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of the
Author: Steven S. Long

Developer: Bruce Harlick Dedication

Editors: Bruce Harlick & Heike Kubasch I'd like to dedicate this book to my good friends in Raleigh,
Cover Art: Starn Cook Jon and Kelley Ferrante and Steve and Anitra Stone, for the
Cover Art Colorization: Heroic Age Colors many hours of fun we've had gaming and talking, the excellent
Interior Illustration: Starn Cook, Greg Smith, meals, the spare couches for me to crash on when necessary,
Gary Washington and the countless other things they've done for me that show
Project-Specific Contributions: just what great friends they are. Thanks, guys.
Pagemaking & Layout: Wendy Frazer
James Whitehouse Additional Contributions
Cover Graphics: Donald Dennis My thanks to the following Hero gamers for their assistance,
Art Direction: Ray Greer; Jason 0. Hawkins ideas, and/or contributions: the AOL Australian Linguistics
Editorial Contributions: Ray Greer, Steve Peterson, Institute (Todd Boaz; Jim Crocker; Nick Leaning; Scott Heine;
Heike Kubasch, Coleman Charlton; Tad Kilgore; Walt Mucha; Marty Nix; Mark Doherty, and
Proofreading: Maggi Perkins; John Speck others whose full names are unknown to me); Mark "Donut"
Series Editor: Bruce Harlick Arsenault; Chris "Psycho" Avellone; the commentators from
America Online; Amy Crittenden; Joan Eisenstadt; Thom
ICE Staff: Foster; John Grigni; Joel B. Levy; Andy Mathews; Scott Bennie;
Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing; and Dean Shomshak.
Managing Editor: Coleman Charlton;
President: Peter Fenlon;
CEO: Bruce Neidlinger:
Editing, Development & Production Staff:
John Curtis, Don Dennis, Wendy Frazer,
Bruce Harlick, Jason 0. Hawkins, Nick Morawitz,
Jessica Ney-Grimm, Michael Reynolds;
Sales, Customer Service & Operations Staff:
Olivia Johnston, David Platnick, Monica Wilson;
Shipping Staff: Dave Morris, Daniel Williams.

Watchers of the DragonN is Hero Games' trademark for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero system.
Championf and Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game"' are Hero Games trademarks for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero System.
Hero System* is Hero Games' trademark for its roleplaying system. Watcher's of the Dragon© 1995 Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Champions Copyright© 1981, 1984, 1989 Hero Games. All rights reserved. Hero System Copyright CC 1984, 1989 Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Other trademarks are property of.their respective holders.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (except Character
Sheets for personal use only), record ing, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Publisher: Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902.
Printed in U.S.A., Pirst Printing 1995 STOCKlt:442
Produced & Distributed by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., a licensed manufacturer of Hero Games. ISBN 1·55806-248-3
Table of Col!\tel!\ts

Introduction................................... 4 Chapter Nine................................ 67

Today ............................................. 5 Kazeronin .................................... 68
Chapter One................................... 6 Lfn Hu ......................................... 71
Seeker ............................................ 8 Nightwind ................................... 75
Green Dragon ............................. 12 Qi Feng ........................................ 77
Xiukwan ...................................... 79
Chapter Two................................. 17
Chapter Ten .................................. 81
Chapter Three.............................. 18 Shadowdragon ............................ 83
Dr. Yin Wu,The Dragon
Mandarin ............................. 22 Chapter Eleven............................ 85
Sample Spells And Chapter Twelve ............................ 87
Magic Items ........................ 25 Kagamishoki ............................... 90
Sample Monsters ........................ 32
Chinese Goblin ........................... 32
Chapter Thirteen........................ 92
Ch'ing-Shih ................................. 33 Chapter Fourteen ....................... 93
Zhen ............................................ 33 Li Chun the Destroyer ................ 94
The Four Sons Of The Dragon .. 34 The Tiger Squad .......................... 98
Copper Spear .............................. 35 Gossamer Storm ......................... 99
Golden Axe .................................. 36 Dlzhen Quan ............................. 100
Iron Whirlwind ........................... 37 Luan .......................................... 102
Silver Hand ................................. 38 Shu'iyin ...................................... 104
Chapter Four................................ 40 Emperor Crane and
Shugoshin ................................... 42 The Rebellious Flock. ...... 105
Iron And Gold ............................. 44 Rebellious Flock ........................ 107
Iron .............................................. 46 Chapter Fifteen......................... 109
Gold ............................................. 47 The Watchers of the Dragon ... 111
The Cult Of The Red Banner .... 47 General Hseng .......................... 112
Chapter Five................................ .48 Yoshi .......................................... 113
Professor Anthony Peaslee ....... 115
Chapter Six................................... 49 Tournament Guard ................... 116
Chapter Seven. ............................. 51 Iron Dragon .............................. 117
Tengu ........................................... 52
Chapter Eight. .............................. 54
Maya ............................................ 55
Hercules ........................... ........... 57
Hwarang ...................................... 58
Fleur de Lis .................................. 60
Akumashibaru ............................ 62
Sodeptan ..................................... 64
Tournament of the Dragon . . 120 Appendix Three:
Basic Nature of the Oriental Names .................. 129
Tournament ...................... 120 Chinese Names ................. 129
Rules of the Tournament ......... 120 Japanese Names ................ 130
The Five Arenas ........................ 121 Korean Names .................. 132
The Earth Arena ............... 121 Thai Names ....................... 133
The Water Arena ............... 121 Vietnamese Names .......... 133
The Fire Arena .................. 122 Burmese Names ................ 133
The Metal Arena ............... 122 Appendix Four: Generic
The Wood Arena ............... 123 Character Writeups ......... 134
Winning the Tournament; Heroic-Level
Fighting the Ninja Genin ...................... 134
Death Dragon .................. 123 Basic Superheroic-Level
The Death Dragon .................... 124 Ninja Genin ...................... 136
Ninja Chunin .................... 137
Appendices. ................................ 127 Ninja Jon in ....................... 139
Appendix One: Running Disgustingly Powerful
Watchers of the Dragon as Ninja ................................. 140
an Epic Scenario in your Kunoichi ........................... 142
Campaign ........................... 127 Generic Martial Arts
Running The Thug .................................. 143
Tournament ...................... 127 Generic Martial Arts
Appendix Two: Subplots ......... 128 Lieutenant .......................... 144
Man With The Black Appendix Five: Dark Champions
Eyepatch ........................... 128 Conversions And Notes ... 145
Jade Mirror Of Chapter One ..................... 145
Transcendence .................. 128 Chapter Two ..................... 145
It Takes Two To Tengu ..... 128 Chapter Four .................... 145
The Lost Scroll .................. 129 Chapter Seven ................... 145
Dragonmaster ................... 129 Chapter Eight ................... 145
Chapter Nine .................... 146
Chapter Ten ...................... 146
Chapter Twelve ................. 146
Chapter Thirteen ............. 146
Bibliography. .............................. 147
J J/\tlt4-od uctioJ/\
For untold thousands of years, it has haunted But mankind is not without defenses against the
mankind: the Death Dragon. A creature of shadow Death Dragon. Millennia ago, the Dragon, in its
and evil, the Death Dragon desires nothing less overweening pride and lust for destruction, al-
than the enslavement of mankind and the destruc- lowed itself to be trapped in the Otherworld by a
tion of its civilization. In its presence, light is group of Chinese sorcertrs. This group called itself
quenched, goodness is shriveled and destroyed, the Watchers of the Dragon, and took upon itself a
and only the pure of heart can stand without fear. never-ending task: to watch over the Death Dragon,
To the ancient Chinese and Japanese, the Death and keep it ever shackled.
Dragon was a terrifying spirit that caused eclipses For the Death Dragon's prison, like so many
and droughts, brought down curses, and slruvc magical bindings, was imperfect. Once every cycle,
against the gods for mastery of the world. Modern- every 60 years, the Death Dragon could break free
day man has left behind his belief in spirits and evil of its prison and go ravening across the world. T he
magic, but nonetheless feels the work of the Dragon only way to stop it was for a warrior of great skill
in the plagues and famines that sweep a prosperous and of pure heart to oppose it and defeat it in single
Earth, in the terrible wars and weapons of destruc- co mbat. Bringing an army against it would be
tion men have wrought, and in the hardheartedness useless, for the Dragon can draw strength from his
and wickedness that he encounters every day. enemies and use it against them. Only when they
sent a single man against him coulJ the Watchers
hope to defeat their ancient foe.
To choose the champion who would defend the
world from the Death Dragon, the Watchers spon-
sored a grand competition-Bi'sai L6ng, the Tour-
nament of the Dragon. From all over the Middle
Kingdom, and eventually from all over the world,
came warriors. Some fought with weapons, some
fought with their bare hands, but all were deter-
mined to claim the title of Zhanshi ("Champion")
and go on to defeat the Death Dragon. To the
victor, the Watchers promised magical powers that
would help him defeat the Dragon. And such was
the evil pall cast over the Earth by the Dragon that
a triumph over it would earn the champion some-
thing even greater- the pre-eminence of his nation
over all other nations of the world for the next 60-
year cycle. But to this blessing, there was a corre-
sponding curse: ifthechampion lost, and the Dragon
triumphed, it would be free on Earth for the next
cycle, and the world would be plunged into a Dark
Age. Only with the coming of the next Tournament
could the Watchers hope to re-imprison their ad-
Over the centuries, the Watchers have continued
to maintain a careful vigil over the Dragon. For the
most part, the champions of their Tournament
have been successful, and the Dragon has remained
captive. When the Dragon has won its freedom, the
Watchers have only been able to minimize the
damage it caused as bestthey could. Watchers have
come and gone, many of them slain in the battles
against the Dragon and the forces it inspired.
Though few men know it, humanity owes its collec-
tive existence to their efforts and their sacrifices.

Todaj -=--~-/-~:~·
In the West, the year is 1995. But in the East, it is
4693, the Year of the Boar, a year corresponding to
the element of Metal. Yet another cycle has finally
run its course, and the Watchers are readying for
another Tournament. Forthe past several years, the
world's greatest martial artists have been preparing
forthe Tournament. Many of them have begun the
competition early, staging duels with or ambushes
oflikely opponents, for nothing in the rules of the
Tournament forbids them to eliminate their com-
petitors in advance. One by one, they are slowly
making their way to the East, to the heart ofChina,
to the secret underground arena where the Tourna-
ment is held every 60 years. The fate of the world
hangs in the balance ....

Chaptev- 011\e
It was a typical evening at Arthur's Terrace, one of Chinese ancestry, her beautiful features framed
of the most exclusive restaurants in Manhattan. by shoulder length black hair. A beautiful jade
Candles and chandeliers made the room sparkle charm in the shape of a dragon dangled from the
with light. Handsome young waiters in starched gold chain around her neck. The man's grin was
shirts and tailored jackets moved about the room often mirrored by her own, and her pretty brown
quickly, making sure that every patron had every- eyes danced as she talked to him.
thing that he or shedesired. BottlesofDomPerignon "I'm so glad we finally had the chance to get
were chilling in silver buckets filled with ice; beau- together again, Don," she said, giving his hand a
tiful flowers adorned the tables and mantelpieces; squeeze. "It seems like it's been so long since we
violin music filled the room. went out together."
Movie stars, politicians, Broadway actors, avant- "Too right!" the man said with a rueful grin. 'Tm
garde artists, and the sons and daughters ofsome of afraid things keep me pretty busy. I don't get to see
the city's wealthiest families were seated at the some people nearly as often as I'd like."
tables. But perhaps the most notable person in the "Well, saving the world can do that to you," she
room wasseatedat a table off to one side, dressed in said with a giggle.
a simple suit and tie. Without his customary garb, "It's not always that!" he protested half-heartedly.
few would recognize him, despite his blond hair "Most of the time I'm right 'ere in New York, but
and irrepressible grin. With him was a young woman there's so much going on-the yakuza, the tongs,
the mob, supervillains popping up left 'n' right t'
rob banks-that sometimes I barely 'ave enough
time t' breathe. Much less, take a beautiful lady out
to dinner and dancing."
"Thank you," she said with a blush and a faint
smile. Then her face perked up even more. "How
did you ever manage to get us in here? I heard the
waiting Ii.st was two months long!"
"Oh, I know a few folks. The owner is the friend
of a friend, y'might say."
"I wish you knew someone in the film industry,"
she said wistfully.
"Me, too, but no one's ever offered t' put me in
th' movies. Can you imagine?" he asked, making
fun of himself. Lin laughed.
"So, what've you been up to while I've been out
savin' the world?" Don said, switching to other
"Oh, lots! I got a new part the other day."
"Really? What?"
"Well, it's this off-off-off-Broadway play, but at
least it pays a little! And besides, ·the director knows
some people in Hollywood .. .. " Her voice trailed
off as the waiter approached their table.
"Are you ready to order?" he asked pleasantly.
"Yeah, I think so," Don replied. "Lin?"
''I'll have the sea bass encroute, please."
The waiter looked expectantly at Don.
"And I'll 'ave the filet mignon," he said.
"Very good, sir." The waiter gathered up the
menus and left.
"More wine?" Don asked, picking up the bottle
and uncorking it.
"Please," said Lin, holding up her glass. After he
poured some for her, he filled his own glass and
then picked it up. "To a night on the town with a
beautiful lady!". he said, offering his glass for the
"And a handsome man," she replied with a smile,
clinking her glass against his. They both drank.
"So what's this play about?" Don said, picking up
where they'd left off.
"Well, basically it's about a Korean family trying
to run a small business here in New York,'' she
"Okay," Don said.
"I play the rebellious daughter."
"That must be quite a stretch for you," Don
observed sardonically.
"Ha, ha," she said sarcastically. "Actually, I.. .."
A crash from the kitchen area interrupted her.
Most of the other conversations in the room qui-
eted down momentarily.
"What was that?" she asked.
"Sounds t' me like the sound of a job opening
up," Don answered with a grin. "'Ope it doesn't
delay our dinner."
Oneofthewaiterscame flying through the kitchen
door face-first and landed with a crash on one ofthe
tables. The force of the assault had knocked him
out, and a bruise was already forming on one side
of his face. Several women screamed; people all
over the room got to their feet.
Don was one of those people. Throwing his
napkin down on the table, he began to walk to-
wards the kitchen. Before he'd taken two steps, the
door was thrown open. Standing there in the door- "Keep calm, folks!" Seeker's voice shouted above
way was a well-muscled man of medium height, the din. "Just get out of the way calmly and quickly,
dressed in a green costume and mask with a scaly and you won't get 'urt. You 'ave my word."
look to them. "How noble," Green Dragon sneered. "I'd suggest
"Green Dragon," Don said flatly, his eyes nar- that you defend yourself before making any promises
rowing. "I might 'ave known. Only you'd be rude to anyone else." With that he moved forward, skirt-
enough to start a fight 'ere." He loosened his tie. ing the tables and chairs. Seeker kicked off his shoes
"Deng!" came Lin's voice from behind him. and raised his guard, cursing himself for leaving his
"What are you doing?" triple irons at home. They're just so inconvenient on
"Be quiet, little sister," Green Dragon replied, a date, he thought to himself with a grin.
speaking in Chinese. He looked back at Don. "I've Interpreting his grin as mockery, Green Dragon
come to deal with you once and for all, Western dog. snarled and launched a lightning-fast flying kick
I came here to offer you an honorable challenge, so that carried him the rest of the way to his old foe.
that I can dispose of you once and for all before the Seeker dodged nimbly; Green Dragon's kick
Tournament begins. And now I find you attempting smashed the table where Don and Lin had been
to seduce my sister! You will die for this affront!" sitting to bits. Lin backed up some more.
Don grinned, unable to take the man's posturing "So much for the Dom Perignon," Seeker ob-
seriously. His date felt otherwise. "How dare you served.
say that, Deng! We were just having dinner! How you Green Dragon sprang up from the wreckage of
can be so stupid sometimes I will never know! Now the table and advanced on Seeker again. The two
stop your stupid macho posturing and get out ofhere circled warily, stepping with care to avoid over-
and leave us in peace!" turned chairs and other debris. They traded wary
Green Dragon ignored his sister, keeping his gaze punches and kicks, each blocking the other's at-
locked on his chosen opponent. Don removed his tacks with little trouble.
tie and jacket and ripped off his shirt. Suddenly, Suddenly Green Dragon moved in, feinted with
several women in the room realized who he was. It a kick, and threw a punch at Seeker's head. It caught
was Seeker, of the Champions! Concluding that the Australian hero square in the jaw, staggering
they were about to be in the middle ofa superbattle, him. Green Dragon moved in for the kill, only to
most of the restaurant's patrons began pushing and find that he'd been tricked-Seeker wasn't dazed at
all, as his kick to Green Dragon's chest proved.
shoving their way towards the nearest exit. Lin
began to back up slowly, but kept her eyes on the Seeker followed it up with an atemi strike, but
Green Dragon managed to block it. CHAPTER ONE
two men.
Seeker had the momentum in the fight now, and causing the explosion. Bits of flaming debris and
he meant to keep it. He threwa low kick, hoping to the Rover's contents were scattered everywhere.
knock Green Dragon's legs out from under him. Why anyone would drive a Land Rover into this
But Chow was too quick for him; he made a desper- desolate part of the outback, Edo didn't know, and
ate leap to avoid the kick and landed on one of the there was nothing he could do about it now. He
tables. Then he smashed Seeker in the face with a turned to leave, when suddenly, out of the corner of
kick of his own, splitting the handsome hero's lip his eye, he saw one of the piece of debris move-it
and sending blood flying. Seeker moved backward was a person, and he was alive!
quickly, but not quick enough to avoid Green Still cautious, Edo moved closer to the wreckage.
Dragon's flying kick. He saw that the survivor was, in fact, a young boy,
Seeker went flying across the room and landed about eight years old, who appeared to be slightly
on a table, which promptlybroke beneath his weight. injured as he rolled dazedly around on the ground.
Seeker shook his head desperately, trying to clear When Edo got close enough, he could see that the
away the blackness in front of his eyes and bring boy had taken a nasty blow to the head, and was
himself back to full alertness. Through the black probably suffering from a concussion, shock, and
haze he could see Green Dragon advancing on him several minor wounds. Rather than abandon him,
for the kill. 'Old it, 'old it, let 'im get closer he Edo took the child with him.
thought, feigning dazedness. He allowed Green Edo gently carried the child back to his rough
Dragon two more steps, then lashed out with his home, and made him as comfortable as possible on
right foot, huuking Green Dragon's left ankle and his cot. By this time the boy had a fever, and Edo gave
jerking his feet out from under him. him what treatment he could. The boy's fever lasted
As the arrogant criminal crashed to the floor, several days, and Edo tended him the entire time.
Seeker rolled off of the table and put the momen- When he could steal away for a few minutes, he
tum into an elbow smash to Green Dragon's head. returned to the scene of the wreck to salvage what he
"Aagh!" Green Dragon shouted, as he struggled to could, and to bury the remainder. From a few scrap-
get to his feet. Seeker swept his right arm out and books and personal possessions that had been thrown
knocked Green Dragon's arms out from under clear of the wreck along with the boy, he learned that
him. As Green Dragon toppled back to the ground, his new ward's name was Donald Morgan, and that
Seeker rolled on top of him and grabbed him in a his parents, Albert and Elise Morgan, were freelance
jujutsu choke hold. Green Dragon struggled for a nature photographers from Sydney. Presumably,
few moments, trying to get his hands on Seeker, thought Edo, they had come here to take some of
then passed out from lack of oxygen. their pictures; what a tragedy for two promising lives
"Lin, quick! Bring me my tie!" Seeker shouted, to be snuffed out in such an accident!
shifting his grip to pin Deng Chow's arms in case he After the boy's fever broke and he awakened
awoke. Lin searched for a few moments, found the from his fever-induced sleep, Edo continued to
tie, and brought it to him. Using the torinawajutsu care forhim.Donwasstill in somethingofa mental
techniques taught to him by his foster-father, Mr. stupor because of his injuries and the emotional
Edo, Seeker quickly tied Green Dragon's arms in impact of the wreck, so rather than try to com-
such a way that even his great strength would not pletely take the place of the boy's family, he told
suffice to free him. Don to call him "Mister Edo."
"Don, are you all right?" she asked worriedly, Over the next few weeks, Edo slowly began to
turning his face carefully with her right hand to change his mind about the boy. At fi rst he had
check out his injuries. His left eye was beginning to thought that he would wait until the child was well
blacken alittle,and there was an ugly split in his lip, enough to travel and would then take him back to
but other than that he appeared to be all right. "civilization." But he soon grew to love the boy,
"No worries, Lin-but so much for a goodnight who was high-spirited and rambunctious despite
kiss, eh?" He gestured ruefully at his broken lip. the tragedy he'd suffered. In fact, Edo thought, Don
"Oh, I don't know about that," she said with a was the perfect pupil to whom Edo could pass his
smile as she kissed him lightly on the cheek. hard-won wisdom.
In his own youth, Edo Tashiro had been raised as
a member of the Nohoda ninja clan, a group of
ninja oath bound to serve a powerful yakuza "fam-
ily." He trained long and hard, and became a highly-
skilled ninja. However, he lacked much of the
philosophical outlook of the ninja; he was a quiet,
Background/History: The crash of the Land Rover honorable man more akin to certain samurai ofold
and the explosion which followed were the first than to his fellow night-warriors.
non-natural sounds Edo Tashiro had heard in years. During World War II, heand the rest of the most
Picking up his sword, he raced stealthily through talented members of the Nohoda clan, an elite force
the rocky hills in which he made his home, search- known as the Red Band, were sent to infiltrate
ing for the source of the sound. Australia and disrupt the Allied war effort there.
He soon found what he was looking for. Below Shortly after they arrived, one of Edo's comrades
one of the bluffs he could see that a Land Rover had suggested a plan which would involve poisoning
C HAPTER ONE crashed; apparently, the fuel tankhad cracked open, the water supply ofBrisbane. Edo was shocked and
dismayed by this terrible tactic, but the rest of the
Red Band endorsed it as a sound plan. Seeing no ling personality. Nor did Seeker find his answers
other way to prevent the slaughter of thousands of while studying Zen Buddhism in Japan. Finally,
innocents, Edo launched a surprise attack against Seeker decided that he would never find "the final
the rest of the Red Band, slaying most of them and answer" in the East, and caught a ship for America.
wounding the rest so badly that they were forced to His ship docked in New York City, and Seeker
withdraw from Australia. immediately set out into the city to enjoy himself
Edo was then faced with a terrible choice. He had and seek Truth. He soon learned just how ugly and
done as his conscience dictated, but he felt that he dehumanizing the city could be, and found himself
had dishonored his clan and must be punished for using his martial arts skills to protect people from
that, even though he had done good. Still, he had no criminals and other ne'er-do-wells. During one of
wish to die, so seppuku was no solution. Eventually these incidents, when he attempted to stop a group
he decided to go into self-exile in the wilds of of VIPER agents from robbing a bank, he encoun-
Australia-this was not only great punishment for tered the Champions. The team was impressed
someone as gregarious as Edo, but it would keep with Seeker's abilities and personality, and soon
him safe from the vengeful Nohoda Req Band. Edo asked him to join. Seeker, who sensed in the group
lived alone for many years until the crash that killed a collection ofkindred souls who might help him in
the Morgans-but now he had a "son." He had his quest for Truth, joined them immediately.
long wished for someone to pass his skills on to, so Seeker has been a member of the Champions
he decided to teach them to Don. ever since, though he frequently journeys around
Years passed. The young Australian boy took to the world on his own, adventuring "solo." He has
Mr. Edo's training as quickly and easily as any become world-famous, and is usually recognized
Japanese ever had. Mr. Edo taught him not only wherever he goes. But he has earned enemies as well
ninjutsu, but what little jujutsu and karate he knew; as accolades: VIPER despises him for his role in
additionally, he constantly impressed upon Don disrupting so many of their plans, and the Red
Morgan the philosophical precepts by which he Band has learned of his connections with Edo
lived his life: protection of the innocent and a Tashiro and seeks to eliminate him as a way of
search for "Truth," whatever that might be. "What revenging itselfon Edo. He has also been the nem-
is this truth that I must seek, Mr. Edo?" Don asked esis of the supervillain Green Dragon for many
him more than once; the only answer Edo would years, though as time has passed, Seeker's
give him was, "That is something you must deter- broadmindedness and honor have allowed him to
mine for yourself." progress and grow as a person, so that he has
Every time Don sought to learn something new surpassed the dosed-minded and stagnant Green
from Mr. Edo, Edo required him to perform some Dragon in martial arts skill. (Seeker's on-again, off-
good, honorable deed or learn some new philo- again relationship with Green Dragon's sister Lin
sophical precept in exchange-thus tempering Chow will probably cause this old conflict to heat
fighting skill with maturity. Over the years, Don's up again, however.) Through it all, Seeker has
• sense of honor, his willingness to protect and serve continued his quest for Mr. Edo's "final answer;"
the innocent, and his devotion to "the Truth" were he suspects that the final Truth he is seeking is
ever increased and reinforced by this practice. He nothing more than life itself, but nonetheless he
grew to be a fine, honorable young man, and Edo continues to look.
was very proud of him, as proud as he would have Personality/Motivation: Seeker is a curious and
been had Don been his own son. complex person. The most important aspect of his
By the time Don was in his late teens, he had personality is his honorable, philosophical nature.
learned everything Mr. Edo could teach him- While many people are aware of his honor, having
from fighting, to tactics, to stealth, to surviving on seen him display it frequently in his treatment of
the land. Mr. Edo decided that he should no longer others, few are aware of the philosophical roots of
keep Don with him. Although it broke his heart to his honor.Mr. Edo taught Seeker that honor comes
do so, he sent Don away to seek "the final answer" not just from one's personal behavior, but from
to the question ofTruth. Don, for his part, hated to one's behavior toward his fellow man-the truly
go, but he realized the wisdom in Mr. Edo's com- honorable man helps others, and does not get
mand. Tearfully he packed his few things and went wrapped up in the purely philosophical aspects of
to the nearest city, where he used money that Mr. honor, or oflife. This motivates Seeker to search for
Edo had salvaged from the wreck years ago to ways to assist those in need of protection or other
purchase a plane ticket to Hong Kong. help. Because of his upbringing, Seeker's outlook
For the next few years Don, now calling himself on thesesortsofproblemsis much more "individu-
"Seeker" because of his quest for wisdom and in- alized" than those of most of his teammates; al-
sight, wandered the Orient, studying martial arts though he has helped to save the world on more
and philosophy. He thought for a while that he than one occasion, he is happiest fighting "street
might find the answers he was looking for in Tao- crime" and making a difference for the "little guy."
ism and some of the other esoteric Chinese phi- He patrols the streets of New York more than any
losophies that Mr. Edo had introduced him to, but other member of the Champions, and is a welcome
this did not prove to be the case. The masters he sight to the city's downtrodden and victimized
studied under, while skilled, could offer him no citizens. He also devotes his name and talents to
insight he found valuable, and their rigid regimens charity efforts whenever possible. CHAPTER ONE
chafed Seeker's irrepressible spirit and swashbuck-
Seeker's philosophical side also expresses itselfin kung fu as well, and he has a smattering of knowl-
his search for "Truth" (or "the final answer," as he edge of most other major styles. Thus, his fighting
sometimes calls it). He has never explained the style is rathereclecticand unpredictable; his swash-
exact nature of what he is seeking to his teammates buckling, carefree attitude and acrobatic maneu-
(not even to Solitaire), since he is not exactly sure vers only make it more so. He has a tendency to
what it is himself! Mr. Edo raised him 'to respect show off if he has a DEX or SPD advantage over his
"Truth," and Seeker reflects this in his forthright, opponent-or if there is a pretty lady nearby that
honest, and honorable nature, and his dislike and he wants to impress.
contempt for deception, dishonesty, deceit, illu- Even though Seeker is best known for his flam-
sion, and fraud. Nothing is so repugnant to him as boyant nature, he is also skilled at the stealthy
the abuse of trust and respect, which he regards as aspects of ninjutsu, and is not reluctant to use them
a great insult to the concept of"Truth. " He will go ifhe must. His skill at stealthy movement, tactics,
to great lengths to determine what is "certain" in a and survival have saved the Champions more than
given situation, what is not, and what the real, once.
"true" answer is to a given question or dilemma. Although Seeker does not have a Code Against
The side of Seeker that most people are aware of Killing, he is very reluctant to kill and will only use
is his wisecracking, swashbuckling nature. Despite his Killing-damage weapons on inanimate objects
a lifetime of philosophical study under teachers or foes he is unable to hurt any other way, or who
who were often quite somber, Seeker has never have broken some sort of honorable bargain or
been able to repress his joie de vivre, nor does he otherwise offended the concepts that Seeker holds
want to. He loves adventure, excitement, beautiful dear.
women, exotic locations, swinging from chande- Seeker's identity is neither Secret nor Public.
liers, and just generally being alive. This leads many Most people have no idea that he is Don Morgan,
p~ople to regard him as the "party animal" of the but in certain circles, such as the Martial World or
Champions (Jaguar's powers and personality not- among certain espionage and law-enforcement
withstanding), but this reputation is not really groups, it is a well-known fact.
deserved-Seeker just likes to enjoy himself. Appearan ce: Seeker wears white blousy kung fu
When he first joined the Champions, Seeker was pants (dang lung fu), red karate slippers and a red
seen as something of a "country bumpkin," since sash, and no shirt. He also wears a red or black
he knew very little of modern civilization in general bandoleer to carry his weapons. If the mission calls
or American culture in particular. He has learned for it, he may wear other garb, including a tradi-
much since then, and overcome that perception, tional ninja igabakama or commando-style cloth-
but he maintains a fierce pride in his Australian ing. He stands 6' l" tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes,
heritage (and accent!) and in his Oriental philoso- handsome rugged features, and a big smile.
phies and disciplines.
Seeker gets along very well with his teammates.
Defender he respects for his bravery, honor, and Seeker
forthrightness; even though the two have relatively Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
little in common, they enjoy each other's company. 2S STR IS I4- 800 J<g; sa6 r21
29 DEX S7 IS- OCV: 10/DCV: JO
With Quantum Seeker shares a desire to help and
25 CON 30 J4-
protect ordinary citizens; though he has felt the J5 BODY JO J2-
sharp edge of Quantum's tongue more than once J3 INT 3 12- PER Roll J2-
because of his seemingly lighthearted attitude to- J4 EGO 8 J2- ECV:5
wards superheroing, he actually likes her quite a bit. 20 PRE JO 13- PRE Attack 4d6
Jaguar and Seeker are pals, beer-drinking buddies 20 COM s 13-
who simply like to hang around together without J8 PD 13 Total: 18 PD
getting too serious, though on occasion they do J5 ED JO Total: J5 ED
patrol together, and often turn to one another for 7 SPD 31 Pha2,4,6, 7,9, 1J , J2
help with thorny problems. In Solitaire, Seeker sees 10 REC 0
50 END 0
a companion on his quest for the Truth, since she,
41 STUN 0
too, passionately despises many of the same things
he does and seeks what is "right." On more than Total Characteristic Cost: 192
one morning the other Champions have come Movement: Running: J0"/20"
downstairs to find out that Solitaire and Seeker 11
Swimming: 4 /8 11

have stayed up all night, discussing philosophy

over coffee. Superleap: 10"/20"

Quote: "G'day, Miss! Watch this!"
Powers/Tactics: Seeker is a highly-trained martial
artist of consummate skill. Thanks to the combat
experience he has garnered as a member of the

t 3
Champions, he is regarded as one of the top martial
artists in the world (someone that only a handful of
other martial artists can compete with). He has
studied not only ninjutsu, but jujutsu, karate, and
Powers & Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 Levels w/ Hand-To-
Hand Combat (IO)
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 Levels w/ all Combat
Martial Arts-Ninjutsu, Jujutsu, Karate and Kung
Fu (60)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Atemi Strike"#$% -1 +l 2d6 NND(l)
Block•#$% +2 +2 Block, Abort
Choke Hold•# -2 +o Grab One
Limb; 2d6
Disarm $% -1 +l 50 STR
Dodge#$% +5 Dodge, Abort
Escape-#% +o +o 55 STR Escape
Joint Lock•#% +O -1 Grab One
Limb, 50 STR
to hold on
Joint Break" -1 -2 Grab One
Limb; ld6
HKA (2d6
with STR),
Kick#$% -2 +l 12d6
Punch#$% +0 +2 10d6
Throw"#% +o +l 8d6+v/5; Targ
+3 Damage Classes (already added in)
Use Arts with Blades, Clubs, Karate Weapons,
Three-Section Staff
Notes:" = Jujutsu maneuver;# = Ninjutsu
maneuver;$= Karate maneuver;% = Kung Fu Dontonjutsu (earth concealment technique):
maneuver Tunneling 1", can fill in hole behind him;
Stances: Multipower (3 pt pool), Costs END (2) Maximum distance l" per tunnel (-1) (7) ( 1]
u - Cat Stance: Lightning Reflexes +2 (3/1) [l] Superleap: +5" ( 10" forward, 5" upward) (5)
u - Crane Stance: + 1 OCV w/ Block, Requires a I 11s"J
DEX Roll (2/1) [l] Athletic Abilities:
u - Horse Stance: Knockback Resistance +4" Running ( 10" total) (8) [ 115"]
-1"(3/l) (l] +2" Swimming (4" total) (2) ( 1/5" )
Martial Arts Weapons: Champions Wrist Communicator, OIF:
Katana: HKA 2d6 (3 !nd6 w/ STR). Ranged (can High Range Radio Hearing (7)
be thrown), OAF, Blade Limitations, No Absolute Time Sense (2)
Knockback, Range Based on STR (16) (3+] Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Triple Irons, OAF: Combat Sense 13- (5)
HA+3d6(4) ( l +] Defense Maneuver: no attack is considered to be
l" Stretching, Only with Weapon (-1) (2) [ 1] "from behind"; Multiple Attacker Bonus is
+ 1 OCV w/ Block and Disarm ( 1) eliminated even as to attackers Seeker cannot
Sai: Multipower (37 pt pool), OAF ( 18) perceive ( 8)
u - HKA ld6 (2d6 w/ STR), Ranged (can be Lightsleep 11 - (3)
thrown), AP, Penetrating, No Knockback, Luck: 2d6 (10)
Range based on STR (37/1) (4+] Acrobatics 15- (3)
u - HA +3d6 (9/1) (l+] Breakfall JS- (3)
Sai: As above; second of the pair (20) Climbing 15- (3)
Shuriken: HKA !nd6 (ld6+1 w/ STR), Ranged, English: native (O)
Autofire, 9 Recoverable Charges, OAF, No Japanese: fluent conversation, literacy (3)
Knockback, Range based on STR (9) [9rc] Mandarin Chinese: basic conversation, literacy
Martial Arts Abilities: (2)
Pain Resistance: Damage Reduction, 25%, Nohoda Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols: fluent
Physical and Energy, Resistant; Seeker must be conversation, literacy (3)
aware of attack (-'A ), STUN Only (-1/2), Shadowing 13- (7)
Sleight Of Hand 15- (3)

Requires A CON Roll (-lh) ( 13)
Strength of Will: Mental Defense 8 pts (5) Stealth 15- (3)
Sense Ch'i: Detect Ch'i 15-, as a Sense, at Range Tactics 12- (2)

t '-----3
(IO) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Enhanced Perception: +3 with all PER Rolls (9) Martial Arts Weapons, Three-Section Staff,
Hing Kung: Gliding 6"; Only For Not Leaving Off Hand (6) 11
Tracks (-2) (2) [ 1/5"] Scholar
KS: Analyze Style 11- ( l)
KS: Jujutsu 11 - (l)
KS: Karate 11 - (1)
KS: Kung Fu 11 - (l)
KS: Ninjutsu 11- (l)
KS: Rhythm & Blues 13- (3)
KS: Philosophy 13- (3)
Wilderness Skills: Backgro und/History: Chow Deng was born to a
AK: Australian Outback 13- (4)
Navigation 12- (3) poor peasant family in a farming village/commune
Survival (Outback) 13- (7) in Gansu Province in central China. As soon as he
Tracking 13- (5) was able to walk, he was put to work in the fields
Miscellaneous Skills and Talents: assigned to the family; his little sister Lin suffered
Immunity: Coral Snake Venom (1) the same fate in turn. However, one day, when
Immunity: Jellyfish Venom ( 1) Deng was only 8 years old, his parents were both
TF: Champions's Vehicles (l) killed in an accident when a tractorsuddenlytipped
Well Connected (3) over. No one ever figured out exactly what caused
Favor: Queen of the Faerie Court (very high- the accident.
powered) (2)
Deng and his little sister were orphaned and
Favor: Time-Traveling Super-Soldier (very high-
powered) (2) alone. They had no other living relatives, and no-
Favor: African Head of State (very influential) where to turn. Deng, stubborn and proud, decided
(2) to keep farming his family' sassigned plot ofland by
Favor: United States Senator ( l ) himself. The other people in thevillagewatched the
Favor: Professional Jewel Thief (O) boy's struggles with a mixture of pity and amaze-
Favor: World Heavyweight Kickboxing ment; when they could, they helped the two chil-
Champion ( l ) dren and tried to make their hard life a little easier.
Favor: World-Famous Film Director (O) Deng kept at his farming faithfully for more than
Favor: Exotic Cat Breeder ( l) a year, and actually managed to bring in several
Favor: USAF Fighter Jock (0)
harvests. Then came the day when the monks
Favor: NYC Jazz Pianist/Composer (not famous)
(l) showed up at the hut he shared with his sister. All
Favor: French Riviera Casino Owner (O) his life he had heard about them, in village tales told
Donation for Homestead, the Champions's base late at night, but he had never expected to actually
(l) see one of them. They lived in an isolated monas-
Donation for Slingshot II, the Champions's tery more than an hour's walk from the village,
current plane (4) where they lived as their predecessors had for cen-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 352 turies.
"What do wish of me, honored sirs?" he asked
Total Character Cost: 544 them, ashamed that he was too poor to extend them
Disadvantages: 100+ "We have watched you over the past year, Chow
Distinctive Features: Deng. You have shown strength of character and
Style Disadvantage (10) strength ofarm. We seek candidates with your quali-
DNPC: ties for training at our monastery. We will teach you
Current romantic interest (Lin Chow is default),
the ancient fighting arts of our people. You will be-
normal, 8- (10)
Enraged: come a great warrior."
When innocents are abused, 11-, Recover 11- The prospect intrigued Deng, but troubled him
( 10) as well. "If l accept this training, how will my sister
Hunted by: and I live? l cannot farm and train at the same time!"
VIPER, as powerful, NCI, 11 - (20) "Have no fear, Chow Deng. If you agree to train
the Red Band of the Nohoda ninja clan, less under us, we will support you and your sister."
powerful, 8- (5) "Then l accept," Deng replied.
Green Dragon, less powerful 8- (5) The next morning, he got up before dawn. Fol-
Psychological Limitation: lowing the monks' instructions, he made his way to
Puts innocents before himself(20)
the old monastery. There he began what would
Code of honor; honors honorable foes, punishes
dishonorable foes (JS) become years of training in the art of kung fu.
Seeks absolute truth (will go into danger to When he came home that first evening, his sister
determine absolute philosophic certainty) (IO) burst into tears. He was battered and bloody after a
Irreverent wisecracker (makes humorous day of being knocked down by monks who already
comments at inappropriate times) (5) knew how to fight. Sobbing, she used the skills she

Rep utation: had learned fro m her mother to tend his wounds
Honorable (will not break his word); member of and ease his pain as best she could. Deng said
the Champions, 14- (extreme) (originally 11-, nothing, but there was a gleam in his eyes she had
no change in cost) (l S) never seen before. Thereafter, she would tend to
him each evening, healing his hurts, but her sorrow
Wants to outshine other martial artists (PCs or
12 otherwise) (10) at what he endured never left her. The gleam in
Experience Bonus (309) Deng's eye never left, either.
Total Disadvantage Points: 544
Months passed. Deng's body, already hard and Deng soon decided that the quickest way to test
muscular from hard farm labor, filled out as he his skills was to enter dojos at random and issue
began receiving a nutritious diet to accompany the challenges. He beat up a few people that way, but
steady exercise. Every night Lin would tend his eventually the men in blue with the guns would
wounds, weeping softly as she did so, so saddened come and try to take him away to be locked up.
was she by the abuse heaped on her brother. Then he had to beat up a few of them, too-which
"But why, Deng? Why do you put yourselfthrough only brought more men in blue. There seemed to be
this? Our life before was hard, but never that hard." an endless supply of them.
"The monks say they are training us to enter "The Suddenly, the crowd of blue men around him
Tournament ofthe Dragon." When I defeat the other parted. Standing several yards away from him was
students, and then go on to win the Tournament, I a Westerner wearing white zubon pants. He could
will be a hero. I will have fame and money, and you tell from the way the man carried himself-and his
will share in it. That is why I do this, little sister." weapons-that here was a true warrior. Deng
Months more passed. Slowly but surely, Deng's grinned in anticipation.
skill grew, and with it, a confidence that had been But the gweilo just had to spoil the moment by
missing ever since his parents' death. Excitedly he talking. "Oy, mate, don'tcha think it's time you
would tell Lin how he defeated the other students. calmeddown a bit?" he said with a grin. A smirking,
He was sure that the Tournament was not far away. insipid grin. The same sort ofgrin that the West had
Then one day he came home with his head hang- been giving China for over one hundred years.
ing. All night Lin could get nothing out of him. So furious that he could barely see straight, Deng
Finally he whispered to her, "It has all been for launched himself at the blond stranger. His kick
nothing. The monks say that I have years oftraining connected solidly with the man'schin, sending him
ahead of me-years! I will never get to the Tourna- flying. Deng looked down on him with a satisfied
ment at this rate!" smile.
Deng's training did indeed continue for years. The white man shook his head and wiped the
His skill grew as the years passed-but so did his blood away from his mouth with the back of his
pride and his anger. The monks tried to humble hand. Then he stood up and fell into a cat stance.
him by cursing him, making him vulnerable to "C'mon, mate, let's try that again!" He and Deng
damage from flames, but this did nothing to curb circled one another, each looking for an opening
his stubbornness. He was supposed to search for a while the men in blue watched them. Suddenly
cure for his affiiction, but never bothered to do so. Deng threw another kick at his adversary-only to
But eventually he did stop coming home bruised have it blocked! Before he could follow it up with a
and bloody; he now knew so much that he could punch, the white man shifted his body forward and
face the monks on an equal footing. Yet his soul threw a punch so powerful that Deng stumbled
chafed at the endless wait. He was skilled, he was back, stunned. A kick followed it, and then another
strong, no one could defeat him! The training and punch-and then the world went black.
the monks' foolish lectures about ch'i were a waste Deng awoke in a jail cell. Two hours later, after
oftime. Whatever sort of foe this "Dragon" was, he he'd stopped screaming with rage and shaking the
was ready for the Tournament now! bars of his cage, the police let him make his one
One night, when Deng was nearly eighteen years phone call. Soon Lin was down at the police station,
old, he awakened his little sister. "Come, "he said to using their entire savings to bail him out. She cried
her, "we are leaving those old fools. They only want all the way home, so angry she wouldn'teven talk to
me for their own purposes." him, whichwasjustaswell,sincehewasin no mood
"Where will we go?" she asked. to talk. Being beaten- and by a Westemer.1-.was
"Far away from here. Far away from China. I must the most humiliating thing that had ever happened
see the competition that I will face when the Tourna- to him.
ment arrives." It wasn't long after that that Deng fell in with the
And so, far away they went. Fleeing the province tongs. They bad heard of his fight with the one they
in the dead of night, they made their way to the called "Seeker," and were impressed with his skill
coast, and thence to Hong Kong. The monks never and po~er, despite his loss. He began doing "jobs"
found them, if in fact they pursued them. From for them, jobs that not only earned him fat pay-
Hong Kong they made their way to the United checks, but which gave him the chance to practice
States. his fighting skills and vent his rage. Many of his
Deng quickly became disgusted with America opponents were crippled or maimed, but he didn't
and its people. His masters had taught him that care. His masters nicknamed him Lu Long, "Green
Amerkans were undisciplined and foolish, and Dragon," because of his fighting prowess and his
they were right. His sister, on the other hand, was hatred of the West; eventually, they gave him a
enchanted. WhiJe he was content to live apart from costume like the one his enemy Seeker and other
those around him, she embraced America and all of martial artist "supervillains" wore. Deng took the
its unique qualities. This disgusted him, too, but name and the costume as a badge of honor.
despite his harangues, she did as she wished.

Deng soon found out that he could make even Green Dragon is not, however, wholly without
more money working for other criminal organiza- good qualities. He is in fact an honorable person
tions, such as VIPER. He became a . mercenary and warrior. "Honor" can mean many things, of
villain, working for whoever could pay him top course, but at the very least to him it means that he
dollar and give him an opportunity for a good will not attack opponents from ambush or "fight
fight-and anyone who could get him a fight with dirty," fight women (unless they attack him first),
Seeker could hire him for a song. Despite his sister's use weapons (again, unless they are used against
disapproval, il is a life he has come to enjoy very him first), or "dishonor" himself through sinful or
much, and there is no sign that he intends to give it licentious conduct. The conflict between his big-
up anytime soon. otry and his desire to be honorable seems never to
Personality/Motivation: Some martial artists ac- have occurred to him.
quire their skills due to their strength of character The only thing in the world that means more to
and willingness to sacrifice a part of their lives for Green Dragon than fighting is his younger sister,
the sake of overall personal growth. Green Dragon Lin. He loves her very much, but expresses his love
is not one of those martial artists. Deng is a head- through a stifling overprotectiveness that is begin-
strong, stubborn, proud, angry young man who ning to annoy her extremely now that she is an
has gotten to the level of skill he occupies today independent young woman. Her desire to be an
through a combination of innate talent and pure actress is scandalous and repugnant to him, and he
cussedness. He is, essentially, a bully with sufficient is doing everything he can to make her live a more
tenacity to study martial arts diligently enough to "womanly" life. (His attitudes about women are
gain some true measure of proficiency. He uses his just one of Deng's many "traditional" opinions; as
fighting skills to push people around, to make Lin has observed, his views are frequently "twelve
himself feel "big," to get what he wants. He does not thousand miles and two thousand years away!")
tread the path of self-restraint and inner peace that Quote: "American dog! Now I will show you what
most martial artists of his level of ability do. true kung fu is!"
On top of this, Deng is a vicious anti-Western Powers/Tactics: Green Dragon has two qualities
bigot. He considers Westerners, particularly Ameri- which make him a powerful fighter. The first is his
cans, to be lazy, undisciplined, and stupid. As far as strength; years of farm labor and heavy training
he is concerned, beating them up and taking their have given him great lifting and hitting power. The
money is just cultural evolution in action. second is his speed; Green Dragon is fast, quicker
even than his hated nemesis Seeker. His training
has emphasized kung fu substyles which make the
best use of his speed and strength, such as Bear,
Dragon, and Shaolin Tiger. He has studied many
other substyles ofkung fu as well.
However, Green Dragon also has attributes which
make him a poor fighter. Chief among these are his
pride, his anger,and his impetuousness. Most mar-
tialartistswhoachievehis level ofskilJ have done so
through personal discipline and inner strength.
Green Dragon has done so through stubbornness
and rage. As a result, he has spent little time on what
he calls "mystic foolery," such as ch'i powers. His
power and skill are essentially stagnating; he has
gone as far as he can go without delving into the
more esoteric aspects of the martial arts, which he
has neither the patience nor the discipline to do.
Green Dragon's fighting tactics are fairly simple
and straightforward. He attacks hard and quickly,
hoping to take his opponent down easily. Only if
this proves unworkable will he resort to more ad-
vanced tactics such as acrobatic maneuvering and
tien-hsueh strikes. His tactics and attacks are fur-
ther circumscribed by his "honor," as described
above. He also has a tendency to announce his
presence and make a brief, haughty speech before
he attacks someone.
Appearance: Green Dragon is 5'8" tall and weighs
175 pounds, most ofit rock-solid muscle. He wears Stances: Multip,ower (3 pt peol), Costs ENO (2)
a l i~I and dark green costume covered with a u - Cat Stance: Lightning Reflexes + 2 (3/ l) ( l]
u - Crane Stance: + l OCV w/ Block, Requires a
"scale" paflern (like snakeskin). His mask is dark
DEX Roll (2/1) [l]
green, with two flares projecting outward across u - Horse Stance: Knockback Resistance
either side his face which are embroidered with -1"(3/l) (I)
gold and orange threads. The eyepieces of the mask u - Phoenix Stance: +I OCV with Block and
are lined with a sort of transparent gauze which Lcgsweep; Requires A DEX Roll (3/1) [ l]
makes his eyes look like they are solid white. The u - Tiger Stance:+ I with Tiger/Dragon Claw
chest, arms, and legs of ~he costume are dark green; (211) [I)
the gloves, boots, and trunks are lighter green. Martial Arts Abilities:
Iron Skin: Damage Resistance 8 PD (4)
Author's Note: For further information on Green
Missile Deflection vs all missiles (20)
Dragon's sister Lin Chow, including a character Superleap: + 10" (13" forward, 7" upward) ( 10)
sheet, refer to Normals Unbound, pages 74-75. [1/S")
Athletic Abilities:
Green Dragon Running: +3" (9" total) (6) (l /S")
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Danger Sense 12- (in combat) (12)
2S STR lS 14- T2
MOO kg; S<l6 I
Lightsleep (3)
30 DEX 60 lS- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
Acrobatics IS- (3)
18 CON 16 13-
Breakfall l S- (3)
10 BODY 0 11-
Climbing lS- (3)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Contortionist IS- (3)
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: S
Disguise 11- (3)
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 3'hd6
English: basic conversation; ( 1)
8 COM -I 13-
Gambling 11 - (3)
10 PD S Total: 10 PD/8 rPD
KS: Chinese History & Culture 11 - (2)
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED
KS: Chinese Healing 11 - (2)
7 SPD 30 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
KS: Kung Fu 12- (3)
10 REC 2
Mandarin Chinese: native (O)
36 END 0
Shadowing 11- (3)
Stealth lS- (3)
Total Characteristic Cost: l SS WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4" Martial Arts Weapons, Hook Sword, Three-
Superleap: 13"/26" Section Staff, Wind And Fire Wheels (7)
Powers & Skills: Total Powers & Skills Cost: 189
Combat Skills: Tota] Character Cost: 344
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 Levels w/ Hand-To- Disadvantages: 100+
Hand Combat (10)
Martial Arts-Kung F11 (78)
Distinctive Features:
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Style Disadvantage (10)
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +l SSSTR Lin Chow (younger sister), Normal with useful
Skills, 8- (S)
Dodge +S Dodge , Abort
Escape +O +O 60 STR vs.
If honor insulted, 8-, recover 11 - (8)
At ethnic slurs, 8-, recover 11- (S)
Flying Kick +l -2 13d6
Hunted by:
Joint Lock/Grab -1 -1 4S STRGrab
VIPER, more powerful, NCI, capture, 8- (20)
Kick -2 +l 13d6
the CIA, more powerful, NCI, capture, 8- (20)
Knife Hand -2 +0 ld6+1 HKA
Psychological Limitation:
Honorable (20)
Disdain for Occidentals and Western Culture
Legsweep +2 -1 10d6, Target
Hunting Seeker. 8- (10)
Punch +O +2 l ld6 Strike
Overprotective of his little sister ( 1O)
Throw +O +l 9d6 +vel/S,
Public Identity: Chow Deng (10)
Target Falls
Tie11 -hsueh Strike -1 +l 4d6 NND (I)
Supervillain, extreme, II· (lS)

Tiger/Dragon Claw +o +o 13d6 Crush,
Must Follow 2x STUN from Energy Killing Attacks (30)
Villain Bonus (66)
Uproot/Sand Palm +0 +0 60 STR Shove
+4 Damage Classes (already added in) Total Disadvantage Points: 344
Use Art with Blades, Clubs, Hook Sword, Polearms,
Staff, Three-Section Staff, Wind And Fire Wheels ( 15

After the police had come and carted Green "No, I've never 'eard of it. But me martial arts
Dragon away, and Seeker had posed for a photo- training wasn't exactly like you see in a kung fu
graph with the owner and staff of the restaurant as movie; it was mostly just me and Mr. Edo."
a way of partially apologizing for the mess that had "How is he doing, Don?"
been made, he and Lin finally had sometime alone. "I saw 'im the last time I went back 'ome to
They chose to walk to the dance club they were Australia for a visit. ' E's gettin' pretty old, but 'e's
planning to go to rather than take a cab. 'angin' in there. Still lives by 'imself, out in th'
"Lin, what did your brother mean about that Outback. I 'ope you'll get to meet 'im someday."
"Tournament'"e mentioned when 'eattacked me?" ''I'd like that, Don. I've never been to Australia
"I don't know. He used to mention it sometimes before."
when we were still living in China. The monks were "And 'ere we are!" said Seeker, gesturing at the
training him for some Tournament or something; gaudy neon sign that indicated where the dance
he expected to win it and become famous and rich. club was. "Ready to dance the night away?"
He never told me anything else about it. We came "Always!" Lin replied, taking his hand and lead-
to America when we left China because Dengwanted ing him inside.
to "get a look at" some of the competition he
expected to face in the Tournament-people like
you, and Drago.nmaster, and Shugoshin, I guess.
Don't you know anything about it?"

t 3 76
" - ~

Chapter Two
~ ~ ~
.... ~ . ~

... l~
The air in the Rare Book Room at the University After another hour of work, the man stood up
of Hong Kong was still and stuffy; thick, it seemed, and stretched. He was tall, almost six feet, and well-
with the dust ofbooks and scrolls hundreds ofyears m uscled and lithe. With quick, quiet movements
old. The lights were dim, purposely kept that way so he gathered up his papers and pens and put them in
that they would not fade the manuscripts. Behind a small satchel he carried with him. After a few
the main desk a single librarian worked; she wore moments thought, he selected three ofthe books on
white linen gloves so as not to soil the manuscripts. the table and took them with him as he began to
Near the back of the room sat a man. The bright leave.
orange badge pinned to his chest identified him as It was this last act that attracted the librarian's
a visitor. His complexion was dark, and his long attention. "Sir!" she said, quietly but insistently.
black hair was bound behind his head in a ponytail. "Those books are not allowed to leave this room!
A black eyepatch covered his left eye, and his clothes Please put them back at once."
were dark. The white gloves he, too, wore on his The man stopped. Without turning around to
hands were in stark contrast to the darkness of his face her, he asked, "Is there no way that I can check
face, hair, and garb. these books out, even for a short period~"
The table in front of the man was covered with "No, sir. The rules of the library are very firm on
musty old texts. Many scholars would have had this point. There are no exceptions."
trouble deciphering the ancient scripts, but the "Then I see that I shall have to take other steps to
man in the eyepatch seemed to have no d ifficulty. obtain what I need. "With that he spun quickly and
Next to his right hand there was a pad of paper made short throwing motion with his right hand.
covered with columns of writing. Judging by the Somethingglitteredin the dim light, and before the
number of pages the man had already filled, the young librarian could even move, a knife imbedded
librarian assumed he'd been there since before she itself in her chest. Her mouth opened in a silent 0
came on duty. Something about him troubled her, ofamazement, and then she crumpled to the floor-
but he handled the books with extreme care and careful to the last not to damagethe manuscript she
observed all of the rules of the library, so she had no had been holding.
definite cause for complaint. The man in the eyepatch turned and left the Rare
Book Room.

Chapter Three
What to wear had been bothering Seeker all the futile gesture considering the strength of the iron
waysinceheleftNewYork. ltwasn'teveryday, after bars;Seekerturnedhis backon him and left the jail.
all, that he went to a peaceful meeting with an old Seeker considered trying to contact some of his
enemy. old masters in China, but it would have been to no
For several days, Green Dragon's references to a avail; it's difficult to get in touch with hermits who
"Tournament" had preyed on Seeker's mind. Some- have no telephones, after all, and Seeker was in no
thing was going on-something exciting, and pos- mood to wait for a response from a courier. There
sibly dangerous as well-and he didn't know any- was only one man who could help him.
thing about it. That rankled. He'd tried to get the Seeker swallowed his pride and composed a letter
information out of Green Dragon himself, but the in Chinese, using the finest paper he could find and
man had only sneered at him and laughed at his taking the time to make sure that his calligraphy
ignorance. "The Tournament is not for you, then, was the best it could be:
Westerner, which is only fitting. You are so poor a
fighter that you would surely perish there in any
Honored Doctor,
He had only grinned at the insult. "Just remem- I find myself in the unusual position of
ber who it was that put you in there, drongo." needing your advice. Certain informa-
Green Dragon had lunged at him in response, a tion has come to light whose import is
unknown to me, and I seek to have this
mystery explained. Since you are known
above all others for your wisdom and
learning, it seems only an act ofwisdom
on my own part to request your aid. Any
assistance you could give me would be
most appreciated.
Yours truly,
of The Champions

Three days after he mailed the letter, a red spar-

row came to him as he strolled in the garden at
Homestead. It dropped into his hand a small scroll
tied with a red ribbon. Unrolling it, he read a short
Comefi vedays after the Dragon Boat Festival.
The note was signed with an unusual Chinese
character which was known to Seeker.
When the proper day arrived, Seeker requisi-
tioned one of the team's lower-powered flying
craft-no need to take the Slingshot when he was
theonlyone going to San Francisc<r--and instructed
the computer to lay in a flight plan. He wished
again, for the thousandth time, that he knew more
about flying these things on his own; if someone
attacked the craft, he'd be in big trouble.
But, as usual, the flight was uneventful. He spent The manservant walked off into
part of the time meditating, and part worrying the interior of the mansion, ges-
about his clothes. He certainly couldn't go in wear- turing at Seeker to follow him.
ing his costume; not only would that leave him a Seeker hurried on, wishing he had
trifle undcrdressed, but it could very well give his the opportunity to examine the
host offense, something he wanted to avoid at all house more closely. He glanced
costs. Given his host's predilections, formal West- down a side corridor and caught a
ern clothing might also cause offense. Seeker finally glimpse ofsomething copper-col-
opted for a more forma l version of the clothing he ored, about man-sized. Copper
had worn while a student in China: silk pants and Spear, no doubt, he realized, wish-
tunic, with a vest and a sash. ing he'd been able to bring along
The streets of Chinatown were old friends to his weapons. But it wouldn't have
him, and he spent some time wandering them, been very polite to come armed to
soaking in the atmosphere and enjoying the fresh the house of someone whose help
air. His Chinese garb and blond hair drew a few he was requesting.
stares, but he paid them no mind. Eventually he Eventually the manservant
made his way to the house he sought. brought him toa sitting room with
"Estate" would be" better word, elt? he thought to a fireplace, several couches cov-
himself as he stared through the gates at the man- ered with silk cushions, and sev-
sion and its grounds. The fact that someone had the eral beautiful inlaid tables. He put
wealth to create a residence like this in Chinatown the box he was carrying down on a
was mind-boggling enough; but Seeker's well- sidetable and began examining the
trained instincts told him that the place was suf- walls, which were paintedwithmu-
fused with mystic energy as well. I wouldn't be rals. The one on the north wall
surprised if this place is the most favorable intersec- depicted a black tortoise; to the
tion of feng-shui in the city- or maybe even all of east was a blue dragon; to the west,
North America, he thought. a white tiger; to the south, a red
He raised his hand to ring the bronze bell on the bird.
outside of the gate, but before he could do so, the The door opened and the man-
gate swung open of its own accord. A little shiver servant came in, carrying a tray
ran up Seeker's spine as he wondered what he was with a porcelain tea service on it.
abeut to get himself into, but he stepped inside the This he set on the table in the
gate and followed the flagstone path to the main center of the room, in the middle
door of the mansion. Looking back, he realized that of the main group of couches and
the world beyond the front gate somehow now chairs. When he left, Seeker sat
seemed unreal, hazy, indistinct-as if he had finally down on the couch across from
entered the real world, and left a false one behind. the door to await his host.
He shook his head and continued on his way. He did not have long to wait.
At the door, he raised his hand, and then hesi- Withoutwarning, the door opened
tated, expecting the door to open of its own accord. of its own accord, untouched by
It didn't work this time, so he knocked. After about the hand of man, and in walked
a minute, a man of indeterminate age opened the the man he had come to meet-
door; he was dressed similarly to Seeker, though his ' Dr. Yin Wu, the Dragon Manda-
clothes were not so fine and were drably colored. rin, a reputedly immortal Chinese
Oli, well, so much for appropriate clothes, Seeker sorcerer. His face bore the signs of
thought. I'm dressed like a servant. Wordlessly, the age, but his long hair and beard
man gestured Seeker inside, then shur the door were still black. He wore a yellow
behind him. robe of what appeared to be silk. It was long and
The inside of the mansion was everything Seeker flowing and was embroidered with patterns and
had expected. It was decorated primarily in the images in red, blue, white, and black; a beautiful
Eastern style, with some Western touches. There golden dragon design coiled all around the robe.
was beautiful silk wallpaper covered with Chinese On his head thcdoctorworeafour-sectionedhat or
designs. Chinese artwork adorned the walls and crown, also covered with colored designs. As he
tables. The furniture was mostly made of dark strode into the room, his hands were tucked into
wood, and carved with designs favored by Chinese his voluminous sleeves.
artisans. Some of it looked extremely old.

