3rd Periodical Examination Math 7 Regula

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3rd Periodical Examination Name: ____________________________

Mathematics 7 (R) Grade and Section:__________________

C.Y. 2015-2016 Date: _______ Points: _____ Item: 80

Direction: Choose the correct answer and write only CAPITAL LETTER for each number.
There will be 2 points for each number and any form of erasure will make the answer wrong.

_____1. What do you call the branch of mathematics that involves expressions with variables?
A. algebra C. geometry
B. calculus D. trigonometry
_____2. What is the process by which a variable is being replaced by a constant?
A. cross-multiplication C. multiplication
B. elimination D. substitution
_____3. What is the result of combining numbers and variables with ordinary operations of
A. algebraic expression C. replacement set
B. language of algebra D. all of these
_____4. What is the “English phrase” of m+8?
A. the sum of m and 8 C. the product of m and 8
B. the difference of m and 8 D. the quotient of m and 8
_____5. Which is the “Algebraic translation” of 5 less than t?
A. t+5 C. 5+t
B. t-5 D. 5-t
_____6. John is 3 years younger than his sister Elle. If Elle’s age is R, what expression stands
for John’s age?
A. J = -3 C. R = 3
B. J = 3 D. R = -3
_____7. Simplify: 4 – { 8 – [ 9 + ( 8 – 4 ) ] }
A. 4 C. 9
B. 5 D. -9
_____8. What do you call the numbers and symbols in a product?
A. base C. factors
B. constant D. terms
_____9. What do you call the number in an algebraic term?
A. algebraic term C. numerical coefficient
B. literal coefficient D. similar terms
_____10. Which is the “constant” in the expression 5n + 4?
A. n C. 5
B. 4 D. +
_____11. What do you call a polynomial with two terms?
A. binomial C. trinomial
B. monomial D. None of these
_____12. What do you call the coefficient of the first term?
A. ascending order C. leading coefficient
B. descending order D. literal coefficient
_____13. Simplify: 4x + x (6 – x) – 8x
A. –x square + 2x C. –x + 2x
B. x square + 2x D. x + 2x
_____14. When a number is substituted for the variable in a polynomial, the polynomial takes a
numerical value. What do you call this process?
A. evaluating expressions C. Both A @ B
B. evaluating the polynomial D. Neither A nor B
_____15. Evaluate 3x + 2 over 5y – 3 when x = 1 and y = -1.
A. -5/8 C. -8/5
B. 5/8 D. 8/5
_____16. Find the sum of: (3x + 4) + (5x – 2)
A. 2x + 8 C. 8x + 2
B. -2x - 8 D. -8x - 2
_____17. Simplify: (9x + 11y – 2z) + (8x + 7y – 8z)
A. 17x + 18y – 10z C. 17x – 18y + 10z
B. -17x + 18y – 10z D. 17x + 18y – 10z
_____18. What will you add if you are about to subtract an expression from another expression?
A. its negative C . its inverse
B. its positive D. its reciprocal
_____19. Subtract: (3x + 4) – (5x + 2)
A. -2x - 2 C. -2x + 2
B. 2x + 2 D. 2x – 2
_____20. Find the difference: (8x + 1) – (-3x + 2)
A. -11x - 1 C. 11x + 1
B. -11x + 1 D. 11x - 1
_____21. Subtract 8 x2 + 5x – 4 from 6x2 – 4x
A. -2x2 - 9x + 4 C. -2x2 + 9x + 4
B. -2x2 – 9x - 4 D. 2x2 + 9x - 4
_____22. Simplify: (5x) (6y)
A. -30 xy C. 11 xy
B. 30 xy D. -11 xy
_____23. What do you call the first law of exponents?
A. Power Rule C. Power of a Product Rule
B. Product Rule D. Rule for Exponents
_____24. What do you call the second law of exponents?
A. Power Rule C. Power of a Product Rule
B. Product Rule D. Rule for Exponents
_____25. Which law will you use if you are to find the power of a product?
A. first law C. third law
B. second law D. nothing at all
_____26. Simplify: b square times b cube times b
A. b raised to 5 C. b raised to 7
B. b raised to 6 D. b raised to 8
_____27. Solve: (4m) (-3mn) (2mn)
A. -24 m3n2 C. -24 m2n3
B. 24 m3n2 D. 24 m2n3
_____28. Apply the laws of exponents for (x4)3
A. x12 C. x7
B. –x12 D.–x7
_____29. Multiply: 4x (x+3)
A. 4x square + 12x C. 4x cube + 12x
B. -4x square + 12x D. -4x cube + 12x
_____30. Find the product of (2x2 + 1) and (x2 + 6)
A. 4x2 + 7x2 + 6 C. 2x4 + 13x2 + 6
B. -4x2 – 7x2 - 6 D. -2x4 – 13x2 – 6
_____31. Which is NOT an algebraic expression of y-21?
A. 21 subtracted from y C. y minus 21
B. 21 less than y D. None of these
_____32. Which of the following can stand for different numbers at different times?
A. coefficient C. expression
B. exponent D. variable
_____33. Which of the following is the Commutative Property for Addition?
A. a-b = b-a C. ab = ba
B. a+b = b+a D. None of these
_____34. The degree of a term that has only one variable is the exponent of that variable.
A. Always false C. Never false
B. Nearly false D. Sometimes false
_____35. Combining like terms involves the “Distributive Property”.
A. Always true C. Never true
B. Nearly true D. Sometimes true
_____36. Subtraction can be modeled with tiles.
A. False C. Both A and B
B. True D. Neither A nor B
_____37. a x b = b x a
A. True C. Sometimes True
B. False D. Sometimes False
_____38. The Distributive Property can be used with the laws of exponents in finding
the product of a monomial and a polynomial.
A. Always true C. Never true
B. Nearly true D. Sometimes true
_____39. Vertical multiplication is not necessary with monomials.
A. Agree C. Maybe
B. Disagree D. No idea
_____40. Ambiguous means the expression has more than one possible meaning.
A. Always true C. Never true
B. Nearly true D. Sometimes true

Goodluck and God Bless… 

Prepared by:
Tr. Julius John L. Palacpac
Math Teacher - Grades 3, 5, 7 and 9

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