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"The Adopted Kid"

By: Jaffah Corpuz

Once upon a time, there was a small small house with a kind and hard-working
young lady and her name was Ruchia. She has two kids and their names are Ruby
and Rich, but one of them is adopted and they never notice.

In a small house, there was a lady who gave birth at a young age. She named
the baby Ruby. One day, Ruchia went to the mountain to get some woods. As she was
walking, she saw a baby girl inside the cave crying. Ruchia felt bad, that's why she
adopted the baby and named her Rich, but ruby didn't know that her mother adopted
someone. While, Ruby and Rich started to get older they lived the best childhood that
they ever wished for. After all, Ruby always notices that her mother Ruchia loved
Rich more than her but she kept it a secret. Rich also notices that Ruby is adopted. As
it gets longer Ruchia and Rich notice that Ruby is not in her room. They're trying to
find her. Until then, they saw Ruby beside the market, crying and scared. They took
Ruby and went home. As they got home, Ruby explained everything about the pain
she went through. Her mother explained too, over the past years that happened. She
tells the truth and Rich starts to cry as well as her mother because Rich is the one who
was adopted. All this time Rich thought Ruby was the one who was adopted. Rich
accepted the fact that she was adopted.

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs the
ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you
smile and love you no matter what.

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