"It was given to me many years ago, when I studied
in your homeland. I fear that it is but a small and
insignificant thing next to the beautiful pieces I saw as
I walked through your house."
"Thank you, Mr. Morgan. I have endeavored to
build a fine collection."
"It seems to me that you were able to bring a great
many things to this country from China when you
came. "
"China is here, Mr. Morgan.. I have never really
lrft. l simply carry some ofmy favorite parts ofChina
with me when 1 travel."
The two of them sipped their tea for a moment,
and then Dr. Wu spoke up. "I am curious to know
why you contacted me, Mr. Morgan. It is very un-
usual for one in your... profession ... to meet with one
such as myselfin this manner."
"Well, it all started a little over a wi:ek ngo. I was
attacked by an old enemy of mine knowr1 as Green
"I am familiar with this u11e. He is as impetuous
and full of mge as the dragons of springtime."
"Yes," replied Seeker, smiling at the metaphor.
"When he attacked me, he mentioned something he
called "the Tournament." Ever since he mentioned it,
it's been on my mind. I don't know why, but I was sure
that you would know what he was talking about-
you stand alone on the sea-monster's head. I think the
answer is important."
Doctor Wu's smiled at the compliment, then his
This was the part that Secker had been dreading, face clouded over, becoming at once much more
but he knew that it was expected of him. He rose to serious than it had been. "Yes, Mr. Morgan, it is-
his feet quickly and then bowed low, finally kneel- veryimportant. You have never heard ofthe Tourna-
ing on the ground and pressing his forehead to the ment ofthe Dragon?"
floor. His kowtow completed, Seeker stood, and Dr. Something inside Seeker stirred at the mention
Wu bowed to him in turn, though not nearly so of the name. "No, I never have."
low. "This is an extreme oversight, I assure yorJ, for you
Without speaking, Dr. Wu gestured for Seekerto certainly should have been invited." Doc:tor Wu put
sit, and when he had done so, sat himself in the his tea down and held one hand to his forehead,
couch opposite. shutting his eyes in concentration as he did so. In a
"Good evening, Mr. Morgan," the old man said few moments his eyes opened again, and he re-
urbanely. moved his hand. "An invitation will be brought for
"You know my name?" you shortly."
"I know a great many things, Mr. Morgan, not the "Thank you," said Seeker.
least of which is your name. Would you like some "Tell me this, Mr. Morgan-ifyou have not heard
tea?" of the Tournament, have you ever heard of .. the
"Yes, thank you." Death Dragon?"
Doctor Wu removed his hands from his sleeves The same something stirred inside of Seeker,
and began to pour the tea. His fingernails were long stronger now, sending a thrill of fear up his spine.
and lacquered. "No, but then, my training in the ways ofthe East was
When Dr. Wu had finished pouring the tea, always a bit, er, unorthodox."
Seeker spoke. "I thank you for meeting with me, "I set: tlwt a full explanation is necessary. The story
Doctor. As a token ofmy respect I bring you this gift." behind these matters goes back to the very dawn of
He picked up the box from the sidctableandhanded creation, when P'an Ku created the world out of his
it to his host. own body. After he did so, the gods created mankind
Dr. Wu smiled delightedly, and with short, care- and set about to rule them. Shortly after that, they
ful gestures untied the red cord that kept the box realized that sometlringdse besides tl11m1 was l14rking

A3 closed. He opened the box to find a small porcelain in the Outer World, something terrible and dark emd
vase painted with lotus flowers. evil. Tirey sought for it and even glimpsed its form,
"Ah, exquisite!" he said. "Ming, is it not?" and therefore were able to put a name to it-the
"It is," said Seeker, pleased that his gift was well- Death Dragon. But they were unable even to come to
received. grips with it, much less destroy it."
( 20 "This is an extremely rare style ofvase, Mr. Mor-
'------"""' gan. Wherever did you come by such a thing?"
Before Dr. Wu could continue, the door opened enjoy luck, prosperity, and a long life, but his nation
and a man entered. He was young and athletic- would reign pre-eminent over all other nations ofthe
looking, with dark gray clothes and long black hair world for the next cycle."
tied back in a ponytail. Two swords were strapped Seeker gave a low whistle. "That is an amazing
to his back, and his eyes glared at Seeker with story, Doctor. But how do you know all of this?"
undisguised hatred. Seeker knew him at once- "Because, for almost a thousand years, since
Iron Whirlwind, one of the most evil of Dr. Wu's shortly after what you Westerners refer to as the
four sons. The two ofthem had met in battle before, year 1000 C.E., I have been one of the Watchers of
and Seeker had always managed to come out tri- the Dragon."
umphant. He handed a small scroll to his father, Seeker's eyes widened in surprise. He had heard
then turned and left at once. the Doctor's assertions of immortality before, but
Doctor Wu picked up the thread of his story as if had never believed them. Butthis, somehow, seemed
he had not been disturbed. "It was not long thereaf- to verify his claims. Seeker couldn't explain it-any
ter when human sages became aware of the Death rational man could poke plentyofholes in Dr. Wu's
Dragon. They named it the Great Dragon of the tale-but somehow Seeker didn't think he was
North. Some sought to appease it, or to gain power lying. He had seen too much in his time with The
from it, and these men sacrificed to itand worshipped. Champions to doubt fantastic stories just because
Some were granted foul powers by the Dragon, and they were fantastic.
became vessels ofevil. But other wizards opposed the "The current cycle ends this year," Dr. Wu said.
Death Dragon and a II its evil, and strove to prevent it "And this, Mr. Morgan, is your invitation to the
from corrupting ancl destroying the world. Tournament ofthe Dragon. "He handed the scroll to
"The Dragon was pridef11I and overconfident, and Seeker. Seekerunrolledit and read the tiny Chinese
this proved to be its weakness. Thinking that no mere salutation:
humans could hope to oppose it successfully, the
Dragon came against the human sorcerers, to destroy August warrior!
them once and for all. Many men were killed in its
attack. But the sorcerers had prepared a magical trap You are hereby invited to participate in
of great complexity, using lo p'an the likes of which the Tournament of the Dragon of the
have never been seen since to protect themselves from year4693. The champion ofthe Touma-
the Dragon while they sprung it. They were able to ment shall face Sze LOng, the Death
force it back to its home in the Spirit World, where Dragon, in a battle to decide the fate of
they imprisoned it with mystic fetters." the world.
"So what's the problem? The Dragon's caught, why
the Tournament?"
"Because no magical binding is ever perfect, Mr. The rest of the scroll contained what appeared to
Morgan. They all have some weakness in them some- be a few rules, and some directions to the site of the
where, it is the nature ofthings. In this case, the spells Tournament in north central China. It was signed
binding the Dragon allowed him to go free once every at the bottom by five persons-the Watchers of the
astrological cyc/e-60 years in Western terms-un- Dragon.
less he was opposed and forced back into confinement. "I am honored to be invited to your Tournament,
Therefore, the sorcerers who had imprisoned the Dr. Wu," Seeker said. "How many warriors are
Dragon set themselves to guard him for all eternity, invited?"
lest he escape and ravage the world. They chose for "Many dozens, for we seek the best fighter in all the
themselves the name "Watchers of the Dragon." world. It has been several centuries since only East-
"Because they had learned through their initial erners competed. Any others who find out about it
conflict that the Dragon draws strength from the and can make their way to the Tournamentsafelyare
numbers of his enemies, they determined that the welcome to compete as well."
Dragon should always be opposed by a single cham- "I don't understand, though, why Green Dragon
pion, on whose shoulders the fate ofthe world would attacked me because of the Tournament."
rest. To choose this champion, they decided to create "The Tournament is like life, Mr. Morgan-very
a grand tournament to find the greatest warrior in the few rules govern it. If a fighter can eliminate his
land-and they called it the Tournament of the competition before the Tournament actually begins,
Dragon." that is nothing to us. Ifyou look carefully enough, you
"I see-so the winner ofthis Tournament fights the will find that the warriors of the world have been
Dragon to protect mankind." attacking one another with increasingfrequency over
"Yes, Mr. Morgan, and he gains great honor and the past several years; this always happens as the
fame by doing so. But he gains more than that. First, Tournament approaches."

the Watchers agreed to grant each champion addi- "What are the rules, then?"
tional powers with their magic, that he might better "They are detailed for you on the scroll, butprima-
oppose the Dragon. More importantly, the gods ap- rily they are these. First, once participants arrive at
proved ofthe decision ofthe Watchers ofthe Dragon, the Tournament, they may only fight one another in
and gave it their blessing. They promised that not only
would each champion who triumphed over the Dragon
the fighting areas as part ofthe Tournament. Second,
warriors may fight with weapons, provided that they
are no more technologically advanced than a chu-ko-
nu; .the Dragon cannot be harmed by technological

"If you can use weapons, then fighters can be
"Yes, Mr. Morgan, every Tournament many die.
But it is necessary if the Dragon is to be opposed."
"You said that ifthe champion defeats the Dragon,
his country leads the world for the next sixty years.
What happens if he loses?"
"Darkness, Mr. Morgan. A Dark Age descends Background/History: Doctor Yin Wu, the Dragon
upon mankind as the Death Dragon roams free upon Mandarin, was born the son of Chinese peasant in
the Earth; the Watchers work as best they can to the year 578 C.E. A local wizard sensed potential in
minimize the effects. When the cycle turns, the new the boy and took him in as an apprentice. Wu soon
champion will have the chance to try to reimprison surpassed his master's expectations; his greatest
it." expertise was in the fields of enchantment, conju-
Seeker sat there in silence for a moment. "You ration, and Chinese alchemy.
have given me much to think about, Dr. Wu," he After long years of study and many dire sacri-
finally said. "I hesitate to ask you for more favors, but fices, Yin Wu was a powerful mage. Using an army
would you happen to have any texts in which I could ofsummoned creatures oflegend (Chinese goblins
read more of this? I suspect that information of this and demons, ch'ing-shih vampires, and the like), he
sort is not likely to be found at the local library." conquered and ruled a largt: territory in west cen-
"True," replied Dr. Wu with a smile. "Yes, I tral China. Then he used his Chinese alchemy to
believe I can accommodate you." Dr. Wu held his perform the liandan ceremony to create one of the
hand to his head again for a few moments, and then fabled Pills oflmmortality so that he would never
he and Seeker discussed other matters for several die.
minutes until there was a loud knock on the door. Over the centuries, Dr. Wu's political influence
"Come, "Dr. Wu said, and in walked a large human- waxed and waned with the tide of secular and
oid creature of some sort, wearing ornate Chinese mystical power, but his magical skills continued to
armor. Ogre? Goblin? thought Seeker, unsure of grow. As a sorcerer, he valued tradition and super-
what sort of being he was looking at. stition, and was incensed by the intrusion of West-
The armored figure handed Dr. Wu a rectangu- erners into his homeland and the degrading way
lar lacqueredbox whichwasdecorated withadragon they treated his people. In the early Twentieth
inlaid in ivory on the lid, then left the room. Dr. Wu Century he went to England to study the ways of the
opened the box briefly to check its contents, then white devils thathad invaded his land, the better to
shut its lid and handed it to Seeker. "This scroll defeat them. He returned from Europe with an
details the history of the Watchers ofthe Dragon and even stronger hatred ofOccidentals, and was all the
the Tournament. It is very ancient; I charge you on more determined to increase his power and to rid
your honor to handle it with care and to return it to China of Western influence.
me unharmed." During the 1920s and L930s, Dr. Wu was a pow-
"I will do so," Seeker replied. Then he rose and erful tuchun, or warlord, in central China; he was
bowed. '1Dr. Wu, I thank you for your hospitality, known as the Dragon Mandarin because of his
and your information. I am glad that we were able to extensive power and ruthlessness. Due to his magi-
meet peacefully in such a pleasant setting, rather than cal abilities and mighty army of mystical creatures,
on the field of battle as we have done before." neither the other warlords, nor Chiang Kai-shek's
"I, too, am glad. Perhaps this will signal a new era Kuomintang government, nor Mao Zhedong's
of understanding between your people and mine. I Communists dared to provoke him. His subjects
look forward to seeing you in the near future, at the lived in superstitious fear of him, but also wor-
Tournament." shipped him as a god.
"Thank you," Seeker replied. At that, Dr. Wu But change is thewayofall things, and eventually
clapped his hands, and a few seconds later the change came to China in the form of a Communist
manservant who had led Seeker to the room ap- victory in 1949. Thereafter Dr. Wu became increas-
peared and led him back to the mansion's front ingly uncomfortable with the prevailing political
door. climate. He despised the Communists for their
trampling of tradition and their attempts to eradi-
cate superstition. The Communists, for their part,
saw Dr. Wu as nothing but a thorn in their side, an
anachronism to be eliminated as soon as possible.
With the help of wizards whom they had co-opted
for their own use, the Communist leaders launched
a campaign of assault and harassment against the
Dragon Mandarin, hoping to defeat him or drive
him out.
Their campaign worked. Dr. Wu, already dis-
gusted with his countrymen for being so easily
seduced by Communist wiles, considered these
actions the last straw. He performed a mighty spell
to store all of his possessions and followers in a Powers/Tactics: Doctor Wu is a fang-shih, a Chi-
small chest, and then transported himself and the nese scholar with knowledge of magic, alchemy,
chest to San Francisco's Chinatown, a place he felt divination, and many related subjects. He is con-
was more to suited to him than modern-day China sidered to be the most powerful Chinese sorcerer
itself. When the Communist Army finally worked still living; on oc::casion, his powers approach those
up the courage to approach and enter the great of the gods. His magical abilities are widespread,
warlord's castle, they found it deserted. Then it but he "specializes" in three areas 0flearning: en-
collapsed on them. chantment (the creation of magical items); conju-
Dr. Wu settled into a comfortable existence in ration (the summoning and control of creatures);
Chinatown, where the people knew his name and and Chinese alchemy (similar to Western alchemy,
feared him, and because of this fear served him well. but based on five elements: Earth, Water, Fire,
After performing the proper divinatory ceremo- Wood, and Metal). He is highly skilled at such
nies to locate a site where thefeng-slmi (mystic lines disciplines as feng-slmi (locating "dragon lines";
of energy) were strong, he built a mansion on that geomancy) and ming sun (Chinese astrology). Doc-
spot and took up residence there. He established a tor Wu has also been given powerful magical items
modest cover as a dealer in art' supplies, but only the by the gods, many ofwhom hol<l him in high favor.
round-eyes believe that is what he is-everyone in Due to the often limited nature of his spells, Dr.
Chinatown knows differently. Dr. Wu continues to Wu's offensive powers are usually built through
live this way today, seeking a mystical means to Foci-potions, enchanted mirrors, mystic crystals,
restore the China he knows and loves, a land where and other magical items. Although he has had
he alone will rule and where he can properly placate many centuries in which lo learn the ways of com-
the spirits of his ancestors. bat, Dr. Wu is used to cowing his opponents with
(Author's Note: Dr. Wu can, of course, be lo- displays of power, and so he has never learned
cated in a city other than San Francisco if the GM much about tactics. Player characters should be
wishes.) careful about entering into hand-to-hand combat
Personality/Motivation: Doctor Yin Wu is a typi- with him, though-he is not as frail as he looks and
cal Oriental master villain in the mold of Fu has centuries of martial arts experience. He can also
Manchu-evil, insidious, ruthless, and inscrutable. use his Power Pool for mystic martial arts abilities
His power is derived from his mastery of magic; he if the GM desires. In most circumstances Dr. Wu
despises all modern technology. He must observe will try to devote about 30% of his Power Pool to
strict codes of honor and behavior in order to defenses.
maintain his magical powers: for example, he must
not eat meat or break his word, and must ofter
homage to his ancestors every day. Player charac-
ters may be able to use this code of honor against
him, but they must be careful when trying to trick
him, for he has more than a thousand years of
experience in dealing with such ploys.
Doctor Wu's main goal is to maintain and in-
crease his power, both mystic and political. Ulti-
mately, he would like to crush the Communists
that rule his homeland and restore China to its old
self. He dreams of declaring himself Emperor and
leading China to the position of world eminence
that it held centuries ago, when Europeans had
barely stopped living in caves. He despises West-
erners, seeing them as the people that ruined his
once-great native land.
However, Dr. Wu is not entirely a bad person.
His code of honor is strong, and it often prompts
him to acts which can only be described as " chari-
table." For example, he will give money to the poor,
talk peacefully with his enemies when it would be
prudent to do so, or use his powers lo defend his
home city or the world from threats which are a
danger to him or to many people. His membership
in the Watchers of the Dragon is another good
example. Of course, a cynic would maintain that
Dr. Wu's acts of charity are intended ultimately to
benefit himself, to keep the world safe for his own
takeover, but as to the truth of that, who can say?
Quote: "Fools! Did you truly think you could chal-
lenge the might of Doctor Yin Wu and escape his
wrath? Destroy them, my pets!"
Much of Dr. Wu's power is dependent upon his Powers & Skills:
army of Chinese creatures and monsters, which he Combat Skills:
refers to as "the iron army of talons and fangs." He Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels wt Martial Arts (20)
usually keeps most of these "soldiers" in the Combat Skill Levels: +5 Levels w/ Chinese
Otherworld, with only a few of them attending Sorcery Power Pool (25)
upon him personally in his mansion-he does not Chinese Sorcery and Magical Powers:
wish to provoke Westerners (or his own supersti- Magic Power Pool (100 pt pool), No Skill Roll
Required, 0 END on all Powers (225)
tiouli "subj~di;") with overt displays of magical
Iron Tower Of The Mind: Mental Defense: 14
beings and powers. pts (10)
Appearance: Doctor Wu is an old Chinese man Mystic Shields: Power Defense: IO pts (10)
with a long, wii;py black beard, intense clark eyes, Immortality: LS: Immune To Aging, Immune To
and long, painted fingernails. He wears a long robe Disease (6)
made out of " fir~ doth," a silk-like material woven Fire Cloth Robe: Armor +4 ED, OIF (4)
Martial Arts-Shao/in Leopard Kung Fu/Hsing-II
from the hair of creatures that live in the fire
Pakua/Tai Ch'i Ch'uan (45)
mountainssurroundingMountK'un-lun, thehome Notes
Maneuver OCV DCV
of the gods. The robe is yellow, symbolizing Dr. Block"#$% +2 +2 Block, Abort
Wu's power and his affinity with Shang Ti, Em- Disarm"% -I +I 30 STR Disarm
peror of the gods, and Huang Ti, the "Yellow Dodge*$ +O +5 Dodge, Abort
F.mpt>ror," the legendary First Sovereign Emperor Grab•% -I -1 Grab Two
of China. Embroidered around the robe is a great Limbs, 30 STR
golden dragon; also embroidered on the robe are for holding on
designs and pictures in blue, black, white, and red, Kick/Monkey -2 +l lld6
the four sacred colors. The robe has wide sleeves Slap/Palm
and trails behind Dr. Wu for about two feet. Dr. Wu Strike*#$%
Knife Hand" -2 +O ld6 HKA
also wears a four-sectioned hat/crown on which are
(I 'hd6
depicted the Blue Dragon of the East, the Black withSTR)
Tortoise of the North, the White Tiger of the West, Punch" +0 +2 6d6
and the Red Bird of the South. Despite his obvious Throw"#% +O +I 4d6 +v/5,
age, he is quite spry and a quick thinker. Target Falls
Tien-hsueh -1 +I 3d6 NND(I)
Dr. Yin Wu, +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
The Dragon Mandarin Use Art with Blades, Staff
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes • = Kung Fu maneuver,# = Hsing-I maneuver,
10 STR 0 II- 100 kg; 2d6 ( I $ = Pakua maneuver,% = Tai Ch'i Ch'uan
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 maneuver,
20 CON 20 13- Martial Arts Abilities:
10 BODY 0 11- Dim Mak: Drain 8d6 BODY, returns at the rate
23 INT 13 14- PERRoll 14- of 5 Character Points/week ( + 1 1h). Invisible
20 EGO 20 13- ECV:7 To Sight & Sound; Gradual Effect (take ld6
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack 6d6 BODY Drain per day as you sicken and die, -1
12 COM I 11- ~),Can Be Cured By An Ordinary KS:
8 PD 6 Total: 8 PD Chinese Healing Roll (16+ automatically
12 ED 8 Total: 16 ED/ 4 rED misses)(-•h), Attacker Must Make A
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Sequence Of Three Blows, Each At -3 OCV,
10 REC 8 And May Not Miss A Phase Or Hit (Blows Do
50 END 5 Damage) (-2), Activation Roll 15- (47) (28]
35 STUN 10 Iron Skin: Damage Resistance: 8 PD (4)
Total Characteristic Cost: 161 Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Danger Sense 14-, out of combat, selfonly (21)
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
Find Weakness 11-with Martial Arts (20)
Acrobatics 8- (I)
Breakfall 8- (1)
Stealth 13- (3)
Tactics 14- (3)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Martial Arts Weapons (4)

Magical Skills and Talents; General Learning Sample Spells And Magic Items
Luck: 3d6 ( 15)
Most of the sample spells and magic items pre-
Divination 16- (7)
English: fluent conversation (2)
sented here are taken from Chinese folklore and
Mandarin Chinese: native (O) legend. Players who are interested in developing
Scholar (3) their own spells and magical items can consult
KS: Chinese Alchemy 14- (2) similar sources.
KS: Conjuration 14- (2)
KS: Enchantment 14- (2) Spells
KS: Divination 14- (2) These are some sample spells for Dr . Wu's Power
KS: Elementalism 14- (2) Pool. Because they are intended for use in
KS: Sorcery 14- ( 2)
superheroic genres, they are built with relatively
KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 14- (2)
few Limitations; they should be decreased in power
KS: Chinese History 14- (2)
KS: Chinese Legends & Lore 14- (2) and more heavily Limited for use in heroic gen res.
KS: Chinese Culture & Civilization 14- (2)
KS: Chinese Philosophy 14- (2) The Arms Of Chang Tao-ling
KS: Chinese Healing 14- (2) Chang Tao-ling, a Taoist wizard, is once said to
KS: The Death Dragon 14- (2) have stretched out his arms to help one of his
KS: The Martial World 14- (2) disciples climb safely up a cliff. From that legend
KS: Analyze Style 14- (2) Chinese wizards have created the following spell.
KS: Kung Fu 14- (2)
TheArmsOfChangTao-ling: 2"Stretching,OEND
KS: Tai Ch'i Ch' uan 14- (2)
KS: Hsing-114- (2)
( +ih) (lS Active Points); Incantations (-IA), Arms
KS: Palma 14- (2) Only (-IA). Real cost: 10 points.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 504 Beans Into Men
Total Character Cost: 605 With this spell, a wizard can turn ordinary beans
into armed warriors. With a little time to prepare
Disadvantages: 100+ and a bean field to supply his components, a pow-
Enraged :
erful wizard can summon a whole army this way.
If insulted or taunted , 14-, recover 11- (13) Beans Into Men: Su mmon 8 200-point warriors
Psycho logical Limitation: (base human statistics +100 points) (65 Active
Cannot tolerate challenges to his power (20) Points); OAF expendable (Beans, -1 IA), Extra Time
Hatred of technology (15) (1 Minute, -l 1h). Real cost: 17 points.
Code Of Honor: Will not refuse personal
challenges; will not use technological devices; The Breath Of Cheng Lun
must always revere ancestors; must always This spell is an unusual sort of magical attack.
keep his word; treats foes honorably ( 15)
The mage snorts, creating a sound like a bell and
Vegetarian (5)
projecting two deadly beams oflight from his nos-
Must perform ancestor worship ceremonies trils.
every day, or will lose his magical powers (very T he Breath Of Cheng Lun: 2d 6 RKA (30 Active
common ; suffers 3d6 point loss every day) (5) Points); Gestures (-IA), No KB (-IA) {real cost: 20
Distinctive Features: points) plus2d6 Hearing Group Flash {30 Active
Ancient Chinese sorcerer (will not conceal; Points); Gestures (-IA), Linked (- 1h) {real cost: 17
noticeable) (15)
points). Total cost: 37 points.
Style Disadvantage ( 10)
The Breath Of Ch' en Chi
Evil Chinese sorcerer and warlord 14-(limited
group: Chinatown and the Martial World)
This spells allows the ca.s ter to breath forth from
(15) his mouth a small cloud of poisonous yellow gas to
Hunted by: which he is immune.
the Death Dragon whenever it is free, more The Breath Of Ch' en Chi: 2d6 RKA, Area ofEffect
powerful (15) {One Hex, +'h), Personal Immunity (+IA) (52 Ac-
Villain Bonu s (437) tive Points); No Range (- 1h), Does Not Work In
To tal Disadvantage Points: 665 Winds Or Rain (-1/4), No KB (-IA). Real cost: 26

The Breath Of F~ng-lin

Fl!ng-lin is a god who has the power to blow

billows of black smoke out ofhis nostrils. This spell
allows wizards to mimic this ability.
The Breath OfF~ng-lin: 4" radius Darkness to Sight
Group andNormalSmell, Personallmmunity( +IA)

(62 Active Points); Gestures (-IA), Incantations (-
1/4), No Range (- 1h). Real cost: 31 points.
Bridge Of Magpies The Ears Of Chang Tao-ling
This spell summons a large number of magpies Chang Tao-ling was a powerful Taoist wizard.
who will link up and form a bridge across a stream Among his many powers was this one, the ability to
or other obstacle. It does not hurt the birds for the hear far-away sounds.
spellcaster to walk on them. The Ears Of Chang Tao-ling: Clairaudience (nor-
Bridge OfMagpies: 20" Flight, OEND ( H'l), Usable mal hearing), 2500" inch range (30 Active Points);
By Others (only one at a time, spellcaster cannot Incantations (-1,1.i). Real cost: 24 points.
use Bridge at the same time, +v.i) (70 Active Points);
OAF expendable (magpie feather, -11,1.i), Gestures Finger Of Destruction
(-1,1.i), Incantations (-1,1.i), Limited Utility (charac- With t~js spell, the wizard can point his finger at
ters may only "fly" by walking where the bridge something (usually a small Jiving thing, such as a
allows them to walk, -1). Real cost: 19 points. plant or a bird) and kill it.
FingerOf Destruction: ld6 RKA ( 15 Active Points);
The Celestial Lotus Of Invulnerability Incantations (- 1/.i), Gestures (-1/.i), 2x END (-1/i).
Chinese wizards use this spell to protect them- Real cost: 7 points.
selves from many different types of attacks. When
a sorcerer casts it, a magicallotus flower grows from The First and Second Spells Of Divine Form
his mouth and blocks all incoming attacks. These spells are patterned after shapechanging
The Celestial Lotus Oflnvulnerability: Force Wall powers displayed by the gods in their various battles
(12 PD/ED) (60 Active Points); OAF expendable with one another.
(lotus petal, -1 1/.i ), Gestures ( -1/.i), Instant ( -1 ), Self The First Spell Of Divine Form: Shape Shift (any
Only (-Vi). Real cost: 15 points. shape of same mass) ( 40 Active Points); Gestures
Designer's Note: The "Instant" (-1) Limitation is (- 1/.i), Incantations (-1,1.i). Real cost: 27 points.
used to change a Power from a Constant to an (Note: Chinese sorcerer characters may, if they
Instant Power, in much the same way as the "Con- wish, use their Magic Power Pools to augment this
tinuous" Advantage changes an Instant Power to a spell with abilities appropriate to the form assumed
Constant Power. In the case of a Force Wall, it [for example, claws for a bear].)
means that the Force Wall will only protect the The Second Spell Of Divine Form: Extra Limbs
spellcaster during the Phase in which the Force (however many the character desires, including
Wall is created; after that, it disappears. multiple heads!) (5 Active Points); Incantations
(-1,1.i). Real cost: 4 points.
Chinese Divination
This spell encompasses the many different means Ghost Arrow
by which Chinese spellcasters foretell the future or According to Chinese folklore, arrows fired by a
seek out lucky omens: the eight trigrams of the I ghost strike with such force that they pierce any
Ching; locating feng-shui, also known as "dragon armor and break the target's back! They are most
lines," to determine where it would be most lucky often used as a way for the ghost to get revenge on
to build a home or locate a tomb (i.e., geomancy); whoever ended his life or wronged him while he
ming sun (Chinese astrology); observing the reflec- was alive.
tions in a bowl of water by the light of a burning Ghost Arrow: 4d6 RKA, Penetrating (+Vi) (90 Active
unicorn's horn; use of the "divining stalks" of the Points); OAF expendable (small copper arrow,
yarrow plant; and the reading of the cracks created -1 Vi),Gestures (-1,1.i),lncantations (- 1/.i), Only Works
in tortoiseshells and bones when they are heated. On Living Beings (- 112). Real cost: 26 points.
The diviner is said to be able to read the ch'ishu
("forces and numbers") to determine how people Hair Into Monkeys
should guide their lives. To use this spell, the caster must pluck hairs from
Chinese Divination: Precognition ( 40 Active his beard or head. He then transforms them into
Points); Requires A Divination Roll (- 112), Extra monkeys, who will usually proceed to make a con-
Time (from I Minute to I Hour, - 1 112), OAF (I founded nuisance of themselves (thus, the perfect
Ching diagrams, materials for locating feng shui, time to cast this spell is when one is in the middle of
tortoiseshells, or whatever other medium the an enemy's stronghold!).
spellcaster prefers, -1 ); Activation Roll 11-, Read- Hair Into Monkeys: Summon 128 Monkeys (use
ings Are Often Vague Even When Successful statistics for the Rhesus Monkey, HERO Bestiary,
(-1 1,1.i). Real cost: 8 points. page 157) (65 Active Points); OAF expendable
(hairs from caster's head or beard, -I 1,1.i), Incanta-
Draining The Sea tions (-1,1.i), Gestures (-1,1.i). Real cost: 24 points.

This spell ofTaoist magic can be used as its name
implies, or it can be used to affect water-based Hills To Plains
creatures and powers. Chinese sorcerers who do not feel like riding over
Draining The Sea: 24d6 Dispel, any one Water rough terrain can use this spell to smooth out their

t 3 26

power/specialeffectatonce ( +v.i) (90Active Points);
OAF expendable (pinch of dust or ashes, -1 If.I),
Gestures (-v.i), Incantations (-v.i). Real cost: 33
Hills To Plains: 6d6 Major Transform (hills/rough
ground into flat ground) (90 Active Points); Incan-
points. tations (-1,4), Gestures (- 1/.i), Extra Time (5 min-
utes, -2). Real cost: 26 points.
Designer's Note: This spell, like many spells, has an Lan Hsaio 's Spell Of The Wholesome Hands
effect which can be difficult to simulate in game This spell instantly casts offall fetters,chains,and
terms, and which ideally can be far out of propor- bindings which are being used to hold the wizard
tion to any dice roll. GMs should grant such spells captive.
dramatic license, and always allow them to work as Lan Hsaio 's Spell Of The Wholesome Hands:
intended unless a combat situation is involved. Desolidification (40 Active Points); Only Works
To Escape From Bindings (-1 1h), Incantations
Hua Ren's Spell Of T he Unfelt Fire
(-IA). Real cost: 14 points.
This spell, one of the powers displayed by the
master magician Hua Ren, allows the caster to walk Liu Ken's Call To T he Ancestors
through flames unharmed. This spell allows the caster to summon forth the
Hu a Ren's Spell Of The Unfelt Fire: Armor spirits of his target's ancestors. These shades will
(12 ED), Hardened (H~) (22 ActivePoints); Only berate the target for his failings in life, subjecting
vs. Fire (-1). Gestures (-IA). Incantations (-IA), him to both fear (of the undead) and humiliation.
Linked (-lh) (real cost: 7 points) plus Damage Liu Ken's Call To T he Ancestors: 4d6 PRE Drain,
Reduction, 75%,energy,resistant(60Active Points); Ranged ( H~). Recover 5 Character Points Per
Only vs. Fire (-1 ), Gestures (-IA), Incantations (-IA) Minute (+IA) (70 Active Points); Gestures (- 114),
(real cost: 24 points). Total cost: 31 points. Incantations (- 114 ). Real cost: 4 7 points.
Hua Ren's Spell Of The Useless Wall Liu Ken's Spell Of Easy Travel
Hua Ren developed this power primarily for Chinese sorcerers use this spell when an expedi-
walking through walls. However, it has other uses tious escape is necessary. It can also be used in other
as well. situations.
H u a Ren 's Spell Of The Useless Wall : Liu Ken's Spell Of Easy Travel: 15" Teleportation
Desolidification (40 Active Points); Gestures (-IA), (30 Active Points); Gestures (-IA), Incantations
Incantations (-IA). Real cost: 27 points. (-114). Real cost 20 points.
Invocation Of The Peach-Blossom Star The Man tle Of Chang Kuo
According to Chinese astrology, the Peach-Blos- Chang Kuo, one of the Eight Immortals, pos-
som Star controls lunacy. Hence, by properly call- sesses the power to turn himself invisible. Chinese
ing on the Star, a wizard can inflict madness on his wizards have created a spell which imitates this
enemies. power. (A similar spell, created by the wizard T'ai-
Invocation OfThe Peach-Blossom Star: 3d6 Major i Chen-jen, involves drawing a magic symbol on the
Transform (sane human into human with 25-point subject's chest, and he will then fade from view
Psychological Limitation, "Utter Lunatic"), Based until the symbol is erased or he wills it.)
On Ego Combat Value (+l), Works Against EGO, The Mantle Of Chang Kuo: Invisibility to Sight
Not BODY (+O) (90 Active Points); OAF expend- Group, no fringe (40 Active Points); Incantations
able (peach leaf, - 1 1A), Requires A KS: Astrology (-IA), Gestures (-IA). Real cost: 27 points.
Roll (-IA), Incantations (- 1A), Gestures (- 1A), Only
Works At Night (-1 ). Real cost: 22 points. Spells Of Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin is the Chinese goddess of mercy, and is
Ju Shui well-loved by all the people. Her name can be used
Ju shui is "weak water," water which is incapable by the knowledgeable to create several different
of supporting swimmers or boats and can only be magical effects. These include:
safely crossed by flight. According to some Taoist Banishment Of Demons: 20d6 Dispel (ofSummon
legends, ju shui surrounds the P'eng-lai Isles, a sort spell or power that brought demon to this plane)
of ultimate paradise. (60 Active Points); Incantations (-IA), Gestures
Ju Shui: 4d6 Suppress Swimming, Area Of Effect (-IA). Real cost: 40 points.
(32" radius, +2), Continuous (+ l ), 0 END (+1h) Healing: 4d6 Healing Aid (20 Active Points); In-
(90 Active Points); Gestures (-IA), Incantations cantations (-IA), Gestures (-IA). Realcost: 13 points.
(-IA). OAF (a piece of cotton or raw silk; fragile,
Protection: Force Field (6 PD/ED), 0 END (+ 1h)
expendable, - 1 1h). Real cost: 30 points.
(27 Active Points); Incantations (- 1A), Gestures
Kuei Fang's Word Of Power (-IA). Real cost: 18 points.
When this terrible word is uttered, the target's
The Spirit Of Chang Tao-ling
hun and p'o (superior and inferior souls) separate,
Another of Chang Tao-ling's powers was the
killing the target instantly. In some cases, this may

ability to "leave his body behind"-i.e., travel in
result in the creation of a ch'ing-shih (see below).
astral form. (For more information on astral forms
Kuei Fang's Word Of Power: 6d6 RKA (90 Active and astral travel, please refer to The Ultimate Men-
Points); Incantations (-IA), No KB (-1/•), Only talist and The Ultimate Martial Artist.)

Works On Beings With Souls (-1). Real cost: 36

The Spirit Of Chang Tao-ling: Desolidification, 0 Walking Among The Clouds: 12" Flight, 0 END
END (+l/2) (60 Active Points); Astral Form (-1), (+l/2) (36 Active Points); Gestures (-IA), Incanta-
Incantations (-IA), Requires A PS: Meditation Roll tions (-IA). Real cost: 24 points.
(-IA), Extra Time (requires five minutes to liberate
spirit from body, -2). Real cost: 13 points. Yao Ji's Drill Of Thunder And Lightning
With this spell, the wizard summons forth thun-
Su-P'in-Ts'e's Spell Of Excellent Tranquillity der and lightning and uses them to bore a hole
This spell grants the caster protection against any through the ground.
attack or force. Yao Ji's Drill OfThunder And Lightning: 5" Tun-
Su-P'in-Ts'e's Spell Of Excellent Tranquillity: neling through DEF I 0 material ( 40 Active Points);
Damage Resistance (up to 12 PD/ED) (12 Active Incantations (-1,4), Gestures (-IA). Real cost: 27
Points); Costs END (-112), Linked (-1,~) (total cost: points.
8 points) plus Damage Reduction, 25%, Physical
and Energy, Resistant (30 Active Points); Costs Yi.in Chung-tzu's Pillars Of Fire
END (-112) (total cost: 20 points). Total cost: 28 With this spell, the wizard causes flaming pillars
points. to erupt from the ground around the target. The
target cannot move without getting burned.
The Thousand-Weapons Cloud Yiin Chung-tzu's Pillars Of Fire: 6d6 Entangle,
This spell evokes a dark cloud which rains weap- Backlash (Backlash effoct is Linked RKA, +112) (90
ons upon the spellcaster's opponents. This spell's Active Points); Incantations (- 1.4), Gestures (-IA)
statistics can also be used for a spell called "Storm (real cost: 60 points) plus 2d6 RKA (30 Active
Of The False Stars," in which red-hot stones rain Points); Linked (to Backlash effect or to anyone else
down on the caster's foes. touching Entangle, -112), Incantations {-IA), Ges-
The Thousand-Weapons Cloud: 3d6 RKA, Area tures {-IA) (real cost: 15 points). Total cost: 75
Of Effect (4" radius, +l) (90 Active Points); OAF points.
expendable (a piece of metal from the blade of a
weapon, -I IA), Incantations (-IA), Gestures (-IA), Magic Items
No KB (- 1.4). Real cost: 28 points.
Bag Of Winds
Walking Among The Clouds This item, modeled after a much more powerful
This is the standard flight spell for Chinese wiz- one used by the wind-god Feng Po, is a seemingly
ards, who often use it to ascend into the heavens ordinary leather bag. However, when opened, the
and interact with the Immortals. bag emits a powerful blast of wind.
Bag Of Winds: 40 STR Telekinesis (60 Active
Points); OAF, Can Only Be Used To "Punch" Or
Push Objects Away From User ( -112). Real cost: 24

Blue Cloud Sword

This magical sword can create several powerful
effects in addition to being a potent weapon. First,
it can create a black cloud which rains spears down
on the enemy, turning his men to dust (similar to
the spell, "Thousand-Weapons Cloud"); second, it
can create a firestorm composed of I 0,000 flying
golden fire-serpents; third, it causes thick clouds of
smoke to rise out of the ground.
Blue Cloud Sword:
Multipower: (90 pt pool), OAF (45)
u - Magical Blade: 2d6 HKA, No Knockback
(1) [3]
u - Thousand-Wea pons Cloud: 3d6 RKA,
Area Effect (4" radius) (4) (9)
u - Fire-Serpent Storm: 2d6 RKA, Area Effect
(12" radius, + 1 112), Armor Piercing
No Knockback (4) (9)
u - Smoking Ground: Darkness, 6" radius,
Sight Group and Normal Smell, Only
Works At Ground Level (- 1A), Does
Not Work In Winds/Rain (-IA) (3)
Branch Of The Seven Virtues Fireball Pearl
This seemingly innocuous branch actually pos- As is well known, pearls are distilled from the
sesses a powerful magical ability: when waved, it essence of moonlight, and come from the mouths
can shatter swords, whether normal or magical. of dragons. Because of this unusual origin, it is
The statistics for this item can also be used for the possible for a wizard to enchant one so that it will
Wand Of The Seven Treasures, which can break burst into flame when thrown at an enemy.
any magical weapon. FirebaII Pearl: 2d6 RKA, Explosion (lose I DC per
Branch Of The Seven Virtues: 6d6 RKA (90 Active 2", + 3M (52 Active Points); OAF, Range Based On
Points); OAF, No Knockback (-JA), Only Works STR (-JA). Real cost: 23 points.
On Swords (- l ). Real cost: 28 points.
Five-Crop Stone
Celestial Mirror Of Exorcism This magical stone, which is very colorful, can
This mirror reveals the true shape of all who are produce many different types of food.
reflected in it. This power is most often used to Five-Crop Stone: Change Environment (create
detect disguised demons, hen ce the mirror's name. food) 2" radius (I 0 Active Points); OAF. Real cost:
Celestial Mirror OfExorcism: Detect Shapeshifted 5 points.
Being 14-, Discriminatory (18 Active Points); OAF
(real cost: 9 points) plus Images to Normal Sight, 1" Five-Fire Seven -Feath ers Fan
(10 Active Points); OAF, Set Effect (display true When waved at incoming missiles, this magical
visage of shapeshifted creature in the mirror, -lh), fan blows them away.
Linked (- 1h) (real cost: 3 points). T otal cost: 12 Five-Fire Seven-Feathers Fan: Missile Deflection
points (all projectiles, including bullets and shrapnel), +6
OCV (27 Active Points); OAF, Gestures (must
Devil-Slaying Sabre wave fan, - 1A). Real cost: 12 points.
Despite its name (Chan-yao Kuai in Chinese),
this magical blade is not any more effective against Fix-Sea Staff
devils than against any other creature-though it is Even the lowliest monk can deliver powerful
quite powerful nonetheless. It also allows the user blows with this magical weapon.
to "hide himself in the clouds," i.e., to fly. Fix-Sea Staff:+ 10d6 HA (30 Active Points); OAF.
Devil-Slaying Sabre: Real cost: 15 points.
Multipower (60 pt pool), OAF (30)
u - Magical Blade: 4d6 HKA (3) [6] Globe Of The Nine Fire-Dragons
u - Hiding Amongst The Clouds: 20" Flight, A target who is hit with this magical orb will be
0 END, (3) (OJ surrounded by a whirlwind of flame. When the
flames dissipate, he will have been turned to stone!
Endless Earth
This magical substance, first created by the Yel- form (human into stone) (90 Active Points); OAF,
low Emperor, can be used to create hills, moun- l Recoverable Charge (-1 lh). Real cost: 26 points.
tains, dams, or similar earthen features. It is ex-
tremely useful in preventing floods, or helping the Golden Dragon Robe
people to recover from a flood. This magical garment, which has a scaly appear-
Endless Earth: Change Environment (create geo- ance, allows the wearer to transform into a golden
graphical features) 65,536" radius (90Active Points); dragon.
OAF, 4 Charges (-1). Real cost: 30 points. Golden Dragon Robe: Multiform into 500-point
Designer's Note: Some GMs might find the effects dragon (100 Active Points); OAF. Real cost: 50
of this item to be too powerful for Change Environ- points.
ment. If so, this item can be built using the Power
"Transform." Gold Scaly-Dragon Scissors
When thrown at an enemy, these magical scis-
Fan Of Flight sors will cleave him in two.
This magical fan allows the wizard to fly. The Gold Scaly-Dragon Scissors: 3d6 RKA, Armor
wizard has to keep the fan moving, or else he will Piercing ( +lh),Penetrating ( +lh) (90ActivePoints);
fall. OAF, No Knockback (-JA). Real cost: 40 points.
Fan Of Flight: IO" Flight (20 Active Points); OAF,
Gestures throughout (-lh). Real cost: 8 points. Gourd Of Fir e-Crows
Lo Hsuan, President of the Ministry of Fire,
Feather Cloak possesses many powerful items of fire-magic. One
This cloak is made offeathers. When a command ofthem is a gourd which contains 10,000 fire-crows
word is spoken, it transforms into wings, allowing that he can release to attack h is enemies. This item
the wearer to fly. is a pale reflection of the power of Lo Hsuan's
Feather Cloak: 15" Flight, 0 END ( +lh) ( 45 Active
Points); OAF. Real cost: 22 points.
gourd, but nonetheless is a powerful weapon.
Gourd Of Fire-Crows: 3d6 RKA, Area Of Effect shui. It is said that the gods and certain powerful
(One Hex, +1h), Armor Piercing ( +1h ); OAF, No wizards possess lo p'an much more powerful than
Knockback (-IA). Real cost: 40 points. the one described here.
Lo P'an: Force Field ( 12 PD/ED), 0 END ( +1h) {36
Gourd Of Medicines Active Points); OAF, Only Protects Against Spirits
The immortal Li T'ieh-kuai possesses a gourd (-1) (real cost: 12 points) plus Power Defense
such as this, which is filled with magical medicines (12 points); OAF, Only Protects Against Spirits
to cure any injury or illness. (-1), Linked (-1h) (real cost: 3 points). Total cost: 15
Gourd Of Medicines: 6d6 Aid, Any Characteristic points.
One At A Time ( +V..), 0 END ( +1h) (52 Active
Points); OAF, Only To Starting Values (-1h). Real LustraJ Water
cost: 2 1 p.oints. This magical liquid, usually given to wizards by
the gods, carried in a small bottle. When Lustral
Heart-Piercer Water is sprinkled on a being with magical powers,
This fearsome weapon is a seven-and-a-half- it takes those powers away.
inch long spike. It can be thrown so that it pierces LustraJ Water: 10d6 Dispel, all magical powers at
an enemy's heart and kills him, or it can emit a once( +2) (90 ActivePoints); OAF, No Range (-1h),
blinding ray oflight. 2 Charges which Never Recover (-3 1h). Real cost:
Heart-Piercer: 15 points.
Multipower (90 pt pool), OAF (45)
u - Thrown Spike: 4d6 RKA, Penetrating Magic Iron Fan
{+lh) (4) (9] Waved once, this magical fan quenches fire.
u - Ray Of Light: 5d6 Sight Group Flash, 0 Waved twice, it produces a strong wind. Waved
END (4) (OJ thrice times, it creates rain.
Magic Iron Fan
Heaven-And-Earth Bracelet
Multipower (90 pt pool), OAF {45)
This magical bracelet, patterned after the one u - One Wave: 10d6 D ispel, all fire powers at
owned by the god No Cha, is thrown at enemies and once (+2) (4) [9J
causes great damage when it hits them. The Brace- u - Two Waves: 40 STR Telekinesis, Can
let returns to its owner after being thrown, but can Only Be Used To "Pun ch" Or Push
be intercepted. Objects Away From User {-1h) (2) (6)
Heaven -And-Earth Bracelet: 4d6 RKA, + l STUN u - Three Waves: Change Environment
Multiple ( +1h) (90 Active Points); OAF. Real cost: (create rain) 1024" radius, 0 END
45 points. (+ 1h) (4) [OJ
Jade Scepter Mantle Of Mist
This type of magical device, created by the gods, This magical garment appears to be made from
grants its wielder the power to strike people dead (it mists and vapors. If spread over any fire or any
can also be used to block other magical weapons; magical item relating to fire, it will quench that fire
this is a special effect for Block maneuvers). They or power.
are sometimes also known as Three-Precious Jade
Mantle Of Mist: 10d6 Dispel, all fire powers at once
Scepters. Jade Scepters are very rare and difficult to
( +2) (90Active Points); OAF, No Range (- 1h). Real
make. cost: 36 points.
Jade Scepter: 6d6 RKA {90 Active Points); OAF, No
Range {-lh), No Knockback (-IA). Real cost: 33 Mu -Jen
points. A mu-jen is a Chinese voodoo doll. It is carved
out of tungwood (sometimes it can be made out of
Ju-i Stone straw). Injuries of various sorts are inflicted upon
When thrown at an enemy, this magical stone it, causing corresponding injuries in the victim.
can cause grievous wounds; after being thrown, it Mu-Jen: 2d6 BODY Drain, Recover 5 Character
returns to its owner's hand, b ut can be intercepted
Points Per Day ( + 1 IA), Fully Invisible (+l ), Ranged
while in flight. ( +1h), Increased Maximum Range {x25 = 2,500",
The statistics for this magical item can also be +1h), Indirect ( +1h) {95 Active Points); OAF fragile
used for a similar magical weapon called the Five- (- 1 If.I), Extra Time (figure takes a long time to
Fire Stone. prepare, and spell may take days or weeks to cast,
Ju-i Stone: 3d6 RKA, + l STUN Multiple ( +1h) {67 -3 1h); Can O nly Affect One Specific Person (-2).

Active Points); OAF, No Knockback (-IA). Real Real cost: 12 points.
cost: 30 points.
Pagoda Of Fire
LoP'an This item looks like a small, golden pagoda.
A lo p'an, or "net plate," is a powerful talisman
t 3 30

against evil spirits. It is a plate-like metal object
engraved with eight divisions (so that it looks like a
net). It is also used when attempting to locate Jeng-
When thrown at an enemy, it lands at his feet and
surrounds him with a globe of flame.
Pagoda OfFire: 3d6 RKA, Area OfEffect (One Hex,
+1h) (67 Active Points); OAF, 1 Recoverable Charge
(-11h). Real cost: 19 points.
Plague Items Umbrella Of Ch aos
The Ministry ofEpidemics and its President, Lti This mystic umbrella, which is made of spiritual
Yi.ieh, use several magical items which cause or pearls, creates darkness when opened. If turned
spread diseases. These include the Plague Sword, upside down, it causes storms and earthquakes.
Plague Banner, Umbrella Of Plagues, Fan OfChills, Umbrella Of Chaos
Fire-Gourd Of Fever, and Ring Of Headaches. The Multipower (90 pt pool), OAF ( 45)
effect ofeach item is basically the same: it makes the u - Darkness: Darkness, 6" radius, Sight Group
target sick, reducing his combat effectiveness. and Normal Smell; OAF; Only Works At Ground
P lague Items: 4d6 CON Drain, Ranged ( +1h) (60 Level H~). Does Not Work In Winds/Rain H·~)
Active Points); OAF. Real cost: 30 points. (3) [7)
u - Storms: Change Environment (create storms)
Red Copper Sword 1024" radius, 0 END (+1h); OAF (4) [OJ
Despite its name, this magical blade is actually u - Earthquakes: Sd6 EB, Area Of Effect (4"
green. It is said to be able to cut through iron and radius,+ 1), Indirect(attackalwaysoriginates from
jade as if they were soft earth. the ground, H~); OAF, Can Only AffectT argetsOn
Red Copper Sword: 3d6 HKA, Penetrating ( +1h) The Ground (-1,4) (4) [9]
(67 Active Points); OAF, No Knockback (-1/.i). Real
cost: 30 points. White Mule
The White Mule is not an animal, but a creation
Reed Rope of paper. Although it can carry its user thousands of
According to Chinese legends, ghosts can be tied miles a day, when spit on it transforms back into
up and captured with ropes made of reeds. paper and can be carried in one's pocket.
Reed Rope: 4d6 Entangle, AffectsDesolidi fled ( +1h) White Mule: 20" Flight, xS noncombat, 0 END
(60 Active Points); OAF, 1 Recoverable Charge ( +1h) (S2 Active Points); OAF, Only In Contact
(-1 1h). Real cost: 17 points. With A Surface (-1..~). Instantly Dispelled If Spit
Upon (- 1A). Real cost: 33 points.
Seven -Precious Branch
This magical tree-branch sprouts lotus-flowers Wind-And-Fire Wheel
which block an enemy's attacks. Some wizards This powerful item, used by many o f the gods,
create magical fly-whisks which can sprout multi- can project both wind and flame, to devastating
colored flowers to the same effect. effect. It also allows the user to fly.
Seven-Precious Branch: Force Wall (16 PD/ED) It is said that the Wind-And-Fire Wheels used by
(SO Active Points); OAF, Self Only (-1h). Real cost: some of the gods can also summon "hosts of silver
32 points. flying dragons like clouds of snow."
Wind and Fire Wheel
Sky Mace Multipower (61 pt pool). OAF (30)
These dark-colored weapons are given by the m - Wind Blast: 7d6 EB, Double Knockback
gods to mortals whom they favor. (+~). S Charges (61/5) [Sc]
Sky Mace: + 12d6 HA, 0 END ( + 1h) (54 Active m - Fire Blast: 2d6 RKA, Armor Piercing, S
Points); OAF. Real cost: 27 points. Charges (45/4) [Sc]
m - Flight: 20" Flight, 0 END (60/6) [OJ
Stop-Wind Pearl
This magical pearl prevents all wind-based effects Vanquish-Spirits Whip
and powers from working within its sphere of influ- Also known as a Devil-Chaser Whip, this magical
ence. This item's statistics can also be used for the weapon is so powerful that it can create bloody,
Wind-Resisting Pill (which, however, is built with often lethal welts on anything from stones to intan-
one or more Charges that last for one Turn each). gible spirit-creatures.
Stop-Wind Pearl: 20d6 Dispel, Area OfEffect (One Vanquish-Spirits Whip: 3d6 RKA, Penetrating
Hex, +1h) (90 Active Points); OAF. Real cost: 45 ( + 1h),AffectsDesolidified ( +1h) (90Active Points);
points. OAF, No Knockback (- 1A). Real cost: 40 points.

Storm Banner Yiian-shih's Magical Box

A Storm Banner is used to produce rain. The This item is a small wooden box which, when
amount of rainfall that will be received depends on thrown at an enemy, expands in size and entraps
the sparkling streamers attached to the banner- the him.
more streamers, the more rain that will fall. To use it, Yiian -shih's Magical Box: 6d6 Entangle, 0 END
the sorcerer has to go to the area where he wishes rain ( +1h) (90Active Points);OAF, 1Recoverable Charge
to fall and wave the banner until the storm begins. (-1 1h). Real cost: 26 points.
Storm Banner: Change Environment (cause rain,
Sl 92" radius [approximately 10 miles]) (70 Active
Points); OAF, Extra Time (takes 5+ minutes for
storm to build, -2), Gestures until effect starts (-lh).
Real cost: 15 points.
Sample Monsters Chinese Goblin
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Chinese Goblin 15 SfR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 [ l)
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
Appearance: A Chinese goblin looks very different 15 CON 10 12-
from the typical goblin found in Western fantasy 12 BODY 4 11-
literature. It comes in many different shapes and 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll l l -
sizes; is uflen ln:nl, misshapen, warty, and/or hairy; 10 EGO 0 11 - ECV:3
its skin color ranges from bright red to bluish- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 2d6
black. It may have unusual physical features such as 6 COM -2 10-
an extremely large nose, a hunchback, hooves in 8 PD 5 Total: 10 PD/8 rPD
place of feet, scales, or even small wings (that work 7 ED 4 Total: 9 ED/9 rED
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
poorly or not at all).
6 REC 0
Ecology: Chinese goblins are usually found inhab- 30 END 0
iting wild places or sites ofmystical power. They are 30 STUN 3
normally solitary but may band together in small Total Characteristic Cost: 62
groups. The goblins that serve Dr. Yin Wu are Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
accustomed to working together to carry out his
will. Powers & Skills:
Goblin Powers:
Motivations: A variety of unsavory impulses-
Armor: +2 PD, +2 ED (6)
greed, nastiness, viciousness, sadism, and down-
Claws: HKA 'hd6 (ld6+ l with STR),
right evil-motivate these horrible creatures. Still, Restrainable (-1h) (7) [I + I
each one is an individual, and there may be sub- IR Vision (S)
stantial variations from the norm (imagine a "men- Additional Skills of GM's choice (3)
tally ill" Chinese goblin who is a nice person and Stealth 12- (3)
becomes a friend of the PCs, for example). WP: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Weapons (4)
Combat Technique: Chinese goblins can be quite
savage and fearsome. In addition to their skill with Total Powers & Skills Cost: 28
weapons, they possess sharp claws. In some sce- Total Character Cost: 90
narios, GMs will want to give Chinese goblins a
martial arts package (usually Kung Fu or Generic Disadvantages: 100+
Martial Arts). A particularly intelligent goblin may
Distinctive Features:
be made a "general" and put in charge ofa group of
Chinese goblin (concealable with effort; major
goblins so that they can benefit from his leadership reaction) (IS)
and tactical abilities.
Other Names: Bakemono; Sha; Yao. Ch'ing-Shih
Appearance: The ch'ing-shih, or Chinese vampire,
is covered with whitish or greenish colored hair and
has long, claw-like nails and red eyes. Depending
upon how bestial it is, it may wear nothing or may
wear elegant clothes.
The ch'ing-shih that work for Dr. Yin Wu are
dressed in fine robes and are among the more
intelligent of their kind.
Ecology: The Chinese vampire, or ch'ing-shih, is a
corpse which has been animated by its p'o, or
inferior soul-usually because proper funeral rites
were not performed over the body. In many ways it
is similar to the traditional European vampire. It
must sleep in a coffin, hates garlic, cannot stand the
light of day, cannot cross thresholds without invi-
tation, is extremely strong, and must drink the
blood of the living to survive. It has a terrible icy
breath which can slay the living, can fly, and can
become invisible. To kill a ch 'fng-shih, one must dig

it up and burn it.
Motivations: A ch'ing-shih is motivated primarily
by its need to drink the blood of the living. Almost
all Chinese vampires are also thoroughly evil and

t 3 32
deviously clever.
Combat Techniques: A ch'ing-shihwill usuallymake
a Presence Attack by shrieking and wailing before it
attacks, hoping to panic its foes. Then it will attack
with its claws and icy breath, hoping to kill its foes Disadvantages: 100+
quicklyanddrinktheirblood.Itisintelligentenough Berserk:
to use other tactics when appropriate (such as Incombat, 11-, recover 8- (30)
ambushes), and it knows when it is out-powered or Dependence:
needs to escape. Some ch'ing-shih may know mar- Must drink human blood every day or take ld6
tial arts. damage per day until dead (5)
Must sleep in its coffin each day or take ld6
Other Names: Qing-shi; kiangshi (all three names damage per day until dead (5)
mean "corpse-specter"). Distinctive Features:
Rumors: There is also supposed to be another type Ch'ing-shih (not concealable, extreme reaction) (25)
of ch'ing-shih which is created when an evil man Physical Limitation:
deliberatelyseparateshissuperiorand inferior souls Aversion to garlic (IO)
(hun and p'o, respectively) and hides the superior Psychological Limitation:
Cannot enter buildings without an invitation (20)
soul, so that he will become a vampire. This sort of Fear of fire (15)
ching-shih does not have many of the vulnerabili- Fear of sunlight ( 15)
ties and limitations its lesser brethren do, and can Susceptibility:
only be destroyed if its superior soul is found and ld6 per Phase from Sunlight (25)
freed. Vulnerability:
2x STUN from Fire (20)
Ch,ing-Shih 2x BODY from Fire (20)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Total Disadvantage Points: 265
30 STR 20 15- 1600 kg; 6d6 [3]
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
18 CON 16 13- Zhen
14 BODY 8 12-
13 INT 3 12- PERRolll2- Appearance: The Zhen is a legendary type of Chi-
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 nese bird with poisonous feathers. It is about the
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6 same size and shape as an eagle, with bluish-black-
8 COM -I 11 - ish feathers like a crow's.
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD/ 8 rPD Ecology: Little is known about the ecology of the
12 ED 8 Total: 12 ED/ 8 r ED
4 SPD IO Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Zhen; presumably they use their poisonous touch
10 REC 0 rather than their claws to capture prey in the wild.
36 END 0 Also, Zhen are immune to their own poison, or else
40 STUN 2 they could not mate and raise youn~.
Total Characteristic Cost: 128 Combat Techniques: The Zhen has sharp beak and
Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4" claws, but its primary weapon is the deadly poison
Flight: 10"/20" on its feathers. It will attempt to close with its foes
and use its claws on them while beating at them
Powers & Skills:
with its wings to poison them.
Vampiric Powers
Claws: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR); Restrainable Other Names: None.
(- 1h), No Knockback (17) [3+)

Icy Breath: 3d6 EB, NND [Power Defense), Does Zhen

BODY (+l), No Range (30) [4) Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Bite: I pip HKA I pip, Restrainable (2) [ 1)
Drink Blood: RKA id6, Continuous, No Range,
-8 STR -18 7- s kg; 6d6 [o)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Must Grab Victim (-1h), Must Follow Bite 8 CON -4 11-
HKA, Which Must Do BODY ( -lh), Ext ra 5 BODY -10 10-
Time ( 1 Turn), Concentrate (O DCV) (7) [3) 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll II-
lnvisibilityto Normal Sight (20) (2) 6 EGO -8 10· ECV:2
Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by wind, 15 PRE 12- PRE Attack 3d6
heat, and cold); Cannot Pass Through Solid 8 COM -1 11-
Objects (-'h) (27) [4) 4 PD 4 Total: 4PD
Damage Resistance: 8 PD, 8 ED (8) 4 ED Total: 4 ED
Flight: 10" (20) [115") 3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) [ 1/5") 5 REC 6
Note: The ch'ing-shih has 25 points unspent; 26 END 5
GMs should use these to buy martial arts or 18 STUN 9
other skills appropriate to the creature's
former life and/or current abilities. Total Characteristic Cost: 14
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 137 Movement: Running: l"/2" Flight: 20"/40"

Total Character Cost: 265

Other Creatures Powers 8c Skills: Tactics: The Four Sons of the Dragon are a highly
Used By Dr. Wu Zhen Powers: trained, efficient fighting unit. They work best in
Some of the other Combat Skill Levels:+ 1 Level w/ Hand-to-Hand close proximity, where their long hours of practice
Combat (S) allow them to function as something more than
monstersandcreatures Small Size: Shrinking 1 Level ( +2 DCV, -2 to merely the sum of their parts. For this reason they
used by Dr. Wu in his others' PER Rolls, +3" Knockbac!<), 0 END, strive not to be separated in combat.
plots include: kuei Persistent, Always On (13) [OJ The Four Sons rarely use ranged attacks; they
(Chinese demons and Beak and Claws: HKA 1hd6 HKA, Restrainable
prefer up-close combat. Copper Spear and Golden
ghosts, relatively (7) !1J
Poisonous Feathers: RKA, 2d6 Damage Shield, 0 Axe both have Area OfEffect attacks, however, and
similar to the Western END Persistent, Personal Immunity (applies to if they begin to use them Iron Whirlwind and Silver
varieties in most ways; all zhen), Always On, Only Works On Living Hand will try to herd their enemies into the areas
Chinese ghosts are Things ( -'h) (41) [OJ covered by_their brothers' scything attacks.
Susceptible to human Flight: 20'', 112 END (SO) [ l/lO"J
saliva); spirit spiders Telescopic Vision +2 vs. Sight Range Modifiers (3) Copper Spear
Running: -s· Running (l" total) (-10) (l/S"J
(gigantic evil spiders, Swimming: -2" (O" total) (-2) Personality/Motivation: Copper Spear was the first
also known as goblin of the Four Sons to be created. As a result of having
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 107
spiders); Oriental had more opportunities to observe his father than
lycanthropes Total Character Cost: 121 his brothers have, Copper Spear has picked up on
(including werewolves, the small spark of nobility in Dr. Wu and chosen
wererats, weretigers, Disadvantages: 100+ that to emulate. This is much to Dr. Wu's disgust,
Physical Limitation: since he wanted an assassin, not a samurai, but he
and the devious and
No Fine Manipulation (ls) has done the best he can to use Copper Spear as he
magical Chinese fox
Monster Bonus (6) intended.
spirit {which besides its Since Copper Spear is totally loyal to his father,
ability . to assume Total Disadvantage Points: 121
he usually follows the Doctor's orders without
human form can question, but the conflict between his honorable
employ various tendencies and what is required by the orders often
mystical and The Four Sons Of The Dragon tears at him and makes him feel extremely guilty.
illusionary powers]); Background/History: Doctor Yin Wu's servants When not on a mission he can often be found
enormous carp and are not entirely non-human. He also has many meditating, trying to resolve these inner conflicts.
other giant fish; and human followers, chiefamongwhom are his "sons," These feelings of morality sometimes cause prob-
various fairy-like the Four Sons of the Dragon: Copper Spear, Golden lems on the job, since his three brothers can sense
Axe, Iron Whirlwind, and Silver Hand. Although his reluctance and belittle him because of it.
these four believe them$elves to be Dr. Wu's true Quote: "You are a noble foe, but nevertheless I must
sons by a fairy wife h~ had centuries ago, in truth destroy you. Your spirit shall be honored after your
they are homunculi, artificial creations "grown" by death."
Dr. Wu in his alchemical laboratory. Powers/Tactics: Copper Spear is trained in Sojutsu,
These four form an efficient and deadly fighting the art of the spear. He uses an enchanted copper
unit, so Dr. Wu uses them as guards, assassins, and spear made for him by his father; he can thrust or
war-leaders. They tend to fight better when they are slash with it, throw it (it returns to his hand auto-
in a group, but even apart they can be fearsome matically, although an enemy can snatch it out of
combatants. Each of them wields magical weap- the air and keep it away from him), or use the shaft
onry created by their "father." However, because of of his spear to strike his enemies. If he is sur-
the method of their "birth," they are Vulnerable to rounded, he can whirl the spear around himself,
certain forms of magical attack, notably magical striking everyone within 2" of him. The spear also
Adjustment Powers. allows him to teleport.
Group Relations: The Four Sons are tightly bound Copper Spear has fast reflexes and is a swift
together by their loyalty for Dr. Wu, and they will runner. He tries to use his mobility and speed to his
unhesitatingly follow his orders. Other than that, best advantage in combat, but is careful to stay close
however, there are deep divisions withiri the group. to his brothers, since they work so well as a team
Copper Spear, the leader, and Golden Axe are both (i.e., to maintain his DEX Aid). Sometimes he will
easygoing and merciful compared to Iron Whirl- try to gain a Surprise Move bonus by using his spear
wind and Silver Hand, who are little more than like a pole vaulter's pole and making an Acrobatics
cold-blooded killers. Copper Spear's honorable roll to place himself behind or above his opponent.
streak simply compounds the problem. If it were Appearance: Copper Spear is a muscular Chinese
not for the fact that Dr. Wu has commanded them male, with short black hair and a slight coppery tint
to work together, they would have come to blows to his skin. He wears enchanted clothing similar to

long ago. Iron Whirlwind schemes in secret to a karate gi which is copper-colored.
somehow replace Copper Spear, either by letting
him die in battle or by somehow convincing their

"father" that he, and not Copper Spear, deserves to
Martial Artist Skills and Talents
Copper Spear Luck: 2d6 (10)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Acrobatics 14- (3)
IS sTR 5 14- 200 kg; 3d6 f2
Breakfall 14- (3)
23 DEX 39 15- OCV:8/DCV:8
Gambling 11- (3)
18 CON 16 14-
English: completely fluent (3)
10 BODY 0 12-
KS: Sojutsu 11- (2)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 14-
KS: Analyie Style 11 - (2)
12 EGO 4 12- ECV:4 Mandarin Chinese: native (0)
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 31hd6
Oratory 13- (3)
12 COM I 13- Paramedics 12- (3)
10 PD 7 Total: 16 PD/ 6 rPD
Stealth 14- (3)
9 ED 5 Total: 15 ED/ 6 rED
Tactics 12- (3)
5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
8 REC 2
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6)
40 END 2
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 170
30 STUN 3
Total Characteristic Cost: 112 Total Character Cost: 282
Movement: Running: 11 "/22" Swimming: 2"/4"
Teleport: 10"/20" Disadvantages: 100+
Distinctive Features:
Powers & Skills: Style Disadvantage ( I 0)
Combat Skills: Hunted by:
Combat Skill Levels:+ 3 Levels w/ Magic Spear (9) Hero team (PCs or other) as powerful, 8- ( 10)
Martial Arts-Sojutsu (26) Psychological Limitation:
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Completely loyal to Dr. Wu (20)
Atemi Strike -1 +l 3d6 NND(l) Code Of Honor: always keeps his word, always
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort fights fairly, always honors his fallen enemies (20)
Slash -2 +l Weapon +6 DC Reputatlon:
Thrust +o +2 Weapon +4 DC Martial arts assassin and leader of the Four Sons
+2 Damage Classes (already added in) of the Dragon , 11- (extreme; limited group:
(Note: Copper Spear cannot increase the damage his the Martial World) (10)
spear's blade can do beyond 3d6+ 1 H KA total, Rivalry:
regardless of the combination of maneuvers and STR With Iron Whirlwind, for group leadership (5)
he uses.) Vulncral>ility:
Use Art with Weapon's Shaft 2x Effect from magical Adjustment Powers (20)
The Copper Spear, OAF: Villain Bonus (87)
Multipower (44 pt pool) (22) Total Disadvantage Points: 282
u - Spear Slashffhrust: HKA 1 1/zd6 (2 1hd6
with STR), No Knockback plus I"
Stretching. No Noncombat Multiple (-1,4)
(30/1)(3+] Golden Axe
u - Spear-Cyclone: HKA 1 lhd6 (2 1hd6 with Personality/Motivation: Golden Axe is usually re-
STR), Nonselective Area Effect (2" Radius, garded as the "big, dumb younger brother" of the
H~). No Knockback (44/2) (4+] four. However, this isn't true; Golden Axe, while
u - Thrown Spear: HKA 1 lhd6 HKA (2 lhd6
big, is certainly not dumb. The worst that could be
with STR), Ranged, No Knockback, Range
Based On STR (-IA) (37/1) [4+)
said about him is that he is impulsive- he loves to
Gateway Of The Gods: Teleport 10" (10) ( 1/5"] fight, and will often jump into a battle with fists
Enchanted Clothing: Armor +6 PD, +6 ED OIF ( 12) (and axe) swinging, regardless of the consequences
Martial Arts Abilities: of his actions.
Array Aid: Aid 3d6 DEX, lnvh~ible Power Effects Another reason that Golden Axe is sometimes
(+I). Lose 5 Character Points Per Minute, 0 looked down upon by his brothers is that he has
END, Only For Increasing OCV/DCV (-IA), something of a sentimental streak about him. He
Self Only, Usable Only When Within 5" Of His cares for his brothers very much, and doesn't hesi-
Brothers, And Only l d6 Aid Per Brother tate to let them know it or to take special care to
Within 511 (- th) (18) [OJ
"look after" them. He is alsotheonlyo neofthefour
Keen Senses: +2 Levels w/ All PER Rolls (6)
Running: +5" Running (11" total) ( 10) [ 1/5"]
of them to have a pet. Admittedly, his pet is a large,
Lightning Reflexes: +6 DEX to go first (9) ferocious tiger that he likes to let loose on his
opponents, but he thinks of it as a pet nonetheless.
If anyone seriously harms his tiger he will stop at
nothing to kill that person.
Quote: "A man with a bigaxe, or a tiger-not the best
of choices, eh?"

