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Semester 1, 2023

Marks:    100 [50]


1. This is an individual assignment. It covers Unit 7 in your Study Guide. Please read Unit 7 thoroughly before
completing the assignment and ensure that you attend all lectures on Report Writing.

2. Design a cover page for the assignment. Your full name, student number, class group, and lecturer’s
name should appear on the cover page. You may add an appropriate picture on the cover.

3. Give the assignment an appropriate title on the cover page. Also, the report title should appear above
the Introduction of the report itself.

4. The report must be typed. Use Calibri 12-point font size and 1,5 line spacing; your text should be justified.

5. The assignment length should be approximately 1½ pages, excluding the cover page and references.

6.  Acknowledge your sources using in-text citations and the APA referencing style. Read and use at least
two academic/scholarly sources; note that in-text citations must correspond to your reference list. You
may use the article below as one of your sources. (Another example of an academic article that you could
consult on the topic is the following: Changes in student physical health behaviour: An opportunity to turn
the concept of a healthy university into a reality. It was written by Haas J., Baber M., Byrom N., Meade L.,
as well as Nouri-Aria K., and was published in the journal Perspectives in Public Health. 2018
Nov;138(6):316-324. doi: 10.1177/1757913918792580. Epub 2018 Aug 24.

7. The assignment is due in Week 12 (on or before 26 April, and you must submit it online, by means of
Turnitin, on the MyNUST platform.
8. You need to read atleast 6 journal articles

The assignment:

Read the extract below, taken from the academic article Determinants of health-related lifestyles among university
students, before attempting to answer the assignment . It was published in the Perspectives in Public Health journal
(Perspect Public Health. 2017 Jul;137(4):227-236. doi: 10.1177/1757913916666875. Epub 2016 Sep 5), The authors
are C. Aceijas, S. Waldhausl, N. Lambert, S. Cassar, and R. Bello-Corassa. The focus of the article is on lifestyle factors that
harm university students’ health.

Results: A total of 60% of the respondents were insufficiently physically active, 47% had an unbalanced diet
and 30% had low mental wellbeing. Alcohol drinkers versus abstinent were almost equally distributed. A total
of 42% of alcohol drinkers reported getting drunk at least once a month. Smokers accounted for 16% of the
respondents. Identified risk factors for suboptimal physical activity were as follows: being a woman, not

using the university gym and smoking. Risk factors for unbalanced diet were low mental wellbeing and drug
use. Poor mental wellbeing was predicted by unbalanced diet, not feeling like shopping and cooking
frequently, and a lack of help-seeking behaviour in cases of distress. Qualitative analysis revealed seven
thematic categories: transition to new life, university environment and systems, finances, academic pressure,
health promotion on campus and recommendations.
Conclusion: This study provides robust evidence that the health-related lifestyles of the student population are
worrying and suggests that the trend in chronic diseases associated with unhealthy lifestyles sustained over
years might be unlikely to change in future generations. University students’ health-related lifestyle is a
concern. Nine out of the identified 10 predictors of problematic physical activity, nutrition and mental
wellbeing, were environmental/societal or institutional barriers. Universities must expand corporate
responsibilities to include the promotion of health as part of their core values.

The report question:

Many tertiary-level students entangle themselves in questionable lifestyle habits. These bad habits may jeopardise
not only their education, but also their health and life in general. Some of the causes might be due to personal
choices, bad friends, financial constraints, or simply lack of knowledge.

You have been instructed by a professor at NUST to research three main poor lifestyle choices Namibian university
students make which affect their health. You then have to compile a recommendation report on these three bad
choices, e.g., lack of exercise, poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, or low mental well-being. At the end of this report,
you have to provide at least three recommendations, based on your report findings, to suggest preventative
measures that tertiary institutions in Namibia could undertake to alleviate and prevent this problem.

The requirements and rubric for mark allocation:

Use the following rubric to ensure that your assignment meets all the requirements. Your lecturers will consult the
rubric to allocate the marks.

Components needed Marks allocated Have I done it?

Tick (√)
Title (Report on…) 2 marks
Introduction section 8 marks
1. Introduction heading and correct numbering 1
2. Topic sentence for the Introduction section 1
3. Background, plus one in-text source citation 1+1
4. Definition of an unhealthy lifestyle habit plus one in-text 1+1
source citation
5. Purpose statement 1
6. Report overview (information, conclusion, recommendations) 1
Discussion/Information section 10 marks

1. Discussion/Information heading and correct numbering 1

2. Three distinct, decimal-numbered sub-headings for content 3 (1 per
information, each indicating a relevant bad lifestyle habit and paragraph)
its results. (NO recommendations are allowed here.)
3. Relevant content per section, supported by a correct source 6 (2 per section)
Conclusion section 4 marks

1. Conclusion heading and numbering are correct 1
2. Restatement of report purpose 1
3. Summary (short) of the discussed points 1
4. Brief judgement of the issues discussed. 1
Recommendations section 9 marks
1. Recommendations heading and numbering are correct 1
2. Introductory statement for the recommendation section is 1
3. Three recommendations are in decimal number/bullet form 1
4. Person/entity who is responsible for the implementation of 3 (1 per
each recommendation is stated. recommendation)
5. Recommendations are attainable and clear. 3 (1 per
The reference list (minimum of two relevant sources) 6 marks
1. The Reference heading is presented on a new page 1
2. Sources in the reference list appear in the in-text citations and 4 (2 per entry –
are referenced correctly (sources not in the text will not author, date, title,
count). journal
/web site info)
3. Sources are indented and written in alphabetic order 1
Other aspects 11 marks
Full signature 1
Full date, UK style 1
Language: FOTAC conventions are adhered to; few or no spelling, 5
typing and grammatical errors
Assignment submitted through Turnitin 2
Assignment instructions were followed. 2
TOTAL MARKS: 50/ = 100/

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