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Naturland –
Association for Organic Agriculture

Certification Process and

Specific Naturland
Coordinating the Certification Committee

Producers Producers Processors

Agriculture Aquaculture
and Fishery


Certification Process and Specific Naturland Requirements

1. Certification process
2. Preconditions for inspections
3. Basic documents for inspection
4. How to use the checklist
5. Documents required for certification
6. Summary

29.12.2021 Chart 3
1. Certification Process

Naturland e.V.
International Department
3 Inspection mandate Contracting Department

Certification Committee

5 Inspection report 2 Producer contract

EU accredited
inspection body Certification Letter,
6 Certificate Application for

EU inspection
and EU certificate
4 Naturland inspection

29.12.2021 Chart 4
2. Preconditions for inspections

The inspector has…

✓… completed a training on Naturland standards (holds a

training certificate)

✓… received the inspection mandate through email or


✓… has understood all documents such as checklists, inspection

mandate requirements

29.12.2021 Chart 5
2. Preconditions for inspections

Before the first inspection can be carried out,

the operator has to…

✓… complete a Naturland questionnaire, providing farm data

✓… set up an operator profile
✓... hand in their farm or company description to inspection body
✓… establish a conversion plan (if not yet certified EU organic)
✓… set up an organic management plan and sustainability plan
✓… set up relevant additional documents such as analysis protocol,
water management plan or others

29.12.2021 Chart 6
2. Preconditions for inspections

Before an inspection can be mandated, Naturland has…

✓… received a formal request for certification from the operator

✓… received a completed questionnaire with farm data

✓… given approval to the operator to become a Naturland


29.12.2021 Chart 7
2. Preconditions for inspections

Getting prepared for the inspection visit – please check:

All current versions of checklists (with comments) and forms that are
relevant for the specific operator are at hand?
Naturland certification letter with conditions (sanctions) of last year is
at hand?
Naturland standards in current version are at hand? ✓☺
Operator has updated and handed in his profile? ✓☺
Are there any additional requirements for this operator (case of
suspicion, special focus on certain topics etc.)?
29.12.2021 Chart 8
3. Basic documents for inspection

Complete and trustworthy farm documentation is an absolute must

for a meaningful inspection and subsequent successful certification.
Farm documentation should include:
• public documents on land title, maps
• diary of management measures, treatments, motion of stocks
• list of inputs with product description
• harvest records, purchase & sale documents
• data regarding employees
• correspondence with Naturland: approvals...
• analysis records
• previous certification letter
• specific documents, such as reforestation plan, analysis protocol, slaughtering protocol
(all for aquaculture)
• etc...

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3. Basic documents for inspection

Major lacks in documentation?

→ Inform Naturland!
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3. Basic documents for inspection

Previous Certification Letter – to be at hand prior to inspection

− Notification: Regarding smaller deviations, we call the operator’s
attention with a notification which lines out the non-compliance and the
measures to be taken.

− Serious notification: e.g. unfulfilled notification of previous year

− Warning and others: Repeated or serious violations are sanctioned more

severely with a condition (warning, fine, etc.).
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3. Basic documents for inspection


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3. Basic documents for inspection


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4. How to use the checklist

Must be the latest
version and correct year

Official Naturland languages:

- English
- German
- Spanish
- Exception for checklists in Italian - these may be filled-in in Italian
language (only electronically! no documents with handwriting!).
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4. How to use the checklist

Fill in performance report:

− Current non-compliances
− Fulfillment of previous
notifications and conditions
(please list)
− Recommendations
− Statement from the operator
− Signatures

29.12.2021 Chart 15
4. How to use the checklist

Understanding the checkpoints…

Checklist No. does * = Checkpoints are not self-

not correspond explanatory, explanation or max.
with Standard No. values can be found in
supplementary sheet „Comments“

Comments/ explanation by inspector

to be provided here or in extra sheet

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4. How to use the checklist

Example for comments / explanations


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4. How to use the checklist

Example for attachments (Aqua checklist)

Annex „Harvest estimation“

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4. How to use the checklist

Annex: Harvest estimation

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4. How to use the checklist

Understanding the checkpoints…

In case there is a deviation and you answer any question

with NO, please provide an explanation (in comment field
or annex) in any case.

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4. How to use the checklist

Annex: Annotations

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4. How to use the checklist

Further important attachments:

• EU certificate, EU certification letter and EU inspection report and an

operator profile
• Input lists (incl. specifications of fertilizers/ plant protection products)
• Calculation of N/ ha
• Traceability and product flow calculation example
• For aquaculture operations: see full list in „Comments“
29.12.2021 Chart 22
5. Documents required for certification

Naturland documents EU documents

Naturland checklists (producer, ICS, EU inspection report including
aquaculture, processing, social, fair) annexes

List of plots + harvest estimation EU certificate

List of inputs with specification of EU certification letter with

ingredients/ agents deviations and conditions
Operator profile/description of Operator profile/description of
operation/farm operation/farm
Product flow and traceability Product flow and traceability
calculations calculations
29.12.2021 Chart 23
5. Documents required for certification

Naturland documents EU documents

Amounts of inputs + calculation,
calculation of N/ha
List of suppliers

Product list

29.12.2021 Chart 24
6. Summary

- Particular steps which are necessary until operators get their

- What has to be done before an inspection may take place
- Which documents have to be prepared and collected when
using the checklist

29.12.2021 Chart 25
Thank you for your attention!

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