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Communications Chemie

How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26587 – 26591
MXene International Edition:
German Edition:

Stabilizing MXene by Hydration Chemistry in Aqueous Solution

Xingyu Wang, Zhiyu Wang,* and Jieshan Qiu

Abstract: MXenes attract interest in diverse fields but suffer applications such as energy, catalysis, superconductor, elec-
from fast structural degradation by attacking of dissolved tromagnetic shielding, biotherapy and edge-cutting smart
oxygen and water molecules in aqueous solution. This draw- technologies, etc.[5]
back hinders the long-term storage, applications and under- However, the MXenes generally suffer fast structural
standing of the chemical nature of MXenes. Herein, we report degradation by oxidation in aqueous solution, which greatly
a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way for long- shortens their storage life and makes practical use difficult.[6]
term storage of MXenes in aqueous solution by hydration The reaction of MXenes with dissolved oxygen can be limited
chemistry of nontoxic inorganic salts. The attacking of MXene in short days by protecting them in the solution saturated with
by free water and dissolved oxygen molecules is inhibited by inert gas.[7] Freezing at ultralow temperature (e.g., 20 8C)
decreasing the water activity, which simultaneously lowers the can also restrict the oxidation kinetics of MXenes to extend
dissolved oxygen concentration, of saline solution. As a result, the shelf life to two years at a high cost.[8] Usually, the
the storage life of MXene can be prolonged to up to 400 days at oxidation is initiated at the defect and edge sites of MXenes.
ambient conditions without loss of intrinsic surface chemistry It can be reduced by exfoliating them to large nanosheets or
and bulk carrier properties. Over 90 % of salt protectant can be capping the edge/defect sites by polyanionic salts.[7, 9] Apply-
recycled by simply evaporating the final waste liquor after fully ing reductive capping agents like sodium L-ascorbate can save
extracting the MXene to minimize the waste discharge and the MXenes in solution for 21 days at a low cost but still
processing cost. This work offers a commercializable approach cannot meet the desire of long-term storage.[10] The difficulty
with high cost-effectiveness, processing sustainability and in complete removal of these strongly adsorbed species from
environmental benefit for extending the shelf life of MXenes. MXene surface also makes it hard to restore the intrinsic
properties and chemical compatibility of MXenes. Hydrogen
Transition metal carbide/nitrides named as MXenes have annealing also works effectively to improve the stability of the
emerged as a new type of two-dimensional (2D) materials MXenes but causes a loss of redispersibility and surface
with a quickly expanding family and applications.[1] They reactivity.[11] More recently, Ti3C2Tx MXene with better
share a general chemical formula of Mn+1XnTx (n = 1–3), oxidation resistance was fabricated from Al-rich Ti3AlxC2
where Mn+1Xn stands for transition metal carbide/nitride precursor with higher crystallinity.[12] Nevertheless, there is
backbone and T is chemical groups (e.g., -OH, -O, -F, -Cl) still a lack of immediately commercializable ways for low-cost
grafted on it.[1a] One of the most remarkable features of and environmentally sustainable storage of MXenes in long
MXenes is the metallic character enabled by intrinsic high term.
carrier density (e.g., 8  3  1021 cm 3 for Ti3C2Tx).[2] This Besides dissolved oxygen, the water molecules also play
favorable characteristic can be further tuned across a wide a critical role in damage of MXene structure. They act as not
spectrum by the strong interaction of plasmonic MXenes with only a solvent of dissolved oxygen but also a proton source to
broadband electromagnetic waves.[1c, 3] Moreover, the pres- degrade the MXenes to methane and metal oxides.[13]
ence of abundant chemical groups on MXene surface brings Replacing the water by non-aqueous polar solvents (e.g.,
the extra benefit of rich surface chemistry.[4] Their interplay isopropanol, NMP, DMSO, ethanol) is reasonably beneficial
with Mn+1Xn backbones also allows one to readily tailor the to prevent the MXenes from water attacking.[13a, 14] Never-
electronic band structure and surface properties of MXenes in theless, the negative effect of dissolved oxygen on MXene
a wide range (e.g., from semiconductive to metallic, hydro- stability is still predominant or even worse in organic solvents
philic to hydrophobic).[1a] A good combination of these with higher oxygen solubility relative to water. Poor disper-
fascinating merits renders high promise of MXenes in vast sibility of MXenes in most organics and tedious removal of
these toxic solvents further raise the processing complexity
[*] X. Y. Wang, Prof. Dr. Z. Y. Wang and cost for MXene storage.
State Key Lab of Fine Chemicals, Liaoning Key Lab for Energy Herein, we report a cost-effective and environmentally
Materials and Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineer- sustainable way for long-term storage of MXenes in aqueous
ing, Dalian University of Technology solution by hydration chemistry of inorganic salts with
Dalian 116024 (China) nontoxicity, abundant reserve and low cost (e.g., NaCl, LiCl
and CaCl2) under ambient conditions (Figure 1). Their
Prof. Dr. J. S. Qiu
hydration effect is utilized to decrease the ratio of free
College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical
Technology water molecules in solution and their interplay with MXenes.
Beijing 100029 (China) A low residue of free water simultaneously restricts the
Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for oxygen solubility in solution to suppress MXene oxidation,
the author(s) of this article can be found under: which is difficultly achieved by replacing water with organic solvents. Benefited from a synergistic reduction of oxygen and

