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“LG’s Multi V III has consistently proven itself as an

industry-leading commercial climate control system.”
Vladimir A. Tolpegin
Director of the Adamant System


Office St. Petersburg, Russia

Location | St. Petersburg, Russia

Product | Multi V III
Office Multi V III

stories above ground, the building plans called LG’s Multi V III VRF solution boasts Vladimir A. Tolpegin, Director of the
ADAMANT Background for a three level subterranean parking garage
directly underneath the Moika River.
industry-leading energy efficiency,
helping the facility managers to reduce
construction company Adamant
System, was actively involved in the Benefit
BUSINESS Built on the banks of the Moika
Adamant opted for a unique top-down
construction procedure in order to meet
operating costs as well as making the
entire development more eco-friendly.
building’s development process and
hand-selected the construction
Reliability and quality of the
CENTER River, the Adamant Business Center
is famous across St. Petersburg as
the restrictive construction regulations. This
method enabled Adamant to construct a
Additionally, the selection of the Multi V III
gave the tenants access to LG’s excellent
contractor. He also expressed the need
product are always important,
but those are not the only criteria
an unmatched business hub. Part of to install only the most advanced VRF used when a business owner
building with multiple underground levels in maintenance service, further reducing
the business center’s unique identity solution in the building, to create a considers LG as a partner.
Location the dense urban area and reducing the total costs. Though installation is complete, system which is capable of delivering
St. Petersburg, Russia stems from the location’s strong construction time as well. the building does not yet have a primary
historical and cultural heritage, The building was conceived as a business maximum energy savings. Emphasizing the importance of
tenant, so LG’s HVAC solutions are only “Recently St. Petersburg has been ‘ongoing communication’, Tolpegin
included under preservation laws center catering to the upper crust of Russian being used to control the temperature
passed by the Russian government’s society. The atrium of the new business center, experiencing ever hotter summers due said, “A successful installation starts
Objective of the building’s common areas. While with communication at the very first
To meet the needs of the high-profile ‘Committee for the Protection of which was built with aluminum supports, preparing for the building’s grand to global climate change, so we sought
tenants at Adamant’s Business Center Monuments’. The building previously mimics the lattice of the world-renowned out the most advanced, efficient air design stages and continues up to
opening, LG maintenance personnel
Class “A” in St. Pertersburg by installing
housed the offices for ‘the State Summer Garden located in St. Petersburg. have been performing additional tests to conditioning system,” said Tolpegin. the commissioning tests and the
LG’s advanced, energy efficient variable “LG’s Multi V III has consistently actual performance of any warranty
refrigerant flow (VRF) systems. Control House’. It has undergone two ensure that the entire HVAC system will
major renovations, once in 1963 and be ready. proven itself as an industry-leading obligations.”

again in 2012 when there were major
changes to the walls, the façade and
Challenge The building owner also benefits from the
presence of a centralized management
commercial climate control system.”
According to Tolpegin, in addition to
In his opinion, a strong relationship with
contractors is one of the key factors in
Reliability as a partner and quality of the the rooftop design. A prominent challenge for the system. Each room has air-conditioning other demands, Adamant System determining future contracts. “When
product in addition to on-time support from building’s designers was to install an systems that can be completely also needed an experienced HVAC asked to verify their HVAC systems, it
Adamant Business Center is located in the is important that suppliers are prompt
LG were fully satisfied by the customer.
Admiralty district, the beating heart of St. advanced air conditioning system operated via remote control. At the supplier because the installation of a
that could meet the high standards same time, all systems can be monitored complete commercial air conditioning and thorough,” explained Adamant
Petersburg. Several main attractions of St.
Petersburg including: St. Isaac’s Cathedral, of the new Adamant Business through a console which displays the system requires both knowledge and System’s Director. “Throughout the
Developer the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Center. For this to be possible, it was system’s status and current operating long-term experience. Throughout implementation phase of this project,
Adamant Holding
the Russian Constitutional Court and the necessary not only to design the instructions. Consolidated management the VRF system installation process, our client was provided with full
Mariinsky Theatre are within walking distance holding area for the outdoor units system minimizes the time needed to there was not a single misstep by LG’s support from our technical experts,”
from the historic commercial buildings which space to blend in with the overall install the desired parameters. technicians, their professionalism and said Sergey Pinin, Sales Manager at LG.
Construction Company make up the business center. building shape and design but also not experience was apparent to all. Tolpegin also stated that the efficiency
Adamant System Since there are several construction When choosing a contractor for HVAC of LG VRF systems as the solutions
to compromise the integrity of the
regulations regarding the construction of
new high-rise buildings in St. Petersburg,
neighborhood’s urban landscape. LG Solution installation, Mr. Tolpegin prioritized
contractors who provided timely and
benefits tenants through greatly
reduced costs. “I think that when the
created specially-designed blocks
Installer authorizing new developments is an With such intense competition in the complete information. “Those who building is fully in use, the additional
so that the air conditioners are not
Arctic extremely difficult task. The new project visible from the street. heating, ventilation and air conditioning respond rapidly and provide more benefits offered by the energy efficient
must not detract from the harmony with the (HVAC) market, executives at Adamant information will win the favor of LG VRF Systems will be reflected
city’s historic neighborhood. Though the task The Adamant Business Center on the Moika considered a wide range of different building management,” said Tolpegin. through the increased economic
was difficult, Adamant’s long history in the is equipped with the high-tech, energy-efficient brands for the project.
Multi V III VRF solution. Designed and “LG understands the importance that performance of the building’s tenants,”
construction industry provided the company However, LG’s VRF system consistently The efficiency of LG’s VRF solutions
with the necessary know-how to undertake installed in cooperation with Adamant, I place on honest communication, and
the Multi V III system was chosen as the scored better than the competition, we were able to communicate and impressed the board at Adamant to
such a daunting project.
The new building is seven floors tall and covers ideal unit for all of the buildings in the making the choice far simpler than receive relevant information from the the degree that they all expressed
an area of 17,196 m2. In addition to the seven business center. had been anticipated. installations team at a moment’s notice.” willingness to work with LG again.

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