Powers/Tactics: Golden Axe's weapon is a large, (Note: Golden Axe cannot increase the damage his
golden axe whose head bursts into flame whenever axe's blade can do beyond 4d6 HKA total. regardless
he uses it. He can use it in several ways: first, as a of the combination of maneuvers and STR he uses.)
normal axe; second, he can slip the axehead off the Use Art with Axes/Maces/Picks, Chain & Rope
Weapons, and Clubs
haft and use the haft as a club; third, he can take off
the chain wrapped around the haft and use it to hit Comet Axe, OAF:
people; fourth, he can use the chain toswingtheaxe Multipower (52 pt pool) (26)
u - Axe Blade: HKA 2d6 (3 1hd6 with STR)
around him in a circle and hit anyone near him. He
(30/I) [3+)
and Copper Spear have practiced their weapon- u - Axe Haft: HA +3d6 (8d6 w/ STR) (9/l)
twirling maneuvers together so that they can trap [1+)
enemies between them and mow them down like u - Chain: HA +2d6 (7d6 w/ STR) plus 4"
wheat. Golden Axe's axe is also enchanted to let Stretching (26/I) [3+ I
him "cut through" earth, walls, and similar ob- u • Swung Axe: RKA 2d6, Nonselective Area
stacles (this is his Tunneling ability). Effect (3" radius, +:IA); OAF, No Range
Golden Axe has been trained in Shaolin Leopard (52/2) [5 J
Kung Fu by his father, but he doesn't normally use Cavem-Maker:Tunneling:4"through 10 DEF
material (19) [ 115"]
it. He will only use his martial arts if he is disarmed,
Enchanted Armor: Armor +6 PD, +6 ED, OIF (12)
or if he needs the extra damage and CV bonuses
Martial Arts Abilities:
from the maneuvers to use his axe effectively. Array Aid: Aid 3d6 DEX, Invisible Power Effects
Appearance: Golden Axe is a large, strong, hairy (+I), Lose 5 Character Points Per Minute, 0
man with a big black beard and scars all over his END, Only For Increasing OCV/DCV ( -~),
body (some from battles, some from wrestling with Self Only, Usable Only When Within 5" Of His
his tiger). He wears a suit oflight golden armor. He Brothers, And Only ld6 Aid Per Brother
Within 5" (-Vi) (18) [OJ
carries his axe with him wherever he goes.
Running: +5" Running (I I" total) (IO) [ 1/5")
Pet Tiger: Follower: tiger (HERO Bestiary, page
Golden Axe I73-74)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
25 STR 15 14- soo kg; 5d6 121 Danger Sense 11-, immediate vicinity (15)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Resistance (3 points) (3)
22 CON 22 13- Contortionist 13- (3)
I5 BODY 10 I2- KS: Kung Fu I I- (2)
IO INT 0 II- PER Roll 11- Stealth 13- (3)
I2 EGO 4 II- ECV:4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
I8 PRE 8 I3- PRE Attack 3 1hd6 Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6)
10 COM 0 I I- Miscellaneous Skills and Talents:
I2 PD 7 Total: I8 PD/ 6 rPD Luck: 2d6 (10)
IO ED 6 Total: I6 ED/ 6 rED Animal Handler 11- (3)
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, I2 English: completely fluent (3)
12 REC 6 Mandarin Chinese: native (O)
44 END 0 Survival I l- (3)
45 STUN 6 Tracking 11 • (3)
Total Characteristic Cost: I36 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 238
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 2"/4"
Total Character Cost: 374
Tunneling: 4"/8"
Powers & Skills: Disadvantages: 100+
combat Sltills Enraged:
CombM-Sktll Levels: +4 Levels w/ Comet Axe (12) If wounded, 11-, recover 11- (13)
MartialArts-Shaolin Leopard Kung Fu (46) If tiger hurt/killed, 14-, recover 11 • (13)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Distinctive Features:
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Large, scarred Chinese warrior with an axe (easily
Disarm ·I +I 45 STR Disarm concealed) (5)
Dodge +o +5 Dodge, Abort Style Disadvantage (10)
Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Hunted by:
Limbs, 45 STR Hero team (PCs or other) as powerful, 8- ( 10)
for holding on Psychological Limitation:
Kick -2 +l lld6 Completely loyal to Dr. Wu (20)
Knife Hand -2 +0 ld6HKA(2d6 Loves A Good Fight (15)
withSTR) Protective Of His Brothers (I 5)
Nerve Strike -1 +I 3d6 NND(l) Reputation:

Punch +O +2 9d6 Member of the Four Sons of the Dragon, 11-
Throw +0 +I 7d6 +v/5, (extreme; limited group: the Martial World)
Target Falls (10)

36 3
+ 2 Damage Classes (already added in) Vulnerability:
2x Effect from magical Adjustment Powers (20)
Villain Bonus (143)
Total Disadvantage Points: 374
Iron Whirlwind Powers & Skills:
Personality/Motivation: Iron Whirlwind is a cold, Combat Skills:
· Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Enchanted
arrogant, evil killer who takes great relish in his role
Swords ( 12)
as one of his father's generals and assassins. He Martial Art5-Shaolin Leopard Kung Fu (44)
considers Golden A:X.e a maudlin fool and Copper Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Spear an inept leader. Whenever possible he will Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
question Copper Spear's orders, make sarcastic Disarm -I +1 40 STR Disarm
comments about his decisions, and generally make Dodge +o +5 Dodge, Abort
his life miserable. It is only his father's orders which Grab -1 -I Grab Two
have prevented him from openly challenging Cop- Limbs, 40 STR
per Spear's right to lead the Four Sons; at this point, for holding on
all he can hope for is that Copper Spear be killed or Kick -2 +l l0d6
Knife Hand -2 +O ld6HKA (2d6
maimed in battle. For this reason, he never sup-
with STR)
ports Copper Spear's actions in combat or tries to Nerve Strike -I 3d6 NND(l)
keep Copper Spear's back covered. Punch +O +2 8d6
Quote: "Come closer, little man-come to your Throw +0 +l 6d6 +v/5, Target
death!" Falls
+2 Damage Classes (already added in)
Powers/Tactics: Iron Whirlwind's weapons are two (Note: Iron Whirlwind cannot increase the damage
enchantedswords-straight-bladed,double-edged his swords' blades can do beyond 2d6 HKA total,
weapons whose hilts are shaped like dragons. He regardless of the combination of maneuvers and STR
usually fights with one sword in each hand, giving he uses.)
him a+ 1 DCV due to his WF: Off Hand. His style Use Art with Swords
of swordfighting involves a lot of moving around Enchanted Swords, OAF:
and turning of the body, hence his name. HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR). Armor Piercing,
In addition to his sword training, Dr. Wu has Penetrating, OEND; OAF, No Knockback (16) [O+)
taught Iron Whirlwind how to detect the flow of A Second Enchanted Sword ( 16) [0+ I
ch'i within his opponents. He will use this ability to Enchanted Clothing: Armor +6 PD, +6 ED OlF (12)
keep himself and his brothers informed of their Martial Arts Abilities:
enemies' use of ch'i powers and similar abilities. Array Aid: Aid 3d6 DEX, Invisible Power Effects
(+ l), Lose 5 Character Points Per Minute, 0
Appearance: Iron Whirlwind wears iron-gray pants END, Only For Increasing OCV/DCV (-V•),
and gi top, with a black vest over the gi top. His two Self Only, Usable Only When Within 5" OfHis
swords, which are described above, are carried in Brothers, And Only 1d6 Aid Per Brother
scabbards on his back; the hilt of one sword shows Within 5" (-th) (18) [OJ
over each shoulder. His hair is long (it falls below Keen Senses: +2 Levels w/ Sight PER Rolls (4)
his shoulder) and is often tied back in a ponytail, Sense Ch'i: Detect Ch'i, as a Sense, at Range, 12-( 10)
and his face usually has a sneer of contempt on it. Running: +3" Running (9" total) (6) ( 1/5")
Superleap: +6" (10" forward, 5" upward) (6) [l/S"]
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Iron Whirlwind . Ambidexterity (3)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Defense Maneuver: no attack is considered to be
20 sl'R 10 13- 400kg; 4d6~ "from behind"; Multiple Attacker Bonuses are
26 DEX 48 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 eliminated as to attacks Iron Whirlwind can
20 CON 20 13- sense (5)
13 BODY 6 12- Fast Draw 14- (3)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Acrobatics 14- (3)
11 EGO 2 11- ECV:4 Breakfall 14- (3)
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 3thd6 Climbing 14- (3)
12 COM l 11- Contortionist 14- (3)
8 PD 4 Total: 14 PD/ 6 rPD KS: Kung Fu 11- (2)
8 ED 4 Total: 14 ED/ 6 rED Stealth 14- (3)
5 SPD 14 Phases: 3,5,8, 10, 12 WP: Common Mclee Weapons, Common Missile
8 REC 0 Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
40 END 0 Off Hand (7)
35 STUN 2 Miscellaneous Skills and Talents:
Total Characteristic Cost: 125 2d6 Luck: 2d6 (10)
Mandarin Chinese: native (O)
Movement: Running:9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4" English: fluent conversation (2)
Superleap: 10"/20" Interrogation 13- (3)

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 193
Total Character Cost: 318

t 3 37
Disadvantages: 100+ Silver Hand
Distinctive Features: Background/History: Silver Hand's background is
Style Disadvantage ( l 0)
slightly different from that of his brothers. He was
Hunted by:
Hero team (PCs or other) as powerful, 8- (IO)
the last of the brothers to be created, and Dr. Wu
Psychological Limitation: decided to experiment a little bit in an attempt to
Completely loyal to Dr. Wu (20) make him even stronger than his three predeces-
Casual Killer (20) sors. But magic is not as predictable as science- Dr.
Reputation: Wu's experiment failed, leaving him with a "son"
Martial arts assassin and member of the Four whose right hand was withered and useless. Dr.Wu
Sons of the Dragon, 11- (extreme; limited did not let this dismay him. Instead, he used his
group: the Martial World) (IO) magic arts to build a hand for his son out of purest
Rivalry; silver arl'd imbue it with mystical powers. Thereaf-
With Copper Spear for group leadership (5)
ter Silver Hand's development and training were
2x Effect from magical Adjustment Powers (20) basically the same as those of his brothers. Rather
Villain Bonus (121) than being trained in Shaolin Leopard Kung Fu like
his brothers, Silver Hand was taught martial arts
Total Disadvantage Points: 318 maneuvers that would allow him to use his magic
hand to better effect.
Personality/Motivation: Whatever withered Silver
Hand's hand seems also to have withered his soul,
for he is the coldest, most sadistic, and most evil of
the Four Sons of the Dragun. He revels in death and
mayhem. Not even Iron Whirlwind can match his
fiendish glee in battle.
Silver Hand is unlike his brothers in other ways as
well. For one thing, he is taciturn and somber, and
usually keeps to himself. He watches his brothers
argue and debate without saying a thing himself.
He usually prefers Iron Whirlwind's ideas over
Copper Spear's, but he almost never says so. For
another, Silver Hand despises weapons. Even
though he has been trained to use them, he scorns
them,and is contemptuous ofhis brothers' reliance
on them. It hasn't really occurred to him that his
silver hand is, in fact, nothing but a weapon
itself (albeit an unusual one).
Quote: None. Silver Hand rarely speaks.
Powers/Tactics: Silver Hand's powers derive
from the magic silver hand that Dr. Wu gave him.
With it, he can deliver mighty punches, squeeze
the life out of his foes, smash through walls, drain
away his opponents' strength for his own use, and
block the most powerful blows. When he uses it, it
is surrounded by a sort ofsilvery flame that gives off
no heat and does not burn his enemies. Aside from
his hand, he has no abilities other than those deriv-
ing from his martial arts training.
Appearance: Silver Hand is a short, muscular Chi-
nese man whose right hand is made of silver. He is
totally bald, without a single hair on his head or
anywhere else (a side effect of the same flaws in his
creation that ruined his right hand) . He wears a
silvery-gray gi that Dr. Wu made which protects
him from harm.
Martial Arts Abilities:
Silver Hand Array Aid: Aid 3d6 DEX, Invisible Power Effects
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes ( + 1), Lose 5 Character Points Per Minute, 0
2o stR 10 13- 400 kg; 4d6 [2 j END, Only For Increasing OCV /DCV (-14),
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
Self Only, Usable Only When Within 5" Of His
25 CON 30 14- Brothers, And Only ld6 Aid Per Brother
13 BODY 6 12- Within 5" (-1/i) (18) [OJ
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
Superleap: + 10" (14" forward, 7" upward) (IO)
17 EGO 14 12- ECV:6 [ 1/5")
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 31hd6
Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to go first (6)
IO COM 0 lI-
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
IO PD 6 Total: 16 PD/ 6 rPD
Combat Sense I 2- (3)
10 ED 5 Total: I6 ED/ 6 rED Resistance (5 points) (5)
5 SPD I6 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Acrobatics 13- ( 3)
IO REC 2 Breakfall I3- (3)
50 END 0 KS: Kung Fu 11- (2)
40 STUN 4 Stealth I3- (3)
Total Characteristic Cost: 148 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Movement: Running: 6"/I2" Swimming: 2"/4" Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6)
Superleap: I4"/28" Miscellaneous Skills and Talents:
Luck: 2d6 (IO)
Powers & Skills: Language: English: completely fluent (3)
Combat Skills: Mandarin Chinese: native (0)
Combat Skill Levels; +3 Levels w/ Multipower (9) Shadowing I 1- ( 3)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 :Levels w/ Silver Hand Total Powers & Skills Cost: 170
Kung Fu (6)
Martial Arts- Silver Hand Kung Fu (28) Total Character Cost: 318
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +1 40 STR Disadvantages: 100+
Disarm Distinctive Features:
Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Totally Bald (concealable with difficulty) (IO)
Limbs, 40 STR Style Disadvantage (IO)
for holding Hunted by:
on Hero team (PCs or other) as powerful, 8- (10)
Takeaway +O +0 Grab Psych ological Limitation:
Weapon, 40 Completely loyal to Dr. Wu (20)
STR to take Sadistic Killer (20)
weapon away Reputation:
Tiger Hand +O +O 10d6 Crush, Martial arts assassin and member of the Four
Must Follow Sons of the Dragon, 11- (extreme; limited
Grab group: the Martial World) (IO)
+2 Damage Classes (already added in) Vulnerability:
2x Effect from magical Adjustment Powers (20)
The Silver Hand:
Villain Bonus (I 18)
Multipower (30 pt pool) (30)
u - Hand Of Power: HA +8d6 ( l 2d6 w/ STR) Total Disadvantage Points: 318
(24/2) [2+]
u - Hand Of Death: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 with
STR) (30/3) [3+]
u - Hand Of Strength: Transfer 2d6 STR (30/3)
u - Hand Of Mercy: EB 3d6, NND [Lack of
Weakness, + 1], No Range (30/2) (3 I
Enchanted Clothing: Armor +6 PD, +6 ED OIF (12)

Chap+e~ Fot-t~
t;lii......_._.........__~A...A....._~__.............._...__..._......._.......___......_.....,..._......_....._~~.._...._~~~..__ •

... (,II>
After changing into Western street clothes, Seeker The sounds led him to an alley which admitted
spent the rest of that day and the early part of the him into a no-man's land behind a block of shops.
evening sightseeing in Chinatown. Wish I'd been Two men and a woman were engaged in a fierce,
here for Chinese New Year's, he thought, looking mortal combat .. The woman and one of the men
around at the colorful shop signs and Chinese wore similar armor; hers was blue and gold, and his
decorations. He didn't know nearly as many people gray and red, and they wielded matching swords;
here as he did in New Yorl<'s Chinatown, but he had though the woman's was of gold, and the man's of
enough old friends living in San Francisco that by iron. They were attacking the other man, who
dinnertime, he'd sampled so much dim sum and wielded two swords; Seeker realized that even with
other Chinese delicacies that he wasn't hungry at his twin weapons, the lone fighter couldn't last
all. After sitting down to rest for a while on a park much longer; he was already bleeding from several
bench, Seeker decided to head for the city to some minor wounds.
R&B clubs he knew about.
He hadn't made it out ofChinatown yet when he
heard a the clash of steel on steel! Wishing again
that he'd been able to bring his weapons, Seeker ran
towards the sound, hoping that the two gangs
wouldn't slice each other up before he got there.
Seeker recognized the lone man-it was Seeker turned to see how his erstwhile ally was
Shugoshin, a San Francisco crimefighter whom doing in his fight against Gold. Left with only one
he'd met once before. He didn't know the other foe to contend with, Shugoshin had quickly been
two. As he threw off his jacket and moved forward, able to take control of the situation; he used one of
Shugoshin saw him and shouted, "Secker!" This his swords to block Gold's blade, while his other
distracted the other man, who glanced back at lashed out time and again, looking for a way to
Seeker. Shugoshin took advantage of the opening penetrate her armor. Before she knew what was
and slashed viciously at the man in the red and gray; happening, Seeker slipped up behind her and took
he winced as the blade cut through the armor and her out of the fight with the same atemi strike that
bit into his side, then jerked himself away from had knocked out her companion.
Shugoshin. "My thanks," Sh ugoshin said, sheathing his blades
"Cursed pig! Before we migltt have considered and extending his right hand to Seeker, who shook
sparing your life; now we will surely kill you-and it firmly. "If you hadn'tcome along when you did,
your friend as well!" shouted the woman. She re- I think l'dlooklike some of those vegetables you see
doubled her attack on Shugoshin to prevent him on the Ginsu knife commercials."
from attacking her companion while he was vul- Seeker grinned. "Think nothin' of it, mate! Now
nerable. you just look like you got one too many paper cuts
Seeker's move towards the fight was interrupted at the office."
by the man in red and gray, who was apparently not Sh ugosbin grinned in return, and began check-
too badly wounded after all. "So, the greclt and ing his wounds to make sure that none of them
mighty Seeker has coml! to save tlie day!" he sneered. were serious. While he bound them up, Seeker
"Two or one, it mukes 110 difference to Iron and Gold! asked him, "Do you know why Gomez and Morticia
We will eliminate the both ofyou now, and make our here ganged up on you?"
victory in the Tournament all the easier! Soon the "I'm not sure. They mentioned something about
Dragon King will live again!" a "Tournament"; I guess they were referring to the
The man's final words frightened Seeker more one I got invited to the other day. Didn't want me
than the blade in his hand did. It seemed that this there, I guess."
man-Iron, his name must be-wanted to free the "Would that be the Tournament of the Dragon,
Death Dragon-or the Dragon King, as he called mate?"
him. What kind ofa man could possibly desire such "Yes," replied Shugoshin. "I came back to my
a thing? room the other day, and found an invitation just
Iron lunged. Seeker pivoted neatly to his right, sitting there on my desk. It was a little scroll, with
grabbing Iron's outstretched right arm and using directions and everything. Scraping up the money
both of their momentum to hurl Iron across the to get there will be hard, but it sounds like its worth
alley. With a horrific clash of metal Iron rolled across it."
the ground and smashed into the wall of a build- "It is, I think," said Seeker. "I just 'eard about it
ing-but he was up on his feet again before Seeker meselfthe other day, and from what I've seen so far,
could press his advantage. "Your jujutsu tTicks won't more of the likes of you 'n' me are needed there, to
save you, round-eyes. Now l will finish you!" oppose the likes o' them." He gestured contemptu-
"Talk is cheap, drongo-or is that all you ' re good ously at Iron and Gold.
at when you don't outnumber your enemy two to "Speaking ofwhich, hadn't we better getthem off
one?" to jail?"
Iron moved forward again, but more cautiously "Too right!" Seeker replied. They looked about
this time, despite his braggadocio. He feinted at for something to tie them up with; finally, for lack
Seeker's head, then slashed downward at his stom- of a better alternative, they used Shugoshin's belt.
ach; Seeker dodged the sword-blow, but Iron was
able to hit him in the knee with a low kick. Seeker Two and a halfhours later, the two heroes left the
felt his right leg begin to go numb. Thrusting police station. Iron and Gold had been taken into
himself forward to take his weight onto his left leg, custody and stripped of their weapons and armor,
he lashedoutwith his fist, hitting Iron solidly in the but both of them had refused to talk. After giving
head. Iron was rocked backward, but quickly re- their statements, Seeker and Shugoshin walked out
covered and slashed at Seeker again. into the cool night air.
Seeker dodged, making a slight leap backward. "Gor! I'm thirsty," Seeker said. "What say to a
Iron stepped forward and slashed again-just as drink, mate?"
Seeker had intended. He slipped in under the blow, "Capital idea, that!" said Shugoshin, attempting
grabbed Iron's wrist with his right hand, twisted the to mimic Seeker's accent but ending up with some-
arm slightly down and backwards, and struck Iron's thing Co~kneyish instead. Together they headed
elbow sharply with the heel of his left palm . There for the nearest bar.
was a short, sharp CRACK; Iron screamed, dropped
his sword, and fell to his knees. Seeker applied an
atemi strike to the exposed portion of his neck; Iron

Shugoshin nothing compared to the old man's technique.
While his men fled in terror or crawled away to
Background/History: Kenji "Ken" Hayashida was lick their wounds. Kenji lay at the old man's feet,
born to a Japanese mother and an American breathless, expecting to be killed.
father. His father, a ~erviceman, soon left Japan The old man just looked at him. Kenji finally
and returned to the states, leaving Kenji's mother raised his head to look at the man, and was shocked
to raise a son all by herself. Shunned by the by the look of pain in his eyes. Through the old
community because of her involvement with a man's gaze, Kenji could somehow sense the pain
gaijin (foreigner), she had a hard time making that he had caused ~o many people over the years,
ends meet. pain that grew out of his own anguish at being an
Kenji fared no better among his classmates. As outcast in Japanese society. And the eyes asked
a halfbreed, he was the focus of endless torment- him a question, too-"ls this how you want to live
ing and bullying. That stopped when he got his your life?" they seemed to say. "Is there nothing
growth, but the social ostracism and sco~n co~­ better in you than thequalitiesyou have displayed
tinued unabated. Unable to find compan1onsh1p so far?"
anywhere else, he drifted in with gangs of No, Kenji thought, I can be better. Much better.
burakumin, Japan's traditional caste o("untoucl1- Tentatively, almost frightenedly, Kenji reached
able" foreigners, and fell into a life of crime. out to the old man, asking for a hand up. The old
His talents in this capacity did not go unno- man grasped his hand and pulled Kenji to his feet.
ticed. The local yakuza bosses realized that he Without a word he took Kenji inside and fed him
could become a skilled fighter and leader and a good meal. Then he packed a few things and he
recruited him to join the yakuza. After a period of and Kenji drove to an isolated house in the moun-
training and servitude to the bosses he bcg;m tains of Japan.
working with real criminal operations, ge11erally So began many years of hard training. The old.
acling as "muscle." He was a gangster for several man, whom Kcnji referred to only as Sensc!t
years, during which he killed at least six men and (teacher), put him through an intensive course in
brutalized dozens more. Shorinji Kempa. Kenji learned everything fro.m
One day the word came down from the oy"bun the philosophy behind the art to some of •ts
that Kenji and his group of underlin~s were to deadliest fighting moves. Sensei hinted at some of
beat up and then kill an old man who was break- the mystic powers that awaited a true master, but
ing up some of the family's protection rings in he taught Kenji nothing of such things.
parts of the city. Kenjiledhis men to the old man's Eventually the day came when Sensei called
house and waited. When he came home they Kenji to him. "You have learned as much as you
jumped him. Much to theirama7.ement,hc fought can be taught at present," he told the young man.
back! Even more amazing, he beat them senselessI "In order for you to grow in knowledge, your soul
Kenji's sparse karate and jujutsu training was must grow as well, and it is stunted from the many
evil deeds you have done in your life. Go into the
garden and meditillc for two days on a way to
remove this taint from your soul."
T wo days later Kenji returned to his
master with an idea. He would go
forth into the world and live there
until he had managed to save
two lives for every person that he
had hurt or killed during his time
with the yakuza. By Kenji's rec-
ollection this would mean saving
158 lives.
Sensei, finding merit in this
proposal, acquiesced
to Kenji's request to
leave the confines of
the mountains. As a reward for
his student's faithful work, he
gave him a fine pair of jien, or
Chinese double-bladed
longswords. "These are the

Seishinken [Spirit Swords], my
son," he said to Kenji. They will
grow in power as your soul be-
comes purer."

( ..___42
Two days later, swords in hand, Kenji left the in turn helps to remove the taint o f evil from his
mountains andSensei. He returned to Tokyo, but soul. (In game terms, Shugoshin will pay for the
found that it held too many bad memories for sword's powers with the Experience Points he
him. H e finally decided that he would t ravel to accumulates through accomplishing these good
America, where there would be more opportuni- deeds.) Already he has learned how to make the
ties to save lives than in Japan. A few days and o ne swords affect ghosts and project a beam of mysti-
long plane ride after that, he disembarked in Los cal energy; the latter power tires him out easily,
Angeles International Airport. Going by the name but is often useful as a surprise tactic.
"Ken" Hayashida, he enrolled at U.C.S.F. in San Appearance: Shugoshin is a tall, br~ad-shoul­
Francisco and began studying history. dered man with mixed Japanese and Western
Today Ken is a top-notch student by day, and a features . His long black hair is usually tied back in
crimefighter by night. He patrols the streets ofthe a ponytail.Weaving around his body is a beautiful
city, saving lives and protecting the innocent, dragon tattoo that he had done while he was in the
using the name Shugoshin ("guardian angel") as yakuza. He rarely wears traditional Shorinji
his nom de guerre. So far he has saved 22 lives, but Kempo garb, preferring instead a uniform similar
that still leaves 136 to go, and the streets are a to those worn by karate practitioners. He usually
dangerous place .... leaves the uwagi, or jacket, open, so that his dragon
Personality/Tactics: Despite all the training in tattoo can be seen. He prefers a black gi with red
philosophy that he has received, Shugoshin is belt, slippers, and bracers. The Seishinken are
actually a pretty straightforward person. He sees carried in sheaths on his back.
things fro m a black-and-white perspective, and
acts decisively to protect that which he perceives Shugoshin
as "good" from that which he perceives as "bad."
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
The punishments he doles out to criminals are 15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 t l ]
sometimes viciously Mosaic; fo r example, a rob- 24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
ber might have his hand chopped off, while a 18 CON 16 13-
rapist would lose certain other parts of his 10 BODY 0 11-
anatomy, if not his life. So far Shugoshin's in- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 14-
stincts have served him well; but eventually he will 10 EGO 0 11 - ECV: 3
encounter morally ambiguous situations which 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 3Yid6
are, perhaps, more than he has been t rained to 14 COM 2 12-
handle properly. 10 PD 7 Total: 10 PD
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED
In m anywaysSh ugoshinisstill the hot-blooded 5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
street youth that Sensei rescued from a life of 7 REC 0
crime. Although he strongly prefers not to kill, he 40 END 2
often employs violent means to solve the prob- 30 STUN 3
lems he encounters o n the street, and is not at all Total Characteristic Cost: 108
adverse to injuring evildoers severely. He is proud Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4"
and reacts badly to being insulted personally, or to Superleap: 8"/16"
having anyone under his protection insulted.
Powers & Skills:
Quote: "Let her go now while you still have hands
to do so." Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +3 Levels w/ Shorinji
Powers/Tactics: Shugoshin is a highly trained mar- Kempo (9)
tial artist, knowledgeable in the art of Shorinji Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Seishinken 6)
Kempo. He has learned a few semi-mystic abilities, Seishinken (The Spirit Swords), OAF:
such as the ability to resist pain and the power to The First Seishinken (7) [2+ I
feign death, but so far his skills are mainly confined HKA ld6 (2d6with STR) (7) (2+]
to the physical. He usually fights in a simple fash- Affects Desolidified (+Yi) for first Seishinken,
ion, attacking one enemy at a time, moving on to Only Works If Both Seishinken Are Wielded
By A Single Fighter (-Yi) (3) [ 1)
the next one only when the first foe has been
The Second Seishinken (7) (2+]
defeated. H e dislikes ambushes and deception; he HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR) (7) [2+]
rarely uses such tactics and reacts violen tly when Affects Desolidified (+Yi) for second
they are used against him. He p refers straightfor- Seishinken, Only Works If Both Seishinken
ward, honorable combats, and generally will not Are Wielded By A Single Fighter (-Yi) (3)
refuse a challenge to a one-on-one duel. [1]
Shugoshin wields a pair of powerful magical Seishinhiknri (Spirit Light): EB 8d6, x2 END
swords, the Seishinken ("spirit swords"). These Only Works If Both Seishinken Are
blades are enchanted so that their mystical powers Wielded By A Single Fighter (- 11.i) (13 ) (8]
expand as the user's soul grows stronger and
wiser. The swords must be used in tandem b y a
single fighter for these abilities to surface, how-
ever. The swords will become more powerful and
gain more abilities as Shugoshin advances to-
wards completion of his quest to save lives, which
Martial Arts-Shorinji Kempo (41) Iron And Gold
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Atemi Strike -1 +l 3 'hd6NND Background/History: In the fifth century BCE,
(I) King Ho-Iii of Wu had his court wizard make two
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort magical swords for him. One was made of iron
Disarm -1 +l 40STR taken from five mountains, and the other with gold
Disarm brought from each of the four directions. When the
Dodge +0 +5 Dodge, Abort wizard, Kan Chiang, was ready to complete the
Kick -2 +l l0d6 blades, the King had two virgins enter the furnace
Punch +O +2 8d6
Throw +0 +l 6d6 +veV5; so that the swords would be consecrated by their
Target Falls blood.
+3 Damage Classes (already added in) (Note: When they were finished, it was said that these
Shugoshin cannot increase his swords' damage swords were the finest ever crafted. KingHo-lii had
beyond 2d6 HKA, regardless of the combination of Kan Chiang perform a Ceremony ofBinding to link
STR and maneuvers used.) the Sword of Iron and Blood to himself, and the
Use Art with Blades, Staff Sword ofGold and Blood to his brother Ch'ih-Peh.
Martial Arts Abilities: With these swords, King Ho-Iii conquered much of
Missile Deflection: All missiles (20) what is today known as China. The Swords re-
Superleap: +5" (8" forward, 4" upward) (5) I 115") mained family weapons until the great Ming-Ch'i
Keen Senses: +2 Levels w/ All PER Rolls (6) in turn conquered the lands of Wu.
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) (115"] For many years the Swords were lost. Whether
Martial Artist Skills and Talents: they were used in secret or lay hidden in some
Resistance (3 points) (3)
Simulate Death (3) tomb, no man can say. Finally, in the 1800s, they
Acrobatics 14- (3) resurfaced in the hands of the Cult of the Red
Breakfall 14- (3) Banner. Two brothers, adherents of the Cult who
Contortionist 14- (3) claimed to be descendants of the Wu ruling family,
KS: Kung Fu/Shorinji Kempo 11- (2) once against wielded the Swords. Since that time,
KS: The Martial World 11 • (2) the Swords have always been used by two siblings
Stealth 14- (3) descended from these brothers.
Streetwise 13- (3) Today, the Swords are in the possession of Wu
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Feng and his beautiful twin sister, Wu Chen, both
Martial Arts Weapons, Off Hand (5) of whom work as enforcers, assassins, and "elite
Miscellaneous Skills and Talents; Life Experiences
2d6 Luck: 2d6 ( 10) field operatives" forthe Cult. These young warriors
KS: The Yakuza 11- (2) have been raised by the Cult since their birth, and
CK: Tokyo 11- (2) are firmly devoted to its ideals-although their
CK: Osaka 8- (I) perceptions of those ideals are somewhat different.
CK: Los Angeles 8- ( 1) Wu Feng understands the true nature of the Cult
English: completely fluent (3) and approves of it heartily. His sister, however, was
Japanese: native (O) deceived from an early age about the Cult's true
Shadowing 11- (3) purpose, for fear that feminine compassion would
Total Disadvantage Points: 178 dissuade her from working for its goals. She be-
lieves that the Cult's aim is to reincarnate a long-
Total Character Cost: 286
neglected god, but she does not realize how evil and
destructive that god will be when he is finally awak-
Disadvantages: 100+ ened. Why the Cult has continued to keep this a
Distinctive Features: secret from her in the face of her obvious loyalty to
Style Disadvantage (10) the Cult (and willingness to kill for it) is unknown.
Dragon tattoo (easily concealed) (5)
DNPC: Iron and Gold are "assigned" wherever the Cult
Suzy Ishamura (girlfriend); normal, 11- ( 15) needs them. Iron can usually occupy himself with
Hunted by: drug smuggling and other illegal activities, while
the Yakuza, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20) Gold has a cover as a fashion designer.
VIPER, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20) Personality/Motivation: Wu Feng is perfectly suited
Psychological Limitation: for the Cult of the Red Banner-he is wicked and
Must protect innocents (20) evil, and delights in the suffering of men. He is
Code Of Vengeance: must avenge all insults to
self, family, friends, and those under his capable of insidious acts of violence, abuse, and
protection (15) destruction. Outside of corrupting modern youths
Hatred ofracists and racism (10) with drugs and other temptations, his favorite ac-
Reputation: tivity is torture: he spends hours relaxing in the
Martial artist crimefighter 11- (IO) torture chambers of the Cult, listening to the screams
Secret Identity: Kenji "Ken" Hayashida, college of the prisoners. All of these activities show his love
student (15) ofpower and desire to wield it overothers. The only
Hero Bonus (46) things he is devoted to other than himself are the
Total Disadvantage Points: 286 Cult, which he serves loyally, and his sister. He is
protective of his sister, but would not place his life
in serious danger to save her.
Wu Chen is a dangerous combination of grace, Iron and Gold will always try to fight in an Array,
good looks, charm, and lethal intent. She is not a and may try to Coordinate their attacks as well.
stone-cold killer and sadist like her brother, but is Geld, usually the faster of the two, will delay and
perfectly willing to kill anyone who gets in the way wait for her br9ther to Coordinate with her; she will
of herself, her brother, or the Cult. Despite her use her held action to block any powerful attacks
normally pleasant nature, she is hot-tempered and directed at either of them if necessary. They try to
impulsive, and will go out of her way to take bloody move around the battlefield a lot using their leap-
vengeance for insults to herself, her family, or the ing abilities, so that they can take advantage .of
Cult. She would willingly give her life to help her cover, attack opponents from behind, and so forth.
brother or the Cult; she realizes that her brother is Another favorite tactic is for Gold to blind their
dangerous, but overlooks his "rough spots" out of enemies so that Iron can attempt a Placed Shot to
love. the head, push them offa ledge with his Telekinesis,
Quote: Iron: "We are the future of China, and the or do something equally lethal.
present ofAmerica. Can you not see that?" Appearance: Iron and Gold are 25, and are both
Gold: "Our cause is sacred and unstoppable; step quite good looking. In combat, they wear enchanted
aside or be destroyed." armor which was created at the same time as their
Powers/Tactics: Iron and Gold have been trained Swords; Gold's is blue and gold, Iron's is iron gray
to fight together since they were six years old, and and red. Their Swords are mystic Chinese broad-
it shows: they are such an efficient team that they swords made out of, as their names suggest, pure
can take on a numerically superior foe and tri- iron and pure gold.
umph. Their weapons are the magical Swords of
Blood. Both Swords have powerful mystic blades,
are capable of boosting the wielder's bravery, and
can be used for devastating pummeling attacks as
well. Gold's sword can emit a blinding flash oflight,
and Iron's sword can manipulate objects from a
Iron Martial Arts Abilities:
Superleap: +8" Superleap ( 13" forward, 7"
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
upward) (8) (1/5")
23 STR 13 14- 600 kg; 41hd6 [2]
Array: Aid 2d6 DEX, Fully Invisible, Lose S
22 DEX 36 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Character Points Per 5 Minutes, 0 END, Only
20 CON 20 13-
For CV (-IA), SelfOnly, Only When Within
12 BODY 4 11 -
S" OfSister(-1) (II) [OJ
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Martial Artist Skills:
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: S
Acrobatics 13- (3)
15 PRE s 12- PRE Attack 3d6 Breakfall 13- (3)
20 COM s 13- Paramedic 12- (3)
8 PD 3 Total: 18 PD/ 8 rPD
Stealth 13- (3)
8 ED 4 Total: 18 ED/ 8 rED
KS: Drugs And Drug Smuggling 11- (3)
s SPD 18 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
KS: Kung Fu 11- (2)
10 REC 2
Cult and Criminal Skills and Perks:
40 END 0
Contacts: 4 persons in the illegal drug trade, I I -
each (8)
Total Characteristic Cost: 124 Fringe Benefit: Leading Member of the Cult of
Movement: Running: 6"/ 12" Swimming: 2"/4" the Red Banner (2)
Superleap: 13"/26" Money (3)
Concealment 12- (3)
Powers & Skills: Interrogation 14- (7)
Combat Skills: KS: Torture Techniques 11- (2)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV when English: fluent conversation (2)
Coordinating with sister (10) Canlonese Chinese: native (0)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Sword oflron PS: Drug Smuggler 11- (2)
and Blood Multipower SC: Chemistry 11- (2)
The Sword of Iron and Blood: Total Powers & Skills Cost: 169
Multipower (SO pt pool), OAF
u - Swordblade: HKA l 1hd6 (2 1hd6 with Total Character Cost: 292
STR), + l STUN Multiple , OEND, No
Knockback (50/2) [O+] Disadvantages: 100+
u - Martial Spirit: Aid Sd6 PRE, Self Only
(25/l) [2) Distinctive Features:
u - Enchanted Pommel: HA +6d6 HA (8 'hd6 Red Banner tattoos on arms (easily concealed;
w/ STR), Double Knockback, OEND (40/2) causes minor reaction in most people and a
[0+) major reaction among a small group of
u - The Far-Reaching Hand: Telekinesis 25 knowledgeable scholars) (10)
STR, 1h END; OAF, Affects Whole Object Style Disadvantage (10)
(No Squeezing, -IA) (4612) [2) Enraged:
Suit of Armor, OIF: If sister badly hurt, 11 -, recover 11- ( 1O)
Armo1: +10 PD, +IO ED) (15) Hunted by:
Flash Defense: S pt. Sight Group (3) the police, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Martial Arts-Red Banner Kung F11 (37) the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI, 8-
Mane11ver OCV DCV Notes (20)
The Conundrum +o +0 48 STR a crimefighter (GM's choice), as powerful, 8- (10)
of Fate Escape; Grab Psychological Limitation:
Two Limbs Cruel and sadistic (20)
Hammering Fist of +O +2 8 1hd6 Strike Completely loyal to the Cult of the Red Banner (20)
Sun Peng Secret Identity: Wu Feng (15)
The Perplexing -1 -1 Grab Two Villain Bonus (58)
Lock of Liang Yu Limbs, 43 Total Disadvantage Points: 293
STR for
holding on
The Placid Stream +2 +2 Block, Abort
of Kun Lieb
Reaping Technique +2 +l 6 'hd6 j
Target Falls,
You Fall
Shih Te's Merciful -1 +l 3d6NND(l)
The Stone-Smashing -2 +l 10 'hd6 Blow

+2 Damage Classes (already added in) (Note: Iron
cannot increase his sword's damage beyond 3d6+ I
HKA, regardless of the combination of STR and
maneuvers used.)
Use Art with Blades, In Armor

Gold Array: Aid 2d6 DEX, Fully Invisible, Lose 5
Character Points Per 5 Minutes, 0 END, Only
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
For CV (-IA), Self Only, Only When Within
IS SIR 5 12- wo~nT 5" OfBrother (- 1) (11) [OJ
25 DEX 45 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
Martial Artist Skills:
18 CON 16 13-
Acrobatics 14- (3)
10 BODY 0 11 -
Breakfall 14- (3)
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
KS: Kung Fu 11- (2)
12 EGO 4 11 - ECV:4
Lockpicking 14- (3)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
Stealth 14- (3)
20 COM 5 13-
Cult and Criminal Skills and Perks:
8 PD 5 Total: 18 PD/ 10 rPD
Fringe Benefit: Leading Member of the Cult of
8 ED 4 Total: 18 ED/ 10 rED
the Red Banner (2)
5 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Money (3)
8 REC 2
English: fluent conversation (2)
36 END 0
Cantonese Chinese: native (O)
30 STUN 4
SecuritySystems 13- (3)
Total Characteristic Cost: 11 6 Seduction 12- (3)
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Fashion Designer Skills:
Superleap: 11 "/22" KS: Fashion 11- (2)
KS: Art 11 · (2)
Powers & Skills:
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 159
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV when Total Character Cost: 275
Coordinating with brother ( 10)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Sword oflron Disadvantages: 100+
and Blood Multipower
The Sword of Gold and Blood: Distinctive Features:
Multipower (67 pt pool), OAF Red Banner tattoos on arms (easily concealed;
u - Swordblade: HKA 1 'hd6 (2d6+ 1 with causes minor reaction in most people and a
major reaction among a small group of
STR), +1 STUN Multiple , 0 END, No
Knockback (50/2) [O+ I knowledgeable scholars) (10)
Style Disadvantage (10)
u - Martial Spirit: Aid Sd6 PRE, Self Only
(25/1) [21 Enraged:
If brother badly hurt, 14-, recover 11 - ( 13)
u - Enchanted Pommel: HA +6d6 HA (7 'hd6
w/ STR), Double Knockback, OEND (40/2) Hunted by:
[O+] the police, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI, 8-
u - The Light of Gold: 2d6 Sight Group
Flash, Nonselective Area Of Effect (7" cone,
+¥.), 0 END (67/3) [OJ a crimefighter (GM's choice), as powerful, 8- ( 10)
Psychological Limitation:
Suit of Armor: Armor: +10 PD, +10 ED, OIF (IS)
Code Of Vengeance: will avenge any insult or
Martial Arts- Red Banner Kung Fu (37)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes injury lo self, fomily, friends, people under her
The Conundrum +O +o 38 STR protection, or the Cuh of the Red Banncr(20)
of Fate Escape; Grab Completely loyal to the Cull of the Red Banner (20)
Secret Identity: Wu Chen (15)
Two Limbs
Villain Bonus (37)
Hammering Fist of +O +2 6 •12d6 Strike
Sun Peng Total Disadvantage Points: 275
The Perplexing -1 -1 Grab Two
Lock of Liang Yu Limbs, 33
STR for
holding on The Cult Of The Red Banner
The Placid Stream +2 +2 Block, Abort Details about the Cult of the Red Banner can be
of Kun Lieh found on pages 235-36 of The Ultimate Martial
Reaping Technique +2 +l 4 'hd6; Artist. Astute readers have probably already realized
Target Falls, that the " Dragon King" (L ung Wang) worshipped by
You Fall the Cult is, in fact, the Death Dragon itselfl The Cult
Shih Te's Merciful -1 +l 3d6 NND(l )
Hand believes that it can "resurrect" the Dragon "when the
The Stone-Smashing -2 +1 8 'hd6 stars are right" (they are wrong, but there's no con-
Blow vincing a fanatical, murderous cultist of that).
+2 Damage Classes (already added in) (Note: Gold The Cult possesses many ancient scrolls and books

cannot increase her sword's damage beyond 3d6+ 1 which contain information about the Death Dragon
HKA, regardless of the combination of STR and that even the Watchers of the Dragon know nothing
maneuvers used.) • of-such as the Dragon's weakness when faced by
Use Art with Blades, In Armor those who are pure ofheart. Needless to say, the Cult
Martial Arts Abilities: guards its library very carefully. Some of the guard-
Superleap: +8" Superlcap ( 11" forward, 6"
upward) (8) [1/5")
iansincludcCult members who have willingly opened
themselves to the sparks ofpower occasionally thrown
off by the Death Dragon while it is imprisoned, thus CHAPTER F OUR
turning themselves into powerful yet terrifying man-
dragon monsters.
. .

Chap+e~ Five

The man with the black eyepatch sat. in a dingy "Certainly, Dr. Meng, " the man with the eyepatch
hotel room, waiting. After a few minutes, there replied. He set his clipboard aside and drew the
came a knock at the door. "Enter, "he said, speaking shorter man away from the vehicles.
Mongol. "Who is he?" Dr. Meng asked, pointing at Jagatai.
The door opened. A large man squeezed his way "He is an assistant of mine, Doctor. Why do you
through, temporarily blocking the light, and then ask?"
shut the door behind him. He was broad-shoul- "Because he looks far too brutal to be the assistant
dered and well-muscled, and had an aura of im- of a scholar such as yourself. And you both wear
mense strength and indomitable spirit. His skin swords! What need is there for such weapons?"
was a dark bronze color, with pockmarks and more "Given where we are going, and what we are
than a few scars; his nose broad and flat, with a seeking, Doctor, a certain measure of prudence and
couple of old breaks; his eyes narrow and sharply caution is necessary. Thatincludesself-defense. Jagatai
slanted. He was dressed in crude leathers and even looks brutal, and he is, but he will protect you. As for
a few furs. The overall impression was that of a my sword, let's just say that I'm more comfortable
predator. with it."
"You are ]agatai?" the man with the eyepatch "And why the horses?"
asked. "Before we get to the dig site, we will reach a point
"Yes," the large man replied, with a wolfish grin. in the mountains where wheeled vehicles can no
There were several gaps in his teeth. longer go. We will have to ride the horses the rest ofthe
"I have heard good things of you from certain way in."
colleagues of mine. Are you interested in a job?" "We will?" said Dr. Meng sickly, looking back at
"What job?" the horses with apprehension.
"I need a bodyguard, and a roustabout who will "Yes."
keep order in my camp. I go on a long expedition, one "What is it that we're looking for, anyway? You
which may be dangerous. " have never told us."
"What pay?" "Because you have no need to know, Doctor. For
"Fifty dollars a day, American. now, let us just say tlrat it is a temple, and leave things
"Done," the big man said, with no hesitation. He be." The look on the man's face gave no room for
grinned again, anticipating something that the man protest.
with the eyepatch couldn't quite fathom. "Very well," the professor said sourly. As he
"Very well. Report to me here tomorrow morning, walked back to the truck, the man with the eyepatch
two hours before dawn. We have a long way to go." smiled slightly and then resumed his survey of his
Without a word the big man turned, opened the expedition.
door, and left.
The next morning, long before the sun rose, the
big Mongol joined the man with the eyepatch and
assisted him in preparing a caravan for departure.
It was a motley assemblage, with vehicles of many
different types and all ages brought together for
common purpose, but all seemed to be in working
order. Jagatai paid particular attention to the horse
trailer and its occupants; they whinnied at him
softly, sensing his interest in their welfare.
Several of the vehicles were filled with men. Some
looked ordinary, even brutish, while others seemed
more refined. One of the latter, a short, thin man
wearing glasses, exited his vehicle and approached
the man with the eyepatch.
"May I speak with you?" he asked, softly but
Chaptet-4 Six

Dr. Wu sat in his elaborate throne room, think- Silently they arrayed themselves in front of the
ing. Fine silken wallpaper, morcopulen1by for than throne and kowtowed to their father. When !heir
that which Seeker had seen, covered the wall~; it obeisance was complete, they rose to their feet.
depicted scenes of Moun I K'un-lun and 1he para- Copper Spear stepped forward and said, "Honored
dise of 1he fairy goddess Hsi Wang Mu. A row of Fa titer, yo11 lrave summoned 11s, a,,d we atrend. Let us
gilded columns carved wi1h dragons lined both know your will, that we may satisfy it and earn your
sides of the chamber. The main doors opposite the pride!"
throne were made of the finest peach-wood and Dr. Wu smiled, pleased at his son's eloquence.
carved with depictions of the Door Gods. The "My sons, troubled times lie ahead. But Sun Tzu tells
throne itself was covered with gold and pearls and us that out of chaos and danger, opportunity can
padded with softcsl vdvel. arise. You must assist me to exploit the opportunities
Al length, Dr. Wu rni.se{I his hands an<l clapped, that will come to exist."
once, softly. "My sons. 11tte11d me!" he cried in a voice "And what are those opportunities, Honored Fa-
of normal volume, hut which none1hele.i;s carried a ther?" Copper Spear asked.
tone of irresistible command. A few moments later
the main doors to the hall opened, and the Four Sons
of the Dragon walked in, shoulder to shoulder.
"All the world gathers in China for the Tourna- "Yes, Honored Father. I shall not fail you," Iron
ment of the Dragon. The greatest fighters of all the Whirlwind replied.
many lands will compete there for the right to oppose "Lastly I must have a scale from a dragon-horse to
the Death Dragon, as well you know. While they are complete the mirror, and that is what I require you to
thus occupied, you four may act without fear oftheir obtain, Silver Hand. It will be extremely difficult for
interference. If the Dragon is defeated, all is well; ifit you to find one; consult the Scroll ofBao Ch'en in my
is freed, then we must be prepared to contain it-and library for information that will help you."
to increase my power besides." "Yes, Honored Father. I shall not fail you," Silver
"How can we do this, Honored Father?" Copper Hand replied.
Spear said. "Go then! And do not return without the items I
"You have heard me speak before ofthe Jade Mirror require!"
of Transcendence. There are numerous substances The four hesitated. "Well?" Dr. Wu asked.
and objeds that must be gathered for me to make the Iron Whirlwind spoke. "What ofthe Tournament
Mirror..:....and many of the guardians of the places of the Dragon, Honored Father?"
where you will find them are making their way to the "What of it?"
Tournament even as we speak. Whether the Dragon "All of us wish to compete in it, Honored Father."
isforcedbackintohisslumberorno, theMirrorwould "And I expect you to do so! You should have time to
be very useful to us." complete your tasks before the Tournament; if not,
"Indeed," said Silver Hand with a wicked grin. complete them afterwards at all costs! The Tourna-
"Here is what I wish you to do. Copper Spear, my ment is not only an opportunityfor you to earn honor,
eldest son, you must obtain for me a goodly quantity it is a chance for you to eliminate some ofour enemies.
ofjade essence from the Mountains of the East. This Be swift; be merciless, be victorious!"
is the first and most important substance that I must "Yes, Honored Father. We shall not fail you!" Lht:
have to cast the mirror." Four Sons responded in unison. As one, they left
"Yes, Honored Father. I shall not fail you, "Copper the room, closing the peach-wood doors behind
Spear replied. them.
"Golden Axe, to you falls the task of bringing me Wordlessly, Dr. Wu got up from his throne, and
pearls-large pearls, pure pearls, flawless pearls, as began to walk around the room, his long robe
many as you can find. The tears of the jiaoren must trailing behind him. Slowly he traversed the room,
be mixed into the mirror." gazing at the pictures on the wallpaper. At last he
"Yes, Honored Father. I shall not fail you," Golden came to a representation ofShang Ti, Emperor of
Axe replied. Heaven. He raised his hand to touch it, softly,
"You, Iron Whirlwind, shall obtain for me several hesitantly. "Emperor ofHeaven, your servant hon-
rare herbs available only in China. The chiefofthese ors you and beseeches your aid!" he said, speaking
is the Red Cloud herb, found only beside dragon pools only to empty air. "Assist me in my efforts, and the
after rainstorms. I shall give you a list of them before world shall become as it once was! You will be
you leave." honored above all other gods, and the decadent
gods of the W estemers will be cast down! Shang Ti,
grant me your blessing!" With that, he bowed to the
picture, and then turned and left the room. The
peach-wood doors opened of their own accord for
him, and dosed behind him when he had passed .

t ~
Chaptei-4 SeveV\
The flight back from San Francisco had proved
uneventful so far. Soon after achieving an appro-
priate altitude, Secker had set the air-caron autopi- Charlaa 26 '8l1d asslQ.Md ants.. we are
lot and begun studying the scroll Dr. Wu had given receM11{1mullplecaJl8, Rqportaof ~
h im. It was hard going, since h isChinesewasa little property damage a numerous lnJurn.
rusty and he was not an accomplished scholar of on the-eoene. Fire's en routtr. No racord
Chinese legends, but nonetheless he made progress, inNCIC.
and what he read both intrigued and disturbed Ten.four. Advise Lincoln 3 ancf the i.c
him. team.
The story it told was one of an ancient conflict
between man, and force that was something more Main from Charles 14, advise the other
than man, and perhaps something less. Since men units to step It up. One of 1h8 subjecrta 18
had become aware of the Death Dragon, they had throwing flame-bolts all over the plaoel
been wary of its incredible malevolent power, and Ten-four. All unils raspono119 to Cook
had struggled to contain it. Eventuallytheirs truggles and Gorham, Code Three. Ke,p the alr
became ritualized in magical spells and the Tour- olear.
nament of the Dragon. But Seeker, no scholar of
esoteric lore, could not be sure how much of what
he was reading was legend, and what was truth. He
had seen enough in his time with the Champions to Seeker switched his radio to "Transmit." "Chi-
know that the cold, hard, scientific reality that most cago Dispatcher, this is Seeker of the Champions in
people believed in and relied upon was not all that Air-Car CHAMPIONS- I. I am in the vicinity and
t~1ere was to the world, but he lacked the learning to responding to a~sist. Have your officers keep clear
sift fact from myth. He would have to talk with of the battle as much as possible. Both subjects are
Solitaire about this when he got back to New York, extremely dangerous. My ETA is approximately
and with a few friends in Chinatown as well. two minutes."
As he approached Chicago, seeker's reverie was There was a few second's hesitation. "Ten-four,
broken by the sou nd of SOCRATES's alarm . Air-Car CHAMPIONS- I." Seeker heard the dis-
"ALERT. ALERT. ALERT," it said in its computer patcher relay his message to the other units.
voice. Seeker quickly put the scroll back in its Seeker immed iately turned his vehicle in the
lacquered box and looked at the monitor. It dis- direction of the conflict, and alerted O'Hare (nter-
national and the other area airports of his change in

played a computerized readout or a call for assis-
tance from the Chicago Police Department: Right plans. He pushed the throttle forward , look-
ing for as much speed as he could safely attain, and
prayed that none of the bystanders or responding
ATTENTION ALL CENTRAL AREA officers were seriously hurt.
UNITS. 415 fight in progress, Cook and Less than two minutes later, he was approaching
Gorham. Two suspects fighting In the the scene of the conflict. He could see smoke rising,
street. Suspect # 1 is wearing a red ninja and rubble scattered around the street. The police
costume. Suspect #2 described as a were trying their best to keep people away from the
winged man with the head of a bird. Per scene of the conflict.
the CO"l>fainant, both subjects are ool· In the center of the damaged zone, two figures
dentlfled paranormals. Charles 25, werefighting.Onewasacrow-headed,crow-winged
Charles 23, and Charles 14 to respond. human; Seeker recognized it as a teng11, a type of
Additional units to cover. Japanese monster. Bloody 'ell! Whar's one o' those
things cloin' in Chicago? he asked himself. The other
Charles 25 len·four, en route. figure, the man dressed in red, was unknown lo
Charles 23 ten-four, en route. Seeker, but he could tell one thing- he was defi-
n itely a ninja. He wore his igabakama the way only
Main from Charles 14. Be advised we're a true ninja would.
just a couple of blocks away, comtng up
Secker put his craft down as close to the fight as It screamed with anger and made a broad slash at
he cou Id, grabbeu h is weapons, and ran towards the the Australian hero with its katana. Seeker ducked
melce as fast as possible. Leaping over the police under the blow and then rammed his katana into
cordon and the men who manned it, he landed on the monster's chest, underneath his ribcage and up
the edge of the battlezone. into his heart.
The tengu was obviously winning th<' light. The The tenguscreamcd, and windows nearby shat-
ninja seemed to be fighting defensively now; his tered with the force of the sound. Clutching at
movements showed that he was wm111<1i>d and was Seeker's sword, as if trying to draw it out, it .•tag-
tiring quickly. Before too long, the tengu would gered back, fell over some rubble, and collapsed to
finish h im-but not if Seeker had anything to say lhe ground. It twitched feebly l(>r a few moments,
abou t it! T he sight of a ninja unknown to him then lay still. Almost at once, its body and sweirds
aulonrn tically made him suspicious-particularly began to smoke. A few moments later, when the
when that ninja was garbed in red-but he knew foul-smelling vapors had cleared, there was noth-
the evil of some of the tengu-folk for a fact, and ing left of the creature but its dirty loincloth.
wasn't about to let one of them slaughter someone Seeker retrieved his sword and then ran over to
on the streets of Chicago. where the medics were already attending to the
£eeker leaped again, and his flying kick caught ninja in red. Ama7.ingly, he was still alive and
the teng11 squarely in the back, right between its conscious, though Seeker could see that it was
wings. "SCHAWWWW!" it screccl\ed with rage as unlikdy that he would remain that way for long.
it went Oyiug anoss the pavement. Secker moved SedngScckerapproach. rhe man began toslruggle,
forward warily, unhooking his triple-irons and trying to keep the medics from pinning his arms so
awaiting the creature's counterattack. they could transport him to the hosp.ital.
"Secker! The hcavcm smile upon me. J !tave fo1111d " I I '~ all right, maks. Let 'im he," Seekn said to
you!-'' said the man in red, in Japanese. tkicm. They did so, and the red ninja managed,
"Quiel, mate! We've got a hank problem to take slowly. painfully. to reach into what was left of his
care of flat out' before we can ta!~!" .said Seeker, belt and pull out a shiny metal object which he
forgetting that he didn't know whether the man handed to the blonde superhero. Then he collapsC(I
could speak English. But he could see that the man back on the stretcher, and the medics took hi 111 away.
did understand the situation; he got to his feet as the Seeker had lo handle the object gingerly, for it
te11g11 did and stood by Seeker's side, ready to meet was still very hot. When it cooled down a little, he
the monster head-on. was able to get a good look at it. It was partially
Seekercouldalmostswearthatthecreaturesmiled melted, but obviously a shuriken, one with no hole
as it pointed its katana at the two of them. Its blade in the center. Turning it over, Seeker saw some-
began to glow red. thing engraved on it that chilled him to his soul. It
"JJcware the fire-blast!" shouted the red ninja, as was a Japanese kanji- the one used as a symbol by
he and Seeker simultaneously dove for cover. Mi- the Red Dand of the Nohoda.
croseconds later, a large g<mt of flame projected
from the b lade and tore the street up.13ehiml them, Tengu
a fire hydrant was vaporized, and water began
spraying into the air. Appearance: A tengu is a Japanese creature that
Now I c'n see where all this destruction came from , looks like a man but has thehead and feet ofa crow,
Seeker thought. andcrow'swingssprouting from its shoulder blades.
Recovering from his dive, Seeker rolled forward A te11gt1 rarely wears any type of clot hi11g other than
and launched himself at the teng11, I-le swung his a loincloth, though they are sometimes shown wear-
triple-irons a.I it, but its two blndcs effortlessly ing cloaks made of leaves or feathers.
blocked his attack. In turn. he fended off its sword- Ecology: Te11g11 are magical creatures that live deep
slashes. Then one of its blows severed the chain in the mountains, forests, and wilderness areas of
linking one of 1he irons, 11nd it went flying away. Japan, though they try to remain reasonably close
Secke r dro pped the remain~ Clf his weapon and to human habitations. They often form tribes with
drew his own katana. A flurry of sword-blows fol- a "king" who leads them, but some tengu are soli-
lowed betwern the two combatants, noni: of them tary. SYlitary l'engu usually live in trees, particularly
drawing blood. From the corner of his eye, Seeker pines or cryptomerias.
saw the red ninja approaching-but the tcngu saw Motivations: Some te11gu, like the one depicted in
him, too. "HRAWWW!" it shouted in defiance, and this write-up, are evil and prey upon humans. They
pointed its katana at the watching crowd. As it began use their shape-changing power.s to disguise them-
to glow red, il raised the wilkizashi in its left hand, selves as normal humans, enter a village or city
hoping that Seeker would leave himself vulnerable undetected, and kid.11<1p some poor soul for thejr
while trying to save the onlookers from the fire-bolt. larder. Japanese wizards may summon them ancl use

"No!" the ninja shouted, diving in front of blast. them as assassins and messengers. Other te11g11 are
It cn11ghl him square in the chest, surroundi ng h im not evil, but simply mischievous and prone to Lake

~ 52
3 with Oame! He fell to the ground, his SJ:i1lmkuma
charred, his weapons melted. His fac:c was burned
almost beyond recognition.
A white-hot rage filled Seeker. He blocked the
vengeance on humans who disturb or insult them.
Combat Technique: Most tengu are skilled swords-
men; they are armed with a katana and a wakizashi
CHAPTER SEVEN (these are normal weapons; the te11gu in thiswrite-up
tengu's wakizashi blow, then twisted his blade and
has becn given enchan•ed weapons that have special
knocked the short sword from the creature's hand.
powers, but this is not ordinarily the case). They can
fight skillfuJly and viciously, and their great strength
makes them tough warriors to defeat. They also use
their wings to move around quickly in combat, and
attack foes when they are at a disadvantage.
Other Names: None.
Rumors: There is another type of tengu which is
more advanced and less bestial than its crow-headed
cousin. It resembles a 3-4' tall human being with
red or blue skin and an extremely long nose; it may
or may not have vestigial crow's wings growing out
of its back (these are useless for flying, though).
These tengu wear cloaks and small black hats, fre-
quently have magical powers, and can communi-
cate easily with humans- but they can be just as
evil as their cousins.

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
2s STR IS 14- BOO kg; Sd6 [2)
23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8
24 CON 30 14-
IS BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll I I-
IS EGO 10 12- ECV:S
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6
6 COM -2 10-
lS PD 10 Total: lS PD/ 8 rPD
IS ED 10 Total: lS ED/ 8 rED
6 SPD 27 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
10 REC 0
so END 0
so STUN 10
Total Characteristic Cost: 169 Disarm -1 +1 3S STR Disarm
Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Lightning Stroke +2 +O Weapon +2 DC
Slashing Stroke -2 +1 Weapon +4 DC
Flight: lS"/30"
(Note: a tengu cannot increase the damage his
Powers & Skills: weapons do beyond 3d6+ 1 HKA for the Katana, and
Combat Skills: 2d6 HKA for the Wakizashi, regardless of what
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Enchanted combination of maneuver bonuses and STR it uses)
Katana (JO) Martial Artist Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Enchanted KS: Kenjutsu 11- (2)
Wakizashi (IO) Stealth 14- (3)
Tengu Powers: WP: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Wings: Flight IS", 1;2 END (37) ( 1/10"] Weapons, Thrown Sword, Off-Hand (6)
Shapeshifting: Shape Shift, any humanoid shape Total Powers & Skills Cost: 191
(20) (2]
Claws or Beak: HKA lhd6 ( ld6+ 1 with STR) Total Character Cost: 360
(IO) [I+]
Resilience: Damage Resistance: 8 PD, 8 ED (8) Disadvantages: 100+
IR Vision (S)
Distinctive Features:
Weapons: Tengu head, wings, and feet (concealable with
Enchanted Kat.ana: Multipower (60 pt pool),
difficulty; causes extreme fear) (20)
OAF (30) Style Disadvantage (IO)
u - Blade: HKA I lhd6 HKA (3d6+ l with
Physical Limitation:
STR), Ranged (can be thrown), No
Has great difficulty speaking human languages
Knockback (37/2) [2+]
u - Flame Blast: RKA 2d6, Area Effect ( 12"
Psychological Limitation:
Line,+ l ) (60/3) [6)

Evil And Vicious (for normal te11gu:
Enchanted Wakizashi: Multipower (SO pt pool),
Mischievous) (20)
OAF (2S)
Hates Humans (for normal te11gu: Protective Of
u - Blade: HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR), Ranged
Home or Curious) (IS)
(can be thrown), No Knockback (22/l) [2+ l

t 3
u - Lightning Bolt: EB 10d6 (S0/2) [SJ
Evil monster, 14- (20)
Martial Arts-Kenjutsu (Blades are default) ( 17)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Monster Bonus ( 160) 53
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Total Disadvantage Points: 360 CHAPTER SEVEN
Chapter 6i9ht
It was late at night by the time Seeker got back to
New York. He'd spent several hours talking with BATTLE DESTROYS DOWNTOWN
the Chicago police. The red ninja had died on the BUILDINGS
way to the hospital, so Seeker had to try to answer BOMBAY (AP)-A small office build-
their questions himself-without giving too much ing and a hospital under construction were
away. He told them, truthfully, that he didn't know destroyed yesterday in a super-battle be-
the red ninja, but he never mentioned anything tween Maya, a local crimefighterand pro-
about the Red Band or his connection to them. tector of the city, and a large man identi-
None of the police had seen the ninja give Seeker fied only as "Hercules."
the shuriken, a fact for which he was very grateful.
Seeker also tried to explain what a tengu was to According to witnesses, the incident be-
the officers, but most of them just couldn't quite gan shortly after noon, when Maya, a
buy it. He finally gave them the names ofa few good well-known local superheroine, used her
reference books and a couple of professors who reality-warping powers to save the lives
might be able to describe Japanese mythical crea- of two construction workers when some
tures to them a little better, and left. scaffolding collapsed at the site of
The air-car settled easily into its berth at Home- Coomsarawamy Hospital, presently un-
stead. Seeker did a quick end-of-flight check down, derconstruction. Immediately after Maya
and promised to comeback first thingin the morn- got the two workers to safety, a large man
ing and give the thing a thorough going-over, but who had been in the crowd of onlookers
right now he was just too tired. He stumbled into stepped forward, removed his overcoat,
the mansion, checked in with Quantum in the announced that he was "Hercules," and
Monitor Room, and then went straight to bed. challenged her to a fight.
Despite his weariness, Seeker was up early the Maya's attempts to decline the challenge
next morning. He hadn't slept well; images of an
went unheeded. Hercules attacked her any-
enormous black serpent and leering Chinese wiz- way, and the two began battling. Maya
ards haunted his dreams. He worked out briefly,
took a defensive stance, constantly mov-
checked out the aircar, and then, cup ofblackcoffee
ing out of the big man's way. Hercules
in hand, headed down to the computer room to
displayed immense strength, tossing
have a long chat with SOCRATES. around pallets of bricks and other large
About two o'clock, Solitaire stuck her head
objects on the construction site. Some of
through the door. "Don?" them went astray, damaging a nearby of-
"G'day, Elaine. 'Ow're you today?" fice building.
'Tm fine, but you've been down here all morn-
ing! Don't you want some lunch?" Finally, Mayaseemedtovanish altogether,
Seeker grinned ruefully. "Oy, now that you men- and then Hercules, perhaps in a rage at her
tion it, a bite would be nice. 'Aven't 'ad anything disappearance, attacked the construction
since Frisco." site itself. Before long, the steel frame-
"Then you 're defi11itelygoing to have something! work of the hospital came crashing down.
l'll have Wendy fix you a sandwich right now." Fortunately, no one was hurt, since the
"Roast beefl" he called after her as she went back police had cleared all civilians out of the
up the stairs. His Taoist masters would be ap- area during the battle. Rescue teams who
palled-but it was really good roast beef.... came to the site afterwards found no sign
She returned a few minutes later with a big roast of either Maya or Hercules. Maya has
beef sandwich and a glass of mineral water. Seeker been unavailable for comment since that

grabbed half of the sandwich before she could even time.
put the plate down and took a big bite, and then
another. "Ah," he said when he'd swallowed, "that
( Sfl J 'its the spot!" He tookadrinkofwater. "Couldn't'ja
at least've brung me a beer?" he asked with a grin.
~----­ "You don't need any beer," she said in a sisterly
"Yes, ma'am," he replied. heroic and helpful person. She strongly prefers not
"So what have you been working on down here to use lethal force, but will in situations where it is
all day? It's not like you to pull so much computer necessary or it is used against her.
time. I looked all over for you before I thought to Quote: "Four-armed may not be forewarned, but it's
come down here." enough to deal with the likes ofyou!"
"Well, I've got me somethin' of a problem, y'see.
Powersrractics: Maya possesses several mutant
Asa mallero' fact, J need to ask you about it. Come
in and 'ave a seat." powers that relate to what she calls "reality warp-
ing." She can move from one point to another
For nearly an hour, Seeker explained to Solitaire
without crossing the intervening space, create illu-
what he had learned about the Tournament of the
sions of several different sorts, or use a specialized
Dragon, the Death Dragon, and recent events. He
illusion to make it seem as if she has completely
discussed with her some of the passages in Dr. Wu's
scroll that troubled him. vanished. She may develop other powers over time.
"Don, this all seems incredible!" she said when he When Maya decided to become a superheroine,
was done with his explanation. "But I suppose she trained in kalaripayit, to compliment her mu-
we've encountered stranger things, haven't we?" tant powers-and with her four arms, she is a
dangerous fighter indeed I If all of her arms are free,
"We 'ave-but never such a blimmin' big threat
she can deliver a devastating series of blows (this is
t' the Earth as this. 'Ave a look at these." Seeker
reflected in her "Autofire Punch" ability, and in her
pointed at a stack of printouts that he'd been accu-
+4 Hand-To-Hand levels). If necessary, she can
mulating during his time at the computer. He
wield an urumi in each hand and become a whirl-
pulled one off the top, and handed it to Solitaire.
"Wow. Do you k~w who these guys are?" wind of death. (If the GM prefers, she can substitute
"No. I've 'eard of Maya, but never met 'er. Fair ordinary, straight,swords or daggers for her u rumi.)
Maya's mutant physiognomy makes her vulner-
dinkum fighter, they say. T his other guy is listed in
the computer as a "Greek adventurer," a sort of able to electrical attacks, a fact she has, fortunately
'ero. 'E lives in Athens." for her, managed to keep secret from VIPER (one of
her chief adversaries) so far.
"I've got dozens o' articles like that one there,
dating back over the past year a nd a 'alf. These Appearance: M:iya is a beautiful Indian woman
im p rompt u ba ttles between martial artist whose most striking feature is that she has four
superbeings, and martial artists in general, 'ave arms. In her su perheroicidentity she wears a short-
been increasing over the past coupleo' months. I've sleeved red and gold top and black skirt and boots;
got newspaper articles, newsclips, even a couple of her urumis are worn as belts. For a mask she uses a
report,\ from theCJAandsuchlikethatSOCRATES red veil that covers the lower half of her face, and
could access. See?-'Korean 'Ero Attacks Fleur de she also has a circular red caste mark painted in the
Lis Near Arc de Triomphe.' 'Downtown Tokyo middle of her forehead.
Rocked By Battle Between Vietnamese And Japa-

-- ·-
nese Super-Warriors.' The list goes on."
-- .--::.-:::---
-...... ~~
-~ ·'·
;:?'f.. I .
M Q}!Q
Background/History: Ma ya isa mutant who comes
from a long line of mutants. The standard family
mutation is that the child is born with four arms,
and about the time of puberty usually develops
mental powers or similar powers. Maya proved no
exception to this rule. Professor Ben E. Scott, a
world -renowned expert on superhumans and
parnnormal phenomena who has interviewed Maya,
speculates that her ancestors were regarded as gods
by the early I ~dians, thus accounting for the preva-
lence of multl-armed gods in the Hindu pantheon.
Although there is no proof of this, some modern
Indians do think 0 fMaya as a goddess and worship
her, which she d iscourages. She considers herself
nothing more or less than a human mutant who has
chosen lo use her powers in the cau~e of justice.
Personality/Motivation: Having been raised by a
family whose members often devoted themselves
to public service, Maya became similarly motivated
at an early age and decided to become a super hero-
ine. She is devoted to protecting the people of
Bombay, where she is based, and is generally a
u - Veil of Maya III: Invisibility to Sight
Group, Hearing Group, and Normal Smell
(45/4) [4)
u - Chakra Walking: Teleport 15", 0 END
(45/4) (OJ
Martial Arts-Kalaripayit (38)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Blrn;k, Abort
Dodge +O +5 Dodge, Abort
Jt. Lock -I -1 Grab, 35 STR
(Kattaram) for holding on
Mannan Strike -I +I 3d6 NND (I)
Punch +O +2 7d6
Straight Kick/
Roundhouse Kick -2 +l 9d6
Throw +o +l 5d6 + vel/5,
Target Falls
+2 Damage Classes (already added in) (Note: Maya
cannot increase the damage her Urumi can do
beyond 2d6 HKA, regardless of the combination of
STR and maneuvers used.)
Use Art with Blades, Clubs, Urumi
Martial Arts Abilities:
Four-Armed Combat: Autofire ( 4 shots, +~)
Advantage for Punch ( 17) [+ 2 I
Martial Arts Weapons
Urumi: HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR), Autofire (4
shots), 0 END, OAF, No Knockback (17) [OJ
Another Urumi ( 17)
Another Urumi ( 17)
Another Urumi ( 17~
Mutant Powers:
Extra Limbs: 2 Extra Arms (5)
Luck: 3d6 (15)
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Ambidexterity (3)
Maya Contortionist 14- (3)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes KS: Kalaripayit 13- (3)
15 s'rR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 (2 I KS: Indian Healing 13- (3)
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 English: fluent conversation (2)
20 CON 20 13- Hindi: native (O)
10 BODY 0 11 - Rapid Autofire (5)
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Stealth 14- (3)
23 EGO 26 14- ECV:8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Urumi, Off
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6 Hand (4)
18 COM 4 13- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 251
12 PD 9 Total: 12 PD
12 ED 8 Total: 12 ED Total Character Cost: 430
6 SPD 36 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
9 REC 4 Disadvantages: 100+
40 END 0 Distinctive Features:
35 STUN 7 Has four arms (concealable with major effort;
Total Characteristic Cost: 179 extreme reaction) (20)
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Style Disadvantage ( 10)
Teleport: 15"/30" Hunted by:
VIPER, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Powers & Skills: Psychological Limitation:
Combat Skills: Code against killing ( 15)
Extra Limbs: Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Protective Of Innocents (20)
Hand-To-Hand Combat; Costs END (13) [2) Secret Iden tity: Deva Rashavi (15)
Combat Skill Levels: +4 OCV w/ Rapid Fire (8) Vulnerability:
Reality-Wurping Powers: 2x STUN from Electricity (20)
Multipower (45 pt pool) (45) Experience (210)

.u - Veil of Maya I: Mental lllusions9d6 (45/4)
Tota] Disadvantage Points: 430
u - Veil of Maya II: Images to Sight Group and

t 56
3 Normal Hearing, 4" radius, -3 PER Roll
(45/4) (4]

