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08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4:  Opening a

Total points 13/15

Answer all the questions below. 

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muhammad amirul hafiz bin ahmad

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Exercise 1 4 of 5 points

Choose the correct answer.… 1/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

1. Which of the statements below is suitable for announcing the start of *1/1
a  discussion?

Do I need to explain further?

Greetings! How is everybody today?

Yes, I’m ready to start the discussion now.

Good day, everyone! Our discussion is starting now.

2.  Today, we are going to discuss the impact of sleep deprivation. At the *0/1
end of the discussion, we hope to provide ideas to overcome sleep

The statement above can be used to:

invite opinions

give clarifications

express opinions

state the purpose of discussion

Correct answer

state the purpose of discussion… 2/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

3.  From my point of view, mental health problems can have a significant *1/1
impact on a person's life, affecting their ability to function in everyday
situations and adversely affecting their relationships, work, and overall
quality of life.

The statement above can be used to:

invite opinions

express opinions

give clarifications

state the purpose of discussion

4.  Which of the statements below is suitable to invite opinions from *1/1
other group members?

Does that make sense?

Did I hear you correctly?

Would you like to share your opinion?

Well, please say something about the topic.

5.  When expressing opinions, you are not allowed to use expressions *1/1
such as maybe or possibly.



Exercise 2 5 of 5 points… 3/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

the following statements and decide whether the statements are facts (F) or
opinions (O). 

1.   The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792,458 meters *1/1

per second. 

1. Fact

2. Opinion

2.    To me, mental health problems can increase the risk of suicidal *1/1
thoughts and behaviours, which can have devastating consequences for
the person and their loved ones. 

1. Fact

2. Opinion

3.     One study from the Mercy Research Centre stated that 60% of teen *1/1
girls and 59% of teen boys surveyed had experienced at least one of six
online abusive behaviours including name calling, spread of false
rumours and physical threats. 

1. Fact

2. Opinion

4.      According to the nutritionists, eating a diet rich in fibre can improve *1/1
digestion and prevent digestive problems such as constipation. 

1. Fact

2. Opinion… 4/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

5.       I personally feel that students should not be burdened with too *1/1
many tests as it will lead them to increased stress, anxiety, and pressure
to perform.(    

1. Fact

2. Opinion

Exercise 3 4 of 5 points

Below is a transcript from a discussion. Match the

expressions highlighted in the transcript with their correct function.

Alan: Morning. Is everyone ready to begin? *1/1

Mirza: Yes I am.

Kamal: Me too.

Alan: (1) The purpose of today’s discussion is to look into the danger of
eating fast food. At the end of our discussion, we should be able to find
ways to eat healthily. 

inviting opinions

expressing opinions

supporting opinions

using persuasive language

stating purpose of discussion… 5/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

Alan: As we all know, eating fast food today has become a common *1/1
dietary choice with many people turning to fast food restaurants as a
quick and convenient way to satisfy their hunger. While fast food may be
convenient, it is also well-known for its negative effects on health. (2)
What is your opinion on this issue, Kamal?

inviting opinions

expressing opinions

supporting opinions

using persuasive language

stating purpose of discussion

Kamal: (3) In my opinion, people these days prefer something quick and *1/1
easy. I know fast food is definitely not the healthiest option, but
sometimes it's just the easiest choice. It’s just so convenient because we
don't always have time to cook a full meal.

inviting opinions

supporting opinions

expressing opinions

using persuasive language

stating purpose of discussion… 6/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

Mirza: I’m sorry but I believe it's not just about convenience. Fast food is *1/1
loaded with calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Research has
extensively shown that eating fast food can lead to weight gain, heart
disease, and other health problems.

Kamal: You may be right, but some people don't want to spend their
money on expensive, healthy meals. (4) From my experience, buying
healthy food is very costly. I remember I had to spend money on whole
meal bread, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. At last, I
gave up because they are too expensive.

inviting opinions

expressing opinions

supporting opinions

using persuasive language

stating purpose of discussion… 7/9
08/04/2023, 13:25 LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 4: Opening a Discussion

Alan: I think the key is moderation. It's okay to have fast food every once *0/1
in a while, but we shouldn't rely on it as our main source of nutrition. One
more, it is also important to consider the cost of not eating healthy, such
as the potential medical costs associated with chronic diseases and lost
productivity due to illness. In the long run, investing in a healthy diet may
actually save money by preventing health problems and promoting overall

Mirza: That's a good point. (5) While buying healthy food can sometimes
be more expensive, there are ways to make it more affordable, and the
long-term health benefits of consuming a healthy diet are well worth the
investment.  We can also look for healthier options when we eat fast food
like ordering grilled chicken instead of fried, or skip the sugary drinks."

Kamal:  I like that idea. Maybe I should consider eating more healthily
after this. 

inviting opinions

expressing opinions

supporting opinions

using persuasive language

stating purpose of discussion

Correct answer

using persuasive language

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