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“Juvenile Delinquency”

Lecturer Courses:

Prof. Dr. Firman, MS, Cons.

Nilma Zola, M.Pd., Kons.

Rahma Putri Karlin






“Juvenile delinquency is a pathological social symptom in adolescents caused by a

form of social neglect. As a result, they develop a form of deviant behavior (Kartono, 2005).
The term juvenile delinquency (Juvenile Delinquency) according to Dryfoon quoted by Alit
(2009) refers to a broad range, from behavior that is not socially acceptable (eg, being
excessive at school) to status offenses (such as running away) to criminal acts (eg. e.g.

The soul that exists in adolescents leads to rebellion due to the dominant feeling of
emotional turmoil, withdrawing from the family, experiencing many problems at home or at
school and even in their social environment. The forms of conflict that occur in adolescents
are family conflict, rebellion/resistance, depression, and confusion/restlessness. These risks
are very common in adolescence. Juvenile delinquency at this time, as is widely reported in
various media, has been said to exceed the reasonable limit. Many teenagers and minors are
familiar with cigarettes, drugs, free sex, theft brawl, and are involved in many other criminal
acts that deviate from the norms that apply in society and deal with the law.

This is a social problem that is hitting some of our teenagers today, namely deviant
behavior which is labeled as juvenile delinquency. As for the causes of juvenile delinquency
problems resulting from various kinds of problems, it can be the result of one parent in the
way of educating or parents who are too busy with their work, it can also be due to
inappropriate selection of friends / social environment so that it can result in falling into the
wrong association or as a result of individual because of an identity crisis.
Juvenile delinquency, according to some psychologists, is simply all actions
committed by teenagers and violating the rules that apply in society. Even so, the
phenomenon of juvenile delinquency is something normal. When someone As a teenager,
several changes occur, both physically and mentally. Some of the psychological changes that
occur include teenagers who tend to be resistant to all the rules that limit their freedom.
Because of these changes, many teenagers do things that are considered naughty. Although
due to natural factors, juvenile delinquency sometimes cannot be tolerated by society
anymore. Therefore, the role of parents is very influential in shaping the personality of this
teenager. ( 2013)

For legal reasons a distinction is made between index violations and status violations:

 Index offenses (index offenses); are criminal acts committed by teenagers and adults,
such as robbery, assault, rape, murder.
 Status offenses (Status offenses); are acts that are not as serious as index violations,
such as running away, truancy, drinking under the legal age, free sex and
uncontrollable children. This action is carried out by teenagers under a certain age
which makes them classified as juvenile offenders.
Furthermore, Alit (2009) states that in addition to the legal classification in index
violations and status violations, many behaviors are considered including delinquency and
are included in the classification of abnormal behavior that is widely used. Conduct
disorder is a psychiatric diagnostic term used when a number of behavior such as truancy,
running away, burning, being cruel to animals, breaking into and trespassing, excessive
fighting or deviant actions. Appears within 6 months. If three or more of these behaviors
occur before the age of 15 and the child or adolescent is considered unmanageable or out
of control, the clinical diagnosis is a conduct disorder .

The form of juvenile delinquency according to Sunarwiyati (1985), divides juvenile

delinquency into three levels, namely:

1. Ordinary delinquency, such as fighting, wandering, skipping school, leaving the

house without saying goodbye
2. Delinquency that leads to violations and crimes such as driving without a driver's
license, taking parents' or other people's belongings without permission
3. Specific delinquency such as drug abuse, free sex, theft .


Teenage 'naughty' behavior can be caused by factors from the youth themselves
(internal) or external factors (external).
Internal factors:

1. Identity crisis: Biological change and Sociology in adolescents allows for two forms of
integration. First, the formation of a feeling of consistency in life. Second, the
achievement of role identity. Juvenile delinquency occurs because teenagers fail to reach
the second integration period.
2. Weak self-control: Adolescents who cannot learn and distinguish acceptable and
unacceptable behavior will be drawn into 'naughty' behavior. Likewise for those who
already know the difference between the two behaviors, but cannot develop self-control
to behave according to their knowledge.

External factors:

1. Family and parental divorce, lack of communication between family members, or

disputes between family members can trigger negative behavior in adolescents. Even
wrong education in the family, such as pampering children too much, providing religious
education, or denying the existence of children, can be the cause of juvenile delinquency.
2. Not good friends
3. Poor community/living environment.
One of the causes of accusations regarding the high rate of juvenile crime or more
precisely juvenile delinquency is the dysfunction of the family and/or the social dysfunction
of the community. One other factor that must also be considered is the peer group of the
teenager. Playmates play an important role in increasing crime rates among teenagers. As
Sutherland (1961) said, that crime is not something natural but learned, this is what makes it
important to see the teenager's playmates.


Deviant behavior carried out by teenagers in the form of criminal acts may make us
rethink about integration in society. Juvenile delinquency in the form of criminal acts can
have a great influence on society, even though their influence is unintended. Because with
the rise of news of crime among teenagers, it encourages us to ask the cause of the action.
Juvenile crime is not only detrimental to individuals and their families, but all elements of
society are greatly harmed by damage to public facilities, loss of property, and even loss of

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