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26587 –26591  2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH 26587

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Communications Chemie

and Ti-O species, respectively (Figure 2 b). After storage in

saturated NaCl solution for one month, the original nano-
sheet shape of Ti3C2Tx MXene is well retained at ambient
condition (Figure 2 c, Figure S1b). Good retention of the
chemical structure of MXene is revealed by a similar Ti 2p
spectrum with fresh one in terms of peak position and
intensity (Figure 2 b). Compared to fresh MXene (4 % Ti-O,
50 % Ti-C), the ratio of Ti-O species is slightly increased to
9 % while the amount of Ti-C species remains nearly the same
to reveal a high reserve of conductive Ti3C2 backbone. In
sharp contrast, the Ti3C2Tx MXene is rapidly oxidized to TiO2
without any residue after one-month storage in pure water
(Figure S2a, Figure S3a). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) anal-
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the protection mechanism of ysis validates the good retention of crystalline structure for
MXenes by hydration chemistry. Ti3C2Tx MXene protected in saturated NaCl solution. Both
fresh and NaCl-protected Ti3C2Tx MXene exhibit similar
XRD patterns with fingerprint (002) diffraction along with
water attacking, the storage life of Ti3C2Tx MXene could be weak peaks from the (004), (0010) and (110) planes of
prolonged to up to 400 days in saturated saline solution with hexagonal Ti3C2 lattice (Figure 2 d). The NaCl-protected
less sacrifice of their intrinsic properties. Upon use, the salt Ti3C2Tx MXene also resembles the structural and electronic
protectants can be readily rinsed out to restore the good properties of fresh one, indicated by similar A1g out-of-plane
dispersibility of MXenes, over 90 % of which can be recycled vibration modes at 204 and 720 cm 1 for C and Ti atoms, and
for better cost-effectiveness and processing sustainability. the Eg in-plane vibration modes at 283, 375, and 623 cm 1 for
The effectiveness of hydration chemistry on protecting C, Ti and surficial groups in Raman spectra, respectively
MXenes is firstly demonstrated in aqueous NaCl solution by (Figure 2 e). No signals from TiO2 are detected by both XRD
taking extensively used Ti3C2Tx MXene as an example. Fresh and Raman analysis, indicating low oxidation of NaCl-
Ti3C2Tx MXene has a typical nanosheet morphology with protected Ti3C2Tx MXene after one month. Fourier transform
a flat surface (Figure 2 a, Figure S1a). The Ti 2p X-ray infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra reveal the reserve of
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum of such MXene surface chemistry for NaCl-protected Ti3C2Tx MXene. It is
can be divided into four 2p3/2/2p1/2 doublets at 455.2/460.8, characterized by strong adsorption bands of -OH asymmetric
456.2/461.9, 457.3/463.0 and 458.9/464.3 eV for Ti-C, Ti2+, Ti3+ stretching (3429 cm 1), asymmetric vibration (2890 cm 1),
and bending vibration of -OH (1630 cm 1) that resembles
fresh MXene (Figure 2 f). The UV-vis spectra of NaCl-
protected Ti3C2Tx MXene reprint the pattern of fresh one
with two broad plasmonic bands in a wavelength range of
200–400 nm and 700–850 nm, implying a negligible loss of
electronic structure after storage (Figure S4a). Benefited
from greatly suppressed oxidation, the NaCl-protected
Ti3C2Tx MXene exhibits a comparable electrical conductivity
of 4834 S cm 1 to fresh one (4977 S cm 1) after one-month
storage in saturated NaCl solution. The salt can be readily
removed by several centrifugation-separation cycles due to its
high solubility in water and weak adsorption on MXene. After
rinsing NaCl out, the Ti3C2Tx MXene can restore good
dispersibility to form a homogenous aqueous colloid with an
apparent Tyndall effect (Figure S5) and a similar Zeta
potential with that of fresh one (Figure S6). XPS analysis
shows that the Cl residue in rinsed MXene is as low as
2.36 at.%, comparable to that of fresh sample (1.67 at.%),
showing efficient removal of NaCl from MXene surface.
Water is the only solvent for the storage and separation of
MXene. Over 90 % of NaCl can be recycled in high purity by
simple evaporation of final waste liquor for repeated use
(Figure S7), rendering high cost-effectiveness, processing
sustainability and environmental benefit.
The stability of Ti3C2Tx MXene tends to increase with
Figure 2. a) TEM image of fresh MXene; b) XPS spectra of fresh
MXene and MXene after saving in saturated NaCl solution for one NaCl concentration rising in aqueous solution, manifesting as
month. c) TEM image of NaCl-protected MXene. d) XRD, e) Raman a reduction of Ti O bond ratio but increase of Ti C bond
and f) FT-IR spectra of fresh and NaCl-protected MXene. ratio in XPS spectra (Figure S2, Figure S3) In solution with

