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“Juvenile Delinquency (part 2)”

Lecturer Courses:

Prof. Dr. Firman, MS, Cons.

Nilma Zola, M.Pd., Kons.

Rahma Putri Karlin






1. Applying rules and consequences

When you and your teen are calm, talk about the rules at home and their
consequences. Remember, speak with good reason. If your teen doesn't agree, then have
a discussion. Make the rules and consequences that are made a joint decision.
2. Revealing what's behind juvenile delinquency
Parents tend to judge teenagers for what they do without knowing what the
problem is behind it. Behaving like that is not fair to children. So, before judging a
naughty child, ask carefully what really happened.
3. Find a way to calm your anger
Due to hormonal changes, teens will tend to get angry quickly. Therefore, one of
the duties of parents is to know how to relieve anger at the child. Many things can be
done, such as familiarizing them with listening to music, writing or playing games.
4. There with the children
Sometimes, parents are busy themselves. They only give money to his son but
did not give him affection. This is very trigger juvenile delinquency. Therefore, take
your time for your child, either listening to his story or providing solutions to the
problems he is experiencing. This habit must be built from an early age.
5. Find common ground
Parents should also be able to find common ground with their teens. By finding
common ground, parents and teenagers can do activities together so that they can avoid
children from doing negative activities. For example, fathers can take their sons to see a
football game, while mothers and daughters can go shopping at a shopping center.
6. Listening without judgment
When you are talking to your child, avoid making judgmental, mocking,
interrupting and criticizing words. Because, a teenager is very easily offended, even by
the things that are trivial. By doing this, your teen will feel more valued .

Ayuningtyas , 2011 efforts made in tackling juvenile delinquency can be grouped

into preventive measures, alleviation (curative), correction (corrective), and maintenance or
maintenance (preservative).

These efforts can be done by:

1. Business in the family

a. Creating a harmonious family, open and far from chaos. With family conditions
like this, it results in teenage children staying at home more often than wandering
outside the home. This action brings closer the relationship of parents with their
b. Giving independence to teenagers to express their opinions within certain
reasonable limits. With actions like this, children can dare to determine their
steps, without any doubt and coercion from various parties. So they can be more
responsible for what they do. c. Parents always share experiences, stories and
information with teenagers. So that they can choose the appropriate figure and
attitude to be used as a guide in behaving. d. Parents should show appropriate
attitudes and can be imitated by their children.
2. Business in the school environment
a. Enforcing school discipline that is reasonable and acceptable to students and
school residents. Good and fair discipline can be applied by establishing
appropriate rules and not harming various parties.
b. Implementing regulations fairly and impartially. Actions are taken by giving
appropriate sanctions to all students who violate the rules regardless of the
condition of the student's parents. Such as students who come from respected
families or officials.
c. Increase cooperation with the community who live in the neighborhood around
the school. In this way, the community can directly report deviations made by
students outside the school grounds. Such as skipping, fighting, smoking and
drinking liquor.
3. Business in the community
a. Reprimand teenagers who are doing actions that have violated the norm.
b. Be a good role model for teenagers who live in the neighborhood.
c. Organize youth activities in the neighborhood. This activity is carried out together
by involving young people to actively participate.


Analysis of the provision of Information services to students:

1. The GC teacher's goal in providing information services is to provide students with an

understanding of the information needed and can help students make the right decisions.
The information service provided by the GC teacher for the material provided depends
on the conditions in the school at that time.
2. Information services to overcome juvenile delinquency play an important role where
information services are one of the services that must be provided to students, so that
students know the benefits and consequences of student behavior.
3. Information services are provided to provide understanding to students about juvenile
delinquency, especially about the information needed and can help students make the
right decisions. As for how information services at SMK Tunas Bangsa are provided,
namely by the lecture method, the discussion method and the guide book
4. GC teachers provide information services which are mandatory services so that students
can find out the benefits and consequences of the behavior of students who have
committed juvenile delinquency
5. The forms of juvenile delinquency in the Tunas Bangsa Vocational School are being late
for school, truancy, cheating, and violating school rules.

Information services, are guidance and counseling services that allow students
(clients) to receive and understand various information (such as educational information and
job information) that can be used as consideration and decision making for the benefit of
students (Prayitno & Amti, 2014: 55) . Information services also mean efforts to equip
students with knowledge and understanding of their environment. (Tohirin. 2009:76).
Components of Information Services In information services involved three main
components, namely counselors, participants, and information that is the content of the

a. Counselors (supervising teachers) Counselors, experts in counseling services are

information service providers. The counselor has full control of the information that
becomes service information, knows well the service participants and their information
needs, and uses effective ways to carry out the service.
b. Participants Participants in the information service can come from various groups,
school students, university students, members of youth and socio-political organizations,
employees of agencies and the business/industry world, as well as other community
members both individually and in groups. Information services at the school the
participants are students. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia concerning
the National Education System, students are members of the community who try to
develop themselves through the process of education at certain paths, levels and types.
c. Information The type, breadth and depth of information contained in information
services vary widely. In more detail, various information can be classified into:
 Personal development information
 Information on personal, social, value and moral relationships
 Information on education, learning activities, and scientific technology
 Socio-cultural, political, and civic information
 Job and economic information
 Family life information
 Family life information

In addition, it was also found that phenomenologically it appears that the symptoms
of delinquency arise during puberty / transition, where the soul is in an unstable state, so it is
easy to be dragged into the environment. Widharto (2007) suggests that a child does not
suddenly become naughty, but becomes naughty because some time after being formed by
his environment (family, school, community) including opportunities that are out of control,

a. Broken family environment, lack of attention, lack of love

b. Situations (household, school, environment) that are tedious and boring even
though the place should be can be an important factor to prevent delinquency for
c. Uncertain community environment for future life prospects, such as people who
are full of speculation, corruption, manipulation, gossip, negative/destructive
issues, differences are too striking (Gunawan, 2010:93)

From the above opinion, it can be concluded that it is the obligation and duty of all of
us, both parents, educators (teachers) and the government, to prepare the young generation
to become a generation that is strong and insightful or knowledgeable by guiding and
making them all good and responsible citizens. morally responsible.

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