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I am actually somewhat satisfied with how I did on the test.

There were no topics that I

didn’t expect, and I studied quite a bit, and looked over the material to make sure that I knew
everything. I went over my notes a few times and did the quizlet a little. To be honest, I think
that stimulus questions are my strong suit, but recalling things are where I falter.

I did “take the test three times” for questions that were hard, and I tried to point out the
questions that were distractors. I was pretty tired, but I managed to get through it. I think I
needed to get better sleep the night before, because that may have contributed to the points I got
off on the test.

My plan for next time is to make sure that I choose my answers more carefully. To be
honest, while I don’t think I did horribly, I do think I certainly could have done better. I should
have taken the time to very slowly review my answers. With this, though, comes doubts, because
I am aware that the AP test will be very fast-paced, and there simply won’t be time to look over
my answers one time, two times, or three times in a row after I’ve already bubbled in a choice.
So, I actually may be going at the perfect pace. I know that I can certainly improve though, and I
won’t stop working towards that!

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