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< 3.0M NaCl, the MXene experiences reduced but still The ionic shielding effect may work but not play a vital
apparent oxidation after one-month storage, visualized by role in stabilizing the MXene in NaCl solution. Distinct to
the coverage of white deposit on black MXene along with the polyanionic salts,[7, 9] the inorganic salts with a small anionic
rise of TiO2 peaks in XRD pattern (Figure 3 a, b and size are not sufficient to protect the defect/edge sites of
Figure S8). No MXene is left after saving in pure water for MXene from attacking by oxygen and water molecules. Thats
one month at all. The intensity of normalized UV-vis peak at why the MXene made by popular way of LiF/HCl etching still
a wavelength (l) of 785 nm, where the Ti3C2Tx MXene encounters fast oxidation although they naturally have Li+
reaches maximum absorption in the near-infrared region and Cl on the surface. Noted that water molecules play
(NIR), is used as an indicator to detect the oxidation degree a dual role of proton source and solvent of dissolved oxygen in
of MXene (Figure S4). It decreases rapidly to nearly zero for triggering oxidation of MXene. The improvement of MXene
Ti3C2Tx MXene in pure water within 30 days by fast oxidation stability in NaCl solution may be primarily related to
to TiO2 (Figure 3 c). In contrast, the MXene degradation is a reduction of free water molecules by strong hydration
largely mitigated once introducing the NaCl into the aqueous effect enabled by its small ionic radius (Na+: 102 pm, Cl :
solution. The oxidation kinetics of MXene is getting slower 184 pm) and high hydration enthalpy (Na+: 406 kJ mol 1,
with NaCl concentration increasing until a rather slow rate in Cl : 364 kJ mol 1). To confirm this mechanism, the corre-
saturated NaCl solution (Figure 3 c). The curve of oxidation lation of NaCl concentration with water activity, a descriptor
kinetics for Ti3C2Tx MXene in NaCl solution follows an of the ratio of free water in solution, and dissolved oxygen
empirical law of A = Aunre + Are e t/t, where Aunre and Are stand concentration is examined (Figure 3 d). The water activity is
for the unreactive and reactive MXene, and t is the time decreased from 1.00 to 0.76 with NaCl concentration rising
constant (days).[15] A larger t means a longer time scale of from zero to saturated level (ca. 5.5M at room temperature).
MXene against oxidation on average, namely, the better This phenomenon indicates the lowering of the free water
stability in aqueous solution. For Ti3C2Tx MXene in pure ratio in solution with NaCl concentration increasing. Such
water, the t is as short as 10.4 days, indicating poor stability. In effect not only mitigates the attacking of MXene by water but
contrast, it can be significantly prolonged to 53.5, 125.2 and also effectively reduces the dissolved oxygen concentration by