Hercules And how, you may
Val Cost Roll Notes
ask, did a media-
35 STR 25 16- 3200 kg; 7d6 [3) mooching slime like
19 DEX 27 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Hercules.find out about
25 CON 30 14- the Tournament of the
20 BODY 20 13- Dragon? Well, that 's a
Background/ History: To hear Aristokles Stavrotis 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- mystery that's best left
talk, he is a descendant of the Greekhero Hercules, 10 EGO 0 11- ECV:3 for the PCs to solve af-
gifted with a fraction of his strength. Some suspect 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 3lhd6 ter they meet him at the
that he is a mutant. Neither of these explanations is 16 COM 3 12- Tournament. Maybe
correct. 15 PD 8 Total: 15 PD/ 10 rPD
Malachite somehow
Hercules, as he calls himself, is a product of the 12 ED 7 Total: 12 ED/ 10 rED
5 SPD 31 Phases: 3, 5, 8, IO, 12 found out about it and
genetics laboratories of the fiendish master villain slippedthe infomiation
12 REC 0
Malachite. He is the son of one of Malachite's agents to him . Maybe he
50 END 0
in Greece, and at Malachite's command, his father 51 STUN 0 stumbled across a men-
injected and/or fed Aristokles with various sera and tion of it in some an-
Total Characteristic Cost: 159
formulae ofMalachite's devising. Much to Malachite's cient Greek text on
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
surprise, the experiment has worked-so far. Mala- pankration that he was
chite is carefully watching Hercules, looking for pos- Powers & Skills: studying. Or perhaps
sible side effects or other problems. If he detects any Combat Skills: his agents are more
that make Hercules (or the process through which he Combat Skill Levels: + 1 Level w/ Pankration (3) than they seem....
was created) worthless to him, he will ignore Her- Toughness: Damage Resistance:+ 10 PD,+ 10 ED Regardless ofhow he
cules thereafter. If he detects none, he will bring (IO) found out, Herc ules
Hercules in for further study, and use the process to Martial Arts-Pankration (28)
create an army of supermen. He has engineered weak- Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
2d6 NND (3) a chance for fame and
nesses to drugs, poisons, and various forms of mental Bend Joint -I +l
Break Bone -2 +o lhd6 HKA riches. He doesn 'tknow
control into Hercules to assist in recapturing him. any thing about the
Crush +O +O I ld6 Crush,
Hercules, for his part, thinks that he is a mu- Must Follow Death Dragon or what
tant-and intends to milk it for everything it's Grab the winner ofthe Tour-
worth. He hasestablishedhimselfasa "crimefighter" Escape +O +o 50 STR vs. nament has to do, he
in the city of Athens, but what he really hopes to do Grabs only knows about the
is get famous and rich. Grab -1 -1 Grab Two rewards due the win-
Limbs, 45 STR ner.
Personality/Motivation: Hercules is a sleaze. While
masquerading as a hero, he takes every opportunity
for media exposure and money. He acts the part of
a true-blue, four-color hero, but he really cares
little for helping others. He will do everything he
can to maintain his squeaky-clean image, even
though behind the scenes his agents are negotiating
moviedeals and endorsements for him- and maybe
even creating "crimes" for him to stop ....
Quote: "Foolish mortal- I, Hercules, son ofthe gods,
cannot be harmed by your p uny gunfire!"
Powers/Tactics: Due to Malachite's treatments,
Hercules possesses low-level "brick" powers-high
strength, resistance to injury, and so forth. In an
effort to bolster his claim to possess " the ancient
wisdom of the gods," he has studied pankration,
and puts it to good effect in his "crimefighting"
Appearance: Hercules is a tall, extremelymuscular,
bronze-skinned man. He has curly black hair and a
matching beard. His costume is a loincloth made
out of fake lion skin, with a broad black leather belt
to hold it up.
Hwarang received
notice of the To1mw-
ment of the Dragon
from the Watchers, who
have taken note of his
martial arts skill and
feel that he would be a Background/History: Byon Hyang-soon was born
worthy competitor. Or- into an extremely patriotic South Korean family,
dinarily he would never and was raised to revere his nation, her proud
attack another history, and the ideals for which she stands. With
crimefighter, much less his father's encouragement, he began studying the
travel halfway around various Korean martial arts. Between his determi-
the world to do so, but nation i:o master them and his natural athletic
as Seeker noted, the talent, he was soon a proficient fighter. At age
media has reported that eighteen, he was the nation's hwarang-do cham-
he attacked the pion.
crimefighter Fleur de Casting about for a way to put his skills to good
Lis in Paris. The rea- use, Hyang-soon finally decided to become a cos-
son for this is that tumed crimefighter like the ones he had read about
Hwarang is very, very in America. After adapting his fighting uniform for
tempted by the thought the purpose and creating a matching mask, he
that South Korea would began fighting crime in Seoul as Hwarang. As yet,
become the preeminent he has only attracted a little attention as a
nation in the world for crimefighter, though he's stopped several crimes,
the next sixty years if but is known to have made several strident anti-
he wins the Tourna- North Korean statements. For this reason, the North
ment. This thought is Korean government would like to capture or si-
for holding on lence him, for fear he will stir popular sentiment up
so enticing that he has Kick/Punch +I +O 9d6
decided to try to elimi- against them in their own country, and the South
Legsweep +2 -1 8d6, Target Falls
nate some of the com- Korean government is keeping a close eye on him.
Sacrifice Throw +2 +l 7d6; You Fall,
petition early. Ifthe GM Target Falls Personality/Motivation: Like his namesake, the
prefers, he may even Martial Artist Skills: hwarangwarriors of old, Hwarang strives to emu-
attack one ofthe PCs if KS: Pankration 11- (2) late a code of conduct that mandates loyalty to his
he gets the chance. Media Skills: nation, trustworthiness, courage, and honor. He
High Society 13- (3) honestly believes in these ideals, and does his best to
English: fluent conversation (2) live up to them.
Greek: native (0) Hwarang is an ardent Korean patriot and pos-
Ora,ory 13- (3) sesses a fierce hatred of North Korea. He is still
(Note: Hercules has 20 points unspent.)
young and is quite hot-headed about the whole
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 71 subject, and is eventually likely to get himself in
Total Character Cost: 230 trouble ifhe doesn't learn to watch his mouth.
Quote: "I am a hwarang; therefore, I will treat even
Disadvantages: 100+ a pig such as yourself with honor."
Distinctive Features: Powers/Tactics: H warang is a strong, quick, highly-
Style Disadvantage (10) trained fighter who is well-versed in the chief forms
Enraged: of Korean martial arts. In a straightforward fight,
If made to look bad in public or if thwarted in a such as in a martial arts competition, he is hard to
fight, 11-, recover 11- (1 O)
beat However, he is still relatively inexperienced
Psychological Limitation:
False hero; in it for money and fame ( 15)
when it comes to facing unorthodox threats or
Reputation: conditions, such as guns, multiple opponents, or
Greek superhero 11- (10) fighting on rooftops. If he manages to survive, he
Rivalry: will soon become a world-class fighter.
With a popular PC or anyone else who appears to In addition to his mundane abilities, Hwarang is
begetting more "camera time" than he (5) beginning to develop some of the shin gong, or
Secret Identity: Aristokles Stavrotis (15) mental powers, possessed by masters of hwarang-
Unluck: ld6 (5) do. As yet, these powers are relatively weak and
Vulnerability: unfocused; in time, they will become more power-
2x Effect from Drugs/Poisons (20)

ful, and he will learn more of them.
2x Effect from Mind Control (20)
Watched by: Appearance: Hwarangwears a simple uniform con-
the media, more powerful, NCI, 8- (J 0) sisting of a white dobok (tae kwon do uniform),

~ 58
3 Malachite, more powerful, NCI, 8- ( 10)
Total Disadvantage Points: 230
with patches of the South Korean flag on his upper
forearms, a black belt, and a white mask that covers
the upper half of his face and is tied in the back.
Martial Artist Abilities:
Hwarang Superleap: +6" (10" forward, 5" upward) (6)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
20 STR lO 13- 400 kg; 4d6 (2 )
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) (115")
20 CON 20 13-
Shin Gong Powers:
14 BODY 8 12-
Danger Sense 11-, out of combat (15)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Clairvoyance; Concentrate (11.z DCV), x2 END
11 EGO 2 l l- ECV: 4
(-1,-7) (11) (4J
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6 Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
12 COM l 11-
Combat Sense 12- (3)
10 PD 6 Total: 10 PD
Acrobatics 14- (3)
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED
Breakfall 14- (3)
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Stealth 14- (3)
8 REC 0 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
40 END 0 Martial Arts Weapons (4)
40 STUN 6 Korean: native (O)
Total Characteristic Cost: 117 English: fluent conversation (2)
Movement: Running: 911/18 11 Swimming: 2"/4" Scholar (3)
Superleap: 10"/20" KS: Hwarang-Do 12- (2)
KS: Hapkido 12- (2)
Powers & Skills: KS: Kuk Sool Won 12- (2)
Combat Skills: KS: Tae Kwon Do 12- (2)
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Martial Arts KS: Tang Soo Do 12- (2)
(12) KS: Yu-Sool 12- (2)
Martial Arts-Hwarang-Do, Hapkido, Kuk Sool KS: Korean History 12- (2)
Won, Tae Kwon Do, and Yu-Sool (73) KS: Korean Culture & Civilization 12- (2)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 180
Block"#$%! +2 +2 Block, Abort
Breaking Throw# -2 +0 2d6 HKA, Total Character Cost: 297
Target Falls Disadvantages: 100+
Choke•& -2 +O Grab One
Distinctive Features:
Limb; 3d6
Style Disadvantage (10)
Hunted by:
Disarm#$% -1 +1 40 STR
the North Korean government, more powerful,
NCI, 8- (20)
Dodge#$& +5 Dodge, Abort
Psychological Limitation:
Escape#& +O +0 45 STR vs.Grabs
Cude of the Hwarang (see The Ultimate Martial
Finger Strike*#$& -I +I 3d6 NND(l)
Artist, page 33) (20)
Flying Side Kick%! +l -2 10d6
Ardent Korean patriot; hates North Korea (20)
Hand Strike/ +O +2 8d6
Code against killing (20)
Elbow Strike/
Korean crimefighter, 8- (5)
Secret Identity: Byon Hyang-soon ( 15)
Joint Break"# -I -2 Grab One
Watched by:
Limb; 2d6
the South Korean government, more powerful,
HKA, Disable
NCI, 8- (IO)
Joint Lock"#$! +O -1 Grab One
Limb, 40 STR Experience (77)
for holding on Total Disadvantage Points: 295
Kick•#$%! -2 +l 10d6
Kuchigi& -1 -1 Grab Two
Limbs, 40 STR
for holding on
Takedown% +( +l 4d6; Target
Throw" -2 +0 2d6 HKA;
Target Falls
Throw$&! +o +1 4d6 +v/5;
Target Falls
+2 Damage Classes (already added in)
,. = Hwarang-Do maneuver,#= Hapkido maneuver,
$ = Kuk Sool Won maneuver,%= Tae Kwon Do

maneuver, & = Yu-Sool maneuver,!= Tang Soo Do

\_ 59 3
~~-~~ ·- Fleur de Lis has patrolled the streets of Paris,
-----:::..---:;..-- ~ ' .
trying to protect the common man, ever since. She
has gained a reputation as a dedicated crimefighter,
Flevi~ de Lis onewhc1 is particularly hard on criminals who prey
on women and on white-collar criminals.
Background/History: Genevieve Devereaux was Personality/Motivations: Being raped worked a
born to a lower-class family in Paris. All her life her sea change on Fleur de Lis. She went from being a
family lived on the edge of poverty, and she never typical, selfish, self-absorbed person to someone
expected anything better for her!ielf. The day she who was keenly aware of many of the problems
fi nished school. she went to work Joing manual besetting modern man an<l o f her responsibility 10
labor in a factory, and figured she'd be there for the try to solve them. Ever since she has devoted much
rest of her life. of her time and energy to defending people from
Then she was raped. the predators of modern society. She feels deeply
The police were never able to find the man who about hj!r responsibilitiei, and often runs herself
raped her. For some reason, the incident touched ragged trying to live up to her goals and ideals.
something deep within her, a last reservoir of dig- Despite her intense hatred ofcriminals and their
nity and pride that the years of squalor and misery ilk, Fleur de Lis has never taken a life, nor will she
had left undisturhed. To have her last little bit of ever, ifshe can help it.She feels that doing so would
dignity ripped away like that offended her-after be morally wrong, and she will attempt to hunt
putting up with so much else in her life, now this? down and capture vigilantes who use deadly force
1n the space of just a few days, Genevieve went in Paris.
from caring only about herself to caring about the Quote: "We've had enough ofyour kind around here,
people and the world around her, and what was scum."
~ong with them. She realized thar it was people Power!i/Tactics: f leur de Lis possesses many of the
hke her, people who walked through their life like skillsandabiliticscpmmon to "trained paranormal"
zombies, who allowed people like the man who crimefighters. She is also a skilled savateur; if faced
raped her to flourish. with an opponent who can keep his distance and
Genevieve quit her job the very next day and attack her at range, she will retreat and look for
started training. She decided that if people couldn't another way to get close to him. Her favorite ma-
look out for themselves, someone had to do it for neuvers are her Footsweep, Low Kick, and Side
them-and that someone was her. Kick. Against opponents who are armed with weap-
Several years of training and study followed. She ons, she will usually try to Disarm them before
learned savate from aeveral different instructors, attempting other attacks.
and she learned about detective work and crimi-
Appearance: Fleur de Lis is a beautiful woman in
nology from a Detective Baptiste who befriended
her late 20s who stands 5'8"talland has a well-built
her and taught her what she needed to know.
yet athletic figure. Her costume is a high-collared
13ut she was transformed in more ways than that.
golden bodystocking with a b lack fleur-de-lis em-
All the exercise trim med m1t her previously dumpy
blem in the center, positioned to accentuate her
figure nicely, and she began paying a little attention
figure. Her hoots and short gloves arc also golden;
to her appearance, so she-and the men she mct-
she wears a black full-face magk with a gl'1ld tleur-
soon realized just how pretty she was. And with her
dc-lis over the ldt eye. 1-lcr hair is black and about
newly-learned compu terskillsand new-found con-
shoulder-length; her eyes are green.
fidence, she was able lo gel a job in the computer
industry doing freelance programming that was
more stimulating and much more lucrative than
any job she'd ever had.
When she felt she was ready, she chose a name,
Fleur de Lis, designed a costume, and hit the streets.
Unfortunately, her first case hit close to home-she
tracked down and captured a p.etty crook who had
murdered Detective Baptisre when he surprised
him during a robbery attempt. 13ut she was able to
overcome her sadness and her rage to find the man,
capture him unharmed, and turn him over to the

Fleur de Lis Engl.ish: fluent conversation (2)
French: native (O)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Lockpicking 14- (3)
15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 fll Security Systems 12- (3)
26 DEX 48 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9
Stealth 14- (3)
18 CON 16 13-
Streetwise 12- (3)
10 BODY 0 11 -
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 134
11 EGO 2 11- ECV:4
Total Character Cost: 251
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
18 COM 4 13-
8 PD 5 Total: 14 PD/ 6 rPD Disadvantages: 100+
7 ED 3 Total: 13 ED/ 6 rED Distinctive Features:
5 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Style Disadvantage (10)
8 REC 2 Hunted by:
36 END 0 VIPER, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
35 STUN 8 Doppelganger (European Enemies, pp. 54-55),
Total Ch aracteristic Cost: 117 more powerful, 8- (IS)
Psychological Limitation:
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 211 /4 11
Devoted to justice (20)
Superleap: 6"/12" Swinging: 1511 /30 11
Code against killing (20)
Powers & Skills: Reputation:
Combat Skills: Femalecrimetighter 11- (limited group:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Savate (6) Europeans) (5)
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 OCV w/ Pootsweep ( 4) Secret Identity: Genevieve Devereaux (15)
Martial Arts-Savate ( 49) Experience (46)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Total Disadvantage Points: 251
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +l 50 STR Disarm
Footsweep +2 -1 9d6; Target Falls
Hook +2 +O 10d6
Jab/Cross +l +3 8d6
Low Kick +O +2 10d6
Side Kick -2 +l 12d6
+5 Damage Classes (already added in)
Armored Costume: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED, OIF (12)
Athletic Abilit ies:
Swingline: Swinging 15", OAF (7) I 1/5"]
Running: +1 11 (7" total) (2) [1/5"]
Martial Arts Abilities:
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
Superleap: +3" (6 forward, 3" upward) (3) [ 1/
Martial Artist Skills:
Contortionist 14- (3)
KS: Savate 11 - (2)
Crimefighter Skills:
CK: Paris 12- (3)
Climbing 14- (3)
Computer Programming 12- (3)
Criminology 12- (3)
The Akumashibarus Personality/Motivation: Like all prior
have known of the Akumashibarus, Itazaki Rinzo has had his role in
Tournament of the life drilled into him from thedayhewasoldenough
Dragon since the days to walk. He lives and breathes for his mission. This
of ltazaki; indeed, two is not to say that he has no other interests whatso-
ofthem have died in it. ever-for example, he is quite devoted to his wife
Background/History: Akumashibaru ("devil-
They see it as an op- and children-but the mission always comes first.
binder") is the inheritor of ancient secrets and
portunity to grapple He will raise his son to hold the same ideals.
esoteric Jore, and the embodiment of a centuries-
with and destroy the Quote: "Even if it means my life, I will protect them
Jong tradition. He is the fifteenth in a long line of
ancient source of all from you and your kin, demon -spawn!"
Akumashibarus, fathers and sons who have striven
evil creatures-the
to protect the people ofJapan and the Orient from Powers/Tactics: Each Akumashibaru receives ex-
Death Dragon itself!
demons, devils, vampires, and other mystic mon- tensive trajµing in fighting arts and other skills that
Unfortunately, theirfa-
sters for' hundreds of years. The original aid him in.his war on demonkind. In recent genera-
naticism has blinded
Akumashibaru was Itazaki, the apprentice/servant tions the family has favored the art ofAikido, which
them to that lore which
of a Japanese wizard who was overwhelmed and the powerful, forceful demons they often fight are
hints that the Dragon
slain by certain demons that he had evoked. The ill-equipped to deal with. Each one also receives
is indestructible, and
demons, loose to prey upon the world, left the several powerful magic items: the Demonhunter
can only be bound. It
wizard's cave. ltazaki, realizing the danger that Gauntlets, which allow the wearer to grasp ghosts
is, perhaps, only a mat-
these creatures posed, took up his master's magic and similar creatures as if they were tangible; an
ter of time before one
sword and swore a solemn oath to hunt them all enchanted uniform which protects the wearer from
of the Akumashibarus
down and avenge his master. harm; and the fabulous Demoncleaving Sword, a
tries to do something
Ever since then, Itazaki, and later his son, and his katana created with powerful magics against
to "rig" the Tourna-
son's son, and so on down to the present day, have demonkind. Furthermore, each Akumashibaru is
ment to guarantee that
hunted all sorts of magical monsters and worked to taught the family's ancient magical lore, which,
he gets a shot at the
keep the innocent people of the world safe from while limited in scope, is nonetheless quite useful in
Death l)ragon.
their machinations and powers. The many situations.
Demoncleaving Sword has passed from one to the Akumashibaru and Seeker are good friends; they
next, as has their small trove of mystic lore and encountered one another several times during
spells (Itazaki, after all, was not yet a master magi- Seeker's tenure in Tokyo, and even worked on a
cian, and so could not pass a full body of magical couple of cases together.
knowledge on to his descendants) and other magi- Appearance: The present Akumashibaru, Itazaki
cal items. Most of the original demons that inspired Rinzo, is 5'9" tall and has a muscular, athletic build.
the creation of Akumashibaru are dead, but not all He wears the same costume that all fourteen of his
of them are, and there are plenty of other fiends to ancestors wore: white Japanese robes with a golden
keep Akumashibaru busy.... belt, the red Demonhunter Gauntlets, and a blue
demon's-head mask.
Demon cleaving Sword, OAF:
Akumashibaru Blade: HKA I 1hd6 (3d6+1 with STR), No
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Knockback ( 11) [ 2+I
lS STR s 13- 2ookg; 3d6D Demon bane Magics: HKA + l 1hd6 HKA,
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Affects Desolidified, Linked to Blade, No
20 CON 20 13- Knockback, Only Works Against Magical
12 BODY 4 11 - Creatures (-lh) (13) [+2)
18 INT 8 13- PERRoll 13-
Enchanted Costume: Armor: + 10PD,+10 ED,
18 EGO 16 13- ECV:6 OIF (20)
23 PRE 13 14- PRE Attack 41hd6
Magical Abilities:
10 COM 0 11-
Find Weakness 11 - with Demoncleaving Sword;
8 PD s Total: 18 PD/ 8 rPD
Only Works Against Magical Creatures (-lh),
12 ED 8 Total: 22 ED/ 10 rED Costs END (S) [ l]
6 SPD 26 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Mental Defense: 12 pts (8)
10 REC 6 Power Defense: 8 pts (8)
so END s Martial Arts Abilities:
40 STUN IO Superleap: + 10" (13" forward, 7" upward ) (10)
Total Characteristic Cost: 168 [ l/S"]
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Superleap: 13"/26" Fast Draw 14- (Iaijutsu) (3)
Acrobatics 14- (3)
Powers & Skills: Breakfall 14- (3)
Climbing 14- (3)
Combat Skills: Contortionist 14- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Aikido (6) KS: Aikido 11- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 OCV w/ Demoncleaving Stealth 14- ( 3)
Sword (4) Demonhunter Skills:
MartialArts-Aikido (S4) Combat Driving 14- (3)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Computer Programming 8- (I)
Dodge +s Dodge, Abort KS: Demons & Magical Creatures lS- (S)
Escape +O +O SO STR vs.Grabs KS: Arcane & Occult Lore lS- (S)
Extend Ki +O +0 SO STR to KS: Cults 13- (3)
resist Shove; Lockpicking 14- (3)
Block, Abort Security Systems 13- (3)
Hold -1 -1 Grab Two Background Skills:
Limbs, 4S STR English: fluent conversation (2)
for holding on Japanese: native (0)
Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One Total Powers & Skills Cost: 244
HKA, Disable Total Character Cost: 412
Joint Lock/Throw +I +O Grab One
Limb; 3d6 Disadvantages: 100+
Distinctive Features:
Target Falls
Style Disadvantage (10)
Redirect +l +3 Block, Abort
Strike +I +3 7d6
Wife & kids, 8- (normals) ( 10)
Throw +o +I 7d6 + v/S;
Hunted by:
Target Falls
VOICE, more powerful, NCI. 8- (20)
+4 Damage Classes (already added in)
Ron-dai (a Japanese vampire), as powerful, NCI,
Use Art with Blades
8- ( lS)
Mystic Powers and Items: Psychological Limitation:
Family Magical Lore: Power Pool (30 pt pool (4S) Must destroy demons and other evil magical
Demonhunter Gauntlets: Affects Desolidified erea tu res (20)
( H'2) Advantage for Hold maneuver; OIF Devout Shintoist (20)
(lS) [ l+) Secret Identity: Itazaki Rinzo (IS)
Experience (202)
Total Disadvantage Points: 412

Dao practitioners. However, there is a darkness
and evil that seem to cling to him, somehow, mak-
ing his least glance seem ominous and grim.

Background/History: No one knows much about Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
the being called Sodeptan ("Skullcrusher"). What 30 STR 2U 15- 1600 kg; 6d6 (3)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
is know is that while he appears to be a man, either CON 30 15-
he has sold his soul, or is simply an infernal being in 20 BODY 20 13-
a man's shape. Whatever the case, Sodeptan has a 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll II-
reputation for harassing Far Eastern heroes, attack- IO EGO 0 11- ECV:3
ing temples and other sacred places, and support- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
ing cults and other groups associated with black 8 COM -1 11 -
magic and the worship of "infernal powers"- 23 PD 17 Total: 23 PD/ 20 rPD
including the Cult of the Red Banner, which he has 23 ED 17 Total: 23 ED/ 20 rED
5 SPD 20 Phase~3,5,8, 10, 12
been linked with on several occasions.
15 REC 6
Personality/Motivation: Sodeptan is a being whose 60 END 0
very essence is evil and darkness. Although once a 60 STUN IO
man, he sold his soul for power, and now works the Total Characteristic Cost: 184
evil will of his diabolic masters. No act is too vile or Movement: Running: 6"/ 12" Swimming: 2"/4"
evil for him.
Quote: "Soon I will feel your life's-blood seeping out Powen & Skills:
between my fingers." Martial Arts-Than Vo Dao (40)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Powers/Tactics: In exchange for his soul, Sodeptan Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
was granted a variety of powers commonly associ- Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One
ated with "brick" characters-high strength, greatly Limb; 2d6
increased resistance to damage, and so forth. His HKA, Disable
favorite move is his special "Skulkrush" attack. In Joint Lock +O -l Grab One
the ring he is virtually undefeatable with conven- Limb, 50 STR
tional martial arts; PCs will have to use their wits to for holding on
beat him. Kick -2 +l 12d6
Sodeptan practices the art of Than Vo Dao and, Legsweep +2 -1 9d6; Target Falls
Punch +O +2 10d6
while skilled at it and much quicker than ordinary Skullcrush -2 -2 Grab One
men, is neither so skilled nor so quick as many Limb, lld6
martial artists he fights. This is his greatest weak- Crush
ness, one a clever foe will exploit. Throw +O +I 8d6 + v/S;
Appearance: Sodeptan is 6'5" tall Vietnamese male Target Falls
with extremely large muscles. He wears a black +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
uniform similar to those worn by most Than Vo Brick Powers:
Resilience: Hardened Defenses for 20 PD/ED
Resilience: Damage Resistance: 20 PD, 20 ED,
Hardened (25)
Martial Artist Skills:
Climbing 13- (3)
KS: Than Vo Dao 11 · (2)
Vietnamese: native (O)
Stealth 13- (3)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 83
Total Character Cost: 267

Disadvantages: 100+
Distinctive Features:
Style Disadvantage (IO)
Damned (has sold his soul to infernal powers;
recognizable by limited group; causes major
reaction) (IO)
Hunted by:
PCs or other heroes of GM 's choice, more
powerful, NCI, 8- (201)
Psychological Limitation:
Casual killer (20)
Utterly evil (25)
Villain Bonus (82)
Total Disadvantage Points: 267
"It's a wonder you haven't been attacked more, "G'day, mate! Not you--your great-grandfather."
Don. You'd better not go out to dinner any more "Huh?" asked Defender.
for a while," Solitaire said teasingly. :'James, your great-grandfather won a martial
"And 'ow about this one?" arts tournament and set America on the road to
greatness!" Solitaire exclaimed with exaggerated
"Excuse me?"
HONG KONG (AP)-Chinese officials "Seriously, mate. I've been researchin' a secret
have reported that a number of prominent martial arts tourney put on every 60 years by these
Chinese scholars have mysteriously dis- Chinese wizard types. The winner gets to fight off
appeared. this 'ere major threat to mankind, and if'e wins, 'is
" We suspect a kidnapping," said a gov- country gets to become the chief country of the
ernment official who asked not to be iden- world for the next 60 years. Accordin' to this 'ere
tified. "There were signs of a struggle in scroll, the winner in 1875 was a "James 'Armon.""
each victim's office or living quarters." "Well if that doesn't beat all," said Defender,
The official refused to comment on the amazed. "Wait here a minute, let me show you
ongoing investigation. something." He put down the papers and calcula-
tor and left the room.
The missing scholars, who mainly seem Defender returned a few minutes later with a big,
to be specialists in fields such as history, leather-bound book. "This is one of the family
archaeology, and anthropology, include albums," he said by way of explanation. "This one
Su Gong and Fok Li Kwan of the Univer- is one of the oldest, one started by Great-Grandfa-
sity of Hong Kong, Lu6 Siguang of the ther Harmon's wife, Alice. Look at this." Defender
University of Guangzhong, and Chow put the book down and nipped through the pages
Hulin and Bao Runming of the Technical until he found what he was looking for . Finally he
University of Beijing. came to a page with a single large photograph. It
depicted two men standing against a snowy back-
"That's kind of odd," Solitaire said with surprise. ground. One was tall and broad-shouldered, and
"Why'd you pull it? It doesn't involve martial arts.'' bore an uncanny resemblance to Defender. The
"Dunno. It just seemed important, some'ow. o ther was a short Japanese man ofadvanced years,
Maybetheseprofsknowsomethin' aboutthe Tour- with a long, wispy beard. They both woreJapanese-
ney, and someone's tryin' to silence 'em." style robes.
"But 'ere's the most surprisin' thing of all- "He really looks like you, James," Solitaire said.
turned up while I was readin' through th' scroll a "Yeah, mate, 'cept you don't 'ave that little Fu
while ago. Remember 'ow I told you that th' winner Manchu beard!" said Seeker, laughing.
of the Tournament's country's s'posed to become "Stop it, Don!" said Solitaire, cuffing him lightly
the chief country in the world for 60 years after 'e on the back of the head.
wins?" Defender peeled the photograph out of its bind-
"Sure." ing carefully. "Look at what it says on the back," he
"Well, when would you say that the States started said, handing it to Seeker.
t' become so prom inent in the world? Maybe about "James 'Armon and Master Furusaka Shinobu,
a 'undred, 'undred 'n' thirty years ago?" Osaka, Japan, December 12, 1883."
"I guess. I never learned much American history "Does that mean anything to you?" Defender
when I was little." asked.
"Well, guess who won the Tourney in 1875." "Sure does, mate. Furusaka Shinobu was a re-
"An American?" nowned master ofjujutsu who lived in the latter 'alf
"Too right! And guess which one." of the nineteenth century."
"I don't know!" she said, exasperatedly. "What's jujutsu?" Defender asked.
"James 'Armon." "It's a Japanese martial art that concentrates on
"James Harmon? Defender?'' she said incredu- joint-locks and throws and such. 'Ere, let me show
lously. you ... "
"Someone call me?" Defender asked as he strolled
into the room, metal boots clanging on the tile
floor. He had a fistful of technical readouts and a
calculator in his armored left hand.

( ..__..............,,-
"Don, wait!" Solitaire said. "Don't hurt him!" "Okay, okay, uncle! I give! Just let me up, will ya?"
"Elaine, take it easy," Defender assured her. "He's Defender asked. Seeker let go.
just going to show me a move or two. Besides, I've "Damn!" said Defender, rubbing his wrist and
got my armor on, how could he possibly hurt me?" hand. "All you did was grab my little finger! Good
"Too right, mate!" Seeker assured him. Defender thing Grond doesn't know that trick. Excuse me
never caught the devilish glint in his eyes that had while I go redesign the joints in my armor." After
alarmed Solitaire. "'Ere, give me your right 'and." replacing the photograph in its mounting in the
"Sure thing," said Defender, confidently bracing album, Defender picked up the book, his papers,
for a throw. He knew there was no way Don could and his calculator and left the room.
manage to throw him, with the weight of his armor. "What are you going to do now, Don?" Solitaire
Then, with a yelp of pain, he crashed to his knees as asked.
Seeker grabbed his right pinkie and twisted it, his "First I'm goin' t' finish reading Dr. Wu's scroll-
wrist, an~ his arm in such a way that he was forced and then·tomorrow I'm go in' t' go look up a few old
to the floor. mates in Chinatown."
"Ow!" Defender said as Seeker continued to
apply pressure.
"Stop it, Don, you're hurting him!" Solitaire
said, concern clouding her face.
""E's got 'is armor on, 'ow could I possibly 'urt
'im?" Seeker said with a grin, mimicking his team

t 3 66

Chap+e~ NiV\e

Now this was the Chinatown that Seeker really "Are you sure you judge your gods aright,
knew and loved-New York's Chinatown, full of Kazeronin?" Lin Hu replied calmly, as if he were
life, vibrant, enticing. He came down here every discussing the weather. "In any event, I have no
year for the Chinese New Year's celebration and interest in your Tournament, and no plans to com-
never failed to have a good time. pete. Leave me in peace."
But today he was in Chinatown not for pleasure, "Bah! The great fade Tiger, greatest fighter in the
but on business of a deadly serious nature. There world, will not compete in the Tournament of the
were parts of Dr. Wu's scroll whose full meaning Dragon? Perhaps your reputation is merely clouds
still seemed to be eluding him, so he was on his way and shadows."
to see a couple of friends who might be able to help "Listen to the spirits in the Sword, Kazeronin. They
him. The first was Zhu Hsaio, an old Chinese will show you the only path you need follow."
master who was reputed to have studied at the This statement only seemed to enrage Kazeronin
Yengtao Temple. Master Zhu's young Western the more. Raising his sword, he charged at Lin Hu.
pupil, Steve Chase, was a good friend of Seeker's. "As you wish," Un Hu said. Before Kazeronin
The other was Guan Li-yen, an old friend who was could come close to him, he whipped off his brown
an expert on ancient Chinese superstitions and robes, revealing a jade green gi underneath. Then,
beliefs. Guan was an accomplished scholar, a former moving so slightly that Seeker could barely tell that
member oftheColumbia faculty, and one ofSeeker's he had changed positions, he sidesteppedthe charg-
"mates" from his time in China-even though the ing samurai and draped the robe over his head, in
two men had about fifty years between them. There mockery ofSpanish bullfighters. Kazeronin, blinded,
was a spirit of you th in Guan that seemed to defy the lost his footing and crashed into a telephone pole.
old age that increasingly gripped his body. Flamin' 'eek! Seeker exclaimed to himself. That
Seeker rounded a corner and began walking up was a choice move!
one of the shop-lined streets-only to see several Kazeronin tore the robe from his face and stood
people running out of a side street! Then he heard up, advancing more warily this time.
a loud kiai sound out, and realized why they were What a drongo. Why doesn't 'e just give up an' go
running. Beat me with a jaffle iron!, he thought 'ome?
angrily. Can't I even visit an old mate in peace? He Kazeronin moved his sword lazily through the
hurried forward, making sure the case with Dr. air, seeking an opening in his opponent's defenses.
Wu's scroll was tucked securely in his belt. Before he could even slash with his sword, Lin Hu
The cause of all the commotion was two men. One was behind him, gripping his sword arm in an
wore the armor of a samurai, and carried a katana aikido joint-lock. Kazeronin yelped in pain, but
which was elegantly engraved with scenes of clouds. pride stayed his tongue from crying out further.
The other was an unarmed Chinese man, of slight "Your efforts are pointless, little samurai. Leave me
build and wearing an unornamented brown robe. in peace!" Lin Hu planted his foot on Kazcronin's
Despite the fact that he was facing a large man with bacltsidc and shoved him fo rward, letting go of his
a sword, the man in brown seemed wrapped in a hand as he did so. Kazeroninstumbled, but kept his
cloak oftranquillity. Seeker recognized both ofthem, feet. Catching himself, he pivoted and launched a
and stopped running. This oughtta be a pretty short running stroke at Lin Hu. The force of the blow was
scrap. Wish I 'ad me a cold one. He found a ledge to tremendous-but with seemingly little effort, Lin
perch on and crouched down to watch the festivities. Hu clapped his hands together and caught the blade!
"The gods have smiled upon me!" the man in the Kazeronin's eyes widened in amazement as he
samurai armor said fiercely in Japanese. "/ will struggled to free his weapon. He was unable to tear
eliminate you now, Un Hu, and make my path in the it out of Lin Hu's grasp.
Tournament all the easier."

t 67
Lin Hu bent over and laid the sword gently next
to the warrior. "Listen t'O the spirits in the Sword,
Seiki," he whispered, so softly that Secker could not
hear him. Then he retrieved his robe and prepared
to leave.
"Wait!" Seeker shouted, leaping down from his
rooftop vantage point.
U11 Hu lllrncd. " Du you seek to fight me as well,
Seeker of the Champions?" His English was sur-
pr~singly good. There was a trace of sadness in his
" No worries, mate," Seeker said, raising h is hands
to show that he was not interested in a fight. "Do I
look crazy? I just want to talk to ya for a sec."
"As you wish," Lln Hu replied, walking into a
nearby alleyway. Seeker followed.
"ls it true what you said to 'im, that you're not
entering th' Tournament?"
"Why not?"
"What do y'mean, "why"? You know better'n I
do what's at stake 'ere, Jade Tiger! You're the best
martial artist in the world, maybe the best in th'
'istory of the world. You've a better shot atdefeatin'
the Death Dragon than any of the rest of us."
"But it is not what I choose to do. It is not my
"Strewth! What'sall this about "destiny"?You 've
gor skills, man, and powers! Use 'em to 'elp people!"
"I can only help people who want my help. and
even then only as I choose. I will not enter your
Tournament, Seeker. It is not rny destiny. Bui ii is
yours. Go there with a light heart. The gods will be
watching over you."
Seeker stopped, realizing that all his arguments
were pointless. Lin Hu walked away, turned the
corner, and was gone.
......_ __,
~ ,

Kaze~oV\i V\
~ ----_-//.;..
.._____. .___
..--- -- /;


Bnt.:kground/History: Hokoyama Seiki is the only

son of Hokoyama lsao, a powerful yakuza c>yabun
in Tokyo. His mother died in childbirth because he
was such a large baby, so he was raised entirely by
his father (or, to be more accurate, his fa ther's
"I told you to let1ve me alone, Kazeronm. Now yo" servants). As he grew older, he continued to be
will pay tire price for your insolence." Lin Hu's right unusually large and strong, so when the time was
foot floated up from the ground, or so it seeme<l to right his father sent him to train to be a sumo
Seeker, but the blow connected so lidly with wrestler.
Kazcronin 's stomach, crackingh is armor andknock- Seiki enjoyed his time as a sumo wrestler. His
ing the wind out of him. Lin Hu waited a moment or father was pleased with his progress, and the sport
two for Kazeronin to recover, and then broke his left was a real challenge to him. He proved lo be quite
arm at the elbow with a second kick. Kazeronin skilled at it, and great things were expected of him,

screamed from pain and frustration-but still he did especially from his father. Unfortunately, when sumo
not fall. Theswqrd fell from his hands; Un Hu caught wrestling official began testing wrestlers to make
it before it could hit the ground. sure that they were not mutants, Seiki's heretofore
Lin Hu's last kick knocked Kazeronin's feet out unknown mutant abilities were discovered. Because

from under him-and Seeker knew from the sick- of this he was banned from sumo wrestling forever.
68 3 ening CRACK! when Kazcronin hit the ground
that he'd broken his h ip, ond maybe a couple of ribs
CHAPTERNINE as well. Kazeronin lay on the ground and moaned.
Hokoyama Isao, ashamed o fhis son's "failure" to Seiki is not entirely lost, though. There is still
become a champion sumo, angrily brought him something of the kind and noble child that he once
home and informed him that he had disgraced his was lurking inside of him. For example, he tries
family. However, rather than waste his son's tal- hard to live by the best precepts of the bushi's code
ents, Hokoyama decided to train him to be an (such as loyalty to one's master [employer], and a
assassin. The katana was chosen to be his weapon of certain level of honorable treatment of one's oppo-
choice. nent). He would not, however, take things so far as
Seiki took to kenjuts u training almost as well as to commit seppuku i fhe failed one ofhis employers.
he had to sumo wrestling. Although he was still Given time and the right circumstances, Seiki could
large and immensely strong, kenjutsu training probably be turned back towards the light; it might
slimmed him down somewhat and gave him a new even be possible that he will one day become a
focus in life. However, try as hard as he might, he crimefighter, rather than a criminal.
could never please his father, who irrationally re- Seiki is married and has a young son. He is quite
fused to "forgive" Seiki for being a mutanteven as devoted to his family and strives to beam uch better
he usedSeiki's mutantpowers to further his dreams father to his son than Hokoyama Isao (Seiki cannot
of criminal empire. bring himself to refer to Hokoyama as "my father")
Finally, after a few years of this abuse, Seiki was to him. Anyone who threatens or harms
decided he'd had enough. Taking his katana with Kazeronin's family will live to regret it-but not for
him, he left his father's house for good and became very long.
a mercenary. Since that day his father has hunted Quote: "Winds of war, winds of victory, winds of
him, intending to kill him for the "disgrace" and death-I command them all. Surrender now or I
"dishonor" his "cowardice" has brought upon the will use them to destroy you."
Powers/Tactics: Kazeronin uses classical samurai
At some point during his mercenarycareer,Seiki
fighting techniques, with a twist-hiskatana is magi-
acquired a fabulous magical blade, the Sword of the
cal. The Sword of the Four Winds allows him to
Four Winds, which possesses several wind-based
command several different typesofwind-based pow-
powers. Seeing this as a "selling point," Seiki hired
ers. H is favorite is the Summer Wind, which allows
the Hanged Man (see Underworld Enemies) to con-
him to fly. He has practiced flying until he is quite
struct a stylized suit of modern samurai armor for
skilled at it; the only drawback is that he cannot fly
him and christened himself Kazeronin (roughly,
and use the blade to fight at the same time. As a
"Wind Warrior"). He now makes his living selling
result, he tends to use his flight powers for am-
his services to whatever criminal organization or
bushes, escapes, or surprise tactical maneuvers. The
agency is willing to buy them, although he will work
other wind powers are more offensive and often
at a discount for any organization opposing his
make good surprise attacks whe.n his opponent ex-
pects him to use a classical kenjutsu maneuver.
(Note: Kazeronin's acquisition of the Sword of
Despite the fact that he uses a lethal weapon and
the Four Winds has deliberately been left vague so
has killed many men, Kazeronin is no hardened
that GMs may work it into their campaigns in the
killer. In fact, he prefers not to kill, and will usually
most dramatic way possible. In the author's cam-
give his opponents a chance to surrender before he
paign, Kazeronin received it from Lin Hu, who
fights them. If possible, he will strike to wound or
hopes that the good spirits that inhabit the blade
to incapacitate rather than to kill. This tendency
will eventually bring out the nobility and goodness
has cost him some jobs, but he prefers the loss of the
which still lurks within Seiki. So far, however, Lin
money to the taint that he feels haphazard killing
Hu has been disappointed.)
would bring upon his soul.
Personality/Motivation: Kazeronin is very much Kazeronin's chief employers at present are vari-
his father's son. From an early age Seiki struggled ous yakuza families, a few wealthy street gangs, a
hard to please his father and meet the man's ex- Chinese tong or two, and occasionally certain intel-
travagant expectations. Every time he failed he ligence agencies. He works all over the world, but
became depressed and miserable, and every insult primarily in Japan and on the West Coast of the
o r denunciation leveled at him by his father hurt as United States. He makes his home in the States.
much as a physical blow.
Appearance: Kazeronin wears modern-day, high-
However, Seiki finally tired of this treatment and
tech version of the classical samurai armor, colored
the way it made him feel, so he decided to live
primarily white and light blue. His Sword of the
entirely for himself. Since beginning his mercenary
Four Winds is a well-made katana with a silver
career he has been greedy and selfish, interested
blade etched with scenes of clouds and winds.
primarily in benefiting himself. He carries a great
deal of anger towards his father, much more than
he could work out simply by deserting his father's
organization, so he tends to be bitter and quiet. His
employment sometimes brings him into conflict
with his father's men, which he finds at once trou-
bling and therapeutic. It is certainly more healthy
for him that it is for his father's men.
Escape +O +O 65 STR vs.
Kazeronin Grabs
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Grab, 60 to
Grab -1 -1
30 STR 20 lS- 1600 kg; 6d6 [3]
STR for
21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 holding on
22 CON 24 13-
Grappling +O +2 l 2d6 ; Target
18 BODY 16 13- Falls; Throw
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Must Follow
12 EGO 4 11- ECV:4
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 31hd6
Root +0 +0 6S to resist
10 COM 0 11- Shove; Block,
12 PD 6 Total: 24 PD/ 12 rPD
10 ED 6 Total: 22 ED/ 12 rED 65 STR to Shove
Shove +O +O
s SPD 19 Phases: 3, S, 8, 10, 12
Slap +2 +O 12d6
10 REC 0
Use Art In Armor
44 END 0
so STUN 6 Samurai Armor: Armor: + 12PD,+12 ED, OIF (24)
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Total Characteristic Cost: 142
Ambidexterity ( 3)
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Combat Sense II- (3)
Defense Maneuver: no attack is considered to be
Powers & Skills:
"from behind;" Multiple Attacker Bonuses are
Combat SkiUs: eliminated as to attackers Kazeronin can sense
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Hand-To- (5)
Hand Combat (20) Fast Draw 15- (7)
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 Levels w/ Flight (6) Lightning Reflexes: +6 DEX to go first (9)
The Sword of the Four Winds. OAF: Luck: ld6 (5)
Multipower (4S pt pool) (22) KS: Kenjutsu 11- (2)
u - Blade: HKA 2d6 (4d6 with STR) (30/1) [3+ J KS: Sumo Wrestling 11 - (2)
u - Summer Wind: Flight lS", 0 END (4S/2) [OJ KS: Japanese History & Culture 11- (2)
u - Autumn Wind: Telekinesis 20 STR, 0 END English: fluent conversation (2)
( 4S/2) [OJ Japanese: native (O)
u - Winter Wind: 3d6 EB, NND [LS: Immune Stealth 13- (3)
To Extreme Cold], Area Effect ( 12" Line,) WF: Common Melee Weapons, C_o mmon Missile
(4S/2) [4] Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
u - Spring Wind: EB 9d6 ( 4S/2) [4] Thrown Sword, Off Hand (8)
Martial Arts-Kenjiitsu (Blades Weapons Element
is default) (S7) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 214
Maneuver ocv DCV Notes Total Character Cost: 356
Bind +l +0 Bind, SOSTR
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
-1 SO STR Disarm Disadvantages: 100+
Disarm +I
Evade +S Dodge, Abort DNPC:
Lightning Stroke +2 +0 Weapon +6 Wife (Mitsuo), normal, 8- (10)
DC Strike Young son (Junzo). incompetent, 8- (15)
Running Stroke +l +O Weapon+ 4 Distinctive Features:
DC +v/S; Style Disadvantage ( 10)
FMove Enraged:
Sacrifice Stroke +I -2 Weapon +8 if DNPCs harmed, 11-, recover 8- ( 10)
DC Strike Hunted by:
Slashing Stroke -2 Hokoyama Isao, yakuza oyab1m, as powerful,
+1 NCI. 11 - (20)
Weapon + 8 the DEA, more powerful, NCI 8- (20)
DC Strike Psychological Limitation:
Takeaway +O +O Grab Code of the Bushi (15)
Weapon, 50 Greedy and selfish ( 15)
STR to Take Reputation:
Weapon Away Superpowered mercenary 11 - (10)
+ 4 Damage Classes (already added in) Secret Identity: Hokoyama Seiki ( 15)
(Note: Kazeronin cannot increase the damage his Villain Bonus (116)
swo rd's blade can do beyond 4d6 HKA total, Total Disadvantage Points 356
regardless of the combination of maneuvers and STR
he uses.)
Use Art Barehanded (Bind, Block, Disarm, Evade,
Takeaway only)
Martial Arts-Sumo Wrestling (23)

t 70
..___..._..._.. 3
Lin Hu An encounter with a Los Angeles superteam in
the late 1980s proved to be Lin Hu's salvation. One
Background/History: The legendary Lin Hu ("Jade of the heroes on that team, knowing who Lin Hu
Tiger") was born during the late eighteenth or early was and how dangerous an opponent he could be,
nineteenth century to a Chinese noble fomily. His attempted to mentally control him and drive him
ea rliest memory i.s oflearning fighting arts from his away with the command, "You oughtta be
father.an important general in the Emperors army, ashamed!" Lin Hu, who was deeply ashamedo fhis
and from anyone else his father could get to teach criminal activities, fell deeply under the mentalist's
him. He displayed such talent at the martial arts sway and left the premises, coming to his senses
that his father granted him permission to travel the only when he was miles away.
land and study under other masters. He never saw Kono alive again. By the time he
Lin Hu (although he was not yet known by that returned to the scene of the battle, Iron Dragon had
name) wandered all over the East, studying every been defeated and taken into custody, and Lin Hu
martial arts style he could find. i;rom India to Japan couldn't find him because (at that time) he didn't
he sat at the feet of the greatest maslers, tlbsorbing speak English well enough to negotiate the bureau·
their teachings with ease. His skill and determina· cratic maze of the California state penal system. He
tion were such that he was even able to locate the found a place to live in Los Angeles's Chinatown
fabled Yengtao Temple and learn from its masters; and waited for Iron Dragon's release. Iron Dragon
in lateryearsheoften returned thereto study and.to was freed on parole some months later, but before
teach. It was at Yengtao that he recdved his name. he could find Lin Hu he (Iron Dragon) was "ex-
Lin Hu realized after several decades that he was ecuted" by the Harbinger of Justice.
not aging as other humans did. In his typical philo· When Lin Hu found out what had happened, he
sophical manner, he took this reali7.ati.o n stoically, felt that honor demanded that he find and kill
and decided that it must be a resultofh 1s command Harbinger, to avenge his "friend." Whether he ever
of ch'i. Other than this he has never questioned or found the feared vigilante and what happened if he
thought about his longevity. did has never been recorded. What is known is that
Lin Hu's life took an unexpected turn for the about three months after the first Iron Dragon's
worse in the early 1980s when he encountered death, Lin Hu returned to the Orient.
KonoAkio. Lin Hu hnd gone into the mountains of There he encountered further misfortune-he
Japan to meditate and think, but was caught in an discovered that his beloved Yengtao Temple had
unexpected snowstorm. He had only lightweight been destroyed, along with almost all of its masters,
camping gear and clothing and very little food. He leaving him probably the most knowledgeable mar·
was in danger of dying when Kono Akio found him tial artist in the world. With this in mind, he once
and save<.! his life. Lin Hu felt that honor dictated again took to wandering, that he might better accu·
that he now serve Kono, since if it were not for mutate martial w~~dom and study philosophy. His
Kono he would be dead. brief time in the United States has left him with an
Unfortunately, Kono was not the charitable soul interest in Western culture and its martial arts, so he
he first appeared to be-in fact, he was a vicious is likely soon to return to the West to study here.
criminal and a murderer. He forced Lin Hu to teach
Personality/ Motivation: Lin Hu (or "Jade Tiger,"
him more martial arts skills and to help him com·
as he is known in the West) is a calm, philosophical
mit crimes for the yakuza. After Kono adopted the
man, as befits a master of the martial arts. He is
identity of "Iron Dragon" and became a freelance
rather pacifistic, and prefers to talk things over
criminal, Lin Hu followed him to the United States
rather than fight about them. However, if forced to
and continued to act as his partner, driven by his
fight, he will not pull any punches or hold himself
sense of honor to do things that he found repug·
back- his opponents invariably end up with bro-
nant and evil.
ken limbs and shattered ribs, at the least.

Jilde Tiger has devoted his life to acqu.iring knowl- Quote: "Fighting arts are more than a means to an
edge about the martial arts aud about philosophy; immediate end; they are a means of imprO/ing
if he hears about a 11H11'ti;il arts sryle he has not yet one'sinner self. They are not to be used casually or
studied he will do almoSt anything honorable to selfishly."
gain the chance to study it. He is presently looking Power11ffactics: Lin Hu is perhaps the youngest
forward to years of studying the martial arts styles immortal in the world today. f('° whatever reason,
of the West. He plans to start with various styles of he was born with a genetic structure that grants him
Wrestling, which he h;is never studied much, and virtual immortality (although he can die through
progress to more sophisticated unarmed styles, violi:nceor catastrophe). He hastakenadvantageof
such as Savate. It is during this "quest" that player this state to devote his long life to the study of the
characters are most likely lo internet with h im. martial arts. He has been called, not without some
In general, Lin Hu knows little ofWestern habits, justification, the greatest living martial artist, a title
customs, or manners of thinking. In many situa- he neither acknowledges nor disputes.
tions he will seem like a "fish out of water," and that Lin Hu's abilities encompass the range of powers
is exactly what he is-the full force of Occidental displayed by martial artists the world over. This is
culture is a little much for someone so used to simulated with a Variable Power Pool. Hand-To-
Eastern philosophies. GMs can use this aspect of Hand Attacks or HKAs are used to create martial
Lin Hu to create "clash of culture" scenarios and arts attacks, with Advantages, Talents, or other
similar roleplayi ng opportunities. Powers added to create unusual effects (for ex-
As his history with Iron Dragon shows, Jade ample, a "Throw" ability could be simulated with
Tiger is an extremely honorable and noble indi- the "Double Knockback" Advantage and some
vidual. He will refuse to take any "dishonorable" Lightning Reflexes). Examples of various other
actions, unless he is bound by his own promise or kinds ofabilities can be found in the sections of The
oath (the breaking of which would be the ultimate Ultimate Martial Artist dealing with Yen~tao
dishonor). He does his best to avoid situations in Temple, comic-book ninjutsu, and character cre-
which hcmightencouaterd ishonurable "entangle- ation.
ments," which makes him something ofa nomadic
Appearance: Lin Hu is a Chinese man ofindetermi-
loner. Unfortunately, the most common "entangle-
nate age. His hair is short and black. He usually
ment," challenges from other fighters, is one he
wears a gi-like outfit which is light jade green in
[cels h<lnorbound not to avoid; hcwitlfight anyone
color; the left side is embroidered with a picture of
who "calls him out" (much to the challenger's
a tiger, the right with the symbol of Yengtao, a
sapphire phoenix.
Some scholars of superhuman powers, notably
world-renowned genetics and psionics expert Ben Campaign Use: Lin Hu is not generally intended as
E. Scott, haveputforward the theory that Jade Tiger an opponent for PCs to fight. He would only be
is some sort of martial arts "gestalt," able subcon- encountered as a "villain" if his sense of honor for
sciously to draw on "the collected martial arts some reason brought him into conflict with the
wisdom of mankind." Lin Hu has never com- PCs. Instead, he is a teacher and student that they
mented upon this theory (if he even knows about may encounter from time to time. Most PCs would
it). be interested in studying under him because of the
Where Un Hu stands along the moral spectrum wealth of knowledge he has to offer; Lin Hu, in
is an intriguing question \.hat experts have debated turn, will be interested in studying under any PC
for some time. He rarely gets involved in <lisputes who knows a martial arts style or ahiliW that he does
or similar confrontations, preferring to let others not (an unlikely occurrence, but possible). Jade
set.He their diffcre11ce.s without his panicipation. Tiger can also be used as a moral and philosophical
When he has gotten involved in the past, it has adversary for characters who are excessively or
usually been on the side of the angels, but Lin Hu' s unjustifiably violent, or who abuse their martial
CX(\: l reasons for this have never been clearly ex- arts training.


Fukimi~ Bari, Fukiya, Iron Mandarin Duck,
Lin Hu Garotte, Hook Sword, Kiseru, Lajatang,
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Metsubishi, Net, Pendjepit, Rope Dart, Sling,
25 STR 15 14- Ti1
llOU kg; Sd6
Sling Bow, Steel Olive, Steel Toad, Straight
35 DEX 75 16- OCV: 12/DCV: 12
Razor, Three-Section Staff, Thrown Chains &
25 CON 30 14-
Rope Weapons, Thrown Sword, Urumi, Whip,
18 BODY 16 13-
Wind And Fire Wheels, Wishful Steel Ball, Off
20 INT 10 13- PERRoll 13-
Hand (34)
20 EGO 20 13- ECV:7
Scholar (3)
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack Sd6
KS: Analyze Style 13- (2)
10 COM 0 11-
KS: Philosophy 13- (emphasis on Oriental
15 PD 10 Total: 15 PD/ 15 rPD
philosophy) (2)
12 ED 7 Total: 15 ED
KS: The Martial World 16- (5)
8 SPD 35 Ph:2,3,5,6,8,~ 11, 12
KSs of the following martial arts styles, 13- each:
13 REC 6 Aikido, Arnis/Kali/Escrima, Banda, Bersilat,
50 END 0 Bojutsu, Fa Yengtao, Hapkido, Hsing-I,
50 STUN 7
Hwarang-Do, Jeet Kune Do, Jujutsu, Jojutsu,
Total Characteristic Cost: 246 Kalaripayit, Karate, Kenjutsu, Knifefighting,
Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4" Kuk Sool Won, Kung Fu, Kuntao, Kyujutsu,
Superleap: 20"/40" Naginatajutsu, Ninjutsu, Pakua, Pentjak-Silat,
Qwan Ki Do, Saijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Sojutsu,
Powers & Skills: Tae Kwon Do, Tai Ch'i Ch'uan, Tang Soo Do,
Combat Skills: Thai Kick-Boxing, Yu-Sool (the GM should
Combat Skill Levels: +8 Levels w/ Hand-To- add KSs for any major fictional styles used in
Hand (40) his world; Fa Yengtao is the only such skill
Skill Levels: + 2 Levels Overall given here). (66)
Range Levels: +4 Levels vs. Range Penalties, all Linguist (3)
attacks (l 2) Mandarin Chinese: native (0)
Martial Artist Abilities: Cantonese Chinese: completely fluent (2)
Martial Arts Abilities: Variable Power Pool (80 Fukienese Chinese: completely fluent (2)
pt pool), No Skill Roll Required To Change, Japanese: completely fluent (2)
Can Change Powers As A Zero-Phase Action, Korean: completely fluent (2)
Martial Arts Abilities Only(-!,~) (160) Vietnamese: completely fluent (2)
Martial Arts Weapons and Devices: Variable Malaysian: completely fluent (2)
Power Pool (60 pt pool), No Skill Roll Indonesian: completely fluent (2)
Required To Change, Only For Martial Arts Thai: completely fluent (2)
Weapons And Devices, Can Only Be Changed English: fluent conversation (I)
In An Arsenal (-1/2) (84) Spanish: fluent conversation ( l) ·
Breath Control: Damage Resistance: 15 PD, Not French: fluent conversation (I)
Versus Guns (-1/4), Location 18 (left foot) Portuguese: fluent conversation ( l)
Left Undefended ( - 1A) ( 5) Traveler (3)
Iron Will: Damage Reduction, 25%, physical and AK: China 13- (2)
energy, resistant; Requires A CON Roll, STUN CK: Hong Kong 13- (2)
Only (IS) AK: Japan 13- (2)
Superleap: + 15" (20" forward, 10" upward) (15) AK: Korea 11- (l)
[115"] AK: Southeast Asia 11- (Vietnam, Thailand, etc.)
Runn ing: +3" (9" total) (6) ( 1/5"] (l)
Mutant Powers: AK: India 11 - (I)
Immortality: Life Support: Immune to Aging, AK: Indonesia/Malaysia 11- (I)
Immune To Disease (6) AK: Philippines 11- (I)
Martial Artist Skills and Talents: Total Powers & Skills Cost: 609
Combat Sense 15- (7)
Danger Sense 15-, self only, out of combat, any Total Character Cost: 855
attack (28)
Full Defense Maneuver ( 10) Disadvantages: 100+
Lightning Reflexes: +6 DEX to go first (9)
Lightsleep (3) Hunted by:
Various people who want to learn from him
Resistance (IO points) (I 0)
Simulate Death (3) and/or challenge him to fight, 8- (10)
Psychological Limitation:
Acrobatics 16- (3)
Breakfall 16- (3) Driven 10 seek knowledge of the martial arts and
of philosophy (20)
Climbing 16- (3)
Honorable (25)

Contortionist 16- (3)
High Society 13- (3) Pacifistic philosopher ( 15)
Sleight OfHand 16- (3) Reputation:
World's greatest martial artist 14· (limited
Stealth 16- (3)
group: the Martial World) (10)
Survival 11- (3)

Villain Bonus (675)
Tracking 13- (3)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Total Disadvantage Points: 855 73
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
Small Arms, Arare, Flying Claw/Guillotine, CHAPTERNINE
Designer's Note: Shaking his head at Lin H u's intransigence, Seeker "Hmmm. Maybe, mate, but I think there's a
Readers should note continued on his way. After just a few minutes of better answer. 'Ave you gotten one of these re-
several things about walking, he reached the building he was looking cently?" Seeker showed Chase the invitation scroll
Nightwind's design for-a dusty-looking old place, virtually a hole in Dr. Wu had given him.
that they may want to the wall on one of Chinatown's many back streets. "Yeah, I sure did. Master Zhu says it's a real
change. First. not ev- Even most inhabitants of Chinatown were unaware honor, but I've never heard of this "Tournament of
ery slot in his martial that there lived in their midst a man who was once the Dragon" before. You think that has something
arts Multipower is as one of the world's greatest martial artists. to do with the attack?"
powerful as it could be. Seeker realized that something was wrong when "Definitely, mate. For the past several months,
Many ofthe slots could he got closer to the building-there was a big sheet martial artists all over the world 'ave been attackin'
have extra dice or Ad- of industrial plastic where there used to be a plate one another, trying to eliminate the competition in
vantages added to them glass window with the words "KUNG FU" painted advance. I think Xiu Kwan was just gettin' a jump
for only a point or two; on it. Cautiously, he approached the door and on the Tuurney. What does Master Zhu think?"
this was deliberately opened'it. "Steve? Master Zhu?" he called out. "He agrees with you, Seeker," came a voice from
done to meet a concep- A couple of seconds later, a familiar black-haired the stairway door. Seeker turned, saw Master Zhu
tion, rather than face appeared from around a corner. "Don!" Steve there, and bowed deeply. "It is good to have you in
achieve a certain dice Chase exclaimed, pleased to see his friend. our house again, Seeker."
total, but it may Leave "What th' 'ell 'appened 'ere, mate?" Seeker asked, "I tis good to be 'ere, Master, I only wish that the
Nightwind underpow- gesturing at the plastic with his left hand as he circumstances were better ones. I came to warn the
ered for higher-Level shook hands with Chase with his right. two of you about all these attacks, but I guess I'm
games. Second, "We were attacked." too late."
Nightwind pays for "Attacked? By who? A rival school? One of the "Indeed. But fortunately no harm befell us, only
bothofhisDesertEaglc tongs?" our window," Master Zhu said, his eyes twinkling.
handguns separately, "No, none of them would do something like this, "You agree with me that this 'as somethin' to do
but GMs might allow they respect Master Zhu too much. This was an with the Tournament, Master?"
him simply to reduce assassin, I think-he was after me." "Yes, Seeker, I do. Cong Feng is too proud yet to
the "Focus" limitation "Who was it, didja know 'im?" be hiring assassins-and too poor yet to be able to
to reflect the fact that "I think so. He wore a black night-suit and a red afford Xiu Kwan. The Tournament of the Dragon
hehastwoOAFs, which demon's-head mask. Xiu Kwan." is a more logical explanation."
take longer to take "Sounds like it. You're lucky to be alive, mate. "One of the other reasons I came 'ere was to ask
away from him. 'Ow'd it go?" you about the Tournament, Master, and the Death
"He just walked in the door, bowed, and began Dragon. What do you know of these things?"
throwing shuriken!" Chase said with a sort ofshrug. "More than most, though not as much as others.
"I'd been sweeping out the kwoon, so I used the I have competed in the Tournament twice, though
broom to block a couple of them. Then I used the I never won."
Unfolding Lotus Blossom technique to block the "You never told me of this, Master," Chase said.
rest; otherwise, l'd've been a pincushion. I think he "You never asked."
took it as a challenge; he just kept throwing more For the next hour or two, Master Zhu told the
and mo.re of them." Chase gestured at the wall two of them about his experiences in the Tourna-
behind him, indicating the numerous holes from ment-the ceremonies and speeches, strategies to
the shuriken. "Damned ifl could tell where he was use in each of the Five Arenas, and much else
getting all of those blades, though." besides. When it was timefor Seeker to leave, he felt
"Well, Master Zhu heard the noise and came much better about the Tournament than he had
down to investigate. When he saw what was hap- before.
pening, he shouted at Xiu Kwan. Xiu responded "Master Zhu, I thank you for your assistance," he
with a couple of throwing blades, but Master Zhu said, bowing deeply. "I 'ope that I may be able to
simply blocked them with the door. That gave me repay you one day."
the chance to move forward and hitXiu Kwan with "(am glad to help you, Seeker. It will be a sad day
the Catapulting Blow ofLoc Sun Pak. That's what when someone unlike you or my student does not
broke the window. I hit him pretty hard, though, win the Tournament. Far too many bad men have
and after that he must've run away, because we begun to compete in it."
never saw him again." "Steve, I'll see you around. Whistle if you need
"Any idea 'oo was be'ind it?" any 'elp dealin' with Jade Phoenix and 'is goons."
"Jade Phoenix, I figure. He's finally figured out "Will do, Seeker. Take care while you're out there
thathe can'tbeatmehimself, so he's decided to hire saving the world, okay?"
assassins to do his work for him." "Too right!" Seeker said, grinning.

