this end, we check whether a null (default, chance) hypothesis
such an effect. The outcome of the test is interpreted as a is good enough to fit the data. For instance, we want to test the
judgment on the hypothesis, or the prescription to take a effects of a new learning device on students’ performance, and
certain action (“accept/reject H0"). They contrast two we start with the default assumption that the new device yields
hypotheses H0 and H1 and develop testing procedures such that no improvement. If that hypothesis is apparently incompatible
the probability of erroneously rejecting H0 in favour of H1 is with the data (if the results are `significant'), we conclude that
bounded at a certain level “α”, and that the probability of there is some effect in the treatment. The core of the argument
erroneously rejecting H1 in favour of H0 is given that consists in `Fisher's Disjunction’:
constraint, as low as possible. In other words, Neyman and
Pearson aim at maximizing power of a test that is the chance of “Either an exceptionally rare chance has occurred, or the
a correct decision for H1 under the condition that the level of theory [=the null hypothesis] is not true."(Fisher 1956, 39)
the test that is the chance of an incorrect decision for H1 is
bounded at a real number “α”. Thus, they developed a more or It is a mistake, however, to overestimate the role of the
less symmetric framework for making a decision between statistics. At the end statistics provides the social scientist only
competing hypotheses, with the aim of minimizing the chance with tools, and what one obtains when using these tools will
of a wrong decision. crucially depend on the assumptions that are made. This is a
variant of the well known GIGO principle from computer
While such testing procedures apply well to issues of quality science (“garbage in, garbage out). All assumptions are
control in industrial manufacturing and the other, the famous motivated informally; formulating them in the language of
biologist and statistician Ronald A. Fisher (1935, 1956) argued statistics just helps putting them more precisely. And once the
that they are not suitable for the use in science. First, a proper assumptions are formulated mathematically, the machinery of
behavioristic, or decision-theoretic approach has to determine statistics helps to draw inferences in an automated way. This
costs for faulty decisions which was done by Neyman-Pearson holds for analytical calculations as well as for numerical
by choosing the level ‘α’ of a test. This involves, however, studies, including computer simulations Frigg and Reiss
reference to the purposes to which we want to put our newly (2010) Hartmann (1996).
9619 Deepak Kumar Routray, Use of mathematical statistics in social sciences

This brings us to another advantage of mathematical statistics Concluding Remarks

in the social sciences. While non-formal theories often remain
rather simplistic and highly idealized, formal theories can be Analysing the above facts and findings we concluded that, a
complicated and consider more realistic, rejecting the variety of mathematical statistics methods that are used in the
messiness of our social world. The statistical machinery then social sciences and argued that such techniques in spite of
helps drawing inferences which could not be obtained without several methodological objections can add extra value to social
them (Humphreys 2004). Often different assumptions pull in scientific research. Then, we have focused on methodological
opposite directions, and it is not clear which one will be issues in statistics the part of mathematical statistics that is
stronger in a specific situation. However, when implemented in most frequently used in the social sciences, in particular in the
a mathematical statistics model, it can be derived what happens design and interpretation of experiments. We have represented
in which part of the parameter space. And so the availability of the emergence of and the rationale behind the ubiquitous
powerful computers allows the systematic study of more significance tests, as well as explained the pitfalls to which
realistic statistical models. many researches fall prey when using them. Finally, after
comparing significance testing to rivalling schools of statistical
Statistical versus practical significance: The null hypothesis inference, we have discussed recent trends in the methodology
typically denotes an idealized hypothesis, such as there is no of the social sciences and argued that there is reason for
difference between the effects of A and B". Practically no one optimism, and that awareness of methodological problems, as
believes such a hypothesis to be literally true, rather, everyone well as interest for mathematical and statistical techniques is
expects that there are differences, but perhaps just at a minute growing.
degree. The effects of A and B are always different in some
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