a maximum of 480.7 days by storage in solution with 1.0M, up to 5.5 folds with respect to pure water. With the water
3.0M and saturated NaCl, respectively. Such a dramatic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration decreasing in
t improvement indicates the high effectiveness of NaCl in concentrated NaCl solution, the degradation of Ti3C2Tx
stabilizing the MXene in aqueous systems. MXene to TiO2 is significantly restricted to reduce the ratio
of Ti O bonds (Figure 2 b, Figure 3 e and Figure S2). Accord-
ingly, the time scale of MXene against oxidation can be
extended by up to 48 times relative to those saved in pure
water (Figure 3 f). Such correlations highlight the significant
effect of hydration chemistry on suppressing MXene degra-
dation in aqueous solution.
The above results suggest the water activity may be a good
indicator to direct the choice of salt protectant for stabilizing
MXene in aqueous solution. Soluble inorganic salts consisting
of smaller ionic size tends to exhibit a lower water activity,
reflecting a lower ratio of free water molecules in solution to
protect the MXene better (Figure 4 a).[16] The salts consisting
of both the cation and anion with ionic radius blow 102 pm
(e.g., Li+, Na+, Ca2+, Zn2+) and 196 pm (e.g., F , Cl , Br ,
NO3 , OH ) can greatly reduce the water activity. This
phenomenon can be understood by stronger ion-dipole
interactions of smaller ions with water, which effectively
binds the free water molecules to reduce the water activity
and attacking of MXene by them and dissolved oxygen.
Specifically, the salts containing the Li+, Na+, Ca2+, Zn2+ and
Cl would be good candidates of MXene protectant due to
their reserve abundance, high solubility, low toxicity and
Figure 3. a) Optical photos and b) XRD patterns of Ti3C2Tx MXene chemical reactivity. Among them, the CaCl2 with a similar
after one-month storage in NaCl solution with various concentrations. cation radius (100 pm) to that of NaCl (102 pm) but a higher
c) The intensity of normalized UV-vis peak of Ti3C2Tx MXene stored in charge number and water solubility (ca. 6M) can further
NaCl solution with different concentrations at l = 785 nm for different reduce the water activity to 0.36 in saturated solution. It
times. The dot lines are the curves fitted to the empirical law works effectively to save Ti3C2Tx MXene for over six months
(A = Aunre + Are e t/t). A correlation between dissolved oxygen concen-
with a slight increase of the Ti-O ratio from 4 % to 12.2 %
tration or water activity and d) NaCl concentration or e) Ti-O ratio in
Ti3C2Tx MXene. f) A relationship of time scale (t) of Ti3C2Tx MXene (Figure 4 b). A water activity of as low as 0.12 can be achieved
against oxidation with dissolved oxygen concentration or water activity by saturated solution of LiCl with rather high solubility
in NaCl solution with different concentrations. (> 13M), hydration enthalpy ( 520 kJ mol 1) but a smaller