74 3
Nightwind At last, almost seven years after his arrival, Chase
had learned all that the Yengtao instructors could
Background/History: Steve Chase grew up in Cali- teach him of the martial arts. They praised him as
fornia studying martial arts. The firsL time he saw one of their best students ever. Cong Feng received
the television show "Kung Fu" he was fascinated by similar praise, but to him it w.1s cold comforl-
martial arts, and living where he did he had plenty Cong, an evii man, lusted after power, and he hated
of opportunities lo study them. Throughout his Chase and the Yengtao instructors for rivaling his
youth and adolescence they were his one great, skill.
overwhelminginterest. /\ ndhe was good at lhem- Cong's evil schemes and plans to become the
he won tournaments, brought home trophies, and only living Ycngtao master resulted in the destruc-
earned a name for himself as a skilled, ifsometimes tion of Yengtao Temple, as has been told before.
overly flamboyant, fighter. What Cong did not know al that time was that
When his parents died, making him an orphan at Chase managed to escape the destruction of the
eighteen, he didn't know what 10 do. Finally, follow- Temple and returned to the Stales, where he took
ing a suggestion from one of his sensei, he used some up residence in the campaign city. Chase used the
of his inheritance to take an extended tour of the Far rest of his inheritance to set up a martial arts school
East. Naturally, his travels were based around his where he and Zhu Hsaio could teach Kung Fu.
martial arts skills-he visited and trained in many As fate would have it, Cong Peng had also made
schools and dojos in Japan and China, learning new his way to the campaign city, attracted by the size of
techniques and making fricnds. llul hewasstill nagged its Chinatown and the potential of its underworld.
by this feeling of nol being the best he could be. There He began to establish himself as a Chinatown
was more he could learn, and he knew it. crimelord known as the Jade Phoenix. When Chase
Finally someone told him a legend about the heard about this, he decided to put his skills to best
Yengtao Temple. where ancientmysteriesand tech- use by becoming a hero, Nightwind, who would
niques supposedly were preserved and taught. Chase oppose Cong and others like him who wanted to
tried tu gather information on Yengtao, but discov- corrupt Chinatown and the city as a whole.
ered that there was very liule. Eventually, he look to
hiking all over Asia, searching for it in out of the Personality/Motivation: Night wind is, by and large,
a good and heroic person. He feels honor bound to
way places.
At last, one day, in the mountains. he came upon fight crime, do good deeds, and right wrongs. His
a little hidden valley wherein he found the Temple sense of "honor" also dictates some other kinds of
ofYengtao. The doorkeeper, intrigued by the pres- behavior (as detailed above).
ence of a Westerner, let him in. He was greeted by
an old Chinese man, Zhu Hsaio. After Chase ex-
plained his "quest" in broken Chinese, Zhu Hsaio
laughed and showed him around the temple, where
persons of all races and ages studied and perfected
their skills.
Chase, who was given the nickname"Nightwind"
because he walked so quietly, began training in the
warrior's school under Zhu Hsaio. After just a few
days of practice, he realized that this was exactly
what he had been looking for-the proper training
to match his potential. At Yeagtao Temple, one
who was worthy could receive virtually any sort of
martial arts training that he desired and deserved.
Chase, ambitious and talented, chose to study
some of the most difficult styles and maneuvers,
including the fabled, semi-mystical Yengtao arts
themselves. He excelled, and soon was one of the
most skillful figh ters in the school. The only other
pupil who rivaled him was a Chinese youth named
Cong Feng, whose nickname was QI F~n g ("Jade
Phoenix"). Full of the pride of youth, the two
quickly became enemies. Their rivalry soon esca-
lated to the point where Cong, a wicked man,
would take any opportunity to belittle Chase or to
ambush him and beat him. Chase's pride barely
allowed him to tolerate the insults, but he saw the
ambushes as a form of practice (even if he lost as
many as he won). It is a tribute to both of their skills
at stealth that their masters never caught them
fighting, which would surely have resulted in their
expulsion from the Temple.
Third, Nightwind's However, Nightwind is not without his flaws. Nightwind
Bladed Yengtao Weap- First of all, he has a great love of excitement and Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
ons are bought as an danger, a desire to "live on the edge," which tends 15 STR s 12- 200kg;3d6 [l]
HKA with the "Vari- to make him a bit too reckless and daring when he 30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
able Special Effects" fights. So far this hasn't gotten him in serious 18 CON 16 13-
Advantage. The Advan- trouble, but eventually it will. Second, all of 10 BODY 0 11-
tage is bought "sepa- N ightwind's martial arts training still has not erased 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
rately" because there one of his greatest flaws, his pride. Nightwind is a 14 EGO 8 12- BCV: 5
is a Limitation that ap- g(lod fighter, and he knows it. He dislikes being 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
12 COM 1 11-
plies only to it-the spe- insulted, taunted, or humiliated, anti he almost
12 PD 9 Total: 18 PD/ 6 rPD
cial effects of the at- never refuses a challenge to combat. His pride also 10 ED 6 Total: 16 EDI 6 rED
tacks (i.e., exactly creates in him a great hatred fr1r his enemy, QI Feng, 6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
which weapons which causes him to act impetuouslywhcn Qi Hng 8 REC 2
Nightwind chooses to is a factor. Zhu Hsaio has admonished him about 36 END 0
use) can only be both of these altitudes on many occasions, but as 30 STUN 3
changed when he has yet Chase has not learned the lesson properly. Total Characteristic Cost: 138
access to his arsenal of Quote: "Guns? Who cares ifthsy've got gum;? I can Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4"
weapons(orsomeother defeat those thugs with my Sublime Whirlwind Superleap: 7"/14"
source of weapons). In technique!"
essence, this is a way to Powers & Skills:
Powers/Tactics: Nightwind's Yengtaotraininggives Combat Skills:
buy the equivalent ofa
him many options in hand-to-hand combat. His Combat Skill Levels:+ 2 Levels w/ Hand-To-
very limited form of
skills are almost unrivaled in the modern world; he Hand (10)
Variable Power Pool
isoneofascant handful of people who puslless true Yengtao Abilities:
for a relatively small Multipower (60 pt pool) (60)
kntMledgc of Yengtao techniques. At range, he
number ofpoints. u - Basic Punch/Kick: HA +9d6 ( 12d6 w/ STR).
cannot fight as effectively. I-le does carry weapons,
GMs should note that 1h END (40/4) {2+]
including l wo large handguns, for situations where
the weapons also take u - Knifehand Blow: HA +5d6 (7d6 w/ STR),
he prefers not to get too close to his opponent, but
a -0 Limitation, Armor Piercing,~ END (3013) {2+]
his code of honor prevents him from using weap-
"Weapons Do Appro- u - The Fist of the Five Warriors: HA +5d6
ons u nless weapon" or superpowers arc first used (7d6 wt STR), Autofire (5 shots), 0 END,
priate Dam.age. " This
against him. Accordingly, one of his main tactics is May Only Be Used On A Single Target
means that ifNightwind
to close with his uppenents as soon as possible. (- 1/•), No Knockback (37/4) {O+]
chooses to use, for ex-
Unless he is fi gh ting an opponent he knows u - The Sublime Whirlwind of Cheng-H wan:
ample, a Yengtao cres- HA +5d6 (6~d6 wt STR), Area Effect: One
something about, Nightwind usually delays for a
cent shuriken, he can Hex, Personal Immunity,~ END (3013) [l]
Phase or two and acts defensively while assessing
only do as much dam- u - The Catapulting Blow of Loe Sun Pak: HA
his enemy':; strengths and weaknesses. So111etimes,
age as the crescent +5d6 (61hd6 w/ STR), Double Knockback
though, his love ofdanger and action prompts him
rhuriken is listed as (26/3) {3]
to leap right into -the thick of things without a
ioing in The Ultimate u - Killing Strike: HKA ld6 (2d6 HKA with
second thought. This unpredictability may work to STR), ~END; No Knockback (2212) {l+]
Martial Artist, page
his advantage on occasion, but it usually gets him u - Hiragoyoshi's Waltzing Butterfly: HA
232, even though he has
iJHO trouble. +5d6 (6~d6w/ STR), NND {rigid rPD on
oaid for a I Hd6
Ranged HKA. Also, he Appearance: Nightwindis a tall (6'2"), black-haired vital spots], 0 END, Only Works On
young man. His costume has silver-gray boots, Humans(-!/•) (37/4) {O+]
can only apply the
trunks, belt, holsters, and fo1carms; and black leg- u - The Seven Strikes uf Serenity: Entangle 4d6
"Ranged" Advantage DEF 4, Takes No IJamagc (+ 1h); Nu Range,
for the HKA to weap- gings, lUnic, upper arms, and gloves (the gloves
Activation Rull 14-, 4 Charges, Co~ts END,
'Jns which can be used have the fingertips cut outo(them). The tunic has Only Works On Humans(-~). Only Works
~t range-arrows, av-split front which merges into a high cellar- the Once Per Hour Per Tacget (-1h) (6012) 16*)
throwing blades, inside of the collar is silver-gray and the outside is u - Zheng Hsiang's Hand of the Dawn: Flash
rhrownswords, andthe black. His mask is a black domino, which leaves 2d6 Sight Group, NND Irigid eye protection
like. most of his face uncovered and his short black hair or oddly-located eyes], No Range,
free. On his upper left arm ii; a patch depicting the Activation Roll 14-, 2x END (6012) ( 12]
S:1pphire Phoenix, the symbol ofYengtao: a rnyal u - Tsurimi Yoshio's Hand of the Winds: HA
blue phoenix surrounded by a ring of royal blue 8d6 ( l0d6 w/ STR), Invisible to Sight
name. Group, No Knockback (36/3) {4+]
u - The First Hand of the Phoenix: HA +5d6
(7d6 wt STR), Indirect ( +1A), 0 END; No
Knockback (2612) {O+]

u - The Harmonious Fist of Okano Akira:
Drain4d6STUN,Activate 14- (40/3) {4]
u - The Unfolding Lotus Blossom: 12 PD
Force Wall, Hardened, Activate 14-, Extra
Time (full Ph<1se), Se1f And Self's Hex Only

(-1.1.i) plus Defense Maneuver (3712) [4}

Martial Arts-Yengtao Style (23)
Qi Feng
Maneuver OCV DCV
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Background/History: Cong Feng's course of study
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort at Yengtao Temple and his role as the destroyer of
Escape +o +O 30 STR vs.Grabs the Temple are chronicled in Tile Ultimute M.artial
Grab -1 -1 Grab. 25STR Artist, pages 238-243. The description of the hero
for holding on Nightwind, found elsewhere in this book, contains
Takeaway +O +O Grab
Weapon, 25 further details.
STR to take Following his destruction of Yengtao Temple
weapon away and murder of all of the masters then present at the
Throw +O +l 3d6 + vel/5; T11.mple, Ceng drifted to Hong Kong, where he put
Target Falls his martial arts skills (which were, and are, consid-
Weapons & Equipment: erable) to work for the Triad gangs. After a year or
Desert Ellgle .44 Motgnum: RKA 2d6, +I STUN two of this, he tired of taking orders from others
Modifier, OAF. No Knockback, S Charges (16) and decided to establish his own criminal empire.
Anolher Desert Eagle ( 16) (Sc) However, the Triads had Hong Kong sewn up, so
Bladed Yengtao Weapons: HKA l 1hd6 (21hd6 he decided (much·to his disgust) tha tthe only thing
with STR). Ranged, OAF, Weapons Do left to do was go to America, land of opportunity.
Appropriale Damage (·O) ( Ill) (4) Cong arrived in the campaign city and set up a
Arsenal: Variable Special Effccls (any bladed small merchant shop in Chinatown, selling martial
martial arts weapon, +IA) for Bladed Yengtao arts supplies and similar equipment. He did not,
Weapons; OAF, Can Only Be Changed In An
Arsenal (-1h) (2) [OJ however, establish his own dojo; he had no inten-
Armored Costume: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED, OIF tion of teaching his great martial arts "secrets" to
(12) lesser men. At night he worked in the underworld,
Martial Arts Abilities: first for a couple of tongs (so that he could build a
Superleap: +4" (7" forward, 4" upward) (4) ( 1/5") "war chest"), but eventually only for himself. To-
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) [1/5") day he is a minor but growing power in the Asian
Martial Artist Skills and Talents: underworld, a dangerous counterpoint to the tongs
Combat Sense 13- (5)
Acrobatics 15- (3) and the yakuza. His followers are not much better
Breakfall 15- (3) lban a street gang, but he has taught them enough
Climbing 12· (3) basic kung fu for them to hold their own in a fight.
KS: The Martial World 11- (2) Personality/Motivation: Qi Feng is vicious, crude,
KS: Kung Fu 11- (2)
Japanese: fluent conversatiGn(2) hot-tempered, arrogant, racist, sadistic, and ambi-
Mandarin Chinese: fluent conversation (2) tious-the perfect combination for a potential
English: native crimelord. To top all of this off, he is murderously
Stealth 15- (3) jealous of anyone whose martial arts prowess (par-
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile ticularly with kung fu) even approach.es his own,
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6) and he will seek to kill or cripple any such fighters.
Crimefighting Skills:
Streetwise 12- (3) It was this envy that led him to destroy Yengtao
CK: Campaign City 11- (2) Temple; ironically, if he had devoted more time
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 233 and energy to studying and training and less to
brooding about the successes that other students
Total Character Cost: 371 earned, he might not have had such a difficult time
learning the special Yengtao abilities.
Disadvantages: 100+ Quote: "Ha ha ha ha ha! Is that the best you can do?
Psychological Limitation: Let me teach you the true meaning of martial arts
Love of danger :md excitement (211)
Code Of Honor-will only use weapons if mastery!"
weapons or superpgW(!rS are used againsl him Powersffactics: Jade Phoenix (a name taken from
first; will fight honorahly (will not attack from his days at Yengtao) is a master ofkung fu. He has
behind, will not refuse personal du11lenges to trained in it for most of his life, and has studied all
combat, for example); will treat ladies and of its major substyles and many lesser-known
elders with respect, and will only fight women
if 1hey attack him first (20) substyles. Because of his arrogance, he has never
Proud, hates to be beaten or humiliated ( 15) had much success at cultivating his ch•; or develop-
Reputation: ing any or the advanced powers displayed by those
Highly-skilled martial artist, 14- (limited group: who master their ch 'i ( includi ngthe famed Yengtao
the Martial World) 10) abilities). The only ones he has ever learned are the
DNPC: "iron skin" ability and a unique form of dim mak
Zhu Hsaio, aged mentor (competent), S- (10)

Hunted by: that he developed. It is possible that he may teach
QI Feng. as powerful, 11- ( 15) himself other abilities over time; age, after all, often
the Yakuza, more powerful, NCI, S- (20) brings wisdom.
Secret Identity: Stephen J. Chase, martial arts
instrnctor (IS)
Experience (l 46)
Jade Phoenix usually favors an aU-out offense in
combat, and prefers kicks to punches. He will keep
his Combat Skill Levels in OCV and use them to
77 3
Total Character Cost: 371 take Placed Shots to vulnerable locations (the head, CHAPTERNl NE
the vitals) unless it becomes apparent that his op· Martial Arts Abilities:
ponent can hit him easily. He also likes to use his Iron Skin: Damage Resistance: 12 PD, Not
Acrobatics to move around his opponents and Versus Guns(-%) (S)
attack them from behind or other favorable posi- Jade Phoenix Dim Mak: Drain 10d6 STUN
Drain, return at the rate of S Character Points
tions. Per Hour (+ 1), Invisible To Sight And Sound,
Appearance: Cong Feng is a large man, standing Gradual Effect (take ld6 of each Drain per day,
about6' tall and weighing200 puundsofrock-solid -1 3A), Can Be Cured By Chinese Healing,
muscle. He normally wears fashionable men's suits. Character Must Make Ordinary Chinese
When he acts as Jade Phoenix, he wears a jade green Healing Roll, Attacker Must Make A Sequence
kung fu outfit with a stylized Chinese phoenbc on OfTwo Blows, Which Do No Damage, And
Timing Must Be Perfect (-1 3A), Activation
the chest and a jade green half-face mask. He always
Roll 14-, 1 Charge, Costs END (33) (27)
tries to display some sort of jade phoenix some-
SuP,~rleap: + 11" ( lS" forward, 8" upward),
where .on his person. Requires An Acrobatics Roll (-'h) (7) [l/S']
Martial Artist Skills:
Qi Feng Acrobatics 14- (3)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Breakfall 14- (3)
20 STR 10 13- 400 kg; 4d6 [2] KS: Analyze Style 11- (2)
27 DEX Sl 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 KS: Chinese Healing 11- (2)
23 CON 26 14- KS: Kung Fu lS- (6)
20 BODY 20 13- KS: The Martial World 11- (2)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
14 EGO 8 12- ECV:S Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
23 PRE 13 14- PRE Attack 41hd6 Small Arms, Hook Sword, Three-Section Staff,
18 COM 4 13- Thrown Sword, Whip (12)
12 PD 8 Total: 12 PD/ 12 rPD Crimelord Skills:
10 ED s Total: 10 ED KS: Campaign City Underworld 11- (2)
7 SPD 33 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 KS: Chinese Tongs & Triads 11- (2)
10 REC 2 English: fluent conversation (2)
46 END 0 Hakka Chinese: native (O)
4S STUN 3 Streetwise 14- ( 3)
Total Characteristic Cost: 186 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 187
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Total Character Cost: 373
Superleap: lS"/30"
Powers & Skills: Disadvantages: 100+
Combat Skills: Distinctive Features:
Combat Skill Levels: +8 Levels w/ Kung Fu Jade phoenix symbol worn somewhere on his
Martial Arts-Kung Pu (79) person (easily concealed) (S)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Style Disadvantage (IO)
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Hunted by:
Disarm -I +I SO STR Disarm Nightwind (or appropriate PC), as powerful, 11-
Dodge +o +s Dodge, Abort (IS)
Escape +O +O SS STR vs.Grabs the D.E.A., more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Flying Kick +1 +o STR +v/5; Psychological Limitation:
Full Move Casual killer (20)
Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Greedy and ambitious (20)
Limbs, SO STR Can't stand not to be the best; will try to kill all
for holding on who challenge his mastery of kung fu ( 15)
Kick -2 +l 12d6 Hatred of Occidentals ( I 0)
KnifeHand -2 +O 2d6+1 HKA Reputation:
Legsweep +2 -I 9d6; Target Falls Up-and-coming crimelord 11 - (limited group:
Punch +O +2 10d6 Chinatown) (IO)
Sand Palm +O +O S5 STR to Rivalry:
Shove With other kung fu masters (professional) (S)
Throw +O +I 8d6 +v/S, Secret Identity: Cong Feng, Chinatown merchant
Target Falls (IS)
Tien-hsueh Strike -I +l 4d6 NND(l) Villain Bonus (128)
Tiger Claw +O +O 12d6 Crush,
Total Character Cost: 373
Must Follow
+4 Damage Classes (already added in)
Use Art with Axes/Maces/Picks, Blades, Clubs, Hook
Sword, Pole Arms, Staff, Three-Section Staff, Whip

Xiu Kwan Xiu Kwan believes himself to be the last of the /in
kuei. (Whether Xiu Kwan's belief is correct or not
Background/History: Xiu Kwan's life has been is up to the GM.) This belief is bolstered by the fact
nothing but training and com hat. His first mem~ that he has never met or been contacted by another
ries arc of a man he calls "Sifu" ("master" or /in kuei. He would like to find an apt student to
"teacher"), who trained him in the ways of the /in
whom he can pass on his knowledge of AnCh'i,and
kuei, China's "forest demons." Whether Sifu was even has hopes of reviving the fin kueias a brother-
his father, or whether he was kidnapped from or hood of assassins.
given up by his parents, Xiu Kwan has never known.
All he has known is the blade. Quote: None. Xiu Kwan never speaks in combat or
From the time he was able to walk, Sifu trained when confronting his targets or enemies.
him to bring his body to its physical peak. His Powers/Tactics: Xiu Kwan has received extensive
strength, intellecl, swift ness, agility, and endurance training in the fighting arts, skills, and abilities of
were constantly tested, each test harder than the the Lin kuei, the Chinese equivalent of the ninja. As
last. He passed all of the lests, but Sifu never lav- a result, he can turn any small object into a danger-
ished 'v'() r~ of praise upon him- he just sent him ous throwing weapon, move with utter stealth, or
on to the next test. display a variety of semi-mystical powers (GMs
When Xiu Kwan'sbody and mind had been prop- should use the gadgets and ab iii ties discussed in the
erly strengthened, Sifu taught him the ancient art of "Advanced Ninjutsu" section of The UJtirnateMar-
An Ch'i, with its lethal attacks, stealthy foo twork. tiaL Artistto simulate Xiu Kwan's abilities).
and razor-sharp throwing weapons. When Xiu Kwan Xiu Kwan is a skilled and clever tactician who will
could move across a fielli of dry grass without dis- choose his weapons, method of attack, and scene of
turbing the mice and could slice a fly in two with a attack with cace. One of his favorite tactics, dropping
thrown blade, Sifu moved on to the next stage of his a smoke grenade and then using his Tunneling abil-
traini ng, the mystic abilities and other special pow- ity to "vanish," is boughtoutsideofhis Power Pool so
ers or the /in kuei. Xiu Kwan rook to them as he had that he can use it al any time; other abilities will be
taken to his previous training. with determination chosen with an eye towards a particular mission or
and drive, and event ually mastered them all. target. His weapons <tnd tools can be switched when-
Sifu never introduced Xiu Kwan to any other ever he visits his nrmory; to change from one special
members of his dark brotherhood, for he told his ability to another, Xiu Kwan must meditate exten-
pupil that he was now the last of the fi11 kw:i, and Xiu sively on certain mantras and symbols.
Kwan never questioned him. Then,at long last, Sifu Appearance: When on a mission where he docs not
~ickened and died, leaving Xiu Kwan only his skills need to disguise himself, Xiu Kwan wears the tradi-
and powers as a legacy. tional oudit of the fin kuei: a black night-suit simi-
Xiu Kwan determined that, as the last of the Lin lar to a ninja's igab<lkama, plus a red demonic mask.
kuei, it was his duty to take up the mantle of his On some occasions he has worn red clothing and
brotherhood and continue their work. Using the styled himself Hong Kuei, the "Red Demon" or
skills and contacts provided by Sifu, he made him- "Scarlet Demon."
self known to those men who would be interested
in hiring 0 ne with his talents. After a time, one of
these men offered him a job, a difficult assassina· Xiu Kwan
tion of a business rival. Xiu Kwan took the job and Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
did so well with it that he soon had many other
20 s'tR 10 13- 400 kg; 4il6 [2]
26 DEX 48 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9
offers ofemployment. Since that time he has worked 21 CON 22 13-
for dozens of employers all 0 ver the globe, earning IS BODY 10 12-
money from some and enmity from others. 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 16-
Personality/Motivation: Xiu Kwan has been trained 17 EGO 14 12- ECV:6
virtually since birth as an assassin and mercenary, 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6
and this shows in his attitudes towards others. He 10 COM 0 11-
13 PD 9 Total: 19 PD/ 6 rPD
has little sym pathy or affection for anyone, and is 12 ED 8 Total: 18 ED/ 6 rED
distant and aloof even with long-time associates. 6 SPD 24 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
This outlook allows him to view his victims clini- 10 REC 4
cally and objectively, so that he feels no remorse 42 END 0
because of their deaths. While he does not revel in 40 STUN 4
destruction and murder, he does feel a certain Total Characteristic Cost: 171
satisfaction when a job is successfully completed. Movement: Running: 10"/20" Swimming: 2"/4"
Xiu Kwan is absolutely loyal to whoever is em-

Superleap: 16"/32"
ploying him at the moment. After the contract is
completed he might turn around and take a job
against that employer, but while he is under con-
lrnct nothing, n ot even torture, can make him turn
against his master. In the interest of "good cus-
tomer relations," he will often lllrn dow11 johs that ~ 79
require him to attack former employers, but a
sufficiently large payment can gel him to take al-
most any job.
Powers & Skills: Combat Driving 14- (3)
Combat Skills: Computer Programming 8- (l)
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ An Ch'i ( 12) Concealment 13- (3)
Range Levels: +6 Levels vs. Range, all attacks ( 18) Contortionist 14- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: +4 OCV, Only To Cryptography 13- (3)
Counteract Hit Location Modifiers (10) Demolitions 11- (3)
Skill Levels: +2 Levels Overall (20) Disguise 13- (7)
Martial Arts-An Ch'i (42) High Society 13- (3)
HTH Maneuvers OCV DCV Notes Interrogation 13- (3)
Block +2 +2 Block,Abort Cantonese Chinese: fluent conversation (2)
Dodge +S Dodge, Abort Mandarin Chinese : native (O)
Nerve Strike -I +I 3 lf2d6 NND(l) English: fluent conversation (2)
Strike +0 +2 9d6 Strike Japanese: fluent conversation (2)
+ 3 Damage Classes (already added in) Lockpicking 14- (3)
Use Art with Blades, Polearms, Staff Mimicry 11-(3)
Rng Maneuvers OCV DCV Rng Notes Paramedics 13- (3)
Basic Shot +o +o +2 Weapon +2 DC Security Systems 13- (3)
Defensive Shot - I +2 +0 Weapon Stealth 14- (3)
Quick Shot +1 +O +O Weapon +2 DC Streetwise 13- (3)
(Note: The Ranged HKA slot in Xiu Kwan's Survival 13- (3)
Multipowcr cannot be increased beyond ld6+ I, Systems Operation 13- (3)
regardless of the combination of STR and maneuvers Tactics 13- (3)
used; his RKA weapons can be increased to 2d6 Tracking 13- (3)
maximum with maneuvers only.) TF: All Ground Vehicles, All Air Vehicles (4)
Vcntriloquism 11- (3)
Lin Kuei Abilities: WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Throwing Abilities: Multipower (30 pt pool) (30) Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
u - HKA l/2d6 (ld6+ l with STR), Ranged, Small Arms, Fukimi-Bari, Fukiya, Garotte, Net,
OIF (sharp/pointed objects of opportunity), Whip, Off Hand (14)
No Knockback (30/1) [3+ ]
Weaponsmith 11- (Muscle-Powered) (3)
u - EB 6d6, OIF (blunt objects of opportunity),
Scholar (S)
No Knockback (30/1) (3} KS: An Ch'i lS- (S)
Lin KueiSpecial Powers and Gadgets: Variable KS: Analyze Style 12- (2)
Power Pool (60 pt pool), Can Only Be KS: The Espionage World 12- (2)
Changed In An Arsenal/Over Time With KS: The Martial World 12- (2)
Meditation Techniques (-lh) (80)
KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 12-(2)
Keen Senses: +3 Levels w/ PER Rolls (9)
Superleap: + 12" (16" forward, 8" upward), Total Powers & Skills Cost: 454
Requires An Acrobatics Roll (-112) (8) ( l/S"]
Total Character Cost: 62S
Tunneling: l", can fill in hole behind him;
Maximum Distance l" Per Tunnel (- 1) (7) [l)
Lin Kuei Weapons: Disadvantages: 100+
Throwing Blades and Spikes (concealed on Xiu Distinctive Features:
Kwan's person): RKA l d6, Armor Piercing, Style Disadvantage ( 10)
Autofire (S shots), 32 Recoverable Charges, Hunted by:
IAF, No Knockback (23)[32rc] the C.I.A., more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Concealable Smoke Grenades: Darkness 3"r to the World Security Bureau, more powerful, NCI,
Sight Group; IAF Range Based On STR (-1/• ) , 8- (20)
Do Not Work In Winds/Rain (-!A), 8 Charges Psychological Limitation:
(16) [Sc] Casual Killer (20)
Concealed Body Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED), Code of the Mercenary (20)
IIF (14) Reputation:
Athletic Abilities: Last of the lin kuei, 14- (extreme; limited group:
Running: +4" (10" total) (8) {l/S"] the Espionage, Military/Mercenary/Terrorist,
Lin Kuei Skills and Talents: and Martial Worlds) (IS )
Combat Sense 13- (3) Secret Identity (IS)
Defense Maneuver: no attack is considered to be Villain Bonus (40S)
"from behind"; Multiple Attacker Bonuses are
Total Disadvantage Points: 625
eliminated as to attacks Xiu Kwan can sense (S)
Lightsleep (3)
Luck: 2d6 (10)
Resistance (5 points) (S)
Acrobatics 14- (3)
Acting 13- (3)
Animal Handler 11- (3)
Breakfall 14- (3)
Climbing 14- (3)

Chapter TeV\

After visiting with Steve Chase and Master Zhu, But this alley was darker than most. It was fil led
Seeker had continued on to see his friend Guan Li· with shadow. At the center of the shadow was a
yen. The meeting with him had gone very well. darkness. At the center of the darkness was a man.
Guan had understood most of the d ifficult passages Th is man watched Seeker's passage-indeed, he
that Seeker had been struggling with, leaving Seeker had been waiting impatiently for it for some time.
with a clearer picture of the history of the Touma· Silently he seemed to float up out of the alley and
ment and the nature of the Death Dragon-knowl- went after his quarry.
edge that Seeker felt sure he'd be needing in the days
and weeks ahead. Seeker was able to maintain a good pace over the
Since it was almost dinnertime, Seeker began rooftops of Chinatown; soon, he would be in the
looking around for a good place to graba bite to eat. city proper. Traveling this way always thril1ed him;
He finally decided to walk a few blocks over and the rush of the winds and the rush of adrenaline
visit a place run by the son of a friend of his, when were unbeatable. And the views, as always, were
his Wrist Communicator began tobeep-fourquick superb.
beeps in a row, Highest Priority! He moved quickly Seeker was startled out of his reverie by a feeling
to a sheltered doorway for a little privacy and that something wasn't quite right. Suddenly he
opened the viewscreen. Quantum's face appeared. realized that there was a source of dark ch 'i behind
"G'day, Quantum! What's up?" him! Someone was pursuing him, no doubt, and
"Seeker! There you are. Get back here at once!" his intentions surely were not friendly. Without
"What's goin' on?" he replied, already glancing pausing, Secker continued lllS rooftop journey, but
about for the quickest route to the rooftops. kept his senses concentrated on .whoever was be·
"There's been some kind of explosion or some· hind him. Soon he came to a place where the
thing in China-and it's working its way across the building in front of him was shorter than the one he
countryside! Three villages have already been de· was on. He leaped onto the lower roof and than ran
stroyed." Her voice was tense with anger. quickly and silently in a direction perpendicular to
Bloody 'ell! ls this how it starts? Seeker wondered. the direction he had been traveling. When he
"Right! I'll rattle my dags; be there pronto!" reached the right point, he leaped back up to the
"Slingshot liftoff in 30 minu tei;, mark!" she said taller building on a different side-so that he could
officiously. A tiny clock appeared in one corner of double back on whoever was following him and
the Communicator screen in response to a find out what was going on. He had to hurry;
preprogrammed command and began counting Heaven only knew what Quantum's alarm had
off the allotted time. been about!
"Gotcha. See ya in ten minutes." He climbed quickly back up to the roof and crept
"Good. Quantum out." forward, hiding behind ventilation equipment.
It tookonlya few seconds for Seeker to find a way Soon he could see who his shadow was-and a
up to the roof of the buildjng whose doorway he had shadow it was indeed. Standing at the edge of the
been sheltering in. He moved quickly anti confi· building. !~king for Seeker.stood a tall man whose
dently, wondering about what was going in China form seemed wrapped in solid darkness. He carried
as he did so. This mn 't be the Dragon, cmr it? It can't no weapons and his clothes could not be seen, but
gai11 its freedom 'til after tlie Tourney! nut what ifit's nonetheless Seeker recognized him.
fo111ul a way to break frr:c- or some scagger's fo1111d a forceing his triple irons as he moved forward,
way to bre11k it free? Several potential suspects came Seeker said, "Oy, Sha<lowdragon! What's with
to mind ttlong with that last thought, but he didn't followin' me?"
have time to puzzle it out just then. Shadowdragon's head whipped around. His black
eyes glared at Secker, and he shifted into a defensive
Such was his rush that Seeker failed to notice an stance. "Very clever, hero," he said in his unearthly
alleyway below him. There are many alleys in New voice. "But if you think I'm going to fight you while
Y(i"k, d ark places littered with trash and recking 01: I'm standing 0 11 a ledge, think again!" With ;1 leap
humanity's offcastings, and Seeker had no time to
look at any of them closely.
and a flip, Shadowdragon moved over the obstacles
in his path to a dear space near the center of the roof. t 81 3
Designer's Note Seeker leaped, hoping to catch Shadowdragon Seeker applied the nerve pinch as long as he
It is unusual for a unaware as he was landing and get in a good kick. dared, then released Shadowdragon and called the
character to have three His hupe was in vain; Shadowdragon landed grace- police on his W ristCommunicator. He didn't have
different Distinctive fully and, sensing the attack. caught Seeker's ankle time to wait, but instead sprung back up to the
Features, as in his right hand and threw the Australian hero to rooftops and continued on his journey to Home-
Shadowdragon does the ground. Seeker rolled over and got to his feet at stead.
(his dragon tattoo, his once, knowing that he dare not lie still. Back in the alleyway, a dark figure steppe.cl out
eerie voice, and his Shadowdragon launched a series of kicks, keeping from the shadows at the end of the alley, shadows
Style Disadvantage). Seeker on the defensive and moving backwards. that hadn't vanished when Shadowdragon was
This is acceptable be- At last Seeker leaped backwards onto the top ofa knocked out. His face concealed by the early evening
cause each feature es- ventilation unit. The height would give him a mo- dimness, he stepped over Shadowdragon's uncon-
sentially ope rates ment to collect himself-or so he thought. "Right scious form and walked to a place near the fire
against a different where I wanted you, hero!" Shadowdragon sneered. escape. · there he stooped over and picked up a
"sense" (sight, hear- He raised his hand, and a bolt ofdark energy lanced lacquered box that lay on the ground. He examined
ing, and an opponent's out, catching Seeker square in the chest. The force it quickly, chuckling softly to himself as he did so.
knowledge of martial of the blast knocked Seeker off of the ventilation Then, without a word, he tucked it inside his jacket
arts, respectively). This unit and sent him flying through the air. A pan- and left the alley.
may affect which char- icked sensation accompanied the realization that
acters can recognize he was going to overshoot the edge of the building! Seeker was almost halfway to Homestead when
him, and how (for ex- As he began to fall downward into the alleyway he realized with shock that the box containing Dr.
ample, a blind martial below, Seeker stretchrd desperately, straining to Wu's scroll was no longer safely tucked in his sash!
artist would miss the reach anything that might slow his fall. Seeing the With a sick sensation in the pit of his stomach, he
tattoo and Style Disad- fire escape uf the neighboring building, he grabbed went back to the alley as fast as he could, taking
vantage, but never the hold ofone oCits rails-but the bar was so rusty and reckless chances to increase his speed.
voice). Furthermore, old, it snapped off in his hand! His fall was barely When he got there, the police had arrived and
they have different ef- slowed. Scrambling to find something so1id to hold were taking the still-unconscious Shadowdragon
fects: the tattoo, for on to, he grasped at the fire escape again and again, away. Seeker scanned the alleyway quickly, but
example, is easily con- but was unable to find a solid purchase on it. didn't see the box. He leaped down and landed next
cealed, while the other With a crash, Seeker landed in the trash-strewn to a man who looked like he was in charge. The
features are not; the alley. He lay there dazed for a moment. There was startled officer spun around, nearly drawing his
voice can be disturbing a pain in his side, had he broken a rib? Did he have gun. When he saw who it was, he took his hand off
orfrightening, the other a concussion? Shakinghis head to clear it, he looked of his semi-automatic. "Oh, hello, Seeker! Good
features are not. While u p--and saw a cloud of darkness descending upon work here," he said, gesturing with his thumb at
it is possible for player him! Shadowdragon.
characters to do this, As he scrambled to get to his feet in time, Seeker "No problems, mate. Listen, did any of your men
the GM should monitor heard the light thud ofShadowdrngon's feet as they find a wooden box anywhere about, maybe this
the use ofmultiple Dis- hit the pavement, and suddenly the alley was en- big?" He gestured with his hands to show the di-
tinctive Features Dis- gulfed in an inky blackness. Instinctively, Seeker mensions of the box.
advantages carefully, shut his.eyes, drawing back to the days when Mr. The sergeant considered. "No, no one's reported
and require players to Edo taught him to fight while blinded. anything like that to me. Hey, men!" he shouted at
combine them into one Shadowdragon's eerie voice seemed to come at the other officers. "Any of you find a wooden box?"
Disadvantage if they him from all directions, echoing and re-echoing in The only response was a chorus of nos.
are not s~fficientlylim­ the cramped alleyway. "Time for the Souldark to Seeker moved through the alley quickly, looking
iting while separate. consume you, hero." The vampiric qualities of the everywhere-behind trash cans, under empty po-
voice and the statement were chilling. tato chip bags, in the dumpster. Nothing.
Suddenly the dark ch'i that was Shadowdragon "Seeker!" Quantum's voice on his Wrist Com-
began to flare, and that, in combination with his municator was insistent. He didn't even bother to
blindfighting skills, was enough to tell Seeker where flip up the viewscreen; he didn't want to see her
his enemy was. With lightning swiftness he lashed face. "Yeah, yeah, Quantum, I'm on me way. Ran
out with his right foot, and was rewarded with the into a bit of delay."
satisfying CRACK sound of foot connecting with "If any of your men find that box, Sergeant, it's
jawbone. Shadowdragon's ch'i faded again, but mine. Please 'ave someone bring it to 'Omestead as
Seeker had his measure now, and moved forward to quick as possible."
throw a punch. Shadowdragon blocked it, but Seeker "Sure thing, Seeker."
blocked his elbow strike in turn. Seeker struck With a sinking sensation in his heart, Seeker
again, smashing Shadowdragon in the face for a vaulted to the rooftops and headed for Homestead.

second time. Before he could recover, Seeker used
his jujutsu to take him to ground hard, and pinned
his arms. Feeling Shadowdragon 's neck carefully in
the darkness, he located the right pressure point
and applied a nerve pinch. A few seconds later,
Shadowdragun slopped struggling, and gradually
( 82
.....__........- the darknes.~ faded away.
Shadowdragon Yong-sun is absolutely fascinated by his darkness The exact nature of
powers, and by darkness in general. He thinks ofit who or what "spoke"
Background/History: Yong-sun cupped his hands
as a living thing, talks to it, and considers it his to Park Yong-sun
together. Then he bent over nncl looked inside
friend and pndlector. H e always hopes that the through the darkness
them. I le looked for a long, longtime, then he went
darkness will answer him, as it did before. in his cupped hands
to show his mother.
Quote: "My darkness will consume you." has deliberately been
"Mama! Mama!" he cried excitedly. "Guess what
left as a mystery. If
I've got," he said, showing her his clasped hands. P owers/Tactics:Shadowdragon, in addition to be-
GMs prefer, it can be
His mother looked at him, expecting a frog or ing a competent practitionerofhwarang· do, is able
the Death Dragon,
something equally exciting. "I don't know, son. tu manipulate a mysterious "dark force" of some
turnin g
What is it?" sort. Some martial artists can detect this as a sort of
Shadowdragon inJo a
"Guess!" "dark c11'i" or evil life force. He can use it for
tool for its own ends.
"Hmmm. An elephant." obvious things (such as blocking his opponents'
The Death Dragon
"No! Guess again!" vision), or he can fire darkforce energy blasts, step
could thus have let him
" If it's not an elephant, it must be a mouse." from one patch of darkness or shadow to another
know about the Tour-
"No! Look," Yong-sun said, holding his hands without crossing the intervening space, or use the
nament as well.
up to her. darkness to drain the life-force o f those within it.
She looked, but couldn't see anything. " I don't Whether this ability is a mutation or some sort of
see it, son, what is it?" "granted" power isdebatable; Shadowdragon thinks
He looked at her exasperatedly. "It's darkness, of it as a "gift" from the Darkness, and makes sure
Mama! Isn't it pretty?" to "feed" his powers with the Souldark as often as
His mother laughed, said that it was, and then possible.
told him to go p lay. Yong-sun ran outside, but he Shadowdragon is also skilled at making good
couldn't understand why his mother didn't see the tactical use of his powers. for example, if he needs
darkness like he did. It was right there! How could lo use his hwarang·do, he will usually put a dark-
she not see it, how pretty it was? ness field around himself and his target(s) so that
Yong-sun's fascination with darkness lasted they are blindecl and thus easy prey. He will also set
through his childhood and into his adolescence. At up several darkness fields around the battlefield so
times he would stay up all ni.£ht just to feel like he that he can quickly telcport around; if necessary, he
was a part of it. Then, one day, the darkness in his will make them fairly small so that he has to pay less
hands spoke to himl "Wouldn't you like to see END for them. (Note: the GM should pay close
more of me, without having to put your hands attention to Shadowdragon's END usage, since
together?" it whispered alluringly. many of his powers use a lot of END; if he gets too
"Yes!" Yong-sun said excitedly. tired, he will flee rather than run out of power and
"Then pull at me-pull with your mind," the be captured.)
darkness said. Shadowdragon often uses his powers so that the
Yong-sun concentrated, and thought hard, and darkness appears to rise from the dragon tat loo on
pulled and pulled. Eventually he felt a sort of"pop" his chest. This may lead some heroes to think that
in his mind, and then, there it was, right in front of the tattoo is a kind of Focus; in fact, this is just an
him- a cloudy, dark thing, darker than anything effect, and the tattoo is an ordinary tattoo.
he had ever seen before. It was amazing! Appearance: Shadowdragon is a tall (5'10"), mus-
Yong-sun wanted to be able to create more of cular Korean. He wears skintight dark blue pants
these dark things, and asked his new "friend" how that end at mid-calf, and matching soft shoes like
to do it. Over the next several nights, the dark thing many martial artists wear. He goes barechested so
taught him how to manifest all sorts of darkness that the magnificent dragon tattoo drawn on his
powers, in exchange for Yong-sun's promise to do chest in dark blue ink can be seen. He is bald except
certain ... thin~. Yong-sun didn't care about the for a long topknot. His voice has an eerie, unearthly
promises, all he wanted to do was create darkness. quaJity to it that is distinctive.
Since that time, Yong-sun has had the ability to
create darkness and manipulate it in various ways.
He is constantly trying to develop new darkness
powers, and his fascination with his powers only
continues to grow.
Personality/Tactics: Yong-sun has used his dark·
ness powers and hwarang-do training to become
the martial artist mercenary and assassin
Shadowdragon. He will take any job that he feels he
can pull off, no matter how evil or destructive it is-

when he sold his soul to the being that gave him his
powers, any hum an kindness, sympathy, or mercy
thathe might have possessed went with it. H is heart
is as b lack as the darkness fields he generates.
t 83

Martial Artist Abilities:

Shadowdragon Superleap: +9" (12" forward, 6" upward) (9) [ 115")
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
15 STR 5 13- 200 kg; 3d6 [ I )
Combat Sense 13- (3)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Find Weakness 11- with Kick (10)
20 CON 20 13- Acrobatics 13- (3)
13 BODY 6 12- Breakfall 13- (3)
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
English: fluent conversation (2)
18 EGO 16 13 ECV: 7
Korean: native (0)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6
KS:TheEspionageWorld 11-(2)
20 COM 5 13- KS: Hwarang-Do 11- (2)
15 PD 12 Total: 23 PD/8 rPD
KS: Korean Healing 11- (2)
18 ED 14 Total: 25 ED/7 rED KS: The Martial World 11- (2)
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Paramedic 13- (3)
9 REC 4
Stealth 13- (3)
70 END 15
40 STUN 9 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 244
Total Characteristic Cost: 174 Total Ch aracter Cost: 418
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
Superleap: 12"/24" Teleport: 20"/40" Disadvantages: 100+
Powers & Skills: Distinctive Features:
Dragon tattoo on chest (easily concealed; noticed
and recognizable [it can easily be remembered
Martial Arts-Hwarang-Do ( 46)
by witnesses, for example I) (5)
Maneuver OCV Dev· Notes
Erie voice (cannot be concealed; is always
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
noticed, causes major reaction [it scares some
Choke -2 +0 Grab One
people, and can easily be remembered by
Limb; 3 lfld6
witnesses)) (15)
Style Disadvantage ( 10)
Finger Strike -1 +l 3 1hd6
Hunted by:
Interpol, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Hand Strike/ +O +2 8d6
a PC or other hero of GM's choice, as powerful,
Elbow Strike/
8- (10)
Snap Kick
Psychological Limitation:
Joint Break -1 -2 Grab One
Mercenary Attitude: Will Do Anything For
Limb; 2d6
Money (20)
HKA, Disable
Fascinated By Darkness ( 10)
Joint Lock +O -1 Grab One
Limb, 40 STR
Martial arts mercenary 11- (limited group: the
for h olding on
Martial World) (10)
Kick -2 +l 10d6 Secret Identity: Park Yong-sun (15)
Throw -2 +O 2d6HKA;
Target Falls
I d6 per Turn from Holy/Consecrated Objects ( 15)
+3 Damage Classes (already added in)
Darkness Powers: 2x STUN from Light Attacks (20)
Darkness Creation: Darkness 5"r to Sight Group, 2x BODY from Light Attacks (20)
Personal Immunity (75) [7] lx Effect from Sight Flash Attacks (20)
Shadow Manipulation: Multipower ( 40 pt pool) Villain Bonus ( 138)
u - Fist of Darkness: EB 8d6 (40/4) [4] Total Disadvantage Points: 418
u - Shadow-walking: Teleport 20", Only From
One Area Of Darkness/Shadow To Another
{-1.4) (40/3) (115"]
u - The Souldark: Drain 2d6 BODY, Ranged, 0
END; Only On Targets In Darkness Field
( -th) (40/3) [OJ
u - The Terror of the Dark: Drain 2d6 PRE,
Ranged; Only On Targets In Darkness Field
(30/2) [3 J
u - The Mantle of Shadow: Invisibility to Sight
Group; Only In Darkness/Shadow (-lfl)
(3012) [3 I
Dark Shield: Force Field: +8 PD, + 7 ED ( 15) [ l]
Dark Shield: ~ower Defense: 10 points ( 10)

Chap+e~ Eleve~
. ' 4 t ,,.,, • 1lf *'? t ... r ,.,, _. r •• •o

The herbalist's shop was small and dark, and The old man bowed his head in silent acquies-
redolent with the odors of a thousand different cence. He shuffled into the back room of the shop.
leaves, powders, and roots. Iron Whirlwind stood Iron Whirlwind,impatient, almost went after him,
briefly in the entranceway, allowing his eyes to but held his peace and waited. A few minutes later,
become accustomed to the dimness before he pro- the man came back out, carrying with him a small
ceeded further inside. He felt naked without his wooden box. "This is nearly all ofmy stock," he said
swords strapped to his back, and so was doubly apologetically. "/ beg you, take it and leave me in
cautious as he scanned the room for hidden threats. peace."
The wizened old man behind the counter stared at Iron Whirlwind opened the lid of the box slightly,
him impassively, like a bird. not wanting to expose the herb to air more than he
Sensing nothing untoward, Iron Whirlwind had to. He sniffed at the herb. "Ah, it smells as my
strode to the counter confidently, barely bothering father said it would," he said. "You have my thanks,
to shift his body to avoid knocking over shelves and old man," he said with an impertinent bow. Gath-
tables. The wind of his passage stirred up clouds of ering up the box and the cloth bags, he departed the
dust that temporarily gave definition to the weak shop, leaving the wad of cash behind on the
beamsofsunlightthatslantedintotheroomthrough countertop.
a few dirty windows. "I require these items," he said
to the proprietor, handing him a list.
The man's eyes never left Iron Whirlwind's face.
"And how will you pay, noble sir?"
Iron Whirlwind sneered, brought a roll ofbrightly
colored bills out of his pocket, and placed it on the
counter. "I have sufficient to pay you, old man-or I
can give you American dollars, ifyou prefer."
The old man shook his head quickly, as ifbyway
of apology. He got up from his stool and began
shuffling around the room, picking out the items
on Iron Whirlwind's list. For one so aged, his hands
moved deftly, dipping in and out of jars and boxes
and bags without a second's hesitation. When he
had finished going through the list, he returned to
the counter and began placing each of Iron
Whirlwind's purchases in a separate cloth bag. The
bags were old and dusty, as if they had been in the
shop for decades, but were still sturdy for all that.
"Excellent," Iron Whirlwind said when he was
finished. "Now, there is only one thing more I require
ofyou, old man."
"I need the Red Cloud Herb."
The old man's eyes widened. "No, I have no such
herb," he said after a moment's hesitation.
Iron Whirlwind bent down so that he could stare
the shopkeeper in the face. "Do not lie to me, old
man!"he said, quietly but fiercely. "Yours is the best-
stocked herb shop in Hong Kong. Only you have the
knowledge ofwhere the dragons still leave their pools
after the springtime thunderstorms so that the Red
Cloud Herb grows! Bringitto me or this will be the last
sunrise you ever see through your dirty shop windows!
I can pay whatever price you ask."
Golden Axe scowled. The sea air and sunshine Copper Spear's trip to the Mountains of the East
and smells did not suit him. He had had to leave his had been a difficult one, fraught with peril and
armor, axe, and tiger, behind, which put him in an harsh conditions. Had it not been for his father's
even fouler temper. instructions, his father's magic, and his own en-
Eventually the boat he was waiting for appeared chantedspear,hewould never have made it. But at
around the curve of the coastline and made its way last he seemed to have found the mountains he was
toward the beach where he waited. When it landed, seeking.
several small, l>ruwn-:;kinm:d men got out and He began climbing upwards, searching for a cave
pulled the boat far enough onto the shore that the or other entrance into the mountains themselves,
tide wouldn't sweep it back out to sea. Then they where his father had said the essence of jade would
walked over to where Golden Axe was seated. Even be found. Out here, the best he could hope to find
sitting down, he was a big man, and they appeared would be jade itself.
somewhat hesitant and fearful. Seve'ial torturous hours of climbing later, he
Eventually an older-looking man, whom Golden finally managed to reach the entrance to a likely-
Axe had talked to before, spoke in thickly accented looking cave. After pausing for a few minutes to
English. "You want buy pearl, ya?" catch his breath, he picked up his spear and headed
"Yes," Golden Axe said. further into the cave, moving cautiously. At the
"Pay gold, ya?" heart of the Mountains you will find it, my son, his
"Yes." father had said. A luminous green stone, greasy to the
The old man sat down on the ground, and the touch, a crystallized, purer form ofjade. He reached
others did likewise, forminga semicircle in front of down to his belt to make sure that he still had the
Golden Axe. The old man spread a greasy cloth on special wooden box his father had given him to
the sand and smoothed it out as besthecould. Then hold the jade essence in. Soon, he thought confi-
he set a small pouch woven ofgrass in front of him. dently, the box will be full, and I can go to the
Golden Axe set two leather pouches in front of Tournament.
himself; one was empty and deflated, the other
clinked metallically. At the sound, the brown men's Silver Hand paused to wipe the sweat off of his
eyes glistened. brow. With no hair to slow their progress, the
The old men upended his sack carefully on the trickles of perspiration tended to run straight off
cloth, and a small cascade of pearls poured out. his head into his eyes, so he had to wipe them away
Golden Axe sorted through them with a trained frequently. Hours of discussion with his father and
eye, knowing that his father would accept only the in the library with the Scroll of Bao Ch'en hadn't
best and largest. One by one, he swept the smaller prepared him for the hot, dusty trek he was now on,
ones to the side, keeping the larger ones nearer to but he was up to it nonetheless. Muttering curses at
him. Eventually he had rejected all but two of the the sun, he continued onward.
man's pearls. He pointed at the first one, then Up ahead ofhim he could dimly see the first small
pulled a single golden coin out of his pouch. He hills that indicated he was approaching the moun-
raised his other hand and held up two fingers. tains. According to the townsfolk he had spoken
The old man shook his head violently and held with, somewhere in those hills or mountains lived
up two hands, showing six fingers. an ancient Taoist hermit, one who had never bowed
Golden Axe laughed at the man's impudent bar- to the will of the Communists in Beijing. His name
gaining. He raised a third finger; the other man was matched one of the names in the Scroll, and Silver
wise enough to recognize the scowl on his adversary's Hand had high hopes that he might possess one of
face and take what was offered. the dragon-horse scales his father so desperately
So it went for the better part of the afternoon. sought. He had no desire to continue with his quest
One by one Golden Axe evaluated each man's for months; only the gods knew how much longer
pearls, keeping only the best one or two from each. it might be before he acquired a scale ifthe hermit
When he was finished, his pouch of gold coins was didn't have one! And there was still the Tourna-
about half empty, but his pouch of pearls not quite ment to consider-Silver Hand had no intention of
half full. His father needed more pearls, of the missing it, regardless of what he had to do to be
highest quality; where would he find them? there on time.
Adjusting his pack to make it more comfortable,
Silver Hand continued forward, into the hills.

Chaptet' Twelve

Five minutes after Seeker had strapped himself The air traffic controller directed them to land on
in, the Slingshot was off the ground and heading a runway near the Zencorp hangar. The hangar
west. As usual, Defender and Quantum were at the itself looked pretty ordinary from the outside, but
controls; Obsidian stood by as backup pilot if nec- Seeker knew from experience that it was pretty
essary. Of course, the computer could and would fancy on the inside (for a hangar, anyway). He was
handle virtually all of the flying chores, but it was looking forward to the chance to stretch his legs and
comforting tu have the three of them on standby. talk to Zen Dolphin for a while.
"'Ey, Quantum, what's this bogey we're chasin' Zen Team was waiting for them inside the han-
after?" he called up to her. gar. The Japanese hero team greeted the Champi-
"l t was first noted as an energy spike of unusual ons as they cxire<l the Slingshot; the two teams had
strength and duration, occurring somewhere in fairly cordial relations, even ifsome members oft he
west central China. The sensors can't pin down a Champions questioned the motivation of a pr i-
type ofenergy with certainty, so my guess is that it's va tcly-sponsored su pcrteam.
some mystic thing." The two groups went inside to a lounge area
"Yes, it's magical,definitely,"saidSolitaire. "Even while mechanics began refueling and checking the
from here, I can sense the disturbance it creates in Slingshot. Defender got to the point of the visit
the aether. It is very powerfl~I." She sounds like she's pretty quickly. "What's the status on the situation
in some kind o' trw1c4 Secker thought. It's one o' in China?" he asked Zen L.ion while most of the
them "wizardly senses" she's always ta/kin ' about, I others were getting a cold drink.
Ql1antum went on. "Since fi rs t appearing, the
phenomenon has been moving across China. Satel-
lite reconnaissance indicates that it is leaving a path
of tremendous destruction in its wake. Three vil-
lage have already been obliterated." Solitaire sucked
in her breath sharply at the last statement. She's
never been ,i{Jfe to approach these tl1ings cma/ytically.
like Quantum.
"Has anybody been able to contact the Tiger
Squad?" Obsidian asked, his deep voice shaking the
entire cockpit.
"No response from them," Defender replied.
"They're probably aware of it, but we don't have
any idea what they're doing. Beijing may sit by and
let thousands die before it makes up its mind about
what to do. I don't like going into Chinese territory
this way, but until we know someone's doing some-
thing about the situation, we can't sit by."
"You're not wrong, mate!" Seeker responded.
"What about Zen Team, 'ave they done anythin'?"
"We'll be stopping in Tokyo to refuel, and they'll
meet us there. I think they've decided to remain in
Japan, to guard it in case whatever this thing is gets
out of China."
"Wouldn't want to leave their precious Zencorp
behind, after all," Santiago said sarcastically. Seeker
frowned a little, but no one responded.
Secker spent must of the rest of the trip Lo Japan
meditating. Alter so many days of hectic action, it
was a break that he sorely needed. By the time
Defender signaled everyone to strap down for their
landing in Tok.yo, he felt thoroughly refreshed.
"We're not sure. The latest reports we have indi- His needs taken care of, Seeker stopped at the
cate that at least three inhabited areas have been sink to wash his hands before returning to the
destroyed. Whoever it is-whatever it is-seems to group.As he started todrythem off, h ecaughtwhat
be heading generally eastward. As far as we know, the seemed like a flash of movement out of the corner
Chinese government Sli.11 hasn't done anything, nol of his eye, in the direction of the mirror. When he
even sent the Tiger Squad out to investigate. Then turned that way, he had to blink in amazement and
again, our sources of information arc no t rhc !Jcsl, wo nJer if all the excitement had finally gottt:n lo
there could be a lot going on that we're notawareof." him. His reflection had g~tured al him, beckoning
"Hmrnm. I don't like the souncl of that. Do you him closer! I le leaned closer, reaching out his hands
think this wul<l be some Chine!e government ex- to touch the glass. His reflection, as expected, mim-
periment that somehow went wrong?" icked his actions. He was beginning to think his
" Maybe, but I doub t it I've talked LO a couple or mind was playing tricks on him, when su<ldenlythe
mystics here in Tokyo-including your friend reflection grinned! It was a wide, wicked grin, one
Aku mashibaru, Secker-who say that th is is a magi- nearly impossible for a human face. And then the
cal phenomenon. l doubt the Chinese would be reflection's muscles seemed to tense, as if it were
experimenting with something like that; it's not straining....
very "orthodox," after all." With a terrible crash and a thousand silvery
"Correct. Solitaire also feels mystic emanations flashes, the mirror shallered, bombarding Seeker
coming from this thing." with shards of mirror-glass. "Bloody 'ell!" he
"I can feel them even more strongly here, De- shouted at the top of his voice as agonizing pain
fender," Solitaire said after swallowing a sip of her ripped through his body. He staggered back from
soda. "Whatl!ver it is is very powerful, and very, the forceoftheblast,andslippedon the smooth tile
very t:vil. Pretty soon 1he cman;1tions it's giving off floor. He could already feel the cuts from the glass,
are going to give me a headache." Zen Rhino began some superficial and others dangerously deeper,
rummaging in a cabinet, luuki11g for some as pirin beginning lo ooze blood.
for her. The other Seeker stepped out of what used to be
"'Scusc me, mates," Seeker said, "but I'm goin' to the mirror, andas it moved towards him, i tchanged.
visit the liltle hoys' room; the facilities on the No lunger was ithisdouble. Now it wasafiercesome-
Slingshot are kind of primitive, if you know what I looking spectre, with white skin, green lips, purple
mean." He put down his drink and left the room. hair, and red and black robes. But its grin remained
the same. Then it vanished, as ifit had never been
With a crash the door to the men's room burst
open.Zen Lion wastirst in the room, followed by
Solitaire, Quantum,andZen Dolphin. Theystopped
short when they saw the broken mirror ancl began
lo walk carefully towards Secker.
"Seeker! What happened?" Solitaire asked.
"It. .. it... my reflection attacked me!" Seeker
said, still amazed.
"It what?!!? Everybody get ou ... "
Before Zen Lion could finish his sentence, the
demonic-looking creature appeared in front ofhim!
It grabbed his arms, and stared at him with a fiendish
hiss. A ghostly light passed Crom Zen Lion's eyes to
its, and Zen Lion slumpeJ, looking deathly pale. The
creature tossed him to the side contemptuously.
As one, Solitaire and Quantum attacked.
Solitaire's mental bolt, augmented by her Widget,
had little effoct on the creature, but Quantum's
energy blast sent it rocketing across the bathroom
and into the far wall with a tremendous crash. And,
again, the creature vanished.
Seeker got lo his feet just as Zen Rhino joined
them. "Watch it, mate, there'sa bleed in' uglywhite-
faced drongo poppin' in and out... " He had drawn
his sword and was scanning the room rapidly,
waiting for the creature's next appearance.
"It's called Kagamishoki, Seeker," Zen Dolphin
said. "It..."
"Behind you!" Seeker shouted. The creature had "Okay!" Defender shouted in return. "Blast the
risen up out of the floor again, and this time it mirrors, team!" He and Quantum and Solitaire
clutched a piece of mirror in each hand. Seeker begin firing energy blasts in as wide a pattern as
drew his sword back for a blow as Quantum, Zen possible. There was another unearthly shriek and
Dolphin, and the others turned to face the thing. then, when all the pieces of mirror had been re-
Before he could complete his attack, the creature duced to nonreflective powder, an eerie silence.
held the mirrors up in front of Quantum's and Zen Solitaire quickly moved to check Seeker and the
Dolphin's face, and crushed them in its hands. Zen other injured victims and use her healing powers
Dolphin screamed and fainted; Quantum snarled on them. Within ten minutes everyone was more or
as her skin split and began to bleed. Blood trickled less as healthy as they had been prior to theattack-
out of Zen Dolphin's mouth and seeped across the though Seeker had a few tiny scars that he didn't
floor, turning pieces of mirror from silver to scarlet. have before. Zen Lion, who'd nearly been killed by
Seeker's sword-blow caught the creature square the creature's soul-leeching powers, still felt ill.
in the chest just as Zen Rhino hit it with a tremen- "What in the world was that thing?" Quantum
dous sumo slap. The force ofthe blows knocked the asked.
creature back so that it lay on top of Zen Lion's "Its name is Kagamishoki," Zen Eagle responded.
unconscious form. The creature rolled forward, "It is an evil which has afflicted our land for count·
and vanished. less generations. It is a demon of mirrors."
"Zen Team! Kagamishoki isattacking!"Zen Rhino "So that's why it imitated me in the mirror-it
shouted. lives in there?" Seeker asked.
The creature re· appeared behind Seeker and tried "Notexactly. We don't know how it exists, frankly.
to grab him. Fortunately, Seeker's heightened senses But we do know that it uses mirrors to travel, and
allowed him the split-second warning he needed lo to spy on people, and to hurt people."
dodge its attack. Sol ita irc ;,nd Quantum, now joined "But why go afier me, mate? Why now?"
by Ucfcnder, attacked it; only Solitaire's attack hit " I don't know. Like I said, we don't know a lot
it, but it shrieked at her. The sound was horrifying about it. Maybe it's gotsomethingto do with what's
and unearthly as it echoed back and forth in the happening in China."
tiled room. Again, to the heroes' frustration, the "Speaking of which," Defender said abruptly,
creature vanished. putting down his drink, "we've got to get moving,
"Flamin' 'eek! " Seeker said as he rolled to his feet. people. The Slingshot i:-. all ready to go. Zen Team,
"What is this thing?" thanks for your support-and your help in the
He didn't have a chance to answer before his foe, fight. Will you be all right, Lion?" Zen Lion nodded
unseen, struck him in the chest with its claws, weakly.
raking bloody trails across his body. He wobbled, "Good. Come see us in Manhattan some time.
already weak from lack of blood, bu t his combat C'mon, Champions!" With that, the teams said
senses told him where tba blow had come from, and their good-byes, and the Champions got back in
the struck back, connecting solidly. their plane and took off.
"Look!" Solitaire shouted. "You can see him in
that pieceof mirror!" She loosed a Vril Blast, smash-
ing the creature against the wall and shattcri11g the
piece of mirror. Its veil of invisibility droppcd-
but then it vanished again!
"All of you, listen to me!" Zen Eagle's voice cut
through the din. "It's using the mirrors!"

~ '-----..__,,-
89 3
As befits a demon of mirrors, Kagamishoki is
vain and proud to thepointof arrogance. He is sure
to avenge any insults to his looks, intelligence, or
other attributes.
For a demon whose powers are ideally suited to
deception and behind-the-scenes manipulation,
Background/History: There is a legend in Japan Kagamishoki can be surprisingly straightforward
thilf tell.~ of the tun goddess, Amatcrasu Omikami, and violent. While many of his plots start out as
queen of the heavens. It happened that Susa no, the elaborate deceptions and illusions, as soon as one
storm god, destroyed her rice fields in a fit of of the victims has a firm idea of what's going on
temper and childishness. In retaliation for his rude Kagamishoki will drop the masquerade, arrogantly
behavior, Amaterasu shut herself in a cave, br ing- announce his presence, an<l begin to use his powers
ing darkness to the entire world. She refused to in a mo1:cdirect fashion. Other than defeating him,
come <>'I.II until a host of the gods anJ goddesses the only way to drive him off is to directly confront
performed a riotousdanceoutside the cave, tempt- him with his own reflection (i.e., hold a mirror in
ing her curiosity. She emergeJ and saw herself in a front of his face for one whole Phase); for some
mirror, which the gods had created and hung in a reason, he cannot abide his reflection and will leave
tree. This persuaded her to come out of the cavdor the vicinity at once. (This weakness is not generally
good. Ever since that time, mirrors have had a known, however; players should work to uncover
special symbolic meaning for the Japanese. it.)
But even the most sacred of legends can be per-
verted and warped by evil. In this case, the impor- Quote: "Not all reflections are flattering, are they,
tance of the mirror as a Japanese symbol has been my little morsel?"
twisted into something wicke<l and sinful by Powers/Tactics: Kagamishoki's main powers in-
Kagamishoki, the Mirror Demon, who uses the volvethe mystical manipulation of mirrors. He can
powers of mirrors for evil and destruction. No one "step into" one mirror and "step out" of another
knows whence Kagamishoki came, what his goals (Tclcportation); sec things reflected in any nearby
are, or even his true appearance-but all wise men mirror (Clairvoyarn:e; also useful for locating mir-
fear his powers. rors to Tcleport through); become invisible by
Personality/Motivation: Kagamishoki is a demon, placinghis "visiblesel f" in a mi rrnr ( Invisibility; the
with all that that state ofexistence implies. He revels fringeeffcct is de lined as his reflection b.eing visible
in evil, chaos, destruction, corruption, in a nearby mirror, allowing a clever opponent to
and misery, and works to followhisactionsexactly}; change the reflections in
create these things the mirrors (Images); an<l kill someone by catching
same way a child their reflection in a mirror and then breaking the
works to build mirror. Kagamishoki also possesses some other
standarddemonicpowers, such as enhanced senses
a sand
~ castle. and the ability to change his shape. He feeds off of
humansoulsandsuffering,and can leech a person's
soul from their body (BODY Drain).

~ Naturally, Kagamishoki prefers to fight in areas

with lots of mirrors and other reflective surfaces; if
possible he will "rig" the battlefield in advance by
placing lots of mirrors around it. Tactically, he will
try to use his abilities to confuse and unbalance an
opponent. One of his favorite tricks is to use his
invisibility power to hide himself, and then use his
illusion power onothernearbymirrors so that each
mirror has a different "fringe effect" for his target to
try to follow. He is also clever at using his illusion
power to change peoples' reOeciions, thereby as-
saulting them emotionally and p:.ychologicillly.
Appearance: Because he can change his shape at
will, no one knows what Kagamishoki's true form
is like. His favorite form is that ofaJapanesedemon
with chalk-white skin , green lips and eyes, unruly
pu rple hair, and elaborate black and red robes.
Ultraviolet Vision (5)
Kagamishoki Mental Defense: 15 points (10)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Power Defense: 12 points (12)
15 STR 5 13- 200 kg; 3d6 I fl Flash Defense: 5 Sight (5)
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Full Life Support (30)
23 CON 26 14- Universal Translator (20)
15 BODY 10 12- Martial Arts-Aikijutsu (40)
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
23 EGO 13 14- ECV: 8 Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack 4d6 Hold -1 -1 GrahTwo
16 COM 3 12- Limbs, 40 STR
14 PD 11 Total: 14 PD for holding on
14 ED 9 Total: 14 ED -1 -2 Grab One
Joint Break
7 SPD 36 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 Limb; 2d6
12 REC 8 HKA, Disable
60 END 7 Redirect +1 +3 Block, Abort
45 STUN 10 Strike +1 +3 6d6
Total Characteristic Cost: 218 Takedown +l +1 6d6; Target Falls
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Throw +O +1 6d6 +v/5;
Teleport: 30"/60" Target Falls
+3 Damage Classes (already added in)
Powers & Skills:
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Combat Skills:
Combat Sense 14- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: +3 Levels w/ Elemental
Defense Maneuver: full-no attack is considered
Control (9)
to be "from behind;" Multiple Attacker
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Soul Drain (6)
Bonuses are eliminated even as to attackers
Mirror Powers:
Kagamishoki cannot sense; 0-Phasc action (10)
Elemental Control (15-point base) (15)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
l - Mirrorwalking: Teleport 30", 1h END,
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6)
Only Through Mirrors (-1) (30) [l/10")
Deception and Manipulation Skills:
2 - Mirrorsight: Clairvoyance (400" range),
Acting 14- (3)
Only Through Mirrors (-1) (7) I3I
Disguise 14- (9)
3 - Stepping Into The Mirror: Invisibility To
Mimicry 13- (7)
Sight Group (fringe effect is Kagamishoki's
Persuasion 14- (3)
appearance in a nearby mirror), Only
Seduction 14- (3)
Through Mirrors (-1) (7) (3)
4 - The Shattered Reflection: RKA 2d6, Stealth 14- (3)
Ventriloquism 13- (7)
Penetrating; OIF (any mirror of
opport1111ity), Requirefi A DEX !toll (mus1 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 409
'atch target's reflection in the mirror and
Total Character Cost: 627
then smash that mirror, -'h), No
Knockback(l3) (4)
5 - The Reflected Force: Missile Reflection, all Disadvantages: 100+
missiles; OIF (any mirror of opportunity), Hunted by:
Requires A DEX Roll (must catch missile's Zen Team, as powerful, NCI, 11- (20)
reflection in mirror, -•h) (12) by other heroes or monster-hunters of GM's
6 - The Mirror's Curse: Flash 2d6 Sight Group, choice (20)
OIF (any mirror of opportunity), Requires Physical Limitation:
A DEX Roll (must catch light in mirror and Confined by pentagrams and other magical
reflect it into target's eyes, -'h), Requires barriers (15)
Appropriate Light Source (-1,~) (7) [3) Psychological Limitation:
7 · False Reflections: Images To Sight Group, Thoroughly evil; exists only to cause misery and
8" radius, 'h END; Only Through Mirrors despair (25)
(-1) (17) [2) Casual killer (20)
Demonic Powers: Must flee if directly confronted with his own
Shape Shift (any humanoid shape), 0 END (30) (OI reflection (20)
Soul Drain: Drain 3d6 BODY, Ranged, 0 END Reputation:
(60) [OJ Mirror demon 14- (limited group: the Mystic
Claws: HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR) (15) [1) World; some members of the Martial World;
Infrared Vision (5) some superheroes) (15)
2x STUN from Holy/Consecrated Attacks (20)
2x BODY from Holy/Consecrated Attacks
Villain Bonus (352)
Total Disadvantage Points: 627
Chap+e~ Thi~+eet1

WhileSceker and lhe rest of the Champions were had to be posted to watch for flash floods. "The gods
in transit over the Pacific, the caravan led by the are trying to stop me, Jagatai," the man with the
man wearing the black eyepatch was switching eyepatch said. "They send Ch ih Sung-tzu and Lei
from gasoline-powered vehicles lO horses. To a Kung lo bedevil me, but already they are too late!"
man, the scientists looked uncomfortable, but Jagatai only grinned.
Jagatai the Mongol finally appeared to be at home. The morning dawned cloudy, but dry, and the
There was a gl int in his eyes that not all of the men went to work. After a day 1>r two of exploring
scientists found pleasant. the valley, they brought the man with the eyepatch
The man with the eyepatch led them out from to several different sites. After evalua ling e:1d1, he
their camp and into the mountains. Every few chose one, and the men began an archaeological
hours he would stop, stare about him, and consult survey. The camp was moved closer to aecunHno-
some scrolls that he kept in a bell pouch. Within a date the work. Afrer days oflaying grids and sketch-
few days he had fo und the spot he was looking for- ing the area, digging began.
a small, narrow valley surrounded by high moun- The next evening, one of the men left the camp·
tains. He held a scroll containing a painted picture .site for a few minutes. Shortly after he walked into
up to one of the skylines an<l, after a fow moments, the darkness, a terrifying shriek lure through the
gave a self-satisfied nod. The expedition estab- night air! The other men mobilized a search, using
lished a long-term camp. torches ilnd nashlights, but were unable to find any
That night there was a terrible storm. Winds and trace of I he man-other than a smear of b lood. A
rain lashed the campsite, and the thunder sounded few of ihe scientists whispered that after the shriek,
like rocks rolling down the mountainsides. Guards they had heard t·he beating of tremendous wings.
The man wi!h the eyepatd1 scowled at everyone
and ordered them back lo the camp.
Despite the setback.~. 1.he digging continued. Be-
fore lung, one of the scientists came rushing up to
the man with the eyepatch. In h is hand he held
something white and round-;:i porcelain bowl. As
hcmuved lo hand it lo the man with the eyepatch,
there was a sudden rumbling, and the ground
began to shake! The scientist foll on his face, drop-
ping the bowl; the man with the eyepalch kept his
fi:ct. hut only barely. T he other men threw them-
selves on the ground; tents collapsed; rocks tore
down the mountainside. After a few seconds, the
tremorssubsided. The terrified scientists and work-
ers slowly got to their feet. The man with the
eyepatch bent down and picked up a few pieces of
the porcelain bowl. His single eye glared at them
contemptuously. "Well?" he asked the scientist.
The scientist reached out and gently turned his
hand so that he could see the back of one of the
pieces from the rim. Painted around its edge was a
series of sapphire phoen ixe~.
The man with the cyepatch began to laugh, a
deep. evil laugh that scared everyone present even
more than the earthquake-everyone but Jagatai,
who only grinned. Then he shook his fist at the
storm clouds that glowered above him. "Not even
the gods can stop me now! Yengtao is mine!"
Chapte J'4 Fol.1.-'teel!\

"Okay, Quantum, we're closing in. Veer north, cloud of dust and smoke; in the far distance they
let's try to get around whatever it is and come at it could see the ruins of some sort of farming com-
from behind," Defender said. mune or village.
"Roger," Quantum responded. After another minute they could see what had
The flight from Japan had gone well. Much to caused the energy spike a half a world away. At the
Defender's surprise, their entrance into Chinese center of the dust cloud was a sort of electrical
airspace and their radio broadcasts to the Chinese storm, and at the center of the electrical storm was
authorities had gone completely unremarked. what appeared to be a man. He was flying swiftly
Rather than look a gift horse in the mouth, he had towards the east, just a few feet off the ground, in a
headed straight for the disturbance they'd come standing position.
here to investigate-and, if possible, stop. That's it? Jaguar asked through the telepathic
Seeker and the others braced themselves for the link. One man caused all of this?
coming aerial maneuvers. Glancing out the win- Looks that way, Solitaire replied. All of them
dow to his left, Seeker saw a large cloud of dust and could sense the pain in her head from being so close
smoke on the horizon. '"Ey, mates! Check out the to something emitting that much mystic energy.
party t' port" Everyone who could looked; Jaguar, Okay, Champions, 37-B it is! Defender ordered.
who'd transformed into beast-form already, In response to his command, Quantum drew back
growled softly. Obsidian's breath rumbled in his and began to move very slowly, while Defender and
chest like a furnace. his passengers surged ahead.
Defender banked to the left in a wide arc, bypass- Defender flew ahead of the .man and landed
ing the cloud by a considerable margin. After he about fifty feet in front of him. There was a dull
straightened up, he and Quantum began looking roaring sound coming from the man, caused by the
for a place to land. A few minutes later they found storm effects that surrounded him. Magnifying his
a suitably flat place and made preparations for voice with amplifiers built into his armor, he said,
landing. Five minutes after that, the Champions "UNIDENTIFIED SUPERHUMAN, THIS IS THE
"All right, folks, listen up!" Defender said as soon ONCE AND SURRENDER TO US, OR WE WILL
as they were all out of the Slingshot. "We've got our HAVE TO CAPTURE YOU BY FORCE."
target about a mile, two miles east of us. All we The man, a short fellow dressed in brown robes,
know is that it's incredibly powerful and extremely looked straight at Defender. His eyes were solid
destructive. We don't know its name, its powers, blood-red, with no pupils, and lightning crackled
what it looks like, or anything else." around his eyes. "Insect," he said, in a voice from
Could it be the Death Dragon? Seeker wondered beyond the grave, "who are you to utter commands
for the hundredth time. He exchanged a worried to Li Chun the Destroyer?" Li Chun raised his right
glance with Solitaire. He'd briefed the other Cham- arm and pointed it at Defender.
pions on what the Death Dragon was and what he'd "Strewth, mate, dive for it!" Seeker shouted. He
been doing in the past week while they were flying and Jaguar got out of the way in time, but Defender,
over China, but he wasn't sure that they appreci- confident in the strength of his armor, didn't move.
ated the seriousness of the threat. A bolt of infernal flame lanced out and smashed
"Okay, we've got two flyers in this group. Quan- into Defender with a terrible sound like an explo-
tum, you carry Solitaire, and Solitaire will use her sion. When the dust cleared, Defender was lying
psychokinesis to carry Obsidian. I'll carry Seeker several dozen feet from where had been standing.
and Jaguar. Solitaire, use your telepathy to keep us
in contact with one another; once we get a clear
look at this thing, we can figure out how to deal with
it. Default plan of action is Maneuver 37-B. Any
There were none, so the group got underway. A
couple of minutes later, they were approaching the
He didn't get up.
Bloody 'ell! Seeker thought. "Quantum, Maneuver
37-B!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, but she was
already on her way. As Seeker and Jaguar regrouped,
looking for a way to approach Li Chun without
getting fried, Quantum began to accelerate towards
Li Chun as fast as she could. When she reached her
maximum velocity, Solitaire gathered her "Keep it up, Soli! We got 'im on the ropes!"
psychokinetic strength and threw Obsidian at Ll Seeker's optimism proved unfounded. Li Chun
Chun as hard as she could! While Obsidian whistled recovered himselfand pointed his hand at Solitaire.
towards his target, Quantum looped around in front She managed to dodge the first blast of flame, but
of him, dropping Solitaire off so she could get to barely, her "Widget" dancing crazily in mid-air as
Defender, then headed back towards the enemy. it tried to keep up with her. Seeker grabbed Li
Obsidian hit Li Chun with a sound like a thun- Chu n's arm to break the joint and keep him from
derclap. Li Chun hit the ground hard, and another attacking Solitaire, but he might as well have tried
cloud of dust sprang up, keeping the rest of the to break a bar of solid iron. Li Chun's arm didn't
Champions from seeing what was happening. Fi· even budge. Then Li Chun palm-struck Seeker,
nally the dust cleared, and they saw the two of them knocking him backwards more than ten feet.
fighting. They'd never known anyone or anything Befo~ Seeker could get up, Solitaire used her
that had resisted Maneuver 37-B before, but Li mental bolt on Li Chun again, but he was ready for
Chun seemed to have shrugged it off with little her. Shrugging off the effect of her attack, he once
effort. Despite the fact that Li Chun was only a little again raised his arm- and this time she didn't get
bit more than half as tall as Obsidian, he was using out of the way fast enough. The flame-blast caught
what Seeker recognized as Pakua and Tau Ch'i her in the back and knocked her out cold. Her
Ch'uan maneuvers to block the alien warrior's Widget fell to the ground next to her, bounced once
blows. On the other hand, the Champions were slightly, and then was still.
pleased to see that Li Chun's return attacks were Ignoring the pain in his ribcage, Seeker leaped at
having little effect on Obsidian. Li Chun and brought both his sai down full-force
Quantum waited until Li Chun dodged one of on the man's neck, just above his collar bones, in an
Obsidian's mammoth blows, which sent Obsidian effort to pierce his chest and bring him down. One
sprawling. Then she strafed Li Chun with her high- of them bent; the other shattered. Li Chun laughed
intensity energy beam, sending him sprawling as at him, a hollow, terrifying sound that seemed to
well. He quickly floated to his feet and stared at her. echo despite the fact that they were on a level plain.
She shouted and clutched at her head, but then he "Did you truly think to harm Li Chun, little insect?
said in his unearthly voice, "Attack the large black Begone!" With that he slapped Seeker with the
one, gnat!" She straightened up and, to Seeker and back of his hand, knocking him unconscious.

