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Philip’s parents died when he was a baby so i lived with his sister and her
husband Joe Gargery in Essex. One afternoon he was sitting on a tombstone in the
churchyard when he saw a man with an iron chain on his leg that told him to bring
him some food and a file the next morning without telling anyone about him because
he had a friend who ate young boys' hearts. That night he took some food, some
brandy and a file and got to the fort but there was the wrong man that ran away
when he saw pip. Then he found the right man that ate his food and while he was
filing his iron chain Pip left. During Christmas lunch Mr Pumblechook (joe’s uncle)
drank the brandy that pip had filled up with a medicine. At the end he had to
escape so he ran into a group of soldiers.
The soldiers asked Joe to repair the handcuffs and then pip, joe and mr wopsle went
with the soldiers to search the 2 escaped convicts in the marshes. They found them
fighting and then taken away with a boat to the prison ship. Pip’s convict said
that he had stolen from their house some food. one year later mrs joe said that
miss havisham wanted pip to go and play there so he went with mr pumblechook. Miss
havisham made pip and estella play card in front of her and then she told pip that
he could go home and came back in 6 days time.
one night pip was at the village pub with joe, mr wopsle and a stranger that
stirred the beer with the file pip had stolen from joe and he realised that that
guy knew his convict and he gave pip some money. when pip went back to miss
havisham’s there was a long table with a large yellowish shape with insects that
was her wedding cake. there were her relatives because it was her birthday and
before her wedding day and it will be her last day. when she will be laid on the
table she will have revenge on matthew. while pip was going out of the house a
young man and asked him to fight until they decided that pip had won. pip visited
miss havisham for a year until she decided that was time for pip to became joe’s
apprentice and she gave joe 25 pounds that pip had earned there.
pip didn’t want to work for joe anymore because he didn’t want to be ashamed in
front of estella so he asked joe to go and see her. orlick offended pip’s sister so
joe defeated him. miss havisham told pip that estella was being educated as a lady
abroad. when he came back his sister had been attacked and there was his convict
iron chain on the floor. his sister became very ill and she couldn’t speak. one day
in the pub a stranger that pip had already seen at miss havisham house came saying
that he had to talk with him and joe and he told them that he was a lawyer called
Jaggers and he had been sent by someone who wanted to cancel pip’s apprenticeship
and he said that pip will be rich but he had to leave his home and be educated as a
gentleman who will inherit a fortune with 2 conditions: 1. he had to keep the name
pip and second never ask who was the mysterious person. Jaggers told him to be
taught by mr matthew pocket and to come to his office in london in a week for money
and he gave some money to joe for the lost of his apprentice. pip went to say
goodbye to miss havisham and she told him that a rich person had adopted him.
in london mr jaggers told pip that he would stay with matthew pocket’ son Herbert
that was the guy he had fought with and he told pip that estella was adopted, mr
jaggers was miss havisham’ lawyer and matthew her cousin and that he would call pip
Handel. He told miss havisham’s story: her mother died when she was little, her
father spoilt her and married his cook and he had a son with her that inherited
less than her so he was angry with her. she felt in love with a man who pretended
to be in love with her and gave him all the money he wanted. matthew told her not
to do that, she became angry with him and told him to leave. on the wedding day the
men didn’t came and wrote a letter and since then she has never seen the daylight.
mr pocket taught pip how to be a gentleman with others two men. one night all three
of them and herbert were invited at mr jaggers house for dinner. while they were
talking he told them that his housekeeper was the strongest. one morning pip
received a letter from bibby saying that the next day her and joe would be in town
and would like to see him. joe told him that miss havisham told him that estella
had come home and would like to see him.
while pip was on the couch to go and see miss havisham he saw the convict who had
given him the 2 pounds at the pub. at the gate at miss havisham’s there was
orlick. while pip was walking with estella she told him that she hadn’t any heart
so she couldn’t fall in love and miss havisham told pip to love her. one day pip
received a letter form estella saying that she was going to come to london and miss
havisham wanted them to meet. one evening pip received a letter saying that his
sister was dead so he went back home. On pip’s 21 birthday mr jaggers told him that
he would have him 500 pounds a year so he decided to invest some money in a
shipping company which promised that they would give herbert a job and make him a
one evening the convict came at pip’s door and he told him that he had been sent to
australia as a punishment and now he works as a sheep farmer. pip gave him back the
2 pounds but the convict fired them. the convict told him that he made him a
gentleman and his name was abel magwitch and he wanted to spend more money on him
but pip didn’t want to. magwitch told pip and herbert his story: most of his life
he has been in prison. ho doesn’t now where he was born or who his parents are. one
day he met Compeyson ( the convict he was fighting with) they became partners in
his dirty business in which they stole banknotes. with them worked also arthur who
was constantly thinking about a woman and one night he told compeyson that she was
in her room ready for the wedding. then arthur died. when they were arrested
magwitch got 14 years and compeyson only 7 because he had some important friends.
herbert showed pip a note saying that miss havisham’s half brother was called
arthur and compeyson was the man who pretended to fall in love with her.
pip went to see miss havisham and estella and he asked miss havisham to pay for
herbert to became a partner in his company and estella told him that she will marry
Drummle. going back to london at the gate the porter gave pip a note saying don’t
go home, wemmick. when he talked to him he said that someone was watching him
looking for magwitch and compeyson was in london. one night pip went to see mr
wopsle at the theatre and at the end he told him that behind him there had been
compeyson. pip while was at mr jaggers’ house for dinner he realised that
molly(housekeeper) was estella mother. wemmick told him that’s she was jealous of
her husband and another woman and she was accused of murder her daughter and mr
jaggers was her lawyer. pip asked miss havisham why she had adopted estella and she
told him that jaggers had brought her. magwitch told herbert that he was married
with a woman who was jealous of another one that she killed. magwitch was estella’s
one day pip went home and he found a letter saying if you want more information
about your guest came at the old house on the marshes. inside the house there were
a bed a table and a candle. pip was attacked by orlick that told him that he had
killed his sister and he knows about the convict because he was friend with
compeyson. orlick was about to kill pip when herbert and startop came and he ran
away. when magwitch was about to go on the ship to edinburgh a boat with 6 man
appeared and one of them said that he was going to arrest magwitch . it was
compeyson. the ship to hamburg hit their boat and the 2 convicts disappeared into
the river. magwitch was hurt and compeyson dead. magwitch went in prison where he
died.pip became ill and joe went to london to stay with him and he told him that
miss havisham was dead and orlick arrested. one day joe wasn’t there so pip went to
him and he found out that he was getting married with betty. pip started to work
for herbert’s company in india. betty and joe had a baby and estella separated from
her husband he went see her and they continued to be fiends.

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