Remembering: Reflection Questions

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3 Remembering

Reflection Questions: In not more than 100 words, answer the following essay questions.
1. Compare and Contrast your religious belief about Jesus Christ with the belief of the Rizalista’s
2. Do you agre with some Filipinos in venerating Jose Rizal as a deity?

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The Life and Works of
3 Remembering

IV. Learning Activities

Venn diagram (15 points)
(Choose two Rizalista groups that were discussed. Create a Venn diagram showing the
beliefs and practices that are similar and different between the two groups. Rate your
output according to the rubric to be given.)

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3 Remembering

Grading Rubric:
Criteria 5 3 1
Provided at least 3 or Provided at least 2
Provided at least 1
more examples of examples of similarities and
example of similarities
Compare/ similarities and difference difference on the beliefs
and differences on
Contrast on the beliefs and and practices for each of
the beliefs and
(10 points) practices for each of the the two Rizalista groups. (7)
practices for each of
two Rizalista groups. (10) the two Rizalista
groups. (3)
The Venn Diagram is The Venn Diagram is The Venn Diagram is
filled with a neat format somewhat filled with a not filled with a neat
that is easy to follow (5) neat format that is easy format that is easy
to follow (3) to follow (1)
(5 points)

V. Assessment/Reflection

(15 points) Reflection No. 4 : What are your thoughts upon learning the Rizaliista groups, would
you consider them as legitimate religious groups or religious cults? What do you think are
the potential issues that circulate in venerating Jose Rizal as their deity?

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3 Remembering

Grading Rubric for reflection entry:

Skills 5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
a conscious a thoughtful a basic a limited little or no
and thorough understanding understanding understanding understanding
understanding of the of the of the of the
of the subject matter subject matter subject subject
Depth of
subject matter. This matter. This
reflection matter. This reflection reflection

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3 Remembering
reflection can needs revision needs revision
be used as an
example for

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3 Remembering

Use specific Use relevant Use examples Use No examples

and examples from from the text incomplete or from the text
convincing the texts studied to vaguely are used and
examples from studied to support most developed claims made
the texts support claims claims in your examples to in your own
studied to in your own own writing, only partially writing are
Use of support claims writing, with some support claims unsupported
textual in your own making connections with no and irrelevant
evidence writing, applicable made between connections to the topic at
making connections texts made hand
insightful and between texts between texts
between texts

Use language Use language Use basic but Use language Use language
that is precise that is fluent appropriate that is vague that is
and and original, language, or imprecise unsuitable for
engaging, with a sense of with a basic for the the audience
with notable voice, sense of voice, audience or and purpose,
Language sense of voice, awareness of some purpose, with with little or no
Use awareness of audience and awareness of little sense of awareness of
audience and purpose, and audience and voice, and a sentence
purpose, and the ability to purpose, and limited structure.
varied vary sentence some attempt awareness of
sentence structure. to vary how to vary
structure. sentence sentence
structure. structure.

VI. Self-Test

IDENTIFICATION. Read the following questions. Write the correct answer in the
space provided.
1. What is this Latin term that means God, King of all?
2. What is this term that describes the religious movement that believes
in the divinity of Jose Rizal?
3. Which of the four groups that venerate Jose Rizal believes that Jose
Rizal is still alive and currently resides in the New Jerusalem hidden in a site from Mt.
Makiling to Mt. Banahaw?
4. Which Rizalista group utilizes the El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere
as their religious bible?
5. Miguel De Unamuno, a Spanish writer and philosopher, gave what
title to Jose Rizal in 1907?

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3 Remembering

VII. Post-test
All post-tests shall be given by the instructor.

VIII. Resources

Wani-Obias, R., Mallari, A.A., Regindin-Estella, J.(2018). The Life and Works of Rizal: C&E
Publishing, Inc.

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