Jaguar's horror, flew towards Obsidian, who was
just starting to stand up.
"Soli! We need your help!" Seeker shouted as he
moved in towards Li Chun with Jaguar. As they got
Li Ch""n the Des+v-oyev-
close to him, Quantum began to blast away at
Obsidian, using amounts of power far in excess of BackgroWld/History: Approximately600 years ago,
those she normally dared to use. She kept it up until there lived a devout Taoist monk named Li Chun.
she fainted, at which point she fell from the sky and His piety, wisdom, martial arts skill, and magical
lay still. Obsidian never had the chance to get back powers were known far and wide, and many dis-
on his feet; he, too, lay low in the dust. ciples came to study at his small temple in the wilds
"Hiiiaa!" Seeker kiaied, connecting with a solid of Yunnan Province.
flying kick to Li Chun's throat He had drawn his sai One day some of the students came to Li Chun's
and was ready to block Li Chun's attack. When the room to assist him with his morning routine, as was
man turned towards him, Jaguar pounced on him their duty.Much to their surprise, they found their
from behind, raking him with his claws-but this did master missing! A search of the temple and the
nothing more than shred his brown robes. An enor- surrounding area was begun, and Li Chun was soon
mous gout of demonic flame burst from Ll Chun's found in a nearby cave, meditating and staring at
back, knocking Jaguar off of him. Jaguar flew threw the wall. Mindful of the tales of the master
the air and hit the ground, already unconscious; his Bodhidharma, who meditated and stared at a cave
fur smoked from the heat of the blast. wall for nine years, the disciples left their master to
"Soli!" Seeker shouted again. He threw a punch atLi his devotions.
Chun, using the butt of his sai to augment the blow, And so it went for several years, with the monks
but it had little effect. Li Chun looked at him and tending to the business of the temple and to their
began walking the circle around him, blocking his studies while their master devoted himself to his
blows and trying to hit him in return. Seeker moved meditations. Then a marauding gang of bandits
quickly, avoiding Ll Chun's strikes, but knew it would swept down upon the temple, intent on looting it of
only be a matter of time if he couldn't hit him. its treasures. The terrified monks fled for their own

• Suddenly Li Chun roared in pain and clutched safety, completely forgetting their master in the
his head. Solitaire appeared out of the smoke, her process. Such is the measure ofa weak man's loyalty

( 94
3 flying crystal glistening. Seeker kicked Li Chun in
his stomach, and again, and a third time, while
Solitaire continued her mental attack. Li Chun gave
in the face of adversity.

ground, but did not fall.
The bandits looted and wrecked the temple, but It has taken nearly three decades for the demon Perceptive PCs may
they never found Li Chun. In fact, no one found Li to free itself, but at last its long task is complete. And wonder why Li Chun
Chun, for his disciples never returned and he was now Li Chun the Destroyer is about to walk free of the Destroyer awoke at
soon forgotten by a populace intent on daily sur- its cavern prison at long last, bringing terror and this particular time, as
vival. But Li Chun was still alive, and he was not havoc to the world. the Tournament of the
meditating. Ever since the morning his students Personality/Motivation: The thing that was once Dragon approaches.
first found him in the cave, he had been engaged in the Taoist monk Li Chun is now a human shell Their suspicions are
a battle with a fearsome demonic entity who was motivated by a demonic being of unknown nature correct-the thing
intent on taking over his body and using his magi- and powers-and what is worse, a demon driven which gave the demonic
cal powers to wreak huvoc. For a dozen years, and mad by centuries of helpless captivity in a human entity the final little bit
a dozen after Lha1 1 and yet a third dozen, Li Chun body. II is lhoroughly and utterly evil, intent only of power it needed to
strove to drive away the demon and keep the people on destruction, mayhem, murder, and fulfillment breakfree of LJ Chun's
safe. of its lusts. If not stopped, it will do its best to trance was the Death
Victory was not, however, to be his in the end. destroy the world and all of the human insects that Dragon. In its stirrings
For all his powers. Li Chun was only a man, and inhabit it. as its time of release
without sustenance and comfort no man can with- grows near, it flicks
Quote: None.
stand the indefatigable attacks of the evil entities energy about the
that come from the Realms of the Yama Kings. Li Powers/Tactics: Li Chun the Destroyer can make multiverse; one ofthose
Chun's defenses finally collapsed and the demonic use of its host body's martial arts prowess and some bits ofenergy was har-
being possessed him. But it did not possess him of its own demonic powers, mainly those relating nessed by the demonic
completely: as his last, desperate act, Li Chun cast to deception and confusion and innate demonic thing inside of Li
his body into a trance so deep and so strong that not abilities (such as resistance to injury). It is fast, Chun's body and used
even the demon could break it. And so the demon strong, and cruel; it will usewhatever ability is most for its own ends. This
was trapped in an earthly shell, unable to move or likely to psychologically or physically harm its en- insight will not provide
use its own powers to escape. emies, and it shows no mercy. Insane from centu- the PCs with a key to
Over the decades and centuries Li Chun's body ries of imprisonment, Li Chun will begin its attack defeat Li Chun, but it
slept. The nearby temple finally collapsed, and Li on mankind as a bloody orgy of destruction; if it will give them an idea
Chun slept. Generations were born, had children of survives, it will soon learn that it can accomplish ofjust how powerfulthe
their own, and died, but Li Chun slept. Dynasties more through deception and subterfuge. Death Dragon is.
fell and rose, and still Li Chun slept. Within him the As Li Chun the Destroyer becomes accustomed
demon screamed, driven insane by the torment of to its body, it will likewise become able to use more
its imprisonment. of Li Chun's magical Taoist powers. Most of these
Eventually the last of the dynasties fell, and a new are similar to the spells used by Dr. Yin Wu (see
form of government came to China. But it did not above), but they are innate abilities rather than
last, and soon the Communists took over the Middle spells. It will also be able to use more of its demonic
Kingdom. During the Cultural Revolution of the abilities (such as the power to create bolts ofname
1960s, a team of Communist archaeologists and even more destructive than its Demonic Blast).
anthropologists working on Peking's behalf un- These abilities are most likely to emerge in combat,
covered Li Chun's ancient temple, and noted it on particularly when Li Chun has gone berserk.
a list of sites for potential exploration or destruc- There is almost nothing left of Li Chun himself
tion, as their Communist masters willed. It was inside his own body. It would take an incredible
these men that gave Li Chun, no longer a gentle amount of mystical or mental power simply to
Taoist monk but a being offearsome evil power, the contact this last remainingsparkofhis essence, and
key to unlock the gates of slumber. One of them an even greateramountto somehow free that spark.
chanced too close to Li Chun's cave, looking for He will never be able to reclaim his body, though;
other temple buildings, and had the misfortune to it is too far gone into corruption.
be mauled to death by an unknown wild animal- Appearance: Li Chun the Destroyer resembles a
or so his comrades thought. short. bald, middle-aged Chinese Taoist monk. He
In truth, the demonic thing that was now Li wears simple brown robes. However, the fact that
Chun hadfinallyachieved a sufficient level of power he has been possessed and the power that he wields
to perform some minor acts, despite the trance Li are obvious to anyone who looks at him: his face
Chun had imposed upon it. As if dreaming, it somehow appears oddly distorted or distended, his
sensed the nearby life-force of the archaeologist, eyes are solid blood-red, and energy sometimes
and summoned one of its lesser brethren to slay the crackles around him.

human gnat. The human's dissipatinglifeforceand Campaign Use: Li Chun is intended to be a foe who
blood gave the demonic being more power, enough can take on entire groups ofPCs,eithersubtlyor in
to slowly begin to cast off the chains that Li Chun a knock-down-drag-out fight. If he cannot fulfill
had set upon it this role in your campaign as he is currently writ-

ten, beefhim up or change him so that he can.

Li Chun the Destroyer Demonic Powers:
Multipower (75 pt pool) (75)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
u · Agony Infliction: Ego 1ttack 5d6, 0 END
40 sl'R 30 17. 6400 kg; 8d6 [4
(7517) [OJ
30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10 u - Possession: Mind Control 12d6, 112 END
28 CON 36 15- (7517) [3]
18 BODY 16 13-
u · Illusions: Mental Illusions l 2d6, 'h END
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13· (7517) [3]
24 EGO 28 14- ECV:8 u · Phantasms: Images to Sight, Hearing, and
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack 5d6 Smell Groups, 16" radius, 112 END (75/7)
14 COM 2 12-
21 PD 13 Total: 21 PD/ 18 rPD
u - The True RenJering: Transform 3d6 Major
20 ED 14 Total: 20 ED/ 20 rED (humans to insects), Cumulative ( +'h)
7 SPD 30 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
(6717) [7J
17 REC 6 u · Demon Hand: Telekinesis 40 STR, 112 END
76 END 10 (7517) [OJ
57 STUN 5 u ·Create Storms: Change Environment, 1024"
Total Characteristic Cost: 290 radius, 0 END (7517) [OJ
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" u - Demonic Blast: EB 15d6 (75/7) (7]
Superleap: 20"/40" Teleport: 20"/40" Cloudriding: Flight 15", x4 NCM (35) [115")
Flight: 15"/60" Pathways of the Immortals: Teleport 20" (40)
Powers & Skills: Demonic Resilience: Damage Resistance: 18 PD,
Martial Arts-Hsing-I, Kung Fu, Pakua, and Tai 20 ED (19)
Ch'i Ch 'uan (90) Demonic Resilience: Damage Reduction, 50%
Maneuver ocv DCV Notes physical and energy, resistant (60)
Block"#$% +2 +2 Block, Abort Demonic Immortality: Full Life Support (30)
Defensive Block"$ +l +3 Block, Abort Iron Tower of the Mind: Mental Defense: 20
Disarm#% •l +l Disarm, 60 STR points (15)
Dodge#$ +5 Dodge, Abort Cloak of the Immortals: Power Defense: 15
Dragon Claw# +o +O 14d6 Crush, points (15)
Must Follow Eyes of the Immortals: Clairvoyance (normal
Grab sight) (20) (2]
Escaping Throw% +O +0 65 STR vs. Martial Arts Abilities:
Grabs; Target Superleap: + 15" (20" forward, 10" upward) (IS)
Falls ( 1/5")
Flying Kick# +l -2 14d6 Demonic Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Grab#% -1 ·l Grab Two Danger Sense 13-, out of combat, any attack, Li
Limbs, 60 STR Chun's general area (27)
for holding on Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to go first (6)
Joint Break% ·I -2 Grab One Simulate Death (3)
Limb; 2d6 Acrobatics 15- (3)
HKA, Disable Breakfall 15- (3)
Knife Hand# ·2 +O 2d6HKA Stealth 15- (3)
Legsweep#$ +2 ·l !ld6; Target Mandarin Chinese: native ( 0)
Falls WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Palm Strike/ ·2 +l 14d6 Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons,
Kick"#$% Hook Sword, Three-Sectional Staff, Wind And
Punch"# +0 +2 12d6 Fire Wheels, Off Hand ( 10)
Root$% +O +0 STR65 to Scholar (3)
resist Shove; KS: Hsing-I 13- (2)
Block, Abort KS: Kung Fu 13 · (2)
Shove/Uproot"#% +O +O 65 STR to Shove KS: Pakua 13- (2)
Strike% +l +2 12d6, Must KS: Tai Ch'i Ch'uan 13· (2)
Follow Block KS: Analyze Style 13- (2)
Sword Finger"#% -1 +l 3d6 NND(l) KS: Chinese Healing 13· (2)
Throw"#% +O +l 10d6 +v/5; KS: Chinese Philosophy 13- (2)
Target Falls Total Powers & Skills Cost: 542
• =Hsing· I maneuver,# = Kung Fu maneuver,$ =
Pakua maneuver,%= Tai Ch'i Ch'uan maneuver Total Character Cost: 832
+2 Damage Classes (already added in)
Use Art with Axes/Maces/Picks, Blades, Chain &
Rope Weapons, Clubs, Hook Sword, Polearms, Staff,
Three-Sectional Staff, Wind And Fire Wheels

Disadvantages: 100+ Obsidian smiled. "Don't worry, Quantum. As
Berserk: you Earth lings say, only my pride was hurt. None of
If challenged or attacked, It-, recover l l- (25) us did any better resi•ting this man's powers."
If injured or harmed, 14-, recover 8- (30) "Li Chun. Li Chun the Destroyer, mate, that's
Distinctive Features:
what'ecalled 'imself. And yer right, 'e kicked a/lour
Possessed by a demonic entity (concealable with
difficulty; causes major reaction/fear) (20) butts."
Hunted by: "Okay, so the first round went to him. The sec-
Hero team of GM's choice, as powerful, 11 • ond round will be all ours, now that we know what
(They will begin hunting Li Chun after he we're dealing with!" Defender said. "It's just a
emerges) (IS) problem like any other, all we have to do is figure
Psychological Limitation: out a solution. Come on!"
Posses~eJ by a Jemonic entity/utterly evil (25)
Susceptibility: "STOP!" came a loud voice from above.Looking
2d6/Phase from human saliva (25) up, they saw a yellow cloud descending from the
2d6/Phase from salt (25) sky. On it four people-superhumans, based cm
Unluck: !d6 (S) their colorful clothing-were riding elfortlessly.
Vulnerability: The Champions waited, a little tense, while the
2x STUN from Holy/Consecrated Attacks (20) cloud descended and the four people, two women
2x BODY from Holy/Consecrated Attacks (20) and two men, got off. The first one, obviously the
Villain Bonus (522)
leader who had called out to them, was a beautiful
Total Disadvantage Points: 832 young Chinese woman in a sheer green gown. Her
companions were a large man who looked like
Defender was the first one to wake up. Coughing, some kind of yellow blur, a short woman wearing a
he got to his feet and looked around. The dust cloud flame-colored wu shu outfit, and a thin man in a red
was already a few miles to the east; his teammates lay bodystocking with the emblems of the Chinese flag
sprawled on the ground in the opposite direction. He on it.
tried to fly, discovered I hat his boot rockets weren't "The Tiger Squad, I presume?" Defender asked.
operable, and ran over to Solitaire and checked her "A small part of it, yes," the woman in green
first. The bums on her back were horrifying, but he replied. "I am Gossamer Storm, the leader of this
knew that she could heal them-heal all of their field team. I carry authority from Beijing, and in the
wounds-if he could just wake her up. name of the People's Republic of China I insist that
Taking off one of her gauntlets, he cradled her in you leave our territory and our airspace as quickly
his arms and gently slapped her cheeks and chafed as possible."
her wrists. "Elaine, wake up! C'mon, Elaine, we need "What?" Defender exclaimed. "We've just come
you in a bad way, wake up!" After a few moments of halfway around the world to help you."
this, Widget started to shake, and then sprang into "And your efforts are appreciated, but we have
the air. With a groan, Solitaire awakened, wincing at no further need for your services at this time. We
the pain in her back. She lay there for a minute, respectfully request that you leaw~ China immedi-
listening to Defender's voice, and then summoned ately."
up enough energy to heal herself. Feeling much "Lady, we just got knocked all around this place
better, she got to her feet with Defender's help and by this Li Chun guy, and now that we know enough
began to see what she could do for the others. about him to try to deal with him effectively, you're
Quantum was just exhausted from overuse ofher going to kick us out?"
powers; she could wait. So could Defender; he was "True, you didn't fare very well against him, did
bruised, but his armor had saved him from the brunt you?"
of Li Chun's blast. Jaguar was another matter. Like "You mean you saw us fighting him, and didn't
she had been, he was badly burned. She crouched help us?" Defender was beginning to get angry;
next to him and summoned vril to pour into him, Solitaire put a calming hand on his shoulder.
healing his wounds and reinvigorating him. In a few "We were not yet close enough to help you; the
moments he came to, growling, ready to fight some goddess Hsi Wang Mu opened a window in the air
more. She calmed him down and moved on to Seeker, for me so that I could see the battle."
who had suffered some broken ribs from Li Chun's "Don't you even want to know what we learned
palm strike; her vril healing powers knit them back about him?"
together as good as new. By the time she was done "It seems to me that all you learned was how to
with him, Obsidian's immense recuperative powers take a beating. Besides, we know all we need to
had brought him back to the land of the living, and know. Li Chun is a puppetoftheso-calledEmperor
Quantum had awakened as well. Crane, an enemy of the state."
Quantum shook her head to clear it, then looked "Oh, yeah, right!" Seeker said with rich sarcasm.
at Obsidian. "Oh, God, Obsidian, I'm so sorry- "Pull the other one while you're at it."
are you all right?" "What are you talking about, Seeker?" Solitaire
"She knows as well as I do that Emperor Crane's Organization: The Tiger Squad is divided into
not good enough to pull off a stunt like this. 'E's three or more "field teams," depending upon the
powerful, and 'is cl1'i is strong, but Li Chun comes size of the Squad. Each field team is led by a "team
from something else." leader." One of the team leaders will be appointed
Gossamer Storm's reply was icy. "I would suggest Commander of the entire Squad by government
that you save your opinions for topics you actually officials, and other team leaders will be appointed
know something about, Mr. Morgan-and for to posts such as governmentliaison, political leader
someone who cares. This is merely the latest of (in charge of monitoring Squad members' devo-
"Emperor" Crane's attacks on the freedom-loving tion to Communism), and so forth.
people of China." In some cases, the Squad will appoint a tempo-
"All right, all right, if that's the way you want it," rary field team made up of members from different
Defender said, wanting to prevent the argument field teal11$ who are called together because their
from becoming a full-blown incident. "Come on, unique combinationsofpowers, abilities, and skills
team." He turned away and began walking back to are deemed to be especially suited to the task at
the Slingshot, and the rest of the Champions fol- hand.
lowed-all except for Quantum, who remained Group Tactics: The Tiger Squad is so largethateach
behind for a moment, staring scornfully at Gossa- member does not have the chance to train with
mer Storm, and then flew off after her teammates. everyothermember. Tnstead,each member is taught
basic Squad tactics, maneuvers, and commands,
and then each field team trains by itself. This can be
a significant weakness in situations where tempo-
rary field teams are used; they lack the tactical
cohesion present in a standard field team.
Membership: The membership of the Tiger Squad Group Relations; Relations With Other Organiza-
fluctuates, but usually numbers three or four dozen tions: Within anyorganization as large as the Tiger
or more. A complete roster is beyond the scope of Squad, thereare bound to be personal conflicts and
this book; the members depicted below are Gossa- similar problems. However, these can be mini-
mer Storm, Dlzhen Quan, Luan, and Shu·iyin. mized in the Squad by transferring members be-
Dragon master (Classic Enemies, page 56) is a former tween field teams; also, the members' common
member turned enemy. In most respects, the Squad devotion to Chinese Communism (and/or their
is a typical su perteam (although it has more martial fear of the government) tend to unite them.
artists than the average team). The Tiger Squad has relatively little contact with
other superhuman organizations-they keep to
History: The Tiger Squad was originally formed in
themselves, and expect others to do likewise. As the
the late 1960s as a group of assassins and spies for
premier superteam of China, they have the power
the government of the People's Republic of China.
to bar other superhero teams from the counLry if
It remained little more than an elite forces unit they or their Communist masters find this appro-
until the early 1980s, when it and its patrons fell out
of favor and the group was purged. Most members
fled China; a few accepted their fate and were Group Headquarters And Equipment: The Tiger
shuffled off to the military or other agencies. Then, Squad is headquartered at a former military instal-
in 1986, the Squad was reborn, as the official lation near Beijing. The government watches over
superteam of the Chinese government. Although this facility closely; every member of the staff re-
many of its members are simply highly-trained ports to at least one Party official.
martial artists, it boasts an impressive roster of The Squad travels in a large plane known as the
superhumans (many of whom also have martial Phoenix. Since the Squad rarely travels anywhere in
arts training); given the native population the Chi- one large group, it also uses many smaller vehicles,
nese government has to draw from, its team is large known as Fire-Crows, which are large enough to
and diversified. carry field teams.
Most members of the Squad are ardent Commu- Each member of the Squad wears a wrist-radio
nists and fully support their government. They tuned to a special frequency, thus allowing them to
have been instrumental in stopping rebellions, in- remain in contact with each other as necessary.
cluding the Tiananmen Square uprising. However,
it is important for the GM to remember that the
Tiger Squad is a superhero team; its members save
lives, prevent disasters, fight crime, and help save
the world when necessary. Although they may be
opposed to the PCs from time to time for political
reasons, they are not villains in the ordinary sense
of the word.
Gossamer Storm Powers/Tactics: Gossamer Storm commands a wide
variety of Chinese spells. She tends not to use
Background/History: Jiang Y!n is the daughler ofa
magical items, or Focus-based spells, since she
T~ist wilch and one of the lesser immortals of
hntes to carry such things around, but she will if
Heaven. Rather than try to explain the somewhat
there is no alternative. She prefers to use her magic
complicated situation to her daughter, Yin's mother
to support the actions of her teammates, rather
told her that her father is a Communist Party
than m ake d i rect attacks herself. W hen she is at-
official who cannot risk being connected with some-
tacked hand-to- hand, she uses her Hsing-I skills.
one such as her mother.
Yln's mother raised her in the Taoist traditions Appearance: Jiang Y!n is a beautiful young Chinl!se
which i;he espoused. When she found out that her woman with long, straight black hair that reaches
daughter bad the same talent for wizardry that she to her waist. She dresses in a costume reminiscent'
did, she tutored her in the mystic arts as well. Yin of the American "Dragon Lady" stereotype: a sheer,
proved particularly adept at developing psychic long-sleeved, da rk green evening gown, with a h igh
powers; soon, her mental abilities exceeded those collar and a slit up to the thigh of her left leg. The
of her mother or anyone her mother knew. hems are embroidered with golden thrend.
By the time when many girls her age were getting
married or going to college, Yin was an accom- Gossamer Storm
plished sorceress and the mistress ofseveral potent Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
pS)'Chic abilities. Determined to make her father 13 STk 3 12- 150 kg; 2'hd6D
proud of her, and perhap.~ even acknowledge her, 21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
18 CON 16 13-
she applied for membership in the Tiger Squad,
10 BODY 0 11-
and after a probationary period was accepted into 15 INT s 12- PER Roll 13-
the Squad. As "Gossamer Storm," she has servl!d 22 EGO 24 13- ECV:7
with distinction ever since. Today, at age 29, she is 23 PRE 13 14- PRE Attack 4lhd6
one of the most experienced members of the Squad. 20 COM s 13-
Personality/Motivation: Like most other Chinese
8 PD s Total: 8 PD
10 ED 6 Total: 10 ED
sorcerers, Gossamer Storm is deeply religious. She s SPD 19 Phases:3,S,8, 10, 12
follows the Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian tradi- 8 REC 2
tions taught to her by her mother. The exte nt of her 40 END 2
powers is a sign that the gods take a kind ly view 35 STUN 9
towards her; were she to skimp her religious duties, Total Characteristic Cost: 142
this might change quickly and she would find her- Movement: Running: 6"112" Swimming: 2"14"
self much less powerful.
Also like most other wizards, particularly Chi-
nese wizards, Gossamer Storm has a deep distrust
of and dislike for all sorts of modern technology.
She regards it, and many of the works of modern
man, ai; Abominations that are strangling the spirit
o f the Earth and turning mankind away from his
traditions and roots. Whenever possible, she avoids
using technology; for this reason she rarely spends
much time in the Tiger Squad's headquarters.
Gossamer Storm is a beauty, and she knows it.
She can be quite vain about her appearance, and is
always careful to maintain it as much as she can.
This is why she rarely uses spells that require a
Focus, since carrying around a bagful of magical
paraphernalia would mar her overall appeara nce;
instead, she has created non-Focus-based versions
of many spells.
Quote: "May the Yama Kings take you to Hell!"
Powers & Skills: Secret Identhy: Jiang Yin (lS)
Combat Skills: Susceptibility:
Combat Skill Level: + 1 Level w/ Chinese Sorcery To salt, takes 2d6/Phase she is in contact with salt
(S) (25)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Level w/ Mental Powers Watched by:
(10) the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI,
Mental Powers: 14- (15)
Multipower (SO pt pool) (SO) Experience (170)
u - Drnwing Down the Veil of HCllven: Jmages Total Disadvantage Points: 380
to Sight Group, Hearing Group, and Normal
Smell, 4" radius (40/4) (4)
u - Landscape of the Mind: Mental Illusions
10d6 (SO/S) [SJ Dizhen Quan
u - Fist of Shang Ti: Ego Attack 4d6, 1h END
Background/History: Dlzhen Quan ("Earthquake
(SO/S) (2]
u - Opening the Book of the Mind: Telepathy Fist," also known jokingly to his teammates as Yao,
8d6, 112 END (SO/S) (2) or "Shaker"), born Kuang Gong, was also born a
Chinese Sorcery: mutant, with the power to vibrate the molecules of
Magic Power Pool (40 pt pool) (60) his body at incredibly fa~t speeds. When his powers
Mental Defense: 10 points (S) manifested in his early teens, geneticists working
Power Defense: S points (S) for the Chinese government quickly snatched him
Enchanted Eye:
Detect Magic 12-, as a Sense, Ranged (10) away from his family and began conducting nu-
·Sense Ch'i: Detect Clt'i 12-. as a Sense, Ranged m<>rous experiments on him, in an attempt to learn
(10) if they could replicate his powers. They couldn't,
Martial Arts-Hsing-I (19) but meanwhile, their subject, cut offfrom his friends
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes and family forever, became more and more with-
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort drawn and moody. Eventually he turned rebellious
Eagle Claw +1 -1 Grab One
and disorderly, and on several occasions lashed out
Limb, 28 STR
for holding on with his powers, damaging lab equipment and
Hand Strike/Low +O +2 S 1hd6 injuring scientists. Finally, despairing of their abil-
Kick ity to control him or duplicate his powers, the
Throw +O +l 3 1hd6 + v/5; scientists turned him over lo the Tiger Squad.
Target Falls In the Squad, Gong finally found people who
+ 1 Damage Class (already added in) could sympathize with him and teach him how to
Wrist Radio: Radio Listen & Transmit, OIF (3) use his powers. Several members took him under
Mystic Skills and General Learning: their wings, providing the parental figures that he
Chinese Sorcery 19- ( 17)
had lacked for so long. They were even able to
PS: Sculptor 11- (2)
PS: Lapidary 11- (2) channel someof his rebelliousenergy into the study
Mandarin Chinese: native (O) of Pakua,an arl Lhc:y felt suited to someone with his
English: fluent conversation (2) vibratory powers. During this study Gong per-
Scholar (3) fected his "earthquake fist" maneuver, from which
KS: Chinese Sorcery 12- (2) he eventually took his name.
KS: Chinese Philosophy 12- (2)
KS: Chinese Legends & Lore 12- (2) Personality/Motivation: Today, at age 27, Dlzhen
KS: Chinese History & Culture 12- (2) Quan is still very much the rebel. Quick to anger,
KS: The Mystic World 11- ( 1) quick to express contempt, he grates on some of the
KS: Hsing-I 11- (1) older members of his team, but he does his best to
Martial Artist Skills: make up for it in other ways. He takes out a lot of
Acrobatics 13- (3)
anger in fights; he enjoys nothing so much as a good
Breakfall 13- (3)
battle. This hotheaded attitude is likely to get him
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 238
in trouble eventually.
Total Character Cost: 380 Quote: "Time to-how do you Americans say it?-
shake tirings up a little!"
Disadvantages: 100+
Powers/Tactics: Dlzhen Quan suffers from a mu-
Distinctive Features:
tant condition which causes all the molecules in his
Powerful mystic aura (not concealable, major
reaction; detectable by limited group) (IO) body to vibrate at high speeds, constantly. This isn't
Style Disadvantage (10) painful, but it blurs his features (no one has seen
Physical Limitation: what he looks like since he was 14) and makes it

Failure to maintain religious traditions and impossible for him to do some things, like drink
ceremonies may result in a decrease or loss of water from a glass. However, by attuning the vihra-
her powers (5) 1ion11 correctly, he can project beams of"vibratory

Psychological Limitation:
energy," walk through walls, or punch someone
Dislikes/distrusts technology ( lS)
Devout Taoist/Buddhist ( 15) extremely quickly. Hisfavoritemaneuveris to chan-
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Vain (5) nel his power into the ground around him, causing
a minor earthquake; this is his namesake attack, the
famous "earthquake fist." However, his vibratory Superleap: +5" ( 11" forward, 6" upward) (5) [ 1/5"]
state makes him vulnerable to other vibratory at- Wrist Radio: Radio Listen & Transmit, OIF (3)
tacks or sonic attacks, which "mis-vibrate" his Martial Arts Skills And Talents:
Find Weakness 11- with Earthquake Fist (IO)
molecules and cause him extreme pain. Dizhen Mandarin Chinese: native (0)
Quan is also a student of the martial art of pakua. KS: Pakua 11- (2)
Appearance: Because he is constantly vibrating, no Total Powers & Skills Cost: 171
one is able to tell what Dlzhen Quan looks like; at
best, they can see that he is tall and broad-shoul- Total Character Cost: 316
dered, and that his yellow costume is a version of
Disadvantages: 100+
the outfit worn by pakua practitioners.
2x STUN from Vibratory or Sonic powers (20)
Dizhen Quan 2x BODY from Vibratory or Sonic powers (20)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Psychological Limitation:
30 STR 20 15- 1600 kg; 6d6 (3 l Looking for a good fight (IS)
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Rebellious; dislikes taking orders (IO)
25 CON 30 14- Physical Limitation:
17 BODY 14 12- Body vibrates constantly (5)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Distinctive Features:
11 EGO 2 II- ECV:4 Constant "blurring" effect (not concealable,
20 PRE IO 13- PREAttack4d6 major reaction) (20)
10 COM 0 11- Style Disadvantage (IO)
13 PD 7 Total: 13 PD Watched by:
12 ED 7 Total: 12 ED the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI,
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 14- (15)
II REC 0 Secret Identity: Kuang Gong (15)
50 END 0 Experience (86)
50 STUN 5
Total Disadvantage Points: 316
Total Characteristic Cost: 145
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
Superleap: 11 "/22"
Powers & Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Level:+ I Levels w/ Multipower (5)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Pakua (6)
Vibratory Powers:
Multipower (45 pt pool) (45)
u - Molecular Synchronization:
Desolidification; Concentrate (1/2 DCV),
Can Only Be Used To Walk Through Solid
Objects (-1f.i) ( 40/2) (4]
u - Rapidfire Punch: EB 6d6, Autofire (5
shots), No Range ( 45/3) [4]
u - Vibratory Blast: EB 8d6 ( 40/4) (4]
u - Earthquake Fist: EB 6d6, Indirect ( +1f.i),
Only Works On Targets Who Are Standing
On The Ground (-1/2) (45/3) (4]
Vibratory Attunement: Active Sonar (15)
Martial Arts-Pakua (35)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
Escape +O +O 55 STR vs.Grabs
Joint Lock +O -1 Grab One
Limb, 50 STR
for holding on
Kick +O +2 10d6
Palm Strike -2 +l 12d6
Sweep/Throw +2 -1 9d6; Target
+ 2 Damage Classes (already added in)
Martial Arts Abilities:
Pain Resistance: 25% Damage Reduction,
physical and energy, resistant; Requires a CON
Roll (-1f.i), STUN Only (-1/2), Must Be Aware
Of Attack(-~) (13)
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
Luan Unlike kung fu students who have received more
traditional training, Luan scoffs at the "mystic"
Background/History: Wei Lin is the daughter of a abilities imputed to many fighters-to her, fighting
low-level Communist Party official in Beijing. At is purely an athletic thing. This belief is being
an early age she displayed athletic talent, and her
challenged more and more as she is exposed to
parents encouraged her to become involved with fighters who have powers that defy ordinary hu-
competitive sports and similar activities. Before
man reason; fellowSquadmember Gossamer Storm
long she discovered wu shu, the "official" form of
presents an even stronger challenge to her theories.
kung fu, and soon chose it as her favorite sport. Its
Luan'sonly othernoticeable trait is her tendency
emphasis on grace and acrobatic skill pleased her, to show off her wu shu abilities-she is very proud
and the precision and dis- ofher skills, and likes to show
cipline required to master people ho~ good she is. This
it challenged her. No makes het·leap around more
shrinking violet, she in combilt, and try "fancy"
trained not only in the maneuvers that really aren't
"sport" aspects of wu shu, very practical in an actual
but in the fighting aspects fight, but she hasn't gotten
of it as well. herself into any serious
When she was eighteen, trouble-yet
Lin captured the national After having met Seeker in
wu shu championship for the events described in this
women her age, and re- book, Luan has developed a
ceived many accolades. Af- crush on him. Whether any-
ter that, she was expected thing will come of this re-
to retire, but she found the
mains to be seen.
thought ofleaving compe-
tition behind to take up Quote: "I hope you realize
some dull, ordinary job in- now that grace does not pre-
tolerable. Looking for some clude dangerousness. "
way to put her skills to good Powers/Tactics: Luan does
use, she eventually thought not have the defense that
of the Tiger Squad and de- many of her comrades in the
cided that her wu shu abili- TigerSquaddo,andshecom-
ties could be used to help pensates for this with her style
defend her homeland from of fighting. She relies heavily
its enemies. She put herself on defensive maneuvers, and
through six months ofgru- frequently Aborts her Phase
eling training to hone her or reserves a Phase so that
skills to their peak, and then she can react to her enemies
applied for membership. appropriately. She moves
After a year-long proba- around the battlefield a lot,
tionaryperiod, in which she hoping that this will prevent
proved thatshecouldadapt her foes from "drawing a
her skills to real-world ap- bead" on her. This also gives
plications instead of arena her a way to put herself in
displays, she was admitted position to attack enemies
to membership in the from unusual angles (such
Squad. She took the name as from behind, above, or
Luan, after the graceful below them).
phoenix-like bird of Chi- Luan's favorite weapons
nese mythology, and has are chain and rope weapons,
served in the Squad ever since. such as the chain sword, nunchaku, and similar
Personality/Motivation: Luan is a relatively nor- items. She will usually carry one or more of these
mal young Chinese woman. She is a loyal member types of weapons. Occasionally she will opt for a
of the Communist Party, like most members of the rigid weapon, such as a sword or hook sword,
Tiger Squad, and would never speak out against or instead.
disobey her masters in the government. Appearance: Luan isa prettyyoungChinesewoman
in her early twenties. She is exactly five feet tall, w~th
black hair cut above the shoulder and dark brown
eyes. She wears a typical wu shu uniform colored
flame orange.
Luan Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20) Designer's Note:
Superleap: + 12" (IS" forward, 8" upward) (12) Luan •s weapons are
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
[ 1/5''1
15 STR s 12- 200 kg; 3d6 Ti1 bought as an HKA and
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) [ 1/S"]
28 DEX S4 IS- OCV: 9/DCV: 9
Martial Artist Skills and Talents::
an HA with the "Vari-
20 CON 20 13- able Special Effects"
Combat Sense 12- (3)
10 BODY 0 11- Advantage. The Advan-
Lightsleep (3)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
12- ECV:S
Acrobatics lS- (3) tage is bought "sepa-
14 EGO 8 Breakfall 15- (3) rately" because there
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack 31/2d6
Climbing IS- (3) is a Limitation that ap-
14 COM 2 12-
Contortionist lS- (3)
10 PD 7 Total: 10 PD pliesonly to it-the s pe-
Mandarin Chinese: native (O)
8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED cial effects of the at-
KS: Kung Fu 12- (3)
7 SPD 32 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 tacks (i.e., exactly
KS: Chinese Healing 12- (3)
7 REC 0 Stealth IS- (3) which weapons Luan
40 END 0
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile chooses to use) can only
30 STUN 2
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons, be changed when Luan
Total Characteristic Cost: 14S Hook Sword, Three-Section Staff. Thrown has access to her arse-
Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 2"/4" Sword (9)
nal of weapons (or
Superleap: lS"/30" Total Powers & Skills Cost: 180 some other source of
Powers & Skills: Total Character Cost: 32S weapons). In essence,
Combat SI<ms: this is a way to buy the
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Wu Shu ( 12)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Chain & Rope Disadvantages: 100+ equivalentofa very lim-
Weapons (6) Distinctive Features: ited form of Variable
Combat Skill Levels: + 2 DCV, Requires An Style Disadvantage (JO) Power Pool for a rela-
Acrobatics Roll (-lh), Side Effec.ts (-2 DCV if Psychological Limitation: tively small number of
roll is missed; .112) (S) Loyal to Chinese Government (15) points.
Martial Arts-Wu Shu (S2) Showoff(lO) GMs should note that
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Reputation:
Wu shu <:hampion 14- (IS)
the weapons also take
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +1 SS STR Disarm Secret Identity: Wei Lin (IS) a -0 Limitation,
Dodge +o +s Dodge, Abort Watched by: "Weapons Do Appro·
Flying Kick +1 -2 l ld6 the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI, priate Damage-. " This
Kick -2 +I lld6 14- (IS) means that if Luan
Punch +O +2 9d6 Experience (14S) chooses to use, for ex-
Throw +O +I 7d6 +vel/S, ample, a shuriken, she
Total Disadvantage Points: 32S
Target Falls
can only do as much
+4 Damage Classes (already added in)
Use Art with Blades, Chain & Rope Weapons, Clubs,
damage as the shuriken
Hook Sword, Polearm, Staff, Three-Section Staff is listed as doing in The
Martial Arts Weapons:
Ultimate Martial Art-
Bladed Weapons: HKA I 1hd6 (2 lhd6 with ist, page 202. even
STR), Ranged; OAF, Weapons Do Appropriate though she has paid/or
Damage (-0) (18) [4+] a I Hd6 Ranged HKA .
Arsenal: Variable Special Effects (any bladed Also, she can only ap-
martial arts weapon, +1.4) for Bladed ply the "Ranged" Ad-
Weapons; OAF, Can Only Be Changed In An
Arsenal (-1/2) (2)
vantage for the HKA to
Blunt Weapons: HA +Sd6 (8d6 w/ STR), OAF, weapons which can be
Weapons Do Appropriate Damage (-0) (7) [ 1+) used at range-arrows,
Arsenal: Variable Special Effects (any blunt martial throwing blades,
arts weapon, + 1.4) for Blunt Weapons; OAF, thrown swords, andthe
Can Only Be Changed In An Arsenal (-lh) (1) like.
Wrist Radio: Radio Listen &Transmit, OIF (3)
Martial Arts Abilities:

( ...___....__,_
Quote: (Shui'yin speaks so fast as to be unintelli-
gible to people who do not know him well.]
Powers/Tactics: Although Shu'iyin has nut ycl
trained himself lo do most types of "speedster
tricks" (such as J i:.assemb{jng a n opponent's ga<l-
gctin a second), he has developed a series of combat
nut11l·uvers that take advantage of his velocity and
dexterity. The Flying Grab maneuver allows him to
run u p lo someone and grab him. The Flying
Throw maneuver allows him to grab someone and
then throw him, using his (Shu'iyin's) own vdudty
to increase the damage (visually, he may pi ck up lhc
target, carry him at higb speed, and then let him go
so that he smashes inro a wall :tnd lakes damage, or
he may run past him and use a sort of lakedown
maneuver in which the speedster'!! own velocity
augments 1he force of the blow). The Passing Dis-
arm involves running pas t the targd andsnatc:hing
something out of bis hand . The Passing Throw
maneuver allows him to "intercept" another mov-
ing character and trip or throw him, so that the
target's own velocity works against him. The Rapid
Punch involvcspunching 1hctarget several times in
the space ofa second (while this could be bought as
an J\utofire HA, it Ciln also be sirnulatcJ with one
attack with high damage). (With both the Flying
and Passing Throws, remember that the v/S cle-
ment relies on relative velocity; refer to the discus-
sion of maneuver clements in the "Designing Mar-
tiill Arts Maneuvers" section of The Ulti111erte Mar-
tial Artist for details.)
Shu·iy!n's accelerated metabolism is not entirely
Shulyin beneficial. Its drawbacks indu<le his need to cun-
sume enmmous quantities of food to keep himself
Background/History: Shui'yin ("Quicksilver") is a
"powered up," and the fact that drugs, poisons,
mutant whose powers, for some reason, mani-
gases, and similar substances that affect his me-
fested when he was only l wo years old. His parents,
tabolism work on him very quickly and Lo greater
unable to cope with a bunJred-milc-an-hour tod-
effect than they would on a normal human.
dler, turned him over tn the government., which
kept him in isolated focililies all of his life while 1hey Appearance: Shu'iyin stands S'S" tall and has a thin,
raised, trained, an<l studied him. Instead of parents, athletic build. He wears a simple costume: a red
Shu'iyi n had a succession of tutors, instructors, and bodystocking with the yellow stars and sickle of the
drillsergeantstoraiseh.im. When hcwasol<lenough Chinese flag on his left breast. The sleeves of the
an<l skilled enough, he was drafted into 1he Tiger outfit end athis mi<l-forearms; he wears no gloves.
Squad, where he has remained ever since. He con- He also wears form- titting red mask which covers
siders them his true family, and is particularly close the upper halfofhis face. He tends to move, talk,
to !Jizhen Quan because of their similar upbring- and think very quickly, a trait which annoys people
ing and powers. who are not used to him.
Personality/Motivation: Shu'iyln is a naive and
socially inept person, even after all this time with
the Tiger Squad, because of his upbringing. He is
also shy, and has trouble displaying or receiving
affection; he prefers lo deal with people from arm's
length, and hence has few close friends.

The personality lrait most noticeable to strang-
ers is Shu'iyfo's curiosity and general lack of knowl-
edge about the way the world works. Raised as he
was in isolated settings, he hasn't experienced many

of the things most of us take for granted, and so is
constantly poking his nose where it doesn't belong
and asking odd questions.
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 I I .. IOU Kg;2Ql;JiT
33 mx 69 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11
20 CON 20 13-
10 BODY 0 11 -
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV:4
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
12 COM l 11- Emperor Crane
4 PD 2 Total: 14 PD/ 3 rPD
Total: 10 ED/ 3 rED
Background/History: Emperor Crane (the only name
6 ED 2
9 SPD 47 2,3,4,6, 7,8.10, 11, 12 by which the man is known) claims to be an immor-
8 REC 4 tal gifted by the gods with vast martial arts prowess.
so END 5 His followers, the Rebellious Flock, are taught that
35 STUN 10 Emperor Crane led their ancestors in a revolt against
Total Characteristic Cost: 169 stultifying traditions and tyrannical rulers. The Em-
Movement: Running: 30"/60" Swimming: 2"/4" peror inspired them with promises of power once he
Powers & Skills: was in control ofChina, and to this day their descen-
Combat Skills: dants strive to bring the Emperor's goals to fruition.
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Hand-To - The truth, however, is far different. Although he is
Hand (10) extremely long-lived, Emperor Crane is not immor-
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Running (6) tal. He was born in Canton in the early part of the
Speedster Powers:
Running +24" (30" total), 1h END (60) [ 1/10"] nineteenth century. It was there that he studied
Martial Arts-Speedster Maneuvers (35) White Crane Kung Fu under Doy Luck Man, one of
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes the masters of that style in that era. Emperor Crane
Flying Dodge +4 Dodge, Abort; was Doy's star pupil, and had an extensive group of
FMove admirers among Doy's other students. But he was so
Flying Grab -2 -I Grab Two
Limbs, 20 STR arrogant and headstrong that Doy despaired of teach-
for holding ing him many of the true lessons of the martial arts.
on; FMove Emperor Crane chafed under his master's slow pace
Flying Throw -1 -2 Grab Two of teaching, and finally one day declared that he
Limbs; 2d6
+v/S; Target
would leave if Doy did not reveal to him more of the
Falls; FMove secrets of the art, and that he would take his followers
Passing Disarm -1 -1 20 STR Disarm with him. "Go then, and good rfddance," said Doy,
FMove "and take your rebellious flock with you."
Passing Strike +l +O 2d6 +v/5; Emperor Crane did just that. He and his followers
Passing Throw +O +O 2d6 +v/S; set up their own kwoon elsewh'!re in Canton, and he
Target Falls; used it as a base from which to expand his power in
FMove both the Martial World and the real world. However,
Rapid-fire Punch +l -2 6d6 before many years had passed he realized that he was
Padded Costume: + 10 PD, +4 ED, and Damage aging very slowly compared to his followers. At first
Resistance (3 PD, 3 ED), OIF ( 11 ) he attributed this to his command of ch'i, but as time
Wrist Radio: Radio Listen & Transmit, OIF (3) went on he realized that it was an even greater gift
Mandarin Chinese: native (0)
than that. It was also a road to power, if used correct! y.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 125
With a willingness to start long-term schemes
Total Character Cost: 294 unmatched by most other criminal masterminds,
Emperor Crane set about making contacts through-
Disadvantages: 100+ out China and the world and attempting to accumu-
Psychological Limitation: late as much wealth and power as possible. He was
Curious (15)
Code against killing ( 15) mostly successful, and during the I 920s-l 930s era
Culturally ignorant ( 15) was a true force to be feared in China and the Pacific
Secret Identity: Xun Huang-fu (15) Rim. Between his own powers and the strength of his
Susceptibility: Rebellious Flock, he was essentially in command ofa
Must consume at least 500 calories per hour or large section of Canton, and of certain other areas of
suffer ld6 Drain of Running every hour (5)
Unluck: ld6 (5) China. He tried on several occasions to seize power
Vulnerability: on a greater scale, but his plans were always foiled by
2x Effect from Drugs, Poisons, Etc. (20) heroes who were dedicated to freedom, justice, and
Watched by: fair play-concepts that are an anathema to Em-
the Chinese government, more powerful, NCI,
14- (15)
peror Crane.
Experience (89) The triumph of the Communists in 1949 dimin-
ished his power, but did not eradicate it. Unlike Dr.
Total Disadvantage Points: 294
Yin Wu, with whom he is sometimes compared,
Emperor Crane chose to stay in China, and over the
past several decades has weathered the repression Emperor Crane
and crackdowns and has built his Rebellious Flock Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
into an underworld power. Although the govern- 25 STR IS 14- 800 kg; Sd6 [2]
ment of the PRC and their superteam, the Tiger 28 DEX 54 15 - OCV: 9/DCV: 9
Squad, are eager to have Emperor Crane's head, 20 CON 20 13-
today he is once again preparing to attempt to con- IO BODY 0 ll-
quer China, or even the world, as the fates allow. 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
17 EGO 14 12- ECV: 6
Personality/Motivation: Emperor Crane is vainglo- 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack 5d6
rious and power-hungry, seeking always to expand 12 COM 1 11 -
his power and bring more people under his com- 10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD/ 10 rPD
mand. He is willing to take whatever route to power 12 ED 8 Total: 12 ED/ 12 rED
6 SPD 22 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
he must-he has explored both mysticism and sci- 9 REC 0
ence, and although he has found neither to his liking, 40 END 0
he has followers who are skilled in both disciplines. 40 STUN 7
Anyone who interferes with his march to power will Total Characteristic Cost: 171
suffer, and suffer long. Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"
However,thereisanoblestreaktoEmperorCrane. Superleap: 23"/46" Flight: 5"/10"
Like many Chinese martial arts masters before him,
Powers & Skills:
he feels honor bound to never refuse a challenge to
combat. Unknown challengers will first be made to Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Hand-To-
contend against various members of the Rebellious Hand Combat (10)
Flock, so that Emperor Crane may observe their level Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Kung Fu ( 12)
ofskill, but if they pass those tests, the Emperor will Martial Arts-White Crane Kung Fu (66)
meet them himself. He has personally fought in over Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
a dozen such combats this century, and has never Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
been defeated. Disarm -1 +1 55 STR Disarm
Dodge +O +5 Dodge, Abort
Quote: "Prattle on, fool. While you waste your breath Escape +0 +0 60 STR vs.Grabs
with useless words, I gather mine for your defeat." Grab -1 -1 Grab Two
Powers/Tactics: Emperor Crane is gifted with an Limbs, 55 STR
extraordinary control over his ch'i. (In the modern for holding on
Kick -2 +l 13d6
world, some have speculated that he is a mutant Knife Hand -2 +O 2 •1.zd6 HKA
whose genetic structure allows him a high level of Legsweep +2 -I 10d6; Target
control over the force known as ch'i, but this has Falls
never been proven.) This control not only accounts Punch +O +2 1 ld6
for his superior martial arts skills, but for many of his Throw +0 +I 9d6 + vel/5;
special abilities: his power to strike from a distance; Target Falls
Tie11-hsueh Strike -1 +I 4d6 NND (l )
his abilhy to absorb lethal blows without flinching; +4 Damage Classes (already added in)
his ability to increase his strength or other attributes; Use Art with Swords, Chain Weapons, Clubs, Hook
and his extreme longevity. In fact, he has so much ch' i SWord, Pole Arms, Staff, Three-Section Staff, Wind
at his disposal that he can actually use it to levitate! And Fire Wheels
However, this power also provides an Achilles' heel Martial Arts Weapons:
for his enemies to attack: ifhe isstruckin his stomach, Power Pool (40 pt pool), No Skill Roll Required
which is close to his tantien (the "cinnabar field," or To Change Pool (+ 1), Only For Martial Arts
seat ofone's ch'i), he cannot maintain proper control Weapons (-1), May Only Be Changed In An
overhisvastamountsof ch'i, anditfloods through his Arsenal (-11.z) (56)
Martial Arts Abilities:
body uncontrollably, weakening him. Ch'iPowers
Emperor Crane's personal fighting tactics mirror Multipower (30 pt pool) all abilities are Self
his arrogant and domineering attitude: he prefers to Only, Extra Time (Full Phase,). Concentrate
strike quick and hard, using his Punch, Kick, and (O DCV) (16)
Tien-hsueh Strike maneuvers to lay his enemy low. u - Aid 3d6 STR, Fully Invisible (1) [ 3)
He usually keeps at least half of his Combat Skill u -Aid 3d6 EGO, Fully Invisible (I) (3]
Levels in DCV, as befits a White Crane stylist. He u - Aid 3d6 REC, Fully Invisible (I) [3]
u - Aid 3d6 PD, Fully Invisible(! ) [J]
often carries at least one weapon, if not more; his u - Aid 3d6 ED, Fully Invisible (1 ) (3)
favorites are the staff, three-section staff, and hook Kongjin: EB 13d6, Fully Invisible; 2 Charges (52)
swords. [2c)

• Appearance: Emperor Crane appears to be a man in Iron Skin ability: Natural PD and ED are
Hardened (5)
his 60s, although in fact he is closer to 200 years old. Iron Skin ability: Damage Resistance: 10 PD, 12

He looks remarkably robust and fit for a man in his ED, Hardened (14)
60s; his long gray hair still has flecks of black, and his Ch'i Storm: Flight 5" ( 10) [ 1/5")
muscular body indicates a high level of martial arts Superleap: + 18" (23" forward, 12" upward);
skill and a remarkable control of ch'i. He wears flow- Requires an Acrobatics Roll (-V2) ( 12) [ 1/5")
ing white robes, without any sort of head covering.
Life Support: Ages Extremely Slowly; Immune To The Rebellious Flock
Disease (6)
Mastennind Perks: Background/History: The present members of the
The Rebellious Flock: 64 Followers: 75-point Rebellious Flock (named after Doy Luck Man's
base (se.e below) (45) derogatory reference to Emperor Crane's syco-
Wealthy (10) phants) are descendants of the original Flock that
Martial Artist Skills and Talents:
Combat Sense 13- (3) accompanied Crane when he left Doy':; studio.
Defense Maneuver: no attacker is considered to Since then, each generarion has raised its children
be attacking "from behind"; Multiple Attacker to be loyal followers of the Emperor.
Bonus is eliminated as to attackers Emperor The Flock is not a standing army per se, although
Crane can sense (5) it can become one if necessary. At any given time,
Find Weakness 11- with Punch (IO) approximately half ufthe Flock's members are out
Simulate Death (3) in public, acting as Emperor Crnne's eyes and ears.
Acrobatics 15- (3)
Breakfall 15- (3) They play parts ranging from manual laborers to
Contortionist 8- ( 1) high political figures, but regardless of the job Lhey
Interrogation 14- (6) nre performing; they are all working for the same
Mandarin Chinese: completely fluent (3) master. Since the female members of the Flock arc
English: completely fluent (3) exhorted to produce many children, in defiance of
Cantonese Chinese: native (0) China's laws on childbearing, for Emperor Crane's
Mimicry 11- (3)
Paramedic 13- (3) army, most of the field operatives and primary
Stealth 15- (3) fighters in the Flock are men.
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Personality/Motivation: All of Emperor Crane's
Weapons, Common Martial Arts Weapons, followers have a marked loyalty for the Emperor-
Hook Swords, Three-Sectional Staff, Wind anyof them would be willing to give his own !if-eon
And Fire Wheels, Off Hand (IO)
Scholar (3) the Emperor's behalf. Despite their name, they arc
KS: Analyze Style 13· (2) not at all rebellious; in fact, they are slavishly obe-
KS: Chinese Healing 13- (2) dient to a despot who is far worse than most of the
KS: Chinese History & Culture 13- (2) political figures he reviles.
KS: Kung Fu 13- (2) Powers/Tactics: All of the members of the Rebel-
KS: The Martial World 13- (2)
lious Flock are trained in White Crane Kung Fu
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 388 (includingweapons use). They are competent mar-
Total Character Cost: 559 tial artists, thought not highly skilled in most cases.
Occasionally a member of the Flock will show a
Disadvantages: 100+ special aptitude for developing ch 'iabiliticsorother
Distinctive Features: useful skills; Emperor Crane brings such members
Old man with haughty bearing (concealable with into his elite circle of personal bodyguards and
effort; is noticed and recognizable) (10) trains them himself.
Style Disadvantage ( 10)
Hunted by: Appearance: When fighting or when with Emperor
the Chinese government and the Tiger Squad, Crane, members of the Rebellious Flock wear a
more powerful, NCI, 11- (25) simple uniform: white vest and gray pants for men;
a hero of GM 's choice, less powerful, 8- (5) white blouse and gray pants for women. Usually
Interpol, as powerful, NCI 8· (15) their clothing will have a flock of cranes embroi-
Psychological Limitation: dered on it somewhere.
Code of the Chinese Master (15)
Vain And Arrogant (15)
Power-hungry (15)
Martial artist crimelord 11- (extreme) (15)
2x STUN from attacks to the Stomach (Location
12) (15)
Villain Bonus (319)
Total Disadvantage Points: 559