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26587 –26591  2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH 26589

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Communications Chemie

Figure 4. a) Water activity of saturated solution of various inorganic

salts with different cation and anion radii. The salts with anion and
cation size in the blue shaded area induce low water activity for better
protection of MXene(marked by the red stars). b) XPS spectrum and
optical photo (the inset) of Ti3C2Tx MXene stored in saturated CaCl2
solution after six months. c) The intensity of normalized UV-vis peak
of Ti3C2Tx MXene stored in saturated LiCl solution at l = 785 nm for
different times. It is well fitted to the empirical law with a t of 1203.9 Figure 5. a) CVs at a scan rate of 20 mVs 1, b) galvanostatic charge/
days. d) XPS spectrum of MXene stored in saturated LiCl solution after discharge curves at a current density of 1.0 A g 1 for LiCl-protected
400 days. MXene, fresh Ti3C2Tx MXene, and MXene-derived TiO2 in 3 M H2SO4.
c) The Cdl determined by the plots of Dj/2 against various scan rates at
0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl for these electrodes. d) Capacitance retention of
cation radius (76 pm). It can dramatically extend the time these electrodes at various current densities. e) Polarization curves of
constant (t) of Ti3C2Tx MXene against oxidation to as long as LiCl-protected MXene, fresh Ti3C2Tx MXene, and MXene-derived TiO2
1203.9 days. After saving in saturated LiCl solution for at a scan rate of 10 mVs 1 in 0.5 M H2SO4 with (solid lines) and
without (dot lines) NIR irradiation (808 nm, 5.2 Wcm 2). The red
400 days, the ratio of Ti-O species in Ti3C2Tx MXene is
shaded area indicates the HER under NIR irradiation. f) The response
increased to only 16.8 % relative to the fresh sample, showing of redox current to NIR light on-off cycles for these catalysts.
the exceptional effect on stabilizing the MXene in solution.
Good retention of protected MXene in intrinsic surface
chemistry is demonstrated by using Ti3C2Tx MXene saved in manifested as close relaxation time constant of LiCl-pro-
saturated LiCl solution for 400 days for surface reaction tected (1.99 s) and fresh MXene (1.25 s)(Figure S12). Work-
dominated supercapacitor, one of the most popular applica- ing together with high utilization of surficial redox capaci-
tions of MXene.[17] Cyclic voltammetry (CV) reveals similar tance, the LiCl-protected Ti3C2Tx MXene exhibits good
pseudocapacitive behavior of LiCl-protected and fresh capacitance retention of 180–280 F g 1 at rapidly varied scan
Ti3C2Tx MXene for charge storage in a voltage window of rates from 5 to 100 mV s 1, which is slightly lower but still
0.6 to 0.3 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in 3M H2SO4 (Figure 5 a). Both comparable to the performance of fresh MXene (Figure 5 d,
MXenes exhibit a pair of redox peaks at ca. 0.25/ 0.37 V Figure S13a,b). In contrast, the MXene saved in pure water
(vs. Ag/AgCl) for reversible faradic process on electrochemi- lost almost all the pseudocapacitance due to complete
cally active groups (e.g., -O, -OH) grated to their surface.[18] It degradation to TiO2 (Figure S13c).
thus indicates a high reserve of surface reactivity of MXene The MXene is known as good plasmonic material with
after long-term LiCl protection. Galvanostatic charge/dis- a strong localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect in
charge curves confirm the same charge storage behavior of the solar spectrum.[3] The decay of light excited energetic
LiCl-protected and fresh MXene (Figure 5 b, Figure S9). Both localized surface plasmon (LSP) in metallic MXene can
of them show low ohm drops and charge transfer resistance induce hot carrier injection accompanied by a significant
(Rct = 3.61 and 2.43 W for LiCl-protected and fresh MXene, thermoplasmonic effect.[2b] A synergy of these effects may
respectively) due to good retention of metallic conductivity of boost the activity of MXenes for electrocatalysis of hydrogen
LiCl-protected Ti3C2 backbone (Figure S10). The LiCl with evolution reaction (HER) in full pH range.[2b] This finding is
relatively weak interaction with MXene can be largely rinsed utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of hydration chemis-
out to restore high dispersibility of Ti3C2Tx MXene for the try for reserving the bulk carrier properties of MXene
reserve of high electrochemical active surface area (ECSA). backbone by using HER as a probe reaction. The Ti3C2Tx
This benefit is validated by the comparable double-layered MXene exhibits a strong LSPR effect at l = 785 nm in the
capacitance of LiCl-protected (Cdl = 12.77 mF cm 2) and fresh NIR region. After saving in saturated LiCl for 400 days, it
Ti3C2Tx MXene (Cdl = 13.67 mF cm 2) in 3M H2SO4 (Fig- exhibits similarly poor HER activity with fresh MXene in
ure 5 c, Figure S11). A less aggregation of MXene also 0.5M H2SO4. However, when subject to NIR irradiation at l =
facilitates fast ionic diffusion upon electrochemical reactions, 808 nm and light power of 5.2 W cm 2, the overpotential for

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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26587 –26591  2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH 26591

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