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BORJA_____________ DATE:________ YEAR/SECTION: _BSN-4A_____


1. ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRES - is a series of questions specifically structured to gather

information about a target audience or group of people conducted online.
- Questionnaires are popular methods for collecting data within quantitative
studies in nursing, because they enable the collection of information from large
numbers of people.
- reduces your research costs
- Responses are processed automatically and the results are accessible at any
2. SURVEY MONKEY - Gather opinions and uncover powerful insights. Easily create
surveys, quizzes, and polls for any audience. Gather feedback via weblink, email, mobile
chat, social media, and more. Automatically analyze your results and get powerful
analysis features.
- is designed to produce data about patients' perspectives of care that allow
objective and meaningful comparisons of hospitals on topics that are important
to consumers.
- public reporting of the survey results creates new incentives for hospitals to
improve quality of care
- to elicit the views of large groups of people to develop the nursing knowledge
3. SPREADSHEET - is a tool that is used to store, manipulate and analyze data. Data in a
spreadsheet is organized in a series of rows and columns and can be searched, sorted,
calculated and used in a variety of charts and graphs.
- for collecting and managing medical data. They allow syncing data, applying
math formulas, using macros to improve user experience, and much more
- They are widely available, and can be used for collecting data, statistical analysis,
constructing graphs and tables which can be exported into other applications or
converted into image files.
- can be used to organize and analyze data collected in research or evidence-based
projects. Information management has become a critical skill for all nurse
professionals, including perioperative registered nurses (RNs).
4. SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), also known as IBM SPSS Statistics, is a
software package used for the analysis of statistical data.
- IBM SPSS Statistics is helping healthcare and medical professionals make better
decisions with data. From operations to monitoring, drug development to
diagnosis, SPSS Statistics can help healthcare organizations improve the quality of
- to understand risk factors for communities, track and monitor diseases, see the
impact of policy changes, and assess the quality and safety of health care.
- to evaluate promising alternatives and to optimize the performance and
demonstrate the effectiveness of those that warrant pursuit is critical to success.
5. ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD - is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. EHRs are
real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and
securely to authorized users.
- Contain a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans,
immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results
- Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions
about a patient’s care
- Automate and streamline provider workflow
6. TELECONFERENCE - is a live audio or audiovisual meeting with two or more participants.
- support person-centred nursing, promote self management and motivate
patients and families to engage in their health.
- allows doctors to build stronger relationships with their patients, which
translates to patient loyalty.
- enable home health nurses to make electronic house calls to clients in their
7. LISTSERV AND NEWSGROUPS - most popular formats for interactive, dynamic, and
exchanges information online.
- allows a sender to send one email to a list, which then transparently sends it on
to the addresses of the subscribers to the list
- allow people to post publicly accessible messages, which are distributed across
news servers on the Internet.
- ability to serve as good question and answer forums, and learning spaces that
can accommodate group of people
8. DIGITAL POLLS - is a survey in which participants communicate responses via the
Internet, typically by completing a questionnaire in a web page.
- efficient, cost-effective method for data collection
- gather primary data from a specific population
- to elicit the views of large groups of people to develop the nursing knowledge
9. E-HEALTH - is the use of information and communication technology to support health
and healthcare
- internet guides to help clients select reliable information resources
- support group liaisons
- health advisors
10. E-LEARNING - A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of
electronic resources
- supports learning through real-world simulations based on case studies
- develop technological competency and skills; you will learn and improve
computer literacy skills
- overall master productively managing your time online.

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