( .._____..-
The Rebellious Flock Disadvantages: 75+
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Distinctive Feature:
15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 j l] Style Disadvantage
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Hunted by:
15 CON 10 12- a hero ofGM's choice, less powerful, 8- (5)
10 BODY 0 11- Interpol, as powerful, NCI 8- ( 1S)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- Psychological Limitation:
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Completely loyal to Emperor Crane (20)
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack 21/id6 Secret Identity (not known to be members of the
10 COM 0 11- Flock to the public at large) ( 15)
9 PD 6 Total: 9 PD Villain Bon us (33)
6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED Total Disadvantage Points: 173
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
7 REC 0
40 END 0 It took about twenty minutes to get back to the
30 STUN 0 Slingshot. W ith Defender's boot-rockets nonfunc-
Total Characteristic Cost: 75 tional, Quantum had to fly everybody back in
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" relays--everyone except Obsidian, who used his
strength to leap back to the craft, and Jaguar, whom
Powers & Skills:
he took with h im.
Combat Skills:
The team quickly boarded their plane and took
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Kuug Fu (6)
Martial Arts-White Cranr K1111g Fu ( 42) off; they wa n ted no more of the place. They flew
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes south, since that was the quickest way out of the
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort country.
Dodge +0 +5 Dodge, Abort "Okay, folks, make yourselves comfortable. It's a
Es.cape +O +O 35 STR vs.Grabs long ride home." Defender switc.hed on the autopi-
Grab -1 -1 Grab Two lot and moved to the backofthe jet so that he could
Limbs, 30 STR
for holding on get to work repairing his armor.
Kick -2 +I 8d6 "Not for a ll of us, mate," Seeker said.
Lcgsweep +2 -1 5d6; Target Falls "What do you mean?"
Punch +O +2 6d6 "I'm n ot going back to New York just yet. I want
Throw +O +l 4d6 + vel/5; you to drop me off in 'Ong Kong."
Targcr Falls "Huh?"
Tien-hmeh Strike -I +l 2 VJdO NND( 1) "I 'nve som e business to take care of. May take a
+1 Damage Class (already added in)
Use Art with Swords, Clubs, Pole Arms, Staff while." H eglanced knowingly a t Solitaire, who had
a worried look on her face.
Weapons: One or more martial arts weapon(s) of
GM's choice (20) Defende r considered for a moment. ':All right, if
Mar tial Artist Skills: that's what you want."
Acrobatics 13- (3) "That's what I want. No worries, mate. Just a
Breakfall 13- (3) little personal business."
Contortionist 13- (3) Seeker waved good-bye as the Slingshot left the
KS: Kung Fu 11- (2) ground. Leaving h is teammates, even tempora rily,
Stealth 13- (3)
was ha rd, but it was good to be back in H ong Kong.
Cantonese Chinese: native (O)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile
Weapons, C4;1mmon Mar1ial Arts Weapons (6)
Additional Skills and mar•ial arts man<.'11vers of
GM's choice (IO)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 98
Total Character Cost: 173

t 108

Chap+e~ Fi~eeV\
_ _J

After some time in the southern and more urban Dragon watched the Tournament progress. Above
areas of China, visiting with old friends and mas- the balcony was a series of racks in which the
ters, Seeker purchased provisions and began a jour- nameplates of the competitors would be placed
ney to the interior of the country. Following the during the Tournament.
directions in the invitation scroll he had been given Grouped around the rim of the cavern were five
by Dr. Wu, he made his way to a certain mountain areas that Seeker guessed could only be the arenas,
range and began searching for the appropriate one for each of the five elements of Chinese al-
landmarks. He soon found the first, a stone statue chemy. One, devoted to Water, made use of a
of the Buddha set up as a sort of trail marker. After stream that ran through the cavern. The next was a
that there were several false markers, but the in- shiny steel plate set on a series of posts-the arena
structions in the scroll kept him on the true path. of Metal. T he next arena, of Fire, looked something
Some days later, Seeker finally reached the end of like a pit of lava with rocky islands here and there
his trail. It ended in two large stone doors set right amidst the flames . The Wood arena was a series of
into the face ofa mountain, carved with depictions bridges set over a log-strewn depression. The last
of the Door Gods. Standing beside the doors were arena, Earth, was a simple earthen area, pounded
two immense warriors, garbed from head to toe in smooth by the countless feet of the warriors who
thick Chinese armor, but carrying large tetsubos had fought there. Here and there around the rim of
instead of some Chinese weapon. As Seeker ap-
proached, they crossed their weapons in front of
the door, barring him from entering.
"At ease, mates! I've got me an invite." Seeker
showed them the small scroll he'd received from
Dr. Wu. The two guards uncrossed their staves, and
without a sound the doors opened.
Seeker stepped into the dark cavern beyond the
doors. After he'd taken a few steps, the doors began
to shut behind him and torches along the walls
sprang magically to life. As he continued down the
corridor, torches behind him went out, and others
ahead of him became lit. Gradually the corridor
wended downward, into the heart of the mountain;
eventually it became a long, gently-sloping staircase.
After half an hour of walking, Seeker could hear
sounds ahead ofhim-kiais, the clash of weapons,
other muted noises. These became clearer and
louder as he went further, and finally he came to the
entrance to an immense cavern. It, too, was guarded
by two large tetsubo-wielding guards, but they let
him pass without comment.
Had he not seen it with his own eyes, Seeker never
would have believed that such a cavern could exist.
It seemed impossibly large, as if it might collapse at
any moment under its own weight. The ceiling was
set with luminous bits of crystal in the shape of the
constellations of the Chinese winter sky.
Directly across from the entrance, Seeker saw a
balcony set into the wall about twenty feet above
the floor. At present it was unoccupied, but Seeker
guessed that it was here that the Watchers of the
the cavern were staircases leading up to dark side-
caverns; Seeker guessed that these led to sleeping
and eating quarters.
In the center of the room was a large practice
area. This was the source of the noises Seeker had
heard. It was filled with dozens of fighters, many
wearing colorful clothing, and all ready to compete
for the title of Champion. Looking out over the
crowd, Seeker could see a few friends, and a few
enemies as well.
Unwilling to be left out of the fun, Seeker de-
scended to the practicefloor. One of the first people
hesawwasa man in white robes with red gloves and
a blue demon's-head mask. He was squaring off
against a katana-wielding warrior Seeker did not
know. Before they could come to blows, Seeker
shouted, "'Ey, Akumashibaru!"
The man in white whirled, ready for an attack.
When he saw who it was, he sheathed his blade with
the deftness of a practiced iaijutsuka and stepped
forward to embrace Seeker. "Don!" he exclaimed
with pleasure.
"It's good to see you, too, mate!" Seeker said,
thumping him on the back.
After bowing to his confused opponent and back-
ing out of his practice round, Akumashibaru led
Seeker to the side of the practice area, where they
could talk in peace. He removed his mask and
smoothed back his sweat-matted hair as best he
"I was wondering when you'd get here."
"No worries, mate-I wouldn't miss this!"
"Me, either. I've been training my whole life for
this. Do you realize what the Tournament is, Don?
It's a chance to destroy the greatest mystic threat to
mankind I We could save the world here in the next
few days."
Seeker, put off a little as he always was but his
demon-hunting friend's fanaticism, glanced about
the room. "Strewth! It looks like all the fighters in
the world are here."
"They are-including many who ought not to be
allowed anywhere near this sacred place. Look
there," Akumashibaru said, pointing into the crowd.
"Bloody 'ell-what's Green Dragon doin' 're? I
just put that scagger in jail a while back!"
"Well, he got out, obviously," Akumashibaru
said, perturbed that criminals were allowed in the
arena. "I guess the Watchers are looking for fight-
ing quality, not moral quality."
"When does the Tournament begin?"
"Tomorrow morning, my friend. Your delay has
cost you much practice time."
"Well, let's get to it then! Bet you a cold one I can
disarm you within twenty seconds."
"A free beer will taste good," Akumashibaru said
confidently as they headed back to the practice
Seeker and Akumashibaru practiced and social-
ized with other friends for the next several hours.
When dinnertime arrived, the fighters trooped off
to their rooms to wash, change, and eat. Unlike the
sometimes frenzied practice sessions, the meal room
was relatively quiet and tense, as if the warriors
were sizing each other up as they ate. Seeker, for
one, appreciated the change.
After dinner, the group went down to arena
floor, where they stood in front of the balcony and
waited. Fifteen minutes after the last man had
arrived, the doors opened, and the Watchers of the Group History And Structure: The Watchers of the
Dragon stepped out onto the balcony. Dr. Yin Wu Dragon was formed millennia ago by the original
was the last to come out; Seeker found himself Chinese and Japanese wizards who first bound the
nervous, unable to look straight at the man, as ifhe Death Dragon and started the entire Bisai Long
was afraid he'd ask for his scroll back then and cycle. The group's goals were, and are, simple ones:
there. to keep watch on the Death Dragon while it is
As one, the warriors bowed deeply to the five imprisoned, to prevent it from escaping or secretly
Watchers, and then sat down on the floor. After a working mischief from its prison, and to curtail its
few moments, Dr. Wu began to speak. "Honored rampages as much as possible when it is free.
Warriors, we, the Watchers of the Dragon, welcome Membership in the Watchers of the Dragon is
you to the Tournament ofthe Dragon! The events that granted by the most senior member of the group,
transpire here over the next few days will decide the who is generally regarded as "first among equals"
fate ofthe world for the next cycle. Choose your words and who runs the group's annual meetings. There
and your actions carefully. is no limit on membership in the group. Indeed, the
"You are all intelligent people, so I shall not bother more qualified members they can find, the better
to recite to you the rules, which you have no doubt the Watchers like it. Most members become quali-
already read. I simply admonish you: obey them fied to serve either by dint of great scholarship and
unhesitatingly and without fail! He who fails to do so wisdom (as in the case of Dr. Wu and Professor
will be cast out of the Tournament in disgrace. Peaslee) or because of their skills as warriors (as in
"Let me give you an example. Step forward, the case of General Hseng and, to a lesser extent,
Tetsuryu!"Dr. Wupointeddramaticallyata fighter Yoshi).
wearing armor with a dragon motif. Without hesi- The membership of the Watchers has fluctuated
tation, the man stood up. Seeker recognized him- greatly over the centuries, as members died out or
Iron Dragon, a mercenary and criminal. otherwisebecameunavailable to serve. The current
"What would you ask ofme, honored Watchers?" members are: Dr. Yin Wu (at present the most
"Youknowtherules, Tetsuryu. Technologicalweap- senior member); General Hseng (the second most
ons are forbidden at this holy Tournament. Your senior); Yoshi; Professor Anthony Peaslee; and a
battle-armor is an affront to the spirits of this place, fifth member to be defined by the GM (thus allow-
and a violation of our rules. I cast you out of this ing the Watchers to be personalized to each GM's
Tournament. Begone!" campaign). The GM is free to add other members
"Bah! What is the difference between weapons? I if he so desires.
came here to fight, and fight I shall!" Group Activities: The Watchers's main activity is,
"As you wish- though you shall not fight as you of course, to coordinate and run the Tournament
expect." At Dr. Wu's gesture, two of thelarge guards of the Dragon every 60 years. Other than that, they
moved towards Iron Dragon. The other competi- maintain a general watch over the Death Dragon
tors scrambled to get out of their way. during those cycles in which it is bound, and work
Iron Dragon took up a defensive stance- and feverishly to prevent it from destroying the Earth
then, when the firstguardgotcloseenough,breathed and to ameliorate the effects of its destructiveness
flame on him! The guard stood unmoving, un- as much as possible during "free" cycles. During
harmed by the fire. Then he lashed out with his ''bound" cycles, the Watchers meet once a year in a
tetsubo, hitting Iron Dragon on his neck and shoul- location designated by the most senior member;
der and knocking him to the ground with a metallic during "free" cycles, they remain in almost con-
clang. As Iron Dragon struggled to get to bis feet, stant contact and meet frequently.
the other guard stepped forward and smashed him
Group Relations; Relations With Other Groups:
back down. This time Iron Dragon did not get up.
The Watchers generally try to remain as secretive as
The two guards picked up his unconscious form
possible, and hold themselves aloof from other
and began to drag him out the long tunnel to the
organizations. Occasionally, during "free" cycles,
they will alert other mystic groups to the problem
"Do not trifle with our guards, warrior:s. They are

and request their general assistance, but this is rare.
created to resist the best that you can throw at them.
Re-assemble here tomorrow morning at dawn. To-
morrow the Tournament begins!" With that, the
Watchers filed back out of the room, and after a
while the crowd of fighters dissipated and went to
t 11 1 3

their rooms for the night.
General Hseng For his service to humanity, General Hseng was
made a Watcher of the Dragon, and the gods them-
Background/History: According to legends in the
selves taught him the secrets of immortality. How-
scrolls which contain the history of the Tourna-
ever, to keep him from becoming too powerful,
ment of the Dragon, General Hseng was once a
they tied the knowledge they gave him to the en-
general in one of the armies that fought during the
chantedsuitofarmor he wore, so that he could only
T'ang Dynasty. It happened that while he and his
preserve his life by keeping the armor on.
men wert'. fighling a battle, another Tournament
Today General Hseng continues to serve as one
was coming to a dose. The champion fought the
of the Watchers of the Dragon. He has never taken
Death Dragon-and lost.
off his armor, and never intends to until the Death
Free at Jong last, the Dragon went on a brief
Dragon is slain. With his powerful Ghost-cutting
rampage. One of the unfortunate victims of this
Sword, he presents a threat that even the Death
rampage was General Hseng's army. Every man in it
Dragon dare not ignore.
was killed-except for General Hseng. Maybe the
Dragon wanted him left alive, to agonize over the fate Personality/Motivation: In life, General Hsengwas
of the men in his command. Or perhaps the Dragon a stern yet noble-hearted warrior whose grief over
simply overlooked him. Whatever the reason, it was the senseless death of his men drove him to swear
a mistake the Dragon would soon come to regret. an oath that has bound him for centuries. His
For General I Iseng was a noble commander an<l nobility and honor have essentially been replaced
a good man. Then and there he swore a solemn oath by a single-minded drive to destroy the Death
to destroy that which had slain his men. That Dragon. This is all he "lives" for; he is weary of his
moment he began a quest which has lasted to this eternal existence, but refuses to give it up until he
very day. For the next 60 years he stalked the can see the world safe from the Dragon's threat.
Dragon. When the time came, he entered the Tour- When not involved with activities relating to the
nament, vanquished his opposition, and then de- Watchers or the Tournament, he does little more
feated the Death Dragon and bound it again in its than sit and brood, or practice his swordfighting.
mystic chains. He did the same thing the Tourna- Quote: "Do you truly think you are warrior enough
ment after that, and the one after that, and the one to face the Death Dragon?"
after that. In all, he triumphed in the Bisai LOng six Powers/Tactics: General Hseng is, in essence, an
consecutive times, a record which has never come undead being. The gods did not grant him true
close to being equaled. immortality, rather, they granted him a sort of
artificial immortality which is linked to the mystic
suit ofarmor he wears. If it is ever taken off, he will
instantly turn to dust and die (he can take the
armor off voluntarily; for others to take it off him
without his consent would require many potent
spells and great effort). Until that time, his armor
and undead state grants him many abilities, includ-
ing resistance to injury and various forms of attack,
certain sensory powers, and the ability to heal the
wounds he suffers almost instantly.
General Hseng is not without his weaknesses,
though. The magics which keep him alive also, for
some reason, cause him to suffer pain when he is
exposed to magnetized iron-a fact he is careful to
conceal. He is also more prone to be affected by
necromantic magics than living humans.
General Hseng is a swordsman with centuries
worth of practice and experience bolstering his
skills. His weapon of choice is the fabulous Ghost-
CuttingSword, an enchanted blade given to him by
Kuan Ti, god of war. It has the power to affect
intangible creatures, such as ghosts-or the Death
General Hseng's role in the Watchers is to main-
tain the group's combat effectiveness against the
Dragon, and to ensure that Tournament winners
are, in his estimation, capable of standing up to the
Dragon. If he feels they are not, he will challenge
them for the right to face the Dragon. He has no
qualms about killing any warrior, even an other-
wise great one, whom he feels does not measure up
to his standards.
Appearance: General Hseng is, for his day and age, Disadvantages: 100+
at.all man, standing 5'7" tall (his armor makes him Distinctive Features:
an even 6' tall). His armor resembles ancient Chi- Undead ancient Chinese general (not
nese armor with a helmet which covers his entire concealable; causes discomfort and fear) (25)
head; its face plate depicts the face of an angry man. Hunted by:
the Death Dragon whenever it is free, more
powerful (15)
General Hseng Physical Limitation:
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Will die if removed from his armor (15)
50 s'tR 40 19- 25 tons; l0d6 (S) Psychological Limitation:
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Obsessed with destroying the Death Dragon (25)
30 CON 40 15- Weary of life; filled with ennui (5)
20 BODY 20 13- Ignorant of modern Earth culture ( 15)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Reputation:
17 EGO 14 12- ECV: 6 Great warrior 14- (limited group: the Martial
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack 6d6 World) (10)
6 COM -2 10- Susceptibility:
25 PD 15 Total: 25 PD/ 25 rPD To magnetized iron, takes ld6/Phase (20)
20 ED 14 Total: 20 ED/ 20 rED Vulnerability:
5 SPD 22 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 2x Effect from Necromantic Magic (20)
16 REC 0 Experience (246)
60 END 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 496
60 STUN 0
Total Characteristic Cost: 210
Movement: Running: 6"112" Swimming: 2"/4"
Powers & Skills:
Background/History: None of the ulher Watchers
Combat Skills: know anything about the man who calls himself
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Ghost-Cutting
Sword (12) Yoshi, afte r the greatest archer of Japanese legend,
Ghost-Cutting Sword: HKA 3d6 (41hd6 with STR), Yoshi-lye. One day about twenty years ago, during
Armor Piercing, Affects Desolidified, 0 END, the annual mee ting of the Watchers, Yoshi simply
OIF(75) [O+] walked in and announced that he was interested in
Martial Arts-Fa Dao ("Way of the Sword") joining. He displayed a profound knowledge of
(Blades Weapon Element is Default) (21) Oriental lore and of lhe Death Dragon in particu-
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes lar. Dr. Wu could sense no evil or deceptive intent
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +1 60 STR Disarm in him, and so, after considerable consultation, he
Slash -2 +l Weapon +4 was allowed to join, and has served with distinction
DC Strike ever since.
Stab/Thrust +O +2 Weapon +2 Personality/Motivation: Yoshi's motivations are a
DC Strike
Pommel Strike -1 +l 2d6NND(l) mystery to his fellow Watchers. He seems very
devoted to his duty, though not so much so as
Enchanted Armor of Immortality:
Damage Resistance: 25 PD, 20 ED (20) General Hseng or Dr. Wu; sometimes it almost
Mental Defense: 8 points (5) seems as if he works to defeat the Death Dragon
Power Defense: IO points (IO) simply because he enjoys the challenge. In com-
Immortality: Full Life Support (30) parison to the other Watchers, his manner seems
Regeneration: 2 BOD)' /Tum '(20) almost lighthea rted; he frequently quotes Japanese
Da11ger Sense l I-, out of combat, any attack (2) verse, and makes Hghthearted comments that arc
Eyes Of Night: Spatial Awarencs.~. 360 Degrees (30) lost on all but Dr. Wu.
Combat Skills And Talents:
Combat Sense 12· (3) Quote: "The Lady Murasuki lias written that defeat
Simulate Death (3) is a means to self.growth. Prepare to be enriched."
KS: The Martial World 12- (3)
Powers/Tactics: Yoshi provides the Watchers with
KS: The Death Dragon 12- (3)
KS: Chinese Legends & Lore 12· (3) combat capabilities in an area whicl.l General Hseng
Mandarin Chinese: native (0) fares poorly in-range,d attacks. Like his namesake,
Riding 13- (3) the hero who shot many monsters and whos,e ar-
Stealth 13- (3) rows could pierce stones, he is an extremely skilled
Survival 11- (3) archer who often demonstrates his proficiency to
Tactics 14- (7) interested onlookersduring the Tournament ofthe
Tracking 14- (3)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Dragon. Allhough he a lso has hand-to-hand fight-
Martial Arts Weapons, Common Missile ing skills, he s trongly prefers to attack his enemies
from a distance; if possible, he will withdraw frnm

Weapons, Hook Sword (7)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 286

Total Character Cost: 4%

non-ranged battles to attack with his arrows.
Yoshi's origin and Appearance: Yoshi is a robust Japanese man who (3,750"), 16 Charges (2) [16c) 0
personality have delib- stands 5'9" tall. He wears an outfit similar to that u - Willow-Leaf Arrow: RKA 2d6, Armor
erately been left as worn by traveling samurai: sandals and navy blue Piercing, 8 Charges (2) [Sc)
u - Nagedeppo Arrow: EB l0d6, 8 Charges (2) [Bel
mysteries for the GM robes, embroidered with a natural scene in the Katana: HKA I '12d6 (3d6 with STR), Ranged (can
to answer to his own Japanese style. He wears his katana on his right hip, be thrown), OAF, No Knockback (16) [2+)
satisfaction. Perhaps and his bow and arrows are carried on his back. His Martial Arts-Kyujutsu (33)
Yoshi is what he ap- black hair is pulled back in a samurai topknot, and Mane11ver OCV DCV Rng Notes
pears to be-a some- he has no facial hair. Basic Shot +O +O +2 Weapon +4 DC
what unusual indi- Defensive Shot -1 +2 +0 Weapon +2 DC
Distance Shot +0 -2 +6 Weapon +2 DC
vidual devoted to the Yoshi +I Segment
fight against the Death Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Far Shot +I -I +4 Weapon +2 DC
Dragon. Perhaps he is 20 STR 10 13- 400 l<g; 4d6 l2l Quiak Shot +I +O +0 Weapon +4 DC
an agent ofthe Dragon 33 DEX 69 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11 Ranged Disarm +0 -10 +o Disarm, 55
itself! Or, perhaps he 23 CON 26 14- STR
is working for some as 10 BODY 0 11- +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
yet undetected third 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- Martial Arts-Jujutsu (42)
17 EGO 14 12- ECV:6 Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
party.... 20 PRE IO 13- PRE Attack 4d6 Atemi Strike -I +I 3d6NND (I)
14 COM 2 12- Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
15 PD 11 Total: 15 PD/ IO rPD Choke Hold -2 +O Grab One
12 ED 7 Total: 12 ED/ 10 rED Limb; 3d6
7 SPD 27 Pha:2,4,6, 7,9, II, 12 NND (2)
12 REC 6 Escape +O +O 45 STR Escape
46 END 0 Joint Lock -1 -1 Grab One
40 STUN 4 Limb,40 STR
Total Characteristic Cost: 191 Joint Lock/Throw +I +O Grab One
Movement: Running: 12"/24" Swimming: 2"/4" Limb; 2d6
NND (3);
Powers & Skills: Target Falls
Combat Skills: Legsweep +2 -1 7d6, Target
Combat Skill Levels: +6 Levels w/ Kyujutsu (18) Falls
Combat Skill Levels: +4 Levels w/ Bow & Arrows; Slam +o +I 6d6 + v/5,
Only To Counteract Hit Location Penalties Target Falls
(-1)(10) Strike +o +2 8d6
Range Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range, all attacks (12) +2 Damage Classes (already added in)
Yumi Multipower (SO pt pool), OAF: Skin Of Iron: Damage Resistance: 10 PD, 10 ED (10)
u - Standard Arrow: RKA 2d6, Increased Range Athletic Abilities:
Running: +6" Running (12" total) (12) [1/5")
Outdoorsman/Warrior Skills:
Climbing 16- (3)
Riding 16- (3)
Stealth 16- (3)
Survival 11- (3)
Tracking 12- (3)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Martial Arts Weapons, Common Missile
Weapons (6)
Background Skills:
English: fluent conversation (2)
Korean: fluent conversation (2)
Mandarin Chinese: fluent conversation (2)
Japanese: native (O)
Scholar (3)
KS: Japanese Legends & Lore 12- (2)
KS: Japanese Literature 11 - (1)
KS: Chinese Legends & Lore 12- (2)
KS: Korean Legends & Lore 12- (2)
KS: Oriental History & Civilization 12- (2)
KS: The Death Dragon 12- (2)
KS: Kyujutsu 11 - (l)
KS: Bowyer/Fletcher 11- (l)
KS: The Martial World 11 - (l)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 228
Total Character Cost: 419
Disadvantages: 100+
Hunted by:
the Death Dragon whenever it is free , more
powerful (15)
Psychological Limitation:
Code of the Bushi (20)
Zen Buddhist (10)
Great archer 14- (limited group: the Martial
World) (10)
Secret Identity:???? (15)
Experience (249)
Total Disadvantage Points: 419

Professor Anthony Peaslee

Background/History: Professor Anthony Peaslee
of Oxford has devoted his life to studying the ways
of the East. He possesses Ph.D degrees in both
Asian Studies and Asian Languages, and there is
very little that he does not know about Asian civi-
lizatio'-, culture, customs, and superstitions. He
has even traveled extensively in China, Japan, and
the Orienl in general; in his younger days he even
emulated one of his heroes, the explorer and ad-
venturer Sir Richard Burton, and went among the
peoples of lhe Orient in disguise, so well versed in
their languages and customs that he was never
detected as an outsider.
Because of his extensive learning on subjects of
importance to the Watchers of the Dragon, Prof
Peaslee was offered membership in that group in
the mid-l 970s. Dr. Wu, in particular, objected to Powers/Tactics: Professor Peaslee is a scholar, not
this, since he views Prof. Peaslee as someth ing of a a warrior; he will not fight, and will run if con-
rival, but was unable to stop it from happening. fronted with force. However,afteryearsofencoun-
Despite his curmudgeonly attitude and lack of tering the bizarre, absurd, and dangerous in his
combat skills, Prof. Peaslee has proven invaluable studies, travels, and work with the Watchers, he is
to the Watchers and remains an important mem- a brave man who is not easily frightened or over-
ber today. awed.
Personality/Motivation: Professor Peaslee is a rela- Appearance: Profem1r Peaslee is in his early 60s,
tively ordinary man with an extraordinary drive to but is still hale and healthy. He stands 5'8" tall, has
learn. AU his life he has devoured the contents of salt-and-pepper hair but is bald in front, and is
books, and has reinforced this learning by trying to clean-shaven. He wearsgla~es and dresses in con-
experience what he was reading about in real life.As servative tweed suits.
a result his knowledge is unmatched by any other
modern scholars, save only for Or. Yin Wu. The
primary gap in Prof. Peaslce's learning is that he has
Professor Anthony Peaslee
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
never studied true magic.
Prof. Peaslee is famous among his students, col-
8 SIR -2 It- sokg; l •Aa6 rrr
11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
leagues, and the Watchers as a curmudgeon. Noth- 10 CON 0 11·
ing is ever good enough for him, and he is con· 10 BODY 0 11-
stantly gru mbling about "the way things 011gltt to 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
be." However. much of this attitude is for show; 20 EGO 20 13- ECV:7
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6
Prof. Peaslee can actually be quite kind-hearted if
10 COM 0 11-
need be. He is also a fascinating conversationalist- 3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD
prvvided one likes to discuss Asian civilizations

3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED
and can follow his references in languages other 2 SPD Phases: 6, 12
than English. 4 REC 0
Quote: "Here we see a fine example of early Ming
calligraphy-beautiful, nicht walir?"
1 t ___3
Total Characteristic Cost: 44 Disadvantages: 100+
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Age:
Early60s (10)
Powers & Skills:
Distinctive Features:
Professorial Skills & Perks: Sprinkles his conversation with words from non-
Perk: Fringe Benefit: Tenured Professor at English languages (easily concealed;
Oxford (2) noticeable) (5)
Conversation 13- (3) Hunted by:
Oisguise 11 - (3) the Death Dragon whenever it is free, more
Oratory 13- (3) powerful (15)
Persuasion 13- ( 3) Normal Characteristic Maxima (20)
Scholar (3) Psychological Limitation:
KS: Chinese History & Civilization 13- (2) Profcsso.rial curiosity; yearning to know and to
KS: Chine~ Legends & Lore 13- (2) learn (20)
KS: The Death Dragon 13· (2) Curmudgeon (10)
KS: Japanese History & Civilir.ation 13· (2) Reputation:
KS: Japanese Legends & Lore 13- (2) Renowned professor of Asian Studies 14-(limited
KS: Korean History & Civili7.ation 13- (2) group: the Academic World) (I 0)
KS: Korean I.egcmls & Lore 13- (2) Secret Identity: is secretly a member of the
KS: Ashm History & Civili:tation 13- (2) Watchers of the Dragon (IS)
Ks: Asian Legends & Lore 13- (2) Note: Prof. Peaslee has 72 points unspent.
KS: The Martial World 13- (2)
KS: T he Academic World 13- (2) Total Disadvantage Points: 133
KS: World Histo ry & Civilization 13- (2)
KS: Art 1-listory 13- (2)
Linguist (3)
Mandarin Chinese: fluent conversation ( 1)
Tournament Guard
English: native (O) Notes: The Tournament Guards are mystic au-
Cantonese Chinese:: Uuent conv<'TS•llion (I) tomatons created by D r. Yin Wu lo guard th e
Hakka C hinese: fluent conversation ( l) Tournament and its cavern. They are bu ilt for
Min Chinese: fluent conv<1r~ati<111 (I)
slrcnglh and power, not stealth, a nd are nearly
Wu Chinese: fluent conversation (I)
Japanese: tluent convcrsatitin (I) undefeatable in combat. They will o b ey the com-
Korean: fluent conversation ( I) mands of any Watcherof the Dragon; u n belmownst
Ainu: fluent conversation (I) to the other Watchers, they will always flbcy Dr.
Vietnamese: fluent conversation (1) Wu's commands in preference to th,ecommands of
Thai: fluent conversation (1) any other Watcher.
Burmese: fluent conversation (1) The G ua rds are a rmed with a magical tetsuba, a
German: lluent conversation ( 1)
Japanese weapon similar tu a large, iron-bound
French: fluent conversalion (I)
Dutch: fluent conversation (1) staff. These weapons cannot be taken from the
Portuguese: fluent conversation (1) Guards' hands.
Spanish: tluent conversation (1) The purpose of the Guard s is to keep basic order,
Trnveler (3) p reven t fights from breaking out, and gel rid of
AK: China 13- (2) troublemakers. The Watchers rea lize that, at best,
AK: Japan 13- (2)
they will only be occasionally successful-after all,
AK: Korea 13- (2)
AK: Asia 13- (2) t hey pet)ple they are t rying 10 control are the great-
CK: Hong Kong 13- (2) est wa r riors in the world, warriors capaWeaf laki ng
CK: Beijing 13- (2) on the Death D ragon, so rnany of them are able to
CK: Shanghai 13· (2) defeat several of the Guards easily. No11ctheless
CK: Guangzhou 13- (2) they have proven valuable: in the past.
CK: Tokyo 13- (2)
CK: Seoul 13- (2)
CK: Singapore 13- (2) Tournament Guard
CK: Bangkok 13- (2) Val CHA Cost Roll Note~

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 89 40 SIR ni 17- 6400 kg; kdil m
26 DEX 38 14· OCV: 9/DCV: 9
Total Character Cost: 133 10 CON 0 11 -
20 BODY 20 13-
IO lNT 0 11- PERRoll Il-
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack 5d6
0 COM -5 9-

15 PD 36 Total: 15 PD/ 15 rPD
15 ED 42 Total: 15 ED/ 15 rED
5 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

t '---..............-3

Total Characteristic Cost: 200 could speak again, the man gave his name as Lin
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Hu, and said that he had gone to the mountains to
Powers & Skills: meditateand been caught by the unexpected storm.
Combat Skills: Kono recognized the name as that ofa renowned
Combat Skill Levels: +IO Levels w/ Tetsubo (30) martial arts master. Lin Hu admitted that he was, in
Guard Powers: fact, the nigh-legendary "Jade Tiger" Kono had
Automaton: takes only BODY (60) read about. He went on tosaythatheowedhis life
Tetsubo: HA+ 12d6 HA (36) {3+] to Kono and would assist him in any way he could.
Power Defense: 20 points (20)
This proved to bea mistake on Lin Hu's part, for
LackofWeakness: -15 (15)
Full Life Support: the wicked Kono knew of many ways Lin Hu could
Undefeatable Eyes: Spatial Awareness (25) assist him in his criminal career. First, he had Lin
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 206 Hu train him in jujutsu until his abilities were at
their peak (Lin Hu refused to teachhim any "mythi-
Total Character Cost: 406 cal" martial arts powers, stating that he was bound
by prior oaths not to). Then, to Lin Hu's great
Disadvantages: 100+ shame, Kono forced him to help commit crimes.
Hunted by: Kono soon became a favored yakuza operative, and
the Death Dragon whenever it is free, more the Miyamiji-kai provided him with a high-tech
powerful (15)
suit of armor with a draconic motif to help him
Psychological Limitation:
Totally obedient to Dr. Wu and to The Watchers fight superhumans. Kono called himself "Iron
of the Dragon (25) Dragon" because of the suit.
Automaton Bonus (266) Eventually Iron Dragon left the Miyamiji-kai
and went "freelance" as an enforcer, assassin, and
Total Disadvantage Points: 406
thief. He moved to the United States, accompanied
by Lin Hu, because the profits were better there.
The two "partners" had a successful criminal career
Iron Dragon for several years, until a chance battle with a team of
Background/History: The man currently known as superhumans in Los Angeles split them apart for-
Iron Dragon ( Tetsuryu in his native Japan) is actu- ever (refer to Lin Hu' s description, below, for more
ally the second man to bear that name. details). Kono was captured by the superhumans
The first Iron Dragon was a jujutsuka named
Kono Akio. Kono was a vicious, spiteful young man
who fell in with the bosozoku, or Japanese motor-
cycle gangs. From there it wasn't too long before he
joined a yakuza gang and became part of the
Miyamiji-kai yakuza "clan." Because he showed
promise as a killer-for-hire, the Miyamiji-kai saw
to it that he got advanced martial arts training.
Still, in a world where superhumans exist, Kono
felt he needed more than just standard fighting
skills. He researched the legends surrounding the
martial arts, and decided that if others could study
at forgotten temples in the mountains and learn ki
powers, he could, too. He set offinto the mountains
of Japan, seeking one of the fabled hidden martial
arts schools.
His quest proved to be an absolute failure-he
couldn't find a single temple or school anywhere in
the mountains. Then, to make matters worse, a
freak snowstorm hit the area he was in, trapping
him in bitterly cold weather. He trudged along,
r looking for an area with a little shelter so he could
set up his tent, when he noticed another traveler-
one with almost no winter clothing or equipment!
In one of the few unselfish acts of his life, Kono
made his way over to the man, arriving just as he
collapsed in a snow bank.
Kono dragged him out, cleared off an area, set up
his tent, and got a fire going. Over the next week he
nursed the man, a Chinese, back to health. When he
Personality/Motivation: Iron Dragon is a classic
bully-he is a loud, obnoxious, arrogant swaggerer
who loves to push other people around and generally
make them miserable. He will threaten anyone who
opposes or questions him, but when the time comes
to back up his threats, he only fights ifhe feels he has
the advantage. Ifhe thinks he is going to be beaten,he
will cheat or run away. If he believes that he can
manipulate and use someone, he won't hesitate to do
so; he also has no compunctions about killing.
Quote: "Did you think that the dragons ofold were
fearsome, round-eyes? Now an Iron Dragon stands
before you, to teach you the true meaning of fear!"
Powers/Tactics: Inohara is a competent karateka
who can hold his own in a fight. Not content with
this, he has had a suit of armor built for him to
enhance his abilities even further. The Iron Dragon
armor gives him greater strength and resiliency
than he would otherwise have, and provides him
with several weapons, not the least of which is a
mechanical tail. Iron Dragon has found that the tail
is good for a surprise strike or Legsweep after an
opponent is distracted by several straightforward
punches and kicks.
Iron Dragonfavorsastrongoffenseover defensive
tactics: he will immediately leap to the attack and
begin raining blows upon his opponent. Ifthis doesn't
workhewill trysubtlemaneuvers such as his Legs weep
or At.emi Strike; ifhe is still outmatched he will flee or
try to gain an advantage through underhanded means.
and incarcerated. Some months later he was pa- For example, he might leap behind cover and then
roled, but before he could rejoin Un Hu, the infa- wait for his opponent to come after him and attack
mous Harbinger of Justice found him and killed him while he is in motion.
him. The first suit of Iron Dragon armor disap- Appearance: The Iron Dragon armor is a suit of
peared, presumably destroyed by Harbinger. modern high-tech battle-armor constructed with a
Inohara Takuji, a minor yakuza member in the dragon motif. The helmet is designed to resemble
United States and a practitioner of karate, knew an Oriental dragon's head, and includes a minia-
Kono prior to his death and saw the demise of the turized flamethrower that allows Iron Dragon to
first Iron Dragon as an opportunity. He trained "breathe" flame. The suit also has claws and a tail.
hard for several months, to hone his karate abilities The armor is iron-gray in color, with some red
to their peak. He commissioned the Japanese un- highlights and glossy black claws.
derworld armorers that had created the first Iron
Dragon armor to build him a second, improved
battlesuit. When the time was right he donned the
suit of armor and picked up where the first Iron
Dragon had left off.

t 3
Iron Dragon Martial Artist Skills:
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Acrobatics 14- (3)
30 s'I'R 20· 15- 1600 kg; 6d6 01 Breakfall 14- (3)
23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 KS: Karate 11 · (2)
25 14- Stealth 14- (3)
CON 30
12 BODY 4 11 -
WF: Common Melee Weapons. Common Missile
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12· Weapans, Common Martial Arts Weapons (6)
13 EGO 6 12- ECV:4 Criminal Skills:
15 PRE Gambling 11- (3)
5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
10 COM Sleight OfHand 14- (3)
0 11-
20 PD 12,. Streetwise 12- (3)
Total: 20 PD/ 20 rPD
20 ED 11,. Background Skills:
Total: 20 ED/ 20 rED
6 SPD 31 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 English: basic conversation ( l)
11 REC 0,. Japanese: native (0)
50 END 0 "CHA boosted by his Total Powers & Skills Cost: 166
40 STUN o• battlesuit ( OIF)
Total Character Cost: 318
Total Characteristic Cost: 152
Movement: Running: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Disadvantages: 100+
Superleap: 26"/52"
Distinctive Features:
Powers & Skills: Style Disadvantage (IO)
Combat Skills: Hunted by:
Combat Skill Levels: +3 Levels w/ Karate (9) Supertcam of GM's choice, more powerful, 11-
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Claws and Fire (20)
Blast (6) Psychological Limitation:
Iron Dragon Armor, OIF:: Sadistic bully (20)
Clay.'s: HKA ld6 (2d6 with STR), Armor Casual kiUer (20)
Piercing;, Restrainable (11) [2+] Reputation:
Fire Blasl: RKA 3d6, Area Effect One Hex, No Martial artist assassin 11 - (limited group: the
Kn04khack, 4 Charges (24) (4c] Martial World) (IO)
Boot Jets: Superle.Jp +20" (26" forward, 13" Secret Identity: lnohara Takuji (IS)
upward) (13) [115"] Villain Bonus (123)
Tail: Extra Limb (3) Total Disadvantage Points: 318
Tail Augmentation:+ IO STR, Only With Tail
( -1 ), No figured Characteristics (-•h) (3) ( l I
Armor: Damage Resistance: 20 PD, 20 ED) ( 13) The next morning, Seeker was up early. He
Life Support: Self-Contained Urcathing (7) washed and performed some stretching exercises.
Infrared Vision (3) When the time was right he picked up his weapons
Note: Iron Dragon's natural STI( is 15, his and went down to the arena floor.
battlcsuit adds+ 15 STR; his natural PD is 10,
the battlesuit adds+ 10 PD; his natural ED is 8, He was neither the fi rst nor the last to ar rive. One
the battlesuit adds+ 12 ED; his natural REC is by one the warriors made their way to the arena
8, the battlesuit adds +3 from Primary floor. Seeker found Akumashibaru and stood with
Characteristics; his natural STUN is 33. him, waiting for the Watchers. "Good luck, mate!"
Martial Arts-Karate ( 47) he whispered to his friend.
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes "And to you as well, Seeker-san," Akumashibaru
Atemi Strike -1 +l 3d6 NND (1) replied.
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Disarm -1 +l 50 STR Disarm Finally all the fighters were in the arena. They
- Dodge +O +s Dodge , Abort were extremely quiet and still, all poised expect·
Legsweep +2 -1 9d6 Strike, antly for the Tournament to begin.
Target Palls After what seemed like forever, the balcony doors
Knifchand Strike -2 +0 ld6 HKA(2d6 opened and the Watchers stepped out. Again, Dr.
with STR) Wu was the last. He stepped up te therail and raised
Passing Strike +l +0 8d6 + v/5;
his arms dramatically. "Warriors of tire world! The
Full Move
Punch/Snap Kick +o +2 10d6 Watcllers of tire Dragon again welcome you to the
Side/Spin Kick -2 +I 12d6 Tournament of the Dragon. Lei the Tournament
+2 Damage Classes (already added in) begi11!"With that he lowered his arms dramatically,
Use Art with Karate Weapons, In Armor and with a wooden CLACK. the five brackets above
the balcony were filled with plaques containing the

names of the first round's competitors.
The Tournament of the Dragon had begun!

t 3 ___
The Tot.11'4Jl\ament
of the Dl'4a9on

The Watchers seek only the best warrior to fight

the Dragon. They Jo not careoverrnuchabout how
The Tournament of the Dragon is a single-elimi- this warrior fights. Therefore, the rules covering
nation martial arts competition. II typically lasts the Tournament are remarkably few. They are:
several days, sometimes a week or more.
The Tournament is open to two classes of indi- 1) Tournament competitors or hopeful competi-
tors may fight one another in any manner and as
viduals. The first is martial artists who receive an
often as they wish outside of the Tournament.
invitatiun from the Watchers of the Dragon. Invi-
However, once they enter the Tournament site,
tations are issu.cd on the basis of fighting prowess,
they may not fight one another outside ofsched-
skill in a particular art, proven ability to combat
uled matches in the Five Arenas. Any viola1ion
my&Jic creatures, notoriety as a fighter, and similar
of th is rule will be punished by expulsion from
grounds. Due to the high level ofskill sought by the
Watchers, most of the competitors tend to be the Tournament.
superhumans or have superhuman-level training, 2) Tournament competitors may use weapons if
but this is not a hard and fast rule. The Watchers are they choose. including ranged weapons, pro-
nol prejudiced against any particularly nationalhy, vided Lhat said weapons nre no more tedmo-
nor do they restrict the Tournament to only "hon- logicallyadvanced than a chu-ko-nu, or Chinese
orable" warriors--they seek only the best warrior repeating crossbow. If a compel ilur's weapo n s
co defeat the Ueath Dragon. Thus, many of the break or he runs out of I hem, they may only be
compet\Jors are what the PCs would <lesaibe as replaced by weap(lns brought by the competitor
"villains" u.r mercenaries. The Watchers will nol, himsel f, or providell by another compet!lm; the
however, allow anyone who has expressed the in- Watchers will not replace them.
tent of working for or trying to free the Death 3) Tournament competitors may kill or maim their
Dragon to compete, for obvious reasons. For ex- opponents if they so desire. /\ competitor may
ample, Iron, described earlier in this book, would surrender the match by shouting "matte," and
not be allowed to fight in the Tournament, but his the fight must cease immediately, with the vic-
sister Gold, who is not entirely cognizant of the tory going to the other warrior. If a blow is
purposes of her masters in the Cult of the Red delivered after "matte" is called, the off~nding
Banner, might be allowed to compete. fighter will be expelled from the Tournament
The second category of competitors is martial (p;rovided that he had time to stop his blow
artists wise enough or smart enough to find the when "matte" was called).
Tournament site and gain entrance. Since this re- 4) No competitor may aid a fighter who is in one of
t]uirestrickingordefcatingtheTournamentGuards, the Five Arenas, or otherwise interfere with an
it is rare for anyone toentertheTournament in this ongoing match. Ifhe does so, ht~ will be expelled
fashion, but it does occur.
from the Tournament. If a fighter in a malch is
found to have encouraged someone outside the

match to interfere with the fight, he, too, will be
5) Competitors are required to submit to reason-
able requests by the Watchers to have Dr. Wu or

another designated wizard read their minds.
"l<easonableness" shall be defined by a majority
vote of the Watchers.
6) If a competitor is incapacitated or otherwise
unable to fight when his name is called for
a match, he forfeits the match.
7) The Tournament is a single elimination
competition. A match shall last until one of
the fighters is knocked entirely out of the
Arena or is unable to fight for any reason.
The competitors for each match are chosen
at random by the Watchers. The arenas for
each of the first five matches are chosen at
random; the arenas for later matches are
whichever arena is available when the match
is called (in the event two matches finish
simultaneously, the Watchers shall choose
which of the next two matches go to which
arena at random). Matches shall be chosen
and fought until only one fighter remains
undefeated. Each match will be overseen
and refereed by one of the Watchers of the
8) If the Zhansht, or Champion, of the Tourna-
ment is for any reason unable to fight the
Death Dragon, the Watchers shall select the
second-place fighter. Ifhe is unable to fight, they
shall select the third-place fighter, and so on The Water Arena
until they find a suitable fighter to meet the The Water Arena is a 5" wide, 16" long stream of
Dragon. The Watchers may, if they wish, over- water which varies from%" to W' deep. The ends of
ride this rule and choose any other competitor the stream are bounded by the walls of the cavern;
whom they feel is most worthy to face the Death the sloping banks of the stream are rock and soil
Dragon. approximately 2" tall. The Water Arena is intended
to test a fighter's endurance and perseverance.

Tournament matches are fought in the Five

Arenas. Each Arena is based on one of the five
elements of Chinese alchemy, and tests one or
more virtues important for the Champion of the
Tournament to possess.

The Earth Arena

The Earth Arena is a flat earthen fighting
circle which is 16" in diameter. It is intended to
test pure fighting skill.

Acrobatics -0, Breakfall -0.

Environmental Co nditions:
Entering the Arena: The two fighters approach
from opposite sides (usually north and south)
and step into the Arena at the same time, as
indicated by the Watcher.
The Fire Arena
The Fire Arena is a 16" diameter pool of some
lava-likesubstance. Here and there throughout the
pool are rocks which are sate to stand on. The Fire
Arena is intended to test a fighter's stamina and
ability to resist pain.

Outside of the flames, Acrobatics -0,
Breakfall -0. In the flames, Acrobatics -2,
Breakfall -2.

Environmental Conditions:
When the characters move from rock to
rock, they must make an unmodified to-
hit roll to successfully land on the rock.
For every Phase a character spends fight-
ing in this Arena, he suffers a ld6 STUN
and END Drain, due to the extreme heat,
unless he has LS: Immune To Extreme
Heat/Cold. If a character is knocked into
the flames or falls into them, he takes 1
'hd6 KA for every Phase he remains in
them. (This damage is subject to appro-
priate defenses, but ordinary resistant ED
will not normally suffice to protect a war-
rior; defenses specifically against heat or
flame are usually necessary. Willpower-
based Damage Reduction will reduce the
STUN damage from the flames.)
Modifiers: Entering the Anma: The two fighters approach
Acrobatics -2, Breakfall -2, -2 DCV roll from opposite sides (usually north and south) and
unless Breakfall roll is made; also, refer to jump onto one ofthe rocks in the flames at the same
The Ultimate Martial Artist, page 191, for time, as indicated by the Watcher.
further notes on fighting in water. Char-
acters who do not have Breakfall will au- The Metal Arena
tomatically be at -2 DCV and have to The Metal Arena is a large sheet of metal, 16" in
make a DEX Roll at-5 to keep their foot- diameter, supported by about a dozen wooden
ing (see below). pilings. The metal sheet has been covered with oil,
making it difficult to keep one's footing. The Metal
Environmental Conditions: Arena tests a character's balance.
Characters must make a Breakfall roll
every Phase to keep their feet (and prevent Modifiers:
the -2 DCV penalry). If they foll they are Acrobatics -2, Breakfall -0 to avoid dam-
affected as if Thrown (i.e., they lake 3d6 age from being thrown, -3 to move with-
damage and automatically lose the first out falling.
action if they share the next Phase with
their opponent). The water flowsswiftly- Environmental Conditions:
for every Segment a character is not on his
Characters must make a Breakfall roll at-
feet, he will float l" downstream. Charac-
3 whenever they move or make an attack.
ters deliberately moving<lownstream may
If they fall they are affected as if Thrown
add l" to their Running.
(i.e., they take Sd6 damage and automati-
Entering the Arena: The two fighters go to either cally lose the first action if they share the

end of the stream (north and south) and enter from next Phase with their opponent).
the western side of the stream. Since starting in the
Entering the Arenn: The two fighters approach

122 3
north is slightly advantageous, the Watcher refer-
from opposite sides (usually north and south) and
eeing the match will choose which fighter starts
jump up onto the Arena at the same time, as
there in a random fashion.
indicated by the Watcher (landing on their feet
requires a Breakfall roll, of course).
The Wood Arena
The Wood Arena is perhaps the most unusual
of all. It consists of a series of Chinese spirit
bridgesoveradepression filled with logs.stumps,
and blocks of wood. In China, it is believed that
certain malevolent spirits can only walk in
straight lines. Therefore in some places crooked
bridges are built, with railings missing at the
crooks, so that a man can cross the bridge while
a spirit will have to walk straight and fall into the
water. The Wood Arena tests a character's abil-
ity to adapt to unusual and confining condi-

On the bridges, Acrobatics -2, Breakfall -
1; when falling to the ground, Acrobatics
-1, Breakfall -3.

Environmental Conditions:
The bridges and rails are DEF 3, BODY 3.
They are a relatively normal, if cramped,
place to fight. 3" below them, however, is
a pit rilled with old logs and branches and
the like. If a character falls or is thrown
into this area, there is a 2 in 6 chance that
he will be impaled on a sharp piece of Winning the ToV\rnamenti
wood for 1hd6 KA. If the character makes
a Breakfall roll (at the specified -3 pen- Fighting the D eath
alty), he can avoid this damage. Dragon
Entering the Arena: One fighter approaches from
the south and enters via the bridge on Lhe left side As described above, the winner of the Tourna-
of the map. The other approaches from the north ment is the last undefeated fighter. He receives the
and entt!rs from the bridge on the right side of the title of Zhanshl, or "Champion." Defeated fighters
map (this is to the fighter's left', however). They step are, of course, free to stay and watch the rest of the
onto the bridges at the same time, as indicated by competition. The entire Tournament will usually
the Watcher. take several days, due to the number ofcompetitors
and their skill (which sometimes makes matches
last an extremely long time).
The winner of the Tournament will be honored
in a special ceremony which takes place the day
after his victory. Asa "trophy," the Watchers award
him a specially cast and engraved sword. I-le is
entitled to automatic ad mission to all future Tour-
naments, and may even be chosen to become a
member of the Watchers, if this is deemed appro-
priate and the winner so desires.
After the ceremony, the Champion must fight
the Death Dragon and attempt to re-imprison it.
The fight takes place in a chamber which is reached
by a sealed secret door in the main arena cavern.
The Champion is not expected to face the Death The Blessing of Longevity: while the character will
Dragon without some assistance, however. As part not become immortal, he will have an extremely
of the victory ceremony, the Watchers provide the long and healthy life. This can be considered the
following forms of help: equivalent of2 points of Life Support (2 points)
the Champion is given several holy amulets and The Blessing ofVictory: the character's home coun-
talismans, which trigger the Death Dragon's trybecomes the pre-eminent nation in the world
Susceptibility to holy objects. for the next 60 years. This is a plot device which
the Watchers cast a spell on the Champion which the GM must adjudicate as he sees fit. If the
provides h im with the following abilities: character could be considered to have more
Sd6 Luck than one nationality (for example, a person of
+6 Lightning Reflexes with all attacks Chinesedescent born in America), the character
+ 2 Damage Classes for martial arts maneuvers may choose which nation is to benefit.
+2DCV Thus, winning the Tournament is worth 18 Ex-
+so END and +10 REC perience Points.
The fight against the Death Dragon can last a
long time, possibly even days. If the Death Dragon
triumphs, it will kill the Champion and be freed to
work its evil upon the Earth.
If the Champion wins, not only is the Dragon re-
imprisoned for the next 60 years, but the Cham- Background/History: Dark and ancient legends
pion himself receives the blessing of the gods. This speak of the Sze l.6ng, the Death Dragon, a being of
takes the form of the following benefit~. which pure evil. It is said that it has existed since before the
should be paid for by I he Experience Points earned universe was created, and that after P'an Ku created
for winning the Tournament (i.e., the Champion the Earth, the Death Dragon looked down upnn it
earns exactly enough Experience Points for win- and saw rt as a plaything, and the men l11ter created
ning the Tournament and defeating the Death by the goddess Nu Kui\ as itscaLtle. Fortunately fur
Dragon that he needs to pay for these abilities): mankind, the Death Dragon, in its imm.ensc pride,
The Blessing of the Gods: 2d6 Luck (or +2d6 Luck, was tricked by a group of wizards and imprisoned,
if the character already has some dice of Luck) b ut only for a single cycle of 60 years. At the
(10 points) conclusion of that cycle, a champion was chosen to
face the Dragon-they dared not face it as a group,
The Blessing of the Watchers: one Favor from the
for if they d id, the Dragon would merely grow
Watchers of the Dragon ( 1 point)
stronger as they fought it. The champion defeated
The Blessing of Prosperity: 5 of Money (5 points) the Dragon, and it remaineJ imprisoned for an-
other 60 years. Soon the group of wizard~ begiin
calling itself the Watchers of the Dragon, aud cre-
ated the Tournament of the Dragon to choose the
champion who would fight for them. On rno:>l
occasions. the champion has defeated the Dragon;
in those times when the Dragon triumphed, it was
freed for the coming cycle, and the world experi-
enced an age of darkness and despair.
So much the legends tell us. The truth, if truth it Powers/Tactics: Even though it is but a pale shadow
be, is perhaps even more startling. Learned wizards of the Dragon, the Death Dragon is immensely
tell us that the Death Dragon is but an earthly powerful. Its bite and claws can kill the strongest
manifestation of a terrifying creature known as the man with the merest touch. It is only semi-corpo-
Dragon, who exists in the collective unconscious- real, however, and its spirit body renders it virtually
ness of mankind as the ultimate power of Evil on invulnerable to harm; furthermore, it is fully invul-
Earth. The Dragon " resides," if you will, on the nerable to any attacks involving weapons more
Astral Plane, where it is held chained; only in the technologically advanced than a chu-ko-nu, or
guise of the Death Dragon can it embody itselfon Chinese repeating crossbow. This fact is known to
Earth to wreak havoc. Being part of humanity's the Watchers, who for this reason forbid the use of
collective unconscious, the Dragon, and its pale such weapons in the Tournament.
shadow the Death Dragon, cannot be destroyed: The Watchers are also aware that holy objects and
such an action would drive all of mankind mad. But weapons affect the Death Dragon by their mere
it can be imprisoned, and thus so can the Death presence,andso theyequip theTournament'scham-
Dragon. It is only because the Death Dragon pos- pion with holy talismans. However, one important
sesses the merest sliver of the Dragon's actual power fact that the Watchers do not know is that the Death
that it can be free on Earth without rendering all Dragon is especially vulnerable to attacks made by
humanity insane and the planet a wasteland. those who are "pure of heart." Exactly who qualifies
The chains binding both the Dragon and the for this is up to the GM; most martial artist heroes
Death Dragon are forged not of steel, but of all that will qualify, while mercenary-type characters or vil-
makes humanity great: faith, courage, pride, disci- lains rarely will. Unfortunately, because the Watch-
pline, honor, bravery, valor, willpower. Thus it is ers are unaware of this fact, they impose no test of
that a martial artist, who often embodies all of these virtue on the competitors of the Tournament.
virtues, is so ideally suited to keeping the Death A final power that the Death Dragon possesses,
Dragon imprisoned. Through the mechanism of one of which the Watchers are aware, is that it
the Tournament of the Dragon, a tiny fraction of grows more powerful the more foes that face it at a
Earth's populace has helped to keep the rest of the single time. If it faces but a single foe, it gains
world safe from something that could destroy them nothing. But for every foe after the first who attack
all with the merest flick of its mind. it at once, it can Transfer ld6 from all of the
(For more information on the Dragon, its ser- Characteristics possessed by each of the foes attack-
vants, and its creatures, please refer to The Ultimate ing it! This Transfer increases to a maximum of
Supermage, by Dean Shomshak.) 10d6 and 11 foes; any additional foes simply suffer
Personality/Motivation: The Dragon is the supreme a 10d6 Transfer as well. This is why the Watchers
embodiment of earthly Evil, and its "reflection," dare not mount a group attack against the Dragon.
the Death Dragon, is similarly motivated. When Appearance: The Death Dragon, or Great Dragon
imprisoned, all it thinks of are ways to free itself, of the North as the Chinese sometimes call it, is an
revenge itself on its captors, or cause what little immensely long, black, spectral dragon. At the
havoc it can. As the time of the Tournament ap- center of its breast is its heart, an area so dark and
proaches, the Death Dragon tends to have the full of evil that it makes the rest of the its body pale
power to "rattle its chains" a little and affect the by comparison. Its fangs and certain other features
material world in slight ways-but sometimes even are set off by a vile greenish glow.
a slight effect can have devastating consequences,
as when a tiny jolt of the Death Dragon's power
finally freed the thing now known as Li Chun the
Destroyer. When the Death Dragon is free, its every
action, be they subtle or overt, is designed to cause
as much suffering, misery, and agony as possible.
Quote: None.

t 125
Stealing the Breath: Transfer 10d6, all of
opponent's characteristics to Death
Dragon's BODY Drain ( +2), 0 END,
Ranged, Area Effect (15" radius,), Only ld6
Transfer Per Opponent Over 1 Faced At
One Time (- 1) (375) (OJ
Death Dragon Powers:
Size: Growth (45 points' worth), 0 END,
Persistent, Always On, No Bonus
Characteristics Or Increased Mass (-'h): -9"
KB, -6 DCV, +6 PER Rolls to against Death
Dragon, 16m (8") high, 8m (4") wide, x8 reach
(45) [OJ
Spitit Body: Hardened 30 PD. 30 ED (15)
Spfrit Body: Damage Resistance: 30 PD, 30 ED,
Hardened (37)
Spirit Body: 25% Damage Reduction, physical
and energy, resistant; Does Not Work Against
"Affects Desolidified" Attacks (-IA) (24)
Spirit Body: +50% Damage Reduction (75%
total), physical and energy, resistant; Does Not
Work Against Those Who Are Pure Of Heart
(-'h) (60)
Spirit Body: Armor: +20 PD, +20 ED), Only
Works Against Technological Attacks (- 112)(40)
Power Defense: 20 points (20)
Mental Defense: 20 points (14)
Flash Defense: Sight (S) and Hearing (5) (IO)
Full Life Support
The Wisdom of the Dragon: Spatial Awareness(25)
Death Dragon Talents:
Defense Maneuver: full-no attack is
considered to be "from behind;" Multiple
Attacker Bonuses are eliminated even as to
attackers the Death Dragon cannot sense; 0-
Phase action (10)
The Death Dragon
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 862
30 sfR 20 is- 1660 kg; 6d6 (3) Total Character Cost: 1193
30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
30 CON 40 15-
20 BODY 20 13- Disadvantages: 100+
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- Distinctive Features:
30 EGO 40 15- ECV: 10 Aura of utter evil (not concealable; major
40 PRE 30 17- PRE Attack 8d6 reaction) (25)
4 COM -3 10- Hunted by:
30 PD 24 Total: 30 PD/ 30 rPD the Watchers of the Dragon and their minions, as
30 ED 24 Total: 30 ED/ 30 rED powerful, NCI, 14- (25)
7 SPD 30 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 Physical Limitation:
15 REC 6 Is bound by the spells of the Watchers of the
60 END 0 Dragon and governed by the restrictions
80 STUN 30 thereof (25)
Total Characteristic Cost: 331 Psychological Limitation:
Utterly evil (25)
Movement: Running: 611 /12 11 Swimming: 2"/4" Hatred of the Watchers of the Dragon (25)
Powers & Skills: Reputation:
Death Dragon 14- (limited group: some
Death Dragon Attacks:
members of the Martial World and some
Multipower (60 pt pool) (60)
mystics) (lS)
u - The Jaws That Rend The Soul: Drain 6d6
BODY (60/6) [6)
To holy objects or items, takes l d6 per Turn (20)
u - The Claws That Rend The Heart: 2d6 HKA
(3d6 with STR), +2 STUN Multiple(+ 1)
2x STUN from attacks by the pure of heart (30)

(60/6) [6+)
2x BODY from attacks by the pure of heart (30)
u - The Eyes That Burn The Mind: Ego
Villain Bonus (873)
Attack 6d6, Victim Must Meet Dragon's
Gaze (-'h) (60/6) Total Disadvantage Points: 1193
u - The Voice That Steals The Will: Mind

Control 12d6 (60/6) [6]

. . . .
.Appendix O ne: R1Annin9 Running The Tournament
W afch el"s o f fhe D,,.agon The basic information needed to run the Tour-
nament-rules, arena maps, and so forth-is pro-
as an 6p ic Scena..-io in vided in Chapter Fifteen. In order to run it as a
scenario, GMs only need a few additional tools.
yoiA~ Campai9 n First, they need a sufficient supply of competi-
tors. Between the characters in this book, martial
Although Watchers of the Dragon is intended to artists in other Hero Games publications, and char-
be a type of Enemies book and not a scenario, the acters from the GM's own campaign, there should
fictional backdrop against which the characters be plenty of fighters ready and willing to partici-
have been presented can easily be turned into a pate. Should the GM need more, a quick and easy
scenario by the GM. All he needs to do is take the way to come up with them is to change the name
encounters described in the chapters of this book and costume ofone of the characters in this (or any
and turn them into mini-scenarios that can be used other) book but usethesamegamestatistics. Clever
as "opening scenes" or solo adventures for martial use of the generic character write-ups found below
artist characters. can also help.
In a campaign which features more than one Second, the GM needs a way to randomly choose
martial artist PC, the GM should try to spread the matches. This can best be accomplished simply
Tournament-related events around among the by listing all the competitors and figuring out a way
martial artist characters, so that everyone shares to choose them randomly by rolling dice-dig out
equally in the adventure. This may require making those old d20sand d 1Os from when you used to play
up a few more mini-scenarios, but that shouldn't those other games and use them if you have to.
be very difficult- after all, not only are there plenty Cross offeach competitor as he is chosen, and don't
of hot-blooded martial artists ready to attack the choose any of the winners again until everyone in
PCs, but with the Death Dragon throwing off little the list has been chosen at least once. Then make a
bits of mystic energy here and there as it strains new list of the winners and start the process over
against its chains, who knows what menaces could again.
come to life? In some cases, the GM may even allow The GM should decide in advance whether he
non-martial artists to get involved in one of the wants to actually play out every match, or just the
mini-scenarios; a non-martial artist character will matches that PCs are in. The former option is more
then have to consult a martial artist PC or NPC fun, butofcoursetakes a lot longer. TheGMsimply
about what's going on. gets two players to take the parts of the fighters and
In an ongoing campaign, the GM will have the runs the match as normal. Of course, the other
chance to build up to the Tournament more than is significant drawback to this method is that the GM
possible in this book. Seeker's exposure to and needs to have a write-up ofevery competitor ready
investigation of the Tournament had to be com- to handout to the players. Onewaytominimizethe
pressed a little to heighten dramatic tension. In a work involved for the GM is to have each player
campaign, one martial arts encounter every few come to the game with 3-6 characters to play in
weeks for, say, six months or a year prior to the addition to their standard PC. The point levels of
point where entire Tournament-related scenarios these "walk-on" characters should be chosen by the
are run will provide plenty of drama and foreshad- GM; it is suggested that they vary (for example,
owing. each player might be told to bring one 200-point,
one 300-point, and one 400-point martial artist).

GMs should not run the Tournament if doing so
is likely to upset the players or cause more rancor
than fun . Not every player is interested in taking on
his friends in one-on-one duels; particularly when
favorite PCs are involved, this sort of match-up can
.....__...__..... 3
become bitter and lead to bad feelings. Make sure APPENDICES
that all players are willing to participate and under- Who or what group is the master of the man in
stand that it's all in good fun before you make them the black eyepatch? This is left up to the GM.
participate in the Tournament. Possible answers include: Dr. Yin Wu, the Cult of
Third, the GM needs a way to randomly choose the Red Banner, the C.I.A. or some other espionage
which arena each match is fought in. A simple die agency, a Chinese Triad or tong or a yakuza clan, or

--- --
roll should suffice. Emperor Crane.
The man with the black eyepatch is himself a
~ - ~
-------- ~- -=----
-~ highly skilled martial artist, capable of taking on
- .... //~ .
someoneofSeeker'scaliberandgivinghim a tough
Appendix Two: Subplots
As the reader is aware by now, not every episode The Jade Mirror Of Transcendence
presented in the main text of this book has been Dr. Wu's Jade Mirror of Transcendence is a
entirely resolved. This is intentional: it gives each magical item of immense power. It has the ability to
GM a way to "personalize" WatchersOfTheDragon remake the entire world into medieval China-
to his own campaign if he so desires. This section technologywill nolongerwork, Chinese-style magic
will discuss each subplot briefly and explain what's will reign supreme, and the vast bulk of humanity
going on. will be reduced to serfdom or worse. As the most
powerful Chinese sorcerer in the world, Dr. Wu
would then rule the planet.
The Man With The Black Eyepatch Although in the text ofthis book the Four Sons of
The identity of Lh~ man with the black eyepatch the Dragon are reasonably close to finding the main
is a mystery that each GM must solve for himself. components of the Mirror, this is not the end of the
But his actions are plain enough-he is attempting story. First, the GM can turn back the clock and
to, and in fact finally does, discover the ruins of make the acquisition of each component a sce-
Yengtao Temple (refer to The Ultimate Martial nario-just make sure that the Four Sons succeed
Artist, pages 238-243). in obtaining them, or else the whole scenario falls
The man with the black eyepatch did not accom- apart too early. Even after they have the compo-
plish this feat alone. He and the others who work nents, Dr. Wu will require some months to create
for his masters have been looking for clues to the the Mirror and then cast the spell. In fact, the spell
location of the ruins for years. When he finally can only be cast at a particular place (the intersec-
found all the pieces of the puzzle, he enlisted the tion of many powerful Jeng shui) and on a particu-
help of several prominent historians, larnight, when the stars are right, so the PCs maybe
mythographers, and archaeologists, and then faked
able to figure this out and stage a final, climactic
their "kidnappings" to ensure that no one would
battle with him and his minions while he tries to
figure out what they were doing. complete the spell.
The man in the black eyepatch's purposes in
doing this are decidedly evil-his masters wish to
harness the powers ofYengtao for themselves and It Takes 1\vo To Tengu
create a new Yengtao Temple for use as a "training The episode with the tengu and the ninja garbed
ground" for their minions. It's up to the player in red in Chapter Seven harks back to Seeker's past.
characters to find out about this, put a stop to it, For many years, the Red Band of the Nohoda clan
and, hopefully, found a new Yengtao Temple dedi- has been trying to kill Seeker, because his mentor,
cated to the ideals the original Temple was dedi- Mr. Edo, betrayed them back in World War II.
cated to: honor, truth, justice, and courage. How- Their most recent plot was to have one of their
ever, the GM should be careful not to allow the PCs wizards conjure up an evil tengu and send it after
access to all ofYengtao's wisdom during the course Seeker to attack him when he was most vulnerable.
of running this subplot as a scenario-make sure However, one member of the Red Band disagreed
that they cannot translate the scrolls, or that they with this decision for some reason, fled the Band's
help put theTempleon the road to recovery but do secret encampment, and tried to get to Seeker to
not actually participate in its rebuilding and revi- warn him. The tengu intercepted him and pre-
talization. (Jade Tiger, for example, would be an vented him from delivering his message, but was in
ideal figure to oversee this process-and he com- turn slain by Seeker. However, the Red Band is
prehends full well that most men, even most he- patient, and will no doubt make another attempt
on Seeker's life when the opportunity presents

roes, should not be made privy to all ofYengtao's
secrets.) Give each of them a Yengtao maneuver or itself.
two as a reward, if you like-that would be fair-
but don't go overboard.

