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“Dynamics and Factors Affecting Social Pathology and Criminology”

Lecturer Courses:
Prof. Dr. Firman, MS, Cons.
Nilma Zola, M.Pd., Kons.

Rahma Putri Karlin



A. Boundaries and forms of social pathology
In language, social pathology is all behavior that is contrary to the norms of
goodness, local stability, patterns of simplicity, morals, property rights, family solidarity,
living in harmony with neighbors, discipline, kindness and formal law. Community
disease or also known as social pathology is a very important phenomenon to be noticed
by anyone. Social pathology is all behavior that is contrary to the norms of goodness,
local stability, patterns of simplicity, morals, property rights, family solidarity, living in
harmony with neighbors, discipline, kindness and formal law. Various kinds of losses
including the threat of a person's life is one of the impacts of social pathology. In this era
of globalization and information, society changes faster than solving societal problems.
Humans are currently busy with increasingly competitive needs, competing with various
challenges and even sacrificing body and soul, and also including the development of
science that will give birth to various kinds of inventions and reforms in the field of
technology to information that will later invite people to change to follow self-interest.
In social science, changes that occur in society are called social changes, social
changes can be in the form of social changes in a positive direction and social changes in
a negative direction. Both of these forms of change are very vulnerable to occur in
society, social change that tends to be positive is something that must be owned by every
society, but social change that leads to negative such as social disease is a problem that
must be avoided. In this case, Simuh said that this negative social change arises from the
fact that there are conflicting elements in social life.
The increasing symptoms of social pathology in a society, will cause the
condition of society to become increasingly unstable, various kinds of social problems
that we read about in print media and witness in electronic media, it is as if all these
problems threaten our peace together.

Types of Pathology Social

Pathology Social pathology is the science of social phenomena that are
considered "sick", caused by social factors (KBBI, 1989:736). According to sociologists,
social pathology is defined as all behavior that is contrary to the norms of goodness, local
stability, patterns of simplicity, morality, property rights, solidarity, kinship, living in
harmony with neighbors, discipline, kindness, and formal law (in Kartono, 1981: 1) . The
forms of social pathology according to Kartono (2011:57) include: 1) gambling, 2)
corruption, 3) crime, 4) prostitution. There are four types of social pathology reflected in
the album Plur, namely gambling, corruption, crime, prostitution.
1. The first type is the social pathology of gambling. According to the KBBI
(1989:419) Gambling comes from the basic word Gambling is a game using money
as a bet. According to Kartono (2011: 58) Gambling is playing a game by sacrificing
something that is considered valuable, especially money, and being aware of the
losses that can be experienced.
2. The second type is the pathology of corruption. Corruption is a disease of society
that can damage the system of government structures and become a major obstacle
to development. Corruption is synonymous with rich people. The rich person is not
satisfied with what he has, and is driven by materialistic nature to make the person
commit corruption. Kartono (2011: 90) argues that corruption is the behavior of
individuals who use authority and position to make personal gains, harming the
public and state interests. According to KBBI (1989: 527) Corruption is diversion or
embezzlement (state money or companies, etc.) for personal or other people's gain.
The person only thinks about himself and gets a large amount of money, without
thinking about the impact it has on others. The discourse of the song on the Plur
album, corruption cases carried out in the form of major corruption committed by
the government and the provision of bribes in legal cases, elections, and
bureaucracy. This shows that money is used as a standard of truth in determining
3. The third type is crime. Crime or criminality is behavior that violates the law and
violates social norms so that people oppose it (Kartono, 2011: 140). The types of
crimes include: murder, rape, theft, threats. Diseases of the criminal community
include GAM's actions as marijuana producers and murder (Adjeh Investigation
song). The bombings in Jakarta by terrorists (song Jakarta Melting Again), drug
addicts (song Samber Gledek).
4. The fourth type of pathology is prostitution. However, there is a difference between
prostitution and prostitution. According to KBBI (1989:791) prostitution is the
exchange of sexual relations or gifts as a trade transaction. Prostitution comes from
the root word prostitute, namely poor; woe; fail; unlucky; cancel; bad behavior.
Prostitution is about selling oneself as a prostitute, prostitution (KBBI, 1989:550).
Based on this definition, it can be concluded that prostitutes clearly have sex to get a
reward, while prostitutes do not necessarily have sex. In a sense, someone sells
services for things that are not very useful.
B. Factors that influence the emergence of social pathology and crime (family, school,
1. Maladjustment
Maladjustment is an individual's inability to adjust in carrying out his role.
2. Malfunction
The second factor is malfunction in which the community fails to perform its function
to meet the needs of the residents.
Basically the problem of community disease is influenced by several factors,
1. Economic Factor
The poverty rate in Indonesia which is still high triggers criminal acts. Due to
the high demand and insufficient income, this is then used as the main reason for
committing irregularities such as robbing, stealing, and currently rife such as cases of
2. Age Factor
Crimes that tend to increase social disorganization and personal adjustment.
3. Family Factor
Family is the main mirror for a child. Family factors here include how parents
educate a child, parental attention to children, parent-child interactions, family
economic conditions and parental concern for the child. Here parents play an
important role in educating a child to make the child grow up well and not fall into the
diseases of society. Therefore, it is highly recommended for all parents to educate
their children well by giving full attention to the child.
4. Environmental Factors
The environment is the second factor that influences the emergence of
community diseases. For example, someone who is in a bad environment such as
drunken people, likes to gamble and likes to fight, then that person sooner or later will
easily fall into the group of bad people. Norms (rules) that are not enforced in society
also contribute to the emergence of social ills.
5. Educational Factor
Education is the main capital that is needed for a person to run his life well.
Both formal education (education in schools) and non-formal (education in the family,
community and social environment). With education a person knows what is good and
what is bad, knows what to do and what not to do. So that with a good education a
person will not fall into the problems of society's diseases.
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Kartono, Kartini. 2011. Patologi Sosial. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo
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