Why one member of the Red Band turned on
them and tried to warn Seeker is a question the GM
must answer. Perhaps he is secretly a descendant of
Mr. Edo's, and feels loyalty to his ancestor's only
student. Perhaps he was a "plant" from some law-
abiding group who decided that maintaining his
cover wasn't as important as trying to save Seeker's
life. Perhaps he is just an extremely honorable man. This Appendix includes lists of Oriental names,
Discovering who the man was and why he did what by culture and gender, to assist players in naming
he did could be an adventure in itselfl their characters.
Author's note: These lists have been assembled
The Lost Scroll from various sources, including political almanacs,
Seeker (or whoever substitutes for him if you run dictionaries, and the like. Readers are referred to
the events in this book as a scenario) needs to find similar sources if they would like to do further
the scroll that Dr. Wu loaned him, and fast. After research on Oriental names. Unfortunately, there
the Tournament ends, Dr. Wu will not wait very are few if any reference works on this subject; the
long before asking for it, and if it is not promptly author has done his best to determine how these
returned, his retribution will be severe-and an names are written and what rules govern them
honorable character will simply have to sit there from the sources available to him.
and take it, since he promised on his honor to
return the scroll unharmed. This is an opportunity Chinese Names
for the GM to run an "Indiana Jones" -style mystery With Chinese names, the family name goes first
in which the scroll is tracked all over the globe and and the given name second. "Jim Smith" in the U.S.
narrowly avoids being destroyed or damaged by would be "Smith Jim" in China.
one peril after another. Personal names usually have great import to the
Who took the scroll? Well, now, that would be Chinese. Often a name which deprecates the child
telling. The GM should try to make it an arch- is chosen, to make the child seem undesirable to
enemy of the character who borrowed it (where evil spirits and other malevolent creatures. As some-
Seeker is concerned, the Red Band, Green Dragon, one goes through life, new names may be added to
or the Cult of the Red Banner are all good bets). commemorate important events or occurences
(such as getting married, a new job, starting or
Dragon master graduating school, and so forth).
Although Dragonmaster (Classic Enemies, page
56) does not appear in this book, he would certainly Family Names:
be invited to the Tournament of the Dragon. Of Ao, Ua, Bau, Cai, Oio, Chan, Chang, Chao, Che,
more importance to the GM for an ongoing cam- Chen, Cheng, Chiang, Chin, Chou, Chow, Chu,
paign is Dragonmaster's crusade to overthrow the Chung, Cong, Deng, Fan, Fan, Fang, Feng, Fok,
government of the People's Republic of China. To Fong, Fu, Gai, Gan, Gao, Gao, Gong, Gong, Gu,
this end, information on Dragonmaster's old com- Guan, Guan, Gul, Gu6, Hoi, Han, Han, Hang, Hao,
rades, the Tiger Squad, has been provided in this He, Ho, Hou, H6u, Hsaio, Hsu, Hu, Hu, Hu, Hua,
book. GMs can take this tiny plot thread and weave Hua, Hua, Huan, Huan, Huang, Huang, Huangfu,
from it whatever they wish. Hui, Hul, I, Ji, Jl, fi, Jiu, Jianbua, Jiang, J"fng, Ju,
King, Kong, Kai, Kuang, Kuang, Kui, Kun, Kwan,
Lai, Ui, Lan, Un, Lang, Lang, Lao, Lei, Ui, Leng,
Leung, Li (Lee), Li, Ll, Li, Lian, Liang, Liang, Liao,
Lin, Lln, Ling, Liu, Liu, Lo, Long, L6u, Lu, Lu, Lu,
Lii, Luan, Lu6, Luo, Ma, Mai, Mak, Mao, Mao, Mei,
Mei, Men, Men, Meng, Meng, Miao, Miao, Miao,
Min, Ming, Mo, Moqf, Mu, Mur6ng, Na, Nf, Nian,
Nie, Nie, Nlng, Nlng, Niu, Ou, Ouyang, Pak, Pan,
Pan, Pang, Pei, Pei, Peng, Qi, Qi, Qian, Qiao, Qin,
Qlng, Qiu, Qiu, Quan, Ran, Ren, Rong, Ruan, Rul,
Sa, Sau-Ki, Shan, Shang, Shang, Shangguan, Shao,
She, Shen, Sh'i, Shih, Shih, Shiu, Shou, Shu, Shu'i,
Siju, Song, Song, Su, Su, Sui, Sun, Sun, Suo, Tah,
Tai, Tan, Tan, Tang, Tang, Tang, Teng, Teng, Ti,
Tian, Tie, Tieh, Tong, T6ng, Tsai, Wa, Wan, Wang,
Wang, Wei, Wei, Wen, Weng, Wong, Wu, Xf, Xia,
Xiang, Xianyu, Xiao, Xie, Xie, Xing, Xiu, Xu, Xu,

Xun, Yan, Yan, Yan, Yang, Yao, Ye, Yeh, Yl, Yin, Japanese Names
Yln, Ying, Ying, Yip, Y6u, Yu, Yu, Yu, Yuan, Yuan, Japanese names are presented with family name
Yuchl, Yue, Yuen, Yun, Yun, Yun, Zang, Zeng,, first, given name last. However, be ca use of Wes tern
Zhli, Zhai, Zhan, Zhlin, Zhang, Zhangsun, Zhao, influences in modern Japan, many Japanese now
Zhan, Zheng, Zheng, ZhOng, Zhong,Zhoun ,Zhou, write their names in the Wes tern fashion (given
Zhu,Zhuling,Zhuge,Zhuo,Zong,Zou. name first, family name last).
Male Given Names: Family Names:
An, Anguo, Baio, Bang, Chao-hui, Cheh, Chen, Abukawa, Aburakoji, Adachi, Aihara, Akada,
Cheung, Chi, Chia-cheng, Chia-Jiang, Chih, Cho, Akashi, Akimoto, Akusawa, Akutagawa, Anekoji,
Chung, Daquan, De-ll, Deng, Deshi, Dewei, Ankokuji, Ano, Aoki, Aonuma, Arakida, Arima,
Dlngbang, Dou, Enlai, Fai, Fei, Feng, Fu, Fung- Asahina,Asaka,Asako, Asakura, Asaoka,Asayama,
lung, Gan, Gangsheng, Gong, Gongquan, Gungwu, Ashiya, Atar~shi, Awataguchi, Ayakoji, Baba, Ban,
Guofeng, Guoquiang, Guotin, Guo.xi, Haifeng, Bannen, Bessho, Sojo, Chiba, Chibanosuke,
Hing, Hing-keung, Ho, Hong, Hop, Hou, Hsaio- Chikusa, Cho, Choichi, Chosogabo, Daidoji, Daigo,
hsien, Hu, Huailiang, Huang-fu, Huei-Ho, Hulin, Dan, Dei, Demura, Doi, Ebara, Edo, Egami, Endo,
Hung, Jaw-long, Jianguang, Jian-Guo, Jianyang, Emi, Emori, Endo, Fuji, Fujibayashi, Fujimoto,
Jin, Jingquan, Jingrong, Jingsheng, Jinxi, Jizhong, Fujimura, Fujikawa, Fujisawa, Fukami, Fukatsu,
Jun, Juntao, Keung, Kien, Kong, Kuang, Kuan-tai, Fukawa, Fukazawa, Fukuchi,Fukunaka,Funakoshi,
Kung, Kungzheng, Kwan, Lanqing, Li, Ll, Liang, Furue, Furukawa, Furusaka, Fuse, Fuseya, Fushiki,
Liang, Liangde, Lieh, Liko, Long-Xiang, Loo, Lok, Futamatsu, Futami, Futoshi, Gama, Garno, Gojo,
Lung, Man, Manchu, Ming, Ming-h6a, Ming-tun, Gomi, Goto, Gushiken, Hachisuga, Hagiwara,
Nan, Ning, On, Park, Peng, Qichen, Qiuping, Qiu- Hama, Hamada, Hamuro, Hanagata, Hanazono,
Yue, Qung-Fa, Quon, Rongji, Run ming, Shangkun, Handa, Hane, Hara, Harada, Hase, Hasegawa,
Shaoqiang, Shen, Sheng, Shllln, Shing, Shiping, Hashimoto, Hatakeyama, Hattori, Hayashi,
Shiyu, Shizhen, Shoi-ming, Shude, Shu-sai-chong, Hayashida, Hayata , Hayuka, Henmi , Hida,
Siguang, Song, Songbe, Sueh-yen, Sying, Sze, Tai· Higshirokujo, Higuchi, Hikata, Hino, Hinonishi,
Sheng, Tan, Tao, Te, Tsun-chung, Tung, Wang, Hioki, Hirai, Hirano, Hirata, Hirayama, Hiro,
Wei, Weiqian, Weiqiang, Wing, Woo, Wu, Hirose, Hisamatsu, Hisatomo, Hitomi,
Xiaopeng, Xiaoping, Xiao tao, Xiaoxuan, Xiaoyauin, Hitotsuyanagi, Hoho, Hoki, Hongo, Hon me, Hori,
Xinling, Xiu-Fang, Xun, Yang, Yifu, Yin, Yiquan, Horiuchi, Hoshino, Hosoi, Hosokawa, Hotta, Iba,
Yiren, Yixiao, Yong, Youming, Yu, Yuejei, Yun, Ichihashi, Ichino, Ichiyanagi, Ide, Ido, Igarashi,
Yun-Fat, Yuwei, Zemin, Zhang, Zhao, Zhlhuan, Iida,limuro,lizuka, ljichi, Ikeda, Ikoma, Imagawa,
Zhiqiang, Zhiqing, Zhixin, Zhlyuan, Zhongli, Zhu, Ina, Ino, Inohara, Inokuma, Inoue, Iriye, Isawa,
Zi, Zuang. Ise, Ishida, Ishigaya, Ishimaki, Iso be, Itagaki, Itazaki,
Ito, Iwahara, Iwakura, Jwano, Iwata, Iyohara, Izeki,
Female Given Names: Jikoji,Jimyoin,Jinbo, Kabeyama, Kadono, Kainsho,
Ah Cy, Ah Kum, Ah Lam, An, Bik, Bo, Chao· Kagabu, Kagawa, Kaji, Kajino, Kajitani, Kajiyama,
xing, Chen, Chin, Chow, Chu-hua, Chun, Chyou, Kakei, Kamachi, Kamadai, Kamimura, Kaminaga,
Da-chun, Dai-tai, Da-xia, Ding, Eu-fimh, Eu-meh, Kamonomiya, Kanbayashi, Kaneko, Kanemaru,
Fang, Far, Fung, Guan-yin, Guixian,Haixia,Howin, Kanesaka, Kano, Karasumaru, Kasai, Kasamatsu,
Hseuh, Hu, Hua, Hui, Huifang, Hwei-ru, Jiahui, Kashida, Katano, Kato, Katsu, Katsuragawa,
Jiani, Jianping, Jihong, Jing-wei, Juefeng, Juijuan, Kawaguchi, Kawai, Kawanabe, Kaya, Kazanin,
Jun, Kuai-hua, Kue-ching, Kwong, Lan, Lee, Lian, Kazuo, Kenmotsu, Ki, Kihara, Kikuchi, Kimotsuki,
Lien, Lien-hua, Ll-hua, Lihwa, Lijuan, Lin, Ling, Kimura, Kimuro, Kira, Kishiro, Kitabatake,
Lingjuan, Lingling, Linwei, Liping, Lbcue, Mao, Kiyooka, Kobayagawa, Kobayashi, Kochi, Koda,
Meh-e, Meh-funh, Mei, Mei-Chun, Meiying, Ko hone, Koizumi, Kojima, Komakine, Komparu,
Meizhu, Min, Ming-Ma, Mingxing, Mu-Ian, Mu- Kon, Kondo, Konishi, Kono, Koo, Kosuge,
tan, Nuwa, Peihsi, Peijun, Peipei, Ping, Qianru, Kozukuri, Kubota, Kuge, Kuna, Kuni, Kuramitsu,
Qing, Qiurui, Qun, Rongfang, RUfen, Sheu-fimh, Kuramoto, Kurifuda, Kuroyanagi, Kusakabe,
Sya, Sying, Szu, Tao, Te, Tse, Tu, Ushi, Weihong, Kushimoto, Kutsuki, Kuwayama, Kyogoko,
Xiaobo, Xiaojun, Xiaolan, Xiaoquin, Xiaotian, Machida, Maeda, Maehata, Magaribuchi, Maki,
Xilan, Xingjiang, Xiulan, Xiu-mei, Xiumin, Xuedi, Mamiya, Manabe, Maru, Masaki, Masamori,
Yan, Yang, Yanhong, Yanjun, Yet-kwai, Yin, Ying, Matsubayashi, Matsudaira, Matsukara, Matsumara,
Yong, Yow, Yuefang, Yuehai, Yueqln, Yuet, Yu- Matsumoto, Matsumura, Matsuoka, Matsushige,
jun, Yuk, Yuke, Yumei, Yilying, Yiizhen, Yuzhu, Matsuyama, Matsuzaki, Menokoji, Mibu, Miki,
Zhen. Mimuroto, Minase, Mishina, Mitsuhashi,
Mitsukuri, Mitsuya, Miura, Miuranosuke,
Americanized Given Names: Often, American-
Miyajima, Miyakawa, Miyamoto, Miyazawa,
ized Chinese will have a traditional Chinese given
Mizunoya, Mochizuki, Monna, Monobe, Mori,
name but also adopt a Western given name for use
Morioka, Morisue, Morita, Motoyoshi, Mukai,
APPENDICES among westerners. A woman who is Shih Tse to the
Chinese might be Sandra Shih to the Americans.
Nabo, Nagai, Nagaokita, Naito, Nakada, Ienobu, letsugu, Ieyasu, Ie1..ane, Ikku, lmakebito,
Nakamikado, Nakamura, Nakane, Nakanichi, !name, Isamu, Isao, lsas, lshi, lssai, lwao, Jikkyu,
Nakao, Nakatoni, Nakayama, Nambu, Namekata, Jingoro, Jiro, Jo, Joji, Jun, Jun:m, Junkei, Junzo,
Narau, Narimatsu, Naruhito, Narushima, Nasu, Jusai, Kabun, Kageki, Kagekiyo, Kagemoto,
Nataga, Natsume, Ne~shi, Nie, Nii, Niinom i, Niki, I<agetoki, Kahei, Kanamura, Kanamichi. Katsumi,
Ninomiya, Nishi, Nishidoin, Nishikigori, Kan{!, Kanesue, Kaneyasu , Kauren, Katsumi,
Nishimura, Nishirokujo, Nitta, Niyakuoiji, Noda, Katsushigc,Ka?.Uhiro, Kazuo, Kciki, Keisai, Keisuke,
Noisski, Nol'liura, Nonoyama, Noro, Nose, Oba, Ken. Kenichi, Kenji, Kenko, Kcnshin, Kiichi,
Ochi, Oda, Odaka, Ogazawara, Oguri, Ogushi, Kimmochi, Kin, Kinsuc, Kin to, Kintsune, Kiyogimi,
Ohara, Qi, Oinuma, Okamura, Okano, Oki, Kiyomoro, Kiyoshi, Kiyotsura, Koctsu, Koji, Kokan,
Okudaira, 0111ike1do, Olilo, Onuki. Ooka, Orui, Konyo, Korekado, Korenao, Korin, Koshiro,
Osaki, Oseki, Oshikoji, Otagaki, Otaku, Otani, Kumpei, Kurajimaro, Kuromaro, Kawaran, Kyoji,
Ouchi, Owada, Ozaki, Reizei, Rokkaku, Rokugo, Kyoso, Makato, Makoto, Masahiro, Masaichi,
Rokujo, Ryojoji, Ryozoji, Saai, Saigusa, Saito, Sakai, Masami, Masao, Masalo, Masue, Masutomo,
Saka kiwara, Sakaa1olo, Sakiyurai, Samukawa, Matabei,Matatc,Me, Michichika, Michio, Mifune,
Sanai, Sanjonishi, Sasakawa, Sasaki, Sasase, Mitsuo, Mitsuyako, Mochikune, Mochimoto,
Satomura, Sawai, Sekiguchi, Sckine, Senbon, Senke, Mondo, Monzaemon, Morihiro, Morito, Moroe,
Scri7.awa, Shiba, Shibanokuji, Shibata, Shibazani, Motoki, Motomari, Motomuchi, Munekiyo,
Shibuki, Shibuya,Shijo, Shimabayashi, Shimakage, Munesuke, Muneto, Muramune, Nagachika,
Shimazu, Shimoeda, Shimura, Shin, Shinjo, Nagate, Naoko, Naowmi, Na1sui, Nobuhim,
Shinoyama, Shinozaki, Shiokawa, Shiumi, Shirai, Nobunaga, Nobuyuki, Norikntsu. Norimoto,
Shirasu, Shiskikura, Sho, So, Sofuc, Sohda, Somo, Norilctshi, Noriuji, Noriyori, Nori:1.:me. Ogame,
Sono, Sonoda, Soshi, Sotomura, Soyeshima, Sue, Ogi, Oguramaro, Oiwa, Okyo, Otomoro, On-shi,
Suganuma, Sugimoto, Sugiyama, Suhara, Suwa, Otondo, Oyori, Oyumi, Raiden. Razau, Renshi,
Tachinaba, Tada, Taguchi, Tajiha, Takachihara, Rikyu, Ringo, Rin1.0, Rokucmon, Ryoi, Ryokoi,
Takabe, Takahashi, Takaki, Takano, Takara, Ryoshun, Saburo, Sadafuji, Sadaie, Sadakata,
Takatsukasa, Takayama, Takayanagi, Takeba, Sadamasa, Sadataka, Sadauji, Sadayoshi, Sakehisa,
Takeda, Takemoto, Takemura, Takenoya, Samba, Samuru, Sanehima, Saneyuki, San-yo,
Takikawa, Tamamatsu, Tanabe, Tanaka, Tanba, Sanzo, Saru, Sawao, Seiki, Seikwa, Seimei, Seiri,
Tani,Tanida, Tanji, Tarao,Tashiro,Tazawa, Tenno, Shigehide, Shigekatsu, Shigekori, Shigenari,
Te(asaka, To, Togashi, Togi, Tokudaiji, Tomizawa, Shigeru, Sbigetani, Shigeyoshi, Shikei, Shikibu,
Torii, Toshima, Tokooya, Tozawa, Tsubai, Shipei, Shin, Shingea, Shinji, Shinobu. Shinsaku,
Tsuchihashi, Tsugane, Tsuji, Tsukahara, Tsukawalci, Shiro, Shirozaemon, Sho, Shoan, Shonagon, Shuji,
Tsumori, Tsurimi, Tsutsumi, Uchikawa, Uehara, Shumkichi, Shun, Sh unsui, Sodan, Soi, Sora i, Sorin,
Uemura, Uesugi, Ukita, Unno, Uramatsu, Urya, Soun, Suefusa, Sukechika, Su ken a, Sukunc,Sumio,
Usami, Ushigome, Utsonomiya, Wada, Wakafuji, Surimoto, Surugamaro, Tadaaki, Ta<lafusa,
Wakizaka, Watada, Watanabe, Tabe, Yagyu, Tadahiro, Tadao, Tadashi, Tadataka, Tadatomo,
Yamadera, Yamaguchi, Yamakawa, Yamakazi, Tadatsuno, Tadauji, Ta<layoshi, Taiga, Takaai,
Yamamoto, Yamana, Yamanouchi, Yamashita, Takaie, Takakage, Takamori, Takanoba, Takao,
Yamawaki, Yanada, Yano, Yasuki, Yoda, Yogo, Takashi, Takatomo, Takat<~ra. Takaugi, Takehide,
Yokose, Yokoyama., Yoneno, Yoneta, Yoshida, Takeichi, Takeo, Takeshi, Takuji, Tameaki, Tameie,
Yoshikawa, Yoshimatsu, Yoshisato, Yuasa, Y.uhi, Tamekago, Tameyori, Tamikichi, Tampaku,
Yui, Yura, Yusa, Zakoji Tamuramoro, Tanenara, Taro, Tarozayemon,
Tashiro, Tatsutsaka, Tensui, Teriuihi, Teru?.umi,
Male Given Naines: Tocmon, Toru, Togai, Togama, Togan, Toju,
Agatamori, Akae, Akahito, Akemi ,Akihiko, Akiic, Tokihiro, Tokimune,Tokisada, Tokiyuki, Tokubei,
Akinobu, Akinori, Akio, Akira, Akiuji, Akiyoshi, Tokusuke, Tomi, Tomoie, Tomomitsu,
Arimoro, Atsutada, Azumamaro, Baisetsu, Bakin, Tomomune, Tomonori, Toshi, Toshifusa,
Bancho, Bantaro, Botan, Chikashira, Chikatsada, Toshihiro, Toshiie, Toshikatsu, Toshinao, Toshio,
Chikauji, Chikayoshi, Choei, Chokei, Chonei, Toshisue, Toyoharu, Toyokazu, Toyokua i,
Daini, Dokwan, Dosan, Doshun, Eiichi, Eiji, Eizo, Tsuburu, Tsuginawa, Tsunashige, Tsunay.,shi,
Ekei, Ekikcn, Emishi, Emon, Fuhito, Fujifusa, Tsunetake, Tsunetsugu, Tsurunagi1 Tsuruyuki,

Fujitsuna, Fusaaki, Fusaic, Fusasaki, Fuyuyoshi, Tsutomu, Uchinaro, Ujiaki, Ujichika, Ujiharu,
Gekkci, Gennai, Gidayu, Gocmon, Gohei, Gongoro, Ujikiyo, Ujirnitsu, Ujiyasu, Ujiyori, Ukon, Umakai,
Gonsai, Gorodayu, Hakusekei, Hamanari, Umbin, Umon, Uona, Wakimura, Yakamochi,
Hamaomi, Hangwan, Haruhiko, Haruhiro, Yasahiro, Yasuchika, Yasuhira, Yasuhiro,
Haruhisa, Haruki, Harusue, Harutomo, Haseo,
Hayanari, 1-Icihachiro, Hideaki, Hidekani,
Hidentasa, 1-Iidctsugu, Hideyoshi, Hikaru, Hirnie,
Hiromasa, Hiroshi, Hiroteru, Hirotsuna, Hiroyo,
Hisahide, Hisashi, Hisato, Hisemasa, Hisoi, Hisoka,
Hitoshi, Hoitsu, Hokiichi, Hoshu, Ieharu, lemoto,
Yasumoto, Yasumura, Yasuo, Yasushi, Yasushige,
Yasuloki, Yasuyo, Yayu, Yemon, Yorto, Yoriashi,
Yorifusa, Yorikanc, Yorinari, Yorinobu, Yorisada,
Yoritada, Yoriyasu, Yoriyuka, Yoro7.u, Yosai, Yoshi,
Yoshiaki, Yoshiakira, Yoshifura, Yoshiharu,
Yoshihide, Yoshihisa, Yoshikage, Yoshikane,

( 131

Yoshikaru, Yoshikatsu, Yoshima, Yohimitsu, Korean Names
Yoshimoto, Yoshimune, Yoshinaga, Yoshinao, Korean names also go in the order of family
Yushinobu, Yoshinori, Yoshio, Yoshioki, Yoshiro, name first, given name last.
Yoshishogc, Yosh isuge, Yoshitaka, Yoshi10-hi, Traditionally, Korean firs t names have two syl-
Yoshitoshi, Yoshitoyo, Yoshitsugu, Yoshitsune, lables. The first syllable is shared by all siblings of
· Yoshitujc, Yosh iyaru, Yoshiyori, Yoshiy uki, the same gender, and the second i.yllable is indi-
Yoshizanc, Yoshizumi, Yujo, Yukihara, Yukiie, vidualized. Tht> first syllable is predestined for gen-
Yuki niasa, Yukimori, Yukimura, Yukinaga, Yukio, crationsand is based on a cycle which is determined
Yukilsune, Yukiyasu, Yukiyori, Zenan, Zcshin, by the family name. However, as Korea becomes
Zuiken modern i1.ed and more Kureans move away from
thcir native villages or lands, this system is breaking
Female Given Names: down and is often no longer used.
Ai, Aiko, Akako, Akasuki, Akemi, Aki, Akiko,
Akina, Anzu, Aui, Asa, Au, Ayako, Ayamc, Ay-.ino, Family Names:
Azami, Chika, Chikako, Chitose, Chiyo, Chizu, Ahn, An, Baik, Bae, Bang, Byon, Chang, Cho,
Cho, Chuemoko, Dai, Oen, Echiko, Emiko, Etsu, Choi, Chol, Chung, Gu, Gwang, Ha, Han, Ho,
Etsuko, Fujiko, Fnyu, Gen, Gin, Ginko, Hakctoko, Huang, Hwang, Jang, leon, Jeong, Jeung, Jo, Jong,
Ha ma, Hanako, Haru, Ha rue, Haruko, Hatsu,Haya, Jung, Kang, Kim, Kwang, Kwon,Lee, Li, Ma, Moon,
I lidc,Hidcko,Hideyo, Hiro, Hiro~o, Hiromi, Hisa, Oh, Paek, J>ai, Park, Ri, Ryom, San, Seo, Shin, Si,
llisano, H~shi, lku, Ima, lmoko, lne, l.ruko, lto, Sin, Son, Song, Sung, Yang, Yi, Yoon, You, Youn,
Jwa, lzuko, Jin, Junke, Juri, Kachiko, Kaede, Kagami, Yu, Yun
Kaiyo. Kama, Kamako, Kamt', Kameko, Kana, Kane,
Kaoru, Kata, Katsu, Katsuko, Katsumi, Kawa, Kaya, Male Given Names:
Kayoko, Kaza.~hi, Kaw, K;rzuko, Kci, Keiko, Kenko, 13on-hwa, Bong-chol, liyeoung-keun, Chang· hee,
Kichi, Kikue, Kikuko, Kikuno, Kimi, Kimie, Kin, Chang-sun, Chin-hae, Chin- hwa, Chui-moo,
Kinu, Kinuko, Kinuye, Kishi, Kiwa, Kiyo, Kiyoko, Chulsoun, Chung·ho, Dile-du, Dong-gul, Dong-
Kiyomi, Kiyoshi, Ko, Kohana, Koko, Koma, Kome, sun, Dung-yul, Duck-hwan, Duck-young, Eui-kon,
Konomi, Koto, Kozakura, Kozue, Kukiko, Kuma, Eui-tae, Eunkyhung, Gab-du, Gyong-si, Hae-jin,
Kumi, Kumiko, Kuni, Kunie, Kuniko, Kura, Kuri, Hae-sup, Hak-kun, Han-gyung, Ho-bong, Ho-jun,
Kusuriko, Kyoko, Leiko, Machi, Mai, Makiko, Ho-pyong, Hyang-suon, Hyong-kim, Hyuung-zou,
Manako, Mari, Mariko, Masa, Masae, Masago, Hyun-ki, Hyun-shik, Jn-sn, In-sung, In-Tak, Jae·
Masako, Masu, Masuko, Matsu,Matsuko, Mayu mi, hwa, Jae-yup, jcaki, Jong-kyu, Joon-ho, loon-sup,
Michi, Mkhiko, Midori, Mic, Micko, Mika. Jung-keun, Jung-mo, Jung-oh, Ju-yung, Kang-dae,
Mikazuki,Miki,Mikie,Min\l,Mine.Mincko,Misao, Ki-woon, Kwang-sun, Kyou-chull,Mal-chin, Man-
Mitsu, Miwa, Miwako, Miyo, Miyoko, Miyuki, shik, Man-young, Mun-hee, Myung-dae, Myung-
Mochiko, Mon, Morie, Moto, Mura, Murasaki, suck. Nam-hong, l'an-yong,Sang-mun. Sang-ook,
Nagisa, Namaku, Nami, Namiko, Nani, Naoki, Se· hong, Seung-lip, Shin-chu,Soo-ann, Soon-chun.
Nara, Nari, Nariako, Nariko, Natsu, Nishi, Nori, Suck-chin, Sun-tae, Sung-joo, Weon-kee, Won-
Norie, Noriko, N ui, Nyoko, Ori no, Otsu, Rai, Raku, shik, Won-sop, Yo-sub, Yong-ch ul, Yong-ik, Yong-
Ran, Rei, Reiko, Ren, Riku, Roku, Ruri, Ruriko, jo, Yong-kyun, Yong-sun, Young-hai, Young-jae,
Ryo, Ryu, Sachi, Sachiko, Sachiko, Sada, Sadako, Yuung-joon, You ng-sam, Young-soo, Young-Su,
Sadchiko, Saeko, Sai, Sakae, Saki, Sakura, Sata, Youngchul
Suto, Sawa, Saya, Sei, Seiko,Stki,Sen, Setsu, Setsuko,
Shigc,Shiho,Shihobu,Shika,Shikako,S)lina,Shino, Female Given Names:
Shirushi, Shizu ,Shizue, Shizu ka, Shizuko, Sh iwyo, Ac-cha, Aei-young, Bong-cha, Byung-soon,
Sl10ko, Soko, $ugi, Suki, Sumi, Sumic, Sute, Suzu, Chan-sook, Chin-sun, Choon-hee, Choon-yei,
Suzue, Suzuki, Tadamako, Taka, Takako, Takara, Chun-ja, Chun-ok, Chung-ae, Chung-cha, Eun-
Take, Takeko, Taki, Tama, Tamaki, Tamako, Tame, kyung, Eun-sook, Hae, Hae-won, He-ran, He-suk,
Tami, Tamiko, Tanaka, Tane, Tani, Taniko, Taru, Hea-jung, Hee-young, Heesok, Ho-sook, Hwa-
Tatsu, Tazu, Tcruoko, Tetsu, Toki, Tokiwa, Toko, soo, Hwa-soon, Hwa-young, Hyang-soon, Hyo-
Tokuko, Tokutako, Tcuni, Tomiju, Torno, s.onn, Hyoi-suon, Hyun-ae, Hyun-ok, Hyung-sook,
Tomotoko, 'f'clra, Tori, Toshi, Toshiko, Toyoko, Jae-hwa, Jin-ho, Jong, Jung-a, Jung-hyc, Kum-ja,
Tsughi, Tsuko, Tsu11a, Tsuru, Ujikiko, Umako, Kyung-hce, Kyung-h u, Kyung-hwa, Kyung-ja,
Umeko, Umcnu, Urano, Uta, Utako, Utano, Yachi, Kyung-soon, Mi-cha, Mi-hi, Mi-ja, Mi-kum, Mi-
Yaeko, Yasu, Yasuko, Yayoi, Yei, Yo, Yoi, Yoko, na, Mi·ok, Mi-sook, Mun-hce, Myong-suk, Myung-
Yone, Yori, Yoritoko, Yoshe, Yoshi, Yoshike,

hec, Myung-ok, Myung-sun, Ok-hwa, Ok-jim, Ok-
Yoshiko, Yoshioko, Yuki, Yukiako,Yukie, Yukiko, rim, Ok-sun,Soo-kyung,Soon-bok, Soon-ei, Soon-
Yukiyo, Yuko, Yumi, Yuri, Yuriko, Zanako ok, Soon-yi, Su-Jae, Sun-hi, Syung-soon, Yang-

gac, Yeun-ja, Young-hee, Young-ii, Young-ja,
You.ng-nae, Young-soon, Zung-bok
Thai Names Male Given Names:
Thai names are usually written family name first, An,Antoan,Bay,Binh,Buu,Cadao,Cham,Chan,
given name second. Chi, Ghim, Dan, Din, Dinh, Dong, Due, Duy, Gan,
Gia, Gian, Hai, Hieu, Hoang, Hoc, Hung, Hy, Kim,
Family Names: Lap, Long, Lua, Minh, Nam, Ngai, Nghi, Nghia,
Amnuay, Ananda, Arthit, Banyat, Bhichai, Ngo, Ngu, Nguyen, Nien, Pham, Phuoc, Pin, Quy,
Bhumibol, Boonchu, Brosong, Buangam, Budin, Son, Tai, Tam, Tan, Teo, Thai, Thang, Thanh,
Chalong, Chaovalit, Chaowas, Chatichai, Chennoi, Thian, Thuc, Tin, Tong, Truong, Tu'ong, Tu, Tuan,
Chinawoot, Chiradet, Chuan, Chuchai, Tung, Tuyen, Van, Vo
Dentharonee, Jutharat, Khunpol, Khunsoek,
Kriangsak, Kukrit, Niphon, Nirund, Niyom, Female Given Names:
Nongkhai, Phaithoon, Phisan, Praman, Prem, Sam- Ai, Am, An, Anh, Be, Bian, Bich, Bua, Cai, Cam,
pan, Samyan, Sanan, Savit, Sawai, Siddhi, Singnum, Cara, Choy, Dao, Duong, Ha, Hang, Hanh, Hoa,
Sombat, Somchith, Somsak, Somwang, Somwong, Hong, Hue, Huong, Hyunh, Kieu, Kim, Lan, Lang,
Suchin, Surasak, Suthep, Tarrin, Thanom, Le, Mai, Mieu, My, Ngoc, Nguyet, Nu, Ping, Tam,
Thirdpong, Uthai, Vichit, Vitaya, Vithoon, Vuthisit, Tao, Thanh, Thao, The, Thu, Thuy, Ti, Trang,
Winai, Wittaya, Yongyuth Trinh, True, Trung, Tuyet, Ut, Viet, Xuan

Male Given Names: Burmese Names

Adireksan, Adulyadej, Aran,Aroon, Asnee, Atid, Burmese names generally do not include last
Attakorn, Banthadtan, Bhotiwihok, Boonyanet, names; people have given names only, plus other
Chinpee, Chokloikaew, Chomanan, Chookhae, names assigned as titles (for example, Ma ("little
Choon-havan, Decha, Hoonsilapa, Intaratanon, sister") or Daw ("aunt") for women, and Maung
lsaraphanich, Jayanandana, Jingsornthong, ("little brother" ) and U ("uncle") for men).
Kaeothong, Kajornprasart, Kajornprusart, Burmese children's names traditionally depend
Kamheangpatiyooth,Kasem,Kiet, on what day of the week they are born on-each
Kijwattananuson, Kingchakaew, Kittakachorn, day has a letter assigned to it, and the child's name
Kovit, Leekpai,Lek,Mahidol,Mamanee,Mitpanich, will begin with that letter (for example, all Friday
Moolasartsathorn, Nimmanahaeminda, Niran, names begin with "th").
Patano, Pechboonha, Phinpathya, Phromphan, Burmese male and female names may be the
Pimchaichon, Prajadhipok, Prakarnchai, Pramoj, same; there is no clear differentiation as there is in
Pravat, Pricha, Pulsathornkul, Prapavat, Rattakul, Western cultures. Thus, one could play a male
Ro janasatian, Runrot, Sakornpitak, Sarasart, character named Myint, or a female one named
Savetsila, Sawprapassorn, Sawsiriphan, Sompong, Thant.
Soonsiri, Soothornsima, Srichai, Sudlabha,
Sukmark, Sum, Thiamprasert, Thonesavanh, Male Given Names:
Thongsamak, Tinsulanonda, Tit isaksoporn, Aung Ye Kyaw, Aye, Aye Ko, Aye Thaung, Ba
Urairat, Vajiralongkorn, Virawan, Virote, Hla, Ba Nyien, Ba Than, Ba Thaw, Ba Thein, Ba
Warathongchai, Warrasan, Wongwacharakarn, Thwin, Ba Tlome, Ba Tu, Ba Yin, Bo Gyaw, Bo Mya,
Yongchaiyudh Byi Gawbyan, Byu Gale, Chit Hlaing, Chit Swe,
Chit Than, Gyi, Hiit Lat, Htoo, Jap Tu, Kala Byan,
Female Given Names: Kha, Khin, Khin Nyunt, Kyaw Ba, Lin, Lone, Mai,
Chulabhorn, Daw, Jongchit, Kanok, Kanya, Min, Mya Thinn, Myo, Myo Nyunt, Ne Win, Ngwe
Lawan, Mali, Maniwan, Mayuree, Nataya, Nissa, Khain, Nu, Nyan Lin, On, Pe Thein, Phone Myint,
Padungsri, Phailin, Punngarm, Ratana, Sirindhorn, Po Sin, Po Thit, Pye Thein, Sai Aung Tun, San Yu,
Solada, Sopa, Suchin, Suleeport, Sumalee, Sunee, Saw, Sein Lwin, Soe, Tan, Than, Thant, Thaung,
Sunisa, Tasanee, Tida, Ubol, Wasana Thaw Shwe, Thet She, Thakin, Thin, Thint, Tin,
Tin Aung, Tin Oo, Toe, Tun, Tun Kyi, Tun Tin,
Vietnamese Names Tun Yi, Tun Yin Law, Van Kulh, Win, Yo, ZawWin
In the modern day, Vietnamese names are writ-
ten in the Western style- given name first, family Female Given Names:
name second. Aung, Aye, Khin, Kyaw, Kyi, Meit, Mirna, Mya,
Myint, Ne H tun, Nu, Thaw, Thin, Tin, Warwar,
Family Names: Yon
Bui, Chin, Chinh, Cong, Dang, Diem, Don, Dong,

Hung, Linh, Ly, Minh, Nguyen, Truong

Ninja Training:
Superleap: +3" (6" forward, 3" upward) (3) [ 115")
Running: +I" (7" total) (2) ( 1/5"]
Swimming: +I" ( 3" total) (I) [ 115")
.Appe1t1dix FoV\~: C\e1t1e~ic Ninja Skills, Perks, and Talents:
Perk: Fringe Benefit: Ninja Genin ( 1)
Cha~ac+e~ w~iteV\pS Climbing 12- (3)
Concealment 12- (lntonjutsu) (3)
KS: Ninjutsu 11- (2)
Here are some generic martial arts PCs-ninja One KS at 11-, GM's choice (2)
and others-that the GM can use as opponents for Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
his PCs. The ninja presented here are extremely Japanese: native (0)
skilled and powerful, like the stereotypical comic PS: Ninja 11- (2)
book ninja; heroic-level and basic superheroic- Stealth 12-(Shinobi-iri) (3)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
level ninja are provided for other genres. These
Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
write-ups can also be used for lin kuei or otherninja Missile Weapons (6)
types, or even for highly skilled martial artists other Choose three from the following list:
than ninjas if the martial arts maneuvers are Contortionist ( Tonjutsu), Conversation,
changed. Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
Disguise (Henshojutsu), Talent: Fast Draw
(Iaijutsu), Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation,
Heroic-Level Ninja Genin Paramedics, Riding (Bajutsu), Security
Notes: This ninja is intended as a foe for heroic- Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
level characters. As such, he gets his ninja-to and Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Ho-ryaku),
Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
armor for "free." He can have other equipment if
points' worth) (9)
the GM desires. (Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Heroic-Level Ninja Genin Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
STR 12- 200 kg; 3d6 t1] WF: Small Arms [Kajutsu] .)
15 5
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 79
18 CON 16 13-
10 BODY 0 11- Total Character Cost: 150
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 11-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV:4 Disadvantages: 75+
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack 21hd6 Distinctive Features:
10 COM 0 11- Style Disadvantage (IO)
6 PD 3 Total: 12 PD/ 6 rPD Igabakama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed;
6 ED 2 Total: 12 ED/ 6 rED noticed and recognizable) (5)
3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Package Bonus (3)
7 REC 0 Psychological Limitation:
36 END 0 Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
35 STUN 8 Casual killer (20)
Total Characteristic Cost: 7l Reputation:
Movement: Running: 7"114" Swimming: 3 /6
11 11 Lethal Japanese assassin 11 · (extreme) ( 15)
Superleap: 6"/12" Watched by:
Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11- (IO)
Powers & Skills: Unspent Points (13)
Combat Skills: Total Disadvantage Points: 163
Combat Skill Level:+ I Level w/ all Combat (8)
Combat Skill Level:+ 1 OCV wt Ninja-to (2)
Martial Arts-Ninjutsu (29)
Maneuver OCV DC\l Notes
Atemi Punch -I +I 2d6NND(I)
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
Kick -2 +I 7d6 Strike
Knife Hand -2 +O Id6+1 HKA
Punch +O +2 5d6
Throw +O +l 3d6 +v/5;

Target Falls
Weapon Elements: Use Art with one weapon type
(GM's choice)
Ninja Weapons & Equipment:
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The

Ultimate Martial Artist for details
Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED,
Basic Superheroic-Level Ninja Genin Ninja Skill~. Perks, and Talents:
Perk: Fringe Bene tit: Ninja Genin (I)
Notes: This ninja is intended as a very basic foe for Climbing 13- (3)
superheroic-levd characters. He is basically the Concealment 12- (/ntonjutsu) (3)
same as the Heroic-Level Ninja Genin, except that KS: Ninjutsu 11- (2)
One KS at 11-, GM's choice (2)
his Characteristics are higher and he has to pay for
Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
his weapons and equipment.
Japanese: native (0)
PS: Ninja 11 - (2)
Basic Superheroic-Level Ninja Genin Stealth 13- (Shinobi-iri) (3)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
15 s'tR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 ( l] Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Missile Weapons (6)
18 CON 16 13- Choose three from the following list:
13 BODY 6 12- Contortionist ( Tonjutsu), Conversation,
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
14 EGO 8 12- ECV:5 Disguise (f-frnslwj11u11), Talent.: Fasl Draw
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6 (ltlij11tm), Lockpicking. Mimicry, Navigation,
10 COM 0 11- Paramedics, Riding ( 811juts11), Security
10 PD 7 Total: 16 PD/ 6 rPD Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
8 ED 4 Total: 14 ED/ 6 rED Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Bo-ryaku).
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
8 REC 2 p<lints' worth) (9)
40 END 2 ( Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
35 STUN 5 Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
Total Characteristic Cost: 99 High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 3"/6" WF: Small Arms (Kajutsu] .)
Superleap: 6"/12"
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 151
Powers & Skills:
Total Character Cost: 250
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Level: +l Level w/ all Combat (8)
Combat Skill Level:+ 1 OCV w/ Ninja-to (2) Disadvantages: 100+
Martial Arts-Ninjutsu (30) Distinctive Features:
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Style Disadvantage (IO)
Atemi Punch -1 +1 2d6 NND(l) Jga'111~amt1 (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed;
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort noticed and recognizable) (5)
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort Hunted by:
Kick -2 +1 7d6 Strike Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Knife Hand -2 +0 ld6+1 HKA Package Bonus (3)
Punch +O +2 5d6 Psychological Limi111tion:
Throw +0 +l 3d6 +v/5; Loyal ti. Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
Target Falls Casual killer (20)
Weapon Elements: Use Art with two weapon types Reputation:
(GM's choice) Lethal Japanese assassin 11- (extreme) (15)
Ninja Weapons & Equipment: Rivalry:
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The Other ninja clans (professional) (5)
Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60) Watched by:
Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED, Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11- ( 10)
OIF (12) Villain Bonus (37)
Ninja Training: Total Disadvantage Points: 251
Superlcop: +3" (6" forward, 3" upward) (3) [ 1/5"]
Running: + l" (7" total} (2) [ 1/5"]
Swimming: +l" (3" total) (1) [115"]

( ..._____
Ninja Genin Ninja Weapons & Equipment:
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The
Notes: The ninja genin is the agent-level ninja, the Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60)
one who is sent into the field to do the clan's dirty Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED,
work. He is possessed of the standard ninja skills; he OIF (12)
may also buy 20 points worth of additional skills Ninja Weapons & Gadgets Pool: Power Pool (30
pt pool), Can Only Be Changed At Base (-1h)
and special abilities (although he may not buy (40)
mystil.": abililiell). He c:arncs a ninja-to and a variety Ninja Training:
or other weapons and gadgets. Special Skills or additional Skills ( GM's choice)
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
Ninja Genin Superleap: +3" (6" forward, 3" upward) (3) (1/5")
Va.I CHA Cost Roll Notes
Running: +l" (7" total) (2) [1/5")
15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 (1 J Swimming:+ 111 (3" total) (1) f 1/5" I
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
Ninja Skills, Perks, and Talents:
18 CON 16 13-
Perk: Fringe Benefit: Ninja Genin (3)
13 BODY 6 12- Talent: Lightsleep (3)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
Acrobatics 13- (3)
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5
Breakfall 13- (Ukemi) (3)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6
Climbing 13- (3)
10 COM O 11- Concealment 12- (Intonjutsu) (3)
10 PD 7 Total: 16 PD/ 6 rPD KS: Ninjutsu 12- (3)
8 ED 4 Total: 14 ED/ 6 rED
Three KSs at 11-, GM's choice (6)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
8 REC 2
Japanese: native (O)
40 END 2
PS: Ninja 12- (3)
35 STUN 5 Three PSs at 11-, GM's choice (suggestions:
Total Characteristic Cost: 99 entertainment skills such as Dancing and
11 11
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 3 /6 Singing; Geography (Chi-Mon); skills relating
Superleap: 6"/12" to making weapons; Signaling (Noroshijutsu);
Knot-Tying (Hojojutsu/Terinawajutsu); skills
Powers & Skills: that are appropriate for the ninja's favored
Combat Skills: disguises or Deep Covers) (6)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ a.II Combat (16) Science: Pharmacology/Toxicology 12- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Ninjutsu (6) Three Sciences at 11-, GM's choice (suggestions:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV w/ Ninja-to (4) Anatomy; Cartography; Chemistry; Medicine;
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV w/ other weapon Meteorology [Ten-Mon)) (6)
ofchoice(4) Stealth 14- (Shinobi-iri) (5)
Martial Arts-Ninjutsu (56) TF: Boats; Ninja Water-Walking Devices (2)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Atemi Punch -1 +l 1d6NND(l) Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Missile Weapons, Garotte, Blowgun, Fukimi-
Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One bari (9)
Limb; ld6+1 Choose five from the following list:
HKA, Disable; Contortionist (TonjutSll), Conversation,
Target Falls Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
Choke Hold -2 +O Grab One Disguise (Henshojutsu), Talent: Fast Draw
Limb, 2d6 (laijutsu), Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation,
NND(2) Paramedics, Riding (Bajutsu), Security
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
Kick . -2 +I 7d6 Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Bo-ryaku),
Knife Hand -2 +o ld6+1 HKA Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
(2DC) points' worth) ( 15)
Punch +0 +2 5d6 Strike (Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Reversal -1 -2 30 STR to Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Escape; Grab Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
Two Limbs High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
Sacrifice Throw +2 +l 3d6 Strike; WF: Small Arms [Kajutsu].)
You Fall; Total Powers & Skills Cost: 321
Target Falls
Takeaway +o +o Grab Total Character Cost: 420
Weapon, 25
STR to take

weapon away
Takedown +1 +1 3d6 Strike,
Target Falls

Throw +0 +1 3d6 +v/5;
Target Falls
WC';1pnn Elements: Use Art with four weapon types
APPENDICES (GM 's dwicc)
Disadvantages: 100+ Ninja Chunin
Distinctive Features:
Style Disadvantage (IO)
Notes: The ninja chunin is the middle-level person
lga/wkama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed; in a ninja clan. He is a sub-leader, an organizer of
noticed and recognizable) (5) missions, and an advisor to the clan's jonin. This is
Hunted by: not to say that he has a" desk job," however-he is
Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20) even more skilled and capable than his genin, else
Package Bonus (3) he could not lead them effectively.
Psychological Limitation:
Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
Casual killer (20) Ninja Chunin
Reputation: Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Lethal Japanese assassin 11- (extreme) (15) 15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 I1I
Rivalry: 21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
Other ninja clans (professional) (5) 20 CON 20 13-
Watched by: 13 BODY 6 12-
Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11- ( 10) 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
Villain Bonus (203) 16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5
20 PRE 10 13- PREAttack4d6
Total Disadvantage Points: 420
10 COM 0 11-
13 PD 10 Total: 19 PD/ 6 rPD
10 ED 6 Total: 16 ED/ 6 rED
5 SPD 19 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
8 REC 2
40 END O
38 STUN 7
Total Characteristic Cost: 135
11 11 11
Movement: Running: 9 /18 Swimming: 4 /8"
Superleap: 9"/18"
Powers 8c Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ all Combat (16)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ Ninjutsu (6)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV w/ Ninja-to (4)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV w/ other weapon
of choice (4)
Martial Arts-Ni11j11tm (64)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Atemi Punch -1 +1 3d6 NND(l}
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One
HKA, Disable;
Target Falls
Choke Hold -2 +O Grab One
Limb, 3d6
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
Kick -2 +l 9d6 Strike
Knife Hand -2 +O 2d6HKA
Punch +O +2 7d6
Reversal -1 -2 40 STR to
Escape; Grab
Two Limbs
Sacrifice Throw +2 +l 3d6 Strike;
You Fall;
Target Falls
Takeaway +O +o Grab
Weapon, 35
STR to take
weapon away
Takedown +1 +1 5d6, Target
Throw +0 +1 5d6 +v/5;
Target Falls
+2 Damage Classes (already added in)
Weapon Elements: Use Art with four weapon types
(GM's choice)
Ninja Weapons & Equipment: Disadvantages: 100+
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The Distinctive Features:
Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60) Style Disadvantage (10)
Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED, Igabakama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed;
OIF (12) noticed and recognizable) (5)
Ninja Weapons & Gadgets Pool: Power Pool (60 Hunted by:
pt pool), Can Only Be Changed At Base (-112) Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
(80) Package Bonus (3)
Ninja Training: Psychological Limitation:
Special Skills or additional Skills (GM's choice) Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
(40) Casual killer (20)
Mystic Ninja Abilities (GM's choice) (30) Reputation:
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20) Lethal Japanese assassin 11 - (extreme) (IS)
Superieap: +6'' (9" forward, 5" upward) (6) [115") Rivalry:
Running: +3" (9" total) (6) [115"] Other ninja clans (professional) (5)
Swimming: +2" (4" total) (2) (1/5"] Watched by:
Ninja Skills, Perks, and Talents: Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11 - ( 10)
Perk: Two Deep Covers (GM's choice) (4) Villain Bonus (376)
Perk: Fringe Benefit: Ninja Chunin (3)
Talent: Fast Draw 13- (Iaijutsu) (3) Total Disadvantage Points: 589
Talent: Lightsleep (3)
Acrobatics 13- (3)
Breakfall 13- ( Ukemi) (3)
Climbing 13- (3)
Concealment 12- (Intonjutsu) (3)
KS: Ninjutsu 14- (5)
Five KSs at 11-, GM's choice (10)
Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
Japanese: native (0)
PS: Ninja 14- (5)
Five PSs at 11-, GM's choice (suggestions:
entertainment skills such as Dancing and
Singing; Geography (Chi-Mon); skills relating
to making weapons; Signaling (Noroshijutm);
Knot-Tying (Hojojutsu/Terinawajutsu); skills
that are appropriate for the ninja's favored
disguises or Deep Covers) (IO)
Science: Pharmacology/Toxicology 12- (3)
Five Sciences at 11 ·, GM's choice (suggestions:
Anatomy; Cartography; Chemistry; Medicine;
Meteorology [Ten-Mon!) (IO)
Stealth 14- (Shinobi-iri) (5)
TF: Boats; Ninja Water-Walking Devices (2)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons, Garotte, Blowgun, Fukimi-
bari (9)
Choose six from the following list:
Contortionist ( To11jutsu), Conversation,
Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
Disguise (Henshojutsu), Talent: Fast Draw
(Iaijutsu), Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation,
Paramedics, Riding (Bajutsu), Security
Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Bo-ryaku),
Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsinith (3
points' worth) ( 18)
(Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
WF: Small Arms [Kajutsu].)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 454
Total Character Cost: 589

Ninja Weapons & Equipment:
Ninja]onin Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The
Notes: The ninja jonin is the leader of a ninja clan. Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60)
It is he who negotiates contracts with employers, Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED,
chooses outstanding genin to become cliunin, and OIF (12)
Ninja Weapons & Gadgets Pool: Power Pool (90
decides the overall course of the clan. He is an pt pool), Can Only Be Changed At Base ( -112)
unquestioned leader, not only because of the re- (120)
spect his men have for him, but because of his high Ninja Training:
level of power and skill. Special Skills or additional Skills (GM's choice)
Mystic Ninja Abilities (GM's choice) (60)
Ninja]onin Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Superleap: +8" ( 12" foiward, 6" upward) (8) ( 115")
20 STR 10 13- 400 kg; 4d6 ( l J Running: +3" (9" total) (6) ( 1/5")
24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 Swimming: +3" (5" total) (3) [l/5"]
22 CON 24 13- Ninja Skills, Perks, and Talents:
15 BODY 10 12- Perk: Two Deep Covers (GM's choice) (4)
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Perk: Fringe Benefit: Ninja Jonin (5)
18 EGO 16 13- ECV:6 Talent: Fast Draw 14· (laijutsu) (3)
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack 5d6 Talent: Lightsleep (3)
10 COM 0 11 • Acrobatics 14- (3)
15 PD 11 Total: 21 PD/ 6 rPD Breakfall 14- (Ukemi) (3)
12 ED 8 Total: 16 ED/ 6 rED Climbing 14- (3)
6 SPD 26 Phases: 2, 4,6, 8, 10, 12 Concealment 13- (lntonjutsu) (3)
10 REC 4 KS: Ninjutsu 15- (5)
44 END 0 Five KSs at 11-, GM's choice ( 10)
45 STUN 9 Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
Total Characteristic Cost: 183 Japanese: native (0)
Movement: Running: 9"/18" Swimming: 5"/10" PS: Ninja 15- (5)
Superleap: 12"/24" Five PSs at 11-, GM's choice (suggestions:
entertainment skills such as Dancing and
Powers & Skills: Singing; Geography (Chi-Mon); skills relating
Combat Skills: to making weapons; Signaling (Noroshijutsu);
Combat Skill Levels: +3 Levels w/ all Combat (24) Knot-Tying (Hojojutsu/Terinawajutsu); skills
Combat Skill Levels: +3 Levels w/ Ninjutsu (9) that are appropriate for the ninja's favored
Combat Skill Levels: +3 OCV w/ Ninja-to (6) disguises or Deep Covers) ( 10)
Combat Skill Levels: +3 OCV w/ other weapons Science: Pharmacology/Toxicology 13- (3)
of choice (6) Five Sciences at 11-, GM's choice (suggestions:
Martial Arts-Ninjutsu (73) Anatomy; Cartography; Chemistry; Medicine;
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Meteorology [Ten-Mon]) ( 10)
Aremi Punch -I +1 4d6 NND( l) Stealth 16- (Shinobi-iri) (7)
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort TF: Boats; Ninja Water-Walking Devices (2)
Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Limb; 2 1hd6 Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
HKA, Disable; Missile Weapons, Garotte, Blowgun, Fukimi-
Target Falls bari (9)
Choke Hold -2 +O Grab One Choose eight from the following list:
Limb, 4d6 Contortionist ( Tonjutsu ), Conversation,
NND(2) Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort Disguise (Henshojutsu), Talent: Fast Draw
Kick -2 +l 12d6 Strike (laij1ttsu), Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation,
Knife Hand -2 +O 2 Vid6 HKA Paramedics, Riding (Bajutsu), Security
Punch +O +2 10d6 Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
Reversal -I -2 55 STR to Streetwise, Survival, Tactics ( Bo-ryaku).
Escape; Grab Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
Two Limbs points' worth) (24)
Sacrifice Throw +2 +l 8d6; You Fall; (Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Target Falls Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Takeaway +O +O Grab Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
Weapon,45 High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
STR to take WF: Small Arms (Kajutsu].)
weapon away Total Powers & Skills Cost: 582
Takedown +I +I 8d6, Target

Falls Total Character Cost: 765
Throw +o +I 8d6 +v/5;
Target Falls
+4 Damage Classes (already added in)
Weapon Elements: Use Art with five weapon types
(GM's choice)
( 139
Disadvantages: 100+ Disgustingly Powerful Ninja
Distinctive Features:
Style Disadvantage (10) Notes: The Disgustingly Powerful Ninja is a villain
Igabakama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed; intended to make experienced superheroes blanch.
noticed and recognizable) (5) One or two of these exquisitely-trained, mystically
Hunted by: powerful warriors should be enough to give any
Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20) superteam a fit, if the GM uses t h~m properly
Pat:kage Bonus (3) (which is to say, intelligently and creatively).
Psychological Limitation:
Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
Casual killer (20) Disgustingly Powerful Ninja
Reputation: Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
Lethal Japanese assassin 11- (extreme) ( 15) 25 STR 15 14- 800 kg; Sd6 [2)
Rivalry: 28 DEX 54 15- OCV: 9/DCV: 9
Other ninja clans (professional) (5) 26 CON 32 14-
Watched by: 20 BODY 20 13-
Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11 - (10) 23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-
Villain Bonus (552) 20 EGO 20 13- ECV:7
30 PRE 20 13- PRE Attack 6d6
Total Disadvantage Points: 765
10 COM 0 11-
20 PD 15 Total: 26 PD/ 6 rPD
15 ED 10 Total: 21 ED/ 6 rED
8 SPD 42 P: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
13 REC 6
60 END 4
so STUN 4
Total Characteristic Cost: 255
Movement: Running: 11"/22" Swimming: 7"/14"
Superleap: 15"/30"
Powers & Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Levels: +5 Levels w/ all Combat ( 40)
Combat Skill Levels: + 5 Levels wl Ninjutsu ( 15)
Combat Skill Levels: +5 OCV w/ Ninja-to (10)
Combat Skill Levels: +5 OCV w/ other weapons
of choice (10)
Martial Arts-Ni11jutsu (81)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Atemi Punch -1 +l Sd6 NND(l)
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Breaking Throw -2 -2 Grab One
Limb; 3d6+1
HKA, Disable;
Target Falls
Choke Hold -2 +O Grab One
Dodge +s Dodge, Abort
Kick -2 +l 15d6 Strike
Knife Hand -2 +O 3d6+1 HKA
Punch +O +2 13d6
Reversal -1 -2 70STR to
Escape; Grab
Two Limbs
Sacrifice Throw +2 +I l ld6; You
Fall; Target
Takeaway +0 +O Grab
STR to take
weapon awdy
Takedown +l +l I ld6, Target

Throw +O +l l ld6 +v/5;
Target Falls

+6 Damage Classes (already added in)
Weapon Elements: Use Art with five weapon types
(GM's choice)
Ninja Weapons & Equipment: Disadvantages: 100+
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The Distinctive Features:
Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60) Style Disadvantage (10)
Concealed Ninja Armor: Armor: +6 PD, +6 ED, Igabakama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed;
OIF (12) noticed and recognizable) (5)
Ninja Weapons & Gadgets Pool: Power Pool Hunted by:
(I 20) pt pool), Can Only Be Changed At Base Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
(-112) (160) Package Bonus (3)
Ninja Training: Psychological Limitation:
Special Skills or additional Skills (GM's choice) Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
(80) Casual killer (20)
Mystic Ninja Abilities (GM's choice) (90) Reputation:
Missile Deflection vs. all missiles, +3 OCV (26) Lethal Japanese assassin l I- (extreme) (15)
Superleap: +10" (IS" forward, 8" upward) (10) Rivalry:
(115") Other ninja clans (professional) (5)
Running: +5" (11" total) (10) [I/5") Watched by:
Swimming: +5" (7" total) (5) [I/5") Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, I I - (IO)
Ninja Skills, Perks, and Talents: Villain Bonus (771)
Perk: Four Deep Covers (GM's choice) (4)
Perk: Fringe Benefit: Ninja of great power (S) Total Disadvantage Points: 985
Talent: Fast Draw IS- (Iaijutsu) (3)
Talent: Lightsleep (3) (3)
Acrobatics 14- (3)
Breakfall 15- ( Ukemi) (3)
Climbing 15- (3)
Concealment I4- (Intonjutsu) (3)
KS: Ninjutsu 16- (5)
Five KSs at I I-, GM's choice (IO
Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
Japanese: native (0)
PS: Ninja 16- (5)
Five PSs at I I-, GM's choice (suggestions:
entertainment skills such as Dancing and
Singing; Geography (Chi-Mon); skills relating
to making weapons; Signaling (Noroshijutsu);
Knot -Tying (Hojojutsu/Terinawajutsu); skills
that are appropriate for the ninja's favored
disguises or Deep Covers) (10)
Science: Pharmacology/Toxicology I4- (3)
Five Sciences at I I-, GM's choice (suggestions:
Anatomy; Cartography; Chemistry; Medicine;
Meteorology [Ten-Mon)) (10)
Stealth I 7- (Shinobi-iri) (7)
TF: Boats; Ninja Water-Walking Devices (2)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common
Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common
Missile Weapons, Garotte, Blowgun, Fukimi-
bari (9)
Choose ten from the following list:
Contortionist ( Tonjutsu). Conversation,
Cryptography, Demolitions (Kajutsu),
Disguise (Henshojutsu). Talent: Fast Draw
(Iaijutsu). Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation,
Paramedics, Riding (Bajutsu). Security
Systems, Seduction, Sleight Of Hand,
Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Bo-ryaku),
Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
points' worth) (30)
(Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
WF: Small Arms (Kajuts11].)
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 730

Total Character Cost: 985

pt pool), Can Only Be Changed At Base (-lh)
Kunoichi (40)
Notes: The kunoichi is a female ninja. Although she Ninja Training:
is as fierce and clever a fighter as her clan brothers, Special Skills or additional Skills (GM's choice) (IS)
her training also encompasses ways that she can use Missile Deflection vs. all missiles (20)
Superleap: +3" (6" forward, 3" upward) (3) [1/5"]
her feminine wiles to gather information or com-
Running: +l" (7" total) (2) [1/5"]
plete missions. On most of her assignments she Swimming: + 1" (3" tot~!) (I) [ 1/5"]
leaves her ninja-to behind and uses her Gadget Kunoichi Skills, Perks, and Talents:
Pool to buy weapons which are disguised as hair- Perk: Fringe Benefit: Kunoichi (I)
pins and other objects that a woman would be Talent: Lightsleep (3)
expected to carry. Acrobatics 13- (3)
Breakfall 13- ( Ukemi) (3)
Climbing 13 - (3)
Kunoichi Concealment 12- (Intonjutsu) (3)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Conversation 12- (3)
13 stR 3 12- l SO kg; 2I 2d6 [l J High Society 12- (3)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 KS: Ninjutsu 12- (3)
17 CON 14 12- Three KSs at 11-, GM's choice (6)
12 BODY 4 II- Language: Ninja Clan Codes & Symbols (3)
13 INT 3 12· PER Roll 12- Japanese: native (0)
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 Persuasion 12- (3)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack 3d6 PS: Kunoichi 12- (3)
16 COM 3 12- PS: One entertainment skill at 12- (3)
8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD Three PSs at 11 · , GM's choice (suggestions:
8 ED 5 Total: 8 ED entertainment skills such as Dancing and
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Singing; Geography (Chi-Mon); skills relating
7 REC 2 to making weapons; Signaling (Noroshijutsu);
38 END 2 Knot-Tying (Hojojutsu/Terinawajutsu); skills
30 STUN 2 that are appropriate for the ninja's favored
Total Characteristic Cost: 92 disguises or Deep Covers) (6)
Running: 7"114" Science: Pharmacology/Toxicology 12- (3)
Movement: Swimming: 3"/6"
Superleap: 6"/12" Three Sciences at 11 -, GM's choice (suggestions:
Anatomy; Cartography; Chemistry; Medicine;
Powers & Skills: Meteorology [Ten -Mon)) (6)
Combat Skills: Seduction 13- (3)
Combat Skill Levels: +2 Levels w/ all Combat (16) Stealth 14- (Shinobi -iri) (5)
Combat Skill Level: +I Levels w/ Ninjutsu (3) TF: Boats; Ninja Water-Walking Devices (2)
Combat Skill Level:+ I OCV w/ Ninja-to (2) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Martial
Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV w/ other weapon Arts Melee Weapons, Common Missile
of choice ( 4) Weapons, Garotte, Blowgun, Fukimibari ( 9)
Martial Arts- Ninjutsu (47) Choose three from the following list:
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes Contortionist (Tonjutsu), Cryptography,
AtemiPunch -1 +I 2d6NND(l) Demolitions (Kajutsu), Disguise
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort (Henshojutsu ), Talent: Fast Draw (laijutsu).
Choke Hold -2 +o Grab One Lockpicking, Mimicry, Navigation, Paramedic,
Limb, 2d6 Riding (Bajutsu), Security Systems, Sleight Of
NND(2) Hand, Streetwise, Survival, Tactics (Bo-ryaku) ,
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort Tracking, Ventriloquism, Weaponsmith (3
Kick -2 +1 6 1/2d6 points' worth) (9)
Knife Hand -2 +o ld6+1 HKA (Note: Modern-day ninja should add to this list:
Punch +o +2 4 lhd6 Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Piloting,
Reversal -I -2 28 STR to Computer Programming, Electronics, Forgery,
Escape; Grab High Society, Mechanics, Systems Operation,
Two Limbs WF: Small Arms [Kajutsu].)
Sacrifice Throw +2 +I 2 1hd6 Strike; Total Powers & Skills Cost: 301
You Fall;
Target Falls Total Character Cost: 393
Takeaway +o +o Grab
Weapon, 23 Disadvantages: 100+
STR to take Distinctive Features:
weapon away Style Disadvantage ( 10)
Takedown +I +I 2 1hd6, Igabakama (ninja night-suit) (easily concealed;
Target Falls noticed and recognizable) (S)

Weapon Elements: Use Art with three weapon types Hunted by:
(GM's choice) Rival Ninja Clan, more powerful, NCI, 8- (20)
Package Bonus (3)

Ninja Weapons & Equipment:
Ninja-to: refer to the "Weapons" section of The Psychological Limitation:
Ultimate Martial Artist for details (60) Loyal to Ninja Clan/Employer (25)
APPENDICES Ninja Weapons & Gadgets Pool: Power Pool (30 Casual killer (20)
Lethal Japanese assassin 11- (extreme) (15) Generic Martial Arts Thug
Other ninja clans (professional) (5) Notes: This write-up represents the typical martial
Watched by: arts movie thug-the sort of martial arts street
Own ninja clan, more powerful, NCI, 11- (10) scum the characters encounter early in the adven-
Villain Bonus (180) ture. His martial arts and weapons are "generic," so
Total Disadvantage Points: 393 that the GM can customize him to the adventure.

Generic Martial Arts Thug

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
IS STR 5 12- 20043d6 [l]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
14 CON 8 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
IO INT 0 11- PER Roll 11 -
IO EGO 0 11- ECV:3
IO PRE 0 11 - PRE Attack 2d6
8 COM -1 11 -
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0
30 END 1
30 STUN 5
Total Characteristic Cost: 40
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 2"/4"
Superleap: 4"/8"
Powers & Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Level: +I Level w/ Martial Arts (3)
Martial Arts-Generic (20)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
Kick -2 +l 7d6
Punch +O +2 5d6
Throw +o +l 3d6 + v/5;
Target Palls
Weapons: character has weapons chosen by GM;
these can range from martial arts weapons to
firearms (12)
Martial Arts Abilities:
Superleap: + l" ( 4" forward, 2" upward)( l) ( l/5")
Running: + l" (7" total) (2) [ l/5")
Martial Artist Skills:
Stealth 12- (3)
Other Skills chosen by the GM (6)
Criminal Skills:
Streetwise 12- (3)
Other Skills chosen by the GM (6)
Total Powers & Skills Cost; 56

Total Character Cost: 96

Disadvantages: 75+
Hunted by:
GM's choice (the police, the PCs, a rival gang) (15)
Psychological Limitation:
Wicked criminal type (15)
Petty and mean-spirited (sneers at his lessers,
shoves little old ladies out of the way while
walking down the street, kicks dogs, harasses
women, and so forth) (IO)
Watched by:
His boss, more powerful, 8- (8)
Unspent Points (27)
Total Disadvantage Points: 96 APPENDICES
Generic Martial Arts Lieutenant Martial Arts Abilities:
Superleap: + 2" (5" forward, 3" upward)(2) [115")
Notes: This write-up represents the typical martial Running: + 1" (7" total) (2) [ 1/5")
arts movie lieutenant-the second step on the lad- Martial Artist Skills:
der the PCs have to climb on their way to the final Acrobatics 12- (3)
Breakfall 12- (3)
climactic confrontation with the big boss. His mar-
Stealth 12- (3)
tial arts and weapons are "generic," so that the GM
Other Skills chosen by the GM (6)
can customize him to the adventure. Criminal Skills:
Streetwise 12- (3)
Generic Martial Arts Lieutenant Other Skills chosen by the GM (6)
Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Total Powers & Skills Cost: 73
15 STR 5 12- 200 kg; 3d6 [l)
12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Total Character Cost: 135
17 DEX 21
17 CON 14 12-
14 BODY 8 11- Disadvantages: 75+
10 INT 0 1 I- PER Roll I I - Hunted by:
I1 EGO 2 11- ECV:4 GM's choice (the police, the PCs, a rival gang) (15)
13 PRE 3 11 - PRE Attack 2Yld6 Psychological Limitation:
10 COM 0 11- Wicked criminal type (IS)
7 PD 4 Total: 7 PD Petty and mean-spirited (sneers at his lessers,
5 ED 2 Total: 5 ED shoves little old ladies out of the way while
3 SPD 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12 walking down the street, kicks dogs, harasses
6 REC 0 women, and so forth) ( 10)
34 END 0 Watched by:
30 STUN 0 His boss, more powerful, 8- (8)
Total Characteristic Cost: 62 Villain Bonus (12)
Movement: Running: 7"/14" Swimming: 2"/4" Total Disadvantage Points: 135
Superleap: 5"/10"
Powers & Skills:
Combat Skills:
Combat Skill Level: +I Level w/ Hand-to-Hand
Combat (5)
Martial Arts-Generic (20)
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Dodge +5 Dodge, Abort
Kick -2 +l 7d6
Punch +O +2 Sd6
Throw +O +I 3d6 + v/5;
Target Falls
Weapons: character has weapons chosen by GM;
these can range from martial arts weapons to
firearms (12)

--- - --
.------~--~ ~
---..::. ~
Chapter Four
.Appendix Five: If his swords are changed to non-magical weap-
ons, Shugoshin is acceptable as a DC character.
Da,,.k Cfttampions
ConVet4sions And Notes Iron and Gold:
Much the same applies to Iron and Gold. Con-
Many of the characters in this book can easily be vert the Cult of the Red Banner into a group of
converted into Dark Champions ("DC") characters- religious fanatics with no mystical powers.
indeed, many of them started out as DC characters
who were "adapted" to the four-color nature of this Chapter Seven
book. Having "Champions" and "Dark Champions"
versions of the same characters is perfectly appropri- Tengu:
ate. The following notes should assist GMs in con- The Tengu cannot be converted to a DC charac-
vetting them back if they so desire. ter, except in campaigns which feature magical
Remember that, in general, the number of points creatures-and even then, such a creature would
a character is built on does not determine whether never appear in broad daylight in front of wit-
he is a Champions or Dark Champions character- nesses, since that would prove conclusivelyit exists.
it's the types of powers and abilities he has, and his The existence of such creatures in a DC world
overall "flavor" and "feel," thatdeterminewhere he should always be kept questionable.
belongs. Therefore, no mention of points is made
in these conversion notes; if you prefer strict point Chapter Eight
limits for DC characters, you can easily reduce
these characters to acceptable levels. Maya:
Maya cannot be converted to DC.
Chapter One
Seeker: Hercules can be converted to DC if his Charac-
Seeker works fine as a DC character if you elimi- teristics are reduced and his Damage Resistance
nate his ties to the Champions. In fact, the name of eliminated (replace it with some body armor if
the ninja clan that his archenemies the Red Band necessary).
belong to, the Nohoda, is taken from Dark Cham-
pions. Hwarang:
Hwarang is acceptable as a DC character if his
Green Dragon: shin gong (mental powers) are eliminated or greatly
Green Dragon is acceptable as a DC character as- reduced.
is. He works best as an enforcer for various tongs or
other Oriental criminals. Fleur de Lis:
Fleur de Lis makes a fine European DC character
Chapter Two as she is.

Dr. Yin Wu: Akumashibaru:

Dr. Wu is far too powerful and magical to be used To use Akumashibaru in DC campaigns, remove
in a DC campaign-unless, of course, you allow his magical powers and weapons (or reduce them
some level of mysticism in your DC game. If so, to a level acceptable for your campaign) and possi-
reduce his powers to acceptable levels (his Power bly change him from a monster-hunter to a yakuza-
Pool, for example, probably should not exceed hunter.
about 30 points, and should be heavily Limited).
The Four Sons of the Dragon: To use him as an assassin and enforcer for O rien-
If considered to be Dr. Wu's actual sons and not tal organized crime groups, decrease his Character-
alchemically-grown homonculi, and if their weap- istics and remove his "Brick Powers."
ons are mundane, these characters are acceptable
for DC games. Change Silver Hand's magical pros-
thesis into an ordinary one (possibly with claws or
gimmicks attached to it).
\_ 145 3
Chapter Nine The Tiger Squad:
Most members of the Tiger Squad are too super-
Kazeronin: human to be used in DC games. Of the members
Reduce his Characteristics to acceptable levels written up in this book, only Luan could be used in
and remove the magical abilities that his sword a DC game. Gossamer Storm could be used in the
possesses, and Kazeronin can be used as an assassin same way Dr. Wu is in some games.
for Oriental organized crime, ur as Lhe chief re-
tainer of Takayama Shinsaku, Shogun of Little Emperor Crane:
Tokyo. (Since Takayama and his men are not sup- If his ch'i powers are toned down or eliminated
posed to be highly skilled kenjutsuka, the latter entirely, Emperor Crane can be used as an Oriental
suggestion also requires removing several of "master villain" and competitor with the Triads.
Kazeronin's kenjutsu maneuvers.)
Chapter Fifteen
Lin Hu:
Lin Hu is acceptable as a DC character as-is, if his The Watchers and the Tournament:
"immortality" is left a mystery (at best), and pro- The Watchers, with the exception of Prof. Peaslee,
vided that his martial arts abilities do not become are all too mystical to be used as they are in DC
too mystical. games; they would require extensive revisions. The
Tournament can be run as part of DC campaigns,
Nightwind: but only as a straightforward competition, without
Nightwind is acceptable as a DC character as-is; any mystical overtones or rewards.
in fact, he and Zhu Hsaio are already placed in
Hudson City in Justice Not Law, page 25. Iron Dragon:
Iron Dragon's armor is too high-powered for DC
Qi Feng: games, bu the could be used in them withoutitas an
As Nightwind's chiefenemy, Jade Phoenix is also ordinary martial artist (perhaps with some special
acceptable as a DC character as he is. He makes a "Iron Dragon" theme weapons).
good Chinatown crimelord.

Xiu Kwan: Appendices

Generic character write-ups: All of these are ac-
Xiu Kwan makes a fine martial arts assassin for
ceptable for DC campaigns, provided that the mys-
DC campaigns, provided that the abilities he buys
tical ninja powers are greatly reduced.
with his Power Pool are within genre limits.

Chapter Ten Yengtao Temple

YengtaoTemple is, ifyou will, a transdimensional
reference point- it exists, in some form, in all
human-occupied dimensions ("alternate earths"
Shadowdragon is not acceptable as a DC charac-
or what have you). Thus it exists in both the Cham-
ter unless his Darkness Powers are eliminated en-
pions and Dark Champions Universes, and has a
tirely and he is used purely as a martial artist.
similar history in both. The powers exhibited by
Yengtaostudents, as detailed in The Ultimate Mar-
Chapter Twelve tial Artist, pages 238-243, are acceptable for most
DC campaigns. Dark Champions GMs can use the
Kagamishoki: attempt to resurrect Yengtao as a scenario in their
Kagamishoki cannot be converted to DC cam- campaigns if they make the group behind it some-
paigns. thing acceptable to the genre, such as a Triad or
tong, a secret martial arts society, or an evil govern-
Chapter Thirteen ment group.

Li Chun the Destroyer:

Li Chun cannot be converted to DC campaigns.

. . . .
In addition to some of the books listed in the
Bibliography for The Ultimate Martial Artist, the
following works were used in the writing of this
Gaming Books
Gygax, Gary. Oriental Adventures.
book: Kane, Thomas. GURPS China.
Wujcik, Erick. Mystic China.
Bynner, Walter, trans. The Way of Life. Comic Books
Christie, Anthony. Chinese Mythology. Batman and related titles, DC Comics
Cleary, Thomas, trans. Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Dragon Lines, Epic Comics
Elefson, Connie. The Melting Pot Book of Baby The Shadow Strikes!, DC Comics
Names, 2d Ed.
MacKenzie, Donald. China: Myths and Legends Movies
Series. Big Trouble In Little China, starring Kurt Russell.
Miyamoto Musashi. A Book of Five Rings (Go Rin
No Sho).
Walters, Derek. Chinese Mythology: An Encyclope-
dia of Myth and Legend.
Werner, E.T.C. Myths and Legends of China.
Yuan Ke. Dragons and Dynasties.

t-lev-oes Assemble !

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